HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-11-27, Page 5'! ersday, November 27th; 1925 BUSINESS CARDS ilt,JDLEYE, HoLME S 'Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public ca Office on Flamilton Street,. list off the square, Goderich. Priv- ate funds to loan at lowest rates. 1Hr. Holmes will be in Remelt on Friday of each week. Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk Suri' of marriage. licensee, Notary Uc,, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- tldasbile Insurance, Representing Miles and Erie Mortgage Corpora - The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, !�a'iialiler • . Knapp, D. D. S., L. D. S. ',,DENTAL SURGEON' WAIN OFIFICE - HENSALL OSCAR IJLOPP Nat - IOW Carey M. Jones at 3o *% School of Auctioneering: Try, Sell for Registered Live Stock 4L11 Breeds). Terms in keeping !With : prevailing prices. Choice SWUM for sale. Will sell anything{ lisZeivitere. 'Rhone 18-93 or write, Zurich. sea Licensed auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County 101 Huron, In a position to eon- Suet any auction sale, regardless US to size or articles to sell. I 'elicit your business.- and if not Satisfied will make no charges for Services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, "Stool 13-57 Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool OASH FOR SKINS & HIDES �Tungblut &, Deichert tr AMY iURICH• LIVERY; era 1C414 ' laid r am in a position to accomo- 'eta it requirements in the Livery, , have Auto for hire. Any, ie g done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL' tae Si Zurich ,8. ATKINSON, L.D.S.. •D.D.S, DENTIST /Graduate of the Royal College •h11, Dental Surgeons of. Ontario and al the University of Toronto. hate District Dental Officer, Mil, 'ftp. 'District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Math Office, Exeter. Phone 34. &t` Zurich every TUESDAY Phone. 79 -19 LIVE POU LT R Y- .,„WANTED 1ke4every day till 3 Oclock p.m, 11710':loot feed fowl . same mornin brought in. Highest Cash Prices -CASH FOR ---- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien tPJttiAe • 94, Zurich COAL SEASON 1924 SPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER- IES ANTHRACITE -We are now re= Delving our genuine. Delaware & 1Budson direct from the mines, Nut Stove and Eggesizes. SOFT COAL -Just arrived, an- biller car of our high gradesoft. ihle coal has made a great hit for household use and our sales of this iiti Ve over doubledin the last !sea- Meal. • BOVLETS-Our Roulet Coal is WOO lei a class by itself 'and is gr- Siring in favor rapidly, • OUE T'elephon'es are at your; 1ervice. Use, thein ,freely for in ' tttor'matiela / 1 w� y� /y q' Carate14'.itww. Aof & PRODUCE MERCHANT Phone,; Office low. Rouse10), HENSALL NT:I Wants, For sale, Lost,Fur vault. LOCAL NE'NS Founds .Notice, Etc: Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOUND .air o s eat , p s p c seise on i3r erase n Line. Owner can have same from Mr, ,Tohn; G, Erie STRAYED From Lot 13, Cont 6, Hay Tp, a red arxd White 'lete .,. Z2• months old, pierced in stitinee of left. ear. Finder nitify Fred . Jlogarth, Ex.-. eter, p.o. of phone, Crediton 18r15 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY .COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County, of .Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich at 3 o'clock in the_..afternoon of Tuesday, the 2nd day of Decem- ber 1924, 9 4. Ail a;ecounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not • later than Monday preceding -the meeting of Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County,,Clerk Godericht Non. 15th, 1924. WANTED We are in the market for dutch setts, large onions and dried apo pies. Highest prices paid. -T. L, Wurm. NOTICE Wle are .now operating our cid- er and apple butter• factory every Tuesday and l.Thersday. Parties wishing to have any work done, kindly make arrangement's by phone.. tf-15 F. C. Kalbfleiach, Zurich. NOTICE. We are ,in a position to store and keep your auto battery char- ged for the ,winter. Also Charg- ing done at any time. -L. At Prang, Zurich; STRAYED Froila rfiy" pasture field, woven Line, Stanley, about Oct. It k, a 20 -months old white heifer, no horns. Please notify Ed. Reich- ert, phonie 94 r 10 Zurich ,ie where abouts known. NOTICE We will rums our cider mill every Tuesday and :Thursday of each week. Also have =a large copper kettle to let, for cooking apple but ter. Menno Steckle', Bronson Line Stanie9s 13-5 NOTICE CEMENT WORK --I am in a pas ition to do any kind of