HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-02-05, Page 1ti • Vol. XXV ri o 132 Read the Home News Chester L, Smitlx, 7PatbfiaglBifl' $1,25. a, Year in Adv *160 IIv" eez tas,$2 mae BE 011.8X913# s. and patronize the home Merchant Our Corner Doii't compliment a man with • et fired Wase. He may have .ave 'go't his stuff from, Jack Frotet.. +-+1+ Most soap companies use jpic- 'lure's! of Frettyg iris in their aids._, .hand plenty of aloft .soap tea. There's, one thing about :Sundays in, winter, you don't read :so many. motor accidents" in Mow:tay',e pa. Tease Spring coma butr once a year, end we? hope (it isn't blocked ley any detour. (sign8. • • -r• • Speaking ies, a radio • Jan, wou- idn't' it ,be possible to haveaa lit- tle 'shorter wave length on these coldwavers. 4tiaa A Detroit woman robbed; men and gave her husband the ;ntoney but they are hard to fAat,ei that that ways •t •••••••••••••••ii••••••••r•NN•NM••••••••••AN• • SENSATIONAL i SHOE. •. SALE • • • Brown Bros. Stage•Zurich s Great- $. Value -Giving Great- est g Event : Now for the .balance of our Winter Footwear.: Prices at cost and below cost. Not one pair of Winter Footwear will we car ry over, out they Go. Come and see for yourself. Here are i only, a few of the many lin es we- axe • clearing ; out ,- • New Lumbermen's, *Rubbers,,Reg, $4.50 Special $3.15.• Boy'e Rub- • • bers, Reg. $2.75, Special $2.10 Youth Lumberman Rubbers, • •. Reg. 2.50, Special $1.65. Women!sFelt Slippers Reg. $1 For 50c. • Ditto Reg, $1,50 Special 75c. Ditto $2 Special 98d. Also big • reductions in leather - footwear. C , ,1 THE RELIAB LE SHOE STORE BROWN BROS..EWp,W()DONE A NN•i•N•N•om•• me siv•• 1, .................................................... .4. A Further Cut :4. • in These Special 4. 1 only ;Men's Kid -.lined Overcoat, Nev Stoek,, reg. $21 for $18.50 t. 1 only Meas Wallabg' Fur Overcoat, Reg. $85.00 for ....... ...$55.40 'F • • 3 alt 1 only Men's, Sitka Beaver 0�-ercoat, Reg. $!50,061, for _. .-.$29,45 . • 1 only Men's Saskatchewan Overcoat, Reg. $32 for __ $M75 • +k 1 only Mgris:IEuck Reefer,nhe*!'ied, new, reP. $12 tear $10:09 I • • + 1' only **if Cord duck 1106611,!;'' ..sheep, limed, me'w'l! S' for $t9. 50 `4. 1 only _ :.a exa Remember every day is sale 'daywith us. Jus$' now we •+•II+ have been la eds of articles which you cant pick up :at lealr,pztiee :* • ur ¶tt:rUL8Terntlii oCredit • • Accounts•,will be .rendered and 'rude payable ,quarterly, a,. e. 4 Jana. 11at: April 1st; July let; and -00.2. lat. A ttiaeoeimt et z% for -cash :win be allowed en Drygoods and :clothiteg a 0,0 .grec- 4 erring; . Sugar; Salt, T-khaceo Biseuti` candy, and coat, mail net 3 eals3ia.i+ We hive followed up this system for 15 years gad have awed •' it very satisfactory Ito both easterner land Ourselw,es. 'Taxi's .s give, everybody a better .chance, to check up errors 4mil :avoid 3 entanglements; i 4.4. i Ladies Rest Aoom. on Second Floor `at your disposal free of charge . • 1 4444.44'4,4414,44,• +++a+ +M ' "3 1 Alinost ttiene to ;,ptant,k .a• 8priog. garden. Already .time . til get sf seed catalogue ,ind';start Wori yine , ' Favorite pahtinxes--wf It t alt- ending chinch 'service to sfi a the ad ane@ styles*, in` aprtiag mill flt 3r. 'Some day, they • may !get radio downto 'it -'here it doeaen''t'sealed ae it the needle,,needed Changing. Some ivamen are like :,an : old house;. The from view is.;.the, *Pest- She• r'equcire' lots' .ot paint. ,'The ;top 'story is empty and'"'the goof shingled.e-Sel. . ', HAY COUNCIL" The regular meeting of the ,00 uncil' of the Tp. of Hay was held. in the .Town 11al1, Zurich,'•eta-Mon- day Feb. ,2nd. All the members were present. The munutes of the plrevious meeting were adopted read. A egrant of $15.00 gwas.madi.to the Hensel!.Spring Show, Thereport of the Auditor's was adopted as presented and that the Clerk shall .have fifty copies ,pr- inted for *distribution among e public. The Reeve and Clerk Were auth- orized to reign and submit to •the' Minister of ;Public .Works.andHigh- ways of Ontario the petition ••:'1.f the Tp. of Hayshowing that diet- ing the ,ye-ar 1924 there has been expended upon ,Tp. Roads and Police Village Rolads the. sum of $11,325.05 and requesting the stat= utory grOet ,on that amount provided A he Outarip gighy Aetand .