Zurich Herald, 1924-11-27, Page 3The ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY makes
finer tea and more of it
Quebec Soon to Add Three
New Roads Into U.S.
Three new highways from points in
Quebec province to the. United States
border will be ooalpleted between now
.. and New Tear's Day. The early part
of this month the Lalzrairle-T,acolle
highway via St, John's will be handed
over to the road department by the
contractors. At the end of the month
the Iberville-St. Albans will be ready.
The Waterloo -Newport highways will
be completed by January 1, 1925.
With the construction of these three
highways in the course of the summer
months the province will have at the
disposal of .its. residents and of tour-
ists nine main highways which •con-
nect with good roads in the United
According to L. J. Boulanger, Deputy
Minister of Roads, the season has been
a good one for construction, and much
progress has been made, as Ootober
Dizziness Is
Nature's Warning
Headaches and dizziness are Na
tare's warning of a disordered di-
gestion. If ignored, chronic ill
health may follow. Avoid this by
taking TANLAC, the world's great
est digestive medicine. TANLAC
will tone up your stomach, cleanse
your system and build you up to
robust health.
The World's Best Tonic
At All Good Drug Storea
Over 40 Million Bottles Sold
Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills for
, A tirc e+s; doing -•--bit of pluck ---
1 And ta ,tghelee,5 people call it "leek!"
A,wcedingeeowing—a11 the day;
Folks cry, "Good fortune's' conte your
offered ideal conditions for parrying
on the work.
In July next, occoirding to the pro-
gram, the Legis -St. Lambert highway
will be completed ee far as St. A.ngele.
A tenth highway to the Milted
States,' now under study, is the road.
from Victoriavi'ile, Arthabasca County,
to Wa"burn. Engineers; will start pre-
paring their plans early next spring.
While work hes• been conducted by
the road department, road ,work of an-
other nature has been in progress un-
der the supervision of the Colonizer
tion Department, and as .a result it is
announced that the work on the Gaspe
Peninsula belt road, which goes from
Matane to Gaspe, has been so suc-
cessful that next spring there will re-
main only $75,000 worth of work to be
executed to complete that thorough-
fare. '
While the completion of that road
will prove useful for the residents of
the Gaspe region and open new mar-
kets, -•it is expected also that tourists
will . receive great benefit by getting
this additional district to visit. The
highway has been constructed amid
some unique scenery and .efforts have
been made, not to interfere with the
natural beauties.
Give and it Shall be Given
There le in Austria ,a monastery
which, in former times, was very rich,
and remained rich so long as it was
charitable to the poor;_ but when .it
ceaed to give, then it became indi-
gent and is so to this day. Not long
since a poor man went there and
solicited alms, which was denied him.
He demanded the reason why they re-
fused to give for God's sake. The
porter of the monastery answered:
"We are become poor;" whereupon
the mendicant said, "The cause of
your poverty is this: Ye had formerly
in the monastery two brothers, the one
named Date (give) and the other Dabi-
tur (it shall -be given you). The form-
er ye thrust out; the other went away
of himself
Thames ballast is some of the most
valuable- building material in the
Order Your
Farm Help Now
TO BE OF SERVICE to Eastern Canadian farmers and, help
to meet their needs in securing competent farm help, the
CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY will continue its farm help
service during 1925 and will include in this service, as last
year, -the supply of women domestics and boys.
Through experience in the Iast two years, the Company is now
in touch with a number of good farm laborers in Great Britain
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Holland, Switzerland and
other European countries and can promptly fill applications
for farm help.
In order to have the help reach Canada in time for the spring
operations, farmers requiring help must get their applications
in early, to enable us to secure the help needed.
Blank application forms and full information regarding the
service may be obtained, from any C.P.R. agent or from any
of the officials listed below. THE SERVICE IS ENTIRELY,
Department of Colonization and Development.
MONTREAL, Que.--J. Dougall, General Agricultural Agent.
MONTREAL, Que.--C. La Duo Norwood, Land Agent.
,TORONTO, Ont.—J. E. Parker, General Agent, Ocean Traffic.
OTTAWA, Ont ---M. J. O'Brien. Special Colonization Agent,
SHERBROOHE, Que.—W. M. Hillhouse, Special Colonization USIA
ST. JOHN, N.B.—G. Bruce Barpee, District Passenger Agent.
KENTVILLE, N.S.—Geo. E. Graham, Gen. Manager pomtuion Atlantig
H. C. P. Cresswell, Q. S. pENNI$
Superintendent. • Chief elomndasionei?.
Noe -bora Electric
Made by the people who
made your Phone.
The R -3---A Radio Frequency Set.
It brings in far stations easily and distinctly ---and as
easily tunes out strong local stations.
A fine, handsome instrument, operates with four Pea-
nut ut tubes. Two of them are radio frequency amplifiers,
giving volume with clear tone. So simple that five
minutes is enough to learn its operation.
Write to -day for full information and illustrated
literature regarding radio apparatus of established
reputation from „
Ellavid 4McCowan
8345 MAIN s`li'. TORONTO, ONT.
DeafierS—We Solicit your enquiries for catalogue and discounts.
Few'peeple realize, it semis,
That real . success needs- more than
To make It ours we climb life's hill
With feet that plod—And, dauntless
---Lillian Gard;
The Usual Treatment Does Not
Reach the Root of the
Trouble. •
Most treatments for rheun?.atlsne do
no more than aim to keep down the
poison in the blood and enable nature
to overcome that particular attack.
.Then when the system • becomes run-
down from any cause the disease again
gets the upper hand and it all has to
be done over.
Sufferers from rheumatism who
have found their condition unrelieved
or actually growing worse while using
other remedies, would do well to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, The .tonic
treatment with this medicine has
proved in thousands of cases- that it
builds up the blood to a point that en-
ables it to cast ,out the rheumatic
poisons through the regular channels,
the bowels, kidneys and the skin..
When this is done rheumatism is ban-
ished, and as long as the blood is kept
pure and rich the patient will be im-
mune from attack. This is fully`
proved by the case of E, E. Davis, .J.P.,
of Dinsmore, Sask., who says:—"I: feel
it my duty to sufferers from rheuma-
tism to recommend Dr. Williams' link
Pills. Some years ago I was a great
sufferer from this trouble and was: con-
fined to my room. I tried two doctors.
without relief and had become des-
pondent. Then I saw Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills recommended for this trou-
ble and got six boxes. Before they,
were all gone I was able to get around
on crutches, and when I was on the
eleventh box I started to work. I
have not missed a day's work since on
account of rheumatism. On two occa-
slons since I have had light touches
of the .trouble, but a box of the pills
soon put me right. I strongly re.com-'
mend rheumatic sufferers to give Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills a fair. trial."
-7(ou can get these pills: from any.
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box from The Dr Williams' Medi-
cine Co.,
enucine''-Co., Brockville; Ont:
Ocean Derelicts Last a Long
Much interest has been aroused
the question of ocean derelicts by the
adventures 'of the abandoned Nova
Scotia schooner, Governor Parr.
This vessel left Ingramport, Nova
Scotia, on September 25th, 1823, with
a cargo for Buenos Ayres, but was
disliies•ted in a gale and abandoned on
October 3rd. Later, the Elder Demi-
ster liner, Zaria, encountered her in.
mid-Atlantic. A party was sent off to
her, and she was set on fire.
The fire seems to have burned it-
self out, however, for on July 29th of
this year she was seen, still afloat, be-
tween the Azores and Portugal, and
she has been reported by other ships
since that date.
Derelicts, like the Governor Parr,:
tare a menace to shipping, as was
shown when the Allan liner Ionian
struck one in 1900. She came into
port with a forty -foot gash in her side.
Sometimes a derelict . will remain
afloat for a very long period, the re-
cord being probably held by one which`
drifted about the North Atlantic for
thirty-one mouths. The American
sohooner W. L. White affords another,
classic ' instance of the derelict's
powers of endurance. It was aband-
oned in. March, 1888, off the coast of
'the United States, and ran ashore on.
one of the Hebridean islands in.Janu
i ary, 1889, having covered adistanceof:
6,000 miles,
A Bird 'Ills.
