HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-22, Page 5",L'l areday, Jia: uarY 22nd 1925 BUSINESSCARDS PVT YOVII � r: Wants), Forr:Soli, toot, LOCAL NEWS DLEY . li0Lmg Fp wnd„ 'N"atiCe, Etc: Air Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Rublia lass' Dorothy Fritz was a iv *Ger Office on Hamilton Street, sires visitor at Dashwood. tOiet off the square, Goderich. Priv Miss Verde Volland of near *►te funds to loan at lowest rates. sail is visiting with rreiatives he IN THIS . COLUMN 41110,1,44. FO$ SALE Oa Holmes will be in Hensii on Friday of eaeh week. J jadrew F, Hese. Township Clerk Sasser of marriage licenses, Notary $souls. Commissioner, Fire and Aut- Blaobile Insurance, Representing Soren and Erie Mortgage Corpora- jlt, The Canada Trust Co, Zurich, $*tarso. S. Knapp, 0. D. S., L. D. S. E DENTAL SURGEON MAIN 'MICE + +ICE -- HENS ALL ,A -U -C -T -I -0 -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- :1100AI School of Auctioneering. Try( ilsaie for Registered Live Stock 4*11 Breeds). Terms in keeping With prevailing' prices. Choice Gimme for sale. Will sell anythingl l nrywhere. Zurich. phone 18-93 or write, Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County, bit Huron. In a position to con - Suet any auction sale, regardless ell to size or articles to sell. I aliolicit your business; and if not ,atiefied will make no charges for services. (Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. *hone 13-57 Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Eolegra Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES Yini,0111.40 & Reichert .x..._07 ZURICH LIVERY I am in a position to accomo- late all requirements in the Livery line, have. Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL elope 58 Zurieh S. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST iEiraduate of the Royal College 'at Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto, late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary Dietrict No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Kolb Office, Meter. Phone 34. it Zurich every TUESDAY Phone 19 -19 I VE •1 OU LT RY WANTED ANTED Iellie r, ezaer •da till 3 Oclock pan, lli; :Fat f ci fowl name raorninS fir.ii. .•:iox'+;th:t. in. f $Highit.st Cask Prices .:--VASE 1'O a -- Cream and ggs W. O'Brien 'hone 94. Zurieh y,6 SEASON 1924 �PLZINci ;k.N.D SUMMER DELIVER- IES ' ANTHRACI:tE—We are now ‘re - belying our genuine Delaware ez nucleon direct from the mines, Nut !stove and Egg sized. SOFT COAL -Just arrived, an:- tither n»other car of our high grade soft. Whig coal has made a great hit for V Haeteehold use and our sales of this save over doubled in the last :sea- ,GL BOULETS,Our l3ou1 t Coal le Olio In a class by itself at d is gr- 'awing in favor rapidly. OUR ;Telephones are at your ervice. Use them freely for in- tormatiote MO.AJz & PRODUCE MERCHANT !!hone Office 10w, House 10j, H ALL 0 NT. I a suitable francs Mr. a Pedersen and .Jonas F,1 Or rent,a dwel- lelb of Dashwood were in the ling property, with good "stable, . age on, Monday. fruit trees, eta,, apply, to Chas, Weber, :Zurich, ' LOST—A :narrow :silver-grey, sus belt ,in. Zurich. . "Reward Herald Office. LOST A black dog With 'strap around theeneck, .finder kindly notify, Leo Jeffrey, Sr. FOR SALE 6 hp gars engine with clutch; 1 10 in, feed grinder both in good working order.—L. A. Prang. FOR SALE Two base -burner coal stoves for sale, apply to Dr. A. J. MacKinnon NOTICE. All people owing me accounts kindly come at once land settle same,—Jacob Deichert. NOTICE All parties owing us accounts kindly come at once and settle same.—A, Melick. NOTICE STRAYED --Yearling steer, roan with red spots and hind legs white Short horns. Animal distrained Garnet Jacobe, Lot 22, con. 8, Hay on or about Nov. 28th, 1924 STRAYED. Unto my premises', Parr Line. Hay, a yearling calf. Owner can have sante -by proving cproperty and paying expenses, Sol SCh- rader, R. R. 1, Zurieh, FOR SALE 3 small outhouses for 'sale, Zurich public school grounds. ply to Dr. A. .J MacKinnon, on Ap- -24 NOTICE. • The .Tscel'sior Bacon Hog Club have placed a pure . bred York- shire Hog tor service at the farm of Henry Krueger, 14th Con., flay Tp., who is caretaker, Terms, $UO cash. 22-4 • Alb. Hendrick, Prea, NOTICE. We are in a position to store and keep your auto battery char- ged for the winter. Also charg- ing done at any tinge.