a Cement job, such as supply tanks, foound- ation waIis, bridges, cement floors and walks, etc. Work guaranteed •,prices reasonable. Apply to Mar- ten Corriveau, R, R. 2, Zurich; Phone 16-93. tf40 Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU ARANTEED .TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. L. A, PRANG, Zurich. Sold By tf18 COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -17 Dr. 11. H. COWEN L,D.al X.D.S. :DENT AL SURGEON; At McCormick Block, Zurich, owe ery Thursday and Saturday. Main Office .t1ARTLEI13'S 13LOCEr 'DASHWOOD obt, Delga.ty oi' Bayfield called in the 'village on ''Thursday, Miss Anna Deters has accepted a position in Kitchener. miss Donella ; tuby•of Ki 'ch:•e)n�er i's' .visiting at her home her , TVIrt and Mrs, Alf; Ings,, of Varna, called in the village on Monday. t Mr, WieseTriesinner Off 'Fleliiital) was in tarp, village, on 'Thursday on busieee,s. Ml's. J. Herm:it-s eft for .'Toronto oo:_ liloirday, 'where she will ,spend the wjntee ,with her !sister.. ,•A nuriiber,front the village at-' tended the dance at Hensall on Friday .night. • Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Webee, Mr. , an dMrs. Hugh Thiel, . ,spent Sunday at Goderiebi. Quite al number, of people are affected with colds, which are of a rather mild form. • Mrs, Wm. Kyles of Hneasll 'spent a few days with Mrs. J. Hey, Ji+: Mr, Bert Siebert, who has'beeti; visiting ten g at the home of his parents has returned to Niagara Falls Messrs. C. Fritz, Well. Johnston, • 'H. Mousseau, and J. Dech,er, Jai, are on lay hunting trip 'to Camla- chie this week. Mr, Louis Schilbe has opened up his flour and feed .store, ' and has a.. good supply of all aiticies along this line. • • • . Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Finkbeiner, and daughter, Mimi Mazel of St- retford spent Saturday at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hoff- man:. The biggest bargains in Millin try given in Zurich for many aday are now handed out. "Let's Go" and ,gets ours before they are all gone at Miss V. V. Siebert'st Mr. and Mrs:. Wm, Rothaerrnel of. Dasdiwood have moved into the 'village, into the ..house- Owned: by • Mr. J. Eckstein, and recently pur- tha:sed from the estate of the late. P. Hauch. Mr. and. Mrs. Jacob,Sehwartzen Truber • and. family, Mr. and ill's: John Gerber, Mrs, Christ. Schwartz entruber and Mr John Giegericb, all of ' the Bronson Line, •motored, to London one day last week. Mr. John Mousseau and :son Alex of the 4th con. Hay, motored . to Detroit over the week-ned, and. were accompanied home by his other son Robert; who haas been .suffering with throat trouble, slid took treatments at that city. WTHERAN, CHLURoE ,NOTES No Services will lie held in, the Lutheran church 'netet, Sunday rae the pastor, Rev. R. •Rembe Lit'. B.S. is conducting the ;services at Wal- kerton and , Mildmay. Sunday School will be held, at 10,00 o-'elock The following meet's will be held next week. (Monday evening 18' o'r'nck, Dec- ember 1st, S. S. Teachers. Tuesday, taftern•ooni, 2.3) . o'clock, Dec. 2nd, Ladies' Aid. Tuesday evening!, i8 o'clock:, Dee. 2ncl, Luther League. Friday evening, 43 o'clock, Dec.5, Choir Practice,; Saturday morning, 10 o+cloek, Dec. 6th, Confirmation Instruction. HAY TP. S. SCHOOL MEETS HERALD PLUMBINO AND ASL; Systems Recommended Suitable for Rural Homes Hot and Colt Water en Tap Is a loon.-.(iew�r�•q,.�isposal--.The Sep. tic Tank -.Extension Work of Physics Department--MWatering the Gorden, %Contributed by Ontario Department .of Ae'riculture, Toronto.) Sot and cow water. on tap, kitchen sink, laundry tubs, bathtub, shower bath, and water flush closet, and the necessary pipes for carrying away the Wastes to some suitable sewage dis- posal system in the yard outside. A very good system complete can be put in the average -sized home for =350, and in view of the fact that it will last a lifetime with very little outlay for repairs, it is one of the beat investments one can make. It will give you real worth while ser- vice every day for a cost of about S.3 cents a day figured on interest and depreciation, In the Physics Building, 0. A. C., there is installed a complete plumb- ing for - system yminspection of students and yisitors interested in this work. It demonstrates the simplest method possible of putting the various parts together, thereby saving both mater- ial and labor to the greatest possible degtee. If you are interested drop in and see It, and maybe we can assist you in getting, that very neces- sary equipment in your home --mod- ern plumbing. Sewage Disposal To perfect the plumbing system just referred to it is necessary to build some suitable construction for disposing of the sewage and waste from the home. In the country this must be either a cesspool or septic ank. The cesspool may be all right or a time In porous gravelly well - drained soils, but usually it is a menace to health by contaminating he water supply or becoming a nuis- nce whenever it overflows. The optic tank is the modern method, nd gives good satisfaction as a rule.. We have it. 