Zurich Herald, 1924-10-02, Page 5uz$ay, October 20, t92# BUSINESS CARDS FLIM EYE.I t E. ,;1Baariatetr, Solicitor, Notary P;ublie tat' r, Office onu Hamilton Street, lug off the. square, Goderich, Prier- aettet fylnds to loan at lowest rate. Gla, Holmes will be in Hensel' on Felday of each week. PUT YOUR /ants, Fpr Sale 4Ost, Found,! Notice, Ete. •Ads IN Tax9+ cotobtrt. 'School Supplies we have on hand a complete -I- Township Clerk line of 'Public,; and High School ,t�drew F. Hese, fleater of marriage licensee ext Books, and Supplies. , Notary Text , I blle Insurance, Representing and ' other -articles, slightly dam- iIi�a Commissioner, Fire and Aut Y Scribblers, Foolscap, Stationery, *MO illialtan and Brie Mortgage Corpora- fir„ The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, . Knapp, D. D. S., L D. S. ;.DENTAL SURGEON sum OFFICE - HEN!SA.L'L OSCAR 'CLOP? :Graduate Carey M. Jones Nig ` i{ l $1 :School of Auctioneeringg�ocr; ,tee for Registered Live i Breeds). Terms in keeping 'Pith prevailing prices. Choice tsps for sale. Will sell anytingi r,here. write, Zurich. ,11phone . i8-93 or licensed Auctioneer '.messed Auctioneer 4for County sia Huron:. In a position to con - Suet any auction sale, regardless to size or articles dna ell. ot ascflicit your business; charges \not satisfied will make no ,ey,rvices. :,Arthur Weber, -Dashwood. 'one 13-57 Zurich Moat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool OASH FOR SKINS & SIDES ungl3lntDeiclort ZURICH LIVERY ' aged by iamoke at Half -Price. 8-3 I1ESS-MILLIKEN, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres farm land, being north half Lot 8, con. 11, and East leaf Lot 9, both in Stan- ley Township. First named par- Little Wilma Smith is spending eel has :'suitable Yarn buildings, con- e, week with her grandparents, Mr ,si'sting of brick dwelling with slate roof, bank barn and other out- buildings. Six acres woodla.nd,nice orchard and .is well watered. Con- venient to school and church. For further particulars apply a(o John A. Mansons and Charles Beaman, R. R. No. 1, Zurich, Ont. Executors of Edward Curvin Estate. 5-4 LOCA Die an ' Mra alaclCzntlafe at. TQroz1,to the peat iXQel4•.• air. Sarn Gottschalk of Seaforth. is yieiting relatives • here..., Mr, C. ITartleib ,of Goderielt,Was in, the villeae one day lest week. Mx. Wm, Hess of Pontiac, Micli. viited with his brothers over tine week -end. Mesa. Ed. A .t hats returned- from a visit with her daughter in Lon- don: ZURICH l:i'EBALL Poire .r• Mr,'alnjd Mrs, D. Mcisaac of Cred- iton were Sundays visitors with Mr. and Mia. A. Melick. .Ren.and Mrs. J. H. Grenzebach and son of Shakespeare, visited friends: here over Sunday. Miss Gertrude Weber has been on the sick list for the• past fear days suffering from a severe cold., FARM FOR SALE Conisi'ating of 100 acres, being Lot 11, Coneeslsion 5, Stanley Town- ship. Twelve- acres of summer fal- low, twenty acres seeded down, ten acres of bush, a good supply of water, buildings -are modern. In- deed it fire farm Reasonable te- rms can be given to purchaser. Forfurther particulars apply to Susanna Elgie, Seaorth, R. R. No. '3; or Wimi. Brydone, Clinton. 1 am in a position to accomo- Gste all requirements in the Livery aline, have Auto for hire. line. Any - /thing done in the teaming GEORGE J. THIEL Alone 53 Zurich NOTICE CEMENT WORK -I am in a pas ition to do any' kind of a ceanent job, such as supply tanks, foound- ation walls, bridges, cement floors and walks, etc. e Work guaranteed prices reasonable. Apply to Mar- icil Corriveau, R, R. 2, Zurich; Phone 16-93. -- t140 I, S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST Viraduate of the Royal College iii Dental Surgeons of Ontario and •Y the University of Toronto, Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every afoul Office, Exeter,Phone 34. at Zurich every -19 'Phone 79 LIVE FOU LT R Y WANTS Waken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. pe mot teed fowl camePolieba morula 'brought in, l °ighest Cash Prices --- C'LS'H FOR_. Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Mane 04. Zurkh • ` C 24 l� 19 • EA.SQ • Buil NG AND SUMMER R DELIVER - a,• TES "ANTHRACITE -We are now .rc- '.eeiivi4tig our genuine Delaware & 'Hudson direct from the minus, Nut 1itove and Egg site's. ,SOFT COAL -Just arrived,so an 'O her car of our high goat hhit for Mats coal has made a g liboulehold use acid our sales of this lia;'ge over doubled ,in the last 'sea- 01:1LETS-Ottr Bonlet Coal is ro in a class by itself and is gr- ialtitir in favor rapidly., , ' OUR Telephones are 'at ' lour ervice. Use theta freely for in 'des+mation. & PRODUCE MERCHANT Trona" 0W.. House 10j, 1—I Nfice 15ALL ONT.,1 Agents Wanted and Mess) J Smith. LOCAL NEWS FI.l+TIE'H ANNIVERSARY The Golden Jubilee Servieeae.,of the , Zurich Eyangolical Church laet Sundry,, Sept: 28th, 1924,, were e. great eacc ds, especially taking weather conditions into cousider- ationl, The services were well at - ended. In the morning the pastor, Bev,,. J. G,. Litt gave a s,hlort eynop- (sus of the work of the field, be,ggin:= ning with 1916, whoa their denom- ination began itsf.'work in Canada. But it was only in 1850 when the first Evangelical minister preached .the gospel in, Hay Township, in the home of Mr. Christian Oswald. The name. of every' pastor and the len - gin of his pastorate was given as also the first clans leaders, and where and when the first Evangel- ical churches were built in this com triunity, leading up to 1874 when the Zurichchurch walsIbuil t under the ,pastorate or the. late •Rev. Geera Braun. What wonderful changes have taken placedown through the re (fears. So many o fthe fathers and Miss Elda Kennel of Blake is mothers -the pioneers are no more, spending a few weeks with, her and of the 35 preachers who ser - sister, Mrs. Ezra Koehler, Viedon this field of labon only 15 • are living. What a 'history is re - ales. Maggie IVIcC'ormiek and lean icarded la heaven of these men of Albert of Detroit,'' were visitors • God-. What a noble •work they with relatives here;. did, no talwayss Tully appreciated. Mr. Gorge Eckmeier of Broad- ',What a grand band of men and hagen is visiting with his os,n Mn: ;vvomen who stood by them and Harry Eckmedert of the village. supported them Heaven will re- ward. Henry Rupp of the 'Fill- ;ward' The Rev'. J. P. Hauch of Waterloo preached a !earring ser - age had the misfortune to fall 'diad mon ittr an attentive audience in fracture two ribs. the morning. Mal and ,Mrs. J. Warm of Sealy • In the afternoon the Brethern rth .spent Sunday with relative's G. Holtzman and J- Preeter o here. ' gave appruprinte addresses in behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw of tae Sunday School, and Bro. M. C'rosswell, Mich;„ were' week -end'''s Geiger for the congregation. This itoes with. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. We- was followed by a tinsel address ber. from Ben. 5, R;. Kneehtel of New Me. WI. Meyer, Clifford., Ont., Hamburg. spent Sunday and Monday at the In the evening Bro. H. S. Faust Lutheran parsonage with Iter*. and se•Detroit, lVlicle, gave an interest - Mrs. Bembe. tug adclraas regarding, the time and Rev. and Mrs. S. P. Knechtel of incidents when this church was bu- New Hamburg spent` ale 'week -end 'lilt, he having been one of the bu- st the -home of the latter's mother, elders. The earnest message of Mrs. S. Rennie. • the. eti ening wive delivered by 'Rev. Mr. and lI! s. E. W. Stoskopf of F. B. Meyer,; the last of the former Kitchener, ;s -.end at I' astors. The weather was now pent the week he home of the Matter's parents, MOM! favorable and the church was t 1ila..ci to its utmost capacity. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson. The carefulattention to our customers' orders and the splendid -stock supplied for years past war- rants as in having a representat- ive or two 113, this county. Liberal Commissions. Free Outfit. Write at once for Exclusive; Territoey, THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON COMPANY •' RIDGEVILLE, ONT. STAR NURSERIES Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR ,FORD CARS. GU ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tf18 GOAL Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -17 Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. - Ss, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON: The chair furnished excellent Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber and t usic for the occasion;. Long will daughter Miss Lillie Eilber ofeCr- this day be ren,eiubered. Visit - edit= were visitors with Mi. and ors were present from near and far Mrs. WI. C. Callfas on Friday.