HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-29, Page 4•••••,••
Thtiltyisd4V-411141117...244• Inifs
14.1.1A lorrws
,2 • ,,i'':,17.P4crti,:,449:,,,44 ' 4,44,41.4 ''W7T. • Sans. •
?glirM41.• 'tee.;
THE agreement for the amalgamation of the Molsons
Bank with the Bank of Montreal having been ratified—
The BANK OF MONTREAL extends to all custorriers
of the Molsons Bank a cordial invitation to continue their
accounts, with the assurance that their:- business, whether
it be large or small, will receive the best care and attention.
The service of the Bank of Montreal is adapted to the
special needs of farmers, and their accounts are welcomed
at all its offices.
,,,ens seaman '1110-11reeeee'r•
Established oyer 100 year
Total Assets in excess of $700,000,000
'11.5..'ere died in Ails C isig ,Ta
Ilth. a former w.4-4known res
den': of Grand Bend in the pers
aaf• liary Di5jarcline at -the age'
C7 -years. Deceased had been
employee of the Mtutroe House f
the past five' yeirs1 her husha
DaiiR Disjardine, prede.eeased h
abotif', i2 years. She leaves tw
daughtexa Mrs. Roy Stibbins, o
lath of the Bend and Annie
Ailssa,:Craig. She psent most of h
B 14ine„ Colt 19 Stephe
•h;•sDiaittsh: •h'as claibaSd. another
esteetned resident in th
13.1striet in the 'perstatf of Jam
Tnitchelli, a lifelong resident of S
ass•phett Tp. \rho died lat his horn
-on the 3rd con. on Jan 20th, at th
age 75 years 8 mouths and
A bad fire occured Clinton, o
Jan. 1.5th when the residence of Mz
B. Cole ,occupied by F. A. Pia
lett wa.4 destroyed by lire, Mr.
and Mr's. Plaskett, were obliged t
scapeovith their babe and wha
ilittle they could grab up as the
an but it was fortunate they di
mot- lose their lives. they were aw
akened ;by hearing the baby cou
q'hing and smelling smoke they in
t,ediatelY got out. the entire con
tents ,ass well as the honp
se, went u
Every taxpayer in Goderich Tp
bat one had paid his taxes when
the council held the first meeting
of the new year. •
Mrs. 'Win.. Taylor of the 5th con
'Stanley; had the misfortnne to fr-
Icture zs-; ..bone in her knee, the re-
-suit of a fall.
The atnual meeting of the Bay-
field Library Assoc. was held last
I.41onday afternoon •at Miss Fowl-
fse's stor e,Ittrere the library is kept
There was a total circulation last
sear of 3,759 volumes. There were
1;s17 mebmersi The following of-•
ys were appointed for the en -
oiling year; Pres,. F. A. Edwards;
S. G-reenslade; Libr-
v4rian, Rev. A. Mcfarlane, Asst. Lib
tetrian bliss F. Fow'ie; Directors S.
4P.:. Reid, E. F. Merner, blr4,11. Me -
'ay, Miss Josie Sterling, Miss M,
Helen Swan is nursing a pdtient
at. Zurich
Al Harvey of Kinpen has res-
at -ed the mail contract for one of
Routes running out of Kippen
I.11•1 enters upon his duties in the
I', C. Joynt is on a hu.siness trip
Daroit and Toronto.
lir. and Mrs. R. Donat-lson of
9•;•-•swater, formerly residents of
'sall are visiting here
Mrs. Harvey of Exeter is here
anding her aunt, Mrs. R. Blab -
who is seriously ill.
13racIsh,ew, who has been ac-
sntant jr the Molsont; Bank for
4a years, has rosigned and is
for the Wiest ha has been
•0.11, the. !bank. 18 ye- vs.
3ie A. Ilell, who (A Et,i in Tor
som Lep el a, visit ho4
McAilist erot michigart, .8p.-
ifaM,.. tat of Weeks!, with. re. --
' Tailor -Shot,'
to have us tailor your snit::
You always hnve that luspry
atter-you leave is and cau depend on
us to make your garments so that you
will enjoy weriring* them.
E. E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich
Men's Furnishings
atives and. friends in Hensall and
the Parr ;Line,.
