HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-22, Page 1RI Vol. XXV Na 30 ZURICH, THURSDAY XVIORNJ Read the Horne News, the loci Our Corner Ob;eer up.Only another four months and your can forget the 1rlce of coal.. ! The hardest t ra fora mans to get up in the woi+ld is every cold morning. ' • A -r erican women used 10,00 tons et talcum powder last year. A ' 1ew, were 'content with using gun - e powder. J A N U lis R Y 22, 1925. Chester L. Smith, Publish: $$14.25 a Year in Adv; 93.50IN Rft19.149,s12MAY 8EUH41.746 111, When y,ouf see a eauple pass I Old king winter is on the. you can generally put, one and one together. 1 From jeweleee to furniture stores tele eiemen . It often: happens that people' trying to biieak a will are them- selves the first to be broke. From a newly -married couple next doorwe learn that while two may tlive as ehieapey as one, they can't live as quietly. - - eopse••••••••t!••••sm•••••••••••••••••••'•••••••••• • w • • • •• • • • • • Brown Bros. Stage Zurich's G-reat- SENSATIONAL 5 =a E SALE • • • est Value -Giving Event • •• Now for the balance of our Winter Footwear. Prices at tost • and below cost. Not one pair of 'Winter Footwear will we car ry over, out they Go. Come and see for yourself. Here are es only a few of the many lines we are clearing out;- • •. Is e New Lumbermen's Rubbers, Reg. :$4.50 Special $3,15. Boy's Rub- • ,44 leers, • Reg. $2.75, Special $2.10 Youth Lumberman Rubbers, i Reg. 2.50, Special $1.65. - WomenuFelt Slippers Reg, $1 for 50e. it • Ditto Reg. $1.50 Special 75c. :Ditto $2 Special 98e. Also big • 0 redut;tions in leather footwear. t •• • THE RELIAB LE SHOE STORE BROWN OSREPIIRIhTO NEATLY DONE • SEE OUR WINDOW -DISPLAY 4744 4.44+++44.+-14÷1.44.44t4+.1.4.4 +4.47i4+44.4.++++++++++4++44444 i. 4• rth r Cut, in These .4 1 .1 only Men's Kid -lined Overcoat, New Stock, reg. $21 for $18.50 -�A 1 only Men's Wallaby Fur Overcoat, Reg. $85.00 for _._, ._:$55.00 1 only Men's Sitka Beaver Overcoat, Reg. $50.00,, for 1 only Men's Saskatchewan Overcoat, Reg. $32 for ... ... $19.7 - 1 only Men's Duck Reefer, sheep lined, new, reg. $12 for $10.00• r 1 only Men's Cord Duck"Re efer, sheep lined, new $14 for .$12.50 1 only, Ladies Fiae-quality Muskrat Coat, Reg. $135 for $891,00 nee Reuiember every day is sal a day with us. Just now we have ht.ndreds of articles which you can; leek up at /tailpiece 4• 1.4.4 S ecials? Our Ter 8 0 _ ei d.. a a 4• 4' +a 4. + 4 4 4 f, 4 4 Accounts will be rendered and made payable quarter1 , i. x*„ 1, Jan;. 1st; April 1st; July 1st; and Orot. 1st. A discauu£ of .5'% Tor 4 cash will be allowed cn. Drygoods and Clothing. 3% ora groe- eries. Sugar, Salt, Tobacco Biscute, candy, and coal oil net cash, a N, •p We have followed up this system for 13 years and have found �+ N.• it very satisfactory to both customer 'anti. Oeirselves. 'Thee ' ;give! 'everybody a, better chance, tai check u' t rror% le et *veld .entanglements. +t+ 4' Lac1ies Rest Room ori. Second Floor ea 4 at gots dispose free of charge 4' ea 4.4-.1.--+ -$.4-444.4.444. 0.))4.14. w ir44t..M.++++ aa 4• ..1. 14-.L" AL -•BRE -!T PROD130E1 T 11 1,4 4+ .[4• Pmm E 59 • Job Scientits says 1925 will be the dryest year in hiatoiyc More 0. T. ,A. spotters? - - 'See+ It wale ;seven below the other night; so we gues's it ain't ,goit5,a .,to rain!" no more. +x-14. 