HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-11-13, Page 5Thixrsdatyt, N0Yen3ber 13011 924 BUSINESS CARDS ZURTCII HERALD i'UT YOUR �ants For Sale, Lost,nLETi. �OTM��found Notice, Ads ,ldarriater, Solicitor, Notary:;Publie Y 131E(1.8 l COLUMN tea Office on, Hamilton Street, Infst off the square, Goderich.-Priv- — ..... late tunes to loan at lowest rates, : FARM FOR SALE ' + all on C'on;sis'ting of 109 scree of geed liki !Holmes will be in $ens• Friday of each week. farming h „lac 1, with 10 acres of bush, a bank barn 14X70 ft., brick house Andrew F. Rebs, Township Clerk 22x30 foe't; on• '14th con. Hay, 'rove - ship. Aia,p1Applyto Mr, Simon 71]illa1 poser o! marriage licenses, Notary ship wood, Ont, Wale, Commissioner, Fire and &ut- ja aoblls Insurance, Representing ,. Ilium and Erie Mortgage Corpora- ow orpora*1*, The Canada Trust Co, Zurich, 1*tsrlpa, M -•-- R.: Knapp, 0.LS.,LA,S- t DENTAL SURGEON FOR SALE One only new Ng. 12, Delaval cream separator, latest model for $79.00 cash. Also a town .jot or. garden;, -L, A, Prang, Zurich. AUCTION SALE Of Consignment Articles will ''be held atDashwood ora! :Saturday, November 22nd, at 1 O'clock pj.nz. 'sharp the following; MIN • OFFICE HENSALL II 35 head of yearlings.. rising 2 years, Steers and Heifers. 25 head 2 yrs, old rising 3 tyre. Some cows in calf. 20 .stocker pigs from 75 to 100 lbs(. each.. 10 .sucking pigs These cattle axe in A. 1'.. condition. And guaranteed: to be sold to the highest st b' adder TERMS -6 months credit will 11 be given, onfurnishing approved joint. notes with a discount of 4% off for cash on credit amounts, Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. T. Graybeil; Clerk. George Merrier, Manager. F OSCAR KLOPP eraduate Carey eY M. Jones es Nat -;tonal School of Auctioneering. Try, 1 for Registered Live Stock XA11 Breeds). Terms in keeping lsiitl>t prevailing ,prices. Choice aterMis for sale. 'Will' sell anything: a ywhere. Phone 18-93 or write, Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County Dt 'Huron. In a position to eon Aunt any auction ,sale, regardless its to size or articles to sell. r ' nelicit your business; and if not uatisfied will make no charges for -services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Payne 18--57 Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt. Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cask Price for Wool DASH FOR "SKINS & H1DES• Tangblu,t-66, Deichert ffr ZURICH LIVERY WANTED We are in, the market for dutch setts, large onionsand dried ap- ples. Highest prices paid. -T. L. Wurrn. NOTICE We are now operating our cid- er and apple butter factory every ikTuesday .and 'Thursday, Parties wishing to have any work done, kindly make arrangements by phon•el- tf-15 F. C. Kalbfleiscl, Zurich. am in a position to accomo- Sate all requirements in the Livery :Sine, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL • 1lbone 53 * „ Zurich . B. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Eraduate of the Royal Coilege at Dental Surgeons of Ontario and at the University of Toronto. hate District Dental Officer, Mil- teary District No, One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every . Allain Office, Exeter, Phone 34. at Zurich every TUESDAY Phone 79 -19 LIVE P .O U L 'TRY .WANTED *Wien every day till 3 Oclock p.m, Do sot feed fowl same morning !,then bought in- Highest Cash Prices l i-:_-CA,SH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W O'Brien Phone 94, Zurich COAL SEASON 1924 • SPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER- IES ""' ' fA.NTHRACITE-Wo are now re- lseiving our genuine Delaware & Hudson, direct from the mines Nut Stove and .Egg sizes. SOFT FOAL --Just " arrived, an- O't7t'er car of our high grade :soft.. This coal