HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-25, Page 8li a T. eo N }1a11 d WinteT Bea Owen dunng l •t. Ve o r 4 cels•or. rasps ..after talon i 1 ;he 1ir, • 1... st”.: y.'it O�..r:,:U '.Wi9ag'�agOOfi'..��' . o o o -d.i.s t�_�1�a ra � li trouble -to r}w th obi - New all wool cloth in wool deeps of fine weave,. with si'1k threads woven through in pleasing Block .Patterns, S;' i on's hest. Shades. Checked Wool C epes New AP -Wool, Serges, Poiret Twills, Wool Poplins; Santoys, now opened up of very, fine quality, priced from 75c, to $3,75 a yard. Plain Wool. First quality goods Navy, Sand, Nigger and" Tangerine Special value at prices we ask for 3t, r'; w MEN'S KHAKI WORK PANTS ALL WOOL SERGE 40 -iii. wide, six colors at Yd. ...75c 1 ALL WOOL TWILLED SEF(. E 34 -in. wid 1, Drown and nary, good weight, at per yd, ... $1.48 LADIES SILK Sr, WOOL HOSE Reg. $1.75, Clearing at pr; $1.00 MEN' WORK SHIRTS Well made, now at each 9Sc BULLDOG OVERALLS Bat grade at ,each ..... _.:$2.50 in Black,•All sizes at eae11 ... $1.78 MEN'S ALL WOOL SWEATERS Coat S=:ye, each -.. ......... ...... $2.75 MEN'S JERSEY . GLOVES At a Pair A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GR.00EREIS ALWAYS ON HAND. Celery! Celery! No." • LEL 'ERY FOR SALE, GROWN IN OUR OWN GARDENS CAN FILL ORDERS FOR LAhGE OR SMALL LOTS. ALWAYS FRESH. Underwear, Sweaters Colder 1veaigter requires New Underwear to keep you •«-arm. Let us show you our various lines, in all wool, wool and cotton and fle- eced, for Men, Women, Boys and Girls... We carry the celebrated Monarch -Inuit Sweater Coats, in new Styles. at reasonable prices. 0w MAKE. Those lntereseed in Mission Bend work, will pi'lxse remember that this Saturday,Sept, 27th 27t1i is the day we meet, Mr. and Mts. Reichert and lard.. nily spent Sunday at the home a1 Mrand Mrs. Joe 13echler. Miss 1Y1,Lr itret Moyers silent 1+'i•[' day at liar home in the village. Mrs. Chris. s.. Rechlor and fam- ily sp drat Sunday. at, the home or UN. Clarice 1Sr4.':W,J Stevens of i1 ueefial 1. who was, visiting, at the home of;. Ir. anti Iii , W. J. Tough, return, r'`1 to her home on Wednesday last Al's SU i'? 1'I alttOtil'spent 'a 'C\' weeks at the hc,tn° of Mi. livid 111.x;:1. Jae Sclia at tzentruber,. Mrs, Wait ..r Kelly of London; spent:t1week-end with friendson the Goshen Line. The Oraario LOCAL. MAR E (Corrected every Wet nesdav) Sutter per lb., Pc tlatoes per bag liE 1 al,p)l(ss per lb, .. 7e. 'etch ;netts, per lb, ••.-•7c' Oats 50 Barley "' 70 a cis.wheat . 75 Wheat. per bushel, ... ----_ 1,20 Flour per cwt. ... 3.75-4.00 ii;lxorts per ton,.,. .32.00 ai itr per . ton 30.00 •issive ITo' ss ... .. . . ... ... .. 175 .,1.00 b 1st Act. . 1922 And Amendments And The Q.rlt ario Temper ;Ince Act, 924.: ELECTRICAL DISTRICT OF LJU t1. • HURON NOTICE 02 S :TWOS OF :R V-'. astern Far rs' NiteittA Weather insurance Ca OF WOS T OCA Carry* an Insurance of over', .$27,000,000. Number of Policies in 'forge .11;257. Paid Lo,sses in 1923 to amount of 550,113.20, No ass- t'ssmnt during the year and have a:, balance on hialid of $3.1.,700. O'i r 10E tS; TAi E :- O.i.> .1.0 that sittings of the jl,tt,` S llg US 1Ct?i.`a 1OL c. w put--. 25c'. pose of hearing uoiixp.aints oi. 1p- 1i' L)i t'... lyd 'i.0 tni: Voter's 1,s...a to 0..! J. at the Voting Lipa der .Lh,s L),l"xt'tU ;1.enap lama Stet p„.(ia,i for ..ha krioeLiteai )i 7Un, ti 11) wilt be hotu at the foi.O.ti"i:lS uadpiaces '11etne.y. -educe \Va: ' ed Phone 67 " eh's Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tabs, Repairs A N D GENUINE F PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS &1f Pie Ra tAT EI GAM a LW 4V1. IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY; WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE' OUR PRICES TO EXOELL THOSE OIC T. EATON c0., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE, ,r - 'E MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOTJR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY 011 .RGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR \TECH:.LAICAL.'ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. • 11 1 1 1 1 ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE ousseau • • • •9. 5 Conl.) t trry .ta d, Clarad yed ,aViairian 1 'c/1.• rel rust; 1.x)1' int h1:Iawst 20 .Carl .�..3- ; oz. C � years, , d Galvanizing per. square foot, at •Q 1 t? 0 5 _ urich Al :i 1i s1L1 AG,E :HALL, EX- ETER X-Eil{: i, on th . 2'.t day of OeLoner, 19.24 to h.:,s:• complaints as to the list or vol., r5 or aii polling sub - di VI .1.,J,, ub-diFis[u; S S.t)r the Vtliage of Ex- eter and t.h,tt IIis lie aour,, ,fudge 11.N L v1 s,l b Ile ,is lig .ry f.(.e• and h,s Ct>r t\ -lit 1)3 d,Wc:p,l en - Or WilOa' address is h ot,C) ;` tii s.cting. WIL commence at 2 o'ci0et p,.lil. bed -wit-, :Ontit1i.1, until 1 p.111. or until ih: appals have 1bea11 dis- posed Of. s- posed:O. AT TUB . 1'OWNSIIIP 1, ALL, -ZURICH, ICH, o n. i:.11.?:' 3i.1 da 'os Oct: obi, 1'321 to 11 ar complaints as to the ilst A)1. voters for all po ling subdivision, forth': 'Io wns'p of Ha;y and tile'_ 1). MeDonald, Local Beg- istrar, S. C. (5, Goderich,: will „. be the Rev.siag Officer anct his Clerk will be Andrew !['., Hess, whose address is, Zurich; the sitting Will eointne.nela. ac 1+') a.imt. and will con-. t1nua till a.13 p.m:, or until the appears havo been disposed of. AT THE TOWNSHIP BALL, CREDIFON, on the 30th day . • of September 1924 to hear campla+ ints as to tha list of voters for all 'polling 'sub divisions for • the Township of Stephen anct that His Honour Judge. Lewis, will be the Revising Officer, and his Clerk will be 1I. Babas whose address is Crediton, the sittings will cotlxlu,-, ence at 2 o'clock, pan. and will continue until 4 p.n1. or until the. IF)0f ++e14D001::100.: • Iiiai..'fil ailMO OCSieti)8(i3,10:40(8)9g! 5' MAO IJ tl 23 Guav, , Or'dinary, at 25 per. 100 Square Feel.. 75 per 193 Square Fes 000.4101146001, SOO 5 a§ a 53 53 [ , ': 0 5 0 • ,5s `to F3 53 0 53 53 t3 t? 0 • ZU " iCH ;w G. Holtzman—Zurich AGL?T1, ALSO DEALER IN LIGE • 1Th ING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, tf-34 Display at the 93 a rb Smart Styles and Quality c,./mbinod J4'lih Economy.. , YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL . 'AND INSPECT THE, .CHOICE NEW MILLINERY SpEn;IAT� ATTENTION . GI- VEN . TO FALL,BRIDES' AT- . TIRE. s Thursday, Septernbe' 25th I Tha st with tea L1 lga a ..0 1 A imt Is in stoke,. for e•ve- y visitor to the. .i': risen. nisch :Booth. at the: u ri.eh, ) }v. Tho h' not l:iear�.� the. glorious tonal beauty of tai Mason e .Piano 3'RANZ LIST, THE GREA":[:E8"T MUSICIAN OF ALL TIME, SAIL) 013''3'1TE MASON & RISCH PIANO, "IT IS EXCELLENT, MAG- NIFICENT, UNFIIQ IJEL'LE 0. ARTISTS, JUDGES AND THE PUE LIC WILL BE OF THE SAME OUINION. The full, clear, singing to Ira of the Mason . Risch Pianohae- �eaptirated the' greatest anus:cal artist of both the past and present generation. An enviable thrill of pleasure'awaits the hearer of a Mason. & Riseh Piano- for the :hest time. And an ever-incretising- pride of posession is the eatisfactioii it brings to the, hone it adorns and dignifies with the charm and beauty of mus,io, for alit ine. Be sure and 'See it, ,and hear it at our Fall Fair and be con-+• vineed of'those outstanding Features. COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARES SEE OUR LPN OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT IN STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU; S O � �3 r1 OUR 4O "1/4„ . 