HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-02-05, Page 5.14 rider, Veb ry ' ethz 1025 StNESS. CAROlk t DimLEY L'♦tr HoLwais Earrister, Solicitor, Net'ary Public, *tee Office on Hamilton Street, lent Off the square,, Goderich, Priv-. $te fund's to loan at lowest rates. '*r. Holmes will be in Hensall" ."61:1f Friday of each week. J ;ra t;:Nw,ry; lt0i3'. HARM,+( PU3 r°OHO , M►',arits, For Salo, Lo&t, F4I&nd t'NO;ice; Etc' Ads IN THIS" COUGHS . FOR SALE IOr rent, a suitable fran'e'dwel lin T ro e �, p p rLy, `'with. n to good d e ble fruit trees, etc., apply" to Chas. 'Weber' Zurieh: ‘Clerk 11s�'err F. Hess, Towasizili �Is*sr or marriage licenser, Notary Ila, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- OMNIe Insurance,' Representing *sIela and:Erie Mortgage Corpora- lr, Tha' Canada Trust Co:" Zurich, G. Knapp, 0, D.S.,1.. D $. DENTAL SURGEON1 11.41-1*:.OFFICE EEN'SALL OSCAR (CLOP! Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat - /Mal 7x !al School of Auetione � g Y l for Registered Live Stock tAq Breeds), Terms in keeping ;w.itb prevailing prices. Choice farms for sale. Will sell anything jnywhere, Phone 18-93 or write,.'Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County *I Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless' to size or articles to sell. I 1oIIeit your business; and it not ■atisfied will make no charges for services. +¢rthur Weber, - Dashwood, bone 13-57 p - Zurich !hitt MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woul GASH FOR SKINS & HIDES 'Y'u�sgblut &' 141 tr ZURICH LIVERY I am in a position to acconme late all requirements in the Livery Mine, have Auto for •hire. Any- thing done in' the teaming line. GEORGE J.'THIEL ?hone lig ' Zurich ,8. ATKINSON, L,D,S., D.D.S, DENTIST graduate of -the Royal College ti! Dental Surgeons of Ontario and al the University of Toronto, Nate District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours- • at Zurich every- -Min very *Mm Office, Exeter. Phone 34. At -Zurich every TUESDAY Phone" 79 -19, LIVE { POU -,LT R WANTED !taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl game mornings When brought --in. ' l�ighes . Cash Prices' Creat -'i l Eggs W. O'Brien PPholns• 04. Zurich COAL.. SEASON 1924 SPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER- IES ANTHRACIiTE-We are now re-; calving. -our genuine Delaware & Hudson direct from the mines, Nut Stove and .Egg 'sizes. SOFT COAL=•J`uat arrived, an - ether car of our high grade soft. is coal' hays made a great hit for household tt'se and our sales of this have otter doubled in the last 'sea- 110111. BOTILETS-Our Boulet Coal is *0 in �a' class by itself and is g'r- aP'tn'g in favor. rapidly. OVlt ' Telephones are at your service. 'tlse them freely for.in- torniation. {. ye yry Caza.4G�rior a. GOA/4 • & `PRODUCE MERCHANT' !hone Office low, House 101, H FNSALL CANT, FOR SALE ti hp gas engine with .clutch, 1 neon. teed grinder both in good working order, -L, A. ' Prang. NOTICE All parties owing us 'accounts kindly come at once and 'settle same. --A. 1Vlelick. FARM FOR SALE • oice 100 acres farm, well t•- , si; uated, : Lot 24, Cod, 2, Hay, School half mile, Town 2 miles, Red brick house with sellas, (good bank barn' and .Shed, silo, windmill, garage, good clay -loam .soil, all level, no waste, 5 (acres bush, , ' Also 75 acres pasture farm, well fenced, • never failing. 'sp'ring, Lot -16, Con. 7, Hay Township. For further particu- lars articu lar s apply ,to Wax. • Pearce-, Hen - salt, Ont. NOTICE STRAYED -Yearling steer, roan with red spots and hind 'legs white Short horns. Annual distrained .Garnet Jacobe, Lot 22, con. 6, Hay on or about Nov. 28th, 1924 STRAYED. my premises, yearling calf. same by proving' paying expenses.' . R. '1, Zurich. Unto Parr Hay, a •Owner can have cpropert and Sol Sch- rader, R Line, FOR SALE 3 small outhouses for sale, on Zurich public -school grounds. Ap- ply toy .D �. A. .J MacKinnon, -24 • . NOTICE. The' Excelsior Bacon Hog, Club have placed a pure bred York- shire Hog for service at the farm of Henry (Krueger, 14th Con., Flay Tp,, who 'ie -,caretaker Termer $1.50 cash,? '22-4 .Alb. Hendrick, Pres. NOTICE. We' are in a position to store and keep your auto battery char- ged for the winter. Also charg- ing done at any time. -L. Prang, Zurich. P. J. O'Dwyer, M. D. ZURICH - . ONT. OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY -1 Jno. Preeter-•Main Street Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. t118 COAL Scranton Coaliji Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON; HAND Case & Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -1 Dr. H. H. COVVEN L. D. D. D. S. t lay ,M1.,M1t»1a11 m$ i 's 'monthly zneetiuu;. rnn,,'�Seaver ok ,tiaos � ." led on Zur1 h friends on Fri Mr.: Wm. ,O'Breinl WaS , bulfa ess 'vigitoz� to London on Monde, Pleased 'to lrepor that xrRQiIG�cBOncHEs A Reliable Method el (letting Rid, of . These P tj ` SediaVel Phieride .Will Do the Joie, - It Kills Both .by Confect and the Mouth--eNaw to Apply ---Rot Files Lydia Geiger, ---li!`ixed Proportions.` b , Who he illy Beene r etintrirutee p a'c'ing •faverably. • ' Pili) A r :.y Aptr;lo r>evrrtment of Mr, Cc, Fritz made ,a hisainea'l r e icuIture To ontee trip to Lozr'don 'ths foFe • Z►a�t't oet The kitchens in many restauran the week. ", , ;.. ixi l ,1!oe s. and other lnatitutions are Hess -St Sons have in'stadIed ;'1 Y�°Ii�af 1:4 with see them 'they that Weistinghons(e Radio Stet. for' than'.^' trnne could Zee them 't�icy wou are" the place fin disgust. Y3akeshops Emil Hendrick, Saubie Lithe,, i are sleo inueh troubled with ttlese A bad epedemic "of desteiltpe " �#aseets. f'sI going around among' the ho Bed,;41:6r 1 Ls Not D Butt, and many are laid,,. sup with hit's: ' ll DDlte of their, ceinrizonnesa'•con sick ct • ts; so if Id n ss. 1 ip not difIccult. Sodium' fluorine, Mr. Fred. Ytin'gblut •of .Auburn , 'rF'hite powder, will kill any that visited with 'his' nephew, au- Hy, comfn contact with ft. The writer, Yungblut of ,the village the p t • t' 'h°Wever, Prefers to use a mixture of •week equal, parts of sodium fluoride and ,. , eornstareh, as being.:s4perior to the Mrs, F. Turner of Stanley •7', ,fluoride alone. This mixture costs wast a visitor with her• sister, Mrs, Only about 50c a pound, and a pound E.' Weida of the viilalge thy. 1>a��'t •sill., treat once a very large kitchen week. • anYl` .UAnaliy Would be eutiicient for 4 few lake herring "are ~b4�iztg" a1 the house. eats for an ordinary eeauglit at the lake, a'nd some liiave ,przvatehouae. Th " e method od o f applying l i been PD n is b in broughty to to' town,and.u' t g put e "r P h3 i•. are of ca very nice large size, and the quality, needless to sa.y, ,, 4''i E sception:ally good. A fairy .large gathering �• ,:of the stibs,eribers of the .Hay !Municipal Telephone System met' in the Town - Hall en Saturday: The �sys'tepvi's, in a good` fivancia,1 condition, and tive rate for those subscribers whit have their debentures paid, was re= cliuced to $10:00 per pI)oineimouth. It apparently gets into the ('mouth by the roaches cleaning their In the appointment of Mr. U. II • Neeb, as road Superintendent, of Hay Township, the Council, We thinl., 'ntade a very well consider ed choice, as Mr. Neeb has . had' a. wide experience in' road 'tulie" ing in the township (as well as be- ing on the Good Roads Committee. of the County Council while being reeve of Hay Tp. ,the