HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-01, Page 5'Murata ta; ,antiarr 1st, 1925 BUSINESS CARDS ZURICH HERALD ►uDLEY E. TIOLNIEs. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public dlbee, Office on Ilemi1ton Street tilt off the square, Goderich. Priv- funds, to loam, at lowest rates e . Holmes Will be in H nsalt on Friday of each week, 'Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk UMW of marriage licenses, Notary italdle. Commissioner, Fire and Aut- mobile Insurance, Representing i*area and Erie Mortgage Corpora- JIM. orpora-JIl * The Canada Tried Co. Zurich, •St$i'le. I. Knapp, D. D. S., L D. S. esIft DENTAL SURGEON ;ORIN OFFICE — HENSALL A�U-C-T=I-O-N-E-E-R fp OSCAR *Lore. Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- iogal School of Auetioneeringg. ek ti Ian for Registered Live asUl Breeds). Terms in. keepine g 111.4, prevailing prices. Cho tannin for sale. 'Will sell anything}4Fwhere. Zurich. ?home 18-93 or write, licensed Auctioneer i luron, Auctioneer osition too con SA t any re artilese :duct any auction sale, . g I 'solicit•1 to sizeorarticles ane elf. not 'solicit your business; for elatisfied will make no charges prices. !Arthur Weber, - Dashwood.. "Bone 13-57 Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for 'Wool OASJ3 FOR SKINS S HIDES ' 'unbllut &e: DaischeTt -:.RICH LIVERY 04i 4i }7.1� 3 am in a position to accomo Sate all requirements in the Livery Sine, have Auto for hire. Any dein$ done in the teaming line. GEORGE J; THIEL *liana M Zurich ..r:a ill, B. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST leraduate of the Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario and 1l1f the University of Toronto, Nate Diatrict Dental Officer, Mil- 1tarrViatrict No. One. London,Ont ,Office hours at Zurich �every Ulu Office, Exeter, Phone z . At Zurich every TUESDAY _i9 Phone 79. L, I .VE, --w - I p Q U LT RY WA.N'T Mak' !> est•yAe]ay till•3 ' Oeiock p.m. Do not ;ted fowl same morning) *hei brought in. 'Highest ch s Cask Prices s a I —CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs Mf'. O'Brien 'hoe X14. Zurich sio Kai SEASON 1924 ?RING AN:e SLJMMER'DEaIVER- IES ai .NTERACITEaWe are now . re- eedving our. genuine • Delaware . Si 1$rlidiron direct from the mines, Nut *Cove and Egg sizes. SOFT COAL -Just arrived, an- .1Dthei ear of oar high grade. soft, Van coal has made a great hit for ice hold use and our stiles oe. this >ae over d +ubied in. the last 'taea- BOULETS-•-•Our Boulet Coal le Vilain s chines by itself and is gr- wing ire favor rapidly, OUR t'elephonee are at your yleireice, nee them freely for in- leo iepiatlon. swot 1?1lOJ7VVC'r, MElc IRANT thane • Ofi:cc Ives, 'famine 101, diNSALL ON i& PUT 'YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found,Notice, Etc. Ads IN THS COLUMN. FOR SALE quitter, t�r, au a. corn iia i ble , both hand and power driven. ply to J. Hey, Jr., for Ape CARD OF THANKS 'I/Ir. Jacob Blown and family hereby greatly wish, to grealy thank edits meighbors and friends• for the !sympathy ,and assi'san(e e rendered during their recent ber- eavotnett't. FOR SALE For Sale—A fine wardrobe, ap- ply at Herald Office, NOTICE STRAYED—Yearling steer, roan with red spots and hind legs white Short horns. Animal distrained Garnet Jacobe, Lot 22, con. 6, Hay on or about Nov. 28th, .1924 STRAYED. Unto my premises; Parr Line, Hay, a yearling calf. Owner can have) same by proving cproperty and paying expenses Sol Sch- rader, R, R. 1, Zurich, A high grade Pinna, Mohagaany casetroit, Miss Ada Winner of Windsor full size, sold by Heintrman as Co, Mr. Lalonde, of Sarnia, Miss Gladys complete with bench at $245 00. Guenther of Dashwood were Suns John Hey, Jx,., Zurich, clay visitors at the home of ,Mr. FOR -SALE WEEK -END SF'ECIAJ 1 — BapPy New Year, Mr, Peter PapineRau, of Detroit spent the holiday at his home here Misses Merle and Mabel Preeter ofNewHamburg, spent the hast a, week "with erieudis here, Mr. and Mee. W. F. Braun and little Billie of . Forrie':et, were via-, ited relatives here tit' 'peast weep Mr. -K. A. Routledge, who hae spexit the past two Weeks at his hone here, left for •Detroit on Wedne!sday. • Miss Madeline 1V)!eidinger, " 'who is attending St. Ann's Academy at Kitchener, is Vending her holie days at her home here. The large and well-known flour mills of Ilona Bros. at London,was totally destroyed by fire on Mon- day night with a loses of $750,000 The cause of the fire is unknown, Huron; & Erie .Delventuree:' A safe investmlent -for $100 or `more. Applications for Huron & Erie De- bentures are accepted at any time by Andrew F. Hessr, Zuricle Mr. and,.Mrs. Henry'Schlade and two daughter,e Pearl and Mabel of Dashwood, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mil, L! smith. - ,a A number' of young people who are attending Exeter High 'School are taking in the New Year's dance given. by Kenneth - Sta./Eatery. at, Exeter. I '` Mi•s. J . 0. Kalbfleisich,.. who (was visiting in Holly and Detroit, Mich., for the last four weeks, has returned to the home o! her d, u- ghter, Mrs,, R. F. Stade,. - Mr, and Mrs Isiah Witmer and family, Mr. Godon Witmer of De - FOR SALE 3 small outhouses for sale, on Zurich public school grounds. Ap- ply to Dr. A. :J MacKinnon, -24 NOTICE. The '..Excelsior Bacon Hog Cl.0 have placed , a pure brec'i York- shire Hog for service at the far of Henry Krueger, 14th Con., Hit Tp., '(who is caretaker.. ,Terms, $1.5O :cash. 22- .Alb. Hendricks Pres. b m 'r 4 NOTICE. We are in sa position to store and keep• -your auto (battery char- ged for the winter. • Also •charg- ing One at any time.