HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-15, Page 84.4 OPENING DA 1--Sx. U CLOSING- 1l.2).--.,:, U, WE HAVE A COMP�.,h::. Hand, in aaet our Sa,c. . giving you, a cha ciuoed prices!, r, .: offer' clean depei : t yl^ , that a St'3 here s big reductions a:i.l a: mate. ( Briog your 1 onl. 1 o1 .:Ye0,1t 1 oil , t °a oak. men men's r (,i k shirts men's ,. ki work pants men's fi ' blurts. Boys puly i : weaters men's work sox !men's wool mitts men's cashmer sox fine men's jersey gloves ladies wool hose wool hose children Brush wool scarfs 200 yds., towelling a yd 200 yds. towelling a yd. 100 yds. towelling brown yd 12c 1001b. granulated sugar 7.90• rice 7c dates new 8c prunes 9c raisins seedless 3 lbs. for 25c castile coap for _ 25c matches a box 10c cocoa a Ib. 10c baimon a ib. 15c 39c: 1 „Ai L"i'.:s Lups a doz. 800' See frits for more Bargains u 1' d.. SALE ;;t;1,},', JANUARY 17th, 1925 .1 L JANUARY 31tst. ak iUi: OF WINTER GOODS &PILL ON - 'coo tar r ,r ,:bais• time of year, so we are a. , Fre san,abie Goods at greatly re-, uuy cat. ash for title purposes, but ;t'rc,lti, .?ia, 4 a Times: Our customers know } r ), l 0; 3.U) )lnt iyort.ome Don't iiloege't etthe' all. and n ,t;;hbors (withyou. er•. oatseach 5.75 etcoat 7.75 5.50 4.00 1.50 78c 1.65 98c 78c 39c 50c 39c 18c 48c 39c 48c 10c 14c ! 4i1}llla .EL11 J. GAsCHO...8E:S. �8#F2.ia \'1 Phone 6.7 Zuricii's Gara Gas„ Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND GEVUINE FORD PARTE w JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINLON TIRES' AND TTThES' WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS.. U. S. L. BATTERY IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SO.LICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR P.13ICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BA:TTE LIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALL'IWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY, i i I BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING, . ;c i •1 li. i ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE Hs Mousseai Zurich 0 • • • • • • • • • `I • • •••ltB+6+es'9 ore a6!R•••••••d0000••••••••••••••••••••••: • 11 • • • e most cordially wish all our friends a Happy New Year Gewliometogroo f:TADE & WEIQ pREE1 R BLOCK ZURICH • • • • w N M 0 • 04,• 0 • 0 •0 su • • • t+' • • • • • • • • • • •• 0 •••• • • • 0 IA' t 1, a, ...eft on Sat clay ntoxni.ig OA' tecr.'o]t, Where t'is'iting l.i -.xd. and relative's a. f e ,v cboata. Misses. J ct aaiifa's and Grp 1Schilualeft ;bora London on M day whore they :tzcend taking p itions. M. fl, Rai+1;p and Mrs} uTxemner lef for Detroit on S urday, where ;.nay intend to s for a few weekcs. Mrs. M. E..bur, who+ haisl be streen:dia;gl glue past weeks at home oil her parent::, Mr. and 14 J. Routledge, reit for Detroit !Saturday. , Mr, and Mrs. Warren Schilbe a children of near Kippen, spe 'Sunday ,at the' home -of Mr. a Mrs. !Conrad .achilbe of -the vi age. Wile !snappy cold weather c tinue,s and Lae. roads; are hea for the !sieign, .we have; not no iced ,the Ja,.r�y aa�thaw this ye ,• ret. c. adiss Do: o,.hy Fritz who has'l en attending :Exeter Hugh Sclio is s..ayin,g n ,,,id for !a short ti pr.,, rui3 Lo it:�r departure .f r c.o�'ia Ffa,s , a.., London; whe she intends t.:.. -ng up the nursi �.essionw A ,serious Fre took place Wing.haam last ,''V-ednesday morn ing, when! th'e .come of Mr, Andre �editoi• ..utt proprietor o aha Wingha �i Advance, was d a.,•ayed 'by .. and 'water. TI .oss is estimated at '$3,000.00. N. W. 'f'ru ....h elp;•t,, M;.PLP. of 0 inton, who fres been local man agar for the Laurin., Lapgolis C for the past 1a years has resign that position,. He has purchasethe building, formerly used by T New Era newspaper and will .2 into the egg dad poultry . busin ass on his o w,n ,account. A real good old Carnival will be held on. the Zurich rink on Friday evening of `ias week. We. all know what happy and interest ing event this always. is and th manager, ,1Vlr. Lee O'.Brein, •has. spared no•. ,time, and expense.,, tirti- ai}�� for eta On OS, ata d,ay exp the Irs; Un, nd nt nd 11 on vy t•. ar til, Me Ohs' re ng cat w• f e ie o,. d d' he O 4444 4.4. 