HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-02-05, Page 3WOMAN'S HEALT WHEN FORTY-FIVE A Critical Period When Pr, WiI- lia1ns' Pink ,finis Are a Real Blessing, At ep.eeial periods a woman needs e nl.edieine W regulate her blood supply, or her ;110 will be a rpund of pain and suffering. It is at such, times that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are worth their weight in gold, for theymelte the;now rich blood that banishes the symptoms of distress that only women know. The ,better blood that :comes with the. use of these pills strengthens every Vital organ and brings womanly health.. and happiness. This is fully proved by the case of Mrs, G, Wit- thuhu,• Arcola, Sask., who says:—"I am one of the many for whom . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done won - dors. About three years ago I was so. weak that -1 could not do my house- work, or even go about without feel- ing utterly worn out. The doctor sug- gested that an operation was the only thing that would help me, but this I refused to undergo, and I returned home almost in despair. My trouble was all due to the lingering change of life. At this stage Iread an advertise- ment of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided to try them, By the time I had used six boxes there was no doubt they were just what ,I needed, and under their continued use for some time my health was fully restored, and since that time I have been in the best of health. I am writing this letter in the hope that it may induce some ether suffering woman to use Dr. Wil - /lams'. Pink Pills and 'regain her. eealth." 'rltot;e pills are sold by medicine dealers or will be. sent -by mail at ,50c a box by writing the Dr. -Williams' Medicine CO., Brockville, Ont. :_- Back Talk. Some persons think that a military school for boys means an enormous mischief to _their minds, as. ii' it en- couraged them to think only .of trench mortars, bombs, poison gas anti other devices for killing and maiming humanity. Opponents of the ` Royal Military College and similar training camps forget the main thing in such discip- line, ,which is that it teaches a youth to react immediately, without debate, •to a command. Elbert Hubbard in his little magazine ladled out a deal of mush, but he did hammer- home -a good idea when he wrote • that famous creed called "A Message to Garcia." That word was carried by a soldier who knew that the message was much more important than the messenger. So it is always. An institution is big- ger than any man that serves it. The minute the man thinks himself larger than his employment his usefulness is impaired or extinguished. Back talk is the bane of business. Ns �: "Old sediers never die," says the 81-year-okf veteran, Francis E eVeod who walked from Bath to Croydon Aerodromeein order to fly to Paris. fie is to visit the battlefields and again return to England by ale. Be Kind to Your Flowers. There's a lot of "human nature" in plant life. You cannot hold a sensi- tive flower that withers at your slight- est touch without thinking that plants Correct Total Required. ,`� A captain of industry, noted for his insistence upon absolute ;accuracy in the reports his employees prepared for him, was nervously pacing the feel pain. The ingenious devices library floor of his home. Sudeenly adopted by flowers and Plants to en -the door opened and a trained nurse in spotless white. appeared, `,•",'. "Everything is all right, Mr. Smith," she announced. "You are the father of a bouncing boy." With a sigh of relief that are strain was over, the proud father- sank into a chair. -'The nurse went out. Sonie time later she returned. ` "I was mistaken," she declared; "you are the father of fine twin boys." Mr. Smith rose to his feet and fixed her with a steely glare. "Young wo- man," said he sternly, eu go back to your department and stay there .until you have the figures absolutely correct and are able to make a complete state- ment." able them to survive suggest an intel- ligence of some kind. Plants and trees themselves form heat. A cabbage covers its leaves with a fine coating of whitish wax to prevent its moisture being drawn up by the sun. Some trees also, spread their stems with wax to save the water they contain. The Virginia creeper could not live in the tangle of vegetation where.it first springs up and starts growing, so. it climbs up to get a full supply of light and ale vital to its life. And it climbs almost like a man. It pulls it - ,self up supporting itself by tendrils which serve as so many fingers. These "fingers" insert themselves into tiny cracks or they twine round twigs; .and as soon as their hold is as- sured the fingers swell out, wedging themselves into the cracks or stiffen- ing tiffening themselves round the twigs until they have secured a support for the long runner. Almost' incredible is the claim of a famous scientist who holds that flow- ers are affected by gentleness and. No one wants a lot of glib extenua- harshness. He placed two plants in tions and excuses. What makes the .leot5i; side by side and watered both tired business