HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-11-13, Page 8;dieEighf OVERCOATS On Only 20 IVIen/s Overcoats in Stock. These are goodquality all Brand new, in Season's best styles. By carrying a small range of these we are able to sell at rock bottom prices Come and see! SERGES New all wool cloth in wool P. crepe of find weave, with silk threads woven through in pleasing Block Patterns. Soason's Best. Shades. Checked Wool Crepes New All -Wool Serges, Poiret Twills, Wool 'Poplins, Santoys, now opened up "of very fine quality, priced from 75e, to $3.75 ayard. Plain Wool Crepe First quality ;goods in Black, Navy, Sand, Nigger and Tangerine Special value at prices we ask for it. Dutch Selis ZU IIIC EftALrf ITEMS OF LOCALLOCALINTEREST ,OCA.LL MARKETS (Corrected 'every W edneaday) Miss Mildred Brown, of Kitchener Eggs , 23-36 span t the holiday at the home of winter poi lb, �.., .,. . 3E; r lac MA' d Mrsi L. L Siebert. f{utatoes per hag s We are in the Market for a limited quantity of good clean Setts. Bring them as soon as possible, when storage roomis full, we will discontinue` buying. Celery! Celery! . a17 7t 410 Miss Louisa Ralelig of Kitchener 10 apples per netts, per lU. .. ..... ...:..7c, spevvnt the lloliday,s with leer sin O'ata 50 ter, Mrs. Sam Real=er, Mr. Theo W,agner, who is at- RUelcwheat Bailey 80 90 tending Waterloo 'seminary, visited Wheat pur er eb s}`:..' ... 1.001543030 at }Lira homy here over the vac- Shorts per ton 32 00 olid. Mrs. M. R. Major of T'oro;utO, sp ent the holiday at the home of her paren;tssl, Mr. and Mr,sf W(. L. Sie- bert. Messrs. C. Fritz and ton Ward, were hunting a few days at the Pinery, and report hunting poor, asst he weather is` too nice'. Underwear, Sweaters DROWN IN OUR OWN GARDENS Colder weather requires New Underwear to keep you warm. Let us ,show you our various' lines, in all wool, wool .and cotton and fle- eced, for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. We carry the celebrated Monarch -Knit Sweater Coats, in iew Styles at reasonable prices: ALWAYS FRESH ORDERS TAKEN NOW FOR LOTS PACKED TO STORE FOR WIN- TER USE. • GASCHO & SON Produce- Wanted Phone 67 1 Garagettrn�.c�. S Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND GENIIINE FORD PARTS JUST VE ARECAGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES S. Lla U. SCHOOL REPORT Oran peat 0 P ...• .. . chickens lb Hens .... Docks per lb. Turkeys old ... ..... .Hos cwt. ... ..... ,11 -..he following is the report of Room 12, Dashwood. Public School for Ithe month of October 19244, Those mark.e,d x were absent. (Sr. N.adiger • 586, Mar- Zgaret'Will•ert 553, Sadie Held 529, Wallace Wein, 518, xErvin Guenther 466', LousiBe kStaubus 412L • 1Sr. II -Oneida Relstemeyer 853, Florence Baker 843; Edna Fisherl 842', Gertie Hoffman. 838, Reta Hay- ter 8 ay-ter' 836, Addison Mason 823, Maurice Khlnpp 754, Victor Kraft 745, 'Vernia' Kraft 740, Pearl Schade 725, Ethylda Held 709, Melvin Rewstemeyer 639, Sophia iStire 582, 'xJohn Donehey. Jr. II -Amelia Wil.lert 882, stow and !Schenck, 833, Ruth Tiernan 806, Earl Zimmer 799, Stuart Wolfe 784 Melvin, [Stade 752, Harry Miller 746, Ralph lGenttner 693, Oliver Staubus; 538, (Irene Genttner 431, xKathlene 'Kerner go. L;, B. Guenther, teacher, IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., .AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND. BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE, WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ;ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. MousseaU Zurich ...29.90 •13-17 6-13 10c 120 ,9.00 HAY TOWNSHIP The new bridge on the 4tli, toir. 4is almost completed Mr. Alex!