HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-11-20, Page 8L'ae Etght OVERCOATS Oniy ZO Men's Overcoats in Stock. These are goodquality all Brand new, itt Season's best styles. By carrying a small range of these we are able to sell at rock bottom prices Come and see! - SERGES New all, wool cloth in wool ,crepe of fine weave, with silk threads woven through in pleasing Block Patterns. Season's Best. Shades. Checked Wool Crepes New All -Wool Serges, Poiret Twills, Wool Poplins, Santoys, now opened tip of very fine quality, -priced froni 75e, to $3.75 ayard, Plain Wool Crepe First quality goods in Black, Navy, Sand, Nigger and Tangerine Special value at prices we ask for it. Underwear, Sweaters Colder weather requires New Underwear to keep you warm. Let OS show you our various lines, in all wool, wool and cotton and fle- eced, for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. We carry the celebrated Monarch -Knit Sweater Coats, in slew Styles at reasonable prices. Dutch Setts 'G><Tit�GCH HERALD �,- LO:'A. MARKETS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERES" L Wanted —Smart boy for S � Tice. We are in the Market for a limited quantity • cal—Auto marked M-1858. Pin - der •leave at Herald Office,. r .atu, - days only,. !apply at Herald Of- of good clean Setts. Bring them • as soon as possible, when sto r age room is full, we will discontinue buying. • BAYFIELD Robb, .., peaahale returned. to (the village after 'spending a few mon- ths the ii►: the • West: . The death of one of the oldest' citizens of Bayfield in the person of William, Eaglesorn in his' 80th year occured the past weep The deceased came to this country a- bout 61 years ago from County An trim, near Belfast, Irelarld,•,aecpn• panied by his wife who predeceas ed him two and a :. half. ,yiears ,ao He was a Conservative 'in, polities, .a, Protestant in regigion, attend-, ding the Presbyterian church ' The ,annual,:rneeting of the St anir�y fiicl Tuckersmith.. Branehl of the Ontario Reigious Ed.lcation Co uncil was held in the Presbyter+ian church on Thrsday last. Del 4gates were present Irani'. Bruce+' field, Goshen!, Kippen, Varna and 'i'urn:er's church, and these were en tertaiued in the Presbyterian and: ;i"'et odist honesin the villager The devotional exercisea:.were con- ducted by Rev. A. Macfarlane and the meeting then was in charge of the President of the AssoeiationMr Watson. of Brueefield. Reports' were given, by the Superintnedents of the different departments,- Teem perance, Cradle Roll, Teacher 'Tr-' aining, Home Department, ett ., after which an address; was given, by Mr. Medd, Exeter, on the grad- ing of Sunday school pupils :and the teaching they !should receive, Miss Lane, Toronto, gat Provincial officer, was the next speaker (Corrected every Wednesday) Rggs .. 23-30 i)uLterper 30 Potatoes per hag +75e ,reed apples per 1b ,., 7c uteil netts, per lb, .. 7c, 50 80 90 .. 1.30 40015/00 3%00' ..29.00 13-17 6-13 10c 12e 900 Celery! Celery! (GROWN IN OUR OWN GARDENS ALWAYS FRESH ' ORDERS TAKEN NOW FOR LOTS PACKED TO STORE FOR WIN- TER USE. J. GASCHO & Produce. Wanted SON Phone 67 Zurich's Garage. Tires, Tubs, Repairs Gas, Oils, Greases AND GENUINE FORD PARTS TUST WE ARE RECEIVED AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUSN TIRES AND TUBES V. S. L. BATTERY IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE, WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND TRATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. Mousseau Zurich fats Marley Buckwheat 11'lisat per bulb 9'loiir per cwt Shorts per ton.... Bran, paritl of). chickens lb Hes ..... ) illts per Ib. 