HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-10-23, Page 5l uzisdayt, October 23rd, 1:924 BUSINESS CARDS E. Hoi4mEs Dai''ifiter, Solicitor, Notary Public %tee Office on. Hamilton Street, -just off the !square, Goderich, Priv. ;ante M144 to loan at lowest rates, L ;Holmes will he in Repeals en r ay o eae• week. n.r.. ..,...,W .:w-�. w-,- '-- --'...a.osm.... Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk -baser of marriage licenses, Notary rubno, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- leinob11e. '' Insurance, Representing *iron and Erie Mortgage Corpora - The Canada Trust Co, Zurich, joatar1o, G. Knapp D . . IL $y L 0. S •t DENTAL SURGEON ' OFFICE -- HENSALT., OSCAR ICLOPP eraduate Carey I. Jones 'Nat - *Mal School of •Aueti•oneering. Try "us' for Registered. Live 'Stock 011 Breeds). Terms in keeping ;;iIath prevailing prices. Choice Normae for sale, • Will sell anything; nrgwhere. 1phoae 18-93 or write, Zurich, Licensed .Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County ef Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless to size or articles to sell. I •*elicit your business; and if not :ag'tisfied will make no charges for 1rr'vices. ;Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. "hone 13-57 Zurich Meet IflARK.ET Freshand 'Salt Meats Bologna S.a•usa,ges, etc Highest .Crash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS &. HIDES T"unut� Deichext ZURICH • LIVEAY I am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery $tae, have Auto for hire. Any tt'hing . done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 'Bose 51 Zurich B, ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST • eraduate of the Royal College :11111 Dental Surgeons of Ontario and At the University of Toronto, Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every /lulu Office, Exeter. Phone 34. 1Zurich every TUESDAY --- Phone 79 -19 L I VE POULTRY WANTED ;Mien' every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed. fowl same morning illytien brought in. 'Highest Cash Prices s--C*SB FOR ---- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone O4. Znrieh C L SEASON 1924 DPRING AND SUIVIIV1ER DELIVER- IES ANTHRACITE We are now re - ?delving our genuine Delaware & Rudsorz direct from the mines, Nut Stove and Egg sizes. SOFT COAL --,fust arrived, an- hither car of our high grade 'soft, This coal has made a great^hit for hoaraehold use and our 'sales of this lave over doubled in the last sea. • BOULETS-Our Boulet Coal Is Wad in a class by itself and is gr- 4iiiring' in favor rapidly. OUR Telephones are at your, **lee. Ilse their' freely for in-' ice'&ti /��`i/� +qr� ''j /+�w�� 4 .. gnat+' a.M,wL taloW,,,.4,. MOAN & PRODUCE MERCHANT *hone' Office; 1Ow, douse loj, 1NAL,L ONT,, ZTTS1CR HERALD PUT YOUR Wants, For Salle, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc), Ads IN THIS CQL0.111i FARM FOR SALE On Huron Road, one mile wast of Seaforth, containing 75 acres. "There are on the premises a good brick house, a large bank barn 70x60, a large" ` driving shed, 4 acres of young orchard, and a good bush. The land is in a good state, of cultivation land well drained. The Hydro is in'atalled in house and barn, also telephone ,end rural mail. There are three wells and water in the barn, Stork and implements will be sold with farm if desired,. There are 10 milk cows, 30 pigs, 3 horse's, good bull, a good line of implements, 40 `tons of , hay, 1000 bush, of oats and house furniture. Faroe will be sold reasonable ` on account of owner's health and pos- session, may be taken any time. For further . particulars apply to Henry Lebeau, R.R. 2, Seaforth. FOR SALE A good baiseburner coalstove, a 22 -cal. Savage repeating rifle, Apply to E. Oesch; barber, Zurich, NOT!CE We will run our aide;}pill .every Tuesday and Thursday of •eadh week. Also have a ' large copper kettle to let, for cooking apple but ter. Menne Steck le, Bronson Line Stanley. 