- . A pleasant break in the regular Mr, and Mrs. Win. •'rinkbeiner program o fth:e .afternoon was the and daughter Mise Hazel, of St-. reading of a complimentary ad-+' ratford ~Yore week -end visitors with dress r, Sunday School Supeo rintendent i tendentr. 3. e for almost Mr. and Mrs. 'W'm. •Hoffman.. Itt years and trastee o fthe church Mr and Mrs. George Wilhelm , Mese ay aer5. The Secretary of the and Mr. R. Rowe, of Milt+ertot, .School, a-2isa Mildred Hoalman,read were Sunday visitors- at -the home the .adclr.x s vi appreciation and the of Alia and Mrs. C. L: Simumith, Vices rrea dent Mr. J. E. Gascho, Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Meyer and made the presentation sent<•ition of a fine Bible.., O:1 h „eve of the depart- amof Ayton. were week -end vis are of the Erecter family, as small haus with friends .here, an 1 tee- recogn:'ties o' his: faithful sire -ices. eived a. royal welcome. Ma. Pre,' r.• merle a :suitabel reply. We have few good $eeo d buggie for S 4 Nov is the time to get that Auto T op Repaired REPAIRING Painting Foed Car, One '''oat, $15,00, Two Coats ... ,. $20,00 iCo•veriag ford Top Good Material, less curtains ...... $12,.00 Changing Ford Curtainle to open, with Doors ,.,, .., .,..,. $5,00 Paintin ; Buggy ... , $0.00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT . RERUB13Eti YOUit BUGGY WHEELS. HESS ZIIRICH +4,4,44.144.444,444.4•4•404.4•4•44++++41,..r. , .)..p..F++++• +++++++++++++++ ++++14 Bird's Neponset Roofs 4. • 4. 4. 4* 4. PHONE 9 Mr. and Mies E. We' iter of Varna, Mr. and /damn arnitb and family 'spent Friday at the home of J. Smith. Mrs. Jos. Schwartz, v baa ape "al:gynigo, the Pike's Peal: of Sue- ent the mast two weeks, ...th her ease," to a good and resopnsive parents, Mr. ,acrd Mrs. J. Fuss, re- audience. 1 urned on Saturday to her home in The next on the program will Detroit. be a. ' Better Than Ever Fowl Sup - The West Huron Teachers' Con- per, which., ie to be given on Tues- vi'ntion will be held in ,Victoria day Evening, October the 14th. The Sr-lr,00l, Goderich, Oct, 9th and 10th committees are already , at work \Viten every teacher in the in'sp- mal.i.l% preparations for the ev decorate is supposed to be present. ent, which promises to be no ord- inary affair. USE NAMELESS Cold Remedy • for the treatment of Cold in the Head, Hayfever, Neuralgia, As- thma, ,Hayfever, Deafness, Sore eyes, Piles, etc. It is easily apl)li ed. It is pleasant both 'to taste and smell. Priced to 'sell, 25c. Sold ir> Hensall at Hemphilis Drug Store. In Zurich at Wagner's Con- fectionery. On N,., * 1.1y evening the celebr- ation ca :n' to a close, when Rev. W,, E. Dannelly, B. A., Exeter, gave his spi raid brilliant lecture; Mr. and, Mrs.. H. L. Albright and son George, are getting settled in !he house formerly occupied by Dr. and 1VInsi, P. J. O'Dwyer, who have moved into their new home pur- chased from Mr. J'. Preeter. We most cordially welcome Mr.:and Mrs,. Albright as citizens to our village and hope they will like it • At McCormick i31oe1r, Zurich, ev- in Zurich. • ery Thursday and Saturday. The entire horse °a\4'idclower. Main Office peter" owned by Mr. John Decher, HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Jr., passed away on Monday, An apse>ss had. formed on iiiaods aisd. Dr. Catt of Dashwood ws called In to open it, and after it had been opened a few days blood poison Ing. set in and the 'animal passed away. "Widdower Peter" was one of ate beat Standard bred horses in Canada to -day!, and' the logs which is partly covered by insurance, will amount to t1 couple thousands of dollars to Mr. Dasher. Mi;. and Mrd'. :3. Preeter and family left on Tuesday afternoon CASH OR TRAM) for Naw Hamburg where they will WOOL Highest Prices Paid ac cording to quality FOR SALE A 'good baseburner coal stove, a 22 -cal. Savage repeating ru1t�, also a good second hand barber clipper Brown and Sharpe Bre- sant maitre, Apply to E. Oesch, 'barber, Zurich. ' "GOOD OLD PAROID" WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE ABOVE PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER WALL BOARDS, ROOFS INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS t. AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC- ats' IALTY. ea C KALBFLEISCRa m ZURICH 1. e,.4..,;..g.;.