HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-12-25, Page 4DA.SHW ►I1 ae Wm, Minot^ of Detroit ).• iss1, (Hog the l *alidayaawith. hls per- tw • , ArIls- dL 1V'itaLxex la' v 1'siting. her Weenie, IVErt, .Rayanon,d Ciaifas least retia ne('1 after 'spending some time in: aTeyx' Oeleana. d)Ir, l velan i is visiting in Sar- Ma, Ereesit Stirs, of Oshawa and 11/r, Fred Stare of Windsor are 4apeading the holidays/ at their ho- tline here, X11r. and i irs, Levi Hamacher 'Lave r:eturn:ed' after wending the Valet month in 'Detroit, Mr. and ]Y'A Arto.. �l, H�.ug1L spent •iCh.ristarras' in London. A very succeasful concert was hela at WeybLn,rc'n, school. on Dee. 12the Ever body eaa)ixyed thc ea.'t., ale W, ' � t cEllr,znt pro�,r�,lxrtrLae 'wlaiala u as provided by Miss Talbot and the yc,ixnrg people of 'tlac, !section. Pro c eds' amounted to abotit $10,00 4 The followleg .is the report of Room IX ;O,l,;.S, for November.' Sr. lIi—?o'asible t oral 1.180 ;— Zeta eiadiger 11.1,8, Margaret Will' ert 1073, Wallace Wein. 1046, Ervin Guenther 1000; Sadie Held 982, Lou - tee Staubus 494. 1. Jr, UI -•'Possible total 857, -r -Ed- na Fisher 815; Ret4a Hayter 823, Oneda Restemeyer 798, Florence Ba leer 760, John Doeehey 776, Melvin Bestemeyer 748; Gertie Hoffanai 744, Etbylda, Held 743; . Pearl Sch- eele 723, Addison Mason 721, 1V,lam- ice Klurnpp 679, Sopha. Stire 673, Victor Kraft 671. Yenta Kraft 583, 100141,Ori 0000010000•r0000•0000.0.*m***es•00111 r9004o00000 0 • •1 o tar 0 • We have opened a Variety Store in! connection with our Flour and Feed: • Business and carry a fine line ofi Glassware, Chinaware, Etc., Etc. COME IN AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO SELL, A FINE! PLACE TO SELECT XMAS. GIFTS. O : FULL LINE OF LOUR, FEED* AND STOCK FOODS ALT . XS a,6• re i ON HAND. 1o e i 10 LOUIS SC �-I I L, S •• aa FORMERLY APPLE'S BLOCK -le, ZURICH.• •r 0000000011.0*0011Dea04:10.4e00®A•••••i••f••O•i•w1�' 0000• OPENED! s CHRIST I F T akeno mistake before you buy MEN'S FURNISHINGS E HAVE A SPLENDID LINE OF SHIRTS, HNECKWEAR, HAND- KERCHIEFS, SOCKS, ETC'. E ':ARE_ ALSO SHOWING A BL+'AUTIFUL LINE OF LADIES' HOSIERY IN ALL SIZES AND COLORS,. SUITS AND OVERCOATS ")per IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR SUI.r OR OVERCOAT SO IAT YOU WILL SURELY HAVE IT FOR CHRISTMAS. a E. WurIh, Tai['r WHERE THE GOOD CL OTHES COME FROM. eaSaileaantaateiie Seleeelesiefeeeeis .eass'4 v. k.'j, v.3.Y. :v:y:`iSj.,(n;::,N4,:�;.;.'•�ti`'•yE;,. t aeles DECORATED "AT NEW YORK hon the arrival of the Canadian Pacific S.S. Em Canada of C P da at Near. Fork, following her cruise Round America, Captain S. Robinson, ILN.R., now commands this vessel on world cruise, Was created' a Commander e Order of the British Empire in recognition of his heroic work at Yoko- when Japan was rocked by earthquake uake and when the ese of Australia, which he thein, commanded, Was the headquarters he rescue parties and relief workers, The investiture was made bySir. n .. •, r fn.tr ane.,', I•lri#rr,,.a Consul General at N'ew York in the presence of a gathering o'F important figures in Canadian and American oliticsl and .eretal life. +aphisphotograph 3 ,.was taken at the time of the rrn've{titure ''�',' from left to right, Sir Harr Armstran Captain y . �. Beatty, 8r . s plain ,5. Robinson, .1�•.R., and