—L. A„ Prang, Zurich;. Mr, Hilton Truemner of the 11 eon. Hay had a narrow escape being seriously injured one day le week, while cutting corn with ti gas engine, in .some wlay while was getting dusk 'anal 1Y Ir. Tref- miter was taking out the fodde front in under the flywheel, ht the fork cane in contact with that flywheel, knocking him uneonec ions for a time, splitting his lower lip and loosening a tooth, however no they serious injury was done. THE EatIPSE The approaching ,eclipse of : the sun, to take place Saturday, Jan- uary 24th, . or Saturday of this we- ek, is attracting much attention, especially in scientific circles, 'Aim has already been stated, Zurich anti vicinity is directly in the middle of the belt inwhich the eclipse -Will be totalj, and if the sky is clear, the people will have an exceptional opportunity of observing the 'ph- enomenon. r c nenoii. Shortly after eight o clock it will start getting like twi- light and at nine;o'al~ock it: will be so .dark that yon canbot read a newspaper without artificial light and the stars will be quite clearly seen, if a clear morning, the total darkness ,hoWever lasting only a few minutes. It is' estimated that it will be around two hundred yam, ars before this will appear again in :this• district, and we will hardly be here then. A word of warn- ing to the inexperienced may be in order. Do not tire your eyes looleing tou long ur tot, agftan at relatively uninteresting partial ph- asee of the eclipse.. Do, not loot" diroetly at the sun at all unlses you have some kind of dark glass through which to look. Nothir ' is better is better for the purpose than it photographic plate or film which has been exposed' to the light and then cleveloperl. One se dense and black that the sun is just eisible through it when. .the. plata xs I ei:l a o.e to the e, C. 'V',„ rt., ,the aid of such a darkg lass the steady :growing nick in the up- per right-hand 'edge of the. sue will he worth watching as a pre- lude to the play. By 9 o'clock, only only a • narrow crescent of the sun .remains in sight, the country will: :take on' a` weird appearance hTe light from the sun's edge is not merely fainter.; but is, different in color and quality, all- the •eolor valu s o f the landscape become altered. .1UVENILr Ruth Fielding of the Red. Mill Ruth Fielding at ;Br eare' uoti Hall, Ruth Fielding at Snow Camp; Ruth Fielding at Lighthouse Point; Ruth Fie ding at Silver Range; Sw- ell by Alice B. Emerson. Sweet Girl Graduate by L. T. Mead Books on Birds by I;rooks. DASHWOOD 8 ZURICH 4 Zurich hockey team journeyed P. .1 QaD,�,�yt,I. M. D. to Dashwood on Tuesday night and J IJ tore trounced to the tune of 8-1 ZURICH - Dashwood skx�re hes- developed ONT. some hockey players since• the bu- OFFICE .REMOVED TO HOUSE ilding of their mink, altho some o.£ ou:r boys coreplain of the lights FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY -1r. not being too good. Dashwood ill play the return game SOlYte e Jno. Preeter---Main Street tight next week and the boys .are . ;>afidont that the tables will turn The line-up ;— ZURIC H DASHWOOD Tuxedo Chatterless I eaelirrel; O' Brian Yu AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS+ GU ang•biut ,..e.r ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT E. Ga.sch'a :Rau TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. t118 Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND „ �-+-Case & Soni PHONE 35 HENSALL -17 N Dr. H. H. C O W E N: L. D. $,, • A D: S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. Main Office E1Alt`ILIlIr3'"a BLOCK, DASHWOOD goal Quaeken'bs 1.d. i3aeker r,d. Tiemae l.w. Eveland Eveland Guenther sen. Walps.r Sub Ref erect—Alt kinso n. BLAKE 3—HILLSGREEEN 3 What proved to be one of 'the best games played on, the local riuk this season, was played on Tueaday night wizen Hillsgreen awl Blake crossed sticks for the second time this season;, only to ,have' the game again, wound up in a tie, llillsgr+eeu outplayed Blake the first period 2-0, but in the remaining stanzas Blake finally coxae too and they tore up and down the ice like .Iskeed demons. Ross Love and Jim McAllister were beat for Hillsgroen, the former scoring all throe of their 'goals, while • Capt. Parks and FinlRyson for Blake made rushes which were always dangerous, both goalies turned in a oicei gains. These teams will w- gain clash: before long slo 'a real game can be looked for. rhe lune -lip ;-- Hillsgreen S. Love Goal J. McAllister" r. def. W. iiiehardson, i,d, Ray Kyle R. Love G. Love A relerson een,. 14,w. Subei Consitt Sub. Referee -1a Oeseh Blake ]Vh. Oesch Finlayson C. Parks McLinchey McBride LtiMcBride Oeseh BALD FARM FOR SALE Fifty acres of land, about 31 miles from 2u:•ri:elx, with good frame house, stable, drive shed, pigpen .ani hen house, Plenty of • good 1vat.,xd `' sal fit � M n 'small orchard of all kinds of apple and fruit trees, A- bout 450 'strawberry and 150 rasp- berry plants have been suet out and will bear this year, Emu suitable for light farming, fruit raising .and chicken farming, St- ock and implements will be sold with farm if so desired; Price reasonable for quick sale. For author : particulars apply to A. P. Ness, Zurich,. 30-2 NOTICE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT 1925 TOWNSHIP OF HAY • Sealed applications for the pos- ition of Road Superintendent for the Township of Hay for the year 1925 will be received by the Coune it of the Township of Hay up to two o'clock, pan,, Jan, 31st, 1925. Ap- ,lications must be in the hands of the Township Clerk by said tame. Dutiea of Superintendent to in - 'elude laying oat road work on -township roads for ensuing year, oversee all commissioners, report to Council and generally to follow rues and regulations as provided for under Department of High- way! of Ontario. Dated at Zurich, this 13th day of ZJanuary, Applicants, to meet the Council from 2.00 'to 2.30 o'clock p.m. .in the Township Hall on February 2nd A. F. HESS, Township Clerk, Hay. Annual Insurance Meeilrig The 50th Annual Meeting of the Ma.nbers of EIIB HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' :147 DUAL EIRE INS RAN OE CO- MPANY Will be held int he TOWN HAL''., ZURICH On LION:D AY, JANUARY 26th, 1925 a.' 1 o'clock, pen. BUSIhtESS l;eceivingt he Dir- ectors, Managers and Auditors' Reports. E'ectio,x of Directors and Auditors; air i the .discussion of .such bueines's ass .relay be in the interest f The Company. ateery Ei.lber, • William Consit, Secretary. President.. '11 FOR SALE 1 year-old good Collie Apply at Herald Office. Dog. MEETING- Oxy TTURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Couneii'of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet n the Council Chamber, Goderich at 3 O'clock in the afternoon of Puesday, the 27th day of January 1P25. A11 accounts against the County must be in the hands of the :Clerk not later than Monday preceeding the meeting. of Coun- cil. • Goderich, Jan. 10th, 1925 GEO. W. HOLJL4LN, County Clerk a p'.fve . Oft_ LOOK!. WE HAVE . r_ SITO P 'PI:1'Af; CUSSING ABOUT THOSE FORD SIDE .CURTAINS HESS WXLL FIX THEM SO THEY OPEN WITH TUE DOOR REPAIRING Painting Fed Car, One "oat, $15,00, Two Coate' •. .» $20,00 iCovering Feed Top Good Material, less curtains ,:. ..Changing Ford Curtafrs to $15.00 open with Doors ., $5,00 Painting Buggy IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT $8.00. WE RERUBJIER YO'Ull BUGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICII +++++++++++++++++++++.4++44i4+4.++46.14.144+0114.1.1.++++++++,. •1•++++++++d•+++++++3•✓r l ++•.44i4•,:++46.1 h•i•^1•4•F0lk•e•.1••fi•++ •+✓r+++a IBird iW_ E R:E"GOOD OLD PAROID" . WE -HAVE O LARGE SHIPNI;GNC OF THE ABOVE r PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER ii++ WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS is AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND 4. f SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND, CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC - 4. IALTY. + F C. IK LrLxiy $ 1S C 44 wooramsmasamasso PHONE 6�- im IN ZURICH 4. + •i- fi++ ++i•++t++++4-i+++ i .e..+i -$++++e+ •F,+, , ., '.y+}.a+d+. ++ 4•,k..p..g++D++ +++ +4,•Y•y +1 fro 1, /A 1 1 4-- -t = 3+-3+-Yf+--1+--+1'—�Y+—+l•-4--�i+--•i�—+3+--+i+--1-- +II+--•1•--+1+-1+-sr—SII+ • +1. P F A $.; izM i.HOBBERT HCTIrMAr; WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITINGS AND SAMPLES+e I IN' ALL THE NJIW SEASON'S FABRICS, AND ,.EQPRi:SSING o f) x + OBBERLIN • 13_4VING. TAKENT , e, OVER THE AGENCY OF THE BEST KNOWN: 1 SEMI -READY CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (HABBERLIN ,a + CO.) WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST:r ,� ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING StJITS AND •a +3+ OVERCOATS AT PRICES SECEND TO NONE. ; I I e• H. HOFFP):Ej L (TAILOR' AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR: DAY AND NIGH T PHO NE No. 85 + 4. I THE . VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES 5REMEMBE E. The Early Bird catches the Worm �T°--+B�—+F—i�-3+—�--•+H—+II+—+i•—+i+—•1+—+1+—i+--+E+—�F—�r—d..._.i._.,1.—,�.__,!-,_* IlllllllllllllllltllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII61111111111UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllll{IIIIIUII(IIUIIIIIIilill6�!1111111111111►iIIINVIIIIIinT. mi�l711i111(IIIIIIUIIIiI!illilllr ' •' i � _ fy✓I�ilJ6dilllll(ItliNlil(IIII�IIII� r� all persons .having claims again;.t NOTICETO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to thestatutes in that behalf that the ,e:state of Jesse Horner late of theV.illage of Zurich, retired far- mer, who, died on the 17th day of November, 1924, are required on or before ,the 29th day of January, 1925, to send by post, prepaid, or delivered to Blake E Horner, Zur- eh Ont., full partie'n ars: •?f their claims; :duly verified by affidavit, and 'the nature` of the security, if any.' li:eld, by thein. Panther Take Notice that after the ,said last mentioned date, ties assets iof the said deceased will be drstrihitted among the parties en- titled :thereto, having regard only to the.Claims of which notice shall then have been ,given. Dated the 13th day of January, 1915. E. Dlalt e Herngerh, Albert Horner, Executors. 'MESSAGE TO FORD ��JJ OW.1�f-�r 1, ITS A FACIT THAT A FORD MAG - N +TO DOES GET WEAL LE`. US %EST YOURS FREE WE IT VE INSTALLED THE WON DER CllARGER, APPROVED 13Y +ORD MOTOR COMPANY THE RESULTS OF A RE -CHARGE ARE WELL KNOWN'. PRICE 51,00 H. S. WEIN, Prop, DASIIWOOr MOTOR SERVICE rta il HERALDOFFI[E1 Zurich N'I Ula EMAlldt<I(il;l(!11(NIIINllllli01! 111111111511lit(fliN'JJuI 1111ll aill':'C qlW , i;i t!liliNIIIIIIINSI "I,''diu s;.; Z[R:dH H 10 OJubbfti HERALD HERALD IIERAL.D HERALD HERALD HERALD HE.RAL D HERALD HERALD HERALD HERtD a 'r and Toronto Daily Globe ,., $6,00 and Kitchener Daily Tolevinb ... 55.10 and Toronto Daily Mail a:•k1 ::.noire `R6.00 and Toronto aturday Mail and aanpire x;3,25 and Toronto Daily Star . 56.00 and Toronto Weekly Star .. $3.25 an. Toronto Daily News ...,.,56.00 and London Free Press, Morning edition ... .;,2.00 and London Free Pross, eveni tg edition 56.00 and London Advertiser, Morning Edition $x•00 and London Advertiser, East eg edition ... $6.00 HERALD and London Farmers' Advocate .. 52.2E HERALD and Farm andDairy , , $. 75 HERALD and Farmers Sun $2,85 HERALD and Family Herald and W¢' -Icy Star ... •.. $$2..5 FIERA.LD and Canadian Countryman .. ...............$2.25 TERALD and Weekly Witness •. 5:1.15 HERALD and Farmers Magazine $2.58 HERALD and Youth's Companion .... .,. 53.75 HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor ... ... $3.25 HERALD and Ontario Journal .. + 42.75 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada .».53.15 Ki rD Ow. mgrio Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. See us for papers r'titll listed above 11