HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-29, Page 8ri 177 .i, bPEN;k_?`i'C4' DAY—SATURDAY,JA: •UAARY 17th, 1925 .tl., DS • 1'Cr DAY-eAiTJ.EtDAY JANUARY 31st. IIAVE A. CQMPLEI,E..RANGE OF WINTER GOODS STILL ON Hand, in fact our Stock is too large for this time of year, so we are iavrilsr. you, a chance to procure Seasonable Goods at greatly real elnee;iiprieei. We do not buy cheap trash for ,Sale purposes, but otter••clean dependable merchandise at a li:i nes. Our customers know that ,,a 'Sale here ie uhv1ayo a Re a1 Sale. Come, _ often , expecting !ltlg r4cb etions and we will not dissapoint tyou. Don't forget the. '. ate.,,{ Bring; your friends and neighbors %with you.. 2 only mens overco atseach"',5.75 1 ~only. meet's overcoat 1 only ladies coat 1 only ladies coat men's over ally men's work shirts men's khaki work pants men's fine shirts Boys pullover sweaters roen1's work BOX men's wool mitts men's cashmer sox fine men's jersey gloves ladies wool hose wool hose children Brush wool scarfs 200 yds, towelling a yd 200 yds. towelling a yd. 100 yds. towelling brown 100 lb. granulated sugar rice dates new prunes raisins seedless 3 lbs. for castle coap 8 for matches a box c:s cea a 1b. salmon a the brooms ech itfLun white cups a doz. See .Large Bills for more `y argalns 7.7 5- 5.50 5.50 4.00 1.50 78c 1.6.E 98c :. 78c 39c • 50c 39c 18c 48© 39 48c 10c 14e yd 12c 7.90 7c 8c 9c 25c 25c 10c 10c 15c 39c 80c ASCHO . SON Produce Nanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage QIP, Greases .. _ Tires, Tubs, Repairs. AND GENUiNE FORif PARTS atTST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION '.TIRES. AND TUBES .17E ARE A_GAiN HANDLING THE FAMOUS L. L&TTEP7 f.4 IN' NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 'WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND •BESIDES WE GIVE 'YOU SERVICE. E MAKE SATISFACTORY ALyOW.ANOE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. Zt'ATTERY REPAIRING AND 'BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO ;IMPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECIIA.NICAL. ALSO AC- 2g.T°YLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEA ING GARAGE IL Muasseau Zurich S 111:8 eR17 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. It H. Neeb was a Sunday vieitor with .her sister, Mrs. Wm. Racier of the village, NOTICE—Our aceo ii to are now ready to be 'settled, all part- ies owing' us kindly call and do so. a,', Fritz, & Boni, •. 1Vtr, Aub; melt Sienxon Who has spent: the past week with xyelati vas here left Ori Monday rnornin for 1Vlilchell. The Federal Parli; inen,t open on Thursday, Feb. 5th, Bund the Provincial Legislature opens 'Tu- esday, Feb. 1oth1, The. nieny ,f$snds of Mr.:.Ron- ald Witwsr \d11 regret to kn,ow "t that he has been iff for the past three weeks in. the Stratford Hos- pital. It is •exne•oted he will un,- deego an operation—Exeter Times - Ad vacate, The contest for the Wardenship; of the ct anis, of Huron this year. will be he tit een E F. Klein"), Re - eye of Has ' n ±hit'!. C'hesk Rohe ineon, Reeve of Co'bii'rne Tp. The Liberals, will have the •choosing of +,h•e 'Warder) this year. • . CALDWELL-SARSARAS The 'home of Mr. and Mrsh.Sinion Seve s's. of Ribbert, was the sc- ene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday. J emery 17+h, when their eeetei+e'r. Eden. Maedellea, wee ai'ted 1'•; reer'eaee to M. Wm C'ald tve'i of TunIzeesenith. ,The cereal.. ony was nerrot'ntad at 1t o'clock by Rw. A. Sinclair of He" isall, The 'rri�1Q =ar're ,e sen, away 'by her fat- her. Misys Clem Barents and NIX. r�•1, 1"T 'C:l�clur'ell attend,ed the yo - nee, c'•nese. and Mice Doris Sar- axas anted asflower, ai;'l. After a d,rnty 1'v''r,1iaon the hanvv co- en're took the train aa•t Seeforthfoi: Tomei+o ' 0'i their return they will reside i'r Tne1: ersmitle. '':t,VING TAKEN OVER THE •\1311,1SHED SEED BUSING :S PREETER,, AS WELL e S HIS CLEANERS, AND M ACEI- .:31:1; WE ARE IN THE MAR-. • 3 FOR BUYING AND SELL-. *•T r •A_� r. QUANTITY OF CLO-• `a I1VMOTHY, •ALSIKE, • ALF-. SEEDS, ETO, _BANE) :YOUR ORDER WITH . ; 'OW FOR RED CLOVER SEED eel SAVE YOU MONEY.. ., / _,LSO DO 0USTOIYt CLEAN - 11.4 ANY QUANTITY PREF- 410 K 1 FEBRUARY ROD AND GUN Brunner of initere'stin,.; reading is the Fahr'riry iseue of, Rod and Cain in (`'•nacre,. w,hl•ch every sn- ":rts'ni', i9' ''n'ry t7 eniov. The eeeie 13att'i?), by Raymond Theme. ns'vi is an ex -el -lee narrative of ad- t the f th • 0t MARKL}S..,r tom• ,.,,.,,�•_. , (orreeted every Wedslesday): Eggs ,..,.. 