0 , and R, a r & Furniture. Phone 63 uta rse. •�•••.'JA.GA :-.t$31�9L ' IG.�ISSI LQ IINIM M” ZURICH, ONT. AT THE TOWNSHIP BALL, VARNA, on the s0th•day of Sept- ember 1924 to hear complaints as to the list. of voters •dor all polling ub-divisions for, the Township of Stanley and that D. McDonald, Local Registrar; 5.0.0., Goderich,, will be the Rev isi:ng Officer and his Clerk will be J. E. 1Tarnwell whose address is :Varna;i: he sittings will conanlence at 10 a.m. and will con- tinue ttintil 2 part. or until the ap- peals have been disposed of. AT WALItLR'S HALL, BRUCE - appeals have bean disposed o£. nIELD au the 1s•i day* of October A.1' . THE PO Rfi, SHIP BALL, EL'1IVILL.E, on the 7th day of October 11)21 to hear coiliplaints' as to tlx:* fist o;: voters for ati polling sub -alis isions for the 'Township of Unborn`' and that His '' Honour' Jud.g<v"Loms. Will be the .Revising Oif cel+ and his Cibss'k will be Henry Strang uhoaa address is :1? 11 nsa411, the'' sittings wits'commence at 2 o;eloclt 17,n1, zun(1, will continue until 4 'p,t17. or until the . appeals have ba.uu.d:s'1)Os c1 of. AT II iii` ilOLia3°rS 11ALL 1110E • o••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'I* O Oily J. ers 0 PERSONS HOLDING VICTORY BONDS DUE NOV; 1st. 1924: SHOULD MAK.E.RESERVATIONS FOR. THE NEW REFUND ING DOMINION OF CANADA TWENTY YEAR 4;1% LO it AT ONCE, Price 97 with Interest payable half -yearly, Oct. 75th and ' April 15th. • Bonds .cap be :Registered. These bonds 'can be; also purchased by new investors at 97. For further pear-- ' ticulars apply to— ~' Aire_ F. Hess, Zurich • MY MOTTO ;—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL?. 192# Lo hear complaints as to thel .list of• voters for all poling sub-.a.A ;divisi:ons 'forth'. Township I,of Tuekersnlith a '? that D. McDon- aid, Local Reg s`'rator S.C.O., God- erichwill be the Revising. Officer and his Clerk wild be .D. F. Mc- Grrgor, whose address is R.R. 3, S north; the settings will': . com- niCn:eta it: ',0 a.m. and Will,• con- tinuo until 1' p,rn. or ,until • the disposed a1)peals Erre. _FDC. AND F1 R'CITI2R' TAKE NOTI 'E i that any vol °, lla desires to cam- iIL'3VILLiI, on 'the' 3i'i[j , day . of I plain that his nave•' or the name 0c.:oi):.°1' 1.9:1 to hear cpulpltlnls as 01 any person entitled to be en - is) 'the list of voters, for ail 1)6.4 f at'd 011 •.iia sand list, has been ing ub tlivis oars for the 0.13 ti'd fro: n the s3 l,e, or that the p ()f God. 'Heil that C., Seater, n a1i':'i of any pol'sons who are not .'ttxtr>.x': , GodeLleb, wilt b4' xatit'c1'to" be voters. ,h ve been rv,vl� 1 ys the 11'. s: n11,>,xrl ehereon, may, two clear' , Jiil(.i:r titi�tl his d.'lorl� b' t% u. , h.)f,x1 son xt"hoSO •a.d days' 'before: ill' coat xl Y10Y' sent Of 1 11) s11 i3tl3' will tppl;s complain or .. i to0.1' 1 11 ct ll c.oai '111 r^ 1' in 111, r> his i )r� lc or the w, OU.'•. U tit 2 p 7.11 Ot n,li; l t11'.ki• �, .17'l17 t> „ any, 91,11:'1 .perP, entered l s11 h i s;• been (lista/sod of 'i tax, Or „trio Ysi Cs o n the last, •&. ,. oITA Painting and Paper' Hanging • am in a posit;lon to do any kindi of paper .hanging, painting, graining and dee.