air., E. W. Beatty, K,C., presidents of the Canadaaa c tu'sea 'lag visited the blue ribbon vessel of the Canadian Pacific tee t,1a r,,nteas ., Sr. Ie -Possible Total 1175•--;lt:utb '1'iean?in!, 1128, Amelia 1 illert 1115,, Howard S]i,ea)ok, .1102; lswatlalet*tz; Bleeper 1101; Earl Zimmer' _1065, St- uart Wolfe 1013, Medvri Stade aOlai, Leonard, toltoe 965, Gerald Mason 594,,; Ralph Genttner 87.8;' Ilarry Miller 761, Oliver 'Staubi 725, Ir- ene 'Genttner 511. Lattta. B, Guenther, teacher GOAD COMPANY If you have a little fairy ° :irt''yoln• house, or a, big one for 'that mat- ter, tha!t's; ;lust the pleas where a 'subscription to rl'.lte Youth's Com- pa'iiiola will fit in. When the yo.- ung folkst bring new asgnaintenees to the house you are 'mighty •.tare fol to find out about them before admitting them to intimaey. In the -sane way you,should make sure whether the mental friends that they make throteali reading. are• of 'a kind to inspire them or destroy ail the ideals you have be- en at much, pain's: to implant. Try The Youth's Companion for year. See how quickly it becornee au indispensable member of the household, one of unfailieg charm and constant inspiration.. The 52 issues of 1925 will be •ci' owded with serial stories, short st- ories, editorials, poetry, facts and fun, Subseribae now and receive; 1 The Youth's Companion --52 is sues in 1925. 2 All the remaining issues of 1924. 3 The Conipaniou Horne Calendar for 1925. Sent only on 'request, .All for $2.50. 1 Or include McCall.'s Magazine,the monthly authority on fashiorist Both publications, only $3.00. THE YOUflI'S COMPANION Subscriptions received at Herald Office.. Thoul eat a God ready to pardon gracious and merciful, slow to .an- goer and of great kindne;ss(—Neh',9; Rem'ove far .from me vanity and lies; give me :neither poverty nor !'iehes; feted inei with food conven- ient for znef'-P.roy. 30;8. Let:Seta not be etre, syn in well do- ing for in due seaslon we shall reap. if war fa(<intt not. 4a wei have therefore opportun- ftyl, let us do good unto all men, especially yunto them P n w xo re a of the housiehold of faith—Gal. 6;9 10 Finally Lire{herny'whatsoever the in:gs alio true, wlaxitsibever things are honest, whatsta'ever things are just' -pure, lovely, good; if tho e be any virtu'ej,. and 2f therel be any praise. thfllcnlg oar these things. — Plulip; 48 Baetliearn: if a Man be .overtak- s: e a " i"laul , ye which are spir' itual,. restore scup; a , on'e ip the sp- irit of meekness'; Lonsidering thy- self, lest thou ,also b'e itempted— Gal. 6;1. If thine. enemy 'be hungred, give him breiad to e1a't; i;n;d if he • he thirntty, give him water to drink; —Prove 25;21. HENSALL. Chas. 'MuDona&li is 'visiting in Toronto. Esther Grabel4 of Dashwood- is 'v'i'siting her '&ister, Mrs. Pope and other friends in town. Mrs. W, Johnston, of it. Lo - leis if here visiting her'tother,Mrs. Ent an& auunt Miss Fell. John Flutter, who has been vis- iting ,,tor . the past -month with rel- atives in Obume returned home. W. C. Davis who h.ts conducted a, . general store for the. past 35 . ,. you e, is retiring fro.tn. business.. His ;on), Lloyd Davis, is bore sss-', isting :him. Mr Hildred, who, has been prin ci;?ta1 of the Continuation. 