HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-08, Page 5T1md 'iy, 3a1111;117 804 1925 ZURICH :BEICALD BUSINESS CARDS DITEILEY 1_1-1 . OLIVIE S Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Office on flarrilitore Street, rent off the equare, Goderich. Priv- lite funds to loan at lowest rates. PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Founds Notice, Etc..AcIs IN THIS COLOIVfN FOR SALE Kr. Holmes will be in HeDIFIall . Friday of each week. A. corn cutter, suitable for both hand and VONVOr driven, Ap- ply to T. Hcy, ,fr, glikdrew F. Hess, Township Clerk Ismer of marriage licenses, Notary thilblic, Commissioner, Fire and..A.utt• *awhile Insurance, Representing NOTICE. Illeiren and Erie Mortgage urich, kindly come at once poop e owing me accounts Cornerli- AU I The Canada Trust Co.. land settle same.—Tacola Deichert. a. Knapp s EL D. S, L. . D S. , DENTALSURGEON -• • . 'SLAIN OFFICE — "HENSALL. NOTICE All parties owing us accounts kindly come at once and settle same.—A. FOR SALE For Sale—A fine wardrobe, ap- ply. at Herald Office. NOTICE steer,.roan OSCAR E.LOPF sTRAYED—Yealling Sliort horns. Animal d' ' with rad spots and hind legs white eraduate Carey M. Jones Nat - •is distrained tonal School of A.uctioneering. TrY, Garnet Tacobe, Lot 22, con. 6, Ray 401 tot Registered live St°6( on or about Nov. 28th, 1924 LAM 'Breeds). Terms in keeping tiritla pi evailing prices. Choice terms for sale. Will sell anything loeywhere, Phone 18--93 or Write, Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer Licentl. Auctioneer for, County 114 Burou, In a position to Cc:M- enet any auction sale,. regardleSS :".• Om to size or articlestoseli • I solicit your .business, and if not .iiatisfied will make no charges for services, Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, Phone 13-51 Zoite fieet MARKET Fresh 'a d Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Prise for Woel CASH FOR SE INS & BIDES 71,1311013111t - D0;101101'10 /43- • %OMNI • 1 11133. in a position to aCeOnle- Irate all requirements in the Livery' INtaft, have.Auto for hire. Any- thing done 'in the teaming line. • GEORGE J. HUM Zurich "None 5$ •1 de, ATKINSON, L.D.S., DaS, DENTIST Graduate (II the Royal College �t Dental Surgeons of Ontario and sit the Univeksity of Toronto. Nate District Dental Officer, Mg- itery District No. One, Dondon,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Vain Office, Exeter. Phone 34, tat Zurich every TtTESDAY Phone 79 -19 "unwasmanaftecontwoon......orrpt. LIVE IPOU LT RV WANTED Woken every day till 3 Oclook • Do not feed fowl same morning )srliken brought in, • . 'Highest Casit Prices SE Cream — Cream and Lggs • W. O'Brien Phone ei, Zurich § A• Vzr .• SEASON 1924 • SPRING AND SUMMER. DELIVER- IES • ANTHRACITE—We aryl DOW re- seiving our genuine Delaware & Shidston direct front the mines, Nut •Stove and Egg sizes. SOFT COLL—Just arrived, an- - Other car of our high grade soft. • Thin eoal has made a great hit for NOUSehold use tmd our sales of this Save over doubled in the last sea- iiitk4 SOULDTS•--Ottr Roulet Coal. is ISM in a class by itself and is.gr ‘vonitg in favor rapidly, , OtTR .Teiephones are at your service, 'Use them freely' for in- , formation. , . ' . 1..