HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-08, Page 3resese
Provincial Board of Health, (enteric'.
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat-
, tors through this column, Address him at Spadina house, Spadina
Crescent, Toronto.
In the prevention and treatment of
diphtheria, we often hear the word
'Antitoxin" used, but how many of us
eou•ld give a satisfactory explanation
of what it means? Misinformed per-
sons, oftentimes noisy and trueculent
in attitude, announce that antitoxin
is a "filthy animal product." Were
this true, it would be the height of
foolishness for physicians to make use
of it in the prevention or cure of
disease. But it is not true. Antitoxi
cannot be rightly described as a
"filthy annimal product," but rather
as a serum made from the blood of
the horse under government regula-
tion which require every precaution
to ensure absolute cleanliness.
Many people will ask why horse's
blood is used forthe treatment of
• diphtheria. It is because the horse
is a very suitable animal for the pur-
pose, and it contains lots of blood,
from which the serum can be made at
email expense as compared with other
animals not so common. The horse,
too, is a strong animal and its blood
is even more suitable than the cow for
'the ppreparation of antitoxin.
What causes diphtheria? It is caus-
ed by minute plants only seen under
the microscope, getting into the nose
and throat and growing on the mucous
membrane, just as larger plants which
Fare visible to the naked eye, grow in
the garden. While the individual
diphtheria plants are too small to be
seen, the beds of diphtheria plants are
fainly visible in the patient's throat,
him seriously if not dangerously ill:
So, except in cases where the larynx
is closed up so as to prevent breath-,
ing, a person who dies from diph=
therm really dies from poison.
Someone will now perhaps ask why
does not every exposed person take
diphtheria and why does not every
person who takes it die? In fact why
hasn't the human race long since been
wiped out by contagious diseases? In
the case of diphtheria, it is because
healthy persons have in their blood a
natural resistance or antidote which
p1'0 lents the miseroscopic plants from
growing, and neutralizes the poison
produced, even if we do "take" the
disease. This is what is known as an
antidote, anti -poison or anti -toxin. It
is our natural protection against all
binds of invading germs, andwhen
we get into a condition which we often
describe as '"run-down", it simply
means that our supply of natural re-
sistance is exhausted, or at least lower
than it should be. That is when we
are most susceptible to disease, for the
invading germs have nothing to stop
their onward march, and so we become
sick and .feverish and show all the
symptoms of an attack of illness.
If a child takes diphtheria, it is be-
cause its natural immunity or power
of resistance is low and it hasn't
enough of its own antitoxin to resist
the illness. What do we do then? We
simply help the weakened child by
trying to remove part of the load he
pp is carrying and which is too heavy for
forming white spots or patches. Some- him. In other words we do what any
times these patches are confined to the sensible person would do, give him
tonsils and surrounding tissue, but enough antitoxin to fight off the dis-
once in a while they spread to the ease. We borrow the horse's strength
larynx or passage leading to the for the child who needs that steength.
lungs and interfere with breathing. We take from the horse's blood the
But whatever part of the throat is
`affected, the chief hares, apart from
interfering with breathing, is done by
the poisons or toxins which this
growth of diphtheria secretes. As the
membrane on the throat grows, so the
poisons are produced, and these are
absorbed by the patient, often making
antidote which it has in abundance to
help the child who has.not enough and
who is dying from lack of it. Common
sense, isn't it, when once the process
is explained. But that is in reality
what all scientific knowledge really
is—an application of common sense to
the facts of life. '
Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Tablets for her little ones she would
not be without them. They are the
ideal home remedy for the baby; be-
ing guaranteed to be absolutely free
from opiates or other ,harmful drugs.
They are a gentle but thorough leas
Use .and have been proved of the
,greatest aid in .cases of constipation,
indigestion, colic, colds and simple
fevers. Concerning theta.. Mrs Ernest
Gagne, Beausejour, queY; w riie X.
have used Baby's Own Tablets for
constipation and: colic and have found"
them so successful that I, wouldnot
be without them. I would strongly re-
commend every 'mother.to keep a box
in the house." . The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Arablo Life Saving.
