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Zurich Herald, 1925-01-15, Page 4
,Mer'11 ...,..",....,._ >;,::;:;.,•.,:..,»:... ...,..,.-•« ;-...-s:::a.,.-..,_..,..-,...m--,-__- -.._. ... ---._ .,. - - r .1 :, - j � e . 4 FOr pollee village trustees for aNti'�3�: , �L�d���t� �'t a rid;, , 'ANNOUNCINGC*0'1itoir, r'c liav-6 a new alabo by .. ,- . ; r a.er1 zu:aistioza; Jona• Woodall A. I+l, 1iOltT} Sil]RIfiTTP.NDGN7' 19 ib � THgUI . Vl tr It i , 'i'CdV1�1\STIIP f)>!' kIAS" �tl z4 t�9"i➢ktd� s;;.� 11?lt * . r u, 'li L:zad Gd; 1r Wctael'. ""�i1t TO "M Dan M,Clsta:ao has Installed a ,Sealed rapplicati�onla fox' the pos- A 100 ,.a . _:. t-' I Isar y I I .,� radio yet. iix•oza; of Road Surperin1.tendent For "�"'��'"�""*`� the TorvnsY,ip of Hay; for the year bVlasst k.s If low s1 c t'tir ,a,� 't" :lsplerndicl sucresa was ach.i:,tred ! ' Our ' 11y ght Services at tire, 1925 will be' received by the Coun al tyrt. ui r bed tQVfan.. I , " . Zrangalical clxt?t'reb, C'raaditon ox) of fixe 1'ott,n,slaip of Hay tap to two11M6 kori I.. zlalr a;e lalsit nagkit of flue old Yeat'• o'clock, p,m., ,Taxa. 31:st, 1925. AP ,,:. ,apt :.. ,,k 011 11 L 111'Li addre:ss'es by Eznex'y� Fahnpr, plicatian's must .ba fila telae hands of +� LL ['earl Holtzltiin', Addie Gainer, C1- the Towin;sbi�'la�'.C;'rlerk by said R; jne. i"`"'"1' ' .rx`a� ' Le� . . 9, . � � I . ..t tills m'iaA be rci,You; 1k fell fire Morlock and Beatrice Hanst ` on Duties of Superinjtendent to in- i(7ontrik,utcrl by r . 4 + D,fwi, ' ,t of • ,v l: , Hav ":.i^ri. iri;st :Jdau:s, iGdM zA Wloct subjects:. , . clu'de laying out rQa,,d work On A�ricu)t� ii3ic,:':sn., , .a, I S• . ; 'Qixi ri r ,1' � %, 0i.cytlA r,. ii 614 Ix„ stl i townishi a roads.;, for priswin, ear,. .11 ' .. G,. • a , Q"; 'd' " `another' of deur piuneel^.resiclents 1 g y Serotal Eiei'aw... r z,:iptum, ; .ind, +, ,+.ainc'1niv .:'but in 1 vI' a.. ss ,of xin t, • sisal i ,:tile a,, E..; . ,; h.: a pa ru pens oversee all coinlnislsionera,. repPtit ..s aF' a ger cY,,.a.+li,aan U'e,^.tt.+s; :',3 i Cle•...r, ,wo . Mag, •. , 1 gal of y . , tEi- la y=i' let .,acla agiceib 'o'r. �exu; a t ha . Jfls 'Ttigd 'fine( wlxcas'e haAslljand pre- to C'otlilcll allcl cunei all to 'follow.: , , %'i +.. ,l; .vi ,.;� „r;.i ` 3't'''tirl.,,' :, i, i : i� c:r,egg .�'' ,..r :','Otlal$ .xnale p1i;,A. it_.u;ay' .L.. Aiia!� s' ,: ,:: ti1Q sen es='Pktzl. `�. on 9' h. .,., ., ; � e+ 'sh br- .: 7;,. ,. ,. �r Due-aided ru;pi lz � s iL:,' 1:} -a . ^�s-., +ftj* - i':a ;.' . tar'ut' aisb. til .hada riud 1 i117i10 .,,Snell, ,in iBfiB :shb. was mar ways of Olitiario.: _ S'$l cash fir ixad.e 7':.:: T y �,_, a k a►nl "Term'. f i )AI' s" one ''Wee Y p.. ,, ,.. ino,.,3t o •��sa ey ,� y >„ � tiscl tp 'saes,; 1a�te liusiyandk i She Dated at'+Z'thht'ch; 'th!bal 13t11 day, afi 'ane wilich. as inose coi.,znonl' Win. �t • A �lll the follo* Skew± me: shy wad it ,0 1<As te- `loaves ta' >`ttmiiy' of three': •. After. ZJan.itary: may . be pr! sent .•Z `4i }i. v oxo t i. i•e It , 1 e O the 131--rest eClilCtllOn ii_ y her -anarriage>"she moved' with her ApplidintgAo' meet 'the Council aPpearanee soon atter,` and. uwAal !y Ing lines and u ri fitness reser' le }t it ach` a p® t spat 5� I�et lr A for , husband ;a4uth of here until 1810, from 2.00 'to 2.30 o'clock pi.nL "in Defiled oasiration Widen 3 G,%Zii rj#- I tvalt o4i •th: a-Ps. 25.,4,21 t#Yuen tkiey,,moved to ,Cr,pdtton. She ,he Towrn'ahag Hall on Feb:ru'ary 2nd �,,ftsr castration :: is ofiCeia i seal lht" Lvas:noted for the knutivied�ge .slue ;"A. .HESS 'en' and BOYS, Overcoats, l�lein r�"f: �U3 Alnasnt ,L.a* lxdtlthatl":(til.