HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-02-05, Page 4bit FOR, SALE Fl? t +' aeres pT .land., about 31 *lies from Zaneh, with good faa,. te Lou'sa, stable, drive shed, pig pen And hen house, Plenty of good 'Water and' antall orchard of all :i>auds trf apP1e Ana fruit trees. A - 1001.1,t '450• strawberry and 150 rasp. terry ` plants have been set out i111,04 Wilt bear this year. Farm -1lsuitable for light farming, fruit iraising and chicken farming. St- Bruck. and implements will be sold "with farm if so . desired.. Price ';Ireasotgable• for qtick safe. For liuirther, particulars apply to A. F. "fess, Z'urich;. 30-2 A rIVI SS4GE TO )ORD OWNERS ITS A FACT THAT FORD MAG- NETO DOES GET WEAK LET US. TEST YOURS FREE AVE HAVE INSTALLED THE WON IJE11 RE -CHARGER, APPROVED BY FORD MOTOR COMPANY RAE RESULTS OF A RE-CHARGF, WEE WELL KNOWN. PRICE $1.00 H. S. WEIN, Prop. DASHWOOD MOTOR SERVICE t� SCHOOL REPORT ' Of 3.5. Na. 4, north, St;aniey, o Jr. MV—Mary Armstrong 807. *iellie Paterson 70, Clarence Hoh- 4ner 63, Jack Scotciuner 63, Frances 9a1assop x41. Jr. III—Gladwin Westlake 75, dean Foster 69, Willie McClinchey *48. Sr. II—John Armstrong 77, Mar- l- .... Holcner.70 . Jr. II—Bert Dunn 69, Logan C1- "eave 65. ,Marie McClinchey x54. Pr. A.—Beatrice Houston S7, Ke - t h Westlake rS5, Anna 'Cleave Si, • ilGordon Schotchmer x71. Pr. B—Gordon Black. Pupils ;-Bose names are mar- ked x have missed two or more exams. V. J. Musselman, Teacher, • STANLEY TOWNSHIP. The (Township Council met at 'Varna for 'their regular meeting on L'foridayr The .auditors, J. Mc - Ewan and W. J. Tough are audit- ing the accounts for 1924. Mr. T. '+PVi1ey, who has been •collector in $tanley for about 45 years was again appointed for 1925. Some discussions was held on the Stanley Big Drain: as1 there ist apparently vsome dissatisfaction regarding it. The Quarterly official meeting „ow:as hp d at the Methodist church, on ;Monday afternoon. The We"11---in the circuit'and also the ,.iinanees were .found, to be in a very • 15atisfactory `condition, The pas - `;tor, Rev. J. Durant was given an unanimous invitation to remain on the Circuit for anohter year. Mr. Geo. Coleman shipped a load of cattle to Toronto on Sat- urday., Miss Eleanor McKinley of Clin- ton is visiting at the home of her 'brother, Mr. Elgin McKinley. MrS. John Watson of the Sauble Line is on aha sick list. Miss Helen' Tough of the Bron- son Line, visited at._the home of her friend, Miss. Jean Murdoch, Br - The many friends of Ernest Epps Varna, will regret to learn that on .account of ill health he is compel- led to give up blacksnithing. W. J. Stinson shipped a fine toad of cattle to Toronto last week Sorry to report that Alex. Orr is under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClinchey have spent the pant week with 'frineds-in Detroit. 111r. Robert Stephenson of the Parr Line, continues to improve "slowly. Mr. Roy Keys had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable horse re- cently. Harvey Coleman left to spend at week visiting: his brother Lorne, in 'Buffalo, he .will also .visit fri-• sends in St. Catharines and Niagara Fa"1s. Percy Workman left for Flint to is t h.:s brother, Ralph, and other frineds: RE?l1TON The engagement is announced of .i' tby Dalavein of Walkerton to F. r.