man tired? Having to I with equal care He abused and bui- listen to the bucks passed and the lied one plant, and praised and petted alibis offered by men who blundered the other. The abused plant quickly or sidestepped and who refused to ac- cept squarely the blame for what they did What most exasperates the over- driven teacher in a school? The flip -- impertinence of the boy or girl whose saucy tongue is nimbler than the brafn. "He being willing to justify' him- self." It is one of the commonest of human failings to stand explaining ourselves and declaiming against the great injustice done us when we ought 'withered and died,, but the petted plant, bloomed wonderfully. His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum invented be A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside' the ear' en- tirely out of sight, is restoring -the hearing of hundreds of people in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it, does this so successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective ',when deafness•. is caused by catarrh,544n perforated 0E -wholly: destroyed da'l iral drums: A request 'for information to A. 0. Leonard; Suite 437, 70 : Fifth avenue, New York city, will be given • t reply. advi , Trestxnent of Children. • Q.ne of the dletreesi lg Zeteree of ch l d protectioe worst le the eecasional Ili-treetment of a boy orgirllin a folk ter hole, when all the repeal* seemed to irelleete a pleasant and satiefeetere condition. Sometimes these stories, wbon reported in the newspapers aro greatly exaggerated and injure the work of )cine -finding. The hoe' are elves to get away from the tedium of the farm, or in. justidcatio11 of 1110 wrong conduct, tells a highly colored tale of his hardehlps, and althoughthe story often proves to be •eVerdrawn the harm done lay the publicity Can never be overtaken. Occasionally the story is true and vile can only lament the greed and hardness of heart that would take ad- vantage of a child in its helplessness and wealtuess. Home -finding ca•11s' for faithful:' and efficient service. It is a work that re- quires constant watchfulness and fre- quent personal visiting, but the oc- casional failures should not blind us to the fact that ;;o many excellent hones are offered these children, and so many young people receive kind treat- ment•and a fair opportunity to grow up happily and worthily. Foster par - eats deserve at leastthis word of ap- preciation. • Let us not forget that there is far more goodness in the world than gets into print. Not a day goes by that the Society does not receive many proofs of .this,—J. J. Kelso. A DANGEROUS SEASON FOR TUE LITTLE ONES it has been generally thought that flowers die gradually. This has been disproved, however, by means of a delicate instrument, the monograph, which, when attached to a dying plant, records and, magnifies all its move- ments. This instrument proved that plants die much as we do—some peacefully,' others in violent death throes. The passion -flower resists death fiercely, to be moving on to set mind and handand at the end its tendrils curl spas• to the next task. It is the work that I medically. The marigold makes a sud- matters, not the talk. The ultra-sensi- den up and down movement. The tive person le the bane of any enter- daisy folds up its petals peacefully. prise: househoide or public—that has Flowers, like human beings, have to get done no matter whose feelings, pronounced likes and dislikes. Put are hurt. _ a rose and a piece of mignonette to - All the talk that eddies about a deed gether in a vase. Within half an hour 19 transient; the product of men's toil each will make a perfume "gas attack" outlives the frantic voices of how they upon the other. In the battle of odors felt about it. Great commanders in both flowers well lose their freshness the constructive works of peace are and scent. Separate them, however, best served -not for themselves but and each will revive at once. for the end in view—by those who There is one remarkable case on re - keep to themselves trivial objections they might raise and put through the undertaking in silence and obedience. .:Origin of Bankrupt. In the old days the money ex changers in Italy counted their money on a table known as a "banco." if one of theae men were unable to pay up his table was smashed end he was spoken of as "banco rotto," ' from' wilich•,•our word "bankrupt" collies, Loved Mutton Too Well. it le said that the great Napoleon met with his first defeat through his love of mutton, losing the •battle of Leipsic through a fit of indigestion caused 1)7 a surfeit of a succulent joint of lamb. Canadian Almanac 1925 78th Annual Issue Now Ready Cobtaining Customs and Excise Tariff, Legal Directory of Canada, Complete lists of Banks and Trust Colnj)alsies in Canada, Directory of Post Offices and Railroad'Stations with Shippers' Guide, etc., etc. Price WO • Froin Ali Booksellers, or COPP C:LARK CO, LIMITED TORONTO cord of a tree thee determinedly killed another tree. A clergyman had a pine tree and an orange tree in his garden. One spring he noticed