HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-10-30, Page 8or M Azale l,. '13114^;y iceto rr' ,"but , knvu iUtt a n" • Oniy 2Mens Ove. . Stbokw These are goodquality i "Season'.best Jw.li. ill r.rl �.e� styles. By carrying a small range of these we Y are able to sell at rock bottom prices Come and see! SERGES New all wool cloth in wool crepe' of fine weave, with silk threads woven through in pleasing Block Patterns. Season's Best, Shades. Citecke&WoiJ Crepes es New, All -Wool Serges, Poiret Twills, Wool- Poplins, Santoys, now opened up of very fine quality, priced from 75o. to $3.75 ayard. Main Wool Crepe First quality goods in Black, Navy, Sand, Nigger and Tangerine Speeial value at prices we ask for it. Underwear, Sweaters Colder weather requires New Underwear to keep you warm. Let us show you our various lines, in all wool, wool and cotton and, fle- eced, for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. We carry the celebrated Monarch -Knit Sweater Coats, in new Styles at reasonable prices. 17..1 roduce Wanted Ali Sotts We are in the Market for a limited quantity of good dean - Setts. Bring them as soon as possible, when storage room is full, we will discontinue buying. Celery! Celery! GROWN IN OUR OWN GARDEN'S' ALWAYS FRESH' ORDERS TAKEN' NOW FOR LOTS PACKED TO STORE FOR WIN - , TER USE. Phone 67 Zuri Gay, Oils, Greases Girage. Tires, Tubs, z airs AND GENU1NE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS a Wit&" "�a IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE, WE MA:XE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO .AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S 'S LEADI G GARAGE HiViousseau Zarich a�► as • • 41 • • 28 Gauge Council Standard,.. guaradteed against any red nest, for at least 20 years, 1 3-4 oz Galvanizing per square foot, at_,L,4,13,-;--•, A ,7 per 1 0 Square u. � q are Feet 0 GB 00e0O 00 050000 Oe 00400000090.0 0 0000000000000' Corr..., 4r+ Br ted Gal'1._anized 28 Guage, Ordinary, at $6.25 per 100 Square Feet fid• ZVIII i t .:HERALD JOcAL MARKETS 1II11;PLIoi3SOI 1'1!, The people of Ontaa`ie have ;t•• gain decided last, '1'li;µrsday (Jet. 23, by a major'icy aphar- eittly:range around. X0,000 in i iyor 04 a. conci.klultioai ^'o, t1t :Clri4,l'rio learipeaance Oltiai- meet asuced :for v prytict of tli: people and '4,450 �;iv'en thiel answer.. h- (✓4t�lci1;was simpl'e ancL untibi uoas; aothat.' there co- uld, be io coni usioti • As... way :art- ticip:atoci, cities iikt 2oronto, Ot- tawa;: Haniiitoiv and' Windsor voted in. favor of Goy ti air, i ent� c� ntrol:. while• the rural r.tclangS. and sinaller towns and viilagood b$' tate O C``,A, New Ortcario, where, as +a resuic of the sparaely lsettled eo.. entry, the' law haw been di.Lfieult to enforce, voted, against:'the pres ent. The :city o;; 'uondoi) has in the past alwaya gone diy, Put this Lima followed the lane. of the other large Ontario citie`a''Witli the ex-. ception of Bzantfo'rd Who, gave a dry . najoritiy. Ilay 1'eWriship rol- led up a m'aloiity( of i sor e 80 for the drys, tivliilc fu tin County gave the vast 'majority 'o1 it ver 12,000 for they O.T.A. And Premier Ferguson' assures, the voters :tt., enforce the law to its-fullog't,' ,.tent: As in future those ;doing:bootlegginu bus iness, or otherwise illegally trading in liquor Wiii 'not ba abet- to pay. the fine., but will have .to serve the tints in jail.. .As stated before .the rural distr- icts voted. largely, ,.or clic b.'14,..A1, as" is silo 4V,111 by the 1strait• from Dis- trict No. 4., these counties diving dry majorities as lollowls; 1 et • QII • 0 s • A sir .PREETER BLOCK ZURaCH EIDO • w 0 Huron Grey Bruce _ Perth. , 12,083 11,974 7,011 ' 3;293 Majority "Dry" 34,361 Mr. A. T. Cooper of ,Clinton,,was organizer. for these foul' Counties. Village, of Exeter dry:maj. 514 .Ftensatl, dry: maj. 241 1'p. of Usborne, dry maj. • 570•707 1'p. Stephen, dry-�nFa.i, Hay Township . Dry 'Wet Poll No. 1 86 14 Poll No. 2 82 7 Poll No.. 3 119 101 Poll No.' 4 49 , 113 .Poll No. 5 21 'lo Poll No. 6 ` 69 73 Poll No. 7 51 23 Poll No. 8 31 46 511 123. Maj, for OTA: 88 No iCE We are' n;ow olieratlr, our cid•- er and apple bile' ,.:_ , ac by' e it"cry Tuesday and )Thursday. Parties wishing to have .any work done; kindly make arran;;em nts by phone.. tf-15 1+'. C. Kalbfleiscb, Zurich. NOTICE �'W(e are in al position to store and keep your ntito battery "char- ged for the winter. , Also charg- ing done'at any time. -L. A;. h( Prang, Zuric DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Adam 'Birk are visiting friends in Michigan. :Miss' Olivia Welton is Visiting n Kitchener. 