HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-11-20, Page 5'hursday, Novenlb'er 20t1i, 19$4 BUSINESS CARDS DLEYE. HOLMES 'el iritater; r Solicitor, Tot"ary'" rebtie *t.e., Office on Hamilton Street, tet oft the square, Goderieh. Priv- deter funds to loan at lowest rates. M. Holmes will .be in RepeaU an i+'ridy of aeach week. Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk lemur of ;marriage licensee, ,•, Notary �11e. Commissioner,• *ire, and kat - * Medi* 1S Insurance, Representing *arm and ]Brie Mortgage Corpora- The Canada Trustt, Co. !elide 2110101110. 1 Knapp, 1 D. D. S., L. D. S. & DENTAL• SURGEON WAIN ORIFICR HENSALL A -U -C -T -1 -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR SLOP! Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat mal School of Auctioneerirng. Try,' ea* for Registered Live Stock .Breeds). Terms in keeping ►a t prevailing prices. Choice ,I DIEM for sale. Will sell anything) Imarwhere. *Losse 18-93 or write, Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County 111i $iron. In a position to con- flict any auction sale, regardless be to size or articles to seU. I A licit your business, and if not .aeletied will make no chargee for lierrieeL 'Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. ream 13-57 Zurich M®•at MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats ;.Bologna -Sausage;, etc elegheit Cash Price, for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES tugblut &� Dcichert iF ZURICH LIVERY I am, in a 'position to accomoe late all reeuirenrents ,in the Livery, GADO, 'have Auto for hire. Any - king 'done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL ?bone 112 Zurich 8.ATKIIeT,SON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST 4raduate of the Royal College lag Dental Surgeons of Ontario and me the University of Toronto, ate District Dental Officer, Mil- jta y- Diiatrict No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Main Office, Exeter. Phone 34. ea :Zurich every TUESDAY Phone 79 -19 L, I VE POU LTR LWANTED Makes every day till 3 Oclock p.m Do not teed fowl dame morning hl'tilerat ,brought in, lifighest Cash Prices --CASH FOR--- Gream and Eggs W. O'Brien *liaise a 94. Zurich .•J r GOAL SEASON' 1924 RPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER - ES .NTHRACITE-Ws are new re- Meliving our genuine Delaware le etudeon direct from the mines, Nut Love and Egg sizes. IOFT COAL -Just arrived, an - Wier ear of our high grade ,soft, flu coal has made a great hit for illitit#Vtehold too and our ,sales of this ' v'8 over doubled in the last sea -1 OTJL1 TS -Our l3onlet Coal is low be a class by itself and is.gr= elfeeltee ,n .favor rapidle.. OUR Telephones are at your 4iertice. Use them freely for in- it tr'rMation. ',Ilhl dt PRODUCE MERCHANT i011o;. ;(3tYiee 1Ow. louse 10), w1ENSALL O N" X". a • PUT YOUR Wants, - .. FarSale, Lost, LOCAL avis Gtli HERALD Found, Notice, Etc. Ads • FOUND A pair os spectacles on, Bronso Line. Owner can have !same from Mr, Joho G. Er}E FARM FOR SALE •• Consisting. of: 109 'aeeee of goo sung land, with 10 acres of bush, a bank barn 44x70 ft., brick house ne30 feet, ort, 1411io li¢y T Mr, Garnet Walper wasp ai day 'visitor• i�rir•�Cli'nton; 'Niles Matilda Johnson x's viittl?� friends in Kitchener:.. Mrs J . Alb gchC r and d, at<,�h�el sl Rase, were Week -end eieitees at; .Glensall;. r • '- 1VIrs. H. Elsie of DaashoOl w' visiting at the home of M•r n'd Mrs. E. Oeach. • d • Mr.. a,nd .Mdse.' Roy Weber' .of Renege,. motored to .Detroit .overt theweek-end!,•. e n. , own •ship. Apply to .Mr. Simon Millet Dashwood, Ont. AUCTION SALE • 01 Consig'nment'`,;4rtieles ,.will .,° b held a tDash'wc od, one ,: ,Saturday November 22e1; at 1 O'clock 'pint sharp the following; 35 head of yearlings rising 2 years, Steers and Heifers. 25shead t yrs. old rising 3 "yrs.. Somecows in calf. 20 stocker pigs front 75 to 100 ]bac each.- 10 sucking - pigs Those •cattle are in A 1" condition. And guaranteed to be :sold to the highest bidder. TERMS -6 months -credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes with' a4 discount of 4% off for cash ore credit amounts,. Arthur Weber, A.uctioneet. J. Graybeil, Clerk. George Merner, Manager. WANTED We. are in the market for dutch setts•, large onions and dried ap- ples. Highest prices paid, -T. L, Werra. NOTICE Wie are now operating our. cid- er and apple butter factory every Tuesday and 'Thursday. Parties wishing to have any work done, ldndly make arrangements by pikonee. tf-15 F. C. Kalbfiersch, e Zurich. NOTICE. :We. are in al position to store and keep your auto battery char- -god for. the, winter. Also charg- ing done at any time, -L. A Prang, Zuriehj. NOTICE. I have handoid +my oiatstandieg accounts ' to Mr. WI. I. Siebert :far collection, Anyone owing me, kindly call and .settle dame at once. - J!. Preeter. STRAYED Froin my pasture field, Town Lina, Stanley, about Oct. 1' a 20 -months old white heifer, no. horns. Please notify Ed. Reich- •ert;, phone 94 r 10' Zurich ,ii where abouts known. NOTICE We will run our cider mill every Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Also have a large copper kettle to let, for cooking 'apple but ter. Sleeve Stickle, Bronson Line Stanley. 