'Turkeys. old .. Hogg cwt. ., STANLEY TOWNSHIP,, A quiet, pretty and happy ev- ent took place at the Glenclale'1V1e4. thodist church at 3 o'clock, on Sat- urday afternoon, Nov. when Mar- jorie Lillian, eldest daughter of Mr. and- Mrs. Geo. Hodgson, was united in marriage to Harold Pen - hale of Bayfield. The bride gow- ned in white brocaded satin, we- aring f(ks customary veil and 01- ange blossoms and carrying, a bo- nquet'of Ophelia roses, entered;the' church to the !strains of the wed- din march played by Miss Maths of London. She was acocmparded by her father, who :gave her aW f After congratulations and a',10 t lint to the bride, the groom and"tlhe King, (Lie happy couple, left em'a motor trip to Niagara arid:Writs ibints east. On their return 'they tivil;p side on the groom's farmThe t e Bronson Line, Stanley; ide's going away costume wak ra navy blue French flat crepe }t•T coat and hat to match. The' om's ,gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch and to the pianist;; 'a bar piny. Guests were present' Ir om St. Thomas, London, Chatham and 'Bayfield. Thegro om is a p popular ,young Stanley Township man and he and hits, bride have the good wishes of a large circle of friends for a happy future, • • • • • •• • • • P. J. O'Dwyer, M. D. ZURICH. ONT. OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY -15 Jno. Preeter-Main Street Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of 'over $2.7,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No ass- easment _during the year and have a balance on hand of $31,700. G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. SOS ••a•a••0.O••••• •••/•••••i/••••••••••••••••••••*o` Ti;ces Lower • COUNTY NEWS. Improvements. on Goderieh legiate building s.tre measly- coin- :- • pletedk. o - pletedt. . George Williams, until lately •a ban kmanager in Goderich, has opened a brokerage office. The charge of conspiracy again. ,st Lukes Brothers in connection, with the operation of Huron Flax Mills, which was heard before His Honor Judge Barron in Goderieh recently, was dismissed; the judge' considering that a case had not been made out. The very !sharp., drop in the price of flax 'seems to have been the cause of the loss of, money in the venture. The annual meeting of the Htir ori Old Boy's Association of Tor- onto, for the election of officers and general business, will be held • in the. Y.M.CtA, Building, on Fri- • day evening, November 21st, •at 8 on Corragated Galvanized •• • Iron Roofing _ • •• i• • *28 Guage, Ordinary, at 0 $6.25• • .. P er 100 Square Feet • • • • i 28 Gauge Council Standard, guaradteed against any red rust, for at least 20 years, 1 3-4 oz.,,,.. • Galvanizing per foot, at .,,,;,i ,.' ...r. G gsquare�� $6.75 • er 100 S uare Feet • 3 2 3 • "STADE & • &WEIDOI • pREETER BLOCK ZURICH • to••••••li•l•t•••A4111011bAM.40•111II4iNM6.0NMM6N•11i*° o'clock, His 'W: orshpip Mayer Hiltz will deliver an address on the subject of "The Country Boy, in Toronto., The 'sympathy of the comTttn- ity goes to Mr', and Mrs' Rey P -r - sons 3rd. con., Usberne, in the loss of their eldest daughter, Margaret aged 8 yrs. The little girl WO: taken ill with influenza and' Tn� Pantile paralysis devoloped She was ill only :a few days, On, Thursday evening, Nov eML her 6th, death •came to an old and esteemed resident of Kippen, in chi' person of Mrs. Alex. McKenzie The deceased, who was in her 66th year, was born on the 8th eon of Colborne, Tp,, beingt he third da tighter of the later Geo. Young. In the year 1882 she was married in;' Aubt►rn to her now bereaved' has-: band. For the past three years: she had been in poor health aurlk' although various kinds of treatn74 ent had been resorted to,, iabottt 5, weeks ago soh took a decided turn for the worse and quietly passed; away. She was a loving and faith fttl wife and ,n devoted mother and by her cheerful disposition weft: many fPiends,. Sive Iea,vesi to mow ern their loss her husband acid 09.0` dart.th;',pra', Bertha and Carrie both of Toronto;. J tf-34 MILINERY BARGAINS At the Hat Shoppe ZURICH Thui'sd t,y, Noa'ember' 20th; 1924( 0 '_ The store with the Liberal Cash Discount While our Fall and Winter supply of Hats last, we will not entirely GIVE them away, but THE PRICES HAVE BEEN MATH,: SO ATTRACTIVE AND LOW'', THAT ONE CANNOT RESIST BUTBUY AT THESE REDUCTIONS. A CALL AT OUR SHOP WILL CON- VINCE YOTI. ,COME. V.V.Siebert ZURICH, - ONT. RLL HARDWARE . Be thoughtful and considerate to your gooc Wife and buy her, a fine complete set of BONNY BLUE GRA NITS WARS SOMETHING JUST A LITTLE NIFTIER AND BETTER THAN EVER SHOWN BEFORE' THIS IS ;THE TIME OF THE YEAR TO SEE ABOUT A GQOD HAPPY THOUGHT FURNACE OR WHERE A STOVE IS USED, LET I US( SHOW YOU 0 UL, LIE OF HEATERS SUCH AS Good Cheer