1 Mr. Duncan Snider lattended4he funeral of ].Lis brother; Dr. George Snider at Cardington, Oli;io last week. Mr. and.Mrs, Wellington Mair of Detroit 'spent the week -ted „With Ms parents, (Corrected every Wednesday) nutter per' ib.....................,36 Potatoes per llag .s .,. 75e tied .apples per ib, , 7c ill.'eli Setts, per 112, 7e, Data, ': •50 Barley 80 Buckwheat -. 90 Wheat per Brash .-., 1f30 Flour per cwt `- :4„00,5:00 Shorts perton.32.00 Bran! .pielitl,.oih :., . ..... .......29,00 chickens lb 13-17 Ilene . .., 6-1.3 Deeks per lb. 10c Turkeys old 12e Live Hog.a . ........ . 9.75 P.' O'Dwyer; M. D. ZURICH - ONT. OFFICE REMOVED TO HOUSE POiMERLY OCCUPIED BY -15 Jno. - Preeter--Main Street Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF W OODSTOCK Carry an Insurance of over $2.7,000,000. : Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of'- $56,143.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a balance on hand of .$31,700. G. Holtzman -Zurich AGENT!, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF ,FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 Rev, and Mrs, Yager are attend- ing convention in Kitchener this week. Mr. and. 1VIrs .Alvx., Held of Buf- falo .and Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Sennet of London attended the';funerl: of their 'sister,, the late :Mrs, - Wm.' Miller of Zurich on Fr'icly`a .�. H1L LSGR.EEN. Anniversary Seri i ks'' of the Hillsgreen Presbyterian Church; will bo held on Sunday Novem- ber 2nc14 Services at 11.00 A. M. and 7.00 p.1n Rev. 0, Armour of Brucefield, win be ti r Anniversary speaker, The services :will - be . followed on Monday evening No'v- ember 3rdi,by ,1o'wl Sapper in the basement of the church,. Supper served, from 6 to 8 pan., after wh- ieh, a lrrell selected program will be rendered cnnsis'ting oI; --Varna _Or- eli..estra, Miss Arniisrtong of Grand Bond,, elocutionist; Mrs? Bonthron, Isoilist, also!soma Ideal talent, and some addresses ,. by Clergy m'eilk , I3r1 YPI�':LT)� Mrs. Geo V. Reid and two civil- dren of Todniore,:Salk'., who have been. •visiting her parents(, Mr.a,ntl• Mrs. WI, .1. Stinsonleft to visit 'relatives -at Toronto before leati,- ii for (the west 1; i�- i.J,Srt illy. 5"'W ! son accompanied thein to, Toronto. 'L, A. Wendell rind Mr. Rowe at last succeeded .n, flying to Detroit in thdir hydroplane. Then' cairn to the vicinity in August'' 'arid great wan the excitement when the sea - Display at the Hat Shoppe Mu Smart Styles and Quality C'3111 ted with cononiy. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT ,THE CHOICE NEW MILLINERY SPECIAL ATTENTION GI- VEN TO FALL BRIDES' AT- TIRE. ZURICH, . ONT. e CARP OF THANKS Mr. William Miller .wishes to extend h.L !nost sincerest th a nlcs to the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted and .i11owed symp- a, by in the, illness and death of his late sini oelov ed wife. The Husband and Children WANTED Wie,are in the market for dutch setts, large onions and dried ap- ples. Highest prices paid.