HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-12-25, Page 5`11=later Solicitor, Notary Public HUN, Office on , Hamilton Street, Ilicet off the toquar'e, Goderiob., Priv- Ate funds to 17'an at lowest rates Holmes will be .in Heusi.11" an Friday of each week. • 'Andrew '. Heee. Township Clerk meter of marriage licenses, Notary) 61to, Commissioner, Fire and Ant-+ Iltobiie, , Insurance, Representing *won t►nd Erie Mortgage Corpora- k The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, 4 4 n�PPi D. D. S.,... L S' L. DENTAL SURGEONS *,AIN ;+OI+IFICE HENSALL t•, OSCAR CLOPr Graduate Carey NI. Jones 'Nat - Wool ;,School of Auctioneering. Try e for Registered Live Stock &Lfl Breeds). Terms in keeping 'With prevailing prices. Choice twee for sale. Will sell anything hisywhere. Thome 18-93 or \write, Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer Licensed A.uctioneer U to rant et Huron. In a position Aunt any auction sale, regardless SO to size` or articles to sell. I *elicit your business; -andif not satisfied will make no charges for °lleyvices. (rthur Weber, - Dashwood. prone 13-57 Zurich Meat M ARK ET_ Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna. Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR MINS & HIDES lirvalgtblut & t D e .che, I ZURICH LIVERY •I am Ina position to accomo- late all requirements in the Liv,ery lisle, have Auto for hire. • Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL l'!llinise 59 Zurich i, S. ATKINSON,- L.D+S„ D.D.S, DEN TI.ST Graduate of the Royal College M Dental Surgeons of Ontario and lei the University of Toronto, Late District Dental. Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, Londori3Ont Office hours at { Zurichevery ilealn Office, Exeter. Phone. 34. It Zurich every TUESDAY Phone 79 -19 .L VE P O U LT R Y WANTED Waken every day till 3 ()clock p. . De not feed fowl me morning %When brought in, !Highest Cask Prices —CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurie1 SEASON 1924 !SPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER- IES - • are now- re - a eIviTrg our genuine Delaware & IBud'son direct from the mine'a'Nut ve #9to and Egg sizes. S0FT COAL -Just arrived, an- other ear of our' high grade soft. Dille coal has made a great hit for household use and our sales of this Gave' ever doubled in the last 'sea- C)U B LETS -+.Our 53oulet Coal r?s Also In a class by itself and is gr- ,na+ing in favor • rapidly,' OUR. Telephones are at yoUr Service. Use therm freely fol in- jos/nation, 3:).0,44L C ,rite1 r . dr .+1�i� PRODUCE MERCHANT ithcer8-, OfMlee lOw Houde 101, k N $ALL oT ouni+d, I�fnti o, ate. Ads IN hits THIS COLUMN1 MMorii.y CGiauytiomaIs.offmux arae , of PraiCtic1411Y I"Old, ll is 4lsr�g at; his lone'•here, aF txa a'i ii l �' Mr, Albert �; lA BUND --At �nut11; cool of � ��X�., b t SiebuX 1, of �+1'}a�a,ta 11 8lloeli f3i'sil�liiily Fluid 1 F s e ctal s 1te d, cli 1�� ,spending e a sr n1 ad Woolend ''t° s ii ne slookiu p u xicted .,_, i^i l+]1nuXaci°iiia, g, � � iC ria rn,a at;; , Same cam be had at Herald office, hie heMe. Sys4,elia. C;za, gested -„ ,.1Sotitl seed .spending the, holiday with l�ia Iaa � flared Pot, pHerald,is Eiden• rx, Snell of edit 7 •Det. y { ,1!��oX:JA --•• I. es , I�rofitaltle 1'�li � on ants here. y Por loraLu flee wardrobe ap- Mss Lulu Albr4cht 'of^ De reit Xl;foniiibuted toy onta,;io 1:3cna tinent f ply at I3:erald Office the, holiday i•oia o, g• y • 'at her 4 �; • `i'ire last Eery yeiirs the a' NOTICE STRAYED -Yearling 'steer, roan with red' spots and hind legs white, Short horns. Animal distrained Garnet .Jncobe, Lot 22,; con. 6, Hay on or about Nov. 28th, 1924 STRAYED. Unto my premises; Parr Line, •Hay, :a yearling calf. , Owner can have same by proving cproperty and paying expensesSol Sch- rader, R. R, 1, 'Zurich. NOTICE. DEBENTURES FOR SALE TOWNSHIP OF HA.Y Under authority. of By -Law No. 7-1924, re Stephan Drain, amoun- ting to 53129,115. A. I', IIESS, Treasurer, Hay Tp. Dated at Zurich; ",Nov. 17, 1924. FOR SALE A WEEK -END SPECIAL A high glade Piano, Mehagany case, full size, sold by Heintzm,an & Co. complete with bench at 5245.00, .John Hoy; J'i., Zurich, • FOR SALE 3 small ou'thous'es' for sale, on Zurich. public •school grounds. Ap- ply to Dr. A. .J MacKinnon, -24 NOTICE. The Excelsior 'Eaeon Hog Club have placed a 'pure bred York- shire Hog • for .service* at the farin of Henry Krueger, 14th Con., Hay Tp ,r who is caretaker.. 5150 .gash r;•22-4 ,Albo Hendrick, Prea. • ,NOTICE. 'We are in a position to store and keep your auto battery char- ged for the winter. Also charg- ing done at <any tire. -L. .. Prang, Zurich; P. J. O'Dwyer, M. D. 'ZURICH • ONT. OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY -15 Jno. Preeter—Main ;Street Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS, Sold. By L. A. PRANG, Zurich: . tf18 00 Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal. "of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case SOn plIONE 35 ?i;D AL 1vS L -17 7 D''. 11. H. COwEN . L.D.S., D. I). S. :DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick 131ock, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. Main Otfiee [ AI TLI+.II3'S 13LOCI,I)ASHWOOD This part Of Ontario Will bathe centre of a total (1Clipse of thegtrod nuntl�er of the magazine% ,surd tic Jatlugry' oath ne5tt. �Ptblrsivoci r monthly by W. J, i'ay-I !ori' I.itlli t'tiy Weod tock, 1 A griq#lbure 'ru t 1 0 spending here, h rising of Mr. axial'' MPS. . Memer Eilber of alleop�"has been one et the most Columbus, Ohio, are bperrding tlre'` fitabie branches of live stock farni- holidays, with relatiyos. here and 14,0fr the t ofprofn. depending a on that ' mr. and anal. Qr Taggart of larlibing time and inmediatelycess after - South Bend, Ind., • arks visiting ta': welch. Dlllloulty °`is frequently ex - the home of Mr. and MD:l F M, ; perxeaeed in y Hess. giving the necessary Mr. Whitney 13rokenahn,e tivho, "'care to: individual lambs because they , is atter ding Stratford Nnxmal, re are,net easily recognized. In a large isltenclingt he holidays at Iiia home Book many uaauliy look alike, and ILoxe. mothers frequently, disown or fail to care properly for their own lambs. Mr. Rennie Weber?, who is attend'' ';'Australian Sheep'Brandin Fluid 1 7p Toronto Uni ver city, is .spend . Recommende8 ing the holidays with hid par ents on the Bronson. . %a order that needy lambs may be ,,easily .recognized and their mothers Mr. Percy Weide, who under- Yobnd, a convenient system of mark wont an operation for rupture, 'at ing is ,needed.: For iaranding purposes London Hospital, returned to his Australian • sheep branding Sold is beat, 'It can be obtained in different color,i from firms who handle sheep sap Plies, such as the Canadian Co- operative Wool . Growers. This fluid ,does not -injure the wool, and shows a distinct mark for several weeks, even' when exposed to the weather. It naay be applied with a small stick or, better still, an ordinary machine oiling Can, and should be rubbed in so thatr`it will t . home here last week. Mr. Daniel: Smith left with his effeet's for Stratford on Tuesday, where he will make hire home in future. Mr. aind. Mrs. Ted Foster and children of Detroit, are "spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs; L. Weber. no spread Those Who rn br Sweretrniot n toofo �g A 'Good System of Numbering a 'Mary Suggestecd. wort. well a •;bald, �.s during the Iri'jnarking,• a system of number - last few days there was no fowl ing is .;adopted. • All male lambs are shipped out of here,' and the price given an even'nirnrber• as 2, 4, 6, etc., dropped around 5c. per ib`.. allfemale lambs an odd number as • Ir, an;d Mrs. Geo,. Biers of 1+ 3, 5,;etc. The lamb's 'number is Buffalo, Mrs. II. De•muth,. an:d son Ode ant back with fairllarg dsire mother is also niarke Albert of 'Toronto', spending ed on back with same num- the holidays at the home of Mn. are bpi as' hfileer lamb or Iaiubs.the If she and Mrs. Chas'. • Weber. has two lainba, a ewe number 5 and The -uncorn;'ortable sheet of lee a ram number 8, 'she will have the that, has been on our highways -and 'figures, '.6 Arid 8 placed so that seen sidewalks the past week, has been from bellied one will be above the co v eyed on Tuesday nigh with a ,other or nearer the head than the blanket of snow, +.,.nd wile we have had rather a cold !snap, yet we find the mercury has not reached the zero point. The • fine fall• of snow has mode good sleighing and made things look seasonable. \,lord was received here of the death, • of Mrs.J. Elgin, Hess, of Toronto at the. Hospital ou Dec ember 18ih, tie funeral' taking pl- ace on S;atur•clay* in tilat city. Mr. Hess has the most" 'sincere heart- felt sympathy of his many. Zurich friends in losing his partner after being nianried for only about ;a other, to' show o and 8 rather than 58 `hese numbers are best: put on 'a`few hours after the Iambs are born. lee refits of the System 1. m Described.. Some of the advantages of a sys- temsuch as this have been round to be: One, quickly gets to know the individual` lambs by their numbers and their development is watched with anteeest; good mothers and poor mothers of a known by their lambs and how they care for and feed them. This quality is often overlooked in sheep but is most important. For "a ewe loosing a, single lamb a needy twin can , ally be found to take its p1aGe aix aperly guarded till fully adoptedfs 5, bs needing help for any Last Wednesday tevenink, the reason t+�. '.ljc;.lound:and ewes r'e Editor of the Herald was' very con- c..oguize can ; ,spare a feed for sideratel Presented 1r'itli a them n two or more are.: in y .p pair charge n flock, it is an easy mat - o£ fine gold cuff .: links by . a few to for the,°bee 'to point out to the members of the local` branch o_ other whatiaunbs need attention. By the Women's Institute. The Ed- the,adob'.ion of tais system of mark- itor wishes through thin medium to ing a cu, alrlete "1; ecoid of Yerform- n eatly thank this worthy .Society Once" at l'tmbing tiiue is easy to for this much appreciated gift; ?teep,. alicl one frill be better able to and "hoj'aes infuture to serve the cull Out the undesirable ewes in Institute with the Herald's public- ity in every occasion available. , A ;SAFE INVESTMENiT • The Huron, & Erie is chartered lay the. Government and is "Older thant he Dominion of Canada." Sur plus- :security for Debenture own- ers and depositors total's. 56650,00,0. Deben,tnre owners and depository have First claim upon every dol- lar of the Corporation's asset's, 5 i per cent. per anrrtun is payable half yearly, Let us arrange a Deben- ture investment in your name. Ap- plications for Huron & Erie Deb.