HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-10-02, Page 4'" comfortable when winter
'apes:. We want to show you
" 'idly Happy Thought Fur -
a ;,des are the finest heating
i 4ystem at any price. They
Omen akfuels equally
• �erYHappy in-
;ataon is guaranteed by
''*tie makers of the famous
appy Thought Ranges to
-4f,ive.ideal heat distribution
P ' minimum fuel cost. Decide
► •Irrif to be comfortable next
1 �.., ter.
P ;Send direct to factory for
iftateresting free booklet "Live
11.ir .Heating."
`'t70 years of satisfaction have
i at.xlilted in the purchase of
• ire than 300,000 Happy
r 'aught Ranges.
Of Farm .Stock and Implements
qzz Elia Lati.8 axed 9, Staulel*
Tp., 3 inilee !south of Bayfiold, on
rRIDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1924
The undereigned Auctioneer hats
been instructed to well by Public
Auction, Commencing at 1,.110 o' •
clu<:k shop the following i
LIVE7Sr.VOCK-1 horse 8 yrs,
old; t morel 8' yr.s1 o. d , 1 horse 10
yrs,. old. 1 yearling steer; 2 ye-
arling heifers,
tili :er drill pearly .new, M, -H. mo-
wer 6-ftt cit nearly new, 111.4I. cul-
tivator 13 -.--tooth with two !sets te-
eth, wide and narrow nearly nevi ;
Tudhope and Anderson wagon ne-
arly new', set of trucks, 16 -foot rack
Oliver sulky plow, Fleury plow ne-
arly new, set 4 -section harrows, st-
eel road ser.,aper, pair bob 'sleighs,
'set double light harness,2 sets sin-
gle harness, buggy, ;,;rindstone,
post hole auger, cinthook, 150
f000t rope and numerous other ar-
ticles. Positively no reserve as
the Proprietor has sold his farm.
TERMS OP SALE -$10 and and .x
cash. Over that amount 3 mon-
ths' credit will be given on fnrnigh-
ing approved joint notes. 3/ off
for cashon credit
Oscar Klopp, Aw tionecr.
George Dewar, Proprietor.
vase tag er parents, t' ' h +e t:zs, has returned hind interest iu us and as you le,-
to Lo'ndoli, lave use to enter the Training Cole
very painful h.ct,
+ e
ident leap- f lege e pray. that you may have
,�. k v
-weed to •.Master John 'Do'~ielxey, on the best success axed tbveo';all 41010
Friday 4vening while playing, Fell
from a ti ee and dislocated hilt an-
john will be laid op for
some time.
J. C. ji6eid & Co;., !shipped a car
load of cattle to Toronte un Sat-
Harvest Home :services will be
conducted in tliei Lutheran Church,
non Sunday morning land evening,
Be.vM. Bruer of London will con-
duct both !services. a Wilhelm,
Mr. and Mrs. Georg
and Mr. R. Rowe, of Milverton,
were Saturday visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mi,s. Hy, Schade.
'"tom the matter of the estate of
mater Curvin, late of the Township
ees•Stanley in the County of Huron,
7ctice is hereby given to Tlia
ii iced Statutes of Ontario, Chao -
Of Dwelling Property and Hseou
hold Effects in The VILLAGE OF
ER 11th, 1924, Commencing at 2 o'-
clock p.m. the following—
Bedroom suit, 2 wash stands,
toilet set, writing desk and book
case combined, 'sideboard, leaf
table, couch, sewing machine, cook
I rove for coal or wood, oven fur
•yOU4 may :see many souls won. oz
('wall, We 'Shall miles you but shall
tnisSe you;: but shall never forget you
nate So Wit (yeti may be reminded
of us accept thins'mall gift as a
tolteau et, our, regard for you..
The Candidate thanked th•eni
for their kindness and , assured
them that :she would never forget
diem and their kind;,ress:
The Ms meeting was held
the church or :Saturday .Sept. 27th,
the meeting opened by: Isingin'g of
hymn; 587, then read :sari -pure les-
son Prov. 4;1-13 Sarah manatee, act-
ing as leader, then aieapting M
B. Prayer in unison. Reporte
were .read the roll call was taken
sang hymen 746 and Mrs. Lundy cl-
osed with prayer. There were at
members present and two visitors.
It was decided that the Red Side'
would have charge of the next me-
Quite a number from this vic-
inity attended Zurich Fair on Fri-
Rally Day Services were condu-
cted k Presbyterian church
coal oil stove, sink, 6 kitchen ch-
airs, washing euaclein2 and ringer,
wash tub and board, lawn mower,
wash' boiler, iron kettle, 2 frying
leans, granite kettle, crocks, fruit
jars, cellat table. meat tub, wager
barrel, garden rake and hoe, coal
scuttle aftd ash sifter, bedroom rug,
some carpet strips and numerous
other articles.
REAL ESTATE—Consisting of
one fifth acre of land, being Lot
K, S.. 46', Mary Street, Zurich. Th-
er: is on �i he prem'.is" s a fairly good.
frame house in good repair, with
good hard water well; .will make
a. fine home, as the lot is nicely lo-
*ev 1n, that' all creditors and others caged.
Reeve of this Township, the clerk`
lye instructed to nail a copy of the
said resolution 1elnds asseo the ssed !es now
For the
otiF zuizl,g
,sand drain',
The following accounts. were pas-
Theca ,Dietrich; gravel 6.75; Ed.
Sweitzer gravel 15,95; J. Ziler gra-
vel ,81,40 ; Hyt• Clark gravel 35.65;
Thos, ITrevethiok rep. Ball teats 2.50
Sinn; I'elaz d', gravel 1.40; C,N.Ba.Ex-
,press .60; J. Wison rep. dran and
tile r, 9,, 19,10.
Th!e council adjourned to Meet
again in (the Town Hall Crediton,
on Monday!, the 6th day of !Oct.
1924 at 1 'p.m), -
Henry Silber, Clerk.
The collectorzs tax roll for the
Township of Stephen has been
pleted. Tlie follo'Wing are thef
ferent itemis of taxation;
assessment of the Township $2,-
764;568. i
764 b ti
County Rate _., ... $8710.86
Townlship Rate . ... 5529.1'3
Good Roads Rate 4147.76
Police Villages ... ...... ..:1527.76
Creditor;; Drain ... --- ... 434.17
Statute Labor ,._ , ... ..1457;25
.Dag Taxes •,
Credit'nu & Dash'd oil tax 556.50
Gen Seh'ool Rate ..., _. ! .9964.11
Special Sch000l Rate 7624.76
Sep. School rate ... ...... •1503.39
Hay Tp. !Telephone ... 2461'1.45
Crediton: will be ' favored with
two fowl ,suppers this year, the
Methodist :supper being held on
Oct. 16, and the Rvangelical Siip-
per" on Oct. 30th.
Exeter Company of Huron: aBat-
tallion have comatnnced training
Exeter, under Major W. J. He4tman
The Company numbers over 40,
and they, will train two nights a
Week for two month,.
• A province-evido search is being
'Made foe{ a 16 -year-old Barnacle)",
boy `believed to have been; 'the per-
son who brutally attacked Mre. B.
Come early tfte other morning at
her ° farm home near Yarmouth.
Three stallion owners near Or-
angeville were fined $25 and ,costs
for infraction of the Stallion En-
rolment regulations. pastor of
Rev. W. E. Donnelly, p'
James St. Meth. church, Exeter, de-
livered his famous lecture, "Marr-
iage, the Pike's Peak of Success';,
eted in Blake re' at a gathering. at
on Sunday last when ,a very int- 'lase Monday,
ereating programme was given wh-' 'Parkhill.
a of preparation, much
ich was much appreciated by th-
ose present. thought and patient toil went into
Me. Val. Gerber Sr. !spent the 1 the making of the 5th annual Eur -
week -end with friends -at Caledonia ondale :school fair, which was held
Mrt and Mrs. A. T. Douglas aid on September 12th. and the result
certainly justified the effort. There
Thera5ds h October 2nd, 192!
Fenee Vietirers Fees , 3,11! �,
S1 Jipl a' tUxi ii a -, c u�,..,, .585.37 .;
Diteireel .& W t a o Feed .
Canlada Co..Drrain , ., . __652.6
Total $46,087,22 '
Int the above total, are Devic
the different special rate's for t �e
Police Villages.
Gog Tart
:Special Levy
Statute Labor
%it ng claims agaaest the estate of TERMS—Chattels ti ttah; Real
Vat said Ann Curvin, who died. on 1 Estate made known on day of sale.
its thirteenth day of May, A.D.; Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer.
ealeela, are required on or before the arise Jemima Johnston, Proprietor-
..; i'teenth day of October, A. D., - esa.
.C4124, to Bend by post prepaid . or
saielivered to the undersigned •exec-
,'lre of the estate of said deceased
•»' elik Christian and ,surnames, ad -
Asses and descriptions, the full.
y, icul.'ars. of their claims and the
' ,iture of the securities of anyi
ild by them.
raid further take notice that af-
Vaaer such last mentioned date the
retaiii1 Executors will proceed to dis-
Withiste the assets of the decease
cangst the parties entitled there
amu. having regard only to the cl-
of which they then have not -
:p and the 'said Executors will not
Ziellableefor the said assets or any
-1.taliattit thereof to any person or per-
, Weelea of ^whose claims shall not have
€">en, received at the time of such
Dated this 22nd dny of Sept-
neeta'her, A. D., 1924. Albert Vincent
'read William Vincent. Executors,
Dashwood, Ont.
daughter Norma of Hyde Park, via
:ted at the home of. Mr. -and Mrs,.
R. N, Douglass on Saturdays,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston Ac-
companied by, Mrs, Edighoffer, sp
ent the week -end with frineds at
Fullerton 'and Mitehe1l."
Muse Anna Pearl Douglas of 13ru•-
cefi,eld spent the week -end at the
:home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Dou-
X R -
Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and
forget not all his benefits; tvho
forgiveth all thine iniquities; who'.
redeemeth thy life from destruct
ion4.—Ps;. 103 ;2-1.
• 4~--+
Peace I leave with you, my. pe
,-iee I give unto you; not as( the
world giveth, give I unto you. Let
not yoour heart be troubled', neith
er let it be afraid.—Jn; 14;27.
Take no thought 'slaying, What
egeell we eat? or, What shall we d
ink? or, Wherewithal shell we be
Lalst Friday the children of the
S. A. Sand Tray Class met at the
home of Mrs. G. Freckleton for
their tea and to bid farewell to
their teacher Candidate Clara Flut
chinlson as she leaves, for the S. A.
Training College in Toronto. Al-
ter teathe ,evening was ispeait in
games, music 'and singing- anti the
presentation of a ,beautiful tout,
Iain pen to their teacLae,
lollo�ving add'rese was r
Deas Teacher ;—
e We have met together this
evening to bid farevv`'eli to . you as
qur teacher. We thank you for
was keen; competition in all lines.
' The death 'occured on Sept. 3rd,
st 'Saskatoon, of Wm A. Manson.
He was born in. Brucefield in 1880
and wast he second son of the late
E. Masons, who was a resident in
Brucefield far a great number of
years. The Mason fancily left for
Saskatoon. 'some year sago and ha
've been established in business in
the Royal Hotel there ever since,
But 'seek ye, first the kingdom
stn Huron Road one Hole west el God, and his, righteousness; and
T Seaforth, containing 75 acres. all these. things ',shall he added. un-
lirkareare on the premises •a good to you& -•Matt. 6;31, 33.
• This is the confidence that we
.ave in him; that, if we ask any-
thing according to his will,, he he-
aretli use --1. John 5,14.
.7S2italick home, a large bank barn
411::::13, a large driving shed, 4
'sabres of young orchard,nd a good
,ae ik. The land is in a go
•41 ,cultivation and well drained..
'O'r Mydro is installed in house and
- :agate also telephone and rural mail.
"Seaer a are three wells and w a ter in.
"'4'she barn. Stock and implements
emelt be sold with farm if desired.
There are 10 milk cows, 30 pigs, 3
-Verses, good bull, a good line 01
aplenienta, 40 tons of hay, 1000
testi.. of oats and ,house furniture,
Leann 'will b>? 'sold reasonable on
'ateount of owner's health and pos-
•sion may be taken any time.
;Veer further particulars apply to
llkeeitry Lebeau, RR. 2, Seaiorth.
e young pigs, 6 weeks old,
''''ffesera and Ynvk cross. Apply to
'Vele Sparks!, 'Phone 78 r 111, Hen
The Council of the iToein!ship of
Stephen convened in the ' Town
Hall on T'uesday', the 2nd day of
Septemiber 1924 at 1 p.m. Aliment
bers were present. The minutes of
the previous: meeting wereeread and
adopted. '
The •comp.un!icatioa from the
Huron County Children's Aid and
Humane Society was read and ord-
ered to be filed.
1VCoved that in reference to n
copy of a `'resolution passed 'by the
Connell of this Township of Hay re;
Hay Swamp Drain and served on
Lorre, joy, peace, longsufferiiig,
gentleness, goodness, faith, Meek-
uess,t emperence; Against such
there is no 'last/J.—Gat 5 ;22,23.
Owe no man anything, but to
love one another; for he that lov-,
etli another hath fulfilled the l:aw
Love, worktath no in to kis neigh-
bor; therefore love' IS the fulfilling
of the laSv;.—Rota. 13;8, 10.
$e)1III) a,,,1 S Will bp bola at Con,
.tttet'crrl Hein), E'eli'SALL, on Sat-
e ^:lite, Oetob'er nth, 1024, At 1.30 p
;l;,,ri'. the folowing—
.;1.7;7;ood well broken mar 's and gel-
.ing, weighing front 1200 • to 1500
;31. 'each.
+ , e -yet old mate :spertly broken,
.,fzis'a offer d for sale will he bit -
4010 to wagon and driven.
'TERMS OP S,1Ll =-6 months ere
. :11t'efei.11 ho givon ot"v' appi'nv,rl io'y t
left ine 6 per rent. letertst,
• j lope, .Attctlotit:ei~.
'el:meton, Clerk.
It Le.tauuotit P.i"Op'
Sunday . ectober 5111, will be ob-
served as ':ally Day in the Calvary.
Evaiige fool church. There will be
3 services; Public Worship at 10;
rein Send.ty School at 11.15 a.m.,
and Sr. League at 7.30 p.m. A
tire-prnyev service will be held at
7.00 p.m,. and a Song Service at
7 20 p.m. Offerings will be for
Mn. and Mfrs. Ed. Appel of New
Tl:tmburg, spent the week -end at
the home of M. and Mrs. John
ECuttitz, 14th con.
Mi;. rind Mrs. Td. Appel of New
Hamburg; Mr. end Mrs, John Kula
tz and sone Arnold; Mr. and Mrs;
T.,aa'IS Kalhfl.eiach and arfmily Mr.'end M. Jajte Sclavinakerr of Pig-
eon, Mich,. spent a moat enjoy-
able time. at .the borne of Mr. and
M, s tones Schum.a.cher on Monday'
y4I'; a elfyrtle Young of Blyth;
�t istt'•d with lilies Richmond over
tele w (`
ear -rid
rl".v end M s T, Tl Gteprebae11
1,4a son of Sh.,laesli Ire, visited
,rie ls hr, r•e over Sunday,
sr lttli.as Eose1la,'ICoolie Who has been
$355.23' •
Dog Tax ... 34.00 •
(Special Levy 468.14
e ..292.50.
459.0th •
Statute Labors
Oil 'T'ax ... .
• I
Dashwood, 34.00&5
Dog Tax 134,00•
Special Levy ..-.•.. ...
Statute Libox 168.011.
Oil Tax ..,... 97.54„
Grand Bend
Dag :Special Levy, '
pLev , 673.
Statute Labor( .... new.
Total for Pol. Villages $3084.41
Flenry: Either, Clerk.
Mhe re Here,
Those Snappy Suits and
Overcoats for Fall and
Winter Wear
Customers can now choose from the -
very newest Imported Worsteds,
Tweeds and Serges
You will like Our Work
E. E. Wuerth, Tailr9 Zurich
issue of the Plebiscite of October 23rd is: Shall the sale of intoxicating liquor as a beverage continue to
be prohibited, or the traffic be re-established and conducted by the Government? ¶ Since September 16th,
1916, the legalized sale of liquor for beverage purposes has been prohibited. During eight years The Ontario
Temperance Act has wrought a moral, social and economic transformation, gradual but real. ¶ A new. genera-
tion knows nothing of the evils of the liquor traffic before the O. T. A. came into force. Older generations may
have forgotten. ¶ Think of it! There is not a man or woman 29 years of age who has legally seen the inside
of a bar -room or liquor shop in the Province of Ontario. ¶ Booze is banned! It is a discredited and dishonored
outlaw. Now,' it wants to conte back, It seeks not only re -instatement; but that the Government itself shall be
an active partner.
Do Tou Remember?
'The old-time Bar -Room and Liquor Shop,
with their disgusting sights and sounds and
smells; '
The staggering, cursing, drunken men who
,jostled us on the streets and on the cars—
particularly on holidays or at public demon-
strations—and who filled our jails;
The poor, battered, ;bedraggled hulks of
men mid women—God's children, our broth-
ers and sisters, every one of ahem;
The destitution, misery, wretchedness,
squalor, filth and disorder in many hovels
that might, and should,, have been homes;
The vice, the immorality, the crime, the
debauchery, incited by ;liquor, that appalled
good citizens.
The o.T.A. Has Made Good
Contrast those conditions with the situation
today. The Ontario Temperance Act has
brought immeasurable improvement. Drunk-
runkenness has decreased. Crime has been lessened.
Homes are happier. Children have been
given ' a better chance. Savings Bank de-
posits have increased. All down the line,
PROGRESS has been written into the history
of Old Ontario!
The following table shows that, in Ontario
under the O. T. A., there bas been a sub-
stantial decrease ih the offences that are
usually associated with drink: • '
1914 1922
Assaults 1,627 756
Cruelty to Animals ' 1,172 256
Vagrancy 4,703 1,507
Keeping and Frequenting
Bawdy Houses 802 352
Loose, Idle and Disorderly 6,411 1,736
tkuukenness 17,703 10,063
"Does Prohibition, under the O. T. A., •
result in more comfortable homes and
better supplies of food and clothing for
wives and children?"
When this question was asked of leading
Ontario manufacturers by the Ontario Board
of License Commissioners, 1,165, or 82 per
cent., answered "Yes", while only 239, or 17
per cent., said "No".
All systems of Government
Scales Have Wailed
So-called "Government Control" has prov-
en a dismal failure wherever tried. Drinking,
drunkenness and bootlegging have reached
appalling proportions. Every Canadian Pro-
vince that has tried any form of "Government
Sale" has already learned a hard lesson.
H. Stevens, M.P., in a public address in Van-
couver recently, declared: '
"Never, in the history of the country, was
bootlegging, comparable in magnitude and
murderous results to what it is today."
Or, MANITOBA: Figures furnished by
the Chief of Police of Winnipeg show an
increase of 45 per cent, in the number of
For the Honor of Old Ontario
mark Your Ballet thus
u:.7' X,
Are you k favour of the con'
1 tinuance of The Ontario Tem.
peranco Act?
•.surs s ,.,,.. ,-.,.,
Are you in favour of the sale
ri as a beverage of beer and
At spirituous liquor in sealed pack.
a get under Government control?
• .o
The Ontario Plebiscite
ry 2 Toronto Street, Toronto
drunk and disorderly cases in the first five
months under Government Sale, as compared
with the corresponding five months of the
previous year under Prohibffion.
And, finally, QUEBEC: The following
resolution was unanimously adopted by the
Presbytery of Montreal, April 15th, 1924:
"That we regard it to be a patriotic duty
to make it known that the drug traffic flour-
ishes here as never before and is on the in,
crease, bootlegging flourishes in and front
this Province as never befog:, that drunken-
ness is on the increase and that the Quebec
system of Government Control is socially
injurious and not a success."
Ontario Must lied the Line
If a majority vote for; "continuance", it
means that we will have a better law more
effectively enforced, with correspondingly •,"'
improved results. The Government, through
the Prime Minister, has definitely pledged
itself to "strengthen" the Act and "give it
active and vigorous enforcement".
If a majority ,vote forr' "Sale", it means the.
re-establishment of the old, discredited Liquor
Traffic, in the guise of respectability under a
system that makes the Government the •bar-
tender and every citizen a partner, acting es
sales agent for the brewers and distillers and
making profit for then: out of the destruction
of life and happiness.
The. Ontario Plebiscite Committee, uniting
the temperance forces of Ontario, calls. upon
all who love their Province and wish its con-
tinued and increasing prosperity and the
happiness of its people to VOTE FOP. THE
LAW that has accomplished immeasurable
good, and not for a return of the traffic that
has wrought such havoc in the past, and
would do it again.
Gz B. Nicholson, Chairman