mixture into a can with a per- forated lid, or into a salt -cellar, and then dust" it moderately heavily along the Boor beneath the water pipes and sinks, on the window sills, in the back part of the shelves of cupboards, and any other place frequented by the. cockroaches. Sodium Fluoride Kills Two Ways. The substance kills both by con- tact and by being taken into the The „Herald Office is rendering a number ofaccounts for back sub- seriotions, which we' find necessary. to do in order to meet our „oblige ations, and we are looking forward to those who receive 'these .state- n,ents to 'be sro kind and show their appreciation of the credit given, by 'settling up their 'amounts Which in most eases are smnall, yet it means several ht ndred dollars to us. Pay up your subscriptee ion. bo in good standing, and your putli hair .cams give you ere m :a bet ter weekly. , Bruin did not see' his shadow'. 01 Monday a's the saying goes, eA least not within the prescribe time. ' True the stenstenpeeped ou after 10 o'clock, but according ethe most competent authorities`th tradition holds only before the'hour of 10 o clock. Neither did. th ground hog !see his shadow on the snow-covered ground which 1vou,d have' been oquallyf.disa'steeetis. 'The sun tailed to illiun'zine the" landscape Hence there was no shadow, -Sp- ring is ,almost here, Thet,e were no shadows (early on 'Candlemas Day. d P BIG FIVE LEAGUE A hockey league called the Big Five has been ,formed ,with a team from each of the following towns; alensall, Exeter, ,Crediton, Dash- wood and -Zurich. A schedule is being drawn up and some real home town fights are looked for. The Exeter 'aggregation will play at Zurieh. this Friday evening. The Zurich line-up are as follows; def. L. O'.Brein, L. W. Hoffman, wings, Rapt and Yungblut; centre, O'Brein. Solis. Gascho and Hess. Seine very keenly, contested games' are berm looked for, as these teams are evenly matcher ZRUICH LIBRARY Z Tha annual Business meeting of the remembers .of the Zurich Library,, Association was theld at -the Lib -r t•ary on Monday eve. Jan. 26th.The Treasurer'sreport showed a bal- ance on hand of $106.11, The el- ection of ofii`ceideresulted as Poll- •ows; .,Pres. Miss--. O'Breine Vice- Pres,, Mrs G,., Koehler; Secy,, Treas Miss F. lalV'fleisch; ' Board of ,Managenient- A. Hess, A, 1Viellck; D, :Bedard, Dr. MacKinnon, R'esieLi"tt, Rev. Rembe, Rev. Schrag, Mrs. Dr. O'Dwyer,; Mrs. • Win. Siebert; and' Mrs. L. Williams. 'Book Committee -1VIiss. 0, O':Brein, Mrs. "G; Koeh- ler, Miss F. 'Kalbfleiseh, Dr. Mae- Kinnon, and Misses Ethel Williams and L. Faust. Librarian -Miss L. 'Faust. The teachers of the Zurich Public, School wore appointed as canvassers to ]secure members for the Library. The membership fees are as folioWs; Children 25c ar year or 2 book's for 5c. A,dults $1.00 ore for a; book. A large order of good books will arrive she only. Yoli ?support is , again sole jetted to make 1925 a suceegsful year for the Association • The Lib- rarian's report for the pasit year is" as . follows- General Works, nese cellaneous 11;; Philosoply, Reiig ours Socilogy 20; Natural Science 15 fl;istory 21; Biography 14; Geog-. mraphy and Travel 35; Poetry and rama . 11; Fiction 339; Juvenile fiction 64, total 531.. : Books• bon - ht during ;the year 32; books do- a.ted. front Goverunnent 2; from ther individuals 10; books bori'- itved for home reading 835; einem ership 87. DENTAL : SURGEON:ib D At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday, g Main Office n 0 13ARTIJEDI'S BLOC#, DASHWOOD mrc rteei ;and body to remove the powder when they happen ,to run over it. A'sniall dust gun or bellows, cost- ing about #1,50, is an excellent thing t`o apply the powder with, and is much superior to the dusting can, as it enables a person to blow the aflbstanee into cracks and crevices where the insects may be hiding and inhere they could not be reached by the can, `Row to Prepare for Treatment. Before each treatment sweep the •room well, and then leave the pow- der undisturbed for several days. 