HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-10-30, Page 5'"Pi ursday, Oetobor 30th, 19`'2.1 Z1i7RICII A PRA -T.4 BUSINESS CARDS u SLE X E. TIOLlIE s earrniter, ,Solieitor, Nota Public late„ Office on Hamilton -Street, test off the isquare, Goclerich. Priv- ;late Made to loan at lowest rates. tUoimes will be in Hensel on Friday of each weelr, ew F. Hese.. Township Clerk ' leer of marriage licenses, Notary ' Commissioner, Fire and Ant- elestebile Insurance, Representin.g ;Simon ,and .Erie Mortgage. Corpora- The Canada Trust Co. Zuridh, ttario. S. Knapp, L D. S, 1. 0„ S. *DENTAL SURGEON MAIN OFFICE IIENSALL A-U.C-'T-t-(-N-E-E-R OSCAR KLOPP graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- al School of Auctioneering. Try for Registered Live Stock 'Terms in keeping Breeds). Choice C ith prevailing .prices. oo ic 'iirme for sale. Will sell anything) ,where. Zurich. *hone. 18-93 or -write, • Licensed Auctioneer County Licensed. Auctioneer for colt - duct In. a positiont duct any'auction vale,regardless its to size or articles to sell. not your business,. and if . solicit es for satisfied will make no clang srvices. ;Arthur Weber, .- Dashwood. Phone 13-57 Zrh Meet ARK `yT Freili and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc alt Pince for WoolHighest a CASfOR leK1NS & H1DESDeidhert :Rome' oriWarmsiartry.arlmsmsonexesicroomosucloo.moummj./37 ZUR i. LIVE€ Y 1 am in a position to accomo- Gate all requirements in the Livery, Sine, have Auto for hire. Any- thing .done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL "None fib Zuricia *, B. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTISrfr Graduate of the Royal ' College It Dental Surgeons of Ontario and rt the University of Toronto. Sate District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Kiln Office,Exeter. Phone 34. lit Zurich every TUESDAY -19 • Phone 79 LIVE P 0 U j�j��LT R ♦♦ AN �fl ED II'ken,. every day till 3 ()clock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning When . 'brought in. 'Highest Cask Prices POR --- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien ' . 1pho le a4. Zurileh COftL SEASON 1924 • IPRING AND SUMMER DELIVER- IES t lNTHRAOITE-We are now re- tidying our genuine Delaware & Hudson direct from the mines, Nut Stove and Egg isizes. SOFT COAL -Just arrived, an- b'ther ear of our high grade soft. -Ttte coal hais made a great hit for ,otnaehold no. and 'our sales of this 'Saveover doubled in the fast BOULETS-Qur Roulet Coal' is Mixon in u clots by itself and is gr-. in far*or rapidly. OUR Telephones are 'at Tout 11 +vice. TrVi them freely for in-' l6rmlati'on. A.b • i1t .p)301)11C111 MERCHANT Phone Office lrrir; Howe 10j. h�. .LL O NT. , YOTB Wants, For Sate, Lost, Found„ Notice, ,rite, Ads IN THIS COL(TM NOTICE. I have hen-dold ,.tie, •outstanding account% to Me, W. L • Siebert for collection. 'Anyone <Wing kindly call and nettle ;same ail oncca.�Jt Proeter, HOUSE FOR SALE Bssiden;tal property in Zurich, consisting of one-fifth acre land, with. comfortable 1%story frame dwelling and frame astable. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Arnie Stelek, Zurichl. rue, STRAYED From 'my pasture field, • Treivn. Line, Stanley, about. Oct, 15th, a 20 -months old • white heifer, no horns. , •Please notify- Ecl, I eich- ert, phone 94 r 1.0; Zurich, ,i:, where abouts known. FARM FOR -SALE On Huron Road, one mile west of Seaforth, containing 75 acres;: There are on the premises a good brick house, a large bank barn 76x80, a large driving , 'shed, 4 acres of young orchard, and a good bush. The land. is in a good State of cultivation and well drained. The Hydro is installed in house and barn,>. also••telephone and rural mail. There are three well's and waterin the barn. • Store and implements Will be sold with farm if desired. There are 10 milk cows, 30 pigs, 3 Horses, good bull, . a good line of implements, 40 tons of hay; 1000\ bush. of oats and house furniture. Farm will be sold reasonable on account of owner's health and 'pos- session, may be taken any time. For further particulars apply to Henry Lebeau, R.R. 2, Sear-ortie. NOTICE We will run our cider mill every Tuesday and Thursday of each week, Alen Have a large :copJier kettle to let, for cooking apple but ter. . Iennio Steele, Bronson Line Stanley,. 