� • bile dnt uts ,theeeto: � By-law iNCele25 -appointing "t officials of Tp. and fixin:o ,•salaries for 1925, was lead" three times and finally 'passed. Henry He ;Neeb was • appointed Road Superintendent for the Tp. of Hayat thirty cents :per hour for time 'employed, and that By-law No. 2-25 confirming appointment was read -:three times and finally passed. Bee-la,w No.2-25 providing for expenditure" on Tp. Roads for 1925 to the amount of $8000100 for main- tenance, and $2,000.00 for ne+.v con- struction was read three times and finally passed. Byelaw No. 2-25 re adding the East half of lots 27 and 28; Con. 10 to S. S. No. 7was read three times and finally passed. The following were appointed Road Coimnaiseioners foe the .isev- erai division's of the Tp Roads for 1825.- Rd. No,1-N. Stanlake, R. Cam eron W. D. Thompson,, 0. L. Pe- tty, No. 2-C. Aldsworth, F. Cor- bett, WI. G:. Bell, E. Dater.; No. 3 C. Aldsworth, iV. Dignan, E. Date -as' No. 4-F. Stelck; No. 5-W.. Dearing- T„ earing- 'rKyle, H. A Fuss; No., 6-S.Greb C, F..Hf>y;' iso '•7-P. Schwahn;No 8- S. Hoffmaxil; T.. b-.oebe e Jr , i:. Walper,- r1`, 1VIcAdarns,•. T2 tsi'i ger; No. 1a -L. Schum:i.ker, H. Write' ger, H. Steinbach; No. 11 -Jacob G Gacl:stettere No. 12 -Mai:. Turnbull No. 13, P. Scliade; No. ii -.T. Camp- bell, L. Kelbtleisch, E. Hendrick; No. -15 -Hy. Brown; No. 16-L, Sch- ilbe; No. 17I.T. Geoffrey; No. 18- A. L, Sreenan. The following were: appointed, Poundkeepers, for 1925; A. Ingram E. Weido, S.. Crreb, C' Walper,;:0 ` Hecker, H. ;Krueger,' F. °Turnbull, L. N iDononime, ': , Fence •Vieevers; ,11 Caldwell,'' J Pfaff, J. Eckstein, H. Steinbach, A Ilen,drick. r' Sheep Valuators; W. c -.:Pearce Fred Haberer, IF, landing' Weed Inspe.etors; W. Chapman, L Siomon, IID.: Ducharme, W, 1 11a11 bl. { .Anathat eabyelaw 'shallbe pre- pared eonfiireang !said appoint- meats!. The billowing ,accounts were pas 'sed. W. S. Johnston, auditor 10,00;; .1 1A Sraith, auditor, 1000;" Municipal Weald, subs." 7,00; F M. Hess, .acct 1,25;, E. ,Daters, gal. -rd work Rd. 2 ii 00;, Hensall Spring Show grant 15410; W,. S. John3ton auditor• re tel- 1.w,eplione 2.00; .T. •A., rSinit„b.: ditto, 1210; A, 'F. 'Hass!' inter stl lit" note 27.50; Postage ,re. telephone' bleete. ing 5.35, N. Vinceult, refund "sYwiteb ing Lea; hTat the ,Coii'lt leeShcotiirfined o ykieeta8,gain on itaiiday. Maw 2nd 11,t 1.30 p.m... A. F. TLe.4 . tlOrk. -Mr. R. F. Stade is at Goderich thin week acting as a juror. Miss ,Gertrude Weber is (spending her Holidays: at -Loudon, at , pres- et. Mr. Babe Siebert of Niagara Fails spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. G. McKay and Mr. H. Har., ;:ison; of Winghani called on Mr. L. Sehilbe on Monday,. Miss Ethel Hess left for Elmira, whee she ;s spending a few weeks with. Be;'v' end Mrs). Lloyd Sialb- 1leisch ` The membe?s of the Zurich Pu- blic Library wnsb to extend a he- arty vote of thanks to the mem- bers of the prainatie Club for their liberal donation. - Miss Mildred Hoffman, who .ip- _ent a week ,with friends at Galt, New Hamburg and Stratford, re- turned home on ,Monday, 'ami has again resumed Vier position at Al- bright's store. l The Ladies,' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, will hold a Home -Made ;Baking Sale on Sat- urday, February 14th at 3 p.me in the Dining Rooni of the 7alPter House. Lome early and gyour oicso •.i i • 1 -fie;-month of January - 1325 sla Tpped by Without ei*en<al tliawand the old' timer who 'says; "r never saw a "January without a thaw and Tye seen thousands of them" ean- not- boast of lila pro'pheay this year. The very dry !season compella many 1arraens" to haul water .. for their stock. RUBY-REIST 'A ;quiet church wedding took 'place on ,Saturday, January 31st, at St. Matthew's Anglican Church, • when, Tdiss'' [Florence Reist, of Kit- ehen.er, became !the bride of Emery Bari Euby, also of Kitchener. Rev, T,. J. (Charlton officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Ruby will take up residence in, Zurich'. -London Free Press. OBITUARY OP W. R,.