'Sweep up again and make another application. This may have to be re- peated several times, and each time care should be taken to discover, if Possible, overlooked areas and treat them. Usually two or three dustings will destroy almost all the cock- roaches, even in a large institution, but sometimes it is so difficult to find all the hiding places that several applications will be necessary. All that, is required, however, to eradi- cate; the pest is care and persever- enee. That the powder does kill the cockroaches will be shown plainly after the first treatment; for in a days time numerous cockroaches will be found dead here and there over the Boor. - The above treatment is the cheap- est the writer knows, and much more effective than any spray that can be given; because, it remains active as I° las left on the floor, whereas the 'sl>ta ar2 "o it ` . t y elf tinea e r ec t, the time of, aitplication, and only if 'they hit the insects. -J. L. Caesar, 0. A. , o1- lege, Guelph. Bot Flies. Measures should be taken to pre- vent horses becoming infested with the larvae of bot 'flies by protecting them froth the egg laying attack of the parent fly. The clipping of the long hairs. from the region of the head, breast, shoulders and legs af- fords some protection irk that it re - dices the probability of the fly being able to attach Its eggs. The areas where' the egg laying fey usually de- posits her eggs should be frequently soaked with"oil or grease. This pre- vents the eggs from adhering to the hair. Pieces of cotton or cheesecloth fastened to the bridle and harness in such a manner as to cover the under surface'' of the jaws; the breast and forearms affords some protection and reduces greatly the possibility of the horse wintering a stomach full of bot larvae and suffering in consequence of sash. A little attention to what may seem trivial to many makes the difference between the bermes being thrifty and in good condition or un- thrifty and hidebound. Swat the bot fly or at least prevent it from carry- ing out its destructive:, work,—L. Stevenson, 0, A. College, queiph. Fixed Proportions. There are a Number of ;fixed pro- Xtortiens used in ;all +recipes, and the following are standard: One-half as 'nue) liquid as Maur for mi lien and cake batters. One:Aided as mueh liquid as flour for soft doughs, as for biscuit. , Onefourth as much liquid as our for stiff doughs, as for bread. One-third to one-half as much but- ter as ;sugar for all butter takes. Oneeto end, and a half teaspoon- fuls o;f: baking powder to a cuptul'of flaunter batters or donghs. One-third as much shortening as flour for pastry. One ':teaspoonful :of soda to one pint of sour' milk; Tues scrub cow shivers ,'hen she sees the reales and Babcock tester. The, horse still playa an important part. He still furnishes a cheap Source. of Power for ploughing, and: is the most econoni4eal to use for short hauls. Impure drinking water aae`t�ounth for inui•h sicknessi among hogs. The first 'eonlderation is to;supply plenty of pure water for the 'bog lots, This is as 'important as good feeding, Save the mange's for the calves end S'nung stock. Nothing is mere relished by a calf and nothing k bet, ter for its, digestfsir than good, oriel) tuicy inatlgels, Silage is alt meta, lilt silage and roots are better.. kit OH . LOOK.VI, 9 q VE IT THAT ' CUSSTNGO' ABOUT THOSE FORD SIDE CURTAINS .HESS WI:GI ' FIX"•'THEIVI SO. THEY Q1'k1N WLTAI TI,14 D008 R. PAIR N:G Painting Fwd. Car,_ One 'oat, $15.00, Two Coats ... iCovering. Ford To3�'14 'ood i, less curtain's Materials, « $x2$12.00.010 ,.. �.,,, .pY Changing Ford Curtaitiyri to ,open with oors paintin ; Bugg ! ' I • $5.00 I>, 'YOU , WAN <, ,,..,. ..;,.... T .;$NICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBUEI YOUR BUGOlY WHEELS. JIESS - ?.ZURICH ..... f•F++d•+3•+ +•i•dad••F+•t•=F•+•F+++++++4144 l,.r,.1•'b4.44+4,444,4,4,4,144',H.