HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-29, Page 1V{Pi. XXV No 31 ZURICH. THURSDAY ,MORNING JANUARY 26, 1925. ;earl #be Hi e Nets, the local Our Corner ni1 the midst of a laze world.it' tre good to fired �a Popular never tia1Led f".The lt al i{• Wle could lave cheaply if the 0 of living fell as loefe ae ,: the thermometer. We have too many :Angle men, i4ays a Denver minister, An led liesad' tells us the statement is cor- rect. • Chester L. M.axiith,, 1?ublie> :i $1„25 a< ea izn Advo tta O IN ARREARS, $211$AI OffaB rrl and patronize the home Merchant This Vintor er 1 ale; ley. to the Lee-. The raw tee wee( classed aura maxi ,anyway. Valentine% Day is approaching rapidly • anal. of •eoaarss, any card player will tell you that hearts, will be trump.. c There seem to be a, "loud spe ,eakes" In nearly every now. adays.' They 'as home vake•e in about the crone -word the same time 'Wor- ker. 1 S N ,T1 NAL SHOE SALE Brown Bros. Stage Zurich's Great est Value -Giving Event Tow for the balance of our Winter Footwear, Price's ,at cost and below cost. Not one pair of Winter Footwear will we ear ry over, out they Go, Come and -see. for yourself. Here are only a few of the many lin ea we are clearing out; - New Lumbermen's Rubbers, Reg. $4.50 Special $3.15. Boy's Rub - leers, Reg. $2.75, Special $2.10 Youth Lumberman Rubbers, Regi:' 2.50, Special $1,65. WomeneEe1t Slippers Reg. $1 for 80e. Ditto Reg. $1.50 Special 15e,'- Ditto • $2. Special 98c.• Also big reductions in leather footwear, . THE RELIABLE SHOE STORE BROWN -TAROS SE Ox. W1 DO'W D S1 AY 5E RL. "'l4.4.tk 4.' .°°°ie°ii"+oga'sV°$44.4.e$wi,^ib+.1.4' letelelek+g;+"%'i44,, + 4!°gro+^a +:444 i..i, if Furthr ut In These 4. 4 4. 4 4 4 4' 4 4. 4. 4 4. 51 1 only Men'is Kid lined Overcoat, New Stock, reg. $21 for $18.50 1 1 only Men's Wallaby Fur Overcoat, Reg. $85.00 for ...$55.00 1 only Men's Sitka Beaver Overcoat, Reg. $50,00 for ... .,.$29.75 1 only Menta Saskatchewan Overcoat, Reg,,- $32 for ... ... $19,75 1 only Men's Duck Reefer, sheep lined, new, reg. $12 for $10.00 3 1 only .MemsCord Duck Reefer, sheep lined, new .$14 for $12.50 if 1 only Ladies Fine quality M . skrat Coat, 'Reg. $135 for x;89100 Remember every day is sale day with us. Jost now we e. have hundreds of articles which you can pack opt at half price 3 4 4. u1 Our Terms of Credit Accounts will be rendered and made payable quarterly, 1. e. 3 Jan. list, April 1st; July 1st; and Oct. list. A diseoa t o4'5% for cash will be allowed on Dry;oods and Clothing. 3% on vac - Gales. Sugar, Salt, Tobacco T•scute, candy, and goal oil net ± cash.4 • We have followed up'thia system for 15 years and hive found it very satisfactory Ito both customer 'anc'Ourselves. Thus giveel everybody a better ch Luce to check up errors alai avoid •entanglenaents. Ladies Rest Ro r n on Second. Floor at your disposal free rof eh irge L13R13C;-!T PHONE 59 4. 4. ' 4. 44 8 ib.1.44.4,44404'.ab.:,."T*.*ZY"47***4-444444..xi4+,'.a+++g.`'''oMi",k„iCe+%'eAv.y'lea"..�1,'wh•.'yta 7O.■ the •perinanent waves. . Doctor claims he call eadd • years .to life. Probably ,take ;yt that lona to pay.,tllis bill„ .ease* One of the best $;ayfit to pale long life h to refrain from dealtwag; 14th bootlo.,ggere. '€•--1 The wish and the necessity ase` the father eind mother, re. rpec,$,Rr:: 'sly, of that 'Inventive which. snake for the future prosperity Canada, 4..-4 Goderich Town, Council, by majority votey last year •,appro ., ed paymentof its members;. et cls,' rate of $5 for regular meetings and}` $3 for committee •seasionI TiThel Pleased to report that Mrs'. step was criticized on •general pr• ;' -Hy. Eckstein of the Bronson Line eiples, and on the groupd.that the who has been: eeriously ill, isan-: matter had not been an issue tzi�' pzoving. the municipal election. The id::::', Mr. Mrs. 3. Kellerman of ult of the 1925 election wad •deteatw; Dashwood were Sunday visitors at of two out of three councillore seek the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. lila' return, and the 'slogan ;of new members elected was 'o pay. The' Fritz* ratepayers evidently decied that; The ITow'nship Auditors, Messrs. W. S. Johnston and J. A. Snaith are busily ;engaged ,auditing the trees-. liter'% hooka, sir° x..,J a k Mr, Ford }laborer has installed a Wentinghouse Radio Set, • Reeve E. F. Klapp is attending the 'County Council at Goderich this week. Mr. W. Ii. Pfile of IIensall was aSun a d• visitor the 1 glias of ISI ata Y hie mother, Mrs, B. Pfile. the laborers; were not worthy . their hire to, the.,ekten;t of p1,08.0a which was the total of the`indeieie+ wnity for the year. --London 1.$ red#_ Press, The acreage under onions' in `f airy ada the past year' is' estimated by• Dominion Government officials at'L Judge Lewis of Goderich was In, the village on Tuesday presid- ing at, the local Division Court held in the Torv'n Hall. M'ss' Mary Kipper, nccompan-. a'nied by her two "cousins Joseph 3,500 acres, `compared with 3,355 iv ° and -Samuel Huber of Formosa, 1923. 'The Ontario aereaeg wast Keneas, were on a tsibht :seeing trip 1,987 acres, compared with 1,807 ac -'I to Niagara Falls, the past week.an,d res last year. The yield was Iilueh One time h of the 'sceneryyeas good et r. Rev. Morris W. Eines of Leonia X. visited • hist mother, Mrs. A'. larger, •as eraging abnut 12 tonal, ger .acre eahereas last year's crape, was 1esli ihar,■ 51 ton's. hTe teitsla crop far 'therPrevmce, therefore, lb Ehnes'over t}av tit,eek-end, The placed at 23,345 toms, against only aae te erend' preached as very instr-. 9,25 in 4923 • 4etiv e. and touching sermon in the:. >' Evangelical church on .Sunday e' - .vier ger of the.. Bank of Moiiwr areal' avid the Mo7sons Bank was Thio annual .meeting et'the Hay approved by Order .in. Council en Telephone system will be held in the 20th; and. the change went into the Town Hall, - Zurich, on Satu-'- effect on that date,' the 13nak at clay o' Chia woek, when eenaevery Zuri+,:h will however go on the saeS"Stab„aubjente aviIl be up for nae as before with the former ate cession, Every :subseriber ,shoiuld 1 aff. A fine new large .sign has attend land be intel�esterl as it is been, made by F. 0. Kalbfleisclk the people's system, and Geo. -Hess and putt up on the east side of the 'fine new building which adds greatly to its appear -t anus', a similar sign will also be put on the south ,aide of the buil- in gs, uil:ings•. Canada has exported 298,813 gal- lons of whiskey to the united St- Miss E. Basisow; Treas. Mies ,Tears ates in, the last tivelee months, ac- Lamont, After width Miss Anna. 1• Hess •served lunch which was very 4' mach by all present. THE ECLIPSE Westinghouse Radiola Receiving Butts WHY WE RECOMMEND THE SE SETS. They operate entirely on dry •ells', doing away with the storage baatteriee and giving continuous sevice at equal cost. They are (so designed to be controlled on. two !singe :Male, !se-. . ,etor and amplifier. '.Filey, arethe most compact ,set on the market and can be placed on a very small table., It They are designed to operate on an inside loop aerial, miakin er the 'set a portable one, They are made in 'six sues, ran ing in price from $50 to $500 aria !special for any size set. The batteries ale •connected to thwe ,set by meal a of a 4 >it„ 5 *conductor, colotared reinforced cord, solder coanecedt to the in- side s thet. Everyconnection• � to the inside of the s,.t. Every. connection is soldered,'' elliminating all loose contact trouble. Every wire is marked making it possible for any amateur to connect end disconnect an additional dry cell. They are manufactured by 'the largest electrical anaeufacturing loncern in America, Let us -give you a demonstration of this wonderful receiving set. . HESS The Jeweller Q 0.4040eo4ae40iso,4*(0aooaemsa..44444 4.44400*...d+.wT000,444n eR a5 - 4 ea *- *- dust Received a Blankets in Assorted .colors Size 72x84. 41. N.. Number of' Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices ea Ranging from $7.00 to ...... ... ... ........ears_ $13.tt t.. SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. • 4 5 a a 9 s. a to a 4, 4, • •e a A SasaibIe Horse O o Also s large .number of Genuine -Woolen Horse A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand - • 4 Cinnb Bags, Suit ..rases and . Trunks at Eight Prices.• HARNESS. REPAIRING A SPECIAL3` ' ASS a FRED' ®ia�tet���esoc ra►e�+easveo��+•► PHONH e f e++4.4!4eave-e++44.1•4 e++ 7.1-e+3^g. ^3^4^4r4.++4.4.