- orating. A .!).1 l.'QWN.1IA1)lJ l[i°1 hl�ilY 1 L 1'J 1t[ i T 1?,.Ta NOTICE + i.' O)olct[ i t th Su } a.op` 1 s irl uD4 t 1, 1)r not- ' L .1. .11:1;1, 1,) 1!. 1 :' ) )I 1 1i xto s f 0 ll)1 .1'x t1oP lrh in t 1, l 1l sciib .cl .II. tl . yiti'Dg:' ,{il. II mai l a •r.l • P. 111:cDo tttiid; i.,'1.at li• ,,:ti, si: f'.,[)d.0.,-.(m.,,rryb file `t) iii' B12�sa:tnJ Oi1U14tr .xni1, b'; 1 1 ,vitt bo : A,t c.-: Il%44oc11:r 1 s' is 1T(,rl X111 j- the -tit 1'l: _;1) ,rile',x1n6 tit '1". c; l condinn' until 2 'i`,in i -' appeals have. been dist.,. 1x a'11 :1 1)P 1111 1 1)0S"!d ,oL. • • h • 7' T'OW'N HALL, EA -4 T•,';�1) '-h 291:11 clay of ,ti'iit 11=1' 10'1 D heal 0x11' 1 .x.1;1 t) fax" 1st of Motors for all palling, 111 :.l 1i )a for the Village g of 131' t 1 •)xd that Slit*ri,iff d', G, ,.lodolich will tic the, re- .r n'; C) it -"n atid''lsts cloth Will be T7. w ?lit , r) ' ho:1:' address Is Bay, f'•'ll; a;1, sittlnss will comlltrxieo at 10 1,.17„ mind will Continue,.14.0111 1, Teton. .'lr until the appeals have been, d!sposed of, i0li11, '3 ,e tE, a1 1)y -the conip)aiilant xn 0,upl c 111:) and : i`E o 1 'to' the ,-Clerk o4, ;th -e OFCscei' or left for'b'rIl at,; his a.dilioss aa.s statacl .;i- bore. t'ixw 1 s'' cl y i. f.n .dn'ii'er:rig 511011' 111' ' t �,. .1:011 CMS '29tli September, 1924. ti, r;-, Schur! ilior, 192.4. .,Stopllc'n, 27t11• Sclrt•ent'her, 1924 177 D )l'fl , Std 00to111=r, 1924.. Cx 1,'+'r'r''11 Tp., 30th Sept., 1924 214b Sr.pt, i.'124. s 1111'1' SliI•li S(pt. 1924. 'Cuckersmith. 27th Sept. 1924. lI.'axs'.ii 29th Sept, 1924. 4 E, N. LEWIS, C„haIn-non of the Election Board for the County, of Huron, Dated 7.4 ( (11205 011 thief 13th day i f Septeinbex, A.D. 1,92.4 H. EICKME1ER, ZURICH -- ONT. R, •i ) .LIN WARD CHT1ROPR ACTOR & OPTICIAN' Heavy Shed Frames to YoUr clot Lenses at SIM, • Broken Shish. Rims Replaced while you 11 Spectacles Complete large itan t' $2.00 up;. • Main Sst, I`xi+i rl.' , Phone 7111; ' \V LPL:ti Hol -' ;,E, ZtRIO=1, Every Wednesday; 10 a.m. tOt. 41 4.44+44 + 44 .1.4. i t1 • :114, 1 3 4 r � Kro- ' .fi��v a,+ THcl4r WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR •>». THAT WL a.AN' `SI;PPL r. YOU WY"r`ll 1,1;1N' 9 11 4 6I)1)'NG Vl'1':171'IO"NTS AND A7:,.,,)17+‘iCEMENTS 4' THAT WE PRINT CALLING 1 I,`G CARi S; S •.1' 1 r141,i,[3S,. ,SUC: '1 . LETTERHEADS, 01 H.bADa h:; Vf.LopiT3 1.,,N -Et � .A.:�BILLHEADS, t �. . 9 1 ,, . ,1 4° .. A.l L,:SI.r.N1.S WI? ARE' ttt:,F 141^09I'IiVO Il 1.,,:r; _.ifN3h"t:C.1 4. IMEItcl (1F ('01 N l ER' CI11_°Ci.: 11i.)l)l';.. 'tt.Tw r.1 C -J.a ;sup_ P:,ti: AN' QUAiv.3'1'l,i' Ai'4 ) SM ,,31''€..aD ;'t BOOKS .. 'I1lEIA,..i :I' 1'. C-#,RR''"'I.l'+; STOCK Will 1 :"'1. i',1 °.1 iRS FN 61EL.. '1' OPE* 1" ALL SIZES CARD 1, 1„1?..R. \l.101h' .QD>`:”. ,,. • fl' 11CIN s1 1' AP UR, SIII PPIi ' ' t.')'.{' 1. ..s1Ca,.al::)11.IAA1 V - 'L' At:l''Fir§°v1:l:V', NOTE BOOKS, RI;C€':,u".Pell I1C`iORS INTWO 4.IZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC, • TH T WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY S11;43i' 7.I'"1?l BO".i itt i' 4. ' WI III GOOD FOUIITTAIN PEN IN it ,,,r'.. an. Likti GER QUAN"rI'1'II S AT BIGGER ISI>lr)i'I"TIONS,, THLT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, .Ut,..-'ICN SALE POS 4. " PERS. :'T,tLCANI MD POSTERS .it it A..L GENERAL L P.P,l.N"T1NG OUR SPECIALTY . ' . .. , .s ,w, . ,1k. -A3`•��°^F°:++F���, �^�fr��°°ls �'4`r+li'»3'�k'�+��^�+&^� �+�+'k��F! fry^ �°9'�S ti,