A hunter fired a gun with telling skill,
His mark a bird, which guttered to,a
!tolled o'er and died without com-
plaint or sound,--
Ailuff of feathers and an open bill
The relic of this speck of life, a thrill
The less on earth where cruel lusts
A tiny bit of :energy aground,
A gem to Beauty lost, a voice now still,
let Truth and Beauty will reflect their
Until the heedless are a vanqu'sbed
And blood lust shall no more the world
When men who kill for sportshall
sense the wrong,
And know the shot that stops the
finch's flight
Kills, not alone a bird, but more,—
A song.
--Fred W. Allsopp.
The Magic VitaInine.
At a recent meeting of the Ameri-
ean Chemical Society, Professor Wal-
ter Eddy took from his pocket a small
vial and passed it round among the
assembled chemists,
All they could see was a shall quan-
tity of white powder at the bottom of
the bottle. Yet it created a sensation,
since it was the first vitamins that
any one had ever seen or handled.
An amount no more than three -hun-
dredths of a milligram, which is about
as much of the powder as could be
caught on the point of a pin, given
every day to a young rat stunted by
living on deficient diet would cause it
to grow again at a normal rate.
The healthy child sleeps well and
during its waking hours is never cross
but always hap y and laughing. It is
'only the sickly child that is cross and
Peevish. • Mothers, if your children do
not sleep well; if they are cross and
cry a great deal, give them Baby's
Own Tablets and they will soon be
well and happy again. The Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative which
regulate the bowels, sweeten the
stomach, banish constipation, colic and
indigestion and promote healthful
sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed
free from opiates and may be given to
the new-born babe with perfect safety.
You can obtain the Tablets through
any medicine dealer at 25 cents a box,
or by mail, postpaid, from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine , Co., Brockville,
.So. Trying.
The Irishman was away on his holi-
days. One morning he came down to
breakfast with a very woriael f_ow
on his face and an open letter in his
hand. He looked so gloomy and ate so
little that presently one of his fellow
holiday-makers asked him what was
the matter.
He replied that he had just had a let-
ter from his sister to say that she had
had an addition to her family.
"You dont look very pleased about
it," answered the other. "Is it a boy
ora girl?"
"That's just what is bothering Die,"
was the reply. "They didn't tell me
in the letter, andnow, bejabels, I don't
know whether I'm an uncle or an
oftche i t pan.
There ular $d'd
Chum mrapfer
shopin nam
wog turtle guru
The heavy
(The h uy
to bring you the full richness
and mellow sweetness of this—
"Tobacco Of Quallty"
Manufactured by
And So It Was. !
A man with an uncanny mania for i
juggling with figures, produced pencil j
and, paper and said to a friend: ,,
"Put down the number of your living ,
brothers. Multiply it by two. Add
three. Multiply the result by five. Add
the number of living sisters. Multiply
the result by ten. Add the number of
dead brothers and sisters. Subtract
one hundred and fifty from the result."
The friend did it,
"Now," said the other with a cun-
ning smile, "the right-hand figure will I
be the number of deaths, the middle I
figure the number of living sisters, and
the left-hand figure the number of liv-
ing brothers."
And it was so.
Flapper Motor Driver (after the ac-
cident)—"It was all your fault. I've
been delving carefully. I've had two
years' experience."'
Old Man (picking himself up)—"But
I've always walked carefully. I've had
68 years' experience." ,
California produced almost six per
cent. of the total hay crop reported in
the United States for last year.
Minard's Liniment Feaieves Pain.
Classified Advertisements
wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria,
St., Toronto.
iiRME You Cannot 1
New lEyea
l ul you can Promote tc
®c�R E1 Use Murine Eye Remedy
Night and Morning."
feeep gone Lyse [ Clean, Clear and Healthy,
Write for Free Eye Care Boob.
