HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-25, Page 5sday, September 25tb', 1924 BUSINESS CARDS UDL]1Y E. UoLM S s rriotter, Solicitor, Notary Public lf,tdOffice on: Hamilton Street, '.off the square, Goderieh, Priv- t rates,. mss rvi of each week. We have o baud a complete FUT '17O'OR Wants, FOr Sole, LostFound!, .notice, Etc. Ads .IN THIS COLUMN t d'a to loan at lovas 111.r. Bol ll be in Hewlett on SchoolFridaySupplies line .of Public and kitglr_ School Andrew F Hees, Townsh1D Clerk Text Books and Supplies, '. ear of marriage licenses, Notary r re r Commissioner, Fire and Aut., Scribblers, Foolscap, Stationry, and other articled, Slightly darn - en ]ic, °R.epreaentinl;CeorD°ra- diSsobile Insurance, ,�,�„ Erie Mortga a aged by smoke at Half -Price, 8-3 Spa, The Canada Trust • Co. Zurich, Knapp, D. D. S., L. D. S. kDENTAL . SURGEON i�•� OWN (MICE HEN'SALL .-R OSCAR 'CLOP! M M. t9•radu�ate Care, Jones 'Nat - Try, l ,l A School of AuctioneerinS' Tr .01103 for Registered tock VAS eeping Breeds).Terms in kChoice With prevailing prices. thin Amis for sale. Will sell 'any g iwh ere. or write, Zurich. Thome Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County nuron. In a , position to con- "itiit any auction sale, regardless ees to size or articles to sell. aulicit your business, and if not •defied will make no charges for la'v1ees'., Dashwood, ;Arthur Weber, leisOTke 13•-b7 Zurich Meat II RKE1 Meats Salt Fresh and Bologna Sausages, etc Sighed Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & BIDES HESS-MILLIKEN, Zurich', LOCAL NEINS Zurich" Fall Fair on Friday, Mee and Mrs. ,A.yotte of Rigeonr are visiting with Mry, L. Jeffrey, Mr. kly. Labeau of Seaforthi,cal- aed in the village on Tuesday. Mr. Harry Howard ofDashwood was to the village on Wednesday, Prof. Alvin, Slarerus of Chicago HEN�Ax�.• is visiting at his home en the ]iron The Trustee boatel of our :Heti- cion Linn „ gel were at St..Marys looking into 1♦were Mrs. A Meors' and lame rthe creating and sanitary farran gem i13* were Salida, visitors' at Gred- e11ts of one of the $t. Marys School. iton;, . Arthur ,Tosca; who has been em Miss Muriel Hhe will hast attend the ploy;id` in Stratford, has taken ov Stratford where she ~rill at et• the: Massey -Harris agancy at Ex.- Normal school, etPr. Mr. and Mrs: Hugh' Thiel ,'and Mr. and Mrs, Farquhar liars: be= IMr, and Mrs. Chas, Weber, 'went en, in Chicago, being called there Sunday in Bayfield,_ ZORION RERA.LI7' A nuanber of thhe villagers' are atteiAdulg Bayfield Fair on Wed-. -. xi;etiday this week, kind it dire IS ate rd ctl day, 11,e, anct M2 . Philip Sippel aed soli., Alvin and Mrs, 'Sipped Sr„oaf Milverton ;were Sunday visit s at the home of Mr. and Mrs Smith. They ' also 'visited ' relati- ves ont he 14th con, and the Bauble Line, , • FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres farm land, being north halt Lot 8, con. 11, and East hlaf Lot 9, both in Stan- ley Township. First named par- cel has suitable farm buildings, con- sisting of brick dwelling with slate roof, bank barn and other out- buildings. Six acres woodland,nice orchard and is well watered, :Con- venient to school and church. For further particulars apply I1y *to John A. Manson and Charles Beaman, R. R. No. 1, Zurich, Ont. Executors of Edward Curvin Estate. 5-4 pe ghat tv 1 / 4�,J . - LIVERY :: -RICH owing' to the Wawa of her !sister' Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich fleus:tll school fair will be held spent Sunday at the home of his on, the first day of October and the brother,,.,Mr. Thomas Johnson, euiplls are looking forward to it, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner of the Mr,. and Mrs. ,1 S„ Casa have re - lith 'coni, and Mrs, M. Holman of turned,' f rrom 'Datrm a olie' sant visit with Kansas were Monday visitors at rel Mina Ada Gram, who was here Varna. visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. The hydro material for the loe^rl Geo,. Gram, has'reterned to her system here has,arrived and the ,Deekervrlle, Mich. first thing done will be to trible, "• Mrs. Alex. 'Swan, the other dav down the trees. had the misfortune while attending Mrs. Elizabeth Geiger of Dash- to h"•r duti'es while m a chair he �d Geiger e �c: r fell and fractured wood, and Mrs. Melinda Holman it .r acniirg over Kansas are this week visiting 'licit `otic :of her ankles. There passed away -Mrs. Samuel brothers, K"lirist, and John Hey. B. Hiimestan'; whose maiden eatee Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn Broderick ways Matilda Henry, who passed a of the Parr Line, announce the mar Way, at the hone or Jeer daughter, riage oft heir daughter, Lillian • I,is. Ed..McQueen• on Sept. .a.5th. Mae, to Mr. Orville H. Srnitb, 'son She was 75 wears of age and was of Mrs, Wm. Consitt: the mar born in Ireland, coming out to Can- riage taking place this Wednes- ada whenmelte young. she leaves to moots her loss, • two daughters, Mre..11, II ggins and Mrs. E. -.Mc- Queen, her husband having pre- dcceased her a good many years ago. , On. Monday afternoon last at the manse, a happy event -took place 'when Joseph Gordon Davis, was unitedmarriage FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100., acres; being Lot 11, Concession 5, Stanley Town- ship. Twelve acres of summer fag day. low, twenty acres seeded down, ten i : acres of bush, a good .supply of I Mr. Robt.- Higgins, of Hensel); water, buildings are modern. In hac received the appointment' acre deed a fire farm Reasonable te- turning officer for South Huron rine can be given to purchaser.I acquainted. And we ac eitizene, Forfurther particulars apply to and will begin immediately to make. Susanna Elgie, Seaforth, R. R. Nod l arrangements for the •coming . el 3; or Win. Brydone, Clinton. Lection, • It am in a position to accomo- a e all requirements in the Livery, One, have Auto for 'hire, Any, Thing done in the teaming line. ,GEORGE J. THIEL Zurich ',None 5* NOTICE CEMENT WORK -I am in a pos ition to do any kind of a cement job, such as supply, tanks, foound- ation walls, bridge's, cement floors and walks etc Work guaranteed Two young men from the vile lage were in Thedford on Sunday night, and on their way home, wh- ent he night was well ispent, they ngot lost by the way, and had to rouse several people to find out where they really were. Mr and Mrs. Louis Kraft, Mi. prices reasonable. Apply to Mar- and Mrs. Geo. Koch, Dashwood, icil Corriveau, R: R. 2, . Zurich; Mies Rose Koch, London; Mrs. Jos., Phone 16-93. t140 Meidinger of Zurich;. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Little and family of .Bensall were Sundayvisitors with Mr.and 4 Mrs. Elmer Thiel, near Blake. Received a beautiful line of Ladies' Bracelet and Ribbon wrist watches, which will . be on, display in our East window, For 'Fair day only at $9.95. Fancy'shaped, igold plated cases with Guaranteed 15 d'e'w Hogs eco d lzaud buggies' for Sale e rT.time to .:.: et • that Auto Now is tb. op JJlepaired , REPAIRING • Painting Fod Car,. One fl ed Two Coats . $20,00 iCovering Ford Top Good Material, less curtains ,..... $12.00 Changing Ford Curtain's to open, with Doors ,«. ... •..