„A,... ,.i.x.:ii-tdlort..,• tr001.:10155,rthteesotoitogr atialraayt;sthethilougnotioad, tioralae a geed STRAYED. Unto my premises, Parr Line. Hay, a yearling calf. Owner can have same by prox'ing cprop eft y and paying expenses, Sol Sch- rader, R. R. 1, Zurich, FOR SALE A WEEK -END SPECIAL -- A high grade Mohagany case, full size, sold by Heinteman & Co. complete with bench at $24',-,./10. John Ifey, Tr., Zurich. FOR SALE 3 small outhouses for .sale, Zurich public school grounds. ply to Dr.'A. MacKinnon, LOCe , HOW TO efilOCE Saving 'Young fruit Tee ('" Mrs, Tom J. Gettus, of • ir is. Vieiting with:her . pereeute, Mr, • died by Rabbits. and hire. Weselohle . . • Mr• A, Smith, •of Griefoh, Creek 1 ft Best' »o in tea' speeng,,,,Jrne Alb.. is erIS'i Ong p41 en ts, Aitchlt& vaii„r)n and Mrs,. Wendell Staitlt. , 'tito Bintier•-:el'entleTeif the: Ain, v; Shieep-Collar Sores* •, • (Contrieuted by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.). • Ontario motor ear liecms'es 3'nar-, leers for 1925 will avive yellow nem- bers on, a dark background; just fho reva'iee' a -1110 1024 1-4111th?rl• A great deal of damage. was fe,ne Mr. and Mn. Louis =f,fsibfleisc.b. of Hay Tp.. entertained .a :: nOin- bark on fruit trees.' in away cesee last ' winter by . rabbits giraliz4; i bk1 bar of intimate. friends to ,6,.. fo-s8/1 inches above the ground up from the girdled area extends from a few supPer last Thursday. ' The rural mail couriers have,be.rtwelye tcesixteen inches, but iu otber en granted New Year' e Day' as ‘a.' -,eases the girdled section is only a holiday, thio is their • Only 116licla9:.':1;;;7cileildleahreeSa iisnnowtiodvitr ten inches in Where the of they ear. anti they de -serve lc- , ,copy. o ribell't nel- t ns of uulajured bark with scions of inehes in diameter the injury may be width and the trees are over two spent the holiday with the latter's ever. and Mrs' IL C. 11°‘");(1' wl11:. eens New Year.—ClintonNC,yes ,Tieeord,, :hbiaortheitrIn: joy-‘yren. reading, i,i. 31:appy We wish all •our readerey.w.bether, 'called bridge grafting, because the the same variety. This erocees is eeina,ired by connecting the two mar - he same kind but not necessarily of serve as a bridge to conduet 'parents, Mr, and Mr's). ity, . the plant food across the injured Weseloh, returned to •London, ott area. . he Woik Best Done in the Spring. . Saturday. Bridge grafting may be done in the Th,e.re ie, speculation at Ottawa spiring just before or when sap be - that Parliament will njeet About ownand continued until the the' end of January, that the see- gins to el sion will be short and that a ge.(1- leaves are half grown if the scions oral election will take place, in June :lavreelldvii.onwannt. healthy yis areshoontisadoef frtoa •Christmas: fowl took a atop at Past season's growth. These should Zurich just before the holiday. No be cut when completely dormant and stored in damp sand or sawdust until ' fowl. were shipped out the: last required for use. When ready to PPod to 50 per lb.—Exeter • Tinnee- graft take conple of days and the prieWria- . . .satfiteteirglwitielinohtlilinbalf:if loofostolieorglarudaloe 1 a sharp knife and Advocate. bark should be scraped off the ex- 'I Mr. Herb, Kalbileisch loft on - posed' area. The seiei.,i are prepared Menda.y to reetune his studies in pe, the wedge beie.- one -and -one 1 sbva cutting both ends to a wedge the Waterloo College.. He *as N'IS shape.. hall to two inches iji,witht - f a e; he cut i ited over the holicleysi by •hie fri- si e aad a small bit end. Mr. Jaet Vorkoper whe is at- snegaeo on one • tending,. the same college for - a Theological course.„ . , • • • Mr. W. G, Hess hav taken part- net4ihip his two sons, Meesrs. Harry and Albfert. 