1L4)oks alar if we'll have a few dark moments In our lives on the 24th. 4+--14•' One trouble with. our radio that ones in a while it sounds like a party line. 44-4 Merchants who do notadver- tise are like the people in,thec;ein etery-liable to be foegotten1. Another good thing about bob- bed chair -is they never say; "Nov you've lruinod niiy hair net. "Forgive us our debts as. we forgive our -debtors" is' a prayer not yet internationalized. The Prince of Wales bseems• to be a real leader in the back to the farm movement. Feminine listenersaiit are getting peeved over the fact that they can't see these songsters "marvel- ous gowns," 4+-4+ Shaw of moon will encircle earth. at 200 miles a- second, or about the !speed of a hungry n au. leav- ing church'. .A friend says that modern fI- apper i•esemblesr some houses be- cause she has a painted front, ashSngled back, and an empty:attic. For each day of they new je,ar ewe are given a :.elean white page Wb.at art do we possess to put so meth.ing worth while .upon then%? +-a •You can: help your fellow. men. You must help your fellowmen, but the only way you can help them is by being the nobelest and the best -that i ti -sos'sible for you to be. r.+-+ • Since winter ,started in it has worked at its job with a whole- heartedness that .commands our admiration, and that insures its re- cord in history as a winter of °snore than ordinary !severity.. 4L...4. If the pigs have become sunbur- ned at all, it is well to keep them inside for a few day sand thorou- ghly grease their bodies with some nice !smooth grease such as vasel- ine.-Wiarton Ehoi c 4. February 6 has been set for the coming of the end of the world. Of course, if the world is .found going on as usual - on Feb. 7th, that will be merely further evidence that it and patronize the home Merchant ITis.g Rasa' esess., Miws. E. Oesch„ +pre visitors with friends at Rea et r last. Saturday. 1Vfi+s. Gettus, who has been vis- itin4'tvitli her parental, Mr. and Mrs H P. Weseloh, has returned to De- troita Mr. M, 0. Milliken spent Sun- day at the home of M. and Mee Oestreicher, Dashwood. leer. and Mrs. Joe Eisenhoffer of Waterloo spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Lei,bold, Don't forget the annual meeting of;, the Zurich Public Library on IVIoeday ie1 eningf Jan. 26th, at the hoit.e of Miss+ L. Faust the librar- ian; RSV-. W. J. Yager of Dashwood. "consented preparatory services in th e2vangelical church on Friday evening. He also breached on Sun day .morning, while Rev. J.. Glatt was at Dashwood. The 50th annual meeting 'of the Hay Township Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company will be held next Monday, Jan.. 26th, in the Town Hall, ,Zurich, when a big crowd is expe4ted to be piesen.t, - p 1 The first Meeting of -the Police Trustees of. Zurich was held Mon day .4t noon, hien the following t°,}eaaia frr nath of ,Offc,e., • D.. E. Pedes d, p, J Haberer and H. True - inner Mr, D. R, Bedard was ap- pointedInspecting Trustee and A. F. Hess, Secrotay,. After passing a number' of accounts the meeting 4,o y1.-".e.a.0 k, ;.. ;,tot.,s.,,4,r„t,Peo,6, adjourned. j Tweeeeie $5.00 $5.001 Ready -to -Wear Spectacles DARK OR LIGHT COLORED SHELL RIMMED GOLD I I'LLEU. SPECTACLES FITTED WITH LARGE ROUND. LENSES .;s BSOLUTELY GUARANI. TEED TO FIT. COMPLETE IN ;CASE. HERE'S A REAL OPPORTUNITY $5.00 H.'y:, S, The Jeweller •�e�eaosa,+ 0 Seas liable s Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices $5.O Goods Just Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Hone Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84'. Ranging from $7.00 to _..... a SAVE -MONEY BY GIVING US .A. CALL, fl A BIG Stock of Harness and -Halters always on haus Club Bags, Suit Cases '. and Trunks at Right Priem. • .; HARNES'S REPAIRING A SPECIALTY° FRE 'THIEL The Zurich. Branch of the Wotn en.'s Institute met in hteir hall on Wednesday evening, Jan. 14th. Mrs. 0. Fritz took charge or the meeting a very:. interesting paper on "Why Have a Women Trustee" was giv- en by Misr.Iaobel McDougall, which was 'enjoyed very much by all present, alosi a x eport of..a neigh- boring Horticultural Society was, given by Mrs. C. L, Smith,. meeting was then' left in the hands of the President, ' -Mrs. P. Manson, who took charge of the business trans- action[.. ' THE CCARNIVAL A most. ;splendid carnival was held on the local skating- arena last Friday evening, 'the weather being ideal for the, occasions and the cr- owd • of spectators was 'exceptional is .a stubborn'and wilful old world' good. The costumes were numer- _..Ex, 4+-+1+ Those who have a farm in On- tario should hold on -the time is ; tem, of Mee. V. Vt. Siebert well Fit hand when "it will .be worth �'oolrod the part of a colored lady, more thl'riz it ever was." k. This. island and Austin�I3ey ae col. gent; Mists the advise of the Minster of Agr-, Ine's Yungblut very appropriates iculture, whot has his finger on the, sly represented a Xmas tree, wh- pulse of farming affairs. • Ln. 11Z. C Miliklen!.and H. G. Hess R 4+-4• made two fine Hebrew gents, who A woman ins, ,amnog the candid- went around and looked for bay-g- ates av- -gates for the Senate vacancy from' 'lea everywhere.. 'Clarence P arks Prince. Beware Island, see stands .;vas,. easily the "tallest a nrtt '•big- 'rtt;tra,-1,;n.nce and will probably be meat" lady ,its" attire and 'was ell told that while there are no fem-1 rtrosse_l ap and no p1a+•L1; to go, and ales there are eniouglt .old women! so on. F.c41,l,pwteeZe4S the list of the In the. upper, chamber already. I Pelee • Wt1le ya.*4 La <.. • � aclj. s .,rtes Mess Balkwell, Miss. I s, , • k migbitIL BORNG-hII Laddi?s Oolit�ic-_-ZTN Siebert, Ethel Asa,F . ls� incy-Grace Koehler. Buela ' -Sm a.rti r• a (+tM.a., rqr At rxay To:wtieship� on_Jan.` Girls: c9alic Ofirer 12-Vcsra Kalbflei- 2nd, to • m, and Mrs. Hy. Claus-, see, Stell* °allfas;- ins, a, son. - Girls, eonie. under 12 -Pearl Sararas, '. t Ali"£• 'ICheh,e . Horner, -At 14th .eon, Hay,. oil Men's 1nixey-- Ivan Ka:biieisch Jan. 11th, to Me. and Mrs. H. Erleit Geetho. , Blake Hornier, a ;'son. I`blt.ns. contra --Clarence Pa:,,it Wes. ous and ••well got up and those so appealing •took great pains in their make -sups; We .might make toren- ichaa dson Overholt -At S!.t,uble Line, Hay Tp. • B rye, eo nic oNnttir 12-Et+rat Blida en, January 6th to Mr. and Mis, ,,r;ao('0e +�,arcrlle:. Norman, Overholt, a son: i Boys fancy, tender l _I} x! : uta bluh, tlugh McKi,3',ota. Denot ty-At SaU6bite Linea ]I:ay, o:tu, ,� -fr." Sar Tan. �tlr, to Mt ;tnr..t Mrs. Earnests eras, t�orpe' !ti its'cl �, Sari Danonry, a daughter. arts. Bed u1 -At Zurich`, onJan. 16th to Sl,oci.t. Ft l,e• b ? 3:a for Mr. and.Mrs!, :Dettaiis"Bedtxr ' a host costla;e' hetpil,; . to waltz' music" o '0,1c1.,- , Pr- ann..• i ang 3 act li'Iisa Ball, a trlein-t Dashwood, ten Decembesue' a -eh.. eel �,j:r 11th, to Mr. ande . W , Grein, ` eton, Mrs ria. a d t,Ugll,toi ti tai,. PHON1 16 ZURICH 4• • @ a +., a a 4+ 4. PTCI } L LE On Balance Of WINTER FOOTWEAR ON BALANCE OF WINTER FOOTWEAR AT BIG REDUCT- IONS. AT COST AND BELOW. THIS SALE INCLUDES EV • ERYTHI.NG YOU NEED IN FOOTWEAR FR011 NOW MILL SPRING, INCLUDING WOMENS GALASHES. MEWS QN1 AND POUR BUCKLES OVERSHOES. HEAV1' RUBBERS; SP- ATS, . HOUSE SLIPPERS AND OTHER FOOTWEAR. PRICES THAT WILL SUIT i1VE,RYBOD¥. "CASH OR CllhlaP a -_ • -� O. P R 1 T & faCY181 HO• +- witERCHANTS + 4+4++ +3+! °...04'+..1+4.4.44 4++Q+4•44++1++ +1.4.*44.•r+a4 e++;ra+i•3 + 4.4.40e + b'our many Customers andl'r,,,mds we wish a Bright auci Pros f ;•tius N e w Year R. Ar GE.NEIr At. '' .4011A IV T QM"- PHONE 97 0, ..,, KE a:41.+4Y1MT:�:3�M