HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-11-27, Page 8Page eight '4Utt1CH HERALD Christmas News! Santa Clause Advises You to do Your Christmas Shopping Early, and to do it at J. Gascho & Son's Store Where a fine array of Christmas Gifts are awaiting your inspection; Where you get de- pendable Goods and a square deal every time A HOST OF APPROPRIATE THINGS RAE BEING DISPLAYED ON OUR COUNTERS AND TABLES. THERE IS SOMETHING TO pL]EASE EVERYBODY, FROM BABY TO GRANDMOTHER. CHR- ISTMAS IS BECOMING MORE SENSIBLE YEARLY, INSTEAD OF THE USELESS GEE GAWS THAT WERE PRESENTED, SOMETHING REAL AND USEFUL IS NOW TAKING THEIR PLACE, THIS YEAR PRICES ARE NOT AS HIGH AS THEY WERE LAST CHRIST 31IAS, AND WITH SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY AS SET ASIDE • LST YEAR FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, ONE CAN PURCHASE }(BORE DURABLE AND MORE SATISFYING AND USEFUL . GIJ' TS. THE WISE PURCHASER WILL NOT LEAVE HIS OR HER CUR - AST MINUTE. FOR LADIES' AND GIRLS LET US SHOW YOU OUR RANGE OF NEW;, SILKS,SIUTAI3LE FOR DRESSES AND B ISTMAS SHOPPING (.GILL° THE LLOUSES, NEWEST ARRIVALS IN BARONETTE CREPE IN BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF BLUE, ROSE, GREY AND WHITE. FINES SWEATERS, A NEW, SHIPMENT OF BRUSHED WOOL SWEATERSJUST OPENED UP, NEW SUEDE AND SILK GLOVES, CASHMERE, SILK AND WOOL HOSE, IN WANTED SHADES. HANDKERCHEIFS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION VANCE CHINA AND GL ASSWARENOW ON DISPLAY FOR MEN AND BOYS—What Would be more suitable: than a new Suit, Overcoat, Fine Sweaters, Scarfs, Gloves or Necktie, or Cap, let its show you Our Lima,. FOR THE LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS—We are !showing a lot of useful things to wear; such as, Toques, Sweaters, Scarfs, Gloves,Mitt's, But Christma stwould not be real without a Supply of TOYS. So Santa suggests Toys for the Little Folks as welt as warm things to wear. We have a wonderful Lot of Toys again on Mand, in- Iptru:etive as well as Entertaining Toys, Games, Story Books, 'Ete. NEW FRUITS Are now `nearly all in; stock, Seedless and Seeded Raisins, Dates, Figs, Lemon, Orange and Citron Pea1S, Glace Cher - ties, Everythinlg required for the Christmas, cake!,, CHRISTMAS Would not be complete without a liberal 'supply o! •Candies, Nuts and Oranges. We have new crop Walnuts, Al- monds, filberts; Peanuts, arriving Grapes+. as well as oranges, Lemons, J. GASCHO & SON Produce Wanted Pho.ne.. 67_. • c s ara e Gas, Oils Greases Tires Tubs,.Repairs AND GENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS L. BATTERY IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE 'SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. • ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. Mousseau Zurich • 00•0•000000•••0•0N••N•0N0!l 00S000040N•NNh • Prices Lower on Corragated Galvanized- Prices .1 28 Guage, Ordinary, at $6.25 per 1Q0 Square Feet iron Roofing .......... • • • • • „ 28 Gauge Council Standard, guaradteed against any w red rust, for at least 20 years, 13-4 oz. .„ Galvanizing per square foot, at • $6.75 per 100 Square Feet •• • • • • • • STADE pREETER BLOCK -- ZURiH. *400•••••••••••04•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••400* FORCED Sounds Queer But its True Our Phonograph Department is Over- stocked. verstocked. We must Reduce! THERE'S NO ALTERNATIVE, WE MUST ITURN THE STOCK. WE NEED THE MONEY AND ,TETE SPACE. 18 INSTRUMENTS AND OVER 2,000 RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS KINDS, GO ON SALE THIS THURSDAY AT A PRICE —THIS IS A GENUINE SALE.e ;AND WILL CONTINUE 'UNTIL SATISFIED. IT IS NERVERACK,ING TO SELL THESE GOODS AT THE PRICES WE ARE .NAMING.ALL SALES ,CASH, NO GOODS'RE TURNABLE OR ON APPROVAL WE HAVE MADE RECORD ASSO RTMENTS ACCORDING TO ST-OCK AS FOLLOWS;— LOT 1 Edison !Diamond Discs, Regular $1.50, Sale 75e. 10 for $5.00 LOT 2 Edison Diamond Discs, Regular $1.5,0, Sale $1,00; 10 for $7.50 LOT 3 Edison, Diamond Discs Regular 82.25 Sale $1.50, 10 for $12.50 LOT 4 Edison Blue Ambrol, Regular 75e. Sale 45e, 12 for ..., $3,00 LOT 5 Columbia Records, all lain., 50e, and 12 in. 90e. each,: • We will sell 3 only horn style Edisons at ` $10 eacbJ; 5 Amberolas, Reg..,$102, for $40 each and 10 Cabinet and Console models' at Clear- ing Prices. Jewell Needles for playing Edison•'Recor'ds. on other machines $1.00 each. LE Powell's Bazaar Exeter ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Clear the track for the Christ mos trade. • Mr. Irvin Fisher• left for Kit- chener on Wednesday ,morning.,„ Mr. and Mr's. E. Oesch motored to Loddon on Tuetsday► • • Miss Rose Albright its confined ,to her bed with an, attack of 'scarlet fever.. Huron Co. Council will meet in Goderich Tuesday, :December' Arid` at 3 o'clock. 1 Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich 'spent Sunday at the home of hid brother, Mr. Thomas Johnson. Mr. Maxime Den;ozny; of Blake; Y.QthAL MARKETS. (Corrected every Wednesday] ,Sags • 23-36 ' 3utter per lb. ..+._ '...... ........ 36 Potatoes per bag '• ... 75e pried apples, per ib. .., .. __. 7c utcl1'Set'ts, per lb, ..... .....,7c. bats .:..a • 50 3arley _ ........ 80 31.1ekwheat • 90 ,1 heat per bush ... 1{ 30 Flour per ewt. `__. .. __,4.001 500 Shorts, per. ton.._. ,..32.00 Bran pent( o19► ........,29.00 chickens ib. 13-17 Hens ...‘... .. ...._... ... 6-13 'Ducks' per Ib. 10e Turkeys old .._... .,.... ... 12e 9.00 was at London on Tuesday; to ,Flogs cwt. visit his son who has undergoneai operation: at the Hospital• there. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snider anti family of the Sauble Line and Mr: and Mrs,. Will Lock of Edgely, vis'' ited at the home of F,Xs, and Mra• John J Smith one dal* last week. 'Mr °Emerson=Stnith- of r•Kipfien; -recently underwent an operation' for appendicitis at Seaforth Hos'•• petal, and ha'a improved to the eke• tent that .he its back to hid r'lhome Otiwiagt o the heavy !sugar be'e crop "{throughout -Ontario this' year coupled (,with the largest sugars cane crop on record; its•is'predic, ted that there will be a su.bstant antial drop in the price la sugar Messfrs, Milton Deitz of ''-thee yit- lage an;d Mr. Wm;. Elsie of Grand Bend, without a doubt 'have the distinction of being champions izr this district for wild geese shoot- ing, as on mondayl they shot eight and on Tuesday ten, which makes eighteen in two days(, a remark able record., • FOR SALE c A good open buggy', lsfngle har- nese and light road cart, have no .use for above .as( I have sold my horse. --J. Dechler, Sr. t P.••.J. O'Dwyer, M. D. ZURICH - °A OFFICE REMOVED': TO HOTJSE .FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY. -15 Jho. greeter --Main Street Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Cu. OF 'W OODSTOCK Carry au Inanranee• iii •:OVet $27,000,000. Ntunber of Prilicied in, Wars in which the United Sty force 11;287. .Paid Loss', iri t1 9$$ nates have taken part since 2790) to amount of $56443,20 Tti a s exclusive of the World War, 1117# element durin'g"':the year and hives coat the nation more than $6,836.000.4 balance on ,hand of $31,700 000 n pensions?. Penaion4s for the , Civet •War alone totalled about ; • • • $5,427,000;000. k G. Holtithith—"Zuticii, $ Russia will never again rival` Canada as a{ wheat expyorter, ac- cording to L. WI. LyIde, Proteeatrr of Geography 'at London, Eng!„' University. He believes that grain growing in futures lies with: the, Canadian fartne4 Russia cannot properly supply its own needs.Pre` war •etport ;of wheat was purely artifical, drawn', not from a natur- al ,surplus'', but from needs of avert'' poor ,,and ignorant peasantryo DECEMBER RO.D AND GUN Brimful of interest to every sp- ortsman' id• the 'December issue Of Rod and Gun in Canada.. Two'a- pecially good stories' appear in the first section. I've, Wandered in Atthe the Village, Tom, by George Ili Belton, will touch a cord of sym- pathst in everyone who has recur- Op�e ned to the home town after years of absence'. The Yellow MA' c a thrilling best story in'ear- H. Moore's best style, Bonnycx's- t1e Dale upholds his) reputation as Z. U RICH a writer o! very interesting wita. animal and wild 'bird stories in Thu. :Canadian Grouse. . Queer Ducks,by.