HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-22, Page 4• 011ie UEN$A.'LL iV r a, ad Mrsi, Lorne &ttofle land Ilittto daai,ghter 'visited relatives in peril hill. V area Geiger, .sv11io has been 'lending a few tiveeke Ela 'Toroet.o,h4s areturned to lief* home here, Mr. and Mrs„ K. Gordon, of So-• -llathweld, axe 'spending their hon- eymoon at the home of their rel. atiy' s Mr. acia Mrs. 41'nastrong, 14r. and Mrsa, Ciaronee Parke vis lied at the home of the latter`s gr- an an)ether, rananrother, Mrs. Consitt. Jas. Platt, of Sheldon, N.D,, has been visiting Mrs, Agnes ;Ro's's, Wm. Webber, one of ourg ood kc;sidnts who moved out West to live, l'si planning to •come back to • llensall. The. I'Ien,sall I3oard' of :Trade are as follows ;—Pres. 3. Bonthron ; Vice -pries„ A. Whitesides; Treas. J, Meek; Secy, Garnet Case; Aud iitors, Chas. McDonell and A. L. tease. At the close of the annual meet- ing it was decided to hold the re- gular gulag sumrnerholidays on Wed- aaesday instead of Thursday aft- rern'oon. There was also some dis-. teussion'as to the sale of the 'skat- hag rink. Bradshaw, who for osrhe tiine hast been, accountant in the :Mols:ens Bank here, has resigned his position and intend returning - to the west. A very interesting ceremony to- ok ,place at the close of the Meth- odist Sunday School last Sunday iinorning -when Mr. J. W. Ortwein. Sept. for the past 14 years, was +called uponand presented with a beautiful umbrella anet 'an address. EXETER Garnet 1'1cFalls who resently un- 1S.er;vent an operation foir appen- dicitis in Vitoria, Hospital, Lon - Ion returned. home. Don. Davis, teller at the 'Canad- Ian Bank of 'Commerce, has been ,transfered to the "Blenheim branch . Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Stanlake of Exeter North, have the ,symp- athy of their .many friends in the toes of their infark son, Geo. Chas. Davis and dauhgt ei Lily of Cartwright, Man., are here v is- ttin?. the farmer's aunt and uncle, The death took piece here o'1 Zan. 9th., of J'on41h Peddler, aged St' years and 5 months. For •c:+v.. is i years the deceased had fre his 1inm"''1a•in a• ties winter in to en. Tis -tens e r in Cornwall, Englntt'l, and t'or a ',--en ler ,of years he li; e•1; in .°4 ''r•1'.et; + n., afterwards lie 5 Z ' at Ailsa las re. isini n fthe late A dtnv, wh : died at ' Strafford t ill,• ion, Jan. 8i u were brought to Ex- et'ter to the hone of her sister. M. s•. A, Cottle and interred in the Exeter cemetery beside those . of hen first husband, the late Edward tickle. the maiden name of deceas .:id was Mary Hearnany daughter of the late Wpm.' Healnan, she was born at Crediton where " she was aa.ri,'19d ie marriage to the late Mr. "3;ickie On Jan. 12th, Sohn Kerslake of :,,Teter passed away aged "78 years bald 6 -months. Heart trouble be tag the cause of his' death. He. was born; in England and when el - oven yearl of age came to Canada with his parents settling on a farm si.oar Oentra'ia, later moving on the farm now occiipied by. Arthur TCer %lake. and had enjoyed' comparativelygood, lzeaitla Until tow , ,Qhth's..•t- go, J ls, McDox) tld, $r., I i cefield, who has been, ill for more than the past year, passed awkty all. Jin. 12, rhe fun:e. al services were held an Wedeesday by the Odd FCllews, of which dLgoe( he was ka member, he was in his 79th year and was born on the farm on which he died. For interfering with. ]!is Majes- ty's mail, Noble McCulloch, of How ick, was rifted. $500,00 and coats by Magistrate,' Reid of Goderich the other day, or two years in jail, The fine was paid. The parcel, eon - Wising boots and skate's, was left hanging on a rural mail box and the accused, who wa sdi'i'ving past with his fannilyg went one of the inember,s back for it. Prov. Con- stable Whitesides was