'They will contrnee eheir jewellery busineSs, also a nil lino of electrical 'supplies, and will also do al;y wirirry job, no matter how big or euntrIl The Exeter 11, S. hockey team in the 3r. Wossa league has been on !ermined with Parkhill as GrenpA and with Stymie and Petrolia -21! Group 13. Owing t o the distance endt he unsatisfactory train101,- •viee the grouping is • very efnsat- isf actor y. Masers. .Inseple ancl Samuel Huber' from Formosa, Kansas, are two lailttiiere are extensive. g • and report the crepe •as well as the prices very good the past. SeaSoly.• • • ,A. b Tier ainod.entrance in NOTICE. - -• • The Eecelsior :Bacon Hog Club have- pleced 'a pure. bred' York- shire! ,Ifteg 'Servics, at -the feirin of Henry, Kruege.r, l4th Con., Hay Tp.„ who is caretalter, Terms. $1.50 cash. . 22-4 •.11b. Hendrick, Pres. • • NOTICE. • We are iu r position to store and keep your auto ?battery char - ed for the winter. Also charg- ing clone at any time.—L. A. Prang, Zurich. P. J.. O'Dwyer, M. D. ZURICH - • ONT. OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE FORMERLY OCCUPIED 13Y -15 Jno. Preeter—Main 'Street Tuxedo ••••.0...1-0•441•0* Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR ,FORD CARS. GU ARANTEED 'TO STOP 'THE CHAT g the front door o.f the Comms-cial Hotel last Friday night. and was helping himself when Efrqh- offer, itleard him, and they chaieed him after filling his pe.,!;:ets with heir tonic., He glen went to the Wolper ROMS an.d te.“1 to gait entrance, but was again chased."... James Street Methodist church, Exeter, the church with which Mat ager and Mrs. JacoW were iden- tified while in Exeter, sent to the TIuron County Home a nice Chr- istmas hamper of fruits and can- dies for distribution amongst • ItS thmates. W. G. Ross & Sons have instal- led Weetinghciuse. Radio Sets foe Messrs. H. Albreeht and • Herb Mousseau. Tin, Westinghouse aete iterate entirely on dry batteries. which means doing away with the charging of a •storage battery, mak trig rit possible for everyone to enjoy a radio. • 3 STORE LOST BY FIRE .On Thursday last, Mr. 9; Hare el a tllt : r e GSold BY TERINOF BANDS. dy (received woi t eI a s,, hardward store of his son-in-law, L. 4. PRANG, Zurich. tf18 Fred S. Rickbell, oe Weethingtorn Mine-:,sota, 'llnd been destroyed. by fire. Mr. Rickbeil IS a Zuriehboy ( who has made, good in: the, west - Jt t,e, ern State:of the Unien. He hada largo and _flourishing business cold , ) b.. one of the finest hardware at-, ores in that stiction of th. eeetintrY Scranton coal it being upttn-date in ,o,Yery part. tieular. Thry loss wa.s partly opi7. Chesnut and Furnace ered by insetrance 'but at th2 titre he had over $6,00 worth.of ObristL, Sizes. Soft coal of mac stock that Was not: insured., highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND & Song PHONE', 3.5 BENSALL -11 NDr. IL H. COWEN4. La, DSt, D. D. S. . :DENTAL SURGEON: At Atecomick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. • Main Of4ice EIARTLEIR'S IILOCK, DASIIWOOD It is thought the fire was •eansed by defective wiring—Exoter Tim- ee-Advocate. P &PINE A U—D E NOM Y .A. pretty church Wedding .tOoke ;place in St. Peter's, E C Churnh Drysdale, 'on Monday tnoruing; WI/013. Rev, Gerard united in the, Holy Bon,ds of wedlock, Mies Dere,' 3. Denomy, daughter of Me. Wm, Denomy, to Mr, Frederick Papine eau, 'eon, of Mr, and Mrs: Xeseph, l?apinea.u, both •eontrattirig, part- ies of the Sauble Line. Mies' Alhe lea Papineatt and AdolPh. Denothy witnessed flip ceremony, While Cavil Duclutrge and iVradeline, ted- ard matio appropriate flower giris Alter the uereniony the happy' eo. uple left .the clatrab, by leigh •to the grooirr's parent's home :Where stimptuone' 'Wedding 'dinner and stii)per wa,' enjoyed by all pre's- en't. 'while the ,fironing Was, spent esettemesseeseeeete • ••-Paker-roilita „tttr massoisomatiewea wookulgenimogamantomoomeawaaegio‘04,144,000 011 LOOK! E VE :IT pokao,„0 THAT CUSSING ABOUT TEN 1,'OPO SIDE CURI'AINS HESS WILL FIX TRIM SO if 01' E '1 WITH TILE ,DOOR Painting Po:a Car, One $15.01/, Two Coats $20.018 iCovering Ford Top Good. Material, less curtains .., $12.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors Painting Bu rrey . $8 00 11? YOU WANT SERVICE, WE VS IT WE RERUBBER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. IIESS 4 ZURICE RAVIEWMOW,TeErAillaM1Mr.'1,1.7.3-REMIIIMIMMITIM=151(1.11.11111MOZCifSaltIt'BrInt"...1=AMPIRCOLTINIPIWINWIT71511ffnal 444.44e7..44+4•4.4eeetee+++444. .e.++++++44++++++++++ Bird's Neputsex' oofs • "GOOD OLD PAROID" t WE HAVE ile.ceJ VED A LARGE Seltfeele' c' PRODUCTS Ole 136'ILDING PAPER. BLA,CIC BUILDING PAPER 1. WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESICeNS IN ROLLS 4, AND SHINGLES. PULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS' AND SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND, CUSTOM, SVOIIK OUR SPEC- IALTY. -11 4 of bark taken off the other side al * PHONE on .the tip-. There are various methods Of inserting the scions, but the I+ method described below will give 'I, eeteteeeeeeeeel•ereieee-e-te+-eieeeeteeeei iefee4,44.e.ee+e-tet..444.4.4eveeeleeeeteeegel very good results. How the Grafting Is Performed. Make a vertical slit about one - and -one-quarter inches long in the 'bark above and below the girdle. The * scion is teen placed in position by raising. the bark slightly at the cor- ners al this slit and shoving' the -1! directly beneath the slit, taking care * 17Th.1 F lower end of the scion under the bark , 1:12 ZURICH $ to place the cut surface of the scion next to the wood. The upper end of 4. the scion is then inserted in the bark I li,BBERLIN above in precisely the came meaner, t and both ends fasteneu firmly in posi- HOFFMANI tion by driving a small finishing nail about three-quarters of an inch long + WITH OUR NEW LINE OP SPRING SUITINGS AND SA.MPLES through the wedge of the scion into t IN ALL the wood of the, tree. Scions may be + THE NEW SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSING . pieced about two inches apart around 1 THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES ' the circumference of the tree, and e-enele.jeqve been enserted the slits theehark, ateel--t:bre -margins' of the giedle should be covered With melted grafting wax, Apply the wax while • quite warm with a small paint brush. The .wax should be kept hot enough to flow easily, but not hot enough to injure the growing tissue. An oil heater or a' spirit lamp is satisfac- tory for this purpose if a regular ••grafting outfit is not available. --- Horticultural Dept., 0. A. Colleg..., Guelph. ',7Preservation of the Binder. . With score men the grain binder is ready for the scrap heap in five years. • with other farmers it will last thin., years, A 'canvas cover large enough to protect the machine from sun and rain should be part of the grain bind- er equipment. At the close of tile harvest season the harvester should be cleaned thoroughly and all uioviug Parts ailed. The nel.‘,.Li and Lite gdides through which tire twine tra- vels should be greased. The knife should be taken out, dried and wiper over with a cloth soaked in oil, and then put away. The calvas convey- ers should be thoroughly dried, rolled up and put away in dry stor- age. The bidder should be packed away in the barn or implement acid • out of the way. Do not 14.1 the chickens use it as a hen roost. A few poles would be cheaper and Would. serve the hens just as well.