` 1e: of Detroit, son of F. W. Clark' of 'Crediton. Leonard Heist, son of Ezra lIa- 4st has returned from Detroit and haspurchased a 'buthce.r business lin Exeter. t G,,and Masquerade Carnival, ivi'1 be held at the Crediton. Skat- ing Bin kon Tuesday evening, Feb- s'tilry 10th. 7. H 'Holtzman, C. Zwicker and Alnnzo Hodgins were in London on business trip. Gerald Smith is quite ill with pneumonia. YY Mrs. W. H, Smith is confined to der bed with the flu. mi'i'lia~n H:tist died on January 122 `1 at his hn:ne in I1'' rsey. Mich. lio will be remembered 11y many it hgving live l het'e. IIe1 eazx e ;te, r ,auada about, Sixty Years: ago., frau ,Germany, aid after 4 ,number al ryears Itae"Went' to the 'State. of Mieh,igan 'Where" -he took 4,0 . land and engaged in clearing and farming and where he has regi iv -led sine, he is a brother the late Mrs, .john Fritz, Mrs, Mathew 1"inw kheiner and. Harry Heist, Mrs. Jolut Willis' of Stephen,was taken, to Victoria Hospital, London suffering' from' an acute attack of appendicitis, and 'was successfully operated on H; Doerr "left last .-week for Toronto to attend a eoiwention of Public Utility managers:' Mrs, W, J, Redman: and claughM ter returned after spending the week in London, ,owing to the 'de- ath' of xMes.' Heainan, sr. Dorothy Kuntz of Eas'ex has ob- tained several months leave of absence from her position owing to illness. She arrived .home and is ill. Mrs. J. W. McIntyre and three children of Watson, Sask., ai`e here visiting relatives, they will go to •Chicago- in future, Samuel' Kirk, while assisting in cutting up at bullock in' Usborne Tp., had the misfortune of break - Ting two bones in his arm'. The many friends of Mrs: ;Chas. Godbolt will be pleased to hear of her favorable improvement. Exeter High School Commence- ment will be held in the ,O,pera House( '.o:n Friday, Feby. 13th.This will be a big event this year as Exeter School made a Wonderful records, at the exams last July anal will be presented with their Dip- lomas. The scholarships andme-I dabs will aslo be presented. A horse belonging ftp H. Kern - nick ran away the other day, he was driving to town when the h horse took fright turned around and upset the cutter and ran away Wm. W. Harvey, a resindet of Exeter for the past 50 yrs. passed away on Jan. 23rd following an ill - 'less of a few dyas with pneumonia He had been, suffering with a cold and had to give no work a week previous., was born at Kempville, Oxford Co., and came to this com- munity as a boy, his age. was 66 years, 5 months and 9 days. liEDISAL Mian. 1llar�y ;Dick NOM kiss been. seriously; ill for several, weeks, was taken to London laosputal, last Monday for an operation, The ,High School is holding a skating' party at the rink on Fri- day evening, Feb. Gtli, lunch will be sereed at the close, , • Miss M. Hodder, itrh;o has been visiting for some time'with her si's-' ter, Mrs. R.D.(Cook, left for her home in Dutton. Jack McDonald visited for a few dayswith friends in Sarnia, witb4ci the last me nth''the'keel bans Kaye changed -their names . The Molisons b'eing.."taken der bjr. the Bank of Montreal and the St- erling by the Standard Bank of Canada. Both banks ,ark still :keeping the , same staff and each have new signs posted up. Geo Case, who has been con-, fined to his home for the past two; anexntca' s0:10t am4ia]a iiivoN1ny yi�.tXJt�zyt��yAhp,, yy., 104,00t, was on his trim's, the. •ptlaer.;da ; `ate wag- u9tset iroxo .hid Miitehe�ll, young matt* crltte ° b , e. o the cutte xtlar ba of 1, , y �ha T1 x br- t�ce�z�tly ;ba�geit; .eleven •'jac.°°k�.uala-. eaking off en4 bendz"ug' baclz, "1'he bis the ito'taal weight . f which was Iaorse`ra1� sate a• bull Tr. Hudson pi-�. ,1 i , na aA 1NQ ?idle. anlsily 1):10*; On to the,tin4 and,. was dragged ''here died at her.' home of gram. vs, d egged. a. eonsidel Vie' dist.-- 17th 'Mary ..:G. my beloved wife anee' befere'' e'otoia. 4 Vies horse, ; , y ,M. y, of Joha1 ;TllyeVtthicic, deceased was • Miss :Ifeeeru $rv`ani has`returned iiia; -bet 59th pyear and succumbed from neap„Ztirinhi•ivi,eie'she ' las td''•laeOti double'atter an illness of • eek. She was a resident beeza nut erg; � a, few' 'weeks. lir . ,,<.,J;> Perkins, . of Donlon,.. of Stephen Tp., having been born ' , foa,mea!ly',cayf,�onm village was .here there but latter Iived in;Crediton last Weeks renewb g: acquaintaneti,. ',until final residence at Erinaley. 