- entures are- accepted at any time by Andrew F. Hess Zuich; Ont;: BEAUTIFUL CALENDAR FREE Subscribers to the Finally Her- ald and Weekly Star, • of Montr- eal have been advised thet they will receive free of charrge a bea- utiful calendar for 1025 with a most attractive picture in, colors matt - "Tile Sale rd Old Dobbin" When one considers that the •subscr iptionl price of this big 72 page family and farm journal is- only 52.00 per year, 'one is amazed by the value received, but with •a bo- autiful picture calendar thrown in, the value is indeed s'up.erlative. JANUARY ROD ADN GUN The January number of Rod and Gun in Canada cell/prises a variety of interesting stories and articles in addition to the ekce.11- ent regular departments. . Teddys Hospitality from the pen of R. Val: entino Gilliam is wellwritten and entertaining story, while 'the first. installment of close ,Races 'by A.J. Colbourne tells of the thrilling ad- ventures of i a seal hunter. �. -I zk tor n his Winter Snipe or "Winter Oxeye" Bonnycastle :Dale furnishes+ inter- esting and valuable facts concern ing a rare, and little-known Cana- dian bird, The other regular emit tributors of . stories, J: W. • Winson, R. V. Williams and ]Martin Hunter.. uphold their reputations in fine style and 'a' number; of articles on tniscellen'eous ,subjects of interest to sportsmen, including that of eonservation, will be sure to hold. their attention. The regular dep- artments, conducted by the dep- ai'tlnental editors, aro all up to the .ark u t artdcnmpl . tci • r. an uuusuriiy their offs[ir4ng, ii any, keeping on. those thr.l move good breeders ar., good mothers ..C. W. Laidlaw, D monstratiou Farm, New Liskeard. OR LOOK! NICE E - SIT • Pa, T1.'IXA•T CUSSSING AROUT THO>E FORD SIDE C /111.' AINS nESS WILE. FIX tar,.:IYX So TILS?' OPEN WITH T}1JE DO .1700 R REPAIRING , Painting Eo:d Car, One, float, 515,00, Two Coats ... rCovering Ford Top Good 5 » • 520.002 Chaoging , Material, less curtains .. ,.. $12.00 Painting igolsi Curtains to open 'With Door . 55,00, Buggy ,. ...- s 10" YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE ti.. IT $8.00 WE REI/U1313ER YOUR BUGGY WEIBEL'S, HESS -.ZURICH otgeozemeassiviessemmisommummiewmeavionoratemosimmosammonaftwasioommovannar i••q• ••1• ••d•,l.•i,++.1*+++ ••f+4•+d•++++ 1.441 t+•, +4•+++++++++.11•14++++++4 . iBird's Neponset :,.., _ LD P'AROX.� WE V -b, H . ilk EIV ' -t LD S IIPMEN"1' OR - 7.} IIE E PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDINGABOVE "GOOD O WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFE PAPER HENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS AND'SHINL7'LES.45.FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND 4*' SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. -CUSTOM `WORK OUR SPEC- e + IALTY, . 4•( : K a 111311.,..1EI CBI 1 I. PHONE 6' d' mac 4. s. }..e+ •i+.q++II-a•i+'ir4++b i i 3.4•+h .i. '1`-"r°-,1.•--•9.•••r3•-.F+-•4•-4•-4+--•F-•}- 4•-•d•-4•••_..•��•g,_..+�....,1„=.4.-3�--•�RE - 1 6 4• .g. .* lY A * . . WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUI' INGS AND SAMPLES: 1.,''1 ALL THE NEWT SEASON'S FABRICS, AND Et 4+ THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES �P tZESSING 4+ 4+ -HOBBERLIN HOFF .11()B131:17.1E LIN HAVING TAKEN IOVER THE AGENCY OF THE BEST KNOW •l' SEMI -READY CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA. (HABI3E a 4+ CO.) WE ARE IN A POSITIO�N'1'O GIVEE RLII`i' cid a, ,ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE •T 13 PUBLIC IJ ALMOST •p w• OVERCOATS AT PRICES SECE D TO NONE. E OF RING SUITS ANDS REMEMBER The Early Bird catches the Worm e- HOFFIVI . .t. TAIL AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR :I. AND MOHT PHO::NE No, 8e + Aboltt Seed Corn. In districts where corn growing is an 'assured success the greatest cause of low yield's 'is poor seed. This should not be so. rl`lie use of poor seed is unprofitable and causes the loss of large sums of: money each year, not only in loss of crop, but in loss of labor and use of tools i.. tilling acres that have but a this: or less than 100'per cent, stand o. crop. With eorn planted, 42- x 42. there are 3,556 gills per acre if nc losses occur through headlands. Lr` ing four seeds per hill, there woua, be 14,224 plants if all seed grew an II developed strong plants. 