13-5 NOTICE CEMENT WORK -I am in a pus Rion to do any kind of a cement job, such as supply tanks, foound- ation walls, bridges, cement floors and walks, etc. Work .guaranteed prices reasonable. Apply to Mar- icil Corriveau, 13. R. 2, Zurich; Phone 16-93. . tf40 Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU AR A NTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS, Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich'. tf18 COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. ' Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND . Case e Son PRONE 35 ;EN STALL -17 Dr. 11. tl. COWEN. L. ,D,. Sc, 3b. 1t, S. DENTAL SURGEON ° At McCorii It Block, Zurich, eve ery Thursday and Saturday.. Main. Office HARTLIMITS BLOCK, DA'STIWOOD Messrs. C. Fritz and WI. L. ,,Sie- 4bert are speeding a few deye its the Pinery hunting wild genie ;: Peter Papineee left eoliWed nesdey ,for Windsor, where hip in- tends to remain for the ,winter` Mrsl. IIG. Gellman aleft one ern•+ day for 1te .visit with xelativee In; I'etijolea and Sarnia:' . Mr. and Mrs. Louis, Weber" alma daughter, Miss Clara, were reeeet. visitors with friends at Detroitei Mr. Wellington • Fee and 'dai>gh- ter Eva, of Seaforth' renewed aeq- uaintances with friends in the: vil- lage on Saturdy.a 1The local sportsmen are every active in the shooting of wild geese this fall, and some real good hauls• have been made,,. The biggest bargains in Millie- ery given in Zurich. for many a' day are now handed out; "Let's Go" and get our's before they are; Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Becker and fancily and Mr. August Becker of New Dundee, were week -end visite ors at the home, of M'r J,acoie, Brown( Jack , rosti with hi,vl glorio s ,Canada ,Winter arrived here osi Sunday ,with sa4 ;real snow Stehle, and the weather since liar. t' • }:leen cold and steady.* ,. e gone at Miss• V. V. Sieben is .; Th:4 Choir of the Evangeliceh church, Zurich, are • getting ready lor .Song Service. on Sunday es ening, Nov. 30th. They always furnish something good The annual meeting of'.the Zur•- ieh. Jui'bilee Band will' be held' at the Band. Hall on Thursday 'even ing, Nov: 20th at e8 o'clock p: n> sharp. • .Ali interested .should • at- tend; Mr. Peter Papineau, who aha s{. conducted the 'repair shop on 'Vic- toria, streets has. given Mi Jos Druar, the new proprietor, pose essiou Mr. •Druar will use' •earne for the Maseey-Hareiss implements and. iepurs i Mr, and Mx se.ne tin. E. •Selist'ert' ear,' -who- hay; ween, liesing in •theei1 loge sibs` past few..years, left lash Tuesday for Texas here ..they -.in tend 'to •spenwhere the winter. ' .Theo many Zurich 'friends regret to see thein leave the village: The Molsons Bank has mo•a ed in- to •their new block, which theis'er- ected this summer: The new' bus }}ding is a credit to to 'the instit- u.tioni, as well as to M:r F. C Kilo fleisch, the builder, as the interior iwnoslnldsvork •co.n;sists all of oak fin - NEW FLOUR AND IFET;T,.) STORE Mi". Louis Schilba, -who his` re, cntly purchased. the Apple villi, the intentions of running a Flour and !Feed store, wishes to anoints that he will be opera for November and. It is some years sen, in Zurich and we hope R'Cr- and also that the 'Mr. Carl IVIcClinchey of Stan - y Township, who is employed as \rasher, had a very narrowesc- ;e of being seriously injured one ay Gast week while threshing at e farm of Mr. Simon Deitricle e ,was' ont op of the steam engine .some of the running part leen ,in some way 'VS pant legcarne caught and before he co- ca free himself, the lower part of s clothing was all toils off. How- er fortunately he received no in - ries to speak of. c l�Bfoc.l { business on Saturday of, this week Lince al store of this hind has Sehilbe 'will be s,ucaes'sf•ul in, his undertaking Public will give hirer patronage: le ti a0 d th. 0 w be ul hi est ju Do You Use NAMELESS Cold Remedy in yon Household,. read this; "Detroit, Mich, Nov, 3-1924 My Dear Powell -$1:.00 enclosed for usual supply of. 