• ,' Foster of Zurich having Whe con tract. ' Mr. T. Brown of Seaforth was in Hensall last Thursday, Messrs. T:, C. Joynt and Robt, Caldwell !shipped a •carload of cel ery to Montreal last weep. Miss Burnette Mous'seau of the Sauble Line, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mou- sseau. • The farmers int his' vicinity are almost through threshing their gr alp, and beans and report a very good crop.. PARR LINE NEWS Mr. and Mrs!. George Smith and faintly or Exeter, saient Sundav aL the home of Mr. Elmore Weido,' Mr. William and Rhinard Ste- phan and friend Mr. Bell of Man- ville spent Thanksgiving at _the home of Mr. John Stephan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sc land last � of Dashwood, spent Friday th Mr. and Mrs. John Stephan. (Intended for last week.) The Bilisgreen fowl supper was a,decided :success on Monday ev- ening last. Mrs. John Stephan, who spent the past week ion1 the 14th con. and Grand Bend, has returned home Mr. aaud Mrs. Fred. Scblunt and Mr, Dan. Ziler were pleasant visit- ors at the home of Mr. Elmore !We- ida on. Sundays. The Zurich plumbers„ Stade Weido, are busy atMr.eFrank Flagan's changing e and putting in piping for a bath room. Bean threshing is: the order of the days. P. J. O'Dwyer, M. D. ZURICH - ONT. OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY -15 Jno. Preeter-Main Street Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over $27,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a balance on hand of $$1,700. G. Holtzman -Zurich l' AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS QF FIRE,INSURANCE. tf-34 ®••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*o ••• • • • • • • • • • • • w ••• • • • • • • •0 Prices Lower 1 on Corragated Galvanized • • • 6 • Iron R ofing 28 Guage, Ordinary, at $6.25 per 100 Square Feet DASHWOOD. An Auction Sale of consigned ar- ticles will be held in Dashwood on Saturday Nov. 22nd, when isomer very choice cattle, etcL, will be sold to the highest bidder, regard- less of cost. These sales on for- mer occasions, have been very 'suq cessful, and it is •assured that this one will measure up to any pre',„• 28 Gauge Council Standard, guaradteed against any a • g • 0 0 • ,. red rust, for at least 20 years, :3-41oz. Galvanizing per square foot, at x,:64 $6.75�d7J Per 100 $are Feet , . �ba •ISTADE &WEIDO• �o� a�• pRE E« i.oiis 0110 Special 'services will be held in the Lutherans church, Dashwood on Sunday, Nov,. 16th,, when Rev Mr Goshner of Stratford will con- duct germane •services in the morn ing and in addition to they morning services the ordination of • Rev" Mr, Bruer, who will be the new' pastor, will take place. Rev. Mr. Bruer will give an English sermon in, the evening service' A happy bridal event ways cel. ebrated here on, Monday of, this week, when Miss Euioeen Gunethor was united in marriage to Mr. Lloyd Edigh.offer of Mitch&'.k a full report of the hairpy.event appear ini next :Veen s islsue �s cot T riles Ga�ac,e;K.,llerman p `anksgiving in'''. Toronto;• 'Miss 'Mina Ehlers of _:Kitchener, visited at the'home ot Rev., ;W,3' Yager o.ver the week -end. Miss McCaha of.Toroi1to, spent Thanksgiving at :the home of liShs 0, IT inkbeiner, • ,; Mr, A. Zimmer has had ai.radio: installed in his home. Mr. and Mrs, A. MenZ of Ta'.rw' istoc Tt.visited friends in town 011 $und.ay. . , • Mr, and •• Mr,si. Harry G ie»thar spent the e hoh da with �.r y 'iso � ll of Windsor p the formers. parents!. .. Mr, and Mrs. Walter F'assold,'r ;of London wore holiday visitor"s With.. Mr, and Mra. P. Fassold, ]4Ir. and Mrs. Russell Eckae'tehi of MILINERY Display, at the Hat Shoppe ZURICH Srnart Styles and Quality. combined with Economy. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT THE 'CHOICE NEW MILLINERY SPECIAL ATTENTION GI- VEN TO FALL BRIDES' AT- TIRE. V.V.Sbebert ZURICH, ONT. 1 Thursday, November • 13th, 3.921 The stare with the Liberal Cash Discount FALL HARDWARE Be thoughtful and considerate to your good Wife and buy her a fine complete set of BONNY BLUE GRA NITS WARE SOMETHING JUST A LITTLE NIFTIER AND BETTER THAN EVER .SHOWN BEFORE THIS IS THE TIME OF.. THE YEAR TO SEE ABOUT A GOOD HAPPY THOUGHT FURNACE OR WHERE A STOVE TS USED, LET, VS( SHOW( YOU 0 MEL LINE OF HEATERS SUCH AS I. (IL ,' f L i i, Good Cheer and the New Square Built Quebec Heater AND THEN DON'T FORGET OUR LINE OF i t McClary's Cookers and Bakers A STOVE THAT IS A GOOD SELLER AND AN EXCELLENT BUY. . 