—T. L. Wurni. CARD OF THANKS. Mr, R. D Wurinl wishes to great ly • thank and express his apprec- iation to the naa,ny. Zurich friends who so kindly a,ssisted and ex- tended' their ayinpathy, and' esp- ecially of The kindness of the EV- ange.lieal church -choir, in the dep- arture of ' 17 beloved, wife, and in his bereavement.', plane ancli.orsd 'just outside the harbor. Shortly after this when alighting ..on the Water the plane struck ta reek and wan damaged so that it had to be towed into) harbor and drawnout on the beach. Wendall.then had. it thoroughly ov oi'hauled, thework being done by 3'. •Cameron and 11 Stinson;: carpen- ters. • They expected to . have ta- ken thea deliarturo foie 'his but y were delayed' by engine trouble(. An old and respected resident inIlia per((oit o.t Henry W;, Brwiti 'ria;shod 'a'way, at Kitchener en Oct. 17. Since the death ...of hien •Wife in last ,Iarnlary he lived 'most of his h.inae with his daughter, Mrs. L. Y Sander of Iiite.l..cner, Last 'Wialter IYIr'. Erwin rspont his time at Fl- orida. Ile has been, in poor heal- th for some year&, was born Ded. 26t, 1850, and resided here all his life TIe was Clerk Of Bayfield ebn tinoously; for 29 years', 1895-1924' ,rt4,'1'? pr ieras1y wag Clerlt in, 1s87-18914 Thursday, 00tOber 80th, 1521' :... -. ., ..•... ... .xpC11YYN1Y�PtlM,ai;1 The store with the Lel Cash Discount GIMMIO Be thoughtful and considerate to your good Wife and buy her a fine complete set of BONNYBLUE UBA NITEWARE SOMETHING JUST A LITTLE NIFTIER AND BETTER THAN EVER 'SEM WN BEFORE THIS 1S ;THE TIME OF. THE YEAR ,TO SEE ABOUT A GOOD A. HAPPY THOUGHT FURNACE OR WHERE A STOVE IS TJSED, LETT USC SHOWI YOU 'O.tJR LINE OP HEATPRS SUCH AS , Good Cheer' and the. New Square Built Quebec Heater AND THEN DON'T FORGET OUR LINE OF McClary's Cookers and Bakers A STOVE THAT IS A GOOD SELLER AND AN EXCELLENT! a3UY. THE LONG EVENINGS OF Fall and Winter are here again,Let thele bring much rejoiring to You: by. being entertained by . !a Mason & Risch Piano or a Phonograph. Call and hear these instrumepts in our show rooms. .COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. • SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF` WE HAVE NOT IN STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU. SERVICE IS 01 R MOTTO A. IELIO Hardware ec Furniture. Phone 6S a pe in Perlin n urn RE -INVEST tTHE MONEY YOU WILL RECEIVE" ON NOVA lst. FOR VICTORY .BONDS IN A HURON R. ERIE DEBEN- TURE AND YOU WILL GE2 THE SAME INTEREST BET.-- URN LT-URN YOU HAVE BEEN RCEIVING FOR •A; ,FURTHE:RiTER14I OF ONE, TWO,' (THREE, FOUR OR,FIVE YEARS— " IYERPAYABLE ALE -YL ,RL These ,Debentures are authorized by the government as Ian investment for trust and Executors fundd. • Issued for any amount of $100 and over. For further particulars apply to; AnOrew FG Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO; -SERVICE AND SAFETY $awe You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging I am in a position to do any kind; of paper hanging, painting, graining and dec- orating. H. EICI(MEIER, ZURICH ONT DR. JOHN WARR CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN Heavy Shell Frames to Your oVit Lenses at $4.0o. Broken ShelL Riles Replaced while you 'mat, Spectacles Complete large lei -. $2.00 up. Main St., EXETER, Pbon x AT WALPER HOUSE, ' mum. Every Wednesday, 10 aa,ix►!+ to A ,,. ate,. 4. + t. 4. • t �° Do Y u now? THAT WE•ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE! FOR • GOOD PRINTIN(. • THAT WE CAN SUPPLY 1,,r OU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND `ANNOUNCEMENT'S 4 :THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS, STATIONERS, SUCH .y+ A%LET,„. `RHE+ADS,, BILLHEADS,' ENVELOPES AND + STATEMENTSI .1l, THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFACT tz' ;it URE.l2S OP COUNTER CHECK 13001 S, AND CAN SUI! ' PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CIr]ECK BOOKS t + THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, IGNVE>1.+� �! ++++++++++44,10,1444.14i4++++444-444.+++++++++++++++4444 PIEBALD OFFICE +p 44 �F+ 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. OPBS IN 'ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON ('k.t'ER!. 411', TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST -1, ATIONE R.Y, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT ]300KS IN TWO , SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., DTC. ` T.i) AT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BO'tina W eTH GOOD 'FOUNTAIN PEN INK POR 5c. LATE(. GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE PO$-- TP.SS, lV.[ERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PR1NTI .G OUR SPECIALTY ...4...