•i:•• •e'44•4.4.4e++++•e•4.ee+ r r ++++++.3-1-+++ a. �✓r++•§••9•+'* +•7r•+' »r' • s de inj future. It is with regret ALL WOOL BLANKETS, YARNS that we, see them leaving after be - AND WOOL BATTS. M,A L ORDERDryry��PROMPTLY FIL- LED. Phone or tiente for price's to t17 ing worthy citizens of Zurich for ntwenty-eight years. But what is our .loos is Hamburg's gain and wo WWI, theca every 'success in r•1, '4 ' new home. On Monday ev- �=r i ruing the bus�iu i s meta et town ga Ne'wtOlri yY OOl� ll 1 1 - s tbettd and presented Mr. Preetc.'r with ar?i address and a handsome NE`�� t —•.• Ole! I . .6mla iai,.g,. to; sh0'V in a small ry pY TO1� Won the c;�te�ern mid reaslsE..ct Tic has .m. 0. WAGNER, proprietor. with our lousiness rues. +d+ 4+ i:HOBBERLIN READY WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITINGS AND SAMPLES. 'HOUSE FOR SALE In, Zurich, a good roomy house,. is warn,, 'and well built of brick, fine location with some fruit trees` them on, for particulars apply to Mr. E. Truemner, Zurich. 13-1 NOTICE We will run, our cider mill every Tuoscday and Thursday of each Week. Also have .a large copper kettle to let, for cooking apple but ter. . pfenno Steckle, Bronaou Line Stanton, 13-5 Three delightful cruises have been awarded to agents of the Canadian Pacific Railway for services` rend- ered the company during the past year. One of there, J. J. Forster, ,gtieral agent at Vancouver, will sail on a routed -the -world cruise an the "Empress of Canada"; W. C. Casey, general agent at Winnipeg, Will spend sixty-eight days cruising the 1Vleditereanean on the 'Empress of Scotland," while. I). R. Kennedy, teetotal agent at Buffalo, will enjoy to twenty -nine -racy cruise•in the West Indies on the.. Empress of Britain." The trips were awarded by the coma parry mrecognition of .last year work iti connection with cruise book - r6164 :.,:qtr+» -+tee . tit + IN ALL THE NEW SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSING s. 4+ .r 4 +1+ + HAVING TAKEN OVER THE AGENCY- " OF TUR BEST KNO WA SEMI -READY CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (HABBERLIN &'1° + 00.) WE ARE IN !,POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALIVIOST + ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS ANDA+ a OVERCOATS AT l' ,PRICES SECEND TO NONE, .l. THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES HOBS TITAN •1+ 4. 4. R MEMBER The Ear'iy Bird catches the Worm d +1+ • TAILOR AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR% DAY AND NIGH i Pi{O.,NE No. 80 +3 -+1.-d-1•-3-4-3-b-II+-4+-��-�i--+4^-,Y-&-•�-+�--b-I-i-i-* ulllnllllllilllilulilllllllllilllllllllllllllullllilllllillllllllllllllllllilillillllllllllllllllllllm11111111116IIIIhIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIhlliliClmil llllllilllolllllllnfllHlu lllllllllllllllilllllllllli6 am 7 E. E. ZJRI[H HERALDS 1924-- Oiubbiru List HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD and HER A.I. D and HERALD and HERALD and HERALD and HERALD and HERALD and HERALD and HERALDL HERALD HERALD IERALD HERALD HER.AL D HERALD HER A.LD HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 and Kitchener Daily Telegraph _.. _., $5.10 and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire _,: $6.00 and Toronto atardily Mail and Empire $3.25 and Toronto Daily Star . . 86.00 Toronto Weekly Star ...... ........ $3.25 Toronto Daily News . $6.00 London Free Press, Morning edition ... to ^0 London Free Prase, evening edition $6.00 London Advertiser, Morning Edition _,$6.00 London Advertiser, Evening edition ... $6.00 London Farmers' Advocate ,-• $2.25 Farm andDairy . ••• $2.75 and Farmers Sun ............ ....$2.85 Weekly Star , $2.75 and Family Herald and W y and Canadian Countryman and Weekly Witness and Farmers Magazine •....$2.25 .$3.15 $2.50 and Youth's Coinpellion ....,. ••...$3.75 and Seaforth Huron Expositor .,.,«. ... ... $3.25 ..:'$2.•75 .. $3.15 and Ontario' Journal and Rod and Gun in Canada ,,.:..,.,.. __-... G4:, mw� la ,FYMA� 'tu. Q.WF:9� EYAw'lftai� '� Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. See us for papers not listed above HERALD OFFILEi ZuTich ll nill01111IICIICII10llll►fl11lln0>llflllllhlE ISIllEfilllfffl.