'Nameless' which atilt stands us in,,goocl stead. Very Truly Yours', 13. S. Murray," Mr. Murray is in the Papnnaster Dept. of the Ford Motor Co,{, and ,has continually used NAMELESS in his household since 1902. We receive -many attestations as to the Good- ness of this Remedy' 25c, brings you. Nameless, Druggists of The Purity Mfg. Co.., Exeter, or Wag- nea's Confe.etionery at Zurich. 'Me. Fred Haberer of the Blind Laine hap a very uli.fortunate ex- perienee one dfly ,last week, while !was filling the manure spread - in, the barnyard, the wind was hrg a metal wash tub towards horses who took fright and st-• ed to runt, at the again time Mt berer rain, trying to catch the sea endjust as, the � teams 'wa!a sing 0h;g rough the ate, he was sed between the gate and spr- ee' nag as the, horses .at "thist� tore loose leaving :tTr. TTN)- ,• fastuntil t •• l so ti t time e s� tiU a auce came. He le now 'eon- s''eon- s'to his, bed with bt uised logs, fofortunately no bones. were tr- ipod, he er roll the let Ha hoil pats pin ti�a.1 tion errer siet fine lnrt lactt ERADICATION OF V EEDS o.operative Experiments'Show t, tfow.iMat Br Doite- Hope for Perennlei Sow Thistles and Twitoh Grass --iron Sulphate for Mustard --Another Plan for Killing Twitch -O. A. C. Barley Popular n the United *mese• • •:. iCoutrtealee by Ontario Department of Agriculture, „Toronto.) As •sa,result of ten years!, experi- manes the following methods are res commended by the department of Botany of the Ontario Agricultural College a Use of Rape to Destroy Perennial Sow Thistle and Twitch Grass. Cultivate the field until about the Middle: of June, running over It ire- ,quently with the cultivator so as to keep the tops down and thus weaken the "roots:" Then apply manure at the.'rate of about twenty tons per acre (12 good loads). Cultivate the manure In thoroughly, and with a double mould board plough slightly ridge up the laud, making the ridges about 26 inches apart. On the ridges Wow pasture rape at the rate of 11/2 pounds per acre, It is important that the right amount of rape be sown, for if too little is ,sown the stand will not be thick enough to smother the weeds, and if en the other' hand too much is aown the plants will be too crowded and not grow vigorously enough •to keep ahead of the weeds. Sow the rape when the land Is sufficiently moist to insure quick germination of the seed. If therape is slow 1n starting theweeds may get a start in the rows and thus necessitate hand cultivatloe there. Cultivate the tape every week or ten days until it occupies all the aground and makes further cultivation Impossible. If, when the rape.is cut or pastured, any weeds remain, the field should be ridged up the last thing in the fall and putin with a hoed crop the following year. This should . not be necessary if a good stand of rape is secured. Spraying. Wits .Imus Sulphate to Destroy Mustard In Cereal Crop*. 'Lion sulphate or copperas can be successfullx;usa to"deetroy mustard in, standing grain without injury to the crop. Preparation of Solution. :A 20% solution should be ap- plied. This can be prepared by dis- olving 80 lbs. of iron sulphate In Ogallone of. water. Iron sulphate is dMolved quite readily in cold Vatter, solution; should Vet ' strained ou'gii a cheese cloth, as it is put .6 the spray pump tank. This will dove dirt and small 'particles that re apt to clog the nozzles. . d'to `Apply, Apply on a 'palm, elder day :Just s'soon.as the Brat= few plants in the elds show. fiowere. 'It 3s very int- ortant to spray early. 1f the plants re left too long the treatment is not early so.effective. If a heavy rain pines within 24 ]lours after the sole - on ; is applied, it will be necessary spray again. ow to Apply the Solution. .An ordinary hand pump barrel sprayer, such as is employed to spra„ fruit trees may be used, or a potato sprayer• can be rigged up to do th. work. Many of the Le., -to -date spray- ers have a special broadcast attach - Meta for spraying weeds. These ar, excellent for `large areas, as they cover a wide strip at each round. Care must be taken to see that every mustard plant is covered with the solution in the form of a fine spray. Iron sulphate may be obtained at any hardware store. -J. E. Howitt, O. A. College, Guelph. Another Flan for Killing Twitch Grass. 'A successful experiment in ridding land of twitch grass was made re- cently by the Farm Department of the Ontario Agricultural College on a field that was a mass of twitch after the oat crop had been removed. The land was so badly infests(' that the field produced a very sinal crop that season. After the oat: were removed, the land was ploughuu lightly and tractor-disced twice, ant, then cultivated and harrowed. Latei in the fall this field was ploughuu with: a double -disc plough, the from disc, cutting six to ;even inches deet, and, the rear disc twelve to thirteen inches. This brought loose subsoi, up and threw it on top of the suits mass of roots. In the following i.dring the field we, plated to Wet corn in the chcmc;,-r ,, sy'stout, Practically uo twitch an appearance during the summer, and the field, without fertilizer, pro- duced.an excellent crup of Hint corn tor buskihg. 