has made a great hit for household use acid our sales of this Save Over doubled in the last Asea- ROD -LETS -Our Roulet Coal is i SO in a class by itself and is gr - *Wing in favor rapidly. OUR Telephones are at your ' :vice. t>"se themfreely for in- 'tort!n atiot C:+ 2:Itel a. *win & PRODUCE MERCHANT NOTICE. We :'are in a! position to store and keep your auto 'battery char- ged for the winter, Also charg- ing done at any time. -L. Prang, Zturichi. NOTICE. • I have handed 'my outstanding accounts to Mr. W. Ii. Siebet+t fot collection. Anyone owing me kindly call anrd +settle same at' once. -J'. Pree ter. STRAYED rein my pasture field, Town Line, Stanley;, about Oct. ' 1 • a 20 -months .old white heifer, no horns. Please notify Ed. Reich- ert, phonet 94 r 10, Zurich; U where abouts known. NOTICE We,wiil run our cider mili•every Tuesday and Thursday of each wee!. Also have a large copper kettle to let, for cooking apple but ter, Menno Steckle, Bronson Line. Stanley.. 1:3-5 NOTICE CEMENT WORK -I am in- a pos ition to do any kind of 'a ..cement job, ,such as supply tanks, foound- ation walls, bridges, cement floors and walks, etc. Work guaranteed prices repsonable. Apply to Mar- icil Corriveau, R. R, 2, Zurich;. Phone 16.93. tf40 LOCAL NEV M. („; Milliken apellt,'the i oizday it his bone) in I'<ta hkuU 1VIr. E.. El Steele.was. afl>gliaay.. -Visitor at iSt. Thorhaae. Mr, and Mist Jacob alosar tai Kitchener were irolida visitors Kit y with friends here, Mr. iLloyd Sin -epee of 1 itehener was O. holiday 'Visitor at: his home - in the vihaga.', Mr, Albert Datei',s, of the Wat- erloo college, was a holiday visi or with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Dedles of Kitch- ener visited with Mr•.<, and 'Mrs. rd. oat em 'Misses Mabel and Merle greeter of New Hamburg were week -end visitors with friends in Zurich'. Mr, and Mrs. Frank McCutch'aop of London, spent; 'the week -end at the home of Mrs!. S. Rennnie: Mit Bruce, Klopp, who is a:t-4. tending London Normal Sehool,vis ited at 'hie home over the' holiday. Miss Hilda' Neusciwanger, wha is attendign Stratford Normal, wa s a holiday visitor at her home hertz Mr. azrd Mrs, Gordon Bissett and family of Goderich were Thursday visitors' with relatives here. Messrs. Clayton and blarence Hof finan of Gatti were holiday visitors under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Knopp and. children :spent Sunday at the home of Mn. and Mi .i0.scar Knopp: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siemon`.aod daughter Lois os London, were vis- itinF, relatives •here over Sunday;. Mr. and, Mrs, -Hv. Deters of Never" Hamburg, were holiday visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Date ee Flay Tp. Ht+. and Mrs. 3,.Rontledge of Dalton;, spent the holiday.' at the home of Mr. and Mrs(.• Jos. Rout- ledge. Mx. Edmund Bedard" of St. Jerome'+s College, Kitchener, vise ited at hisl home over the.- , week- end. Mr. Gerald Bedard:, who is at- teeding Stratford N drneel. School, visited at his home over the holie day,. • L. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11, Frank antic' Mr. Chas. Eilber of Waterloo, were' holiday visitors at the home of Mr. C. Eilber. ; The re -building of the hydro lines in Zurich are about all com pleted, and a big improvementin the lights can, be no,tzcad� Mr. and 11lrs. Jacob Smith;, and Mrs!. J. Ort of Detroit were visitors at the home of leite and Mrs: A Meliclt; +beer the holidays. Mrs S. Rana i:' and Miss E.iz4te b and Mrs. L. Geigar and family at- tended the Edighoff 'r -Guenther nuptials it 'Dashwood on Mon- day. The Zurich Ladies Quartette and Miss Pearl Wertz, elo-oit,gnist,fur nish:ed the programme nt a fowl supper in Dungannon un Molydday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Zehr, .of