^F^ 4'444,++8'44+4'e • • 'The 'Ladies' Adult Bible Class 8' of the Evangelical church Diet at the home of Mise Anna Hess. The occasion, being to hold their atm - al election of officers, which- res- ulted, as follows -Pres. Miss Anna Hess, Vice -Pres, Ida Routledge,; Sero, Mrs L. O'Brein; Aseesecye, cording to a trade bulletin issued d by the Dominion bateau o1 .statis- tics. The whiskey was tia!ued at $4,700,000. The whiskey trade with the United States has grown as `in the preceding twelve months only 144,181 gallons of . whiskey went a- cross the border. In edition, large quantities of a'e and beer went fr- nm Canada, to the U.S.A. A DRY SEASON • The year 1925 will be the driest the universe has experienced this century .,an official of the British meteorology departm?ent told the Associated Preps in lexp.aieing a new discovery which. departnaene al experts have made and which it is cls ^are l ,marbles ,them to pick out the wet and dry years to come. St Swithm will have 12 months of large scale unemployment starting at once, the department has em- phatically predicted and the dro- ught to come will not only dry up these' soggy islands, but extend to the rest of the world. This state- meat tagmeat was i-nade after much study the hart of weather scientists and as the result -of the discovery that a •eclse coneestion - exists be- tween rai tfill. and the frectuent:6v o,f solar m1omiu'encea. The latter are .explaineel!to ;thle tongues, of flaming gas that dart out from the .nun's surface. !sometimes to a het. ght of 250 000 miles and a,t a speed of more than 150 miles an hour.: Esc 'aerie have spent threie year's ,stu-^ flying• the. .relation of thus pht+no*' iteef)'1 with. the 'frill of rain and here learned wizen these gia.ntt fire works, are ilt.nii active has grown protressi'vely ch.ort'e.r during'. the •.Saturday morning revealed to the people of this section a sight that this ;gener^ition will haver a- gain witnessi a total eclipse of the sun; it Seems almost unbelie- vea.ble that this part was-• thrown into total dark iess for about a minute, so dark that you could•not sen where you- were going in the Muse,until all nt once light caro:' again just as foretold, The elondy writing. prevented the Zurich peo- ple frons seeing the total eclipse, but those who watched the sun we - able to see when, the moon had hid about three quarters. of the sun, when -clouds appeared, 'then again 11ust as the moon was lea, c ins the -sun it cleared up again It wars; ;a .sight of a lifetime and one to be remembered. HAY' FIRE INS. CO MEET The .Semi 0entenual meeting of Lha- flay Minuaa Fire Insurance Co. was held in the Town Hall, Zurich,, o i Monday afternoon with a large oaten dence. prescni. ' President Nisei. Consitt occupied the chair and Manager Henry Ei,ber conducted the discussion and buin'sess cad of the meeting. ate three direct 5: s' tern of office who had exp- ired xp-irei were O. Stade, 3. A, Manson and Wm. 1Consitt, who were all re- eaerated by acclamation. A vote was then held for the auditors, wh- i b. rrsultecl in A. F. FEIS'i and W.', S Johnston having the highest vo tee. After the meting the Direct eve neat for their business adjust- ments when Joliet A, Manson ti as e 8' o FlOance Of INTERFOOTWEA ON BALANCE OF WINTER FOOTWEAR AT BIG REDU0'i- IONS A.T COST AND B1 LO iV. THIS SALE INCLUDES EV- ERYTHING YOU NEET) IN FOOTWEAR FROM NOW TILL SPRING, INCLUDING WOMENS GALASHES. MEN'S ONR AND*FOUR BUCKLES OVERSHOES. HEAVY RUBBERS, SP- ATS, HOUSE SLIPPERS AND OTHER FOOTWEAR. PRICES THAT WILL SUIT EVERYBODY. CASH OR CREDIT C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS .4.4,4,4,.g...��,4,i4.^g,.$ 4.4.i,=:.4^4^^k•+•k4.4.+44,- 4.4.4.^Y^+^M^i 44. i^++,14^1^^ii^.i^ ^ ^S-144*£+ To oumany T customers and fricnds we. wish a Bright and Prosperous New Year i u+� la't halt ^^nt ltry which the per- elected p'r'esident, and ,D Lippert .. DOUG L iodielty of wet years in England as vice pros. Under the new hes gown lie e,otr'esl?onding share-' Iesltrance Actt different metho'f ENERAL fiM7 RCHANT has to be. introduced dictate eeiation,ship that is te dee as emelt Policyholder must pay an, finite.; to be overlooked, eje5/, the dee; assesalnent evory year inetead pert at ent chiefs -J. eaety ttwo veva ae formerly, PHONE 11 87 r,w 5T 12, r.'e kA K