0. A. C. Barley Crown In the United States. Dr, C. A. Zavila received a letter i•eceetly from Prof, Moore of the Agricultural College of Wisconsin, which says: "Now practically all of the barley grown in Wisconsin, and in many of our surrounding States, exuauated from the few pounds of barley which you so kindly sent up. We will never be able to get even los• the good thiegs you have done for urs in bygone years," Toe lien who takes pride in "do- ing chores wait" usually has sleek stook and cleat stabtes, and realizes a great eroftt from his everyday therms re from any other of his £asci O'eraticsus. A bee is said to travel 43,7'76 miles to gather one pound of honey con- sisting Of 2!1,184 drops of nectar., Those who do nut believe it aro in• vited by the bee to count the drops. Souaotimes it's lack of time .aa: sonietimes'it's just indifference th_ leaves farm raebi;rpry ntrtc•d Jjt'oletrtt bele. 'one season to tics next. 'ago Viva orawassamarasasoraisriarsataragwaYarisawasaismagarrimemarawaspownwmais We haveP !rand few good ,ec,<�a;� buggies for Sale Now is , , the time to get.tilcl,Auto utpa Top Repaired a " REPAIRING 1 Paipting Poled Car, onePok $15:00, Two Coats ... 'Covering Ford ' .• $12.00 Pop Good Material, less curtains ,., .., $12.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors ,.: Painting Buggy .:. ....:...... ... ...15:00 IF' YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT $N•00 WE EERUEBER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. BSS Z URI�� +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 11l11 ++.a.+++++++++++•F+++++ HGF•3• •++++++++++++++++++ +++4 + ++ Bird's Neponset WE HAVE REtcEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE ABOVE PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER 4 "'WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS • AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND 'I' SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK OUR, SPEC= IAL TY. • F. C. KLBFLEISCBF PHONE 69 - ZURICH ++++++++++++./.+++++++++++++., +•g ++++•1 +++•!•FBF++++•l +++++++4 "GOOD OLD PAROID" + READY •±HOBBE. tWITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITING,S AND SAMPLESI g.. IN• ALL THE NEW( SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSING THE VERY LATEST: STYLES AND SHADES • fi lL1N HOFFMANi HOBBERLIN HAVING TAKEN OVER iTHE AGENCY OF THE BEST ,.KNOWN SEMI -READY CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (HABJ3ERLIN dz01. .1. CO.) WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST 1 ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS RCOATS AT PRICES SECEND TO NONE. REMEMBER ,. The Early Bird catches the Worm W. HJHOFFMAN I TTAILORtIAND FUNERAL DIRECTOR! DAY AND NIGH T 'I'HO..NE No, 81 + et,r /11 i111111111111111111HIIIIIHBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIii!!IIIIIHIN�f1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116 8!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIf!tNHIIIfHIIIIIiIiIiIIIN1111N11✓IBNR !IZIIRICH H 1824 ClubbiiigList HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 HERALD and Kitchener,Daily Tnitguar,h 45.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 HERALD and Toronto atu.rde.t Mail and Empire 43.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star .. • $6.00 TIERALD and Toronto Weekly Star $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily News :.....$6.00 HERALD. and London Free Press, Morning edition -_:.;.9.0 HERALD and London Free Press, evening edition 46.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6.00. HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening• edition $6.00 HERALD and London Farmers' Advocate .-. -.. ' 42.25 HERALD and Paten atidDairy ...... ... $2.75 HERALD and Fanners Suu $2.65 HERALD and Family H'rald and Weekly Star ... .:. $2.75 HERALD and Canadian Countryman 3E13,ALD and Weekly'Witness • a : LD and Farmers- Magazine' HERALD and Youth's Companion 42.25 HERALD s .. ... 43.15 42,50 '53.75 HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor .:. 43.'25 HERALD and Ontario .Journal ..42,7 ,5 HERALD atid Rod and Gun in Canada ..:....... _n„:$3;15 Save Money and Trouble'by renewing Your Papers . with us. See us for papers not listed above HERALD OFPICE, Zurich !INIBlltllf fel 111 Ili ID1HIi�flflll InliilliH11111001101ElNCi!111E11;i 1!HC!11•ill viiialhiiiII 111ifNiIHe11111MI INImIVI 4