that the orange tree was drooping, and on digging down he saw that the roots of the pine, Which stood at some distance, had twisted round the roots of the orange tree and were strangling it to death, The offending roots were untwisted and cut away, and the drooping plant ,revived. But 'eventually the orange tree died. Then on digging down at a greater depth, it was found that the pine had attacked the orange root low- er ower down and accomplished its murder- ous purpose. Seaplanes May Use Sails. AU -metal seaplanes with masts and sails to fly are possibilities of the near future, according to Dr. Wilhelm Rohr- bath, who lectured recently before the Royal Society of Arts 1n London. He emphasized the safety and utility oP seaplanes. carrying sails, and said this fact might open a•uew era for naval -seaplanes, as it meant they could sail to 'sea witho}it using gasoline: Uncle Sainte Concrete Roads. There are 25,000 miles of concrete road in the united States. California hag 3,228 miles„the largest niileege of any state hi the union. For First Ald---Mlnard's Liniment. 13 teaougrocer a rec� li n e li usually ea ..,. goc) And 'most grocers recommend, 'w t " Visions Born o. Faith. When Typiists Must Diet, Most of us know something of the All , great achievements, ale great Au anti inventions have their methods in use to get our bodies fit beginning in visions born at faith, and for hard eXercise, and we read of the all great advances" -can be traced back ways in which famous boners, run to rninds that dared to rely on faith. ners and footballers diet and train. Success Is but the flowering of a plant . But training, like everything eine, le that had the w11} and the patience and becoming specialized, and while the pereistence to push steadily upward, general rules for getting fit remain But faith is the soil from which it the same, we find that diet varies ac - drew its susteanee. cording to the sort of exercise or oc cupation in which the individual tropes to excel, For lns'tance, one of the English girls who form the famous Oakworth F ARM LOANS MADE. AGENTS team of typists says that if you would wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria be a super -typist you must live prin- I Street, Toronto. cipally on fish andeggs, and take] - plenty of outdoor exercise. You must also type the *alphabet backwards andT ONE INDIAN RELICS H. A. Classified Advertisements MONEY TO LOAN. WANTED forwards 600,000 times. S vanwinckel, 1399 Lansdowne Ave., Colonel H. Deane, fadnous for his Toronto. club -swinging exploits, eats hard -boll - ed eggs and buns and drinks milk. He once swung clubs -for twenty-four hours', making 150,000 revolutions in Winter—with its extreme changes ann. Garnier, the man who plays the of temperature—one day warm and Piano for many hours, keeps himself bright, the next cold and stormy, is going on eggs, the white meat of decidedly dangerous to the health of chicken, kola and occasionally a glass little ones. . The mother is afraid to of champagne. Banda, hes Italian take the children out for the fresh air rival, takes only liquid food during his and exercise they need'so much. The long periods of playing children are cooped up in over -heated, Dorando, the famous Marathon run - badly ventilated rooms and in cense- ner, drinks red wine and eats macar- quence many of them are seized with oni, a diet which would stagger any colds or grippe. What is needed to • Canadian athlete. What troubled him keep the little ones well is Baby's Own most during his training in England Tablets. They are a sure regulator of the stomach and bowels and in this way drive out constipation and indi- gestion and break up colds or grippe. By their use baby will be aided over the winter season with perfect safety. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. `Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont, The Southern Cross. Among the many curious and inter- esttng objects exhibited at the British Empire Exposition last summer was a remarkable cluster of pearls in the shape of a perfect cross. The cluster contains nine pearls except for polish- ing and setting they are just as they were taken from a single c:strr in Western Australia in 1874. The clus- ter, which is appropriately called the Southern Cross, is one and a half inches long, and the .owner values it at fifty thousand dollars. The safe way to send money by mail is' by Dominion Express Money Order. Vlgornlahs and Others. The people of certain cities in Eng land have curious names to describe themselves. Sometimes the name would not in the least suggest to a stranger the city to which it refers. For example a native of Worcester is a Vigornian, and a native of Barn- staple is a Barumite. The people of Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow are described respectively as Man- cunians, Liverpudlians and Glasweg- ians. The nativesof Plymouth hesi- tate between Plymouthians and Ply- 1neuthonians. r�. For Every III—Mrnard's Liniment. was that the macaroni was not the true Italian brand. Arthur Lancaster, who, among other startling feats, has buffeted a punch- ing ball for twenty-eight hours, be - Heves in beefsteak, sardines and eggs; while Holbein, the great swim- mer, eats lees vegetables and more meat when in training, and neither drinks nor smokes. Our Opinion. There are always two opinions on any subject -our own and the wrong one. SPIRIT OF IRON Permanently Roll eves RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO, SCIATICA. Don't miler when this wonderful tried and Drover' remedy gives permanent relief. Nothing else like it—a powder absorbed by the feet directly into the. system. Guaranteed. If not Procurable at your druggist, will be delivered at your door any .place- in Canada on receipt of post card. Price, ,$2.00. :Trial size,. 