'sch.oal, is leaving a ere at the end of the term and .his place will be taken • by Miss Jestse Johnston, of Clifford, Miss Johnston conies hilly recon 'arca: ted. Mrs. Gliders:, of Toledo, Ohio, is here visiting .hersister iii=lav, Mas 3.• :< lis. Abs. Frod. Hayes', who was here for eomot rote visiting relatives and friends, has returned. to her horn M .Moose Jaw, Saks, Our young people amlooking 2or .rd with great interest to our skating rink as well as the curlers SELL ifeMBLIoy Rubber Fo�twear BECAUSE We elAeve is Better Footwear TC) B.E SUCCESSFUL A 31:E1 CHANT MUST DO THREE TI}ING•S FOR HIS CUSTOMER — SELL 'THEM STYLE. SELL T:EIEM 11TEAi ' - SELL TIW M ECONOMY Ile mu/ t ibe in> a' position to give ;them goods that are .r �`reliable anti juse a-lii;tlebetter at.. •i o a price no higher than his coanpetrtors. We realized these facts when we decided upon LIFE -BUOY l3U:t3-, BER FOOTWEAR for ;ZURICH • and DISTRICT — and we haare not been disappointed. Neither' .have our customers. Life -Buoy Rubber Footwear made of finest of pure gum rubber bythe u..� - t to o da Life-Buoy/pea' 11 es. C 9e S always and wonderful weailargqualities an wonderful wearing fine appearance nclis far cheaper', because it lasts ion: gee.• .qualities and is THAT IS WHY WE SELL, AND RECOMMEND IT TO YOU. We have a complete stock of this • desirable Rubber linen' in :,stock noes.. Let "Us Meet Your Requirementa Thank Your: Brown Brothers Zurich ' Ont THE RELIABLE•SHOE 'STORE„ YOU'LL FIND --,IT'S ALWA YS AT. YOUR SERVICE Mr. and lt'Ix +..L H. Holtzman vis- ited with Mr. Whitin;g at Parkhill recently. Wm. E. "Yearley, who for 16 yrs. served the Township ` of Stephen in the capacity : of Deputy -reeve and councillor,: passed to his rew-- and on Tuesday Dea71611, at the age of 70, year,* 11 months and 1 day. The deceased had been, ail- leg illeg all summer and early in Nov.- underwent an operation in Viet oria Hospital,, London. He was bc,rn' in the, Tp. the only .son of Thos, Yearley. With a kindly and generous hearted disopsition he won a. abet of friends. He is survived by his bereaved widow two daugh.'ter's and two sons, 'the funeral' was 'held to Exeter cem- ei:ery, t COUNTY NEWS Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Elgie; of Rippon% Ont.,' announce the enge agenrent of their daughter, ' Anna Ethel, to Horner S. Hunt, of Sea forth;. 'the nvarriage to take place on New Year's Day in St. Andrew's church, KiiiPeni. E. O. Pel!; le, has disposed of his 50 -acres,, in int he Tp. of Stephens art Lot 6, N. 131, to Ben't . . � of ' the i sante Tp. The price � l.,'tvas $2,800. Poss ession Mare a st. Mr.., and .,; +e ' David' Mitchell McGillivray • iere:,victinrs of a mo tor .accident driving into Parkhill, their car skidded while travelling over what Is known as the: stone road -and both occupants were thrown out, alter which the auto ::turned .over, Mrs Mitchell] eu1ferecl a broken lip and, it is feared internal injuries while 'Mit nchell escaped with minor cuts and bruises.- me ruises. me •other morning the old fram building just 'south of Carlin's gar- age, C �.., f a of Lh ' oc cued e p by N. Nish of as a paint. shop was destroyed by flee. Two ;,cars that were in the shop were destroyed while others were damaged, '• Mr. r. and Mrs. Fred J. Kerslake of Seafortlit hnnounce the engages, meat of their only daughter, Rota to D. Hill, 33S.A., Waterford' only son of Mr.' 'and lira. Jas. Hi11 " St of' the marriage , to ;. take place in Degelrrber, i 7 _n the year 1875 the municipality of Clinton 'vas. organized as a town and a celebration, to take the o key Assoc, have been making a canvas of the business section of the town for funds, and have met with a liberal response .$130 hav- ing been collected. There passed away at her late' home, Hayment Crt. on Deo. 10, Sarah. 'M. widow of the late John W. Broderick a. formerr resident of Exeter. Deceased' was known here by manly, her maiden name wa's Collingwood, and 'she w,as bore in Hay Township: A , `' E S SAGS TO FORD OWNERS ITS A FACT' THAT FORD MAG- NETO DOES GET WEAK a:ET US TEST YOURS FREE,. WE HAVE INSTALLED THE WON DER RE -CHARGER, APPROVED BY FORD MOTOR COMPANY THE RESULTS OF A RE -CHARGE ARE WELL KNOWN, R: PRICE $1.00 H. S. WEIN, Prop DASHWOOD MOTOR SERVICE NOMINATION POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICHPUBLIC NOTICE IS 'HEREBY givont" hat ameieting of the El- ectors of the Police Village of Zur- ich will be held ,int he TOWN HALL; — ZURICH On MONDAY DECEMBER '29th, 1924 At the hour from 7.00 to 8.00 o' clock in the evening for the pur- pose of nominating candidates for Police Trustees' tees for the .year 1925 and if a poll is demanded a poll will be opened on MONDAY THE 5th, DAY OF JAN- UARY, 1925. At the 'Clerk's' Office in, the Town Hall. Said poll be opened at :9 m, o'clock, 'a,. until) 5. o'clock, p�nn. 4. F. HESS', Returning Officer. Dated at . Zurich:; this 6th day of December, 1924. form of an Old Boys'' "renunion, has ill HERALD PRINTING been decided upon for the firs week .of August x925, in, coiumem oration) of the 50th ',anniversary. EXETER e. Jas Poet left for Detroit, where he has ' aecepted a position as motor mechanic with the City fire department. Mrs F Witwer of Exeter North', left t i visit with, her daughter,Mrs D. Boehler, in, with, Wen. MVliteh ll hies <. disposed of the Metropolitan Hotel to Thos.. Cameron, who gets possession Jan;, 9th. i%lr. Mitchell has been the proprietor of the Metropolitan Ho- tel for the past ten, years returning to Exeter from the west. Bobbie, the 6 -yr, old con of Fred El.lerington is suffering an attack of, pneumonia. Fran kDelrin,Ple has 'blood po- isoning on his hand. Mr. and Mrs, J. Ford, 'Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford were in Detroit attending the 'marriage of the former's daughter Cora. Pearl to Wm. Lakin of that city: Mr. and Mre Herbert l3ed.ford cif `Nin:gston, have talten up their residence with the foim%or's mother, Mrs 3.:lleclfbrd, and will make the Sir' future home here„ :the officex'sa oo ed),0 ZiAter.„itos A keenly contested shooting rna, :tan was held on Friday 'last when a large number of crack shots, we- re present. The' following were the principal scores,; Shot at 35: birds -1st 8, Vance 32; R D. Bell 30; ` F. Kora 30; G. Dale y nxple 29; S. Dougall 28. The AnnLml Xmas entertainm- ent nter tisane-. ent of Zion Evangelieai S.S. will be given on Xmas,. night at 8 o'clock a ciao wing the griisec1la;roousea- gram. a sacred Caatata will p all be rendered entitled "The heart of the BE+:1s. Last Tuesday eve, the Moun-, ta:i'r,. Boys classy of the. Evang. S. . ;slat at the home of Hy. Pant 1cr c a social evening the gueptstve�; ire