13 -Ti NOTICE CEMENT WORK -I aril in a pos ition to do any kind of a cement 9,Pb, such as •supply tanks, fecund- ation walls, bridges, cement floors and walks,. etc. 'Work guaranteed prices rea'sona'ble. Apply to Mar- ia Corriveau, R. R. . 2, Zurich; Phone 16-93. tf40 Agents Wanted -The careful attention to our customers' orders and the splendid stock ;suppliied for years past -war- rants .'us in havin:g• a, representat- ive or two in this county. 'Liberal Commissions, Free Outfit. Write at once for Exclusive Territorty. THOS. W. 130 iiJ.1tiT=t.N & SON ;. . OM1', NY., RIiDGEVI%LE, ONT. STAR NURSERIES Tuxedo ,, ,hattesrleas AUTO OIL FOR FORD OARS. GU ARNTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich, t the -4 Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -17 Dr. 11. H. COWEN` L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At AlcCormick Block., Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday, ler int Ke W est in his storey called Main Office Foxes. Theire are only a few of the interestiing contributions to this .EIAi<;TLBII3'S 13LOCI, DASHWOOD numbar, which also include an en- lightening :article on Moose Calling by Henry Braithwaite and A. Fishing Tripe to the Iisand Provin- ce, by A, P. Atkinson. . The stew OL s Of F. V �' 'Williams; Martin,'' - Iluu- r et and td J' Yrs sot who ,Izo are re- Ass contributors to theMagaz- ine, eve kill up1to the mark and the regular cl8partanenta1 editors are brimful of good and interesting read.in , ROUSE •' FOR SALE Residenta'i property inZurich consisting of one-fifth acre land, with cow:fortalalo 114 sorry frame dwelling and frame +stabil. For further particulars• apply to Mrs. THE 0, "Prohibition" and * UoverJ- 4m. Bax11.0 'Vhb lids beex1 " very ilR' rs i1` pxoi ixtgr, i1 est • C iit'Qi to;Mt nfiss ox Muriela.'fFewreedayeG tGx' is Visiting aAz_ _ The term "Govei^ninent Control" is Mx Johniexinoxt of Iiitclxextc•i not olxe which correctly describes the visited frlends' here} the past wet sasteux coznixionly xerfeirod'to under Mi+, and Mrs. A. Msli.ck were on that Hai e ~by both parties, be Sunday at Pt,, 1-luro'n cause the prieci'ple of control by the Gi Sorry to'x.epox t that M. Writ; overn-meet is already strongly en - miller of :this 'village is vary lotiv shrtned in ail our legislation dealing in hsalthl. with the sale and coizsuniption of Mn. Geo, Papineau of Detroit, alcoholic liquors. Pex'lnaps there is no wee o1 Iegislatiou in which it x it ;irate a Sunday visitor with relatz' . more securely fixed and by which it ,yes, here, is more forcibly expressed than in My. a.n,cl Mils[, Fiero, Mous(seau :the Ontario Temperance Act itself, and Mr. and Mrs. kilt. Geitz were and any aspeet of the Liquor Pm' recent visitors at Kintail blew which that Act does not attempt Mrsl. Thos Johnston of to control is one which only our near Constitution renders immune from. Blake was al week -end visitor with ;Provincial legislation, Miss Jemima Johnston. Objection can also be taken to Maty. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe, Mrs ; (applying the term "Prohibition" to B[. Pfile and daughter Pearl' wes'•e 'the Ontario Temperance Act; It is Sunday :visitors at St, '1Vlarys, lint, nor does it pretend, to be a com. A fairly attended te.:niperance ,pletely prohibitive piece of legisla- meetin weal held in the Town Hall,tion' although supple 'ed d with the g'pct which it suPi�la - a ed it undoubt- Zurich, on Friday evening last. • 'edgy is drastic. It, however, does not Mit: D. Smith;, who •spent a; few „prohibit the consumption of alcoholic weeks, with friends at New Ram_ beverages in private dwelling houses, or gh burg and Arl,.onhas returned ' hnitltd purehs;se of wines of however alcoholic strength provided they Mrs. Jansion and daughter Jean are made in the Province. of, Royal Oek, Mich!, are spending Care has therefore to be exercised a terw dayls With Mr,. and 1VIrsf. J so as to avoid confusion regarding Gellman, ( . these terms "Government Control„ 1,1,,e. and lura. A, Sippel,'son wile and "Prohibition," but if the general Fred and Mr. R. Rowe of 11/River- principles underlying the arguments ton were recent visitors with rel- of both parties in the forthcoming atives in this vicinity; Plebiscite be understood the words used to describe them are not very Mr. and Mee. L. W, Hoffman, Mr: iir,, octant. The issue is after and MN II. L. Albright and son all chiefly one as to the extent George were on a, motor' trip to and effect of the control exercised by Kettle Point on Sundae,. the Government. One side says, in Mr. and .idre, Irvin D. Smeth and substance, that control to the point tht` e daughters- of Hamilton, log of completely'prohibiti,, by law the manufacture, sale and use of alco- ite+d with the. former's• brothers, re 'vele beverages would t !feasible and Or. Smith' of ,the Sauble and . C. r.(, of gdod effect The other side in theof the village. same way retorts tha the ideal of Mtt. and Mrs, Dd. How.t.td, an 1 Complete prohibition is impossible Mr Newcorne of Exeter, called at since alcohol can be ` so easily and the home ox nblr, and Nits. gyrus cheaply ]rade and that a completely Colol cy on StindanPzohibitot.'y law only applies to the over - MIA decant citizen who does •not over - and Mrs. Milne Rennie and indulge and will not break the law, family of ,Ssafort , visited at the alto practically- leaves unrestricted. home of the former's mother, lVlrs• the access to liquor Tor those whose S. Rennie, on Sunday. ;appetites are unrestrained, and wnoso Mr. and Mos, F Southr_ottrespect for law is little - in other and fancily, who have been ,sp'ending, words .that prohibition applies in the summer at Grand Bend and those who do not need and not tc Zurich, lest this week For their pilose .who do.• home in Venice, California. .« I,this discussion it has been statei 'that notwithstanding the drastic pen • Rev. and 11Trs. F. L. Plow'al.d of •awes of the 0. T. A. its kr'ovisiou3 'New Dundee were week end vis- ars flagrantly broken, and mann itors with relatives here. The Rev, thoughtful nren and worsen have occupied tlee pulpit in the Luth- been puzzled whether, if this be so eran'church en•'Sunday. --and the Police .Court reports would The Micky pslzorti,ranen of thi seem to support the contention -the lirovisiorns of a Government Cantrcy l'illaga se z,ar are Messrs Herb, Mo Act ,;would be any better respected i esean and Milt. Peitz, while: out. Reference to the Police Courts hal cluck mooting. on Tuesday morn bean made, but this is not perhaps ins they :captured egiht ducks! out thy: best sort of proof. for numerous 6.1 :orae flock. :as have been the cases brought befor.. 1 i judges, they represent only a �. •5'hs +ea e.ep�tiiin:•ttky :''.irte �t*el�t:Haar, ..pra I to7'tTiin air t. lie• bxeaeiies of c' entinues to stagy ;✓itis? •us; altliziii?