HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-10-02, Page 8le A GOO For Fall and Winter Beason Makethis Store Your Own du ring) Fair Days, leave your parcelsorwraps for safekeeping, meet your friends here, and after taking in the Fair, come and inspect our new range of Fall Goods liOW on display. No trouble to show them SERGES New all wool cloth in wool crepe of fine weave, Zvi h si:; threads woven through in pleasing Block Patterns.. Season's Best, Shades. Checked Wool Crepes New All -Wool Serge's, Poiret Twills, Wool Poplins, Santoys. now opened up of very fine quality, priced from 750, to $3.75 ayard. Plain Wool Crepe First quality goods in Black',. Navy, Sand, Nigger and. Tangerine Special value at prices we ask for It. Underwear, Sweaters. a Colder weather requires New 'Underwear to keep you warm. Let us show you our various lines, in • all wool, wool and cotton and fle- eced, for Men; Women, Boys and .Girls. We carry the celebrated Monarch -Knit Sweater Coats, in new Styles at reasonable price% SPEOUIS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, Parr Line, spsnt Sunday at the chane of Mr,, and Mrs. J. Smith. Brown, Bros., .aloe merchants, LOCAL, MARKETS, (Corrected every Wednesday) Better per lb. d ..s . 3 36 Potatoes per hag Dried apples per lb, . , 7e entail Setts, per lb, have moved into their new home le Oat• • s 50 the Doitz block• and certainly have Harley. 80 a fine creditable business place. • e; cheat 75 ALL WOOL SERGE 40 -ins,. wide, six colors at yd. ...75c ALL WOOL TWILLED SERGE 54 -in. wide, brown and navy, good weight, at per yd.... $1,48 LADIES SILK•'&. WOOL HOSE . Reg. $1.75, Clearing •at pr, 11.00 0win,gtto heavy run of copy and 4.00-1.25 a few otlmer, delays, we were linable (icer per ctvt,° to go to' .pm ess till TllurdShorts per ton. —32.00 0ay fore- 'Bean: per ton ,. -. noon instead of Wednesday after- chickens. lb. Hens 13-17 chickens.noon as usual. - 6-1.3 Mr., and Mrs. KalbPiersch and Ducles par lb.. , 10c family. Mr. and Mrs, W, `Klsipp `rrurkeye old ............................12e .75 and fancily, Mr. and Mrs,. M. Ruff- Live Hogs' erich,..and Mr. and Mrs. J. Buf;fer- ich, all of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Edi. Daters•. Wheat (seri bushel ........... ...... 1.25 MENS' WORK SHIRTS • Well made, now at each ....... 98c BULLDOG OVERALLS Best grade at -;each .----. .-- ...$2.50 MEN'S KHAKI WORK PANTS All sizes at each ... MEN'S ALL WOOL SWEATERS Coat Stye, each ... ...... ... . $2 75 MEN'S JERSEY GLOVES 2c At a Pair A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCER'BIS ALWAYS ON HAND. Celery! Celery! No. I CELERY FOR SALE, GROWN IN OUR OWN GARDENS CAN FILL ORDERS FOR LARGE OR SMALL LOTS. ALWAYS FRESH. G GAn= CHCS & SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's.Gara'e Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs AND GENIJINEFOR 1 P JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF bOMINION TIRES AND TUBES Wm. Cadman, Judge. WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS USE NAMELESS Cold Remedy for the treatment of Cold in the Head, Hayfever, Neuralgia, As- thma, Oatarrah:al Deafness, Sore eye% Piles, etc. It is easily appli ed. It its pleasant both to taste and smell. .Priced to sell, 25e. Sold In Hensall at Hemphills Drab Store, In Zurich at Wagner's Con- fectionerA ZURICH FALL FAIR okvden, G;. Heywood, . , Light 13r- ahaina:s, cock W[, B. :Battler & Song hen .W Battler & Son; Black Minorcas, cock; .V Terryberry, hen W. B. Battler & Son, E. Terryberry cockrel and pullett W. B. Battler & Son, and 2nd. S. C. W. Leghorn cock G. Heywood and 2nd,. hen, .7. Thiel, J. Heywood; cockrel and pul lett G;. Heyvogd and 2nd. S. C. Bro wn. Leghorn:si, hen V. Terryberry; Buff Orpington% hten, G. K. Far- well, cockerel and pullett, , G. K. Farwell; W,. Wy cndottes, cock and hen G. Heywood and 2nd; Cocker- el G. Ileywoodo G. K. Farwell, pul- lets., G. Heywood and 2nd Rhode ELL'S AZAAR EXETER PLAIN PRICE STORE This ,Store Is the KEY to your Needs for Fall and Christmas ,;ands. The, passing of the Sum- mer ummer months give place to those of Winter. Our Christmas :goods are commencing to arrive. We ha.ve our Xmate. handkerchiefs,. for chit- dren,, ladies, these will go on elae in due !season at prices that will move them. Handkerchiefs make useful gifts, are easy to send . and best of all, inexpensive gifts. Wre have Flowering bulbs- a num- ber of kinds at reasonable prices. We have more of these