• J. W. Win(son, the last of his fser of the best. Itscontains is einlform- atio nt on the stib je ai of these weed; GIVE them away, ' but fowl not often available. '. V'. Williams and Martin Hunter, other regular contributors, have stories` that are wordily Isueee,so !g of their previous odes. Besides other inter eating .ancl instructive articles, th'e CALL AT OUR SIIOP WILL CON - regular departments are all up to meg YOU —CO B the thane. Guns and Ammunition comprises a 'number of extremely • interesting articles' on a variety of 'subjects. In addition to these features:, ,the winners(' inN ��� sed Ruch:Photcun �ersal ii interest, are €ninwhich es tt ZUPfCU m the 59n a r dhtT. ted ,in this iSsue, AGENT,, ALSO DRA.LER IN Iii- TNING RODS; Alb ALL 1C1 I )S OF' FIRE IlfItit tlikkE. let 44 ,, Thnrsciay, Nove,rnher 27th, 141' r_ The store with the Liberal Cash Discount FALL HARDWAR Be thoughtful and considerate to your goq Wife and buy her a fine complete set def BONNY BLTJB GRA NIT.B WARE' "SOMETHING JUST A LITTLE NIFTIER AND BETTER THAN. • • EVER SHOWN BEFORE THIS IS THE TIME' OF THE YEAR TO SEE ABOUT A GO0u HAPPY THOUGHT FURNACE OR WHERE A STOVE IS USED, LET! US, snow' Y0U 0 (JR LINE OF HEAT:( ES SUCH AS Good Cheer and the New Squaie Built Quebec Heater AND THEN DONT FORGET OUR LINE OF IVIeClary's Cookers and Bakers A STOVE THAT IS A GOOD SELLER AND AN EXCELLEN'. : BUY. . THE LONG EVENINGS OF Fall and Wintetr are here agezgi t them bring much rejoiring• to You by, being ,4Ptertained by la Masonic Fisch Piano or a Phonograph Call and hear these •instrumegtls in our dhow rooms; ,COMPLETE' STOCK ' OF' SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWAR L, SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE, NOiT:U9; STOCK WHA,T YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IIT FOR, *lit ERVICE 1$ OUR MOTTO MELICK Hardware & Furniture. ?ht o Beep •r .. RY Iia' VESTING IT I i uron.: & ' r o b`en Cres' �r ►• ada Trust`+ 'Co, l oirtgage Ce `cate3 ANNUS 5 1-4F per cent �. PAYA,ELE HALT YE1� These +Debentures are ,authorized , by the government .s 1tii�Q investment for trust. and Executors fund. Is''ted"fb'eray'. amount of $100 and over. For further particulars apply to; Andrew F. Hese ZUrie MY M0170;-SERVIOO A140 SAFETY • Have You MADE YOUR WILL? f.� 'Painting and Paper Hanging I am in a position to do any kind' of paper hanging, painting, graining and dec- orating. . H. EICK: EIER, ZURICH ONT. DR. Jo i CHIROPRACTOR Jt Heavy Shell Franite# lorry' Leh'ae+s at soo. D} 11 e Riout Repieeed. Spectacles.Complete lay • 42.oe upi i Main Str., EXETER,' AT WALPER RAUSE, f BARGAINS Every W+ 00*84+14;"• if u ra, 444.404.14./.103.+114++++++++++441-1-10+1111-1144+14 While our Fall and Winter supply of Hats Inst, we will not entirely THE PRICES IIA.VE BEEN 1VlfAD1, 'SO ATM ACTIVE AND LOW' 'THAT ONE CAN'N'OT RESIST 13U'1 BUY A. THESE REDUCTIONS. -A HERALD 0: .a. Do You Know?; + THAT WE A.RE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR G'OOD PRINTING. 4. • THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING. 4. INVITATIONS AND ANNOtJNCEMEN;;: 4. '• Ti iT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONER UL S.; AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES S AND " M STATEMENT$ T .q. Tib AT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING'MANUFAcT„ URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CLAN Stt + PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOO,g '4. 4. 4. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING ,PAPERS, ENVE OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD.. PAPERS, CARBON` OM, .; TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING. TAGS, MEMORIAMST- ,1, A.TION,ERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTWQ w SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC.(. ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE,. WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5e. DARE. - GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER RE UCTI N'E 46 THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALR PO " .g. , ; .414.1 PRLNTING OUR SPECIALTY .,c MERE, 1IERCANI`ILE POSTERS AND G4R.,RK +•++444,44444+• iuu.w. it,','