-i the :Act, Each reader. of this column ths'nig;hW ts are Cool, on. ednesday' can ask himself ho'w- many cases at mornina a( frost was very pro "- la;c,infra'tioii lac has 4bsri'vod, if uol• in:eint, and; a'" er•us:w of inc eovei:!ed actually DCu ticipated in, since thr the stand: ilg water. Some nsow 0. T A. came into force, And )3er,; was seen, at Blyth 'arid- Winghan . emerges rile of the gfeatest' difficul lies facing all hinds of restrict) • The Zurich Ladies' Quvai tette and leeialatiou. No matter how strong;:; Miffs I'saR°l.'1�urtzr'eloctitionist, fur - beverages a 'man. may be to' alcohols.. nishedt he pi°oarart me at the beverages he will a wayo hesitate : fowl supper of the Leel :;,,.a church invoke. r penalties of the la, astnorth:' of Goderichs, on Tuesday rev- or in fie ather, neighbor,his $ son, hethetie ening. ! lawful act is not a sinful one and Hays you ;seen �! hti new tavo- the law broken is excessively restric- tive or prohibitive in its Attire, This dollar bill with: the picture of the is one reason given by the advocates Pi in•ee of. Wales i:n the centre. For of 'Government Central in asking a the first time the •.naple leaf is relaxation of some of the provisions ineluclod in the ;scheme. of decorat of the Temperance Act, It is all ion ands the teal of the departxnont very well, 'the ay, to legislate for We have a.few good second hand r bu les forSale Now is get that Auto Top Repaired. REPAIRING Painting Ford Carr, One`''oat, $15.00, 'Two Coats ,,. .20.00•. iCovex'ing Ford Top Good Material, less curtains „ $. Changing Ford Curtains to open' $12,00 Paint with Doors ._, $5.0tb painting Buggy ; .. ., .... , I.[ YOU WANT SERVICE,WE HAVE IT $ OQ WD 'RERU13BEE YOUR BUGGY WHEELS, HESS - ZIJRIaH ++++++++ +++4.++++++++444 ,.: 'ASF++z ✓rte. ÷.§.44�•.i.,i..z~�'�4.1• 3i.i +1• ■ lr Neponset .wofs . „... 3-. t. ya "GOOD OLD P " •,....- - _. 4. WE ECM -RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMEN4. T N1'OPTHEABOVE s, t PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS + AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND $ SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND.'1' a. IALTY, CUSTOM WORKOUR SPEC- 's' firi- els ,s�,,� ! :res.,. 1 .• _ , ____ _ ,pI -1 ,1, n .�,. i nom, P 69°a' o 4. �T" 4. +,•+,+.1.:1.4-1.1-6,4„1.+,..+++++++ '1•+'1 ++fir+++++++4,.q 4.4.E •++ I+*++ +.7, 0 • REAJY ;HOBBERLIN WITH OUR NEW LINE OF. SpI-UN-OE SUITINUS AND SA.i'dPLES. .. IN ALL THE NEW SEASON'S FABRICS, AND ]; PRE I 1 O SS NG THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES 4. . "' n OBI, ER��I1"w ;4,.HAVING TAKEN THE AGENCY 0]3' TILE BEST' HNO W : l SEMI-RDADY CLOTHING' FIRM IN' CANADA _ W& Co. wtE .ARE •' . D � fli�P1�ERlIN & IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST I ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE 01' SPRING SUITS AND 1 OVERCOATS AT PRICES SECEND TO NON.D. +• +• 1' T E ME l�� �, • `The . ly Bird catches the Worm 4. , F 4. ITAlLOR,ANDFUNERAL N M 7-I/p �� �C o T• 1 1'�� Yom! �F3 6� k r r, E a !ice V, n ,3R,' DAY AND NIGH T PHO ,iJ1: lee,, tib * of finance appenre on the face, strangers, and provide heavy punish- IIt is quite •different from the old nrents for them but .will you .abide by issue.: all 'the provIsipns of the Act 3roui•self, 1 _ U [ and will you be ready to head over �IIIIII11111111iIItlIiU111111IIiIBfli111111 lllllllli�lil(I(illi;lllllifll(lililllllilll(IIiIIiIIC!illlfll(1f61!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIINI8111111111111P91.NIV±.';p;'' NOVEMBER ROD AND GUN RT your gamily a - I • Every spostsma.n will be inter- ested in the November 'iasuo of Rod and Gun in Canada, The 'stories and articles, based on a variety of ~subjects, will ]xolcl the attention of all who e:cad; Bay mond Thompson has'Ian unusually good :storey entitle -d The .Sins••" Of the Fathers, in this number. Some wild Animal Ta aila and Some . Ad ventures Along Th'e,nt from .till? pen of Boanycastie 'Dale i5;". on a par with hila previous excellent 'wild animal 'sitoriosC I{nbert J, Black has�writtenl a Humorous account of an English 'tenderfoot' who is due pod by an unscrupulous fi,r' b„ y- 0 Highest Prices Paid ac- cording to quality •CAS2:1 OR TRADB