404 A.; . ► -ZAAR • ESL"l k.i PLAIN PRICE STORE Oar,week-end sale ,last was good Lr prices, get New Customers- ( ix ,Service Keeps Theist. If you not a Patron of this Store; invite You to coma and deal ;h Us. Our SUCCESS depends the patronage of the People, appreciate your every call. one in. any time and Look A-. tnd :Right Now, we wish to ind you, that to keep, in hea- that every reader of this paper i'uld carry, a bottle of NAME - ,SS, and use it on the first in- t atioi of a :Cold A little rub - b up each nlo+;•Itril in the morn - ,is al splendid habit, also on r 'irinlg. NAMELESS is conven- ient, to carry, easy to use, pleas- -ant- to inhale and is cheap, et 25r. Excelle:n,t for babies as well as grownups. NAMELESS has many fhnitatrons,, but .no Rivals. Try ar+.bottle, we .sell it. Beware of unscrupulous Dealers who try to sell • your something just as good. Excellent for. Earache if applied in then begthning. . Friday -Saturday Special& 2 healthy Goldfish, in a --gal globe, and• a bottle of NAMELESS for 50c. Big Candy Special j -.1b 19c. Cut flowers for the Sick. Car- nations and Daffodil's; this wee]c end. See our Valentines' at lc to 106. . I. 01/4. A MARKETS trri�et01.1 ,'vi=a•,,• :r!'e€irinadayl e • Eggs .... 23-36 Butter per 1h. ..... ..... ........ 36 o Potatoes per hag c • 75e t €: ;t pples per ib 7c a1 t Netts, per f). . _. ,...._7e. Oats .. 50 nuke .this the most successful one ever ;held. The. ice is,,good, andif the weatherman . keeps that' way. it Should be a( big success:. aas Let us meet, you. there.::. Goderich; defeated .Exeter in the first ;scheduled internieniate series at Goderich en Friday night. to ,the score of 7-2. :The. visitors in i he first stanza deemed lost: and Goderich scored. four ,goals: Af- ter that, they ,seemed; to get :going and Iscoredt w o m the second per- iod. :;T.k.e, Bole 11,p for Ea:eter was; Goal cook; del Iiye O'Brtein;. cen- ter Sliadduek. raw.,. Statham;• Lw., We11s; Sone. Hp,ggarth and O'Brein A ggod !storey has juist,come'to light from Exeter, 'concerning the actions of la citizen during the re', centieyl weather. The, .train ,:f•onr London had arrived an4,. the eitiz-, en in question was :seen crawling' on his hands and knees. Thank:: mg he had fallen, a good Samar= itan rushed forward to offer all pos siblee assistance, but the offe rwas refused as the citizen: had with him a bottle of preaiotiS fluid obtained'' in London, which he was afraid of breaking if he fell, hence his dec- ision to •era:lob-London Free Press. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. The first meeting of the Town- ship council was held at Varna on Monday when, the following offi- ctra were appointed for 1925; Clerk J. E. Harnwe•1l ; Treasurer Geo. Be- atty; Assessor, Joseph •Hood; aud- itors -W. J: Tough, J. McEwen, •MsKENZIE-ZAPHE EXETER Clarence Morley left for peg after spenindg the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lewis of Kil larney, Man., have moved to,'1;,'own and taken up residence with' ` Cottle, he is a -contractor. The canva.sslers for the Bible So ciety raised 1$15.0:1. This has been forwarded ':to Rev. R. J. 130went Master. Ivan White and Miss Marjorie Stewart of Farquhar, sp- ent the :holidays with their grand- parents, Mr. and ?'Mrs(, Jas. Green. Mrs.Campbell of 'Winnipeg and Mrs. Hill of Parkhill, visited with their brother, Mr. David Mack.. Mrs K. J. Shm:s of town: r i'sited her grandfather, Moses Mawson ,at Parkhill, he is caged 91 years. A five team ]'.ockey league has. been formed in town !trtd soot: good garnear are looked for. Harvey �C Harvey who have be- en .;.conducting twg. igtl.►oc'eriies town have dissolved partnership,.0 P. Harvey takes over Mils down-, town store, Miss Ella ,Ltek 'rvho ,spent he holidays with Mrs. and Mrs. WM. Ituntz heft for Walkerton having sold out her millinery' .Business in that town. On Saturday last Robt. Mawb., limey passed away following ' an illness of several Weeks, trine we- eks "ago he s'tt,ffered a bruise on his knee which toned. to blood poison. He, •wla born in Stephen Tar . ;where he lfatntetl for 'a, tru,m- r v b of years,'coming to Exeter c -bolt ten, years ago, for seven ye ars ,h,r has been, employed by the ; N.JR, depot Ts survived by tris , Mow and ono daughter, five'aas.•w is and tour brothers nlso'sursrive Barley 89 Buckwheat, per bushel ... 80e 71-611r ;per cwt. c... ... ... ...1.00r5;,09 W.Leat per busllet 1.50 Sri ir ts, .per ton ;..36.00 B ai.. nor toil '-t ... 