+4 4 1,Bird's Roofs - - "GOOD OLD P .p WE HAVE 'RECEIVED --A LARGESHIPi12ENT OF THE ABOVE PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND SHINGLESIALTY, ALWAYS; ON S HAND, CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC - ,1, v,ar,4.F i e C• _._.. _____ _ - - _ fV,, •1 -.c.„,.- ��� ,j, (d:.• + 4: 46 HONE 4.Ped �9 . - in ZURjcI-I 4. 4. + a •'s,i •!••eq• g. l •II a*Ti i •N 7.3.3• p•F.1N.F•p =3.3x :' ++++++++++++++++++1.++++++4 ri •4••1 •a• + a r y°. '1'-'1- 1'-•a d-�F•-•S�--3---�+-�•-�! - �•-- i• -3• -•1 -•F --.g.- ..p.-.g.-•II•-�i^- ? d. Stone Bulit C FROM NOW ON Ail Woollen's Used in the :naanufaeturs of STONE BUILT CL0- •l• THES aro treated with the famors LARD rEI MOTH -PROOF PRO - WHY 'DO WE GO TO iTHIS •EXPENSE?C C-ESS,�a.nd guaranteed immune from the ravages 'of Moths under 4. a $250,000 Q -lobe Indemnity Bond .1. BECAUSE Moth are, rhes realest factor in the destruction of Oi- 1 lothing that ;are{ laid away for even a short period. ,1 BEOAUSE' This new scientific discovery -The Lervex Process-, t, I LIP entirely eliminates any danger to your clothes�roin the ray- • + +, ages of Moth and their Larvae. 1 BECAUSE Stone -,Built Clothes with elle added- attraction, of the ti.s LARVEX MOTH PROOFING PROCESS, i's: as i ,comb. ;;,defies! •all .comlietition-that cannot be beateni Theft ion that �r .�ei"extaa ,. .l. I 41. +i• , charge to you. WE SELL STONNE-BTTILT CLOTHES New Spring' Suitings Arriving Daily W. H. HOFFMANI TAILOR -AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR DAY AND NIGH 1' P110,.NE No. 88 .a .,* =Pi iiIiIIIIIIIIH 11111111111111it1111111N111111111111111111illi 1ll illfll((IIIillillli I111iIIIIII111116 itill111111111Ig11181011111111111111I11111I11111111111111111111dillililgIVNUulUl 11lIVIUpI it iii eZURICH HERALD'S 1925 � Clubbing List HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe ,., ......... ......•$6.00 and Kitchener Deily -Telegraph ... $5.10 and Toronto Daily ivtailr and Empire .,$6.00 and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3.25 and Toronto Daily Star .,.,., and Toronto Weekly Star HERALD and Toronto Daily News .... HERALD and London Free Press‘ Morning edition ... w4.90 HERALD and London Free Prose, evening edition $6.00 HERALD and .London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening edition .., $6.00 HERALD and London Farmers' Advocate ... ... ,.$2.25 l ERALD and Farm andDairy ..... $"2.75 HERALD and Farmers Sun $2.65 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star .. , ,. $2.75 HERALD and Canadian Countryman ...... ... ...r,.... _..:.$2,25 IERALD• and -Weekly Witness , HE RAL D HERAL D Ik;RALD HERALD HERALD $6.00 $3.25 ,,$6.00 HERALD and Farmers Magazine $3.15 x;$2.50 HERALD and Youth's Companion . ,$3.75 HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor $3.25 HERALD and Ontario Journal ...... $2.75 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada .......,.. ...$3,15 iti Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers 'with us. See us for papers not listed above HERALD OFFICE, Zurich 1211108 I!• i 111 hllpii; !lir:11i41i' Ilii ;I 'IIll 111' 0115114101101100111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111MRTIONii 1111