Mr, and Mrat Gavin Strang, of
Dauphin, Man., visited their rel-
ntis-as Mr. Wm. Fee and sisters, on
their wedding trip.
Miss Ethel Murdock -spent the
week with relatives in Lucan.
Th-ssWrn is settled in his new
harness store and is putting in a
stoct of all kinds of leather. •
n The many friends of Mrs. Wm
Henry are pleased to see her out
after her recent illness.
Ths taking of the vote on churcb
union in the Presbyterian ehurch
reselted -with a majority of 14 fo-
The .school board held its first
regular meeting On Monday eve
ing when tenders were opened for
the. position of..janitor, quite -c;
infonber of applications were in
The building of lavatories in th:,
new .school was' finished lust wept'
whieh completed tha building.
Mrs. Thos. Elston who has been
quite ill is improving,
• The annual meeting of the Ex-
eter H,orticultur6 -47.n; 1iMd tho
ohr etTning, reports,' filo Ated that •
nvz Society has had a most succes
1111 year.
Reg.•!;•, Northcott of Hay Tp. is
present la a vt)..17 latAtsr...t o'l
health:: snffering..froznAleart.
ble, *frig. to ,hiss. advanced years,.
it is teareii,'.it may rove serious,
OiVe gizanc6. of Toronto- is visi4e
iting with. relatives and friends in
to .vn 'she ha sreccn.ly bra.nehed oust
in the millinery busihness.
J. G, Dow shipped two carloads
of horses to Montreal last week, ••
Ida inateltford is, spending a
few days in ,Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. 10. H. Becker of
New Hamburg spent the week wi-
th Dr. and Mrs. Browning.
• The annual meeting of Coven
Presbyterian church was 11d the
ether evening ,a suoper
va sserved ,the vote on church un-
ion awls brought to a c'ose the re-
se't being 42 foralio-I and-. 68
against out of a possible 1'89.
The /annual meeting of the Ex-
eter Agricultural .Society was -held
hold on Ian.. 19th, when a At
3and?rg, 'was assigned to the chair
"Ind •conducted the duties, the re-
nrort of the treagurer was read
the ving the society to be in a
te.:mithy- condition, An important
•item of expenditure in the report
'vas th buflindg of the new grand,
stand, the following officers were
elected; Pres. G. Penhale; lst vita
7.13 Seckell; 2nd vice, W. E. Elliott
Directors, T akin TL Dew, S.
irieve, W. Andrews, S. Allison, W.
D. Sanders, W. S. gentnao, 11: Soiled
3. Wiliarns, Aries ,teokolf, Mra. R.
Mrs; W' IL
-44%. XV•Pak,
How iviany Objects in this Picture Start iiketni the Lefler "P
The above picture contains a number of objects hegira:II:lag -with the letter "P". Just take a goo&
kook at the picture—there are all sorts of things that begin• with the 14,tter 'P.—.'puppy', "pumpldee"'
"paddle", "purse", etc.- Nothing is iudden;, you don't have to turn the picture use down. Mak
a list of all the objects in the picture the nausea of which begin with the letter 4‘P". Rave the viissft
family join hi—see who can find the maost. Don't miss any. Fifty flesh prizes will be awarded feie
. the fifty best llsts of words subluittkel. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list OS
visible objects 'shown in tile picture startleg with the letter "P" will be awarded diet prize; second?
best, second prize, etc.
young.and Old Join hit the_ Fun -
The Mail and Empire annointaa to -day
another puzzle. gentle in which all 4'-1 partici..
,Ipate--,front the, tiniest child to granrg.,Ither and
grandmother. ' No object Fs ,so, email but 'that •
, the poorest eyesight can seejt It &I' test 01
sIdn. Your •ahility to find ie?'? words deter.
mines the prize you win. Right atter supper
this eve/tinge gather all the membeita of your
flanily tOgether; give each of them u pencil
land sheet of paper—and see who, can find the
most "P-Woede". You will be surprised to
And hbw iitrke a list of words you can get
with a few Minutes' study. ' Sit down NOW
and try lb—Then, send in your list and; try for
the ble prize.
Observe These Rules
• L Any man, woman de child who lives In Canada,
' ... and le not a resident of Toronto, and who 11 not la
the employ of The Mail and Empire; or a member
ran- employe's family. may submit an answer.
• 2. All answers •intist be malled by February 7lis,
1925, and addressed to 0., A. Montgomery,' Puzzle
Manager, Alan and Empire.
$. All lists of 1/161/ile6 plienutl lir written on Ciao side
of the paper only, and numbered comiecntrrely 1, Pi,
$ etc. Write your full IlanIS and address in the WO'
per right hand corner. If you desire- to, write Sail,
• ' thing- else, use a separate sheet.
4. Only such words as appear in the English Dic-
tionary will be counted. Do not use obsolete worda.
- -• Where the plural li used, the singular cannot. be
' '• (taunted, and vice versa.
• 11. Words of the same spelling, can be aped only
obJect or article can be nnmed only once.
tame, men though used to demignitte different °Weak
May words formed by the combination of two or more
Or taticies, or parte of objects or' articles. .9-11)
• complete words, where each word M itself Is an
6. Do not use hyphenated or compound words. er
• , . . •.
, OiMeet•
. .1. The answer having the largeet and nearest ear -
net list of names of visible reelects and article
&sown in. the picture that begin with the letter "P"• YOU CAN1 .WIINI $1 0 0 0
one householdc• nor Will prizes be awarded tO ing to take part and you do not have to send In a• Single
afamerldwri. Cm; have no bearing upon deriding the win -
grill be awarded First Prize, etc, Neatness, style or There Are Three $1 000 Prizes
,.,• 1.,%litniutizino,".brutoPepnilvolneemparyizcoo
glrabeteajziwaarnwdedetro. crease the popularity of The Mail and Empire. it costs motile,
The "P -Word" Picture Puzzle Game le. a ealAnalrn. to, M..
• more than one of any group where two or more have 4)4:Motion ,to win a prize. I17 your list of "RqP7oicie" is serialti-
1'4'1_ s'...,wIrtil'iiengelt-eongtetohfera% tii for .ttnY prize offered, the . will .win^196: bqt leyous'would ,like to getmore than ...$35., lime
ed FIRST, asocesnr;70...frknitue Prise bY the Judges you
cl . fatit4rt„tateretifrp,a3ift,sucle prize will .be awarded to each -. make the following special offer -Whereby you' oan win. Wave-
•„, cash priees by eondieg Itr ONE`, or TWO subsea/monis to mime
in • 10.eStibierspilens (both new and :renewal), parsote . Mali and-%Eznare, t. . . •
,ezreyeaatr itd5e.li0Overpeder Kreareabrrylemy. EtbloiyIninesinnaamidt4i,toorn, -- . .
A.3 HOM,..:._ .I.: your answer to the "P -Word” Pict -amt
Puzzle wins' FTIIST,:1516OOND OR THIRD Prleo, Etna PM
., e ace p e . owever, hi qualifying for the
bays Sent In one yearly subscription to The Mail and En*Ires,,
• i,000 Bonne Rewortls,at least one new subscription at $5.00 by mall in Canada, or $6.00 dellitered by carrier boy Ian
• , riming Tbe Mall and Empire since lanuary 15tb.
' , • mast be seet in.
•- -11.•A new subscriber Is anyone who has not bean
11.*Ailanswers will receive the same considers:tam figures in prize llst.), :
Hamilton, you wrir rebeive $500, instead of $35; fourth prien,„
1230 : fifth prize, $150, , And so forth. (See second column a
Wail livid 'Empire li sent In,
regatilless- of whether or' not a subscription to The
Prize, and you have sent in two yearly subscriptions' to elm
Or, 1f your answer wins FIRST, SECOND er TIMM,
• 13. All new subscriptions win be carefully see. Mall and Empire (one Pew and one renewal or two,now Nalte,
AIIINVOCII,Allinik kl.• Iir1W Will posltiVely forfeit the credit $500; fifth prize. $300, and so forth, (See third •colittrant all.
et nob enbeerintione se qualifying Inc the Maximum figures In prize list.)