•. cl' lis Bible taking he im . v� a Poor methal ,fir oper^"Ida � '�1 *ti �'�t there opsalassad, of t , P Tdurwslii'p 'Clerk Ha Oats Men's ran" Boy's S' uits) Sweat" 'oser. that, "a `brother.': 'part Ili, -all eliureh work. ' y a esetsce of rut,tur .tai �? .; .c#• uhua�ls , active al i Q 0 The Lord is: thor portloxi,o' ne . ,laWly noticeable by a ttxamid'r-tks: ..rs ane shlrtsg work shirts, Gl®'vee inherittance .ind 'OF la ; CULT nu -.�.—` , . a t my lot. 't' I., IL; a 'e 1 tl ;ement of the scrotum s;td in- aitaillt�a117e3 iu ts:'d bulging of the pasta• behind. I ` >� mitts _ fallen .unto ,ane ll pleasant s ; HAY COUNCIL,Annualz b :than is natural > ` . y:ea, I ha'. . a : n.00dl . ,,ler (?— .— r eatruent. _ • I ® A • ,roe best h• m coe' the at 'Ps- :16 the CW4unChl of the I'rotvinship ,F be ,�d most .su safe, We are offering t of a' txutlx I ple... e, tiara "od Hay lnet' a%cording to the Mon •- Insurance IYlen��n Meana ,of remedying this detect i>z, �- ie na t'eslp'eetox.; aF' pex•soiafs; •"but ipal Act, on, Monday,': Jan 12t1i,• g, uib's is by the covered method of css- +• " ix} evmly 'n.Mtiom' he •tlrat4 .fey i et'h in the Townishi Hall,. when I ' iration. In performing this opera- , Prices laimi, anti' ,ivbrketli'''rteht, oa' 1;'is , .e i'olldiving''subs:cribed to the de- Tlza' 50th' annual Meeting of the .Ion the Dig should be ail secure3 soli Greatly Reduced th , ace ,ptecl tvlth him' I-ArCtsr 1b,..4,3a claratiOn,; of office; Reeve, E. F. 4Meinbej�s of. , held that its hind parts are kelt at : " . _p , 4 Be sure your'lsins will°fInc:• you Klop ;Councillors, W, R.. Dougall, THE HAY 4TOWNS'HIP FARMERS' a much higher level. This cad bili C�lndha s� �dat��les wrote out.-'Nhmb. 32;23`. � ' i.. H. Rad,ei� J. P. Kati aax,d A. Rei-. MTUUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO- done by holding the pig up by tL+�1. resgoods, 1., hind legs with th@ head down�eards.. -""-` chti rt. The-Council k also' then or- MPA,NYO Will be Held aAt he �' a This allows the boaveta to reiaede out C�er, ears I�ae�l�s and Girls �v001 Ns�►L�, ' ., a'niied for tlae yeAr 1925: ( TOWN HAL'',, ZURICH of the bag, or scrotum, into: tda� y- ®O� YO�eSp 5 ,Mi•s'. Geo: ,Caxii,pbell,..;; ae0 A in, ', the, annilaT ilxesting.'of th'e sub- On , % belly. The scrotum should be washet, iswe�at.e °S1 1 aC l ' S - Mack, and foa"in�erly -of• St Joseph, :eeribers of 'tile Hay` Muniicip+al Tel MONDAY, JA_�TUARY 26th, 1925 off clean with soap and warm vlratesr1. `lt�ren. ��,shmere,, lint+ odw of Im"Innipea, -,19 hero,, vise- e�phape S'yitein will :be held on Sat,, At 1 ,o'clock, 1i.an1. " and the skin then painted with a llirt' -and jl]tl`',l' �11DSP� °111 itin,g xelati'c*e,s after •all a1.bsence of urda� .3ist, at t•�vo o'clock, p.mt BUSINESS—R,eceivingt he 'Dii.. tie tincture of iodine.' ' about fourteens years. :1'•' xe.,!T.,btiv1 shi Clerk was instr_ ectors', Manager's al.d Auditors' An incision, two or three inehes;. ' �+�� l�Ose, women a� d cbl d� ens: x'11 Emmerson. Knipe,, Listotvel,vicho qcted to isubserlbe for (seven cop. Report's. Election of Directors and long, is then made with a aha*W ` , �7 ('t�`� tl� a� recently bouoht;'iout R , E.:"C104,. 3,9,a of . the Municipal World, one Auditors and the discu."lon of such knife just through tsac," which a .ta ool hose, L °� � ] � S �"e'a •f � busine;as vs ma the inner covering sac, arii 1a s bakery,t ook poosesrSian .all the copy for ,ea U Af- thee. following; y. be in the interest tains the testicle. Th}A::Lnnex sae.i#' fi price Men s and old +staff remdfnl`' wltx iiiln. of the Cola jp ny. ! 7 Reeve, Councillors Clerl...aixd As easily recognizable by its nmaot ;ss than half regular P Ste en G Troyer' has rented a Henry Eilber, 1. ,sot,• William C'onsit, shiny appearance: The inner Sac. is not- adies wool scarfs. ' Mrs W'or'kny n"ti X50-ar're' faz*n in T1aei'Collectoa was authorized toy Secretary. President. cut into but is left intact, eoveritw, i 1-1 i ,. . Hay Tp. , con.tinios tine le+y: of all unpaid] the testicle. Through the incision. in I r �^e FOR SALE the shin;^ the testicle in its covering 11"taxes for 1924, ,1lnd Hilt the pen- A 1 yoar-old -good Collie Dog, sail is drawn out as far as possible, ; 111 �'g'i?Ce�les OI1 male Mr. and.Mrsi.. Joss. Eisen ofle:, a, e��als of Lratoweij, who,have been sari paid taxes as, a debt due the mull; Apply at Herald Office• f;>ire i:. iakeu .to see that the bowel �l'. l�ess9 �®�, �{�OOd on dale ing their dalilghter, Mas. H ;riz , 1,01, ality on and -after 4,a,ch: 1s,t, h not drawn out, but kept co>S•ned ���iLi are :speia:ding a fe�v"tl' q . , Fri A.n; advertisement sli-all be insert IN MEMORIAM i refile. As soon as this is assured, ends in 'Zuriclu ed in the Zurich Hera;ld� for two In fond and loving memory of string, ar ligature, is tied tightly a I� S�w®�d Mrs. John Elder isl'";spenain'g; it insertions for a;ppiic!..itions fui• the our dear moth. Mrs, Lydia Schra I i'oun+l the coverings and the cord of " �d �Iw;ri �a to Few days iaiili" her d"110,;el! Mrs, poaltxon of k;oad Ucex'seer for Hay der, ta>lii,r passe3 ii�vay one y2ar t +r• tEs.ielo its high up as Possligx- - hert Peck, Stanley, Tli;,..: TOttnsim,la for 1925. A,pplicationsto it-go, Jan..10th, 192t. '.i.ae n:elle also led with the lugs f tlu ,14te Mi :ra.ret One : z t. re F;zoulrl also be passed through The `fun;a�ial 0 10 be a*A(tlu; ha;:ds ,�F fire T'p. C^e19s on Yat' lass passed, our hearts i o curd and its covering, and the < " a '�' M: - � � ��- Smith, Who d+field. in Zondo.il vas of before two u'cioL.k; p.nl, Jan, 31, still spre, i ature .tied tightly around, the t t ••. ~ W Held from! the rr,1.siden(cte 'of lxtr ne- 19?5. As da �o by tis-o nlis's ou moat .;lri;iry it againsi file possibility Ot phew, T,h&4 A-ddso",lt `wI HtIlsar, �1a. 3 � .b ° Y ' r y The folio�vng were appointed Your haNpy _smile tad loving face s..tiping off. The Testicle aud:its,cov ::'c mete�y .,•; ,,iyli'4t- Sax 1W �vas:•-a,; Tas- aso ffici�uls of t:he Township o:}' Hay No one cans ;tah.� mother'is place. ex tug sac az'e thou removed by cut• _ idept (of rpeps4l� some •3rear,s� a a;,i for the year 1925, at the ,salaries st- We think of ;tau in'silence, but not ling tlu>ough the cord about half an k : r anal wtls,;a ais"tir�r off N7aia John ,.ted, ',amd tlatit a 73 LattY be r - - avith outxvaxd shots znch billow the place xhere the iiga ,47 ,Za zrott, -Qf i,11s!i�'eu;' `and ot• tl�p p' a ,� taro is tied. The opening, in the acro- 1. +may s u l aged conFil'anpng said app .Por the heart that mourns sincere t zzia aan thea be ,fitly closed blr lath 112raa!: Hudsgi�, Hnsall On manta, .. ly, xnburnjs: silent slid low. i,uttin a stitch or trso throusli thR •-©nrTueSdail' ea,nnea• trzl?e a Clerk and i5easurer, A, F.�ss, iSoane day, eve: hope eat 'meetou4 dein. Tho opersttion .,ia then com- 0.,. ,fide �i.,glse out a - , __ • u .. it'. eialce o_ ,.;