50 cents, CHAS. W. TEETZEL'CO., Dept. J. 1200 Queen St. West TORONTO. 1 "Ideal Winter Playground 14 Only 2 Days from 19ewYorh Sailings Twice Weekly Leaving 14. Y. Wed. and Sat. Via Palatial, Twin -Screw, 011 -Burning Steamers "FORT VICTORIA” and "FORT ST. GEORGE" Landing Passengers at Hamilton Dock For Illustrated Booklets Write FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall Street - New York City or Any Local Tourist Agent She—"They say I have eyes like Pop.' He—"Hal Pop -eyed." Searcelights Save Forests. •_ Searchlights. are being used in Ger- many and South Poland to save the forests from swarms of caterpillars, the larvae of a species of moth. When the lights were set up at night In the woods, millions of the insects, attract- ed by the powerful rays, were cre- mated when they flew into the incan:, deeceut carbons ,of the arc 'amps, which were not sheltered by globes. The R itz-CaTito n. HotelAtlantic City New Jersey America's Smartest tesort Hotel. ramous f(il' its Euro- pean Atmosphere. • Perfect .Cuisine and:, Service.. . . Sangre rooms from $5.00 Double rooms from $8.00 European Plan • • New Hydriatic and Electro - Therapeutic Department. GUSTAVE TOTT, Manages Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds c.�. Pain Toothache Neuritis Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism 1 Acca e only "tri er" p .ektl which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggists, Aspirin is the trade mirk (tor:gored its Canada) or Sayer Slenuf eritu ti og well known le- cellester, of Salicyileacid (Acetyl sallcyloca stet't1 1e*bltc ngninri imitati,�s, dile knoww that A'�pirin means taxer manufacture, t of. no•er Company trin 1pe siamped 'with their ueneral trade mark, roe eee MATRIMONIAL PAPER, PHOTOS, ADDRESSES 100. McCreary, Chatham, ,(int. We are interested in obtaining OLD and E BOOKS ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Send particulars to the Wilson Publishing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, Ontario. Distemper Minard's is the best, remedy for distemper and other ills of horses, cattle and dogs. CUTICURA HEALS ITCHY PIMPLES On Face, Neckand. Chest, Were Hard, Large and Red, Lasted.Sbx Months* " My trouble began with -pimples on my face, neck and chest. 'The pimples were bard, large and red and festered and itched very badly, especially at night. The irritation caused me to scratch a n d the scratching caused eruptions. The trouble lasted about six months. "I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and they afforded relief, and after using one cake of Cu- ticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Miss Harriet Gusdorf, 617 S. Elm St., Spokane, Wash., June 4, 1923. Cuticura Soap dally,with Cuticura Ointment occasionally, prevents pimples or other eruptions. They are pleasing to use, as is also Cuti- cura Talcum, an excellent deodorant. Sample Each Fre* by Mall. Address Canadian Depot: ' (fatigue, P. O. Too 2016, ltentreal." Prove Soap 20c. Ointment `r8 and 60e.'ralcum zl,. Try WV now Shoving Stick. NERVOUS BREAK -DO Pains in Back and Legs Re- lieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ford, Ontario.—"I had a nervoue break -down, as it is called, with severe pains in my back and legs, and with fainting spells which left me very weak. 1 was nervous and Could not oleep nor eat as I should and spent Much time in bed, I was in this state, more or less for over two years before Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me by my neighbor. Before 1 had taken five doses I was sitting up in bed, and when the first bottle was taken 1 was out of bed and able to walk around the house. During my sickness 1 had been obliged to get same aneto look after my home forme, but thanks to the Vegetable Compound I am now able to look after it myself. I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine in turn 'with the Vegetable Compound,and 1 certainly recommend these medicines to any one who is not enjoying good health. I am quite willin for vol to use these facts as a test monial."--Mrs. J. SSEP11SR1?, 130 Jos. Janisse Avenue, Ford, Ontario. Nervousness, irritability painful times, run-down feelings and weakness are symptoms to be noted. Wolneie Suffering front these troubles which they so often have, should give Lydia;E. Pinkhaui s Vegetable Compound a fair trial. All druggists sell tine Medici/i ISSUE No. fee -'e6.