1V90,:n'�l ;Murdock is 'spending where ashy was 'a' prominent mein a yew Tis is :with' relatives 'zits,°Ton-' her of the Methiadrst church and Mr';-.G,llfesr; ba0 • the misfortune last ypei w tile• assisting Oliver '. Row'eliffe ; to eut feed ,to get his hard 1)401* cut- with the knives. Geo Wore, of eMaford,; is here r tasting ,friendvi, he 'has • d warm spot in hie heart Per Hensall and its people;: COUNTY NEWS., A In Tires ani All Ames Holden Tires and Tubes Seconds Regular $6.50 for $5.75 Seconds Regular 7.50 now $6.00 Second Cords Regular 9.00 now $6.75 Other Cords Regular 10.00 now $8.25 First Cords Regular 13.00 nowt $10.50. Tubes Regular -1.50 for - $1.00 Tubes Regular 1.60 for $1.25 First Tubes Regular 2.25 for $1.75 Tuxedo Chatterlesr Motor Oil by the gallon 80c GARAGE—Peter Kropf, Mechanic L. A. PRANG Zurich • dax'; At'erbi a1-axy 5th, 1025 besides hero ' aim ardent WOrkor t the .ladies• id; was a 'teacher' the, sabbath school. • Seaforth Bell: Telephone,tetra Office, recently' ha d a .ha installed the largest type of magneto f w- litch b6a.i•d with a capaeity huff- icient to a.ecoanodate Seaforth for, ' some years to come. At present' the Central has 252 town phones. and 537 rural ' ones. There •ivals' a close run an Moil* day: last, at the election for counts cillor, Bayfield, between M` .•.Bolsa • and 'R. Bair, ' when r ape .poll .elosedi, and the "count wi's made it° •waai' found that .M.: Res : was, eeeted'; bb ;•'. , a majority of €ivo. voted:.., GREETING AN OLD FRIEND IS LIKE 0 OMING TO THIS Tailor Shop to -have us tailor your suit. You always have that happy feeling after you leave us and can depend on us to make your garments so that you will enjoy wearing them. E. E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zuriclv;a Men's Furnishings WHERE THE GOOD' CLOTHES CO1'IE FROM. Subject to Inspection Dominion Government Officials L Domin Huron & Erie Canadian .• Debentures and Savings Deposits Canada Trust Company. Guaranteed Mortgage - and Passbook Certificates Assets Huron & Erie Canada Trust Company 101? 0 Increase End of 1924 $19,200,00+ 5,110,000 Huron & Erie Surplus Security Now $ 6,750,000 Increase $1,599,400 762,800 $2,362,200 End of 1923 End of 1!4 $26,800,000 $28,400,000 15,250,000 16,800,000 Combined assets -over forty-five millions of dollars. The Huron & Erie transferred from its profits for 1924 to its Reserve Fund the sum of $100,000. Paid-up Capital and Reserve Fund now total $6,750,000. The outstanding character of Huron . & Erie first mortgage investments is again demonstrated. • For the • Seventeenth consecutive year the Corporation had no real estate amo'hg its assets, either directly or indirectly, other than its own office premise& The few properties whiich'carne into its possession during 1924 were sold outright to individuals who had no connection of any nature `with this institution. The Canada Trust Company owns no real estate of any description. Huron & Erie liquid- assets (cash on hand and immediately saleable securities) were equal to $106 for every $100 on deposit,in its savings department. : u `lireron&Eri APPLICATIONS FOR FfURr ERIE DEBENTURES AND CAN- ADA TRUST COMPANY MORTG- AGE .CERTIFICATES ARE AC- CEPTED AT ANY TIME 'BY ANDREW F. HESS, ZURICH, Ont. T. G. Meredith, .1C: C. President. Hume Cron,yn, General Manager. � 1 . rf0' is, and17ered Depositors Debenture OV1In Have First Claim. CANAATRUST COMPANY $Olt 'l r.r4 1; .i� <r, coo No Real Estate On Hand (Other than o flee premises :1