Pool Mr. and Mrs!, J. S Jantze ofrMil verton and Mr, and iVlrs, E. • Gin- gerich called at the home of Mrsi C. L. Smith, on )donclay,. We have just opened• up a lot of new dishes in the latest patterns Tea Sets, Berry Sets; Salad Dishes Sugar -.and Cream Sets, Cake Plates, Bread Plates, Pitchers, Etc. Call and .see them, -R,, N. Douglas,Blake FREE 'GOLD FIS. -Starting to- day. We will give absolutely free i Tuxedo Chatterless in Ivo gold fish in a; `bowl', whilsthey tst, With a purehaa'e of 75c or over Rexall remedios: or toilet articles is includes nearly everything you an buy in n{ drug Store. -At Hens - hill's Drug Store, Hensail, AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU a p ARANTEEI) TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold By ti fo L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tf18 in th th The Pine and dry weather con - noes, and ever'yb .dy is wishing r a good. Shower of rain: While the Canada West we notice that to weather is cold with show and mercer *' has been as' lo1v as 3 below Zero. { Mr. John Dumar't arrived again in Zurich, where ho ~veil sp,ond the Zwinter at the Wolper 5Eouse. 141x; Guinart was on, an _extended busin- ess r. trip 'through h the eagteri p 1 part of the -Province. this summer, and advises us of the itn.tnense totirist traffict here, mostly. from the Ant-. ericars large cities; who long for, u nice 'quiet and cool place in the surntnet', which is so readily found alongt he little lakes,in eastern and northern Ontario. COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal highest quality. - C-i•OOD SUPPLY ON' HAND Case Son Siof PHONE 35 HENSALL -l7 Dr. lir IL C W E N L, D, .Ss,, D, D. S. DENTAL AL SUGEON At McCormick Block, Zurich, e'V- ery Thursday and Saitirclay. Maim Office • those' Oftice tote. Rousts 10j, FIA'RTLIi11T3'S IaLOCl1, DASHtVOOD damaged, Fortunately the ear. Was Mr. acid Mrs John Hey, Jr(, and daughter little M4rgaret, and, Miss. Stella Calltas had al, narrow escape of being injured on Sunday afternoon dei o Ford • coupe, on the -Town Nine about four miles: oast of Dashwood. Mr. Hey tur- nod to the 7,eft :side of the road in order to . turn iii a,' gateon the righ tnfdaa, and in doing so .got too c'ene to the five-foot ditch and the coupe' tipped nt or Wi't% till' 'result that they received a bad shaking ttp but fortmettely no bones were broken;, "ilea car was somewhat- HENSALL +a e.. tx r .ilrng very elpwly. l: IIC V•rIniri • Area Source` un Groat LOSS #o PoWitrymen 1'lre Various $pedes Named 'anti Describe(! T4s Affecting Chickens, Tu,'keys, Ducks, Geese'and Pig'cons --Stable. Ventilation --- C;arryini; Young Pigs Along. of (Conteibutect by Ontario Department ,Agriculture, Torontp,) Losses due to tnfeatattons of the various forty .species of lice that in- fest domestic fowl are in the aggre- gatemany thousands of dollars an- nually to the poultry -keepers of On- tario, Small insects working out: Of sight of the human eye, their 'pres- ence is often unsuspected until the birds show > unthriftiness, loss in weight, lower egg production, and.re- duced vitality; causing the owner to. make an examination. If the exarn- 1uatioe is thorough, lice are general- ly found in the great majority of flocks. A few may not be serious, but if the little crawlers are permit- ted to increase to thousands the ef- fect et ou the-kee i cul tr D Y p ng part of the farm business is serious. Infest- ed birds present a droopy and un- kempt appearance, the wings lower- ed, the feathers ruffled, and the birds may suffer from diarrhea. Infesting Chickens. Of the forty . species that infest fowl, seven have a decided preference for • and infest chickens. The body louse "Menopon blseriatum," is light yellow in color and sticks pretty close to the skin. It