'very fine working or emonstrating model of it installed n a large table in the • Physics uiIding, and It is very useful for bowing people just what the system is like and how it operates. •t f t s a a d 0 B s The Septic. Tank. ' It consists of a large'concrete tank diiided into- two compartments by a .vertical, partition. The size for a single house 1s about 4 feet x 8 feet and 3% feet deep. This tank holds the sewage long enough for a certain . kind of bacteria to destroy the solid • matter. When, the liquid accumu- lates to a certain amount a non - 'mechanical affaircalled a .siphon ern•ptiea one of the ,chambers into a 'system of field tile, called the absorp- tinn bed, laid'.shallow under the s rr ed Any remaining sewage is: de iota:Wed "in the `soil by another kind of 'beater's.• that live near the top of the ground. In•thi's way these friend _iy, bacteria are enabled to do a very Valuable work . for us. This is sci- ence applied to a useful purpose. We• supply bulletin and blue -print' to' anyone wishing to build a septic tank. All necessary information i= given iu these, and by their helpful suggestions any handy ratan can build It. Cost for cement,, siphon; fittings and tile an+ounts to about $52. The tank may be located close to the lipase and the tile laid under the lawn or garden. The Hay !Township: Sunday Sch- ool Associatio'n , which ''net in the dlethodist church, Hensall on Thurs day last west a splendid 'success'. Rehr. G. Gifford of Lucan delivered. 'a strong address on; "'The (Tragedy of Youth" While Rev. Naylor of fiensall spoke on "A Closer Work- ing Together of the Protestant Ch- urchiet. • The following officers were el- ected for the 'ensuing year;- Pres;, I'1iss Lydia Faust; Vice - Pres,, Mrs'. C. McDonnell; Secy: Treas., Mists A E. Coneitt; Supt. of ,Children's • Dept Mies H. (Neese. Supt. Boys IDivjsiou;, Mr. Cr; Man- son; Supt. Girl's Division, Mrs. sA. Monteith; Supt. Adult Dept.;.Mr. A. Melia"; • Supt. Home Dept., Mrs Dougall; Supt. Teacher's 1Trelnine; Mr, G. iFollick; Supt. Missionary( Dept. Mrs, A. Sinclair; Supt. Tem p:erance, Mr, J, Rowcliffe. U. V, 0. ELECTS 0)1'1,10E.11S The annual 'meeting of the U.F.O fcrt his district was held lat. Hen - sill ons ..: Not•, 12th, when ;reorts; were heard. form the several. 'rnunle i'paliti,ea and routine business gone throu'gh, The (speaker of the oe- casioxr, was R. 11. Halbert, M+ .P., tvho agave pan address' on 'organist, elate, Officers were appointed as followle for the ensuing year; Pro'sident-•=G;: 11. Medd, Exeter. Vice -Mrs. Howled:, Brucefield, See.-Teeas.-- G, W.. Layton, Kip - pent Me. James Finlayson was appoin tod delegateto the Toronto Coe- ventiont'• • ( In the riditrg tresociation W. D. Sander`s of Exeter Wast appointed director, Arthur Doupe, Usbo'rne, association director, and. G., W. Layton iseey-treas, The U.F'.W1O, inlet in IlenSall on Saturday lest, when Mrs!,, Hough and Mrs, Glenn were appointed de- legates to Toronto- Mrs, Glenn was elected :second vice president of the Pr'ovil cial Association. Extension Work of the Department of Physics. The extension activities of the Department of .Physics assist those seeking advice or assistance in con- neetion with the regular branches of the department's extension activities, including: Installation of water and sewage systeins, lightning rod instal- lations, drainage surveys, farm cold storage, silo construction, anti -freeze mixtures. Blue prints of septic tank installation, hydraulic rams, protec- tion of wells, small ice cold storages, types of ice houses, water supply sys- tems and farm plumbing have been preparers, and are now obtainable up- on request from the Physics Depart- ment, Ontario Agricultural 'College. --R. R. Graham, 0. A. College, Guelph, • Watering, -the Garden. Remember that a good soaking once a week is more beneficial than light sprinkling' deity. ele judicious in your' use of the hose. Leafy vege- tables do not mind having their • toes soaked, as well as the roots. Taut fruit. bearing