—L. Prang, Zurich:. —..,•••,....-.wm.- r,,— P. J. O'Dwyer, M. D. ZURICH - ONT. OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE' FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY -15 Jno. Preeter--Main !Street Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. (U ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OP BANDS.' Sold Be L. A. PRANG, Zurich'. tfl8 foams... ..sommamamoy OOAL Scranton 'Coal q. Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD ,SUPPLY ON BAND Case & Soni' Pl ONE 35 BENSALL -17 41 Dr. 11. II. COWENz L. D. Sys, D. D. S. ,DENTAL SURGEON At M oCormiek Block, Zurich, eV- pry Thursday and .Saturday. Main Office i3A.RTL..EEB'S 131 OCK, DASI'IWOOt This part of Ontario will ""rethe Keep ,;the 'Coinny : House and Swine Vermin Free. Crude 011 Will Bring Certain Relief e—Protecting the Farm Weil and Its. Water From 4utrtartrltxation --Shade and Fr"esh Water 41,1d Pone Production, (Contributed by Ontario Uepartn eat et. Agriculture, 'CUrunto,i vermin cause considerable annoy- ance to swine, and their presence in large numbers is destructive to pro. ats. If the swine have a good wal- low hole they can free themselves of the pest during the summer, but without the assistance' of a wallow, some other aid • must be given or the lice will Sourish. The pigs will ,he annoyed and the fences and pens racked through the rubbing of the swine 'in their atteneet to free them- selves from their tormentors. Crude Oil Will Bring Ilona. The application of crude- oil to -the pig's skin will make the lice let eo. The crude oil may be applied through the use of a rubbing post equipped toed li ver oil when the pig rube against it, or it may be applied with an oil can in the hands or a handy .man. If an oil can is used, the spout is drawn along the plg's back from the ears to the tail and sufficient oil released to moisten the pig's skin all over. A good time to apply oil is when the pigs are standing at the feed trough. Colony houses should be well sprayed with a two per cent. solution •o.f ereolin in the autumn and again in the spring.—L. Stevonson, Direo- tor of Extension, O.A.C., Guelph. KEEP WELL WATER PURE. .flow the Contamination of Farm Wells Can be Removed. There are thousands of shallow wells and cisterns on farms that are poorly protected against contamina- ti.on. Most of them are poorly pro- tectedby boards with crates between them that allow the surface drainage and filth to get in. A good concrete and Mrs. .J Gellman. top that will protect the water supply Mr. Fred Thiel moved the 'past can be made by anyone with only a week into his new shore opposite the 'Wolper House, with his hee- lless stock. He is' also moving his household effects to the apart- ment above the new block. Mr. Thiel has, fine business block and a good location':, and the addition has im.provedt he :appearance of. that part of the village. - A very suitable programme was given in the Evangelical church on Thursday evening last, by the .s:abbath 'school scholaiis; when af- ter the short program Jsy thelit- tle effort and at a small expense. It only takes one sack of cement, two cubic feet of sand, and three and a half cubic feet of screened gravel to wake a circular top four feet in di- ameter and four inches thick. The shape of the top would depend on the wen, its location and the taste of the owner. If it is to be circular, lay out ,a circle on - a smooth, level piece of the ground, the exact size of tee top desired. Carefully excavate inside tile circle to a depth of four .urclies, this to be the form and is much more easily constructed than one of wood. • Cut out a cylindrical tile folks, the pagent was played block of • wood and place 'where the \N. -high \vast aonething new and ex -I ike snip pipe will pas through. e I c�`r lie Your bolts to fasten the base traiordinary, - and mast certainly 'of. •the pump to concrete, top, and met the approval of the large pieces of woven wire for reinforcing attendance tpresent, and as n. con- across seed two pieces of smooth wire sequence the play was! -re uested for the edge of the top. to be repeated on Sunday evening dow'to Handle the Concrete. which wee done and again a large Provide a platform ,and 'mix the audience was 'present. ' " concrete to a quaky consistency, not. too wet. Use a proportion of one. The nomination for Reeve and sack ui cement to two cable feat o1 )Councillors- for the Township of sand and three and a half cubic feet Hay was held eon Mondry after- of screened gravel or crushed .roc:, noon in the Town Hall. Zurichwith Sprinkle tl;e form so it will not au - a largai number of rate payers pr- sorb xnuuh moisture from the con- �eisent, and manifested a keen. in erote, Ql1 the dorm about h+tlf fns . terest. The work during the of couoxele, place the seinforoing and !past year was' gone over well by set the bolts, anti -:then fill tht torn the Councillors and Reeve, the with concrete. Finish the st: