HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-10-02, Page 1Vol. XXV No 1a 5 COURTESY No matter whether your account is large or small, you are certain that your affairs will be handled with equal promptness and courtesy by all employees of The Molsons Bank. G;. 14. J O;Y Manager Zurich Branch' • ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER 2 acv TTE1TION!. Just R ceivel a. olect°iii of Fountain ens Includingthe Famous WATER - MAN'S IDEAL. From. $1.50 to $6.00 Also a .complete Line of Pen -i ells and Inks. DESS the Jeweler ".4* 4*4.40,4,04444ivt• 4.44404.4.e4r4444044**4.64014.44**e ri s 4 .4•. asonable Hors Goods i Bust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Horse Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. Also~ ,a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices 7.00 to ... • .-..-..., 03,41 Ranging from $ ... ... _.. _..... SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL, A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on .hand, Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right .Prices. ifliARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY , Mr. frank 130'ssenberry of Kit- chener is calling in 'town: inany.were in the midst of bean Mi>• Laeirt itc'N^ Rau, ;spent Man- jrar;ve'st. The exhibits, needless to day at Lon (924, Z t ich Fall Fair Last 'Friday', Sept. 26th as an netuiiced was the big day of the •Zurich Fall Fair, and the weather `Tian w'as so kind and granted an ideal nice and warm day, eonseq- ueritly a large turnout took place, Which'Would have poosihley been. enven larger but owing to the back- Weed ack- ir, e d seasonl, Farmers made use •,p1 the few days of real sunshine, London,. say, were.•a11t hat could be looked Messrs. M. C. Milliken and J.acob for, especially fife inside-compet- :laborer 'spent Sunday at Clinton. iti :•n: Ovals, keen; and again demon - 11r. and Mrs•. M. E. ,Schweitzer sfr aged the. wonder.•fulg rowth of are visiting at Guelph and Ketch- the various lines of grain and hor- ticulture.. The. live !stock exhibits seer.. were as usually and. created" con - Mr. and M. John Gellman lett' steerable interest. There was an on Wednesday for Detroit and 4x� ptinnally, well showing in eat other points in l4liehigan, ;le and ,all liner were well. repros- 14Sr and i4lris: Q. N. Taggart of trod: Ther day was then completed South `Bend, Ind'. -visited relatives .by a well filled House in the Town Sri Zurich over Sunday. Hall; wlrio gave attention to ' tlae d M Morris Weber of co n.“,. under the auspices of the Mn. an re• Socety. Following is a, dist of ends � Bayfield were visiting among fri' e the prize winners;- ends and relatives here a few days last week. , HORSES Mr. and Mrs. Hy. S. Faint and General Purpose -'Brood mare, daughter Mrs. Blau .of 'Detroit; ace:.?,pierce' by, foal, .H A. Fuss, 3. ware week -end visitors with ,elan bManSon & Son and 3rd; roil. S. ves here Grob. F. Haborer, H. A. Puss; 17'e. Mr. and. Mrs. L+nas Cressman o' .old, S. •Detrich, .`4i, Derher; 2 yr¢ Now Hainberg, visited with their old gelding' or filly, W. Decker; 3 daughter, 111r. and Mrs. Orphan yr .old, W. Der.kar; II. H. NeeU, sps.n�lin luirness and wagon W. De - Weer, SH IIP Leielieeter.--•Shearlin • ram, w.bre Allister & Son; Aged ram, G. Jac- obe, W, McAllister & Son; Shear - ling ewe, W,. McAllister & Son, and 2nd. Ram. lamb, E. IIaberer, G?. Jaeobe; ewe lamb, W. McAllister & Son, ( •l Jacobe; ewe having rais ed lamb; 110. Haberer, W. McAllister. & Son(( . Linncoln. Sheep-Shearl.ing ram, G Penhale, Tb M. Snowden; ,Aged ram T. Snowden,; Shearling ewe, ,G. Penhale, T,: Snowden; Ram lamb, G, Penhale,.T. Snowden; Wwe laiub Tj Snowden and 2nd; ewe having raised lamb G. Penhale,, T. Snow - dent. 1 Shropshire--Shearling ram, J. Manson & Son; Shearling ewe, J. Manson & son and. 2nd; Ram lamb, Ewe lamb land Ewe, J. Manson & son took all these prizes. Fin!e'� `P4roo1-4Sheariing ram, "`r. McAdams; Aged ram, T. Snowden Ram lamb, T. McAdams,, T. Snow- den; Ewe lamb H. Yungblut, T. U Parr Ltnec eke,. Mrs'\. 1V• ;g„ Major of Toronto, A 7> yr. -old, r 1 nee Miss Ada Siebert, is visiting at b �c lural -1W. Thiel 4 her parentsi,'Mr. and M. .W'. L. 2 y'rsi. old, .1 Willert, E. Haberee, e Siebert of town, pr. Moir. 4 4 4 t 4 4d PHONE in 4 +r.o.es04®444e.,3a•a4®44444 44.4e44-4a•41e. 4. +.&41+^:3• 4.4,4 +4.441144. •4, •i••4••1•.1.4++1+++++1+1+44+11+.1.11 w WE ARE OPEN TNG U]:` S OME OF THE ,FINEST SHIPMENTS WEAR THAT HAS EVER OF FALL "A_Np W INTER FOOSTORE. AND AND THE PRICE AREBEEN SO l'•"IfPRESENTEDIN OUR ONSIDERED),,THAT YOU 't: COMPARATIVELY LOW (QUALITY C 4 CANNOT HELP BUT (BUY. '.4 LARGE 1 HEAVY FOOTWEAR FOR • SHOEMEN S SUITABLE FORA SCHOOL 1. RANGE OF SUBSTANTIAL S 1. ,� BOYS AND GIRLS. COME IN AND SEE THEM, `� vvrJr>�.----- e do a lot of Sloe R9pa rin, Because We do it well :4 ' ti IT SON SHOE IVIERCHANTS 7„t. ZURICH ThTAR O -, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Appel of New Heavy Draught -Brood mare, Dr. Hamburg re atzion,g tri- Mon, Foal De Moir; I yr. old, avisiting enols and relatives here, and arelLerrie Ganser; 2yr. old, Lorne Ge - staying with Mil. 'and Mrs, - m.,J Ise . Chester -'T.. 4 nal ar �1 1.2 * 'Ji'esr, 1 *WOW $1.50 SBR A.RS, $2 MAX BBOBA.EC& TABI;Tw Snowden; Ewe having raised larldrif T, Snowden and 2nd; Fat csh'ee^: any class, G, Penhale, ;E, Ha.herel4„;;. ' HOGS Tamworth -Aged :Saw I. Max a it Son, T. McAdams; Aged. boar Ji<, Manson & Son; ITr ,Snowden;; S tag, hoary, J. Manson & Son, T. Snext den; Spring sow, J. Manson &a r, Snowden.. Yorkshire -Aged 'sow, H. RE` Klopp; Spring boar, Gr. '1'enheaici Spring' sow, Gt. Penhale; ,Beryabi.4. ire aged sow; G Penhale. DA O'Dwyer Special, J. MalfrA Leon & Son; Stade s: Weido, Special! J. Manson & Son. (• POULTRY Barred Plymouth Rocks, -cos . J. Thiel and 2nd; hen, 3. ITbie V Terryberry; coclzrel J'. (Thiel wad ;V; pullett, J. Thiel and 2nd.; Whlt: - Plymouth Rocks; cock G}, wood, T. Snowden; hen, T. Snsra ,. den, G,. Heywood, eockeral, . Heywood and 2nd,.. pullette ,T :sr (Continued on page 8) s • Roadster Nn Decker S G Law- '1" i, r�11•r+ :•+'n •11+4+•4••Jr13 •i +1+•�r11+i• 1-114 'r•4•+4+II•+fi+4•+fi�4+1.4•++i+•4++4°•4.1.1 444 iso tit Iilopp: - , axo t eons, S. Hey; `Foal, S. Lawson, •: [ c and i 1M?". and Mrs. Horace Tilopp tJ 1�A Mei. and Mrs. Win. Klop1? He5r/,' 13j McLinchey; 1 yr;. aid, J. dap visitors at th�irome of Ma,• [ Ar,usttong, Buggy horse inhar coats Caps ��qd 211 Win, Klop'r ltes's :trd 'U �' J 7� h S 141 l and 11Ta^.