white por- eelian plates nappies and ba k- ers,. at the same low prices, alsb the glasjses at 5c. and 10c. • W•es have ,secured a number of Island Reds, Dr. MacKinnon t• ook Phonographs and records at a all prizes int his class; Partridge price and will piss them on to Wyandottes, cock and hen (;•.Hey:= (•Ieywood; Buff Leghorns, Cock and hen, G. Heywood and 2nd; Aneonas cock, Wt. B. Battler & Sony F. Co- chems; hen Of. Klopp, .W,. Battier &: • Son; cockerel F. Kochems, : L. D'Brain; pu'.:eft, L. 0 Ben and 2..d. Bantams, any variety, cock and hen W. B. .Battler & Son and. 2nd; cock erel and pullett, W. B. Battler` & Son; Coll of pigeons G. Heywood, Dr, MacKinnon.; Pekin .,China du - eke B. & .I:. Snowden, J. A. Man- son & Son; Rouen ducksold W. B. (rattler .& Son; P. Schwalm; young, 1V B:. Battler & Son, F. Kochen7s; Ducks, any vs riety old I,.; ,"+_„l t young, T VIillert, Rev. J?' G Lic7.„' Toulouse Goose E. & R. Snowden; old, Wt. :B. Battier & Soon.and .2nd ; Turkeys, old, V Terryberry; Wild Geese, old, Johnston & Koehler, Bose comb, cock G. Heywood, Hen V. Terryberry, G. Heywood; cock- erel and pullets,, G. Heywood, Dr. McKinnon Spacial, G. itejwood. Babbitts, 3. A. Manson &,Soon. 6'4244IIIspesa IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU ..SERVICE.__. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. . ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. tri 1 :: '.( 1 t I 1 t i ZU RICH'S LEADING GARAGE IL Mousseau Zurich *o• mors€ mooteeref'deermeeoteetzeitte mo seameeeetessotaateeJ;• • • 0 r Corragatl' d Galvanized • • • • • • • •• • • • • • r • 1 28 Gauge Council Standard, guaradteed against any red rust, for at least 20 years, 1 3-4 oz .; w& , • • • $6.75 per 100 Square Feet Iron Roofing ammikammosemi 28 Guage, Ordinary, at $6.25 per 100 Square Feet GRAIN% & SEED • Bushel white fall wheat, Te Su,- o'vden; R. Lamont; Red fail wheat M. Rader, A. Reichert; Sprin.g wh eat, M. Rader, A. Reichert;6-row- ed barley, C. Truemner, E. & R. Snowden; white oats, E. & R.'Sn- owden!, A. Reichert, R. Turner; yon. at money saving prices. If you are considering buying 'aPh- onograph or Radio, you- better consult us. We areexpecting is big shipment or, grey graniteware and will put it on sale as soon as we get at prices, that will command attention. Its our Busines sto be on the outlook fur Bargains. Its your Business to pick them off when we present them. Come in anytime end isee the New Things. Friday and. Saturday Bargains,. 100 lba. Fancy Hand dipped Choc- olates, Reg. 60e., special. 35c. lb. 5 (200 Count) packages. pins 25c. • Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODS d OCK. Carry an Insurance of° over1 $27,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of $56,143.20. No ass- essment during the year and have a. balance on hand of $31,700. G Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- large 1'ea.s, P. Schwa'm; small pleas,TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS C. Truemner, A..Rader; buckwheat, OF FIRE , L Rader, C. Trueniner; Red. clover seed, M. Rader; Alsike Clover, A. lohnston e& Son, 0, Truemner; Clo- ver seed sweet, T. Snowden, ' C. rruernner; Timothy seed, R. Tur- ner; 1. Johnston & Son, C. • Trusm- ner ; small( white field beans, R. Turner, C. iTruemner, G. Jaeobe; Best coll. grain heads any kind, G. Jacob%, H. H. Nseb; alfalfa seed C. TruemmnerR HORTIC'UILTI7RAL Coli. of apples, J Pfaff, Wt. B. Battier & Son; Coll. fall aplles, R. Turner, J, Pfaff, W. B. Battler & Son, G. Heywood; Coll. winter apples, W B. Battler & $on, J. Pfaff, G eygood; Plate of King of Tomkins, .R. Turner, G. Farwell; Snow' apples, C. Tyiremiiner, P,,'De ichert Str.;. Northern Spies, G: Northernl Spies, G, Heywood, . C. Truemner; Baldwins, G, Heywood, J. Pfaff; R. I Greenangs, W B. Battler & Son C. Truemner; Can- ada, 1n ada, Reds, P. iDeichert Sr,, 0. True; • emner; Ribson Pippen, J. Pfaff, Tti Turner; Golden Russets, I. Willert, WV.. ,D., Battler & Son; lien Davis, • A. Bell, W, B. Battler & Son; Wag- • ners, B. Turner, L. Geiser; Manus • W. B. Battier & Son; Wolf River, • • R. Geiger, C. Trueann,er; Alexander. I, Willem; II A. Fuss; Maiden's Bl- ush, R. Tarner; Blenheim ripper, Pewaukee, J. Pfaff, W. B. Battler CulvertV.5,1‘s, � B, Battler & Son, O. S• 'ruemnner•; 20 -Oz, pippen J. Pefa.ft-, R. Turner; iTalman Sweet, W. E. • Sattler & Son', C. Tnuerener; Winter • pears, 0. Treemner,, Bartiet pears W, B. Battler & 'Soni, C, Truenln:er; H. 'Neebi Clapp'e Favorite, J, .Decher Jr.,. A. Bell; -plate of '6 peaches(, C. Truernner; Plate 0112 12 prunes, Mrs. G. Hess, C. True - inner; crab apples red, W. B, Bat tier 4z Son;, G. b'arwotl; � plate of 6 • crabapples yel'low', P, Deehert Sr,, • r. & 14,. S.,owden; 13eia prate grape's, Bauer e r Bros'., Mrs, G. Iless ; colt. Galvanizing per square foot, at 1 • ISTADE .► pREETER BLOCK w ZURICH• golMibe/sSsosiMa.trRt0•4iMNMilliAl•il.41M0A0•4M0•14•411iw • • • • • INSURANCE. tf-34 DLLplay at the Hat Shoppe ZURICH 4, • Smart Styles and Quality combined with Economy. • YOU ARE INVITED ITO CALL AND INSPECT !THE CHOICE :SEW MILLINERY SPECIAL -ATTENTION GI- VEN • TO FALL BRIDES' ;.A1T- TIRE. .V.Sebert ZURICH, ONT.. 1 Thursday, October 24d,, iimoirinarawasairmworiorniumowiriosi.iiipolomit The store with the Liberal Cosh. Discount A New Discovery Is in store for every , visitor. to the Mason & Riseh Roth atthe Zurich. Fall Fair, Who has .loot heard they glorious tonal beauty ,of the Mason. Fisch Piano FRANZ LIST, THE GREATEST MUSICIAN OF ALL TIME, SAID OF THE MASON & RISCH PIANO, "IT IS EXCELLENT,„ MAG- NIFICENT, UNEQUELLED. ARTISTS, JUDGES AND THE PITA LIC WILL BE OF THE St11VIE OUINION, ', The full, clear, singing tone of the Mason & Risch Piano hags captivated the greatest musical artist of both thepast and, present generation. An enviable thrill of pleasure awaits the hearer of a 1VGasani & Risch Piano for the first time. And an ever-increasin,gf pride of possession is the ,satisfaction it brings to the -home ' it adorns and dignifies with the charm and beauty of musiid& for alit ime. Be sure and wee it, and hear it at our Fall Fair and be eemo viniced of these outstanding features. j -s :COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARR, SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT IN STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YO1Q'b, SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELIOK Hardware & Furniture. hone 63 TO 1924 Victory Bond llolders PERSONS HOLDING VICTORY BQNDS DUE NOV. 1st.. 190 SHOULD MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR [THE NEW REFUND- ING DOMINION OF CANADA TWENTY YEAR 43,4% LOAN' AT ONCE. . Price 97 with Interest payable half -yearly, Oct. 15th and April 15th. Bonds can be Registered, These bonds can be also purchased by new investors at 97. For further p;ar ticulars apply to— An'rew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE• AND SAFETY Have You MADE- YOUR WILL? 1' Painting and Paper Hanging I am in a position to do any kind' of -Raper hanging,. painting, graining and dec- orating. H. EICKMEIER ZURICH - ONT. DR, JOHN WAR'n CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN' Heavy Shell Frames to Your o'w$ Lenses at $4.00, Broken She* Rinas Replaced while you xraci Spectacles Complete large lerisetat . $2.00 upe Main St., EXETER, Phone T AT W.ALPER HOUSE, ZURLCL Every Wednesdai, 10 a.am, to tips , *44+++++++++++++++++++++++4+++44.44+++++++++.1444:4 it ÷ HE.RALD OFFICE t 4. , Do You Know" k ▪ THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING + TH..42 WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING e• INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENT TRAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS; SUCH' §+, .g. AS LFTTERHEADSi, BILLH).AVS, ENVELOPES AND.•-,. STATEMENTS p. THAT, WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFACT URRRS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP �¢ PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS,4. • THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVELt. OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OK .Tp. TRACING PAPER SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM 'ST-- + ATICONER"Y', NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT 134010 IN IVO .q SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., Y3'ro, + TEST WE 'FILL YOUR ORDINA.BY SIZE INK BOTITLR WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c, Lditial, GER QUANTJ!TIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS . :THAT WE PRINT POSTING :BILLS, AUCTION mut FOE 'TERS, :ITERCA.NTILE POSTI3;RS AND ALL 'GENERA'L + PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY grapes 3 Variety, Habe5e.? ,Bros; plate of plums, C. Truemnner, Hab- erer :Bras. Coll plums, 4 var. 'tlab- c y rer Bras., C.•Truemmnpr; Co can- ned fruit,..A. Johnston ;& Son, Dr. 'MacKinnon, Eaton's Special E, le, E, Snowden, Conclu,ded fei ow next bate)