lays its eggs in large clusters on the small fea- thers below the vent. It takes about three weeks from egg to mature louse. This species sticking close to the skin and feeding thereon is very irritating. The "Menopon pallidum" is similar to the preceding, only • solnewhat smaller and has the habit of spending its life on the feathers. It is not so irritating and deposits its eggs singly at the base of the feathers. The head louse "Lipeurus 'heterographus" is commonly found on the head and neck of young chic- kens. It is dark grey in color, de- posits itseggs singly on the down about the head pf the chick. It takes about one week to reach the hatching stage and two weeks for the young louse to grew to maturity. The large hen louse "Gouioeotes abdominalis, sometimes called the "blue louse," is smoky grey in color and one-third larger than the pre- ceding. It sticks close to the body, may be found anywhere and is easily recogniateci, by its size and large reeled head. The wing louse "Lipeurus caponis" IS ' a small, 1on,g and slender species with a large rounded head. It eon- ..enes its activities " to the wing ,..ds -o other species, the "fluff louse" an'd 'the "brown louse'," are rarely ,present in numbers. Both inhabit the b i,d ' feathers. re "estntg''turkeys. • Two species are commonly found on turkeys, the +'Gouiodes. sty11fer and the "Lipeurus polytrapezius," The "Gouiodes stylifer" Is the most common Tt is a large louse bearit: some reseniblence to the large hien louse, and may be distinguishes frone it by having the ;posterior a- gles 'of Cie head extended backward and, terminating in long bristles. Ducks and Geese, Three spocies infest ducks and geese to- a limited extent, the oily nature of the skin of waterfowl be- ing, a good preventive against tnese external parasites. The species com- monly found are "Docophorus icte- rodi s,": a very small parasite, and thF• "Lipeurus squalidus," a long, slender, yellowish colored louse. Pigeons. These birds are frequently infesteo with one or all three- species—"Li- peurus baculus," "Gouiodes damicol nis" and "Goniocotes compar," Methods oe controlling these ver- min will. be given in a later issue. -- L. Stevenson, Dept, of Extension. O. A. C., Guelph. Stable Ventilation, When Planning the changes to be made in the term `stables next sea- son, ;givethe gtlestipe of ventilation first"t~onsideration. Animal life is de- pendent upon oxygen. Food that is eaten would never be' of service to ,eaten or to humans if it were not oxidied or combined with oxy;;t•u it. the bedy. i:'ire canuot-Burn witbou air and •food cannot by 'buret ❑` c., the body without air. It le a tlr rt ;tio, iuuch time • and study �s been e cpeutled on thy problems of blceclina :tired feeding,' and brat so l�ittl attention hes,beee given to t:re most important demand in the life of a done esticeted:anintal-pure air. Plan the stable in such a way that pure all will be available,, to the ani- mate every hour of the day. So says L. Stevenson of the Onta'z-ii Agricui tural Culiege. Girt r ging Young Pigs Along. Nature's 'tonics fol- young, 'growing Pigs asil exercise, sunshine, plenty of green suet,ui:i;nt feed, and clean sur- rountlineled eSucicess`'with the litter, therefore,•.wi11 depend on getting the sow and' Iillgs' ee'pasture as soon as possible , •I`t.is just as important to the lroa'ith:end'thrift of the little that the inuthel': get exercise as it in for the pigs, As a result of the depletion of our forests, industries dependent upon wood are ,already goin4 ouJ of busl- uess, with the inevitable ciiessing. undueeee on 'their localities. • Local exhaustion of the forests is leaving great stretebes of land to a.n unpro- ductive condition, resulting in vir- tual iii l)ol'etisbment, if not d.epopu- t>i,lionl et Vary! Coneidexk ;l;e gret , • Page Ville We have a few ood �se ,colu d hand buggies for,. Sale Now.S$ e b time e t get that Auto Top Repaired REPAIRING Painting Fo,d Car, One "oat, $15,00, Two Coats .... .. iCo vering Ford Top$20;00 Good Maternal, less curtains .,..., $12,00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors --: Painting Buggy _.$5.00 ... .. $11.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUB13ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH +1+4+++++"IIi++++d++d +44++++++N3.0r•i-i 6-f++++ +^i+ +++44.14 4- [Bird'sNeponset Roofs i. "GOOD OLD PAROID" 4., WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE ABOVE is PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING Pah APER WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFIFERENT DESIGNS IN •ROLLS AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER LATHS -i<+ '4. TALTYSHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC- , .1, 2 F. C. IC atBFILEISCH i I PHONE 69 4. *++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++A++3,+II++4++++P++II++++F++II++i++F+44!14+i+0 - ZURICH +I+ +i+ -+l+ . d+ + -i+ + q,-4 +T• + l+ +g+ .;, + .3. ^&+ o° +i+ READY ;HOBBEHLW HOFFMAN j. WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITINGS AND SAMPLES t ,p , IN ALL THE • NEW SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSING THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES H013$ERLIN 1. HAVING TAKEN OVER (THE AGENCY' +fes, OP THE BEST KNOWN SEIVII-READY CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (HABBERLIN & + CO.) WO ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST: +ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS AND 1 OVERCOATS AT PRICES SEC'END TO NONE. I The Ea :y Bird catches the Worm 71 i,EMEMB IPJR.�'' x, •.. .,. r, 4. Ft:I1i r.gr� n 6S a!o Gi d . �` 4. M • i 8 •a 'TA L,OR/AND FUNERAL DIRECTORI y DAY AND NIGH r PHO -NE No. 88 + ;-C-+IM- E--e-+-e--+e-e-+i+-3r-+3"-+4---4-4•--e-d+-+i+- +-+i+-+1•-+1•-- * pllliilnllllllilllillll illllllilll!illlllllllllllllllllilllllliillilillflllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111115INIIIIIIII11111161111NI1IIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIililllllllflllllilll tIII!IIIIiIIIIUIIIIIIIIiIIIIIfIIINIIIIhII t ILZLRI[H HERALD'S farz- LeLde l,••••-••••••••••'• 192 Clubbing Lig J HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe `6.00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph. •_. $5.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire .- , $6.00 HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star ...............$6.00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star ,, ...-.....$3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily News ... ......$6.00 HERALD and London Free Press, Morning edition ... *fan HERALD and London Free Press, evening edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening edition ... $6.00 HERALD and London Farmers' Advocate ... ...---$2.25 HERALD and Farm andbairy .:.......... ......... $2.75 HERALD and Farmers Sun $2.65 HERALD and Family H'rald and Weekly Star .., ... ;$x2.75 HERALD and Canadian Countryman ..............$2,55 t'I R ALD and Weekly Witness 53.15 HERALD and Farmers Magazine .,.,.. $2,50 HERALD and Youth's Companion. -: .---+. ------ $3.75 HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor ...... -.. ... $3.25 Ire RA1',T) and Ontario Journal .,,... 42.75 HERALD and Rocl and Gun in Canada .,.... ,..$3,15 tee tea, 4. tri rcl Save Mo• ney and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. See us for papers not listed above ERALD OFFICE Zurich. I iinlV lifil� llinillll "r,III�nl illi ll�illli Iffiil�illi,,iOfCl1111iiilflNinl ll311111illi)l IlullViDll'illll01111111117IIIq!'i(f!ill!I IlCnll IMilali7