entertained, with a program Con t•rr:a rtg 1111TIe and gemos, i'o low.. ..1 by ate;; o,fa.,er Sa,;,:)3r, OFFICE ADVBBTXSIN•3 RATES esued Wednesday noon front the' In advance, ;32.00 may becharged1 if not so mite, U. S. aubscrieti- alads $1,75,strictly :ip' advance. No paper discontinued etntil all ar- rears are paid Unless at the option of the publisher. The date to sr hick er r'r•+ subscription is paid la denoted on the label, Iliaeeilaneous articles of not ateale than five lines, For Sale, To aefet, or Wasnted; Lost, Found, ete. esth inaertton 25a, address all communications to l�irplar Advertieing-Madge known n fppliaatien, Stray Anien als—One insertion 500 '.'bee insertions 81.00. ?arm er. Real Estate for sale 12 for first rnnnth, "$1 or each sub- aegnent insertion. AUCTION S ALES-$2er single miseatioaa, if not over five inches In ength, 1abscr' ,pt.,rnn 9 '•, erms;2b , 1per p r year 'hard of Tl^)nls, In Memoriam 0' Loeal and legal advertising 'not ees read e b , rn matter, ].Oe a limier fret ineeeatron and 5c line perfor ash subsegt';eat .,insertion. 11t 0 -Dep Thleraday, Veceh}ber 25th, V 1 . Vu W61S1 Oilia•aa May !Learn From. Cali%cilia r:>ijt tirowers ,1tr.,I' immense flange of l nsiness-.-'ir'aes,, Maaa•lcet Still t3rowins; -- l)rgaraiiaitee tafi)a t Pays the i'a•a,dtacei•,.r.Letiemeat e inecaalatio) .....r leo -New O. ei. tai 144 Oat. Co,rtributed:'ila:' Ontario Dena rim en ,fc,i"ltu.r,e, Toronto. The California Fruit Growers' Ea:- ihangca shipped ]7,857,417 boxes of oranges, lemons and grapefruit 45,258 lemons 8 car's to points outside Cane forma increased , as d its proportion of .alch cite us ;fruit grown in the state' free* , 68.7 to 75,8 per cent.; returned 365,,,..„. 223,150 to its members; lost tbroug . failure of customers only $6,926,76,a did all this business at a, cost of 1.61 per cent, of the delivered value braid , including advertising, 2.48 Per *meta. Such is the record for.its last teazle- • sial year of the California Pruitt ; Growers' Exchange, whose prodaaetiate are best known to Canadian .consenter ere by the brand "Sunkist.” An immense Range. of Business,. The California Fruit Growers' Ex— change is the oldest and largest e'" the California Cooperatives. In the,' - last twenty years ft .has returned toe its• members $546,000,000 from tbe,, sale of their products. It is a Leder , - atter' of 208 local associations'witb 11,000 members. Tee locals sack have their own 'packing houses, aside are fully responsible, financially ani,, otherwise, for their own local aotivia ties. They are grouped into 21 ',riot exchanges. exchanges. , Each district ex.e change has one director on the boat ;af the California Fruit Growers' MIN - change,. which owns the brand "Snit... - slat" and acts as the Central Selliuv -'<gency for all the fruit. It .has bust- .loss connections with 3,500 whole -alers, who serve 400,000 retailers*. who in turn serve 113,000,000 erne.•.