— L. Stevenson, 0. A. C., Guelph. Teeth Tell Age of Seep. A iamb has eight small first -teeth on the lower jaw. 'When the animal reaches the age of about one year, the middle pair are replaced by two permanent teeth; at tin ebout 'two, the teeth on either side or permanent teeth, are :also rt, cu by a permanent pair; a:, teal e three; the next, tooth • ,gives way to a permanun huL at. abl.rat tite-age of tour, the ui back teeth are replaced like manner. Sheep with one pair of permanent teeth is a yearling; a sheep whir two pairs is a two-year-old; with three pairs, a three-year-old, and with four airs, fouryear-old. After a sheep Is four years old, one cannot tell by the' teeth about the age. However, one who is purchasing a sheep should see to it that it has not lost any teeth, or that the teeth Imre-not become long and ,shoe,peggy in appearance; Collar Sores. The best way to relieve the pres- sure while working the horse Is to remove. the stuaing from the collar side of a pad, over the sore, leaving the shoulder side smooth, Paint the ilore With dilute iodine after remov- ing' the collar, first bathing off sweat and dirt. Dust sore with talcum powder before harnessing. When- ever possible, lay off the horse a few clays when trying to heal sore Shoulders as it will hasten matters. This part of Ontario will bottle SOAD .4it. 'PRODUCE blERC AW.r centre of a, total eclipse then dancing. elle r)r touple Sows that habitually starve their thane Offiee 10w, '13touse 103, mtn on January elith next, ,rnalto their future home Shatild be At .,.,1l., and none of • itiENSALL or4T..1 HAVING T.A.KEN OVER THE AGENCY OF THE BEST KNOWN + SEMI -READY CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (HAB13ERLIN &: *CO.) WE ARM TN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST+ 1 ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SIJITS i OVERCOATS Al PRICES SECEND TO NONE, f4. RE ME11113ER The Early turd catches the Worm F 4. ITA Lb D FUNERAL DiRECTORI DAY AND NIGH l' Pil0 NE No 86 , * Il1111111111111111115111111111111111:4111INIIIIIM11111111111111111i111111111111101111ThllilllIgliligIliRuai!.!m::i.4.1uriinin1745inippaigiggigag ZURICH HEHALIJS 19‘7 114341.4, Chi bin..., rist HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe ..... .$6.00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph $5.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail an,I E (•:1-1 HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail and Ealpire HERALD and Toronto Daily Star .• $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star . HERALD and Toronto Daily News .. .$6.00 HERALD and London Free Press, Morning ecllyton HERALD and London Free Press, evening edition $0.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertis-r, Eo-ullng _. HERALD and London Farmers' • Ativoel $2.25 HERALD and Farm andDairy $2.75 HERA.LD and Partners San HERALD and Family Herald atrl Weekly Stsr ......$2.75 HERALD and Canadian Conntrzna.n $2.25 IF(RALD and Weekly Wit na35 $3.15 PIER ALT) and Farmers "Maga %int, $2.50 and Yonth's Companion , and Senforth llurort Exo., 1:,:or . ,, $3,25 and Ontario ;Yournal 42.75 and Rod and Gun in Carta,la HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD ,';'''t ja, i ! ..' Save Money and Trouble by renvith?!.' )(cur Papers with us,, See us for papers not !="c,,.1A above HERLD OFFICE Zurich De e it. , il-etetee'ente kept in the bre€41 (04118,;(1121,1..' I 11, e" e 1.11,?,,. herd. , •