� �' (' W. d d ,4,1,8111.441 4+°4++4+x++4++4++4++4+1+4+1114+,•4, '14�1•1•�1J4^1 •+++11+11111111 ATTENTION! We desire to c tit ya � at alio 1.t0 ' position :the fact that We are in a pl to supply- your Fall. and Winter 'Requirements In good. heavy warm Underwear; Flannelettes, Wool V � S'WEA'TERS, CAPS, BLANKETS, FLANNELETTE, BLANKETS, SMOCKS, .HEAVY SHIRTS, 5 OSKS, MITTS, AND GLOVE. riii GOODS ARE RIGHT', AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT`. Fresh Groceries Always on Hand N. DMIGLAS GENERAL 1► IEROHA N7'' P HON E 11 .w 97 BLAKE 4 son Allan, and family of Stratford', were Stxt?^ Decker Jr}., I. Armstrong; 2y' r, old � -O-- ° 13oys Saha, Ove i1 Be 1 1 'buggy, , ec her r., p n - [r i M1.= LLJoselrh. i4leicl ager returned ening and reports, crop's las „ood •air• n son, a y river, Jt Decker 'Sr C urk gee Horses -1 yr. old,.. W. 4. Decker, S. Manson & Sons; .T. De- cer, Jr.; yrs Decker Jr. p - from the, Cane; West on 'l.r.esdae e 1 t some districts, and .lso states -roe, .3 be. n k 2 J D 1 S S that harvest help is scarce a a g t in a ss �. hlo�d thI o�1�li our Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 'paters and iVI �: anal Mrs. P. Dei chert. are attending the fune>aa;X of the late Alfoon Lie bold at Stratford on Wednesday:: A �s.on, or �Mr. Fred Leibold, Messrs„ J. ,lley, Sr.. and R. F. St- ade moved some of the effects of Mr. J. Preeler. to New Hamburg on uTesday; returning with loads .of affects of Mr. and Mrs, B. L. Al- bright. k an merles' r eld•n,•s -' harness 'r � g o s'' an dWia on Geo Thiel C Fahner- Single horse in buggy, J; 'i: oun;, , II°. Ne.eb; J. ncy Jr; 14Malsons 4 we arepic-A_ outall odds and BAnk Special I;: H. Neeb; A Mel- older ,��qq ick special �i( Decker; Brown Bros + ends as well as Goods "' nd. special, Wf Docker, J. Decker .Tr. them on the Bargain Conn- ; special, Tor: Decker. J. Decker Sr CATTLE LatvsonL �• placing teen at a redaction of from 50 to 0 • • Registered Durham -Cows in. 4 i'�' ee At. blow regular prices, an Milk or in calfs. R. M. Peck, and 2nd .The Zurich Branch of the Wom- R. McAllister & Son, Yearling, R. ens' Ins`:itute -viii hold theiro Oct ir, ecle, 2nd anal 3rd; 2 yi old alar meatrng rn the evening , It M. Peck and 2nd, Vr, . Me - 8th in the Ladies Hall, all ladle's a1lis�ter & Son; Bull calf, R. M', % are cordially Inc*rice to attend. peel:, Wl. 14teA117s`'er & Son, and 3rc1• Other Than Pure Bred Durham Mr„ H. Te Albright who has par- •-Co�crs, H. A. Fuss; j. Pfaff and 3rd chased the general store and stoelc. lite ...ii calf, J. > ianson &Sen. D. from Mr. J. Prost r s hiving the 1 will continue to sell away until*, these good bre cleared out. • We