HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1925-01-01, Page 1'Vol, XXV No 26 ZURICH THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY .ig25p Clot later L. xxritla, 1 ublia ens8 "S ear in 44w'P X4,5411"1 .A.E L 4 R6, $2 MAX a MOO** O wish our many readers and friends a Happy New Year Our Corner The pull -together community is *ways noticeable for its good re • oats. There is room for some improvement in our . .town. . Let's 4611 pullt ogether in the new year. How do you, find marriage2. Dur - tag courtship I talked and hse listened. After marriage she. tal- ked and I Iiatenesl New we both talk and the neighbors listen Too bad the shortest days !sho- uld come just around Christmas, when the longest .days' would be, alit eo short for what moat peo- ple have to do. White hair, they say. is now the !style„ We never were much for running after new. lade but, if this fad !stays in a bit longer, we'll be in style for once. Alaska ,go tweather at 40 above for .Xmas. Looks'. las it its ord- er got mixed with Ontario's. vas - to pocket their pride. Jack Frost i8 really too interni dyer is a dessert, where the; eoese - ads are as wide ,'as they are long.ManFor the. an who were 'a: cap with ear. lugs we 'always had fa pity ixa.g ecorreeuntil Xmas. slay. ++1 The trouble with C'h'ristmas' is you need at holiday afterwards to rest up. The burning. question is not so much the prise of coal as ":who will light the fire;?'" When a Christmas, donation ho in ,s'i�ht it's easy, For anyone 4 ,0011.00 41010•.O•i4110O••d•••••••N••irN••••••••r••••• s. • SLIPPERS TheThoughtful Family Gift. Here we have every kind of Slipper for .r• 1111lfllid1Il eve •ybod.y, Slippers for tiny folks 1 to those in which Father.reads - his IEvening Pa � er. W'omen'�s Felt Juliets, a splendid assortment g, F of Calors at $1:75; Women's Felt. Comfy and leather Boudoir Slippers from $1.25 to $1:95;, See See our new Woxgen's Over shoes, the 'A:djusto style. Men Black .and Choc. Kid Romeos at $2.95; Kent Fe1YComfy Boudoir and Choc. Slippers at $1.95. Children's Felt' Slippers,_ alarge assortment from 75c. to $1.25.. a Misses. sizes 11 to 2 at $1.25. ,� . TAPE RELIABLE SHOE STORE. 1 • • • ••• • • • • • •• • • • • BROWN BRUSREPAIRING NEA.TLY DONE • • SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 6ONONNI•••0000•,N'0••0.00••NO•OOOsi . +•p>•>i>•P+,i+•F4>.g..F..y>+.F..i>.1..g>+4/41'p'>1:+++ .. sao • e. sae Y SINCERE °' '' o You All Is a HAP- Y NEW YEA coupled with x 000b ` "� a nPrssperityend WE ALSO WISH T13 ANNO 'cINCE TO. )MIEL LADIES OP THIS OOMMUNITY THAT WE HAVE JUST C0 LPLE TED A REM:* ROOM ON THE SECOND FL.00B. OF OUR STORE WRL+'K1s, WOMEN ,ANIS CHILDREN MAY SIT tnUI:i TLY AND READ OR WRITE0 LETTERS. THIS, IS AT YOUR, DISPOSAL' FREE efe OF CHARGE. et - 4. 4 • 4 +4. 4 upon to sing,, recite or make a spe- ech but take advantage of every A view way of trying it on the dog; "A Portland woman has be - ext trying for twenty years to te- ach_her husband : 'e hang ,up. Ina. hat. Now she laiands'the job °'ov-. ea to the new puppy acquired by the. family, She thinks he will coo 'it irr) the ';space of a week or two. .4 1 It takes So little to make usglad to . cheex•1 us, up, to make us happy, it takes; and eoits so little to be kind, to be thoughtful, to be con- siderate; `it onsiderate;.`it takes' so Tittle tole/Id- a helping hand; yet it means os much to others ass well as to our- selves We think too -much about doingt he things twhich look big in our lives) and we think too lit- tle of idle everyday little acts o£ thoughtfulness, of kindness, the little helpfulness to .those who are di,shearted and -down nad qut. Af ter all, is it not the little thing that make up life?