• SCHWALM Father Wi-n. R. Schwalm was born,- in ;Schrecksbach, Hessen,Ger- many on .May the 29th 1842. He came to this, country when he w,as in, his 20th year. He first landed at Berlin', : no* Kitchener, wheere he. remained' only one year, when he came ;to (lay Township. When h' Was. only a young man he was married to his now -mourning wid owe nee Mary Koehler. NVith her he shared the joys -and seri owe of 'pioneer 'Pre', ,mostly., on thi it farm, en .;thee. so called. Blind Line, near Zurich. 'A little over 19 years, a- go he retired and lived in the vil- lage to his, end. The. departed was a member of the Evangelical church for rnnay !oars. His church entrusted hien with various offices.. He was a great sufferer for some years!, especially iso lit times Repeatedly he told his pastor his Pain was' :,s(n great that it would he a. relief if the Lord took Hiatt hoirie "Yet ,.as God. -Wills " About a. • A4 -eek, -'ago, he ; felt enocuraged that he might see -another summer. The Lord 'willed otherwise. He t total ii: !ehlange for the worse -to hirte we hope, 'fair the, better, and passed away quietly; rather unex pettedly, simply falling asleep on Friday. niorniage Jan. 30th:,' 1025, aged: S2 years 8 months and 1 day He leaves to mourn; besides his -widow, t daughter; . 2 (sons.. 18 grandchildren, 1 great grand child and other friends. The Lord grant thane all a happy reunion, in •'the Home above, where parting shall by no htot e, • 'An impressive• memorial seerv- iee' vuas ~"Conducted by his' pastor, the Rev. ;,T„ GI.. Litt, in the hoarse. Iiia daughter, llirs', . Pfaf f and, farm- ify; and, hi's son Peter and his fe:m- iky and other relatives and friends we're L pr'eaent The other son, Albs t, wlici is a railway atanr' in $ire eantidIan North SV'eat corild not . be hel e"akit'e�r .the services the w - "mains, wee taken to the Bt eenere T :Line Ctktetttry for burial, if., Westinghouse Radiola Receiving Set'; WHY WE RECOMMEND THESE SETS. They operate entirely on dry 'ells, doi;ig away with the storage batteries 04 giving contieuous sevice at equal costa They are !so designed ;tq be controlled on. two !single Male, eel ector and amplifier, They, are the mo::rst compaet set• on then market end can be placed; on a veiy :small table. k They are designed to operate on an inside loop aerial, making; the set a portable ore, Theyeaxe made in six sizes, ranging in price from $50 to $580 and special for 'any size set, The batteries' are connected to thwe set bye meaai,s: oI.4• 4-ftee 5 conductor, coloured re -unforced cord, solder eonnecedt to: the in- side of the set. Ever;r connection to the inside of the set. Every connection is soldered, . lliminating all loose contact trouble. Every wire as marked making it possible for any amateur to connect anct disconnect an additional 'p1ry cell. They are maaurfactuxied by the largest electrical manufacturing =once.rn in Ame1ica. Let un give yon a demonstration of this wonderful receiving set HESS The Jeweller ••••••••••••••••+s••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• �E • Seasonable Horse Goods ti o- T s Also • • . Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Herat �w'. Blankets in Assorted colors Size 722E84. •' a+ a dumber of Beautitul English Plush Rugs, prices: 0. ' •. Ranging from $7,00 to ...... ... .........e..ee Male a•. SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A. CAIJ . * • • A BIM Stack of aaarneaa and Halters always oak MI . • Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunka.at Right Prices. . .,2 * ++ 4.. i. "• HARNESS' REPAIRINGA SPECIALTY NUM Illt ,° f FRED THIEL - ZURICH2:4' •.••••••••••!••••••••••••••a••••••••••••••• ••v*••N.3:, .t.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44 404++$9+ 8t4 + + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++404++++++++++++++++++t******* PECIAL SALE On Balance Of WINTER FOOTWEAR ON BAL &NCE OF WINTER FOOTWEAR" AT BIG REDUCT- IONS AT COST AND BELOW. THIS SALE. INCLUDES ET-. ERYTHING YOU NEED IN FOOTWEAR FROM NOW TILL SPRING(, INCLUDING WOMENS G AL ASHES. MEN'S ONE' AND FOUR BUCKLES OVERSHOES. HEAVY RUBBERS, sr - ATS, HOUSE SLIPPERS AND OTHER FOOTWEAR. PRICES" THAT WILL SUIT EVERYBODY% CASH OR CREDIT C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS Toft0.ur many CustmnCustomers andfriends wej wish a Bright and Prosperous New Year R. NmOUGLAS•. OENENAL MEfOHANT ,pi 'ONE 11 '