plants and vines, fine tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, pop.. pers and melons should not have the tolls soaked at all. It washes away the pollen in the blossoms and is apt to cause blight and fungous diseases. Don't water the garden in the heat of the day. Wait until late in the' afternoon and when it has been given a good soaking it will have time to soak into the •soil to enable you to rake up the surface easily next morn- ing, preventing the soil baking and conserving the moisture. Regular scaldings for the, ever -bearing straw- betrfes and other small •fruits, fol- lowed by mulching, will prolong the fruit bearing season and improve the quality. Too much wntering of grape- vines tends to cause an excess of cane growth but a reasonable amount is desirable. There might be an excuse for us- ing an Inferior sow if you already haa'e her on the piece, but we can not think of one single excuse for ever using an inferior sire. Until breeders mate an'n'als whose factors determining producing ability are known to be for high production only, they are goin' to get many low and medium produ secs from parents that are from high producing ancestry. • e ,i We have a few good Second baud_ buggies for Sale Now is the time to get that Autc kTop Repaired N REPAIRING MtV Palating Fo. d Car, One "oat, $15.00, Two CoatsX12.0 $22.04 iCovering Ford '.Cop .Good Material,•• ... Changing Ford Curtainsto less o ....., Painting Buggy ., open. with Doors rs .. $5.040 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE I7C ,.:.,,..... $000 WE RERUBI3ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. z URIOH Bird's Neponset Roofs 1"GOOD OLD PAROID" t 44. . ▪ WE HAVE RECETVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF TFIB ABOVE PRODUCTS OP BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER + WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS - • AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND • SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC- es K IT i ?/'V? T7i Ali 'Pira �a s'cc._ .. 4 4* PHONE - °� ZURICH I, t ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++.4/ f READY 4ROBBEHLJNHOFFMAN WITH OUR NEWLINE OF SPRING SUITINGS T ITINGS AND SAMPLE 1 IN ALL THE NEWT SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSING 4. d+ THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES 1 HOBBERLI T. HAVI1'G TAKEN OVER THE AGENCY. OF THE BEST KNOWN..: 1 SEMI -READY CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (HABBERLIN" & 4. CO.) WE :ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST* +i+ ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS AND 1OVERCOATS AT PRICES SECEND TO NONE. 1 1 The Early Bird catches the Worm :REMEMBERp H.1 HOFFMAN ITAILORf"AND FUNERAL DIRECTO! DAY AND NIGH T PRO...NE No. Se * L,✓OM1 11111IIIIIiIUI 11111111NIN111111111NIIIII111l MINIMIllf alliin 111111111111111111111616111llilif'Anil 1111IIIIIIIIIIII1111O11111i1111 If ! IIUIIIIiil1=11IIIIInIIIuiIIInII111p1U a m Z 1 ZURICH HERALD'S 1924 Clubbing List HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe --- -=- -...... .... ,.$6.00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph . $5.10 HERALD. and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire -.. $6.40 HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail, and Empire $325 HERALD find Toronto Daily Star -„ ....... .. $6.00 TERALD and Toronto Weekly Star ,.,-„ $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily News .,,.,, .,„• 56.00 HERALD and London Free Preset Morning edition,.. Oe 00 HERALD and London Free Press, evening edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Editions $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Eveningedition ... $6.00 (HERALD. and London Farmers' Advoc,ite .., ... $2.25 HERALD and Farm andDairy , .,,.,..$2.75 HERALD and Farmers Sun .. .....................$2.65 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star ....,. $2.75 HERALD and Canadian Countryman ., ..«.,.$2,25 IERALD and Weekly Witness ,. $3.15 HERALD and Farmers Magazine , $2.50 HERALD and Youth's Companion ,., • $3.75 BALD and Seeforth Huron Expositor . 53.25 HERALD and •Ontario Journal .$2.75 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada ... ,........ -$3.15 1114.10 k7D V RI R3 El MI MI El 5V1 IN El Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us See us for papers pot listed above HERALD OFFICE Zurich SWIM EOM l IIIl1 i IiilNBl�llla� IOIIII�Ifllllllllllllll�lili!!I!RI111llII�IIil011�i(�ll�llf(Il(Illlllhlllf((111iiICJII�ll�,l�'".