HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-01, Page 4t'r Ito The ccc•'al,t,i:i of the Tosviri hip cal; '$telaleen. net in the Town Hall, r, ,eeiitelA on •.Monday). the 15th of ICsocensbor 1,924 at 1 pan, All members, were present, Minutes oaf previous meeting 1M?5d and ad- 'Opted. By-.la,W No. 324 to ,aueud , a 'aprevioua byelaw re,; Shiplcal Drain: Slaving been rend three times be 'passed and signed by the TWAT led Clerk' and the seal o .ft.ht' •for- oration attached 't'hereto. Byelaw No. 325 to appoint De duty« -returning officers, ;poll el-, greys and select polling booths, ha Vin.g been read three titres be pas - 'Med and signed by. the •Reeve,and Cleric trn;d tl seat of the eorp- oratzann iii ttitiaed tl + a'iii leTatt .Lit •yd England', of taxes £ol' fillet Freie 1924 having returned the tellectoi'''s roll .ptusuant to •sa„etlo, x 11.5 of the ar4'sessuent Oct and having failed to collect all the 'lies, far;; thi''TOP 19241, it is tin re- fora resolvedthat the said Lloyd England is hereby appointed and authorized to continue the levy and collection of the unpaid tae te,s, in the manner end with the power provided by. law .for the general levy and collection of taxes and the sold Lloyd Eng landshall filially return the roll to the Treasurer of the 1Towrihisp of Stephen not later 'than the let Of Pebraary 1925 as provided by section 115 of the` said ac. t Henry Either, Clerk] WE SELL lJfe-Buoy Rubber Footwear BECAUSE We believe it is Better Footwear - TO EE SUCCESSFUL A MERCHANT MUST DO THREE THINGS FOR HIS CUSTOMER - SELL THEM STYLE SELL THEM WEAR SELL THEM ECONOMY He mush be in a position to give them goods that are reliable, and juslt a little better at a price no higher than his competitors'. We realized these facts when we decided upon LIFE -BUOY RU13- BES. FOOTWEAR for ZURICH and DISTRICT - and we have not been disappointed. Neither have our customers, Life -Buoy Rubber Footwear - made of finest of pure gum rubber by the up-to-date Life -Buoy pro cesses, always has fine appearance and wonderful wearing qualities an wonderful wearing qualities and is ear cheaper because it lasts lon-ger, THAT IS WHY WE SELL AND RECOMMEND IT TO YOU. We have a complete stock of this desirable Rubber line in stock new.. Let Us Meet Your Requirements. Thank You. Bromm Brothers . - Zurich, Ont. THE RELIABLE. SHOE STORE. YOULL FIND IT'S ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE esso lists egOisagge1 ir0010•til•0.0V0011i•00446011rdrr•4r0•i• • • '• • •• • •• * * of • is a Iape have opened a Variety Store in !connection with our Flour and.Feed: • !Business, and carry a fine line ofl : -lasso ar-e; .. + u aY,w- r Et'c., Etc. GME- IN AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE. TO SELL. A FINE• • is • FULL LINE OF 1,LOUB, VEED AND STOCK FOODS ALWAYS: • ON HAND. • 0 I LOUIS SCH1LBE • is FORMERLY APPLE'S .BLOCK, ZURICH, • • t•i•or••O••••••s••i01•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••A OPENED! PLACE TO SELF `l: '.SMAS. GIFTS. EETINI l ' AN OLD FRIEND IS LIKE COMING TO ITHIS Tailor Shop to have us tailor your suit. Toa, Awn, have that happy feeling after. .1,..� ,r) n ,�. � us and can. depend on fh to make your .. arments .So that you ' l onjoy , earing them. s� �aulWuerthTFr Z .Ll'.N. en' S J n rn fiel WHERE THE GOOT) CLO !JIM 09 V11 ,FROM. IENSA Will. Buchanan of Dntlph•iaa,Mai is in town visiting over the ho1i • day 'season with. his mother, A Xmas, entertttiement was ,fir'. en by the young people of Oar-. mel church in the town hall on To- esdayr eve, Dee. 29th, Dr. G. Knapp, dentist, has mo- red his frone Dav's' east ete oro, to, the rooms directly above the store wheat he is now ready to ,continue b.is practise; Mr, and, Mrs, ,3, Eisenhoffer' and Jakie •of Li!storvell are visiting. Mr. and Mrs. H. Price. Mrs, T. 3. Berry is in Windsor, visiting her sons, and will upend a few weeks there.' Miss Edith McEwan.of Kitchen- er, a teacher there is home for the holidays. Mrs. A. C. Hoggarth acid osns-`, are in Norwich for ffehe ho1ideys,. On Tuesday afternoon last the, office of R. D. Cook, baker, was the 'scene of a presentation, of::a beautiful floor lampby themem- bers of the staff, together with :a fine addrese ,expres'sive of then re gret at severing business relations with so genial and considerate ern inlayer. On Friday afternoon, Dec, 19111, a veryinteresting event took place in our new and splendid. ,addition to our public school for continue ation work, the new addition is of twoestorey brick, with '.fire proof roof and windows and is fitted up throughout withall the modern and up -to -data conveniences. • CREDITON • Mrs. Ed. Morlock is spending the holidays with her parents and relatives in Pandora Ohio. Miss Trellis Hodgins is ;spend- ing the holidays with her parents here. Mrs, H. Kuhn and G. Keinzle are speudingt the holidays with fr'iend's in Detroit. Mrs. A. Ewald is improving slo rely. W. H. Brown is improving and able to be around town. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill an Orville are 'spending the holiday with her parents in Mich'. COUNTY NEWS. Five ducks were stolen froth two. farmers in, Stephen Tp. last Mon- day evening, while they : were a- way to a Xmas. entertainment,. Mitc11e11, Seaforth and Clinton. are grouped int. .t. he Junior O.H.• The Kelly circle at Brucefield re- ceived x$206.17 fronsthe annual sale of work held recently The .jury finds't•hat• death was accidental at the inpuest into the death of Henry Piaetzer of Blyth,1 The death took place in, Goder- 1 ich on December 16th ,oI Maria, C. Reynolds, Mother of Sheriff R. t G. Reynolds.' The deceased who was in her 89i:h year was' a life- long resident of Goderich. idrntly penetrated a omali. °p- ea Isere,' Dr, Harry Browning ..of.I7nier- eon, Men., is coining to Exeter to join in practice with Ilia father, Dr. J, W. Bro ening, Ohrothy, R,unte of Essen and Ma egusrite of 'Ciandeboye, are vis, iting their home here. Oran Weiner is earring him arm inn a shine having fractured his rt st v1e' 'a Ford car he was cr- anking anking back fired, J3euce Walker, demonstrator in electro 'chemistry at Toronto :Un- i' ersity is visiting with his per- mits. Robt. 1VTawhinney, who has be-; erj saffering with blood poison in his knee is getting Well. .. Walter Reddy a former resident of Usborne but for four years lived in Exeter`,: pass!ed> way on his 75th' birthday. DASHWcOD. ;,Miss 1Vlyrta Hoffman, of Kitch- ener, ispent 'Christmas at herhome here. Mr. and Mrse H. Dark 'and dau- ghter Betty of Windsor, are vis- iting Mrs. Dark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C'. Steinhagen. Mr. and Mrs,. C, •Steinbagen. Mr, and Mrs. Wt Graybeil of Wo- edatock and Miss Beatrice Graybe- in spent Christmas with Mr. and iia d Mrs. J. W. Greybeil. Mrs. Dale of Wilton Grove, Miss Ro;sella Cook of London, Mr.Mi1- ford Cook de Detroit, spent, Ch- a istmas with their parents. Miss Grace Kellerman is vieiting in Toronto. . Mrs. J. K. Goetz attended the funeral of a .brother-in-law in New Hambie g, • Miss Salome Tiernan of Detroit is spending herholidays in town. Dr. Cowen spent Xmnast at his "home in Fergus. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Siebert of De troit spent a few drays` in town last week. Rev. Bruer is visiting in Lone don, Misses Venda Merrier and Lucile Willert of Windsor are spending New Year with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Atkinson spent Xmas. in; London. Mr. Alfred Zimmer of Detroit Ips spendingt he holiday at his home here. Mr. •and Mrsf,• 1 airy Kraft sp- ent. Xmas. in Sarnia. Mr. Walter Schmidt of Ft. Wayne, is visiting relatives in to•wni. i .Mrs. Harry Schrader spent Xmas ,with her daughter in London. Miss Ferrol Hartleib of Lone dbe,, is spending New. Year's with. 1y, parents.. -. ''. Sam. Schrader, of ,Sask., is• visiting his mother Mrs. Schroeder in town. gir` t Ms'. iss $ilea Smell and friend of London, sspent Xmas with her par - A large crowd attended . .� the skating rink on Tuesday evening, the band' was in attendance. The :and,, will attend the rink every Monday evening for the rest of a .aeas'on. Miss Giara Kuntz of Lansing spent Christmas with her par-. ents. Miss Idelia Baker of Detroit is visiting in town. 'Mr. and Mrs. W, Maier of ,De- troit per' tthe holidays with ethe fo iner's parents; • Mr. D. Betchen of London 'sp- ent -Christm,as at his home ,.Mr. and Mrs1. R. Gates, Mrs. Finkbeiner .and 'Cather'n are vis- iting in Sarnia. Mr. Wim, Willis: spent Xmas.with his Sienter Mrs. Be wde'n in Exeter. Arno:d and Milford Merner of Detroit are 'spending the heli- aye .with. their Parents', Mr. Roy Neeb of Pontiac, Mich. ieited • in tow:} -last week. ,I3r. R.. ••H, Taylor spent Xmas t bisehome in. London. • Mrs. Mary Rogers, daughter of the late John Aikens, farmer of Logan Tp. was allowed by the Sur rogate Court• of Perth $1,360 for her servicest o her father, who lived in her home -from his 85th to 95th year. She .appealed on the ground that the allowance was insufficient. Chief °Justice R. M. Meredith has allowed an appeal in creasing thei;allowance to $2,000 ire respective of what she -'takes un— der the will. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Disjai d- "t ine of Zurich visited at the home. of Minand Mrs, Emerson Smith, Brucefield,t he past week. A sacred contata entitled "Witte ching With the- Shepherds" was given, by tare •choir `under th't ,lea- dership (of Mrs's J. Bt, McLean and Mrs. La idea `lorganist in St An- drew's• ehi.rch, Kippers last Sun- Iday .evening and was a big suc-. cess. Ronald McKenzie, who has heel) sailing on the lakes' for the paste summer, has returned to hie home at Erucefield to spend the win ter, Miss . Izetta Mercier, principal of the Continuation school, New Dundee, is at her home, Hayfield,' for the holiday's. David Crawl }d or Driblin, has bought the Graham. House,, Slinton from J. Dorsey and has took poss- ession, Dorsey will inQ vie r to . Str- atford, where he has been forsom ;.true conducting .the .Empire Ho- tel. Miss Margaret Peck of the Walk erville public :school staff in sp- ending the holidays with her mo- ther at Bayfield, F 'C. Delbeidge ie at present in London hospital whore he under - wain: the' amputation of two fin- gers owing to blood poisaiing..Ile ;v.14 di1 g'ng, in his ere dc',i with an .,.w , :i.ix 0J~ . is o.:,, aw:l the, iyc Eye .hath not ' se:en, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things, which God -hath • prepared for them that love hien,-1 Cor,. 2;9. Oene no man 'anthing, but to love end another; for he that love. eth another hath fulfilled the law:. Love worketh no i11 to his neigh- bor; therefore love is the fulfill- ing, of the law -Rom 13;840 Ascribe' ye. ,greatness 'unto our God. He is, lthe Rock; his work is •perfect; for all jlist ways are Ju dgment; a God ,of truth and without Iniquity; just and right is ht* *-Dent, 32; 3. 4. eThie 'is the coe l fence that we lane in, 'hi ; na ,f r e a'sk an 1 w h' , i 1 t d y thing according Itee his 'will, He heareth us-• eIehn 6;14, Boast not' thyself tomorrow; for than knowest not whet a day niay bring forth -Prov, 27;1 Peace; I leave with yon,„my pee ace l give unto you; not as the world giveth. spiv ' I ;`'unto you. Let not your' hraart be, troubled, •....::are, let it,. afraid, -Jae, ll;e1 11 NOMfeNA TIONS STEPHEN Tle. Reeve -Alex. H. Neeb.. Dep, -Reeve -Join Hayes; Councillors -V, Snoll, W. H. .Sw.e ' itzer, It, A. Goetz, . All re-elected by acclamation. II>4Y 'PP, Reeve E. F. Klopp, 0ouncillore-L. H. Rader, 3, P, Rau, ,A, Reichert, WI. R, Dougall by acclamation. STANLEY TP. Reeve -Geo Haniley, acct. Councillors -J. A. Manson, John Stile, Wm. Douglas, Wilson Carel -and Artie Keys,. DASEWOOD POL. VILLAGE Christens Hartleib, Wan. Kleinati'- ver, Thames Kluinpp, John C. Reid, Chars. Rinker, Ignatus tin. t J3AY'FIi L I) Reeve-A.E. Erwin, H. , Wee:ston, M, Ross. Councillors -W. ,T, Weston, J. Pee ase, L. Thompson, S. Huston, G. King. EXETER Reeve -Q. )3. Snell, W. D. Saund- ers. Councillors -E. ,.Coultis; C. P. Hoo- per, T. Jones, rr.. Pryde, J. H. Grieve, J. Davis, J. Di. Southcott W. 'A Gillespie, Joss, Hawkii s,, W. 'CuEN'nninghSALLaint I-I Reeve-Owen Geiger, 'Alex. Smith Robt. Higgins; ,• I Councillors -C. Turnbull, R. Hud- son, A. Snnith,R. McArthur, F. Mans, W. E. Pfaff, J. Preist, G,. Petty. MTlERSON'S1 Lightning Hitch HockeyShoe Ankle Support adjusted in aSecond without tmlacin Larne Eyelets QUO* Laced. "Get the fch” . When you want that new pair of Hockey Shoes, call at our store. A full assortment of sizes and styles carried in stock:' C. Fri ..~ . tz and Son A. fi1E SSAGE TO w FORD OWNERS ITS A FACT THAT FORD MAG- NETO DOES GET WEAK - LET US /TEST YOURS FREE WE HAVE INSTALLED THE WON DER RE -CHARGER, APPROVED BY FORD MOTOR COMPANY` THE RESULTS OF A RE -CHARGE ARE WELL KNOWN. PRICE. $1.00 H. S. WELN, - . Prop. DASH W OOD MOTOP. SERVICE qtr. HERALD PRINTING OFFICE eADVERTISIN.G RATES ?leued Wednesday noon from the ion advenee; $t,00 may be charged If not no paid. U. S. subscripti- ons $1:75 strictly it advance. No pcper discontinued until allar- rears are paid unless at the option ez bhe publisher; Tlie date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. hilaciglaneous articles of not ire than five lines, For Sale, TO Seat, or Waisted, Lost, Found, etc. cacti fin.ertion 25a„ ltddreba all communications to Display Advertising -Made known i• appikettign, illray Anneal! -One insertion Die Insertibns • $1.00,• !'arm or Real Estate for sale •"isr first month, $1 or each sub- tent insertion. ,rICTION SALES --42 per single alaeMloxll 41l hat over five inches is ength. alga:'e'ription Terms; $1.25 per year :arta of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50c. Loral and Legal advertising not- aee, reading matter, 10e a line for ;ret insertion and 5c per line for each subsequent insertion. Profeeeio/ia!' Cards not exceeding, inch, $5 per year. ` Sffective after ran, let. 1920 Thursday, ,-a,nuary, let, 192$,' Unit ci.l.. he 11 a?�,Wt Ill, %��. we.6tei` lrlaltS, Stocking and_ Neckties from Spruce Trees, Wood, Celliflesc Furnishes the Len- • Onus Ji'1aza t d----l)y.ed and Waver, Like Silk --=•Man and the Si.11k Warm•,-,4:44enncul4 These Pro,. ducts Are Much the Sauce. t;ontributed by On, arta .oepaartrneatAeX Agriculture, TOCOnto.) We all wean' stlleen ties, and tbilett • )r care little of tn.e sotirce ofthe'hnn,•., ,friar from which the tie was Ade, lou may doubt the statement what he tie you are wearing came larged' awn a poison gas, carbon di-o11doe,' compound that is ever present foe', ne air in which we live and break,: silken ties should be beautiful, sinew: .,ich are born of a remarkable par- -atage, an invisible compound fear. .outlier and a sunbeam for father. lite we walk into the spruce forest whose- the tall trees reach toward the sky,,,, We pause with wonderment and aak dow did it all happen. We can spend,. an interesting moment in tracing thee. development of the trees. :,Such' So -Galled Silk ()ernes' Prow. Spruce Trees. The tiny seed of the spruce, nursed.-. py in:otner earth and bathed in the:.• warmth of the sun, springs to lite, ...Aid pushes its tiny stem and leaves, ,,Lit to the light, and air, out to the,. air that contains the carbon di -oxide from which our tree will draw taoat... of its substance for growth -•out to, the sunlight that activates the -chlor- ophyll green of the tiny leaves, 'sett ung to work the chain of processent. that make wood growth. Layer u&+on, layer, the wood cells are added ate., she tree develops. Every new leaf increases the growing capacity of the little tree, doing its part in the train. .ormation of the carbon di -oxide gam to sugar starch and cellulose, tem. compounds it, wood cell structure, Wood Centulose Furnishes the Lus..- t'ous Thread. Wood cellulose is the tree materials need by the manufacturers of silk,,, the lustre silk of commerce, to makes, .ne silken threads that we all like tel. pouch. The lumber -jack cuts the •.ree, the pulp -maker by chemical pro-- eesses reduces' the wood to tinker rite eelluie,se. The next is nitratiarti ...ills is done uy treating the celluloses. wick a mixture of nitric and sul- daurie acids in solution, taking care ur to overdo the digestion proeesa,,. ,led then thoroughly washing tlae duip free filial the active acid agent& sue nitrated cellulose is then mutest; rib alcohui and ether, reducing it n the conciitiun of viscous collodion ext it is tittered carefully and forced- ..,rough : minute orifices in a glass,. ,.late and on into a water bath wales •.uo fine threads. solidify. As the, :reads solidify such are passed om.. ,ver a roller and into another bath_ •antaining a reducing agent known. .s • ammonium sulphide. eyed and Woven Like Salk. • Passing ou frOm this batlah':notl- tikes threads go ver heated drwua .0 spindles to be•driett and t lstede otu larger threads. To have` the ,ai:en threads we 'must give "thew ..iron, so into the dye bath they go. ..s done, over'the drums the aolore& . cc,:ads pass to dry, - by, a route Haat. aids to the spool or spindle. Deck :..Sera operate the knitting or weary - machine, an artist's mind coin . els those human fingers, which irk .,rn control the forces that unite the ,iored silken threads Into articiet& wearing apparel such as sweater, ,.:ts, neckties, and stockings. =un and the Silk Worm. What is the connection between rtincial silk and'xiatural silk.,. It la e: y close; so . very close that ,te expert chemist is frequently call -- "u in to decide on samples and de- femme if the product of man's art ad industry or that of the silk, ,urtn. Mylan goes to the tree for his. ..w material, so does the silk worsts.,. .an uses chemical agents and a ma - June of his own invention;, the silk uric can't help it since nature ga'var- •..., a bony structure and a, ciigestilet ,sretu that would, convert the green, of trees to silken cocoon .over-• s threads. “etuicatilly These !Products 1Viuep beth Gbemiecaily the product of man's eine- .favor and the silk -worm's wore arm .i ueh the eeme. Few will eieu ii Oat .est gtai,ue il'' your wooden s..oel~ ,,g's, wooden necktie or y;;,cide•; •weater ear, were made pose...in bb= .uericht.arts. of 'a u,an or the green ;:rawlw r so much ,uved by the :pegi,.tt; of thn iieep tai,: Lees growing, bo;.: tihask e may never want for silken. ,tithes.—L. Stevenson, threetor of atension, 0.A,C., Guelph, Needful Minerals In tiec•. , The culmina dairy feeds e,•ntain- ug the most lime are toe , =5;uiu's, •.tys, cowpea, clover, alfalfa and soelr fan, that from cowpeas eueteinirit ie most. Those which coha:,iu the: • .ost phosphorus are wheat breath, +heat Iuiddlings and linseed ureal lee .lie order given, None of tirecon- ' entrates contain as much lime as the, ,egumes do, and no roughage mune Leine as muelf ..phosphorus as tate ..,entrates named. Essential to Mink Cow Dry. Milking cows dry ie esseutlstl,• When 'milk is left rA the 'ridden utter each milking, the glands WW1i gi seen ally slow up oh secretin.:' Lam sus ; ultimately the coax will cliy e. It pays to .spend a few Writ Sutra; stripping toe udder to tee., e'Staai'ts, that all the :tuiik titre bet r, 4yet,ety, Boots Desirable for a Mangers or ,irablc feed foe' dairy e. ,neatest obacction is Or, •ulved Ingrowlig', burn. nitzng them, i:v:ra C: a✓ ' '.c4 UA+ ao91. re' dee Thee • Rai hi