An interesting point in Arab life
with regard to women is that a ratan
on his way to execution is safe from
punishment if he can lay hold on the
skirts of a woman, Frequently crim-
inals are blindfolded to prevent thein
from exercLsing this privilege,
Londoners are living, on an aver-
age, twenty years longer than their
grandfathers did eighty years ago.
`ideal Winter Playground
Only 2 Days from" Newyork
Frequent December Sailings
January Twice Weekly
vin Palatial, Twin Screw,
Oil -Burning Steamers
Landing Passengers at Hamilton Dock
For Illustrated Booklela Write
34 WhitehelStreet • New York City
or Any Local Tourist Agent
It is said that Anatasis Veregin,
niece of the late Peter Veregin, form-
er leader of the Doukhobore In Cana-
da, has ambitions to succeed to her
uncle's place. -
Preserve Shelves.
Preserve shelves might well be put
into shape this month. After a thor-
ough washing they should be sand-
papered or rubbed smooth with wire
wool. When all dust has been re-
moved paint, varnish or varnish stain
may be applied. If previously un-
painted knots should be shellacked,
and an under coater used.
Airplane Made of Paper.
Navy experts recently began a se-
ries of tests with a new kind of air-
plane, the fuselage of which is a paper
composition. If the tests prove suc-
cessful, other similar planes will be
ordered, says the Popular 'Science
Italians, Jews and Welshmen thrive
better under town conditions than do
their fair-haired brethren,
Mialmuht Fare $450.00 including shore excursions and Hotel at Egypt, Clean,
Contfottable and Comodions Vessels especially built for the Meditor eiiean Trade.
Shore Excursions at Ports -of -call. Stop -odors permitted. Concerts, lee ores, dances,
cod parties, aflame of all sorts in addition to the social pleasures of ocean travel. tin-
d9trpessed French cuisine Land first class service throughout. Orchestra Moving Pic -
WOO: Wireless News Daily. rot further information and descriptive literature appal' --
Any authorised Steamship Agent, or
JAMES W. ELWEL.L & CO., INC., Gen. Agents
17 Stat Street, New York City. ,
Just before the fire was built for the4,Tabbit stew, not a thousand miles
from Quebec. You go after these—the rabr its—on skis or snowshoes.
GIRL Canada's Little Known
Requires a Mother's Constant
Care and Watchfulness.
In their early teens It is quite com-
mon for girls • to outgrow their
trength, and mothers should careful-
ly watch the health of their daughters
at this time, for it is when strength le
sapped by too rapid growth that
anaemia develops. The first signs
may be noticed by peevishness, lan-
guor and headaches. The face grows
pale, breathlessness and palpitation
follow, with low spirits.
At the first symptom of anaemia
mothers should act at once. Neglect-
ed anaemia often leads to decline, but
if you see that your daughter's" blood
is enriched there need be no cause for
anxiety. The finest blood enricher
ever discovered is Dr. Williams' .Pink
Pills. The pure, red blood created by
these pills will quickly banish .all,
signs of anaemia. They will build up,
your girl's • health .and ensure her it.
a course • of I)r. Williams' Pink Pills
now.'; Make her strong like: thousands
of girls and women throughout Cana-
da who have been rescued from '.the.
clutches of anaemia by Dr;'' Williams'
Pink PilIs.
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine, or by
mail at 50c a box from the Dr. Wil
Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Every Man Has His Price.
Goldie Newdollar—"I don't see why•
youcomplain so much about my mar-
rying the count. I think he's price-
Her Father—"Priceless, nothin'! His
price is too steep. That's what I'm
kicking about.
Wizards on Horseback.
Riff horsemen, whose achievements
in the war with Spain are frequently
referred to in the news papers, arethe
most daring riders In the world.' When.
in full gallop they will throw their 1
swords and matchlocks in the air, and
cateh them by the hilts or stocks with-
out drawing rein;
Not long ago a war correspondent
declared that he had seen a Riff rider
thread a Needle held by another rider,
while racing full tilt across the sand•!
Cossacks. are fond of performing
similar speetacular feats. One of their;'
favorite tricks . atgymkhanas is to,.
snatch a child from its mother's arms,
throw it into the air, catch it, and re'
turn it unharmed to its parent.
Indian riders of the Great North—
West will dismount while their steeds
are galloping, pick up an object oh the
ground, and remount almost in the
same instant.
When we talk of railways in Can-
ada we naturally think: only of the
Canadian National and the Canadian
Pacific systems. These two organiza-
tions, for one reason or another, are
constantly getting into print.
Canada; however, has other rail-
waeK, quite as important for the pur
poseefor which they are being used as
the two larger systems. In the coal
mines of Nova Scotia there is over
6,009 miles of underground passage-
w ays, which have been excavated to
prodace the .coal'for which that pro-
vince is noted. In these passageways
tliMre is laid over 300 miles of rail-
ways, on -much of which electric loco -
When ordering goods by snail send
a Dominion Express Money Order,
The: excess of women over men in
the population of London reached its
highest point about Siicty years ago,•
The opium poppy was first known
among the Greeks and Romano, ' It
spread eastward, carried probably by
Arab traders.
For -First Ald- Minard's Liniment,
A Card Triangle .
This is an interesting stunt irs
which nine playing Bards—all or
the cards of a suit except the ten
a'lid picture cards—are used. The
stunt is to arrange the playing
cards' in the form of a triangle so
that the spots on each side of the
triangle will total 20. The illustra-
tion shows how it is done. To
make the arrangement more easily
understood numbers instead of
spots have been drawn on the
(Clip this out and paste it, with
a other of the series, in a sorapbook.)
His Hearing Restored.
The invisible ear drum invented by
A. O. Leonard, which Is a miniature
megaphone, fitting inside the ear en-
tirely out of sight, is restoring the
hearing of hundreds of people in New
York city. Mr. Leonard invented this
drum to relieve himself of deafness
and head noises, and it does this so
successfully that no one could tell he
is a deaf man. It is effective when
deafness is caused by catarrh or by
perforated or wholly destroyed natural
drums. A request for information
to A. O. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth
avenue, New York city, will be given
a prompt reply. advt
Musicians Are Popular.
You've all been to parties where, after
a few games and some refreshments
a lull takes place and someone shouts
out, "Let's have a singsong."
Immediately all eyes centre on Bill
or Mary or Jim, as the case may be,
and immediately Bill or Mary or Jim
becomes the most popular figure in
the room. Why? Because of their
ability to play the piano.
There are others in the room who
straightway "wish they could play like
that." Little wonder is it, therefore,
m ,.} s and trains of cars bring the i that more boys and girls are taking
4114 to the bottom of the shaft. This
up the study of the piano as time goes
la4lway line is rarely heard of for on. They have come to realize that
the reason that we are more interested while there is no royal road to learn -
in` the coal than in themeans of se- ing to play, and considerable hard
curing it. practicing has to be indulged in be-
In British. Columbia's forests there fore one masters the instrument, it is
are 1 railways, with '615 miles of well worth the sacrifice,
• a particularly
1 1n .equipped with 11.11— loco- in view of the Leasure and popularity
in an sense toy rai• lways. They .:are well is always in demand. `�at. i9 One
standard: in.every _respect, .and have reason why thousands of fathers• and
to pass inspection. We hear much of mothers are starting their children at
1 µ the Y iereesary ° or _ ;.. ;, , -�� —•� - 1w—
. ii1DCl 44474 `"'O _ {fry��rt) l.asaa:.
t ero �'fio r 87a'
brio out `ki" g Y
the size .of some of the logs taken out the piano at an early age.
of the forests of British Columbia,
but give .little' thought to the means For Every III—Mlnard'e Liniment.
Ino Northern Ontario many miles of I
of getting them out.
The spreading of oil is so great that
railways are laid underground to a single drop will form a film so infin-
bring. out the gold, silver and nickel itesimaily thin and attenuated that it
ore :.of that wonderful mining area. will cover no less than forty square
These are not heard of, as only the • feet or space.
metal production is considered. i
The part these railways play in the
development of Canada's natural re-
source is 'of the greatest importance,:
and=w311increase as the exploitation
of our mines and forests proceeds.
When :preserving the birds we are
preserving ourselves. Without them
we should starve, for the insects would
devour our living, Feed the birds.I
They •help feed yeti.
` • =80685 established OO ream
Please write for our price iist on
Poultry. Butter, and Eggs
WAi GUARANTEE them for a week ahead.
06.5* esneeoours Market.