23-W3-6 lut,tei per 'b. '35 Setataes aper hag '::... ..., Tae ,rich 'apples per •1•b, 7e itteu Setts, per 1b, ....7e, eats ..... .. + 50 Barley 80 Eu lc:wheat, per bushel Florii e yt.... 4.50 to 6,00 Wheat' 1,75 Shorts: per ton . 3tie00 Bran per ton ... 34.00 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance `Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry .an- • Zarin'.^ap4'e= of , oyer. $27,000,000. '• •Number' of eel ieies force ' 1;1,287. Paid Lasses in 1,923 to ate unt of $56,143.20. No a�ss- essms during . the year and have a balance on 'hand of $31,700. d , Holtzman ---Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER (IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND' ALL KINDS O1 FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 • -Mr and Mrs. J. Kellerman were Sunday,visitors at'Zurich. Rev. W. J. Yager, who has been on, the sick list is recovering. Mr. J. 0.'Rend and J. Wein ehip- ped a 'car of beans on Monday. 1VI s�. Felix Wilds is •on, the sick list, we hope for a speedy recov-. any Misses Florence Norry and Ed- ith Walper of Exeter were the igueit is of Miss Alice Hoffman eon Monday evening. I r. Earl Guenther made•a bus- ness,trip to London on Monday. 'Mr. A. Musser of London, is re- newing acquaintances in this vic- inity:. `,en u, a ,n _ Mr and Mrs. R. Hayter and fans -a rn?en nst conn-, 11 v}:sited in, Greenway on Sunday. +,w. Other inter stint stories and Y M. c, Stade attended the fine nri•r.�r,a's ineitt'3i'r.� E. R. 'I�err''s 'Tlte.:Minsurance meeting in. Zurich on Mon liip rgtery Beds Treaty and Cee 'ts'e of D ceeee. in. Numbers of Wild.. da Mss{,u F, Piile returned from 1 mar will ala' attract. the reader's 'London Hospital on Thursday wh- a.ttention. The regular contribut- ere she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. 0 Fritz and daughter Diss Dorothy are visiting with the for- met's sister, Mrs. J. Kellerman, thin ors of stories. P. V. Wi1lieenls, .J.: W. 'Wiesen Bonnycas'tle Dale and Mai tie Hunter *eve all irved up to the renuta;tions thiey have won. Lor themselves in their diffee Sat lines of snort. And the denart- nYents un to their usual standard or excellence . S` HURON AGR SOCIETY 1VIEETS• week. (Delayed in the mails) Rev. E.• J. Bruer to attending IConfet�ence in London this Week. ....Mee. P. IEuumble• of Sarnia spent a,l eleye With icer sister; Mrs, R. The: annual'rueetirig of the South .GF ` , • Ileiree,' Agricultural Sociaty was' M'r,ii, Dorothy Fritzof-.Zurich,-is •sall. on Jere 15th with' a. good. at- held in the Comexnrcial Hotel,Hen N4414 her: cousin, Misa�+Crrace'Iiel 4lerpial, *Ors. J. C. Reid and J. Wein inadeSe busin,esis trill to 'Math., and on,' Thursday. e eats Na esseend It:eta Feel-to"d had :thein; tensile removed last week. A; ; very •seapp'y game of floc tendance of members, present. The trea;surer's report ehowied the So- ciety to be in a first class coedit ion financially, 'there• Dein; a bal- ance crittried over of $253.60, after ;Selene arrize tr_r.oney for last ye;-, ar's Spring ...Fairs to the amount 'key `vas prayed' on the local rink et $187. It Wias decided to again. between Zurich and Dashwood, on held a Seed ,Fair. the date set for this year Friday. ,t ebruary 27th, and the annual Suring Stock Show will be h-'ld on Tuesday, Anal 7th., Government iudees will he seeurecl for both. the Seed ami Stock Showa The following off'cers were elected. Tuesday evening ,the visitors were defeated. 8e-4. Boiri_..To 112r. and Mrs a soar ,on .Ian "14th. Pres. R nr,, Oen.i . 1st .1. ,ce ares. 0. Klonne 2nel vice-pres. Dr. Ca- mpbell; Di'ecfnrs, 0.' Geiger, .. 0. CAM -obeli Rebt. McLaren;, W'. Decker. 'NI Clark, H. C.' golden. I3. Neeb, T. Sherrill; Bert Peck,, D. Burne, W, McAlister, W. D. San- dersl Derer ll, R. DD..Ben, Wm, Penner; •Seeretary-.Trees. K. nI McLean; Auditors. s H. Arnold and 0. A. YMMrponrrel." 1 WEEItOj ZURICH • 444160** 0044041eesYieeeeeeigiseee BLAKE. •ga1etit:; a God of truth and with The first regular meeting of the out iniquity; just and right is• he. 1Vlission Bend in the new year- we' Deus 32 13,4. held at the home of Mrs: Win.Fin '4'"`'l' lay, with the president presiding If' tlrytlee, enemy be hungry„ give the, meeting opened by [singing��'' hi.ta. Ureal 'to eat; and. if he be Rader lame 0i, i line ayt .1amtery ' th., 1 The store with the: Liberal Cash Discount '1'1'1)211111M it ►i1i►111i1111'Iilllliali To Oar many Customers and.. Friends We extend a Happr New Year SERVIO IS OUR MOTTO . ® MELIOK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 83 par. f net .: for all 'his, ways are jud- s hymn 494, we repeated Mission 'Ny. thirsts. give hire water to drinit; is e' Sari i:ura L;ess'o 7 i i71'ey^ ZG;21 IN8UR1NOE Agency for following lines of Insurance: FIRE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT' AND SICKNESS • PLATE GLASS SHOW CASES, MIRRORS, ETC.' • LIVE STOCK. •• • INQUIRES ON ANY OF ABOVE LINES WILL BE GLADLY AT�'.CEN DED -TO Andrew F Resp • © Zurich MY MOTTO ;—SERVICE AND SAFETY ave You. MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging 1 am in a position to do any kind] of pacer• hanging, painting, graining and dec- orating. 1EiCKMEIER, ZUlEICH — ONT, and p p n n• , 10; 1-8 verse was ,read by Jeans `l Hey and .Grace Kennel ail repeat Let n,a� not be weary in well clo- ed 1V . . 1VCmTextt. - a Xqi. in d'ae•season' we- shall re- nortie woBire reaottod a,iti Wa.s decidedRe't alillp', if we� f•th t• not. G1,0;9 cent we, wou'd use the barrels As� the have therefore opportun- this year. Set~ernl were neesent•' i ity le't us do goad unto al, Qin es+- 'cith seals, thea °prang 708, fir.+yt lr�'ciaaly 'tin.t° them Who are of the and last verses, Alberta Finlay c'-' lw sihold of faith-•-G�l, 8;10. esect with prayer. we then inove.l 4: +4—i4' another room Yvhere • our, able 1 Eye hath not seen, no ear heard 10entninsi chose: 'up rides for the neither have entered into theheart new year .follower. by :t most ,del- of man ,the things, which ,Gietl'hath inions treat given by the loosing'prepared for them that lovehim side there were 21 present.. ,-], Cori 20'. Thee hast a 'etighey ann.'s eine ong' is .thy hand, Said high isdthe, right hand; Justice and % judge- irierit' are the habitatione•,of thy throne;; Marry find truth shall go befoee thy face --Pe. 89;13,1.1 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon rete; because the Lord hath aikiointted u►e to preach good tide 'nes; unto the meek; hie hider sent Mr. and Mrs Duncan Snider and• .Mee, .Harry Schrader attended the r'1niaral of their triple the late Mr. TXcCallune DA London on Friday. Miss 1VXa;b& nehn•rl.e .entertains l a number of:, her friends on Son - day. 11Y•iss :Beatrice Gravbit1, who ( me to 'hired r1p' the ,brolcenheated, epent • the past month with her to proclaim liberty to the ca,pti- vee and the opening of the prison to them' that are -bound.—Ie, 61;1, Ascribe yo greatnegs unto our God., no is ,the Rock, his' work, is parents, returned to "Toronto. Mrs. 0. Atkinson visited friend's in Exeter last Week. Miss Maggie ,Eleld is 'visiting in Detroit, DR. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN Heavy Shell Frames to Youe ovate Lenses a,t $4,00. Broken 8h' Runs Replaced while you thanks, Spectacles Complete large lei, $2,00 up, 11faiu St., EXETER, Phone lie A.'1' WALPER IIOUJSI', ZURTO. Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 4pAi lie 4•4.44.1.+4.44+44.f14+++++.÷.1.4^4.44++.102.+4-144.4s* 'II' 4.� iii" HERALO J ,. FICE SII' ., 4. Do You Know? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR ,., •4•PRINTING GOOD � THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU' WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS' AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 4# THAT S*7 PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, „SUCH AS LIJT'TERNEEA% ei uapioS, •ENVELOPES AND ' STATTu MENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO 1.4 ?INa MANUFAI.°7 Pill .' BOOXS,.I ND CAN SUP- PLYRERS RAS OY QUCOAI�UNTERTTTY ANDCHECK SIZE OF C. Ilk.;?4A ' SpOKS T "'AT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, Eg'FEle OPBS IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON• Off" TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST A.TIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. 'THAT WE FILL YOTJB ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE' WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c. LAEG- GER QUANTITIES Ai' BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE IPRI 'tT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE PO5' 'TBR'S, lliERCANPILE POSTEleS AND ALL GENERA1 PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY T'Y' .i+44.4k4z 44+++414+44+4.4 4 44.1.4^.2+4&.1..4 4°^S"" 4'+i °,R44.4..h°4°+if+.. .,4.4.**