HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-11-20, Page 11 Vol. XXV No 21 ZURICH., THURSDAY MQ�tt'r1 IN'.i'a� NOVEMBER20, 1924. Cheater L. Smith, Pulali $1„25 a Year in A.dly , $1.j,0 T.N 4111t EARS, $2 21.A7 :BPA ORAIM2001 5 more weeks till Xmas. An Ideal time for Merchants to think of their Xmas. Ads. `A fine time to think of Xmas. Gifts and to buy them in Zurich C cur Corner If Indian Summer ill' not a myth, : lsow +ia its opporturnityl to perform. It isn't the clothes a man wears to -day that people observe—It's the car he drive's Peter Smith was sworn in as Cab net Minister on Nov. 13th which .was`•;a -bad day o fthie month to etartt anythingv • Among the arrivals for the Royal' November is Mere, anal runt in Winter Fair. at Guelph, is Winter true to foi.'rn; himea1f4 If women are to weai✓'enrs onee more, (t+hey'11 have to wash behind 'em, just like men. The world,; is not getting effem- inate. Looking over the • 'irls with shingle. bobs and boyish snits will prove' this. I More males than females were born last month in the city, but yo1L ,can hardly tell them- apart( when they grow up now,, er ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: • • t: x• 1 i3rown's Boot Sho• • Where G-ood, Shoes Cost Less ,' MONTHS AND MONTHS OFFOOT SATISFACTION IN' EVERY i t 1 PAIR. AND NOT SHOES (TO GAMBLE ON, BUT SHOES TO oe e BANK ON/ • BROGUES AND HEAVY TAN OXFORDS FOR MEN AND WOE • MEN. - •, • • Every pair . barfly with the , lb best of Leathers, and looks •, of al MatineeIdol. Loud • Speakensi whlen it comes to Value.—But grices almost a k °• • whisper! An I such a whale�a 3. • of a shew'ing. 'They're thei. V — r r very newest. The last worril,in Footwear. $4.95 and $5495. SHOES 'FOREVERY OCCASION • • • • • • • • i+—+ If cig;areettes .sttwiit:the grow; we. ,ug.bit to, use some onthe' nal Tonal debt. • In Regina, ,Rask., a,, , woman law 13 cliildienl; the oldest being.V they midst have 4i `big 'washingl� Fr were.,`killed' the other dalMi1 �^•K' . 10,14r,' B. D. Steele has returned • • • •' by al Tenmess�ee barber, who: �Xo,, ,e visit in St. Thomas l ,� from ably gave other bystanders a elOge ` Mr, and Mrs: E. Oesch were Sun - shave r 1 tay .Visitors fat Dashwood'. Miss' Siuse. Jacobe is ' spen,ding Boards of. Trade would �,a week with friends at Parkhill. ' 'Mrs. J. G. Litt 1,4 visiting with x'elatives and friends at Toronto. motors 50 feet from croS 1ngS at That's better than, being liiu1ed that distance... .g+�.+p. f .1Vlr. With cold weather here a war u fon ar ing ough tto be given that woo '1,0,e�:er alcohol is moire efficient inside al auto radiator than a man's atom ” Mr. ach Palls BROWN BROS p �"' REPAIRING NEATLY :DONE y . SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 411. •!.. it 4 4-144-int•44+.g.+. ++++•II•'tf• +•E +++3e.3 ++. i.+++«++44 l lerte nims. Bakin at For Your Try - our o Fresh Resins = Currants Dates Figs :, Prunes -74 Saxony Dipped Peels - 41. 4 Saxony Cherries 44 Swans Down Cake Flour 4 •4. :*44.. All kinds Cake Decorations, Red 3 Pink and White icing Sugar, ads Lump. Sugar. + + 4. 4 4 and Mrs. Davis of Port Hur- e visiting wtih Mr. and Mrs: Koehler. Win, Siebert,, Jr.; df Niagara is spending a week with his parents here. • One Nvonders who suffered xnoS4r from this week -end of winter; the people who had not their coal inae in Kitchener.or, the motor -car owners who ici frozen tip ii Miss L• ydia E. Faust has. had Miss Laura. Deters is 'spendin,g i couple of wweeks visiting friends ,c --•II• a :her house wired for hydro lighting ,That great American institutigi saaaice, Mr. II. G. Iless, doing the the soda fountain, celebrates its' work, fiftieth ,anniversary this year. -Arad' to thin, kthat !wet once thought r •fit. T he Ladies, Bible Class and could never compete; with thebaif+ 'Ladies Aid, of the Evangelical eh- •t,—,t, :itrch will hold a bazaar in the A Russian has invented a• met-h'.'Town: Hall, Zurich, on Saturday; od whereby crude oil may bel ussd'Dan. 6th. Doors open at 2.30 p. in an .ordinary automobibe. : Haw'::m. Sale begins at 3.00 p.m. dyer, th egreatest motor-car;,prab- The biggest bargains in Millin- lern, the prevention off accilen¢s�, pry, given; in Zurich for many a dad* Still remains(no neat=era solutipix-ere:now handed out. "Let's. Go" 1 got our% before they are all e at Miss V. V. Siebert's, RTICULTIJRAL SOCIETY r S ',b, public: meeting held in the 1 Hall, cZ! f}ic1 . on W.xnesdjr.y evexr>rtgi, iNgverrtber 12t1s, -for; trice i li Try Our Sure -Whip for `,i + -.fit. + 1 Cre ne'tes, the new Macaroni Pro I y the time 4 •�• duet erg;:oke in 'on.e third - N4. � ...„ + .... BW! '`1' I 4 - Xmas. G-oods ArrivingDaily 4 : : 44+++++++++•4+•i++i• d++++i++''1+*+1'+E++ri++++++ 4 I ^l,'PILBRIGEIT it' W ..1,sld Jo The high price of Wheat '.co out of. the pocket of coxsrsrx But if it hadram-a ect• at. 1 year',s price so many proctueerSW a1d be ,,forced;,,out, of wheat' grg ing ;tiiaiii there:' w eat have • bi u world • scaecityc rand. 'high • pricest. • purpose' of', organizing a Hortic- Ontario' pollee officials saythat naitural Society in Zurich, -vasfair- the onforeeineint of.:, the Q I'.A. , is,jl* aveli attended. and much interest to be a a serious, matter fromnow manifested..' Mr. Harty, of Sea- oni. It is to -be .hopped tire:, will forth, the organizer, showed a niim- DIAMOND The Everlasting Gift Let us show You what we have in these beaut- iful Stones he able to take some pf the ,jokes. out of it, but the biggest joke,that of 'expo'rting to Cuba, :seems be- yond ttheir powers'. NEW CANADIANS Some conatructive'work accom- plished by the Canada 'C'olonization Association is described by a core- respondent of, The Manitoba .Free Press,: So far this year this or- ganization has established in the West some 400 families, who oc- cupy approximately 100,00 acres of excellent farming soil. T'hese,new comers have 4iunccsiaed ,tyle land without a dollar cash; down, 'with- out the vendors paying n, lit cent in commissions, 'and the rate of interest is only 5 per cent. The new Isettler.s are 'almost ent- irely Russian; Mennonites, from the Crimea districts; where they were robbed of practically -everything they possessed by the Soviet office rale: They have taken over huge bonanza farms, which hitherto have been devotedt o the one purpose of wheat growirg. Each family is given) possession of about 240 acres, and with a - cow, chickens' and pigs the process of turning from wheat ,growing to mixed far- ing is begun. For a termofyears the newcomers, all experienced ag- riculturists', are placed under a resident manager for each of the original big farms. ber of 'very attractive 'lantern sl- ides of the various• lines that come under ,the, work of this kind. He alio gave some very instructive' ;points in raising and growing fl- owers and ornamental trees, shrubs •etc. With the effort of this newly organized Society, it is every citi- zen's duty to now co-operate and and fail in Iine with ether towns, who -.have already adopted` this mov:ement, and make Zurich one of the most outstanding villages in the community along this par - denier line. We, are happy to see that the Women's. Institute .are intensely interested and the cause- of auseof this new movement is' due to them largely. A welt selected st- aff of oi'icers were appointed as follows;—President, Mr, Peter Hab- erer; Vice-Presj., Miss Alice Jolie - son ; ohn-son; 2nd;: Vice-Presl, Miss Anna Hess; Secretary, Mr. John Gascho; Directors; Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon; Mrs. C. Fritz; Mrs. J. Gascho, and Mrs W. L. Siebert. From $15. to $100. In ' the very newest Styles of Mountings NESS the Jeweler THE MOLSONS BANK Explain to Your - Wife the convenience a ft. chequing savings account of perhaps just drop with her at any branch •f The Molsons Bank ---and let her open an account. C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branca. BORN Ravelle—At Zurich, on November 12th to Mrs ancl,;Mrs. Peter Bav- aria;a . daughters. 