-Exahange. Whatevermay be csaid of the summer of 1924 winter arrived in good time, evens a little ahead of time. ` Hope fapring comes along early too. The milkmen of London gave their ,customers a Xmas. box by giving n, quer tof Milk free.. We wonder if this. is catching among these fellows 't'would make ,anise. New Year r,eminil.er. Be. an. Optimist and keep the corners of your mouth. turned Nearly everybody, thinks they have troubles of theirown without bend inlg a listening �e�arf to our tale of woes that we may wish to unload. Nobody takes much stock in; • �a, quitter or a growler, so let us get. in right by getting our our growls and complaints and get on the cheerful .side of life. Don't wait until you are celled • r": sieq Happy New Year. Mr. Rhinold Koeh of Detroit, wasa visitor in town the . past reek, :r^ Mr. `Ed. Deichert of Detroit, tap- eet the holiday with )(fr. Jacob. Deielaert. • Mrs, A. Melick, who has beers at TTitcheiier for a ' few weeks, has returned home. j Miss Hahn of Dresden of N..Dak. ie visiting at the home of Mr. and :airs. P. Habeeer. W. -Gr. Hess &' Sons have in- stalled Westinghouse Radio Sets for Messes. Joe Meidinger. and Geo. 4 a. 4 4 4 • 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • • .a. 0 4 4 4 4, 4 4 4 4++44++++++ 444. ,f 4++14+4 44. '++�a'�e> It ALBRIGHT 4 • We wish our many r e and customers a Happy and. Prosperous New Year J N -HESS, The jeweller Mr. Milton Johnston of New Ontario ;arrived in Zurich where �•••••••41N•••,^;.; he e will spend the winter with his. !parents, Mr. and Mr:s! Three John • stop, Townane, Hay, :a X4.44 ••14444.44.4444+44 16.4 w The anemia 'school meeting was Seasonableorse Goods ei held in the school roams on Wled.4 nesday. Mr. David Ducbarm's its tern having expired as trustee,. > lust Received a large number .o4 Genuine Woolen :forma was: reelected. • Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Ifft - usl4 Ruga, 4m umber of n3eautitui English Pi te •ere t]ie3� are spending a few days • st • Ranging . from $7.00 to ......... -- ...--...4...; ; $1x.11 4 leisure evening and get ready to take ;your part. A little time ' in preparation will be good: practice for yourself and will ,g,ve pan easy road to do yourself ,jusitice fi a hurry -up call comas. Every yo- ung person has a !talent for some of the arts, or they should have, so brush up, your aptitudes and sur- prise- your friends and yourself. Join ;the' "Lift -a -bit" Society and lift a bit. FOR THE NEW YEAR Let me be • a little kinder, let ine be alittle blinder to the faults of th,rse about me; •let me praisle a little more; let me bew, when lam weary, just a little bit more ache-' airy; let me serve'a little better .th.a�s nab I 'am striving for. Let me be a little braver when temp- tation bids me .waver; Let' me str- ive a. little harder to be all that 1: should be; let me be st little me- eker with the brother that is.we-' aker; let nae think more of my ne- ighbor and a little less of me.—Sel ,ected. THE IdAOLSA`,S BANK D7POSTTOR.S ANI) COMM- ERCIAL ACCOUNTS R,EC- EIVE COURTEOUS AN EFFICIENT BANKING SER- VICE. VICE. ANS' OP, 0110 BRANCHES.. E ! , L C. Il. JOY 5ianager Zurich Branch left Fon Tuesday for 'London, wh:- • �,so a Npekes/ and:: where Austin will . take treat. SAVE MONEY BY • GIVING US A. CAM. merits for his arm, • Mrs. Catherine Wagner the other • A. BIG Stock of Harness and :Halters always or band, dad fell on the slippery . idewall� • Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. and`'fr'actured one of her arnis.A:s ' • Mrs. Wagnter iqY well u1) in- years 1:1 A.RNESS REPAIRING ,A' SPECIALTY it Will be some time till the:lract i • re ,will be, healed. 4 l.. i.i.; FP -E day, IThxrxaday,, l N'ew o 1 'Year's Day. or January 1st, 1925) ♦ 4•••••••+c1.&••sa••• 0•••••a•• ,,41.....44.104) 14*00+1!.*`**.! 4 : 4� 4 PEON ply again, wee have passed another mile slton, and historyf htas again re- corded another yeax.4, it "has, been a yelar of gladness; joy and abun- dance t'o most o,£ us; in this part of 'Canada, as well as a year of peace and of prosperity, which makes life skip much better. As we have just .again, celebrated the annual birth of the) great "Prince. of Peace',' let us! go forth in the New Year with renewed resolutions and activity towards peace, and .follow the fraternal commandment of "Love Your. Neighbor as Your - sell." What a fine and glorious world the will bei in 1925 if this motto was more practically ad- hearedt e. A,'nywayf, if we can't live alsf 'perfect e life as we would lrl:e to, perhaps we cane scatter some seeds of kindness along our ,athway as we trod and thereby createsome valued help towards' the right directions. Boost your local' community in 1925, boost the village of Zurich, -and see if we cannot make it even a better world to live. in,. .1. . ( H LATE MARY S. BROWN PASSES Mary Sybilla Brown, -eldest da- ughter of Mr. Jacob Brown of the village passed array at St. Jose eph's ;Hospital, London; on Christ mals day, December 25th, 1921, aged -38 3'eeiarsi, 8 months; and 4 dmfs. Deceased had been a suf- ferer of diabetes for a consider- able time, 'and as the disease. pro- gressed, :she became we tlker, and on, °Monday previous to her d^nth, she was( taken to he said hospital for treatmenss„ but of no avail, and she paslsed peacefully away early 1C°bristi zas morning,. The 're- mains :were brought to Zurich on Friday 'an.cl the funeral took place privately from the home of her father, Mr. Jacob Brows to he Gesheni Line cemetery, on Sunday errxoon. Sha w'as Well and fav- orably ly,: known in Hay Township, having been raised, on the Goshen ,Gine ',sotui:h, where she lived all her life till about, wo years ago when she moved with ;her father o the Beisidesf her father, Mr. J;v ob Brown of Zurich, she is setvived by three sisters, Mrs. G. Boirg10 and Mrs. Herb Becker of New Dundee, Misr. E. E, Wncrthof Zurich,. Five brothers, Henry, Jqlaxxr .and. Melville Brown of Hey Pp; W'illiamm and Garfield Brown of Zii'rich.,t he mother having pre- deceased about two years ago. Much thY is extended o the a.>Q'> inti 4.41. .4.>a l l"�wi+ "III ++>,'4.4.44.'g41'= 4.4.i�''.'Sn1 °°�1eQu°'s�l'"�',7,, '' ,'7P@,7^i'*4 4• 4> C. Fritz & Son Featuring Rhino Rub- ber Footwear made by. Ames holden Tire and Rubber Co. IMO Demand this Brand no matter 'what kind of, Libber I�'i otwear you, want we have it in this famous, brand, Rhino 3;f ;tr:a rein- forced backs and vamps with heavy rolled edges .a si firings 2 Compare these with any other makes you winh, Mews Heavy Duck Rubbers, White Soles, Rolled Fitigee $3.75, Men's Heavy Duck, Red soles Rolled Edges at •- ,. . •••.. $3.5ii Men's 3' Buckle Overshoes......... ... • :3.001 Boys and 'south's Heavy Rubbers at ..., .. •-- Sena•:.ai $`2.50 Women's Galashes at 2.95. Free Batoons Y�riyh 13oy3 ie!i Children Rubbers. FREE RUBBERS, see adv. on Renew 4. O. FRITZSON SHOEMERCHANTSONT'Arta Z>•i•4°1>�'>1>,>i�l'�i'4>£>�i+•E".g..i^.g..II>�>Pv�B»k3^4"4>.II•..k6>'1'•1'.1.4�II>•i`4.g°�a..�..,«�c�o`»�,+~h a�+44''i' ,m To oar many Customers �n onds 4 we wish a Bright and. P.rosporoUs New Year N 'iL- GENER•Aa. itha � 0I-Miirr thea synhpa , b^raft family, es�rocially to he1t ,p H0 11 7:faihay, xsl he is no lmnus his bo-, 41 - , A