11 eau,. I plant gave an. eight -ounce ear, co. yield would be 104 bushels per acr'. If only one plant in each hill an eight -ounce ear, the yield woo,. be 26 bushels, per acre, Now tL work and exlrense of interest on i, vestment fertilizin,; the lane ploughing, planting, and cultivat,.: would be the same for a peri._ stand as for a .twenty-five per c} ,.. or a thirty-three per cent. crop seed is therefore. the first ir s i fur a 100 Per ocni.t, stand in the eo. Held. --L, Steyvenson,.` rigs gs profitable '6Vhe r1 G aretl .i o r. Swine are profitable ween ar e abuuclapt suns bnte`and: exe;`cis , ;a.. oir Weil -selected fdeds gently , handled, given p,toper ..;:sanitation and housing, kept Ir ee .4:rom worms and -lice; ,and protected againat choler._and other diseases:.. Quite -a lot happen a pig between birth and old age, but it is an easy. animal'' to keep in the straight antb arrow path lead- ing to' successful aid' profitable de-, velolrnent if you •go the right was. about i.• t. •. Pigs freattentiy stiffer' tnore fi'on.a the heat of the sun during the sum- mer than they do from the cold of the winter period Ifpossible, make. full use of any available shade trees when -making your; pians fol' Wine pastures, feed lots or colony . house locations,—L. Stevenson. Is team, life ivbrth while?, Not if it is One eorrtinuai round oil drudgery, 365 days' in the fear, witthetit'eon- veuienees or any, playtime. Not, for that matter, is of Carried on t1,1-y,.4way anywh re tttttclt .value. Groff• venieneea, a gai'delny Alowei.S, play. time, aid borne, tpue atveL, to` rleigh< ars, make life Aire ,*Orth while, If farm operatiI(' '.equipmeut must be left oiltdoors, ter aa;try length of tithe., it is a good idea, protect 11 fiura contact ,"110 t} ri,} %Md. urs --•F,--+i+-+f•-3+-�F+--•i•--•l•--d•-4•-•�--�d--�+�---+F-4•--•F-•i•-•+f+-+3•.,_..x._4,- 4111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICII111111(IIIlillllllllil!IItilr I11111111111111111111111116�111111111111111uIIINl1lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuI!111111111illllllllllllllllf!IllUlii!IkYII811N111111�1111!IIIIIINIIInlllll[ JURICH HERALD'S 1524 Clubbing List MITA' HERALD HERALD ill:"BALD ITER r+MLD HERALD HERALD and Toronto Daily Ciobe - ...56.00 and Kitchener Daily Ttrlegr•rph --- --• ...+...,50.10 and Toronto Daily Mail and tin pire .,. •,s}6,nn and Toronto atutday Mail and Empire 5.i.25 and Toronto Daily Scar56,00 and Toronto Weekly Star .. ...§;;3.25 IIERALD and Toronto Daily News . HERALD and ..•.546+00 n l London Free Press(, Morning edition ,.• 4 HERALD and London Pre Pr}�ss, evening edition ..... 56.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition ...; 6.00 V HERALD and London Advertiser. Evening edition ... 56.00 HERALD and London Farmers' Advocate ._..-.52.20 BERALD and 1arm andDairy ,_ HERALD and :Partners Sun • HERALDJh and Family Hrald and Weekly Star HERALD and Canadian Countryman ;e ' ER ALD and Weekly Witness 52.75 ;52 6 ,.5 52.75 52.25 HERALD and Farmers Magazine, 5552,50 +75 HE1t.4.LD and 'Youth's Companion ,..533+75 .: 53,25 ..$2+75 .,.53,15 HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor HERALD and Ontario Journal HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada ...... _..... S 1Fak" �,Y IN �. iyQ alltti ' • li°,1Y'3Y �IMtid Etas.�x' '' � ,.,,+,.�"� ' , t;�ei'�`,;; M;� .. Money Save M y and Trouble by mewing Your Papero with us: See us for papers Apt listed above _ 3 ZiEE HERALD OFFICE Zurich it nD bl Mone► 1 � 11!1r l ,a Illi � NSIM l!III11111!121111 ;;iii!1!1IIIIIII!111!!11111111[I0li f1[I(VIU1011ItilBi)1111=;'^