have several thousand dollars worth of new Goods on order. As we are a :i: e. r cuheffer, G. Jacobs; Yearling he- ,4 f and refitted fifer, D'. Aenheffer, E. T. Klo}�p• ..x. interior ll.:tl ;ii' 'l''e C',nt5 to our ,ore, Tamil 1 w interior remodelled and whewn finished •1,-111. h,t� e a Intl 3rd; 2 -yr, old heifer, E. Ttlorp, n;Ice clean store!. He is T. fitting Pfaff and 3rcl; Fat row or heifer rip a roan: on the second ,floor 1.11;,,, 'Hab�rer, T. Pfaff; 2 yr, old st- ?vhieli will be given to the ladies ib �,er•, :J E McKinleyJ Pfaff and Ertl; yearling steer 0:. •Surerus, J. Pfaff and 3rd; Steer calf. 0. S"u- erus; ;Fat steer, J. E.. McKinley 2nd tnd 3rd; Holstein cows. G. Farwell Herd of Cattle, Grade -J. Pfaff and 2nd. Herd 'of Registered` Durham -R. K. 'Pack and. 2nd, W. McAllister. Sall., T? L. Warm Special -R. ivt. Peck •Yunahiiut & ,Deichezrt Special -J. E, 14CcKinley), x a waiting .room. SMITH-BRODERICK A pretty autumn wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn Broderick'Parr Line..(lay Township, on Wednesday Sept- ember 24th att, 5 o'clock when their daughter, Lillian Nae, became the bride of Orville . Hewson T p. both partie's of Hay Rev. A, Stnsiair of Mensal] offic- iating. The. -••bride cantered the parlor on the arni of her rather to thestrains of the wedding March',, p'.a3: hd ' by Mrs), (Rev.) A.+ Sinclair, and took her place ben- eath an arch of evergreens and asters, . The bride was charmingly attired in .a French sand georgette dress heavily beaded, and wore the custom ry bridal 'Feil caught back with orange, blossoms and carried a bonctua�t; •o1` Sunset roses ,and ma - Wen .hair fern. Miss, Ethel Brod. erielk acted as bridesmaidand wora pretty dress of green cry stet crepe trimmedwit4, lace abil,".ML, Henry Loonra supported the groom. After the ceremony and congratulation - t wedding din ner war lsexyed in the dining' room which Was prettily decorated . in; pint and whitel The. guests nutty, bered aoltu : thirty. The gro(ftns gift to the bride wain a check, to the bridesmaid, a gold engraved bracelet,,and to the groorasanai gold; tufa' links,, The presents to the young couple were maul Rud, Wady which 'sho'ured the high * - teem in, which they are held The. Herald joins their many friends aria, extending congratulationsl. • 4. 4. thele open these Goods fore your mspec I4 A. SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED', ,IND Ili u m SQUARE DEAL EACH AND EV. + ;5c T3 9'1 ASSURE YOU OF A +4,44.. 44'4•.g•'4"II'.;•'4•'4. 0.4",..h.4. 44.4. +444.4. x 4.44, PHONE 59 ti ZURIC t 4•+4++4+++4+1++4++4-•4.4+3++4++t •+++.z.c..F.4,+++•4• 1••a'••i+o` 4 .1 1-1..g•.i^•;.•y.^4^i, ; 44 N LOOT E GOOD SHOES c� THE SHIP WHERE REGULAR PRICES HAVE CREATED Si1SNSAT 07, OWING TO THE BROWN EROS. NEW LOW -16 PRICE POLICY NOW IN FORCE, ANNOUNCES THE FIRST SHOWING OF NEW FALL FOOTWEAR. SPECIAL ;ICS FOR SCHOOL' SI3:OBS Sole Agents for the Fantc is Grab Shoe For Men and Boys RO . atKL 4:f.C1 T LESS , ►.R.EPAIRING NEATLY DONE ip See Our Window Display MIWYMAMMIWANMAMIYAMMARWANWWWWIRMWMWM