4 . THE LONG EVENINGS OF Fall and Winter are here agair{.Let. them bring much rejoiring to You by, being entertained by, a Mason & Risch Piano or a Phonograph Call and hear these instruments in our show rooms. COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT IN., STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU,, SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO MELIOK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 11/411.1111111111116. London, Mr. Homer Guenther of St.. Thomas and Mis.sb L. Derbe- eker of Kitcb.ener attend?d the EdighefferGuenther Nuptials on Monday. Mr, and Mre. Herman Eidt of Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eidt of Ailsa Craig visited with Mr and Mrs. C. Stade over the week -end. Muss Myrta Hoffman of. Kitchen er spent the holiday with her par- enta:: ' Mr. and Mrs. Stadeibauer of Landon, Mr. and Mrs Heywood of Exeter, repent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs P. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doan ofTbed ford Ispen,t Sunday in town. On Wednesday evening of last week, the C.G{.I. T. met at the Ev- atigelical church and enjoyed a very pleasant meeting. During the ev- ening Miss Etdoeen Guenther, bride elect, was, given a duster shower. Dr. Taylorg ave an interesting • ta11z ,and demonsrtated on first aid • •0 • • • • • cm TER BLOCK ZURICI- iw00000000000000000.00000000000000000000600000000* sr. 3b* Keep Your Money Working BY IN• VESTING` IT IN Huron & E rie Debentures or Can- ada Trust Co. Mortgage Certif- icates. R ANM 5 1-4 per cent. PPAEYABLE NUHALF-YE,RLY' These .Debentures are authorized by the government as an investment for trust ancdi3 cutors fundi. Issued for any amount of $100 and over. Fur further particulars apply to; Andrew F. Hess, , - Zurich MY MOT•TO;-SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL?' Painting and Paper Hanging I am in a position to do any kinds of paper hanging, painting, graining .and dec- orating. 4. '1,5 A • .pleasant evening was enjoy • M1 ail Mrs, Wither G e 11 � • Do. You Know?'! ;Ceti 'stock spent the week -end end inn + H. EICKMETER, ZURICH - ONT. DR. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN Heavy Shell Frames to Your Oink Lenses at $4.00. Broken Rims Replaced while you wan Spectacles Complete ,Karg• II>wliW . $2.00 up, Main. St., EXETER, Phone TIF•. AT WALPER HOUSE, ZUB1IC Every Wednesday, 10 a.m, to 414.111* HBRALD OFFICE to 'Mr. Ir. andMrs,: E Flynn of London 4 Visited with -friends a few days 'eat week . •SFIOw E'Ct . On 7"uesclav ' evening about GO ,1, pesolie ,o. the, .Dashwood Evangel, ..:t.. Teal congregation gathered at the•, t Alcuneof Mi and a d Mrs..Aaron 0estr- .1. 0103. i for a miscellanrons :shower in honor of Miss Euloeen •Guenther j+ wh.nso marria i a,o. took 'place, ,on Th- auks ;lying Day While.. Miss ¶ioroth.y:, hall vtwli played the wed- ;1, ding irareh,• ,a decorated wagon + containing; the' numerous :sifts' WAS tvawtl into the' living; -roam by , Master ))onaid and Miss' Eunice dreh� d .ass a nvinatuce :' Astreui.ler e. Q bide and groom Muss Alice IIof• - flnan .,delighted the gathnrin.g with' a voGa1; solo„ • Th.'e vemainder of tine tevvening was 5p0nt in ;axes, ;1 I 1 with', refreshtxient.9 THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR ' GOOD PRINTING' THAN WE•CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING. INVITATIONS AND 1lNNOUN'CEMENlTS SUCH THAN WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, S, AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES L1 (PES .,AN1D STATEMENTS THAT. WE ARE AGENTS FOR TATO LEADING MANUFACF c OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS,. AND CAN SUP- . USERS K OO KS- CHECK SIZE O. E z AND �` 2 A N Y UA T AN.�, PLY Q,� " THAT WE CARRY• IN STOCK WRITING . PAPERS,S NV OPES IN: ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, . TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS,' MEMORIAM ST ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWD '�. .. ,1. SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. '1' THAT WE FILL YOUR, ORDINARY SIZE INK toirrL .1. WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR Sc. LARDto . y<., TIONS GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS .AUCTION SALE POSE- 'I.`iIA.I` W E PRINT POST/NG BILLS, TEO, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL , PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY