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Zurich Herald, 1924-10-23, Page 1
Mr Vol. XXV No 16 ZIJRLCH,.' THURSDAY •' MORNING OCTOBER.r.23, 1924. C hn+rter io Sniit , P-1-01 fli ° $1.25 4 Y041: 10 1 sees INAinee alts, meg 13E uBATct E ► tr Txe LSONS BANK Pay your hilts by cheque and secure the advantage of an accurate record and automatic recent Every facility offered for peening cheolring accounts .t any of our 125 branches. C. EfeJ O' Manager Zurich' Branch Here it is F..olk si $1.5A BUYS A GUARANTEED BOY'S POCKET WA,TCEC, STRONG NIC- KEL CASES, . BEAUTIFUL SILVER DIALS I I ONLY THREE DOZEN :TO OFFER AT (THIS EXCEPTIONALLY LOW, PRICE. HESS the (Jeweler 1*144)44444,444ar�44**4,41 x0444 4.44,4 4,4,4, .4.4.4 t 044# 444ie►e� 1 . ;� m 4 nl .r� t�. 1a. 4 t , {�{y,, {j� t 4 iy.�i, or5�,Lraf •4, no,. c 4 ,4, 4 , l'ust 'Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse• ee Blankets - in Assorted colons Size 72x84• 4 17. 4 ee Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices 18 �� eRanging tram $7.00 to .. "... ... ... ......_- $ 4 SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US k CALL, ♦4 ee A. BIG Stock of arnees and Halters_ always on hand. 4 Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. -40 HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY TY FHONE: In THIEL 9G"i1i�Ar Adr�uN4 k*�a�4�3''4C@4,4Ft' 41�A�'�?`'2g.'QJ, ZURICH I .4,44,++++++++++4.++++++++++++++++++++++++4.4444444+4+++ ., ,+F+.++++++++E++4+++it++1r++i++++++++++ ++++O++.8+4 a 44+4+ .+ i.Wonderful FOOTWEAR ,,+1i+ -.. Here are eefew of the many linos) we have to affer. And many 4 "I'' other lines not mentioned at ,Big Reductions_ Conte -and s'ee - :for yourself that you can: save money at aur store and get quality. -Men's solid leather work boots, nialed and sewn at $3 ele to $4.25. Greb's Black end tan work boots, at 683.75; Men's , Pine (shoes!, blk. rubber heels at $3.75; Young eaere's tan calf ba:L •• . Goodyear welt, rubber he?eisa'nd ,newest toe, just arrived $4.50 Girls fine eau Oxfords blk and tfan Murray mad' $4.00; Anne's, 11 ' .. ;,,olden; rubber boots,; red sole rolled edge at $4.50; Women's rub-• elber boots, fleeced lined 3.15; Men's light rubbers $L35; Wont- 4 + en's light gabbers' $1,00; Child's bop calf bar rrib..er..heels sizes �3 4 only' at $1,25; Women's house slippers and oxfords 95c; Little ': Gent's fine .shoes, sizes 8 and 9 only at this price x,40. These -40 are no tt(all of our many good values. We have other wonder 4r ` ful values in, store for you. 4 '1.. 718E HOME OF GOOD SHOOS. 4 e do lot f ShoeRepairing9 ecu a de it well• 4 4 4 `� ITZ .,. SHOE IE CHAIN S ‘^'e+M.++ +4+' k,14,*A, ++Haus+++4+`k+' .+ i +++++++.14til+`+".qi"0+,.&°+".F,.+1,4++'g'•d^r; i TE We aesire • o e ill y ) c. ttt3 .til th.e fact that We are in a position to . your Fell and Winter ,°; e nts in good heavy warm ` nderwear.7, F. nne1ettes 'BLANKETS. f.+."I.r.ikNNELI+:T ."1 BLANKETS, SW .A'1BRS, ,'C"?e.PS',, MOC.,S, EE+'A.VY SHIRTS, OSKS, mums,. AND 'CaL•tlVEIS. PAZ GOODS ,ARE RIGHT, AND THE PRICES' ARE RIGHT. "C7„1 , Groceries Always on Ifa,ncl DOUI'm>�zJrj�.� r,uta� J,X'-^' A 9 GENERAL MEIROHAIVIT PHONE 11 97L.r'! -.m...,..,.,+»�.�;a:,it:�«..��.,..,..,:.�.M,-..,..,, x.:.:.,+19, �.,,,..�..."�".«« ,,,.,,•....;:,...^ A profit of $4,305,.628 on liquor 'sale,, throe, ' tax on • beer, rete., wars realized by the Province of Quebec r a int he y4,..rc just ended.e. Of once thousand illicit stills 'see - zed in Ca,Dada laist year four hun- dred and .twenty -,,eight were in Quebec, evidently 'Government s QControl" does not ,stopthe illicit manbiaetlrro of booze.. All the' Ontario Methodist Con - Mr, John. Earnishof Arkoma, cal- £c�rcz, es.«rill hold .a ,large coxrven- led on blends in the village 011 tion :in Toronto the first week ie Monday..NaVembc.to celebrate the. 100th Mr i. Elmore, Osch is (spend- anniye•rslar•y of the founding of the in ..al few days in Dashwood this, Methodrsti' Missionary Society in week. Canada. Mrsi. Stogdale of '4 atwerloo, d Little Old Onftaxlio ,gins over spending al Pawl drays wilrh Mr. an four tliari;and British lanai sett - Mrs. L. Kalbfleischlr: lers this ,year,. That,'s the kind Miss Ortb.a Melick left for De- we want and need.If we would troit where she intends to stay; for bold whalr we have we must make some time. thelia hreeetily 'welcome at our ,Mrs Sol. Hardy. of Exeter, a for- home. mer Zurich old boy, called on fri- The co.ii tracts have been award ends here or (''rich,': , end by ihc:'. Ontario Government .for Mr'!, and Mrs), C. Sarno_ u are the conetvriction of the first,: two movie from the Babylon Line t'2 b-i,ildinee on the Provincial boy's. Miss Jemiina Johnston's house. corrective 'farm near Bownianville 112r:, and 14Srsl. John Gillman, \iho h'l'a pri e for, the. erection! of .a visited friends in Michigan for ra dinili; u11 and a dormitory is few weeks. have returned home: $v,9a7 , , ale, and Mrs,. Alex. Carrigan and Tl>~d > ixd issue of 25 cent paper family spent a few days at the ,rills eotxr.inonly known as "shin - home °I Mr, and Mrs1. Geo, Thiel. Plasters" to appear 111 the fifty ye- and Mrs. Joe. Meidinger, Mr ars singe 'lr'e first bill's were •issued and M. H. F. W'eseloh evere Sue - Me. is now being ing put into circulation, day visitors at Dashwood. The new 'bills are considerably neat Mr. and i'Irs. Jacobs; Mr. and ar and Ileneartistic in desion, and Mrs. Miller of Brodhagen were Sun show a d+aided improvement o v day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. ax the old type of bill. Deitz. Ani exchange tells, of a wedding 1v2, . end Mrs. C. Fritz .and 1VIr fl and Mnst Jolen Geselro left on Sun- tile' - sent • in es dr' , had every day morning for .a visit with tri- detail tis to .place,\ date, n. deseript- canoe ' in Michigan, ion cif Ilse' raricle's, \bridesmaid's sell several of the guests' gowns but Mr. and Mrs. Clifford: Levy and not a mention of'the name of the taniily of Clinton visited at the bxiciegrocrin-poor•fellozvt The homes. oi, Marlin .Warne. and Dan tic ^ley? nriclegroonn= plays his part O,esvald on 'Sunday'. ▪ Fry unnhstrusively but ulsilally Messrs Clapton and Clarence hers, considered of enough import - Hoffman of mport- Hoffman•of Galt were week -cedilla ,ance ,or nt,least a line or two: An'automatic gear -shift las been We HI. Hoff:nen. P rtc.re art the home 'of Mr. and Mrs". tee e The driver Our Corner Wet or Dry? Most yet those who can't finct time to vote•'will fired time to crit- ,iee the result of'the plebiscite, Rum boat blew up off the .d tT tali do and'didn't hurt nearly! as neat ' "a'ss if it had landed, "But, darlinig, don't . you want to real ry i Man who is eee„orn ica12" "I 'supposia so, • but it's aw- ful being engaged to one!" • Those who arranged the itiner- ary of .tlna Prir 'e of Wales are not givinglir uph >. ham. a trip the Llwe' Water: Highways Some years later. when he does get • a chance to see this pawl, of the country}, he will want. io know why the Most bea- utiful section of Ontario was con- cealed on-cealed from hint.