Tdspbsns 11.1. 7407
have bought their larxs in Wastarn
Canada from the Canadian Pacific. A
remarkable Fact. Think! There is a
reason. The large area of our hold.
Hags affording choice of location and of
land to suit every farming need. Fair
price, fair contract. and fair dealing
combined with abundant fertility of
soil, good climate and social condi-
tions make farm life there desirable
and attractive. Thousands more will
select their farm from our virgin lands,
from our improved farms, and with
some capital and determination to
work, can make a home and pay for
it. Write for our booklet, "The Prairie
Provinces of Canada," and leaflet,
"Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L.
Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific
Railway, Desk W., Windsor Station,
Montreal, Que.
Classified Advertiselmessio
eeoN1! Y To LOAN.
'Wanted. •k eynplds, .77
Street, Toronto.
We are interested in :abtaining
particulars to the Wilson Publishin
Company, 78 West Adelaide Street,
Toronto, Ontario,
The Solstice.
At length, et length he runs hie
lowest arc,
The laggard sun, through sombre
winter skies;
Now the long triumph of the reign of
Is backward turned, and splendour
shall arise.
Swift came the earlier dawns o'er land
and seas,
Swiftly enlarging, from the con-
quest won,
Light, blessed light, to give the earth
And fill our veins with gladness of
- .the sun.
—Gerald Bull.
Affects Some That Way.
"Thatfellow must think himself an
expert chemist from the way he
"Weil, he's a successful home brew-
er, you see."
Take a bottle of Minard's with you
to the woods. A splendid remedy
for bruises, sprains, frost bites,
colds, etc
ealed 'Eruptions
was troubled many months
an itching, burning, painful
feeling practically all
over my face. A num-
ber of pimples broke
out on my forehead
which caused me td
ecratchand also caused
eruptions. The pint -
pies spread down the
sides of my face and caused disfig-
" I tried several remedies without
any benefit. I began using Cuti-
cura Soap and Ointment and in
about two months I was completely
healed." (Signed) Mrs. L. MacMil-
lan, Box 521, Kenora, Ontario.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum promote and maintain skin
purity, skin comfort and skin
health. The Soap to cleanse and
purify, the Ointment to soothe and
heal, the Talcum to powder.
[Sample Bash rtes by Mall. Address Canadian
Depot; • Outtaors, B. 0. Box 2613, Montreal:,
Pries go�op26a, Ointment 2SandiOo. Talcum Sic
- Try erne stow Shaving Stick.
Wants Women to Know How
She Was Made Well by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Cornwall, Ontario. ---"1 ant now giving
your medicine a fair trial and it surely'
is doing me good and
I am going to keep
on taking it. I used
to feel so tired in the
morning that I didn't
want to get up but
that feeling is leav-
ing me how. I also
9 sleep better and feel
more like working
For seven or eight
years I have had
headaches ltiredfeel-
ings painsmmyback
and across my body. I read letters in
the newspapers saying what good Lydia
Pinkham s Vegetable Compound had
• done others. My husband says I quit
too soon, but I am not going to stop
taking the Vegetable Compound and
Lydia E. Pinkham s Blood Medicine un-
til I am better end haven't an ache or a
pain. Isn't that the right way? I have'
great faith in your medicines, The
must be good when those who take thole
speak so highly of them. I am recd +
mending them to my friends and 1 i
ladle answer letters from women ltd
in g about them." ---i .rs. Btmr H. HAD
liox 1081, Cornwrii, Ontario.,
Mrs. Hart watts to help other vvoitete
and is willing to answer letters frO+
sick women asking about the Veetabl e
iSSIlE l�lo. 1--�26
Unless. you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are
not, getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe
.millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
A.CCe t Old " :er" na51.ate.
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggists.
Aspirin is the trails Marin (registered. in Canada) of Bayer lttta,utacture eY llonoeettic-
11cIObster of lalle:mouse (Acetol :Salicylic Acki, "A. 5. A."), ',Suite it l: well known
that AsplrIn means Beyer manufacture, to assist the public against salt zt'.ons, the. Tablets
04 .Sayer O6titgaay will be stamped With their general trade rr r.,, t; a "Bay".r, Gress»
'Bain Toothache
. SS. Pattie
6S. Pattie
*roans New York..