ALL TOOL BLANKETS, YARNS AND WOOL BATTS. ?LUL OR!DERD PROMPTLY FIL- LED. Phone or s write for prices tb' t17 F NeiivtOri Woollen Mills NEWTON --- ONT. H. a WAGNER, Proprietor. S'tc1clr, Zurioh. STAYED I+"rorn my pasture , , Town Line, Stanley;, 'about Oct 151h., rt 20- white, rtnon,tknrn old. heifer, ran helms. Please notifir Ed, Reich- ert, lahenie 01 r 10 Zu let ,L ,Bert itb:ntits known. friends who those• of yot ' r:• may break it v3 This question provides the : answer to the query of our thoughtful citizens mentioned above More powerful than control by Act of Parliament without the sunort of every limn and itnrnan Is control by Act of Parliainent with the sup- port of, every man and woman, At present -because the law prohibits reasonable means of access to 'alco- holin; beverages breach of the law especially when made by friends is tolerantly .regarded. It must not be expected, however, that under a new system bootlegging would instantly cease. Rather.what would prebabty happen is, that - the present under- ground traffic would be gradually broxght: to the surras* an l 11111: eradicated, - Many people, however, who Iseve been deeply interested in social im- provement have regretted that recent years have brought about the a•ban- do was, Inine ut of what vand Is, after all, the solution of this Liquor Problem. Reference is matte to the ineulcation in our children and even in our grown -tsps of the principle of self- control, which renders all State con- trol unnecessary, Too much stress has been laid on what, the law can do --although in every field of human observation_are to 'be seen the fail- ures of the law --and not enough on what the individual can and ought to do 'for hiiirseif, The promotion of temperance Is as much a ei'ying'need to -day ae it was twenty years ago, and they are only sowing disappointment who trust in the operation of law alone, While the vie'ivs; of the prohibitionist are important consider- iitiore,Must never be denied for the rights of those who are riot willing to lmpooe total abetinenoe on them - Solves and object to having it done by others. That this has underlain• many of the. votes cast in otter Pro- viurt,s . is demonstrated by the feet that only a very srutclt propiertlon of those who voted for Government Con- trol took out permits to purchase ileum*. The sign.itloance of this is �� �'°��;;lllllilllill9EJNliBlllil.!'IIfiNi ZUREH HERALD'S 'may^' d4 Ciubbill Liou HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph ,,: ... $5.10 J HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire x,6,00 HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail and 1+ •,pito $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star HERALD and Toronto Daily News 6 - HERALD and London Free Pressr, Morning ta,tion .., ee7.00 HERALD and. London Free Proms, evening cd tion HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition ,$6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening edition ,.. $0.00 HERALD and London Farmers' .Advocate :.. .. $2.25 • $6.00 $3.25 a 6.00 PIEBALD and Farm andDairy $2,75 HERALD and ruiners Sun -- $2.65 HERALD and Family U veld and Weekly +Star .., .. $2.75 HERALD and Canadian Countryman. .. ID:RA'GD• avid Weekly Witness y g .HERALD and Farmers Magazine « y HERALD and Youth's Companion HERALD and Seaforth ituron Expositor HERALD and Ontitrio ,Tour'ual' „--„ FIBR ALD and Rod and Gun in Canada ; rl El K2 El El Save Money and Trouble by renewin Your � Eapal"s with us. See us for papers not listed above $2.25 $3.15 ... $2.50 5 ...,...* 25 5 ..,3;2,75 ..g, ..43.15 • ti HERALD OFFICE, Zurich 11141 !(111<f<lif llllil(17((i',d! aiii 11111110(iii1111111r iillli111 ll 11111 P:1111111R"'IU VIIII►16 xIIIII i{'lilEfl!liEMIIlQSO •