- sumers in Canada and the linnet Mates. �'he Market Is rSti11 Growing. The market demand for its .pre•;• iuets is being constantly increased hP lie Exchange. Twenty-five years a,gg rte orange i; 'owers of the State weraae :seed with what they thought 'waS :ver-produc..un. Since then produce - •on has quadrupled and the crop is tilt consumed, Judicious advertiainse are mercha.sdizing methods beast ..rapt :demanti equal to or ahead rte- aup,ply, A ivy of four Gents a beat. 0 oranges and 64, cents a box 'hat ,nr• ons pays t for it all.. Advertxsiarg ad dealers :service work is directed; ..sdy to the retailer and cdnsuruer,; .0 any cross -road village in Ontario*. t There you could not buy an Ontriso .PPie, you will find oranges constant •y displayed according to unrectiontit orlted out- by those wide-atvatsa,e ;i'owers in Southern California. ,ower Freight Rates Secnr�•eot. -Last year an arrangement •cam rade with the railways by wlnlebe rough ,the use "Of larger ears or* rantity shipnien ts, a lower freight: ta, was secured on oranges'. Time duction will effect .a saving off` ,u00,000 a' year to the orange, +,were of the State. This works caul i e organization s se • .cents a box. vices,e t exclusial cost y. arivertisiuar g, . is 6.8 , cents per 'bakaC as than half the amount of thee Effort Pers the Produse,J . ua uldest and best Co-operativea ec:r.arig Association of Californiste •• :: quarter of a' century of sue- il experience, is still.demon•4 ie that the farmers' marked/4e ,i can Onl be t solved d th rougls, ad marketing effort by: tht•' 41 themselves, -R. D. Co.; erofeseor of Marketing;,.O:.&j , uuelph. Lsguine Inoculation. ;,ui,uiarity of theBacteriologgl 'et of the Ontario Agrict ...lege e a s g attested' by the tall-.' ,�;,atements: During 1923 1 7 cultures _ s of 1. zumaRl • .i'r seed inoculation., were, ▪ ,,.Ad sent out.. 01 tilts nuta.4 .,e. was most frequently ask- see 1,892; Red eleven 886ri v' r, '652; peas, 524; aisike, us, 88; beans, 71 sweet h, 81; white clover. 1,. nr:•*ynaen. and the , eese.•4 JLi I tor and were sr.; plies starters, and 6,, Bala i res. _,tying, influence r' th d •c;. ria sent from the Elan .t, siePartment during thei L a very noticeable iniiuenct, :res. 01 the fields, and the fin-, ▪ y' i�roduets of the factories. : :.w O. A. 0. No. 1.44 Oat. O. A: C. No. 144 oat ,s obi from tue Siberian vn,rietl;'' u nurser, plant selection. 'i`his4 W, aicf matures about the sante s the Danner, has a spreading, ' white grain and less than thet .u4,c per cent. of hull .found iijt€ The straw is strong and it` haat ,a to' be en excellent yielder '' ,len tested on thirty-two farms exced in twenty-one different couta-+ ie Ontario in "1923, it outyieldetil• h.a 0. A' C. No. 72 by 5.7. bushels„ u. A. C. No, 3 by 10.3, and 'the K ., rty Iiulless oat by 17.3 nus. a heltrli• ui r:. 'Cin per acre. ` In triplicate -,plot este at the College in the aver_ ,lit; last live average oro` years, rt surpa,.n5c.ir t1t,W r -seat. C. No, 72 by•4;3 and the leanater les 5.6 bushels of grain. Per 1 e, r a• cr• .. :) uzl u this acre, 1 ti v £, e e arstraw Y c;r' p za dtl� r„ is variety lodged:;leds 4,ir:�in i,itbery � A. C. No,' 72. or 13aa er ]' LL., Oats,. t. of Extension, 0. ii,., f •azl,it•fees•�a h. RIffeetive a Iter San. let, 1920• , ;gait serve's as a spice Or condizrre; 1, T Zl� r:uch whets: the . en tate ria astaa s 1 ereatee the ledatabili4r tai . rbfeaeloael Cards not exceeding inch 5 ” $ per gear. 11var itook„ • wit w.* travr 14, Slrr el Di ae! th Lat Rory Oi Mehl At Z P "taken 10 when tit *1PRINc ANT atelving iHudson Stove a SOF other c; *hie col itiounehe Save'ov 730T71 iitoo in iI wing OUB, oervice. Itor aa'atie 000: 1