T.i Ponta Delves 12 hrn.
Madeira' 10 bre.
Algiers.. 24 hrs.
Palermo 12 hrs.
- Naples. 12Ins.
Piraeus -eases 24 hrs.
Constantinople .24 hrs.
eyrouth.. , 14 hrs.
' ifselad, . ; 8 hra.
Monaco 16 bra.
L.r,g¢h of the Cruise
an. 10
dn. 1'7
. en. 19
an. 23
an. 25
an. 26
an. 29
an. 31
eb. 3
Fob. 4/5
Feb. 618
Feb. I1
Feb, 13
Feb. 14
35 days
* -Feb. 17
Feb. 24
Feb. 26
Mar. 2
Mar. 4
Mar. $
Mar. 10
Mar. 1,3
Mar. 14/15
Mar. 16/18
Mar. 21
Mar. 23
Mar. 24
25 days
Mar. 21
Mar. 28
Mar. 30
Aix. a
Apr. 5
Apr. 6
A1rk. 9
Apr. 11
Apr. 14
Apr. 15/1,
Apr. 17/19
Apr. 22
Apr. 24
Apr. 25
35 days
Apr. 28
May 6
May 7
May 11
May 13
May 14
MO 17
May 19
May 22
May 23/24
May 25/27
May 31
33 days
Mialmuht Fare $450.00 including shore excursions and Hotel at Egypt, Clean,
Contfottable and Comodions Vessels especially built for the Meditor eiiean Trade.
Shore Excursions at Ports -of -call. Stop -odors permitted. Concerts, lee ores, dances,
cod parties, aflame of all sorts in addition to the social pleasures of ocean travel. tin-
d9trpessed French cuisine Land first class service throughout. Orchestra Moving Pic -
WOO: Wireless News Daily. rot further information and descriptive literature appal' --
Any authorised Steamship Agent, or
JAMES W. ELWEL.L & CO., INC., Gen. Agents
17 Stat Street, New York City. ,
Just before the fire was built for the4,Tabbit stew, not a thousand miles
from Quebec. You go after these—the rabr its—on skis or snowshoes.
GIRL Canada's Little Known
Requires a Mother's Constant
Care and Watchfulness.
In their early teens It is quite com-
mon for girls • to outgrow their
trength, and mothers should careful-
ly watch the health of their daughters
at this time, for it is when strength le
sapped by too rapid growth that
anaemia develops. The first signs
may be noticed by peevishness, lan-
guor and headaches. The face grows
pale, breathlessness and palpitation
follow, with low spirits.
At the first symptom of anaemia
mothers should act at once. Neglect-
ed anaemia often leads to decline, but
if you see that your daughter's" blood
is enriched there need be no cause for
anxiety. The finest blood enricher
ever discovered is Dr. Williams' .Pink
Pills. The pure, red blood created by
these pills will quickly banish .all,
signs of anaemia. They will build up,
your girl's • health .and ensure her it.
a course • of I)r. Williams' Pink Pills
now.'; Make her strong like: thousands
of girls and women throughout Cana-
da who have been rescued from '.the.
clutches of anaemia by Dr;'' Williams'
Pink PilIs.
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine, or by
mail at 50c a box from the Dr. Wil
Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Every Man Has His Price.
Goldie Newdollar—"I don't see why•
youcomplain so much about my mar-
rying the count. I think he's price-
Her Father—"Priceless, nothin'! His
price is too steep. That's what I'm
kicking about.
Wizards on Horseback.
Riff horsemen, whose achievements
in the war with Spain are frequently
referred to in the news papers, arethe
most daring riders In the world.' When.
in full gallop they will throw their 1
swords and matchlocks in the air, and
cateh them by the hilts or stocks with-
out drawing rein;
Not long ago a war correspondent
declared that he had seen a Riff rider
thread a Needle held by another rider,
while racing full tilt across the sand•!
Cossacks. are fond of performing
similar speetacular feats. One of their;'
favorite tricks . atgymkhanas is to,.
snatch a child from its mother's arms,
throw it into the air, catch it, and re'
turn it unharmed to its parent.
Indian riders of the Great North—
West will dismount while their steeds
are galloping, pick up an object oh the
ground, and remount almost in the
same instant.