34.00 ern : Farmers' Mutual other Insurance Co OF NVOODSTOCK Carry an Instt1,t.nc: of aver x`27 010.000. Nuanir+a +ti Policies in xorc 11,287. P ti,l i tiro 9 in • 1923 l o tntoulit of $ xi,l i , ?f 3„ ass- ssrrcinl clnriog' , h • r t, titd have a, balttrtei h in:1 R :1. G.' Holtzman Zurich ALSO UP.1r.r,tt i':',''l' NG imps, .1 \ ' t . . 'y f.;\ 11S ti'71s `'h'Ilt.h- ''NSW?: , . `" tf-34 Here and There British Columbia's agricultural production last year increased •in value $4,900,000 over the 1922 period, figures compiled by the provincial Department of •Agriculture show. Asteady' increase in the volume of, wheat exports from Canada is Roted'iit the monthly statement just issued: by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. In April, 1924, 6,085,465 bushels in all were exported, as against 5,148,304 in April, 1923. It hi anticipated that hundreds and thousands, of visitors to the beau- tiful: Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, will help to celebrate 'the famous fruit -district's "Apple Blossom Sun• day,'' ,which falls on June Sth this Year...,' The entire orchard belt, ext tend' from Atlna.polis Royal to Wind it„ -at 'distance of about 80 'miles is. always white and pink with, assoni in the first part of June; IST'': II6nore Mercier, Minister of Land rid Forests, speaking of ar- rang ants "made in the province for •fores rotection this year, stated: +€I re Jy believe that the way the ge rVxC . i organized i 9 arir7e d a n d with the B good X11 manifested by all classes of th ' community, who realize the importance of protecting your na- tional domain, • the year will be a good one and the losses reduced to a Minimum,', A , The report of the statistician to the boald of grain commissioners for April,.. recently issued, records the heavieet Spring 'great lakes ship-, ping season on record. The report says that there Are indications that all theus of the western ,r 'axle ws cos � P 'will be .moved as fiat as transports: tion f'aailities penult; as export our., chases are to be heavier than usual end ail ocean tonnage out of Mont- real ont- ra•gin 1 e 1 r Mayand du has already ,fo �beelr ;engagd, as well AS part foi' the ,1"ttly, leading'. ' 1 '1'bit .1.l Yi ll..l;r' 15w: , 11i2? 001 Ta,a0W ,uw w .w. iWmfnrrou.,arouwwwww, The store witil the 'L beral Coria 1Jisc000t !11n,,;, 1i 11111IITSSl1Slfllll 111 ,a To Our many Customers and Friends We extend a Happy New Year SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELICK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 The New Year Bring much joy. Happf iness and Prosperity Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY ,MOTTO; -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 44.4.4114.1.401.4411104 Painting and Paper Hanging lam in a position to do any kindl of paper ha+ gilib, painting, graining and dec- orating. H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH -- ONT. 1)R. JOHN WARD • CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIIAN Heavy Shell Frames to Your mot Lenses at $4,00. Broken She Rims Replaced while you Mak Spectacles Complete large 1 n OW $2.00 up. Main. St. ENE l'r±;.II. Phone 7. AT WA LP ILOUSE, Z1t7RICIL Do You Know? I'.LI3,T WP AR El A1,W v .s S 4.f. 'i OCJf s: R1• ft.`8 lrof (100f9 PRINTING' TH:.T FVh} CAN SU i .1° t0c. WITH NON 1.1+11) WEDDING lc, VI! \ r1ONs AN r\tiNot,;vCEMENTS THAT WB PRINT CALL! l ].1 \ i CARDS; s t :t t`14 )' .PUS ;sr10E1 AS LETTER HBA. rS r 1i.L,IflJ 1. DS, ENV P `I's ANIS 8".r el TIE;:,f'l NTS T1IAT WE ARE AOUN\TI'S FOR TWO 1,.E.Ai iNti,:'i.l_h.l'w''UFAt 711' ° EBS OF Ccu 1,r; d.i•i CHECK HOOKS :‘,ND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY :AND SIZE OF C1I1110I ,,BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRI'1'1 Nt i 0.•kPE.RS ENVEL- OPUS IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON pit TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING 1 A.OS, MEMORIAM ST 1.10X11;11V, NOTE HOOK,s RECEIPT BOOKS INTIM + SIZES, FOUIa: C,A,P, JI1IC' BTC. � THAT . WE FI 1 L•r., YOUR ORDINARY -SIZE ;INK BOTTLE +' W$PRx0 ) I �C N 1AIN PEN MK 1+'O'E, 5c. 1GA1R(li- GER ,QTIAN'r°1T Y viP AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS• THAT WE PRINT P051rN *O BILLS; AUCTION ;Th"tiS, ?EibCANTI:L,7rv1 • p '.h S ]L,E Pas, +l+ Q�!`iz'dS ANDALL G.1~11�1'EIiAJG� PR TTING OU.li SIPS' ,l. C A1wT"3(' *4.44+i+4.14++1!+4+44+>rfii i444+ 44 OAF?r^iM +14+++:+ ,kdb+++ ++4144€ 4* 1'