13-5 NOTICE CEMENT WORK -I am in a pos ition to do any kind of a cement. job, such as :supply tanks, foound- ation ovalis, bridges, cement floors and evades etc. Work guaranteed pri?ee reasonable, . .Apply to Mar- ici! ,Corrivtrau, R. R. 2, Zurich; .Phone 16-93. tf40 'Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU ARANTFED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. L. A. PRANG, Zurich. Sold By tf18 COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal` of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 31 HENSALL -17 Dr. 11. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery • Thursday and Saturday. Main Office HA.RTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD WOOL Highest Prices Paid ac- cording to quality GASH OR TRADE ALL WOOL BLANKETS, YARNS AND WOOL BATTS. MAIL ORDER!) PROMPTLY PIL- LED.D. Pli.'o.ne Or write for prices to t17 Newton Woollen Mills NEWTON-- ONTe H. O. W,A.G 1' {'.1.Iy Proprietor. LOCAL N� YS Xis aVera, Siebert 'spent the we- ekeend at Wioghaaxt, -eeMr. M. C. Milliken ]spente'S` Sum - day. at hie home in Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs,. Tienrar Steinbach and sonCarl, left on .a motor trip - to Roily. and Detroit, Mi eh, Miss Clara ICalbfleisch of De troit spent Saturday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, ;F 0, I albfleisclx,. Mr. anel, Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw ''Slid daughter Esther of Lans'ing, were visiting with Mr. and Mr,( Chas. Weber for it, few days l'aet week. Mr, WI G, Hess' and C,. Fritz & Soil., Ford Dealers, have exchanged autos', Mr, Hess gets 'a !Sedan,' while 0, Fritz & Son get ai touring 'car., Mr. W. Surer us of Detroit was a week -end visitor with hie par- ents, Mr. and Mrs; Benj. Surerae, 14th con. A number of young people of Zurich attended' the Brodhagen fowl supper which was(' held in the basement of the Zion Lutheran ch- urch. Mrs. B. Pfile and Mies Pearl Pfile, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and little Mae Ingold, attended the Lingeibach Church re -opening on Sunday, near Shakespeare. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurru of Memphis!, 14Iiclt., Mre. Wm, Rupp, and Mrs. Will Redinger of Detroit spent the week -end at the homeof Mr. and Hera. John Fuss. A meeting of the Directors of the Zurieh Agricultural Society was held last Saturday evening and the list of prize winners at the fall fair Wris' gon-^_o over. The treasu er. was then authorized to pay the prize money 'to successful exhibit BATTERIES BATTERIES • Have you examined your Teleele one Batteries. The old Saving 1 cannot hear you, can eeelly be rein- edied by adding ar fresh pair of Columbia or Burgess, bust by test Batteries. A new supply Just in. -.We G. Hess. +The celery crop, like other cr- oils this year if d bumper, and the qu'xlity Ma never been"heater. C. Fritz & Sin took up their nice plot, east of the village on Friday •sli.ipping a carload to London. While some of the other fecal gro- wsra are busy marketine their se asons crop. The remarkable fine weather con times day after day, with the nice warm iaun;shine juts]. ike September. The Zurich Jubilee Band gave an open, air eoneeet on Saturday ev- ening, and the streets were .as•dusty as. July and had. "to be sprinkled. ;�•arm.ers on heavy "soil are unable to plow owing to drynessr :while the pasture fields' are suffering for want of moisture.. . .WILDS-UTTLEY A very pretty ,church wedding took . place at St. Boniface R. Ce Church, Zurich on Wednesday morn ing, Oct. 29th, when Rev -Father, A. M. Stroeder united in marriage Miss Minnie Uttley, cin of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ii ttlt,; , to iti1r. Clarence Wilds of Stephen Tp. The tr,vy Bonds dun Nov. 1st, should Herald joins in extending eongratu consider the debentreees of the lal'ians. o•Jo}i. old Huron •& Erie, which has ligan in husinea i for ':sixty years. You can obtain the good rate of 5? per cent payable half -yearly on any amount ovat $100 .for one, two three, four or fav e : years. Trus- tees and Excwciutoes are author- ized by the Government to invest moneys of estates in these deben- tures. tures. Applications .recti eyed at any time. for Huron & Erie deben- turas , or Canada Trust guaranteed .engagesa certificates by Andres P. Hess!, Zurich. ITEMS QF LOCAL INTEREST Mr, Rol t. Boyce of Landau, cal - ed vii, frdende here the past week, Mee Roy 1:. .:9attrrsone C. x7,; :cal- led in the village on bus neer on Friday, 11ir, , ,faeob '•Deich'ert Jr, 'spent; Sunday, with ,hia farieuci, Mr, D, Fuss Bei:48ler i:lliunley E, Holmes of Goderieb. vas in the village on bus - inose on Friday'. iday. Mr, and Mia •TI, L; Albright mot- ored to ilowicl,: on Suiiciay, toles- it ovis-it Mr. ,Abri ;h:t's pare t.,s• • Mrs. and. Mus, Rudy Sch,wart'zen- truber of the ,Bronson line were recent visitor e et Pool. Mr, and Mee. J, Preeter and family of• New Hamburg,were in Zurich on Thursday to vote._ A large number froth the, village attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Ed. Wuciia, at ;Crediton, ou Mondtyl. Messrs Theo and Orville Stein- bach niotoi'ad to Stratford one Sun- day and visited 'with, friends at St- ratford. Messrs L. We. Hoffinent and John Deich:ert motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday', clOereeing a distance of 350 m.iies Prelt3r good for aFord 112r'. IT L IAlbrigb:tr local mer- eh3ni ie in .the •market for a lim- ited ciuentity 01 dutch !setts. Mrs. Jansen and daughter Miss Jeans, who had visited at the home` f 3/1r. and.* Mee.: John Gellman, left. on I+'riday tor' their home at Royal Oak, Tr1ieh. • TJ1i. Harry Dilber, of Crediton, is assisting 112r, A, Melick in putting in. the hot water heating system in the new home of Dr,. A. MacKinnon;.• Mr.'. Alber't'a fes let for Kitch.- +•for on Saturday, to resume his duties there. His father, Mr. Ernst Gies, is improving refry favorable in health. Mrs.Malincla Holman, of Abilene Kansai, who most pleasantly ;spent the past two Months with relatives and friends here, left last week for lee hom , She is ai s:ister' of Mr. J din Hey, Sr. of the village. Idr. Clarence. Hoffman., of Galt one of the pephlar basebll play - ere, Tae the distinction of winning ma•nbei of eiiccial `pr:izes for his +iuts'tandin ' ability as a play- er, lay-e , a nein; wb;i'e_h is la $10 hat, 50 - the nous, a .orad ham, and many )'hnr equau in,v flu., And we feel preed of the 'splendid work, Clarr- ence is doing. Another real e_siate deal of inn•- pit ince was put theoule last •xr , k i i. Zurich, ;when lir. Joseph D. r ar, the local Massey -Harris din- ,lenient- agent purahaeed trent Mr. dater -P ,p neer., the building on Victoria Street' used, by Mr. Pap ine x a ?� ^ !" �$t `cliiilay garage end tire she. e. Mre.;:Dr•uar will disc l ,y .11:3 ',n n of. farm machinery th?rein, and will Male, a very suit- abel place for &e'same, while Mr ,P.,, >ineee will be .going out of busines , 11 Zurich and intends go - 'n; bi "._ i wa tro:t to work his former trade as toolmaker. VICTORY :r3OND.S' Any a ; i.i • who has not yet arranged for the re -investment ,,; the money roceiee,d for their 'Vic -- Community Reformation services will be held at Stratford next Sun- day afternoon. The following par- ishes will participate;-Sebasta'poie Brodhagen!, Stratford, Zurich, El- lice, Milve rto:l, , Gadsh i l 1, North east Hope and Wellesley. Special Anthems will be rendered by the: various church choirs;. e Two ad- dressee are (to' be delivered, a ger- pian by Rev. O; Stockman, and an English ono by Rev, H. Reiube',-Lit, B. S., Tho evening service in the local Lutheran, church, Zurich will not be held. BIBLE SOCIETY MEETS The annual meeting of the Zur- ich Branch of the Western Ontario Bible% Society, with headquarters at London, affiliated with the. Upper Canada I3i1be Society, was. held in the Town Hall, Zurich, last Friday evening. Rev. J. G. Litt presided. The report of the treasurer, Me W. EI. Pfile, was presented and re- ads as follows; rd ate Collo .tions $1i..5�i North Waal Ortha Melick; Lillian Rose 26.t0 South ward. Lillian Rader, Lulu Albright 9.00 Mennonite Church 6.70 Bronson Line; Winnie Ortwein Thelma O,sevald i 4.30 74th. Con. ;4.30 Babylon; Line 2.50 Total 1 $61,a0 Which amount was remitted to the Upper Canada Bible Society.. In future all accounts -will be re- mitted to the Western Ontario Bible Society, London. Tho election of officelrs resulted as follows, President, 1i1r, A, Helicis; Vice-pres., Ministers of the throe. churches, Zurich ; Secretary - Treasurer, M. A. F. Hess; Advie nr.r lVEombere, Messr4, R. '. Stade and David Ging•ericli: Rev. R. J. Bowen, London, ;ave terested lecture on th weigh) of our Bible which was greatly en- jevfid, by the 1arge number_ 'pres- ent. Paige Five We -have a few g40,9C1 Second.1i.Efoad buggies for Sale. NOW is the title to et : e aired. • _ EP g r�,4T Painting Fwd. Car, One "oat, $15.00, Two Coats ....., $20,00 iCover,'ing Ford. Top Good Material, less curtains ,.