died by the Puzzle Manager. Candidates marking old scriptions), you will
talliit.eenmalioraonntrin Ectlntptritrute,s, wliiiinvibnec sir. ,8114001m,prallzieds.hasTeltesreept rein, tlfwoyou stand nun, SECOND ter
[,1 How is that for u liberal offer? But, 100R, there are thew,
"eel" $1,0"yeaIlleacie.bcofiSpt3I5on eft:L:1:007;
'' 961.46,42114;Itino°h:r,"efteewtriidtal8ris°' judges to d" -de the yrunere, and year malt by mail or 56.00 delivered by carrier boy in Hamill-
glarthdpants by sending.' in thee, reel egTee t' geeept to (one new and /me renewal or two new), you e.111. win iiiiitroMe
the decision of the Judges as final and conclusive. It takes but two. ;gently tatheoriptions et M.00 a Year each come
id. Thejudges will meet on FebrEr5 Ian, and new and- one renesVaL or too new) to qualify for .the big. MAW
•. almountement of the Prize Wineers .and correct Est rewisrds. Absolutely, 'that is the maximum It tit,
ad weratewill he published In The Mal and Empire as
eitiMy 'thereafter as possible. • -
weaning; Answers will ;receive the fifty' astat
prizes acoording to the table below t
Prize No Prise if olite„Priee fitr;erfWe,:e
litticieriptioni Subscription Sabettriptiosts,
are sem. is Dente • are lent.;
d Prize. .., $35 ssoo
2nd Prize. 35 500
3rd Prim. ,., 35 100 •-•
4th Prize., ... 25 ' , 250* • ' 500,
5th Prize.... 20 . . 250 : ' • 300
6th Prise... „ 15 •. ..1.00; 200 ...
7th Prize.... 10 75.: • 150
8th Prize....,. 8 • 50 100
eth Prize....w 0 . ' 30 60
lOth Prix*? :i- ,,i ..- 5 • 25 50
11th. Aix*. ,„. ; 4 • 20
. 40 •
12th Prize . , 3 15 30
13th to '20th•
rises inchuive 4 .10 . • 24
21st to . 50th * -
Prizes inclusive 1.50 7.50 15
, In the event of a tie foe any prize offered; the
fall amount of such prise will be paid to each tied
•ittgeerffitiot Itoottrsut:ro, tinthse It runt. we can deo
• Irocanas. LARGE PICTURE PUZZLE SENT FREE ON Order leten you wan't TlicapltIper 1:orestallete.ttntilit4te nr2;$4.1I1,,z. -ma:
inence delivery until you seer- •
SitbeeriptiOft Reffedt--Payabie in advance. ThTE MAIL and EllIPIR.F: ny:vh•
ere inCanada.
• • by Mair$5.00 Po Year. Delivered by Carrier Boy in Hamilton or Lodon$6 Per new
Rural ROute
$6.00 and qualify for the tik_nrizes.
This offer appliesi to Rural Route patrons, ae well as subscribers living in aitiest,
••••• • and towns. If you are already redeiverig The Mail and Enapire, our subscrzodost,
a. will be extended from it present expiration. Send In yeerly taubseiiption 40,4.
• )P- e Manager,
Its, Allgi,lig Campbell, Forest; SION); Mrs. Soo Doyle, Marmara, Ont, $1,000; Mrs, Thos, Pattimore, At
ens, (nt. $1,000; Mrs. (Rev.) Theo, A. Iseler, Williainsburg, Ont., $500; IVIrs, Emma Moore, Chealey,,Orat
$600; Clarence L. Merl- clt, -aliiston,Ont. $300; Miss Grace. Webb, Grintoa, Ont, $250; birs, Herb Btataant-e
ead, Meaford, Ont., $150; Mrs. Wm, Votes, Sarnia, Ont., $100; C. IL Caseaden, Oil City. Ont., $60; ititavids
WatsOn, Cayuga, Ont.,$00;,,Miss Da'ay M. Rapert Kingivile, 0 . 1, is. A, E Sims, Sarnia, Ont., $311 -
Miss M, McGillawee. Gad',hill, Ont., $2o;. Mrs Fraug Graves, res en, Ont,, $15; Miss D. IdanThorsaddk,
8arnia, Ont, $15; :ars, R. 8. Morphy, Walkerville, Ont., $15; G. U. Berlteley, St, Catharines Ont; OA&
WIle; GhltvCecniatcituallyt.'giCvaelnhaawriZres?a°tolltti'l Solt& over Seven Thonaroad dollars in prime,
flif301111111.1111111111.423.-• • ;eases. •