When we talk of railways in Can-
ada we naturally think: only of the
Canadian National and the Canadian
Pacific systems. These two organiza-
tions, for one reason or another, are
constantly getting into print.
Canada; however, has other rail-
waeK, quite as important for the pur
poseefor which they are being used as
the two larger systems. In the coal
mines of Nova Scotia there is over
6,009 miles of underground passage-
w ays, which have been excavated to
prodace the .coal'for which that pro-
vince is noted. In these passageways
tliMre is laid over 300 miles of rail-
ways, on -much of which electric loco -
When ordering goods by snail send
a Dominion Express Money Order,
The: excess of women over men in
the population of London reached its
highest point about Siicty years ago,•
The opium poppy was first known
among the Greeks and Romano, ' It
spread eastward, carried probably by
Arab traders.
For -First Ald- Minard's Liniment,
A Card Triangle .
This is an interesting stunt irs
which nine playing Bards—all or
the cards of a suit except the ten
a'lid picture cards—are used. The
stunt is to arrange the playing
cards' in the form of a triangle so
that the spots on each side of the
triangle will total 20. The illustra-
tion shows how it is done. To
make the arrangement more easily
understood numbers instead of
spots have been drawn on the
(Clip this out and paste it, with
a other of the series, in a sorapbook.)
His Hearing Restored.
The invisible ear drum invented by
A. O. Leonard, which Is a miniature
megaphone, fitting inside the ear en-
tirely out of sight, is restoring the
hearing of hundreds of people in New
York city. Mr. Leonard invented this
drum to relieve himself of deafness
and head noises, and it does this so
successfully that no one could tell he
is a deaf man. It is effective when
deafness is caused by catarrh or by
perforated or wholly destroyed natural
drums. A request for information
to A. O. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth
avenue, New York city, will be given
a prompt reply. advt
Musicians Are Popular.
You've all been to parties where, after
a few games and some refreshments
a lull takes place and someone shouts
out, "Let's have a singsong."
Immediately all eyes centre on Bill
or Mary or Jim, as the case may be,
and immediately Bill or Mary or Jim
becomes the most popular figure in
the room. Why? Because of their
ability to play the piano.
There are others in the room who
straightway "wish they could play like
that." Little wonder is it, therefore,
m ,.} s and trains of cars bring the i that more boys and girls are taking
4114 to the bottom of the shaft. This
up the study of the piano as time goes
la4lway line is rarely heard of for on. They have come to realize that
the reason that we are more interested while there is no royal road to learn -
in` the coal than in themeans of se- ing to play, and considerable hard
curing it. practicing has to be indulged in be-
In British. Columbia's forests there fore one masters the instrument, it is
are 1 railways, with '615 miles of well worth the sacrifice,
• a particularly
1 1n .equipped with 11.11— loco- in view of the Leasure and popularity
in an sense toy rai• lways. They .:are well is always in demand. `�at. i9 One
standard: in.every _respect, .and have reason why thousands of fathers• and
to pass inspection. We hear much of mothers are starting their children at
1 µ the Y iereesary ° or _ ;.. ;, , -�� —•� - 1w—
. ii1DCl 44474 `"'O _ {fry��rt) l.asaa:.
t ero �'fio r 87a'
brio out `ki" g Y
the size .of some of the logs taken out the piano at an early age.
of the forests of British Columbia,
but give .little' thought to the means For Every III—Mlnard'e Liniment.
Ino Northern Ontario many miles of I
of getting them out.
The spreading of oil is so great that
railways are laid underground to a single drop will form a film so infin-
bring. out the gold, silver and nickel itesimaily thin and attenuated that it
ore :.of that wonderful mining area. will cover no less than forty square
These are not heard of, as only the • feet or space.
metal production is considered. i
The part these railways play in the
development of Canada's natural re-
source is 'of the greatest importance,:
and=w311increase as the exploitation
of our mines and forests proceeds.
When :preserving the birds we are
preserving ourselves. Without them
we should starve, for the insects would
devour our living, Feed the birds.I
They •help feed yeti.
` • =80685 established OO ream
Please write for our price iist on
Poultry. Butter, and Eggs
WAi GUARANTEE them for a week ahead.