-Goderich Signal. Marvelous how things''.,increas in size. One bottle of liquor often becomes a whore tease' -in pot e court ' Apparently the drug isxnug /er is one of the most vicious criminal with which Canada has t� demi at pre�s(eeil. 1 Brides undler 16 must now aa'•w' tend school; OF courser, theyj're aJ ready in a class, by themselveeee Imagine the. anxious hubby ranshine, ,to the school aft recess to see hiss, beloved wife -^ , 0 m000�r 04411c itY�f 0000009®6>0000aWESOa'' ,00000000000.'OlclP�0080040 Brown's *oat Shop Where Good Shoes Cost Less O 0 • • 3 0 e) 0 has no •gears 0 MONTES AND MONTHS OFF OOT SATISFACTION IN EVERY PAIR. AND NOT! SHOES iP0 GAMBLE ON, BUT SIIOES TO BANK ON! BROGUES AND HEAVY TAN OXFORDS FOR MEN. Every par built with the best of Leathers and looks of a Matinee Idol. Loud Speaker when int comes to Value -But prices almost a whisper "And each a. wh ale of, ai !showing. 'They're the very newest, The last word in Footwear. $4:,95 and $5.e5e SHOES FOR EVERY OCCASION ( M 1�@ '�` m RSEEOUR WINDOW D SPLA MEN AND VtO- -----i.�,mse: NEW ADS -C. Fritz, & Son; H. to he eel time drifting time 1- 0000000 L'. ,Albrig)at;. ?3rawtr: 33ros u.s,, z •r eo t;' 1, ..,fir f ya,';tii afs e L.ir le ' Stelclt; L', A. Prang; Ed. Reichert¢; started ', shifti;ng is autcir tat•ic; moi_ pcwell'sBaz'aar, Etc. slidi.iagr,oin firer to .geeond and Mr sell. Mrs. Martin Wilton o:f then to third as ,,the ps(eed increasers .z+ The, gears< automatically shift (back Belmont, "visited with Mr. and Mrs ars, the car slows down. ,„The de - Sohn : Don2;lasy. Totvn Lines' '•Mrs vice' 15 ca.n sd'eled . of, inestimable Wilton being Mrs. Douglas' sister. `.alus `i:o drivers in..crowded icty Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein, who tra£fie. 1 li:+tve spent the last few months PLEBISCITE O in ii West, returned home on day evening, and enjoyed theletrrp immensely. Ion " a. • P,FIC'ERS a8 e's The following are the Deputy Returning Officers for the plebis- Me,. Edmund Bollard who is at- cite, true polls, being in order of tending St. Jerome's College, Kit- number -k ' chener", had the misfortune to br- Stephen -W1. H. Mills, - Asa{ ear: liis nose,, while pla.ying rugby Peyliale, Alonzo Hollins, Erra at that placer Faits, Al . II; Neeb, Georg Mer- rs. S. Jacobe and da- nes �'lto I(et s, Jas. E. Hodgins, Mil. and M mains; Stapiierr Webb. ughter Susie, Mr.- and Mrs: Hilton ,IIs--i`ililton Russell, James Petty, Crre;neer, and ibis• sel'asl Sc iIver Flenvy Howvald, Wrn. G. nese, Milne were weer: -end visitors at Strati Rader, Wm'.'Snell, David Blackwell ton, Elmira; Kitchener and Strat- ford. �i-ni Jennison, Porti.- Stanley -Mervin. Hanley; Goldie Barrister I). E. Holmes of God- Graham Robert Hinsdale, Edwin erieh was in the village on Fri- Cliui'er, Charles Rathwell, Robert day. Mr, Itolrnes.advises us that Dewar, :Bloss Johnetort, he has received the appointment T„•E WEA'1'H1 , PktOP,l ET of Town Solicitor' for the town of Godericb. 0hecr more predictions are made is the vote gni ▪ •� to the kind oe Winter lying just To -day, day, .Thursday, ahead o i us, but they are not near the plebscite in Ontario, and it is ly :sit)numerous as the prophecies everyuody s duty to honor their for flag past Suuiiner. Sumra:c�r franchiser by first considering how 1,p24 fooled mash of the ,prophets to vote and then vote to the best <cC,c;od and, pro ty,, and their free interest of all concerned, , dr,.n in, peoplr:acy seemed some-, Everybody is. .invited 'to the ttylilliarir 1)0 0aclelisiaur well\nnuat Bible meeting held in the b g' Town, Hall, Zurich: on Friday oven known weather £azacester of Nor- ing Oc'.ober 24th at 9.00 o'srock p.rn. therm New, ; York, has peered into The, ;[eiri. Mr: Bowen will give the weather. crystal ';and taken what his illeetrated lecture; "I -Tow we other obeenvatio;is he considers nee got our Bible." ,Don't miss it ess;try to f:'tatl the ane'v. 0nLob *r , and v'ovrmherer. will. he LATE WENDEL COLOSKY very fine F+a i months, the wizard TkLtre passed away at Blkhart, predicts. We are dine for a long Tndian:r; on Saturday', October 13, lal:a full with unusa ally warm wee.