HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-12-18, Page 5uraday, Deeonebei' 18th, 192t ons, INESS CARDS DUDLEYE,. HOLMES llleiaTister, Solicitor, Notary Public Eta,, Office on Hamilton Street, meat off the square, Goderiah. Priv- site funds to loan at lowest rates. ;lir, Holmes will be in Hensallt) Friday of each week, Andrew' V. Hess. Township Clerk liaauer of marriage licenses, Notary ,Ea'b1144, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- 1ob11e Insurance, Representing '$tures and Erie Mortgage Corpora - .On, The Canada Trust Co, Zurich, C. Knapp, D. D. S., LD S- i, DENTAL SURGEON .1111LUN OFFICE HENSAL.L A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR IKLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat - tonal School of Auctioneering. Try' sae for Registered Live Stock :ll Breeds). Terms in keeping faith prevailing price's. , Choice toms for sale. Will sell anything] ,li'imtywhere. Zurich. Iphone 18-93 or write, h Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County 1 Huron.: In a position to con - Gust any auction sale, regardless to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business; and if not Satisfied will make no charges for pervlces. • !Arthur Weber, Dashwood. ?None 13-57 Zurich that MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages,, etc highest Cash Price for Wool CASH, FOR SKINS 4 H1DES1 Iruzgbi°Lt t Deiolaiert ZURICH LIVERY. I am . in a position to accomo- Sate all requirements in the Livery 'nine, have Auto for hire. Any, thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE. J. THIEL *bone se •Zurich" • g. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College 11 Dental Surgeons of Ontario and ast the University of Toronto. 1Sate District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Main Office,Exeter. Phone 34. • :it -Zurich every TUESDAY Phone 79 -19 LI VE P o U LT R y, WANTED /ease every day till 3 Ocloek p.m. • Do npt feed fowl same morning) ',whin brought i.n. _ • y !Highest Cask 'Prices y --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Pholne 94, Zurich COAI'. SEASON 1924 SPRING AND SUMMER • DELIVER- IES ANTHRACITE -We are now 're- nerving our genuine ' Delaware & $tlideen direct from the mined, Nut i3tove and 'Egg sizes. SOFT COAL -Just arrived, an- Other ca.r of our high grade soft, /Thin coal has made• a great hit for lbouriehold ease and our sales of this Gave over doubled in the last sea- PDX BOULETS-Our 13oulet Coal Is in a ela'ss by 'itself and is„gr- Oltitng iia favor rapidly. OUR Telephones are at • your 'armation,U'se thein freely for in-' • $IM1l & PRODUCE MERCHANT Phone Orfic,e low. House ital. 14 N SA -4.1 ar% N T. • PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads YN THIS COLGIVIN NOTICE Highest market prices paid fo Dressed Turkeys, Geese, Duels and Chic,kenst. Must be delivered no later than Monday, Dec, 22nd, J. Gasch'o & Sots. STRAYED. Unto my premises, Parr Line, Hay, . a yearling' calf. Owner can have same by pro.'ing cproperty and paying expenses: Sol Sch- rader, R. R. 1, Zuriell. NOTICE. DEBENTURES FOR SALE TOWNSHIP OF HAY • under authority of By -Law No. 7-1924, re Stephan Drain, amoun- ting' to $3129.115. A. F. HESS, Treasurer, Hay Tp. Dated at Zurich', Nov. 17, 1924. FOR SALE A WEEK-EN•J.) SPECIAL - A. high 'grade Pian',,, Mohagany case, fttll size, sold. by Heintzman &. Co. complete. with benclb at $245.00, John Hey, Jx11., Zurich. FOR SALE 3 small outhouses for sale, Zurich public •school grounds. ply to Dr. A. .3 MacKinnon, on Ap- -24 NOTICE. 'The Excelsior Bacon Hog Club have placed a pure bred York- shire Hee for service at the farm of Henry Krueger, 14th Con., Hay Tp,, who is caretaker. ,Terms, $1.50 cash, 22-4 Alb. Hendrick, Pres'. NOTICE. We, are in` a' position to store and keep your auto ibattery.:char •gecl; for the winter • Also charg- ing . done at any time. --L. tl; Prang, Zurich: P. J. O'Dwyer, M. D. ZURICH - ONT: OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY -15 Jno, Preeter—Main (Street • Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR arORD CARS. GU ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING . OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tf18 COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and. Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Song Zuitl;C.I3 .4Eit,A.L: LOCAL NEWS Mi, Alex, Foster retuiteed Frain Delroit on Friday. Mrs. E,. E. Steele is ,spending the week at St Thomas,. Miss Genevieve Zettel returned after visiting at Kitchener.' Miss Theresa ,Meidinger 'return- ed [rein Chatham where tshe bid been visiting. Mr, and Mrst, E. E. Steele at-, tended the fixneral of Mrs, Leiner), Mr.. Steele's aulit, at Aylmer ori Tuesday';,, Mrs. A. Melick is ,speandin a Id few weeks with her daughter,. Mrs L. Callfast in Kitchener. Mr. Ivan Kalbfleiseh spent ,the week -end with his brother Rev. L. Kelbfleisch in Elmira. Miss Jessie Macdonald oe' the 14th coni. spent the week -end with Miss Ethel , Hens. FOUND -At 'south; end of Zur- ich, a child's Wooled , stocleing, same can be had at Herald office. � i The weather matin, xoinmds oat, of a Christnnaar shopper. He can't make, up his mind what to give?, Wolves 'int Northern Ontario are entering villages for food, That's nothing. The wolf's' often at our door. A School Concert will be held in S. S. No; 8, Hay on. Thursday eve. December 18th, when at fine pro- gramme will be rendered. Ad- Sometimes very rank clover will mission. 20e, children 10c. Miss .;'give a taint to the milk. The remedy Dorothy Balkwill, teacher. is to turn the cows into a fresh clover field for only a short time A terrific ,snow storm. su,ep-t •each day untitthey grow accustomed ),his section on Saturday and Sus to the clover and the persons buying day, butsince the weather has or using the milk become adjusted been mild, while we notice that to the change in flavor. in, the Can. ,West the mercury has Turnip Tops Give Offensive Flavor. dropped to around 40 below zero in many places. Our merchants, are offering to the buying public a . fine, display, of Xmas. articles, no need of going out of towns or sending away, you get anything you want, and just as cheap as anyplace. -Do your buying in Zurich. The Township, Treasurer, Mr. A. F. Hess, is bury making out the annual Financial 'Statement of the Township, and the printer will s •e soonoon be equally as bu y� Th , Rape is nearly as bad as turnip taxes are pretty well paid in, as tops. In beef -raising sections, where Monday; Dec, 15th was the'lasts rape is largely grown for fattening clay, after which a 4% penalty .will C$ttle aid sheeps, the cows, if allow - be ehir•ged on unpaid %'amce. eii re intoto thegive rapetfieldm, are . alIfmtheost ^stainted Ten nd the large Insurance Com- .farmer is using the milk and cream parries doing business in Canada, at• home and likes the turnip or rape each have eioo,0u0. invested in :flavor, all rig'•it; but to sell this rave Huron & Erie Debentures. - .These 'material for manufacturing purposes 'conm'panies� are :sittisfi•ed with then lx �il�spoil the cheese and butter: We security behind etheir °investment ;. Let us ,arrange a profitable de- benture investment for your unin- s ested fundst. Applications for`. Heron & Erie Debentures.. are nc- ee:Trted at .ttny time by Anclrewl'' Oil on l.'caches.Stops Hen Lice. FEEDS THAT TAINT MILK Undesirable flavors (liven by Some Plants in Autumn Ragweed an 011`endei'-Rani. Clover* Turnip Tops and Rape Also shake Taints -Oil on Perches Stop lien Lice ---To Remove Paint, (Contributed by Outar'lo.Departrnent nf' Agriculture, Toronto.) One of the worst weeds for pro- ducing bad flavors in milk during the autumn season Is ragweed. So says Prof. H. H, Dean of the Ontario Agricultural College, This gives a peculiar pungent odour to milk, which is very objectionable for both cheese and buttermaking. For eon• densing, powdering, and for city milk and cream trade such milk would bo rejected and returned to the farmer. A Bad Case of Ragweed 'Paint. A, case is known where a cheese maker was obliged to leave the fac- tory because the cheese was rejected by the cheese buyers on account of bad flavor. On investigation it was found that ragweedgrew on many patrons' farms nearly as high as the fences. When pastures are short, as they frequently are in September and October, the cattle eat the weed, This taints the milk and causes no end of trouble for both cheese and butteiinakers. The remedy, of course, is to rid the farms of this noxious weed, or else prevent the cows from pasturing in fields where the ragweed grows. Rank Clover Will Give Taint. Among crops grown for feeding pur- poses, one of the worst flavored is turnip tons. As soon as the turnip crop is harvested some farmers turn their' cattle into the field to clean up the tops, small turnips, etc. This practice is sure to result in bad - .flavored milk and cream, Most cream- ery men warn their patrons against this, as it has been found impossible to prevent turnip -tainted butter where much cream comes from farms Where "cows break into the turnip field unknown to the owner." Rape Nearly as Bad as Turnips. cannot be too careful with the autumn footle for dairy cows. Prices are usually good, and we must pro- duce milk of good flavor. -Dept. of Extension, 0. A. College, Guelph. Hess, Zurich. Hay Council met for its last bus- iness,session on Monday, for 1924. and transacted a larger amount of business. There is at. present no rumuort hat we know of as to the possibility of a municipal election and undoubtedly the 1924 Board will again conduct the Township's business for another year. We think the old board has given very satisfactory !service to most of as hence there is no particular reason for a change. lilr. Garnet Daters of Hay Town- ship is to be congratulated on prcducing on his Parra such sp- lendid Standard Bred Trotting stock. The other day, he .sold a spring 'colt foaled in June to Mr. Wm. Payne, of Toronto, for the iandsom•e sum of, $475.00. The colt was sired by the horse Gret- na Royal, 'and' the dam by Wid dower Peter. This is' the fourth colt Mr. Deters ha ssold of this val liable mare the past four years,and totalheamount received for these slits is $1395, and is quite an asset n his live stock property". 'l • t PHONE 35, HENSALL -17 iiDr. H. H. COWEN�: L. D. H., D. D. S. • •`DENTAL SURGEONy At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. Main Office f.IART.LE1B'S -BLOCK, DASHWOOD BORN Regier-At Goshen Line, Hay Tp. on December 13th, to Mr. and Mrs Fred Regier, at daughter; Denomy-At Hay Township, on December 121h, to Mr. and Mrs. John I)enomy, a daughter. •• V -,V Gremitem .4.t Goshen Line" Hay'3. , on Docember 9th, to Mr. Mrs Win, Grenier, a daughter, Callfns-At Kitchener, on Decent -i bar lath to 142r. and Mrs. tennis s • GOOD COMPANY If you have a little fairy in your horri,e, or a, big one for 'that mat- ter, that's: just the place where a subscription to The Youth's, Com- panion will fit in. When the yo- ung folks bring new asquaintauces to the house you are mighty care• ful. to find out about them before admitting them to intimacy. In the 'sande way you, ,should makck sure whether the mental friends' that they make' through reading are of al kind to inspire them or destroy all true ideals you have be - ea at much pains to implant. Try The Youth's Companion for ,a' year. See ho'tti quickly it becomes an indi�sptensable member of the household; once of unfailing charm and constant inspiration. The 52 issues of 1925. will be cr owdecl with: serial stories, short st- ories, editorials',.. poetry, facts and fun, Subscribe now and .receive; 1 The Youth's Companion -52 18- enea ill 1925. 2 .11,11 the remaining issues of 192.1. 3 The Companion homes' Calendar for 1925.: Sent only ..on request. All for - $2.511. "At the head of all the scleneee 4 Or include McCall'S 1Via,azi'ne;the and: arta, at the hood of civilizationand progress, stands -not militar- ism, the selence that kills, not com- merce, the art that accumulates wealth—bast agriculture, the mother r ell fedu;'* ,r, and time :maintainer 1 oi, LaMar, lifts°-Geelleid, When .t started to keep poultry 1 built a new hen -house, and the first year I had no trouble at all with mites, but the second year gave nit lots of were. '' But one day I went out on .a pleasure drive which took lee close to a friend's bone whore knew to be a good poultry woman. I `asked ,to see her flock, to which, she gladly led the way. The building was just a ram- shackle old affair to which several leans had been added as her Bock ,grew in size. She went right into the house, but I hesitated, for when I looked in I naw all sorts of boxes and barrels half full of straw with hens on them, the only thing provided for theto lay in. But she invited uie in, and reluctantly 1 complied, She led off in conversation, I listening, expecting ,any minute to be set upon by finites. After a few minutes it dawned upon use there were no unites in there, 'so I asked her how she managed to keep such a place ire from Writes: She turned to the perches, pointed at them and said, `'`See those black perches. That is oil on thein." went W Ihome and oiled the perches in my new hen -house and have )tad no mites since; that was threes year ago. `Each year, after the incubating season is over, I paint the perches heavily with the cheapest, lubricating 'oil procurable, and now I don't MOI have a: mite on the Place. lake;all leave the lien before ., (leal,, The oil kills them, and enough or it gets on the feathers to kill the young as they hatch on the hen's body. Don't put the oil on till tiro hatching is over or you'll regret it. To Remove Paint. To remove old paint from wood- work or automobile body, wash with a strong, hot solution of concentrated lye. Dissolve one can of'lye in every gallon of water used and apply while hot. A wooden tub or bucket is an suitable container for the solution. Au old paint brush or a heavy cloth may be used to apply the paint re- mover. The hands should be protect- ed: by wearing rubber gloves. After letting solution soak into the paint, which requires about ten' minutes, 11 may be removed ,with a stiff wire brae'', or steel: wool. A brush or wool becomes clogged with paint, rinse in a pall of clean water.. In stubborn eases, or where thero are several coats of paint, two or three apt?lica tions )nay be necessary, ,• Califae, a son, monthly authority on fashions Both publications, Only $3.00. \ THE YOtTTTT'S C�D"'^ANION ub:scriptions received at Herald Office, Page, VIVO Oft L0OK SPlrea THAT CUSSING ABOUT THOSE FORD. SIDE CURTAINS HESS WILL FIX THAW SO THEY OPEN WITH THE DOOR I ` "NO. Painting Feed Car, Qxae ^oat, $15.00, Two 'Coats .. $20.00 iCovering Ford Top Good Material, less curtains ,-< ,. '$12,00 Changing Ford Curtaius to Open with Doors .... Painting Buggy 88.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WA HAVE IT WE RERUBJOEU YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. H ESS ZURICH 'ii•'1'+•h•Fc• essar sNeporiset Roofs �. "GOOD OLD PAROID" WE HAVE RLCEIVE:q-A LARGE SHIPMENT -OF -THE ABOVE PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER WALL BOARDS, ROOFS' INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND SIINGL.ES, ALWAYS ON HAND.CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC- • IALTY. . 4 KALFL * • PHONE 69 ZURICH F' 4.++4.' ++•F•+ 1.++4++++•l.+q ; :...' , a,.;.,;, •i*4. a 'b-"1'-•F-•e•-ri- 4-4-4-4-4-•'r-<-H-+'r-•i'--4-4•-- -4- READ + • 4. •1• 4 . :HOBBERLINHgFFMAN:. .1. WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITINGS AND SAMPLES.'r"1. IN ALL THE NEW; SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSING .'1I, THE VERY LAMEST STYLES AND SHADES ROBBER LIN 1' HAVING TAKEN OVER iTHE AGENCY OF 'THE BEST KNOWN: SEMI -READY CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (HABI3ERLIN &: 4. 00.) WiE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST 'ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRIN'" SIT" " OVERCOATS AT PRICES SECEND TO NOND. •1• REMEMBER The Early Bird catches the Worm • Wa H TAILOR{'`AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR* F .er 4? 4' k 4. DAY, AND NItall i' PHO„NE No, 86 -•k+++++a•-+++-+ 4-+ ++++ •r + * Q>�111111111111111111111111NIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111161NIIIIIINIIIIIIIi1111NIIiNIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi111111111111iIIIIIIIItBUIIIINlulIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIfIIiilN�t ZURICH T-TERALD3 I094 O1ubbin List M HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe • $6.00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph $5.10 a HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00. HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3.25 Ea HERALD and Toronto Daily Star HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star „•$3,25 HERALD and Toronto Daily News $6.00 M HERALD and London Free Press, Morning edition ... ,;,.1.00 m HERALD and London Free Prose, evening edition $6.00 2.gi 3: HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition ,$6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening edition ... $6.00 HERALD and London Farmers' Advocate ... ... $2.25 HERALD and Farm and Dairy . ,. $2.75 HERALD and Farmers Sun . . ,.. $2,65 HERALD and Family H.rald and Weekly Star ,, ... $2,75 ,..,4, HERALD and 'Canadian Countryman ..........$2,25 IER_A.LD and Weekly Witness .. .,. $3.15 HERALD . and F<armere Magazine $2.50 HERALD. and Youth's 'Companiosn , $3.75 HERALD and Seaforth Ninon. Expositor . , $3.25 NERAL) and Ontario Journal ...... :..$2.76 2. HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada .$3.15 .19 =3Save Moneyand Trouble by renewing �®l. Papers _ with us. See lis for'papers not listed above 3 HERALD OFFICE, Zurich ��+IaIaNNCuIiIhY�i�liinl6�li!n>l��l!'ifl�1>1�11I1p��lli6fi�llll�lllllllliilVl(il��l� �tl Itlitllllulllill{IIIIII�IIIIIICiIt�tIGIIIIIIiIIIIiI�Dulllf(IllllllClllE<VIUJ�I � ;,;