and the Newt Square Built Quebec Heater AND THEN DON'T FORGET OUR LINE OF McClary's Cookers and Bakers A STOVE THAT IS A GOOD SELLER AND AN EXCELLEN`. BUY,. K -- THE LONG EVENINGS OF Fall and Winter are here eget/It/let then bring much rejoiring to .You by, being entertained by Mason & Risch Piano or a Phonograph Call and hear these instruments in our show rooms. COMPLETE, STOCK OF_ SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWAR*. SEE OUR LINE' OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT' INT STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IIT'FOR YQU SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELICK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 STRAYED • From Lot 11, Coni 6, Hay Tp. a red ,and white steer 22 months old, pierced in bottom of left ear. Finder nitify Fred Hogarth, Ex- eter, p,o. of phone, Crediton 18r15 .MEETING Ol! HURON COUNTY COUNCIL • The Council of the. Corporation of -the County of Huron will meet in. the Council Chamber, Goderieh at 3 o'clock in[ the afternoon of Tuesday, the 2nd day of Deceit- bar 1924. • A11 accounts against the County n est be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the Meeting of Council. GEO, W, }TOLMAN, County Clerk Nov. '15th, 1324, Goderieh, Keep Your Money Working BY INVESTING IT IN Huron & .Erie Debentures or Can- ada Trust .Co. Mortgage Certif- icates PER ANNUM 5 1-4 per cent. PAYABLE HALF-YE.JRL1 These Debentures are ,authorised lay the government as an investment for trust and Executors fundi. Iss+aed for any amount of $100 and over. For further particulars apply to; Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO ;'--SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? NOTICE.. Painting . and Paper Hanging I am in a position to do any hinds of paper hanging, painting, graining and dec- orating. IL EICKMEIER, ZURICH — ONT. DEBENTURES FOR SALE TOWNSHIP OF HAY 'Gender authority of By -Law No. !, 1924, re Masse Drain, Debentures to amount of $2154.28 aro offered for sale Under authority of By-IfawNo. 11, 1924, Hay Municipal Telephone system., ' debentures to amount of $7017,00 are .offered for :sale. For particulars apply to A. F. HESS, Treasurer, (lay Tp. Dated at Zurich. Nov. 17, 1024. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Albert Gies wishes great- ly thank the neighbors, and friends given the kind assistance gra en end the isytnpathy shown lin the rec- ent ot h$s lather. tint illness andT , the late. Earnest Gies. DR, JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR dc, OPTICIAN Heavy Shell .Frames" to Your u Lenses at $4.00. Broken Shoe Rims Replaced while yon *siA,, Spectacles Complete large NMI. $2.00 up. Main St., EXETER, Phoft 7 . AT WALTER SOUSE, .ZURICKI_` Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. bio 4I11<FS 4. 4. `.. Do You Knower" 1THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR + 4.• GOOD PRINTII� O ... _....... .«..•. CAN Srt..rr .v YOU' rr WITH : if4T .Trl,T..rl WEDDING 4. + 4, +l+ 4. + 4. 4. * 40 +++++++++.14.(4,14++++++++++4++++++++++++++++144444,* II++II++Zr+€++1+'i"1'+l'+I+$++I++++++ah+++4++++++++++H++++++144444,* • HERALD OFFICE 4. 4 +f+ +II+ +F� 40 +f• Alt+ a+f+,F+, +fir+,++ +' ++t+44++++ 'r'+f^^t++t:4.4.4+4.4.+F+E41+4444+ 4444.44.4 444 rINVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS at THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENT$ THAT WE ARE . AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFACT URERS OF COUNTER CHECK 1300KS, AND CAN sta.- PLY 1P -PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHEC1 BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING( PAPERS, ENVEL OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARRON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS,, IEMORI.4.1tif ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAT SIZE INK BOT'I'L I WE FILL YOUR ORDINARYH WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 8c: LARO'+ GER QUANTItrIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING ,SILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- E Tk;+RS, '�.IERMERCANTILEPOSTE;;tS AND AL GENERAL L GBl IReL PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY •• .