- ololslz ' 'it the age of 78 them. for ib" •g •,eater 'put 01 it, he Wendel C y, finds fro,it'lai l obser,ationy, years, and four months% Deceased There till` baa Wirilter, and it rvas. well ft he d favorably known in nwill b‘ a• good wallop, but it s',t l7+xy '1'nw+n,sli.ip by ,tt,axiy olie ai- going to be a; drajun out affair,Doe din 'inhabitants,,' as this township ,reclict:s. was .;rias' birthplace; an the Bron- l Gni the other hand it is going to sari Line, the farm nowowned by be ,slam tand decidedly snappy. 1t Mr. Titcob' eidinger, which is ,,kill ba little late inarrii ing,hut known f the old. Colosky ,tarot, 'i hen it plumps do a 7 n n in thisecl- b'r'ay,' years ego` rill eft For Elle- nit he woods it is going to :show hart Ind where: he worked at the lim to age 1�r:o r.�a%i red+ :FIs ni ado +freq,trent vis_ may of cold weather and snow, he said., thee inhebit:tr l some -thine in the machinist 'trade until (,wing Its to 5 Friends and relatives hero linter, 'Doe finds, is not due to tri i.borse parts,'rrd was :i very p1- arrive,, bag,trl:l bagea,o 'until easing dipsasttion, His demise January 12th, when it will open wtlis w vs 'caused by a paralytic stroke and 'w ns sick only about a Weare He is nsri•ived by (,son end dau- ghter, 5�hter, both at Elkhart; three Bro- there, John Colosky at Elkhart, tnd., S^tirlsor1 Colosky. nt Dashwood vet, conxi �cr,ts�ate ,for some of the anCyrus Col~aslzy o 'Zurich 7'lirw ,,: \,1. aLve:1 that will err.ivelnter, funxr'al wits Belli an \Tuesday' of 1 lt?✓ declttrt;:d,, title weer;: at Ell:Banta j 8 rg e .l.+y p. .3..s++iron+++++++++++4u-. 3 �F-�i :�+�ro4�'s�£ +++++ F+++++4 , 3dr 'S e Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats +$30 to 40 Men's Suits for $14 to $17 +''$1.7 to 20, Mems Suits at $12, $13,50 "7"' e;:$16 to 8r• Mans Suits at _._ .. $9- -to 12 Boy's Suits at $7.50, $8.50 +$7,52 o hi, Boys Suits; $4:50: ':i• , +.+ p17 .to 25, Mons Ov'coats, $10, $lf>• *$10t o 15, 1./fen's Ov'coats at a.- $5.60 :$10 t7- - t , .';. ,I4 t:, : , it .offs at ....._ . $5.0+. $18 to 2t: Neck Pieces, $5, to $7.00 4.OT1al;k;. PIECES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION TION WILf.. BE SOLD FOR, $15 to 17, Boys Ov'coats at $14,50 le Bo 's Ov'coats: $5.10 FURS �VHA'F 4. with its tomperatuv+ee. It 11111 be , senses while it lasts and wvither + strip. s' ttorni. windows and doors gra litre b. u' place before the date 4 seri: for Its' att.cck. But the ,Fall a+ P is R R E 0 s H S THEY WILL BRING 4.• ' 4• 4. $2.75t o 2.95 Coatings yd. $115 2.25 to 2.50 Coatings for $1.50 3.50 yd. Coating for ._. -$2,54% $1.75 to 2.00 Suitings at e.50 Beater Cloth at -__ ._. $1.2,?,+ „ e;.2.5 Eider at --- --. '1,2 o,' :,00 Chavonetts for ._. pi'Sr} 1.50 plain green serge _., __iii ©ti• . 1.,50 plain green Gaberd'e at .^e t ,i5c Corded V eleeteen at _ Oc - thc,90c,1.25 \rel;'eteens• 35c. 'Wrapperette at ... -24+ 35c cotton cashmere at ..... 10. ' $1.65 Ladies' lios�. at LADIES' :'NL) MISSES GL,C+'e ^' Nvp .n„ ES AT YOUR OWN PRICE.• Thompson's Seeded Raisins, 2 ids. for ... 25c Thonii,son's Deedless Raisin's 2 lbs. for 2,5c Thonepson's Seeded Reis res per p'zge 15e Gurdain brand Raisixa'. 2 for ... ..-_... ... 25c Fresh Firlatra Cixrrcnts, per :b 18e .No. 1, French -shelled 1Va nu.s., nee lb, ,80o New Dates and Peels wi l a:r c shortly Rny`al Manic and; Egg'J have been added to our ,leve F.cy's .t?ure Breakiaae Cocc>:t eh. .na 25c Brown Windsor So,t,p, 7 'a .t' • ro ' .-- ,250 Prevent° Carbolic Soule 7e. ' . i,, eon 2Jc London Special, 1-1b. leac. nee PRODUCE rrA1 .F.iiN +l++ ++9,.3,.3+++l.ar' '•+1.+$+i i+8+ + r++ +; +ta`+++l++ e, ++i :-4»-