06.5* esneeoours Market.
Tdspbsns 11.1. 7407
have bought their larxs in Wastarn
Canada from the Canadian Pacific. A
remarkable Fact. Think! There is a
reason. The large area of our hold.
Hags affording choice of location and of
land to suit every farming need. Fair
price, fair contract. and fair dealing
combined with abundant fertility of
soil, good climate and social condi-
tions make farm life there desirable
and attractive. Thousands more will
select their farm from our virgin lands,
from our improved farms, and with
some capital and determination to
work, can make a home and pay for
it. Write for our booklet, "The Prairie
Provinces of Canada," and leaflet,
"Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L.
Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific
Railway, Desk W., Windsor Station,
Montreal, Que.
Classified Advertiselmessio
eeoN1! Y To LOAN.
'Wanted. •k eynplds, .77
Street, Toronto.
We are interested in :abtaining
particulars to the Wilson Publishin
Company, 78 West Adelaide Street,
Toronto, Ontario,
The Solstice.
At length, et length he runs hie
lowest arc,
The laggard sun, through sombre
winter skies;
Now the long triumph of the reign of
Is backward turned, and splendour
shall arise.
Swift came the earlier dawns o'er land
and seas,
Swiftly enlarging, from the con-
quest won,
Light, blessed light, to give the earth
And fill our veins with gladness of
- .the sun.
—Gerald Bull.
Affects Some That Way.
"Thatfellow must think himself an
expert chemist from the way he
"Weil, he's a successful home brew-
er, you see."
Take a bottle of Minard's with you
to the woods. A splendid remedy
for bruises, sprains, frost bites,
colds, etc
ealed 'Eruptions
was troubled many months
an itching, burning, painful
feeling practically all
over my face. A num-
ber of pimples broke
out on my forehead
which caused me td
ecratchand also caused
eruptions. The pint -
pies spread down the
sides of my face and caused disfig-
" I tried several remedies without
any benefit. I began using Cuti-
cura Soap and Ointment and in
about two months I was completely
healed." (Signed) Mrs. L. MacMil-
lan, Box 521, Kenora, Ontario.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum promote and maintain skin
purity, skin comfort and skin
health. The Soap to cleanse and
purify, the Ointment to soothe and
heal, the Talcum to powder.
[Sample Bash rtes by Mall. Address Canadian
Depot; • Outtaors, B. 0. Box 2613, Montreal:,
Pries go�op26a, Ointment 2SandiOo. Talcum Sic
- Try erne stow Shaving Stick.
Wants Women to Know How
She Was Made Well by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Cornwall, Ontario. ---"1 ant now giving
your medicine a fair trial and it surely'
is doing me good and
I am going to keep
on taking it. I used
to feel so tired in the
morning that I didn't
want to get up but
that feeling is leav-
ing me how. I also
9 sleep better and feel
more like working
For seven or eight
years I have had
headaches ltiredfeel-
ings painsmmyback
and across my body. I read letters in
the newspapers saying what good Lydia
Pinkham s Vegetable Compound had
• done others. My husband says I quit
too soon, but I am not going to stop
taking the Vegetable Compound and
Lydia E. Pinkham s Blood Medicine un-
til I am better end haven't an ache or a
pain. Isn't that the right way? I have'
great faith in your medicines, The
must be good when those who take thole
speak so highly of them. I am recd +
mending them to my friends and 1 i
ladle answer letters from women ltd
in g about them." ---i .rs. Btmr H. HAD
liox 1081, Cornwrii, Ontario.,
Mrs. Hart watts to help other vvoitete
and is willing to answer letters frO+
sick women asking about the Veetabl e
iSSIlE l�lo. 1--�26
Unless. you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are
not, getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe
.millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
A.CCe t Old " :er" na51.ate.
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggists.
Aspirin is the trails Marin (registered. in Canada) of Bayer lttta,utacture eY llonoeettic-
11cIObster of lalle:mouse (Acetol :Salicylic Acki, "A. 5. A."), ',Suite it l: well known
that AsplrIn means Beyer manufacture, to assist the public against salt zt'.ons, the. Tablets
04 .Sayer O6titgaay will be stamped With their general trade rr r.,, t; a "Bay".r, Gress»
'Bain Toothache