- .+, $12.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors ,,, $5.00 Painting Buggy ... $8.00 IF YOU' WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUit BUGGY WHEELS, HESS - ZURICH + 444.+4.4.+++++444. H•;. ; i.+++++++3.4++4.4.++ 5+++4 4• 4. 4. + Bird's epOnse ) oo 4. . "GOOD OLD PA.RID".w..- i. WE HAVE I Ii;CEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE ABOVE R 1PODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS + • AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER., LATHS AND • 'i' • SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC- IALTY. KA. 4. 1 -,,,vi Q I. t • PHONE 5l �_� ZURICH 4r + + ,4„4.4„"÷",+.1.,"1.4-1,+,1.+4..1.4-1.4-1-1.4." +✓ +. i..1....o .1 ,A4 4.1.sr.."rd.3.5•= +,-.II .i.. 4. 4. sr 4. 4. 4.p4. • 4. HOFFMAN I t WITH OUR NEW LINE OP SPRING SUITINGS AND SAMPLES,e,* .. IN ALL THE NEW' SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSiNG ,°i�• THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES 4. +IIS+ 4. :HOBBERLIN 1 HOBIIETILTN HAVING TAKEN OVER THE AGENCY 071' THE BEST KNOWNqr SLIM -READY CLOTHING FIRM IN- CANADA (H.ABBERLIN &" .5. CO.) WiE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST 4. ANYTHING- REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS AND 1 OVERCOATS AT PRICES SECEND TO NONE. i. :L B s'IMEIVIB B The Early Bird catches the Worm +a+ AY AND NIGH T PHO..N'E No. s3 -4'-+4+-+'F-+ --•3+- Or-•II+-+II+-+i�-4'-4.-+I++-+W- 2'-4'-+3•-+---'5.--3•-4.- 7 , IIIItI 11111111111111111111111111ICii11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111$1111111111111111111111111111111111111110i111111illllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIllll11111111IiflII11111111111;11111;111 1ff ZURICH HERALD'S Z924 Clubbiiig List HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe .$6,00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph„ $5.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire ... $6.00 HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star . . ....$6.00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star , ..$3.25 HER.AL p and Toronto Daily News ,.,$0.00 HERALD and London Free Press Morning edition ... x3.00 - HERALD and London Free Press, evening edition ......$6.00. HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition ...$6,00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening edition ... $6.00 HERALD and London Farmers' Advocate ... ......$2.25 - HERALD and Farm andDairy . .....$2.75 HERALD and Farmers Sun ..........$2.65 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star . --. $2.75 HERALD and Canadian Countryman ....+,.,,.,..,$2.25 4ERALD and. Weekly Witness $3.15 HERALD and Farmers Magazine HERALD and Youth's Companion .. HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor HERALD and Ontario Journal ...... HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada Ajoint of buffalo for the Canadian Christmas dinner may soon be-, home as typical of the feast as turkey and roast beef have been for so long. A large number of surplus animals from the Dominion reseryye in Al- berta are 'now being slaughtered for the Canadian market, and as soon as meat is available it will be placed on fire menus, of all Canadian Pacific dining cars ,and hotels.; The test to which .the buftilo°heat wIil thus be put will definitely, decide whether the herds can be commercialized or writ th er sentiment alone justifies their preservation. El , !°�i 7 � Lr1 Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Paper's with us. See us for papers not listed above $2.50 ......$3.75 .,, $3.25 ...$2,75 ..$3.15 HE3ALD OFFICE Zurich el III I I 1 CJI 1INIE f Itilli1111111 1/1111111 I IiiHf��� IIIiIIIIllililgrNltt' �;'°:���: 'o�.:"w �lr+tl 1111 p1)(11111N1 �f1�1�1 !l� � 1811��111 G. E7