called to investigate and found the articles in the home of the accused. STEPHEN COUNCIL The newly :0ealted coulee of the Tp. of Stephen met in the ;Town Hall, Orediton, on Monday, San, 12 1925 at 11 e,am all members were present, after each had subsribed to his cleclaratioli of office, the rain utes of the previous nteeting were read and adopted. The Reeve and Clerk were auth- orized tosign and submit to the litinister of Public Works and Hi- ghways of the Province of Ont., t the petition o fthe corporation of the ,Tp of Stephen, showing that during the period, San. let to .Dec;. 31st, 1924, thee was expended up- on Tp. roads the .sling: of $3,735.55/ and reettestinig the Act and amend mentis thereto. That the clerk ask for tenders for the printing required by the Co uncil and lay the ,same before the council at its next meeting. That the books and vouchers of the Orediton ..Community Field as filed by 0 Zwicker with. the Treas. of• the Tp. be audited by the aud- itors appointed to audit the Tp. Beaks and when such auditors re port, is filed with the council and foetal sasisiacto-y to them, the Re- eve may pay g'ea'r to the chairman of the Loafs the .grant :received 1 the gip. ITr*asurer 1.;';oxn the Trees, of the Province, That when the tTwosnlip an itors he'Fe audited the a,ecottnts aC to the receipts and expenditures assets and liabilities of The t'i'ed itoni Community Field as submit- i ted by the chairman, 0, Ztvicker, the :salve be printed along with tli Tp. auditor's report. . The following officers were ap pointed; Assessor; J. Guinan salar, $150.0o; Caretaker, Barest Guettin ger, Salary $25; Auditors; .L Graybiel and J. H, Boltzmann ,$1 each. Member Bd,' of Health, Al ouzo Hodgins. Sanitary Inst Bli Lawson, Geo. Verner, W. B Oliver. Directors: of Community Field, A. H. Neeb and John Htaye' School Attendance Officers Eli Law son; W. B. Oliver, Thcs' Rowland. Pathnuasters—B, Mitchell, J. Willi as, A, Pen hale, G. Penhale, 3, Rollins, R. Davy, Q. Hoffinan, :17d: Sweitzei', A. Dearing, S. Presczatov', B. Lamport, N. Sinclair, W. Geiser, J. F, Smith, J. Roeszler, T, Chambers, WI, Lawson, W. Pink beiner, A. Amyl; Martene, 0. 13i own, E. Hall, T. Yearley, F. Glad..' villa, J. Ragier, J. Kesseil, J. Hen - hotel., W. Stade, A. McLellan, N. Clark, Ernest Keys, 11. Link, Ed;.' Disjardine, J. Houlahan, 1VTathew S Sweitzer, M. Ratr, A. McEachen, .J.' Kellerman, P. Di'sjardine, S. Webb,. 11, Hawker, A. Fraser, A. Devine;, A. Latta, Wm. icks, .�4, HHayter, G. 'Webb, E. Walper, .F "Desjard- ine, W. Gill, S. Pollock, A. Hayter J, Wilson; J. Hodgins, B. Hicks, W Jones, iJ. Ryan,. P'. 1VMearthy, Di Mahoney, C. R'agiery H:. Appleton W. Mel1i'n, J, B:i ophey. The following orders were paid; • nERAtii hu ay, January' 220, 1524 ae St .' f. y Nelson Baker, rebate on cow -tag acct $6.00; Mr. Dunsford Co. gravel 11.45; R. J. Lovell Co. Books and as sessinent rolls 38.85; Dr. J. J. Will- iams act. re Alma `Williams 19.50; 0, N. :a, express' charges ..60; H. Ell- ber40.000, salary. lis Tp. Rel♦, Supt 1921, The council adjourned tomeet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on I-I,T'onday, the 2nd day of.Feblu-: ary, 1925 at 1 p.m. . IHenry' Either, Cle1,,kk, r,REDITON G. E. Wenzel is confined to his 'borne with a bad 'cold. ,Mose Fast is able to be 'around after his recent illness. The hockey game between Dash wood .and Crediton in Crediton on "Tot"Tor.e. night last wag ' evell one, Wriggle of 4-5 in favor of Credi 'l:C11 The regular meeting of the Wo - arc a`• Ins'tetnte tvai held in their Ball; on Jan 12th. at which there 'Was a good attendance, the Tn.et- 'tris was in the form of a comm- ie- omm- u•. ' ^; ,nisei,'', g, two very. able ad- tl:tassses were given by Rev. W. Dee.ler. awl Mr. 0 G. Maynard. The Village Trusters met last Tuesday ea'anieg The following; e The eon - treat 'i.�trtalS�iCt d tk)a1 �.n.itaS w 5 .. , tare _t o.f ' eeping out ,streets clear at snow With snow p'o :1' ., as a e- roded - ro del to 'Znval Gg1s r at so much aper strip. A new ll8-ft erten:sink ln'1'72r w 1? be added to the fire >t+tall egnipment, a fire alarm ;buy: ,be inst:died .on'rho east side or the, Evang. church, the •school bell will plea be used for a :fire alarm 'COUNTY NEWS John Rathwe11 was appointed road ,'superintendent for the town - aside of Stamey, Olit-e 'McCormick, of the Belt e'ephone office, Seafort h, had: the mi"lt'r)rt+nis 'to trin and 'tall al the rink one evening last week and (racturo her ankle, Wird was received on Thursday last week of the death that morn- ' :ine et her home in Toledo, Ohio, of : 'Sarah, wifte of A ndrew Stalker'who ;';sale ago, lived on the Saixblu Line. le ' ii ho.i:sa now owned by 1V1rs, A. 11-a:•'n. .M'rs. Stalker, was a sis- ter of John Pollock and of the fate 3 rs Goo Dewar, -iha death od'o eei.t .'r Seaforth *he n!h"'r mwi;;V;'ig of a highly re - i F1peern''t reslient of in tyle person 1.e" . .1't " ' 'i. .a; a,,•1 a ETI NG AN OLD EMEND IS LIKE 0 OMING TO :THIS Tailor Shop to h a.ve us. tailor Tour suit. You always have that happy feeling after you leave us and eau depend on ass to male your garments so that you will. enjoy wefwring them. la E. 0,91tkitiZurich 'ten's Furnishings WHERE THE GOOD CL OTHES COME FROM. WE SELL. ree:m WOW ' BECAUSE e be ni it is Better Foriviear° CO BE SUCCESSFUL 1 MERCHANT MUST DO THREE THINGS FOR. HIS CUSTOMER— SELL THEM STYLE SELL THE?1 WEAR SELL THEM ECONOMY Re must be in a position to give them goods that are reliable and just a little 'better at a price no higher than his competitors, We realized these facts when we decided upon LIFE-13UO'Y RTJI3- eER FOOTWEAR for ZURICH and DISTRICT — and we have not been disappointed, Neither have our customers. efe-Buoy Rubber Footwear — made of finest of pure gum rubber 5y the up-to-date Life-Buoy:pro. misses, always has fine appearance a.nd wonderful wearing qualities anwonderful wearing .qualities midis 'at cheaper because it lasts ion -ger. rIiA T IS "WHY WE SELL AND RECOMMEND IT TO YOU. We have a complete stock of Ulla irY desirable . Rubber line in 'stock low., Let Us Meet 'Your Requirements,. Thank You. awerown Zurich, tilt .' Ont. THE RELTAI3LB SHOE STORE. OU L FIND IT'S AL'4'i'.,4..,Y7' AT YOUR SERVIC How Many Objects in This Picture -Start With the Letter "P"? The above picture contains to number of objects beginning with the letter "P". .rust talco t3 gr;, oaa look at the pictrtre--there are ail sorts of things that begin with the k'stor "P"—"puppy", "pumpkin". "paddle", "purse", etc. Nothing is hidden; you don't have to turn the picture :.psitic ilovv'n. :nuke. a list of all the objects in,the picture the names of whlell begin with the letter "P". Piave the ti'd oite family join in—see who can Lind the ,vont. Don't miss any. Fifty cash prizes n lie awardi^tl :ale the fifty best lists of words submitted. Ting Answer having the , largest and nearest correct licit tat visible objects shown in the picture starting with the letter "P" will be awa ded first prize; sere a fi best, second prize, etc. Young and Old Join in the Fun The Mail and Empire announces to -clay another puzzle game in which all e^•" partici- pate --from the tiniest child to gran if tuner and grandmother.No object le so small but that the poorest eyesight can see it. It is a test of sill. Your ability to find "P" words deter_ 'mines the, prize you win. Right niter supper this' evening, gather all the members of your family together; give each of them a pencil and sheet of paper—and see who cantina the most "P -Words". You will be surprised to fines how large a list of words you eau get With a few minutes' study, Sit down NOW and try lt—Then, send in your list and try for the big prize% Observe These Rules 1. Any man, woman or childwho lives tat Canada, and is not a resident of Toronto, and who is not In the employ of The Mail and Empire, or n member of an ennploye's family, may submit an answer. e, All answers must be mailed by Februar • Vii, 1925, and addressed to 0. A. iMorntsomery, Puzzle llianager, Mail and Empire. S. AU lists of names should be writtenton one side 8, i the paper only, and numbered consecutively 1, 2, etc. Write your full name and address in the up- per right hand corner, If yon desire to write any- thing else, use a separate sheet. 4. Only such words as appear in the n,ngItsh Die- onary will he counted. Do not use obsolete words. Where the plural is used, the singular cannot be omitted, and vice versa, 5. Words of the same spelling can be ut;ed only once. oxen though used. to designate different obieett+ or astleles, or parts of objects or articles. An object or article can be named only once. 0. Do not use hyphenated or connwnstd words, or any words formed by the combination of two nr more complete words. where each word hi Itself is an object. 7. Tho answer having the iargest and nearest cor- rect list of vanes of visible objects and 'articles shown in the picture that begin with the leiter "P" will be awarcicd first Prize, etc. Nealnosn, style or handwriting have no bearing upon deciding the win- ners. 8. Any number of people may cotoporate In answer - ,bag the 3•'nzzie, but only ono prize will be awarded to any one household; nor will prizes be awarded to more titan ono of any group where two or more halo bean vvorlcing.tog'etber. 9 In t1'� event of a tlo for any rtize offered, the till ase _.' .,f such prize will be _envied to each tied partidpant. • 18. fin?.setlntlons (both nea and renewal), payable adt'ance at 85.00 per rear. by nut.11 to CCuada, or • 6.e0 liar year delivers(1 1)y t'nrrier bt�y in l?.u»Uton, �.v111 be accented. however, in yuali.y°og• .or the leer Delius 1st r us "toward t 1 s at e o exit onenew r, t ,n lr. cri >tlet $,n roust he t..1,:t in. . 11. s + tr oul)seelbor Is anyone wive hoe not been receiving,. '1?'o Mail ,tad Empire slam. da n,t.ry 15th_ 12. Sil rnswor,, Will r..ra:• c t rc maim t,eglideratir. , regardless of whether nr nett a subset.. ea oh to The Mall and f ntplre Is sent in. 10, All new sal:sov n(1cas will be carefully void - hod by the Puzzle Mannler. C••.a tUdates marking o'rl e. itsoriptinns as new will yes lively forfeit tint. ,,edit $.f sIHhh sul;rerriptiotts isw qualifying for the Maximumonus : awards. 14. Three prominent ¶' uat i, rttizes4., ' nvinir no gonna axle 0 with arc 1 eel ,4 •:tapirs will be so- ieettal to ,tit os ,had ea I•. ,1•"'.tie 11ir a' a;:,,r^s. n'rd porta tr nt, by sentitto:r '0 t" 1,1(45 pm op i , a'•ct' )t $ho titLqAtit of the ,napes Yn, final and "natelnalte. 15, lee judges will rte.'s .a li.cbrn •r lath, ami announrennent of the irix.,' Winners. and corre.at 11,1 of words will be pnhlialted in The 91(111 and Enipirs as 0.1clily thereafter as possible. f0iftleA LARGE Ple'r'UI'f15 PUzzLn SENT FREE 'ON Winning Answers will receive the fifty caabz prizes according to the table below : Prize if No Prize if One l'i'ke,, if Tyre subacriptiani,Subsuriptlon Subacrtptiiz„z,, :.are seat. Is rant_ ' are sent., t Prize.`. 2nd Prize..., 3rd Prize. , 4th Prize.... 5th Prins, . , ."- &tai Prize. , .•@?� 7th Prize.. ; 3 8th yah Prize... +" 10th Prize.. I lth Prigs. , E 12th Prize . 13th to 20th ries iFi,clesive 21st to 50th Prizes inclusive $35 $500 35 500 35 500 25 20 15 ;16 6 5 4 3 250 150 100 75 50 30 25 20 15 $1,000 15000 1,00 500 300 200 150 100 60 50 40 30 2 10 20 1.50 7.50 15 .• In she event of a tie for any prize offered, the full amount of such prise will be paid to each tied participant. ;� a;ts,,"",,,. �. vs ,r ' :�5.9arrs^a•+uaa: ,fir` C.t"'e lra NiI�, net' , Titree $.119600 Prizes Tho "£ x'1'0 Picture Puzzle Game Is a campaign to lot., crease the ,.ol:,,tar-sty of The Mall and 1ttnplre. It ousts nulh-. Ing to take ,.rr: •,nd you do not have to s:'nd in a single sub- scription to • - prise. Tf your list of "I' -Words" is rur�1't-. ed g'IRST si .ND an 'rtfIRD '`.:ao by tlto ; 'will win $s , lanKti y<sA, maim the t yon would lure ;et more than $tt, vrt.. cash prizes ); a s•,aenial o; )1j wife s' gull can ,t, e..ding in (,111,/1 or TTt,, subscrint.,als B•Tall and 'L`nr; r." :PuzzeR'wic,T•'P T,If your SSIOO'Dnnwl?r to 1FIthe)•,Pri e.dtaac3irToa:, have sent at 5.00 in pearly au or r.. ,, #i err Mail art:d nn, me S$ ���. Canada, or GC 0 ,leis• :( oatrY..; Let i� otni on, yen V recefyo' 1100,instead 335; fourth Adze. figures250;in B 155, and so forth. (bee second r. .1' ",' roe U, t Or, If fou nnasrer wins FiBCT, secceel) or 'r.:::11.1.b, Prize, ee Cyon have sent in two dearly subscriptions to *eta. lltail anti nl:ita ane net and. one rens .'i or two new >tsb-. (irri1)tl ns) 31U H In`Cteivo $1,000 In place ol et..1; tomb'. ;aria Mt) 8fifth r; et, $800, and so firth. (bee third colu,rc, f1F;ureb In haze dist.) Roto 1s tie! ,.: a liberal offer" But, Y00l there aro thresh prizes. le rrtfore, if you stand r1!,5r, SLa'():.: •: a4^ THIRD, ant. ?., , , ,n•14 11) two yearly subscriptions at 1:::.bis la, year each 1.;; . ,r $0.00 delit'e,'ed by farrier 1,0 a, art -. •yw ton Ono now at nera,it't:rt1 or two now). ,,.0 will min It takes but .-.t, roily subscriptions at ;,I.UO a yea; .,.en (t.tt new and one :n, tit or two now) to qualify for The bite ;'1M) rewards Absobtudy, tha.li"is the maximum. 'ton can' do teas ivittere little effort'0..,• otter subscription can count. We can rase tato subscriptions tap exert at any future date, east mark on votes. order when you want the paper to start and We. Will not scam- menee delivery trntii ani, say. $ubscr pfio n Rates --Payable in advance. THE MAIL and EMPIRE r ny:„'here iraCaraadtt:• by Mail $5.00 Per Year. Delivered by Carrier Boy in "larnilton or Lo• don, $6 Per Year - Rurala TM- ' ®>li '� This offer applies to Rural Route patrons, as well as subscribers living' in ci Siete. R. and towns. If you are already receiving 'rhe ktail and Empire, your subscript:;ylst 1 >l1l Sc>rIl' 3> i3 will be extended from'c"its present ex. it alien. Send in a yearly subscription at: • $6.00 and qualify for the big prizes, U. A, iontgomor5, THE r -MAIL '' (�^� . i� s t rty j�tz7lDe A a e er, cu , °. . tt ' ..jj�� A RcOA T THE FOLLOWING ITS A PARTIAL LIST OF PRIZES WINNEI,IS •IN OTl:C3. RECENT CONiTEST-w 1 .„ g Campbell, ; ,000; Mrs. Joe Doyle, Marmon, Ont, $1000; Mals ' , Mrs. An tis Cani shell Forest 151 oaks, Ont. $1,000; Mrs. (Rev.) Theo. A. feeler, Williamsburg, Ont.,. 0; >�/r , a M, re- Oh ie, :,Oxtt c, $50Q, Mrs, Elnlna, : $50); IClar'e .ceMoore- ChcsB sa e lip L. Merrick, Aliiston Oltt. $300; s> :ire � , Mats Grace Webb,', r Y.Grantee, , .Ont, .2v sr � M1 a.. He ,... earl ' Mealord, Ont. 150; Mrs.Yates,a, 'Herb B4lav t , , , $ , Wm. Yatrra Sarnia, Ont., $109, C. H. C�sc.tdeny Oil City, Ont.,. $60; bat's , Watson,' Cayuga, Ont,,$60; Miss Daisy M. Rupert, l ittgsville, Ont. $50 Mrs,. A, S Sims, Sarnia, Ont;,, .gaits, miss M. McGi711wee, Gadshill, Ont., $20; Mus. Frarteis Graves, Dresden, Ont., $15; Miss D. MacDo° Sarnia, Ont. $15; Mrs, R. S. Morphv, W eikervilles Ont., $15; G, 11, B r 1$ 13. 0, Cantu, St. Catharines, Ont., $15a eikeley, St. Catharines Ont; 1fia i' prize a tot el of over Se'titei o Th`asand s in, s, have actually given away dollar - ' • Wey .;:,. ay - ..aha lrin�—