147i11er-At 14th, Cp'nu Hay Town- ship!; t o Mr. and Mrs'. Walton Miller, a daughter,. Walper—At Steph.eni •Township on November, 18th, .to Mr. and Mrs Jacob . Welji er, i daughter. • • Jeffrey -4.t 14th Con. Hey. To' 7n- rship,' on November 18th, to Mr,. and Mrs. John Jeffrey, a- daugh- ter. Finlbeiner-- At 14th Con. Hay Tp. on November 18'thi to Mn. and Mrs. Ha'rrin'gton Finkbeinel j a daughter. Smith—.At Go'sheni Line South, Hay Township, on November 0th:, to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith a isonl. Ward—In Exeter, on October 22nd, to Di John s ;}d Mrs.. W',ard', a son?, ; }. JESSIE HORNER PAM: Mr. Jessie Horner, who was born in.Vaugha township, York County on November 26th 1866, lived in. this community years, ago. He farmed in. Bad Axe, Mi,chS, for a- bout ,17 'years, after which he mo- ved ,to Detroit, where he lived for 15 years. Oh, the, 26th of Augu,et he moved to Zurich to - spend the remainder of. hes days here in re- tirement: ' Jlt,s stay in our midst wasp ,brief; for he p rslsed a way in his •own home which he recently purchased,, on the morning of Nov. f th, 1924, aged 67, years, 11 months an.d _21 days. He \vaa twice mer- ited,• His firs' wife predecea:,ed. him .":Som,;) yeas ago. He .eaves to Moura a widow, who d: -t her hest 'to. pro±ong hes life; thre'. Lena- gletere, two o:' eetom live De- ,reit, Flora, M:si. Nathan P,t:..it; and Lottie, Mrs cleo Gerhart and Lizzie, Mesh Noah. .Parent oe .Bad Axe, Mich., one brother, Mr. John etoree., lee col., Hey, and many other friends. A short ere. - ices we ..i . e) i -t eeed at - the house and at the Evange ieal Church this afteriooer, Weiin:s.iay, by tile Rev. J. G, Litt, the bur,ai taking place in. the Bronson Line cemetery,a•id was :largely • :ended by relatives' and close, syi+xpawll,etic friends from 0h.8. coo. ,ma,r, London, Thoma&, Baytieldx- Detroit, and i?rbeou,,e elac:•tia, rite fatuity have the felinig of their neatly fronds int - hiel und bereay'-ed bo41x, e•0041000440•4.•4.••0004*044•404 ••••O••••••••••••• • • • - - • - • 9 - • • • • • • • • • HARNESS REPAIRING a *;•+PG>ss'•40'444444000 'IrOi4!1.•••+M••+R••.4+ti'•4044•!101041(Itt1; Seasonable Horse Gods- Tust Received a large number of Genuine Wooten Horse Blankets in Assorted colors Size, 72x84. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices Ranging from $7.00 to ... wart SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. Club Bags, Suit Cases Red Trunks at Right Prices. •' +, vacant t, A SPECIALTY RIO 44 41+4 !•f444 443.4 43.3••¢•4•F44 044•F4.44.4. E•44 4444444 + • 4' • ZURICH ++++++++++++++++++++++++++44++++++++++++++++++++444+* ++++•II»t••3••F•+•F++++++++dri•'!`+•A•i'N't'+++++•!••i•4•+ +++••'t"t"k'•'k++44 ^iN YOU WILL NOT BE PROP- ERLY ATTIRED THIS WIN- TER, EIITHER IN STYLE OR COMFORT, UNLESS YOU WEAR— FLASH WELL DRESSED WOMEN HAVE ALWAYS OBJECTED TO- THE CLUMSINESS OF BUCKLED OVERSHOES. COME AND SEE THEM AT OUR STORE. RHINO Super Quality Bubb er Footwear, made -by Ames Holden. Tire Co., carried in Stok. c Men's Rubber Boots, --. $4.50 Men's Light Rubbers --. ---1.35 Boys' Rubbers' Womens' Light Rubbers 1.00 A Large Assortment of Men's Boys', Lumbermen's. Coma The Wear hand ;Prices. T & SON !n/ •. F ! I ! Z S fir/ SHOE MERCHANTS • ATTENTION! We desire, to call your attention to 'the fact that We are in a positicak to supply your Fall and Winter IRs uii: eniefts in good heavy w, Underwear, Flannelettes, Wool i BLANKETS. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, SWEATERS, CAPS, ;MOCKS, HEAVY SHIRTS, - OSKS, MITTS, .AND GLOVES. ME GOODS ARk: RIGHT, AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT., Fresh Groceries Always on. Hard A N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PROW 11 97 413L. i '1