:,Lice CYC Remedy ee..91tesi ehie eeeeh-abaac;;
have' bought their farms in Weecern
Canada from the Canadian Pacific. A
remarkable Fact, Think! There is a
reason. The large area of our hold-
ings affording choice of location and of
land to suit every farming need. Fair
price, fair contract, and fair dealing
combined with abundant fertility of
soil, good climate and social condi-
tions make farm life there desirable
and attractive. Thousands more will
select their farm from our virgin lands,
from our improved farms, and with
some capital and determination to
work, can make a home and pay for
it. Write for our booklet, "The Prairie
Provinces of Canada," and leaflet,
"Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L,
Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific
Railway, Desk W:, Windsor Station,
Montreal, Que.
Cold in the Head
Heat Minard's and inhale often.
Splendid for catarrh.
A False Char9e,
Detractor -"He's a coward --hiding
behind a pettieoatl"
Defender—"That can't be tree -
they're not worn now!"
Dual Personality.
A certain professor was endeavor-
ing'to explain to his class that both
parents have an equal inuence upon
the lite of a child.
"For, he concluded gravely, "you
will find that a man is as much the son
of his father as he is the daughter of
his mother."
Dominion Express Money Orders are
on sale in five thousand offices
throughout Canada.
Japan is the only country where.
seaweed is cultivated for human con-
sumption, .
Mititird'a LIrilnient b Men Bain.,
,Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
Headache pleuralgia lumbago
Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
Accept only 'gayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" bores of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists,
AspIran Is 'tate trade mark ' (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of tfonoacetit..
Act -dater of salicyikaeid (daotyl Seltcyrlo Acid, .A. S. it."), Willie it is well known
that yispirin ratans Tinier mnnataeture, fe assist the >ynbitc s,alnst ftatiations, lite Tablets
at nsyer tlontpe»y %bili bo stamyecd with tttoir 1,oaural trete msrk, the ° Ii:ycr dross.'"
� •; c'.
the Stomach
On Face and Shoulders"
Itched and Burned.
" My trouble began with a rash
of pimples on my face and shoul-
ders. The pimples were hard and
red and festered and scaled over.
They were very painful and itched
and burned so that I could not sleep
nights. I was ashamed to go any-
where my face was so disfigured.
The trouble lasted about four and
a half years.
" I began using Cuticura Soap
and Ointraent, and after using three
cakes of Cuticura Soap and two
boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was
completely healed." (Signed) Miss
Myrtle A. Westover, Bolton Centre,
Rely on Cuticurs Soap, Ointment
and Talcum to keep your skin clear.
ample Esah tree by Mail, Address Canadian
Depot:"Oakum, P. 0. Sox 2616, Montreal."
Prim Bo�pp26e. Ointment 26and66e, Talcum Me.
Try our new Shaving Stick.
Other Troubles Women Often Have
Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Lachine, Quebec.--" I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compoundbecausel
I suffered with pains in myleft side and
back, and with weakness and other
troubles women so often have. I was
this way about six months. I saw the
Vegetable Compound advertised in the
`Montreal Standard' and I have taken,
four bottles of it. I was a very sick-wo-:
man and I feel so much better I would
not be without it. I also use Lydia E.,
Pinkham's Sanative Wash. 1 recom
mend. the medicines to my friends and I
am willing for you to use my letter as a
testimonial."—Mrs. M. W. Ron, 580:
Notre Dame Street, Lachine, Quebec.
Doctor Said an Operation
Provost, Alberta. — "Perhaps you will.
remember sending me one of your books'
a year ag o. I was in a bad condition'
and would suffer awful pains at times
and could not do anything. The doctor
said I could not have Children unleall
I went under an operation. I read
testimonials of Lydia E. Pinkhara's
Vegetable Compound in the papers and
a friend recommended me to take it.
After taking three bottles I became
much better and now have a bone baby;
girl four months old. I do my house-
work and help a little with the chores.?
i recommend the Vegetable Compound
to my friends and amwilling for ycu tq
use this testimonial letter. Mrs.A.A{
ADAMS, Box 54, Provost, ,Albert:.. 0 .f
ISSUE No, 47-•-'24.