«".. $5.00 Painting Buggy 00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBIIER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS, HESS - ZURIOII +++++++++++++++++++++++++*4 re++++++i•+++++++44+++++++d Agents Wanted The careful 'atteiition to our customers' orders and the splendid stock supplied for years past war- rants us in having a representat- ive or two ; in this county. Liberal Jewel Movers cuts, nicely boxed, at Commissions. Free Outfit. Write at Kass the Jeweller. ',once for Exclusive Territoi y THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON COMPANY RIDGEVILLE, ONT. STAR NURSERIES >!, of Exeter, in m to Olive McDonald, the eldest da - lighter of Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Mc- Donald, of the London Rd. The ,bride was beautifully attired and the eerernoniy Was performed by Rev. J. A. McConnell of Carmel 'church. After the ceremony, the happy couple left for Exeter. 'Word was received of the death of ,Wm. Latta at his home in, Seek- ,atchewan,. He was born on a farm. east of the village and lived on the home -farm until owing to ill health he !sold out and moved to the west. but his health did not improves Ho is trvived by huis wife and? fa- ther Jacob Latta of Hassall ; and two 'sisters, Mrs. J. Cochrane and Mrs. W;. 'Boa. ; Bird's Neponset Roofs B. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST eradidate of ` the Royal College 1 Dental Surgeons of Ontario and 4 the 'University of Toronto. `ate District Dental Officer, Mil - may' District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every itelu Office, Exeter. ph Phone 34. Olt Zurich every -19 Pilon 79 O UL.'I"R Y WANTED Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR ,FORD CARS. GUT ARANTEED ;TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tf18 siren every day, till 3 Oclock p.m• }Dd not feed fowl same moaning' .xein fought in, illis hest Cask Prices • •,---CA.,BR F OR-- Gream and Eggs W. O'Brien • Zuri`eh 1p'ibolue_ et. COAL SEASON 1924 t;1pRING AND SUMMER DELIVER- IBS: :3i.NTHRACITB--We are now t e nelr�iug our genuine DelaWare direct from .the mine's, Nut tlikove and Egg sizes. SOFT COAL -Just arrived, grade soft. an - of our high `!tier carofhit for coal his made a our sales of this �r�eixold tree an ' inns ever doubled in the last 'sea- igflIILETS -Our'Boulet Coal is a class` by"' itself and is gr'- , 'd , vii v,n idl J'. t'ii'�'ti'1E! rto OUR Telephones are at yor ar I:Ser,ice. Use thein freely 'for. inatlo'n. AN & PRODUCE MERCHANT 'laorne • Office 10w, ligase 19j, ENS "t;LL ONT COAL Scranton Coal Chesnut • and . Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. ' GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND - Case & Son Ii1r.. Leh - s prang h ',greatly im- proved theappeeranc of his place of business by giving it a fresh coat of paint, alsohaying sortie sign, painting and :decorating do' which adds gr+e'atly to the appear- ance and shows some' other bus- iness places in town just how to brighten things up a bit. Mr. H. L. Albright, who has purchascdt he general 'store and good will from Mr. J. Preeter, has opened up for business and invites the puh'ie into his °store to get wish him every 'success in .his ven- ture, and welcome him and his far It as citizens of Zurich.. will however be the matter of an- oth:erweek till theireffects will be moved from New Hamburg, and they will be settled in the house now occupied by Dr. O'Dwyer, "GOOD OLD PAROID" ,1• WE HAVE RECEIVED ALARGE SHIPMENT OF THE ABOVE 4, e • PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER 'Ili 4. • WALL BOARDS, ROOFS 'INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS • 4 + AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND '4• + SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC- ' ▪ IALTY. .meg, + ,I• T. C. K t 4. 4. 4. �. LBFLEISCR 4. PHONE ..ZURICH.4. 4. ▪ smisinamais + 4^.i.i. '+•'H.•+4++'§4+ r•£>+g..i•+•4. R, ..4.f..,i• • + 4.i i.4.rt, i,i. ,•.g°+ .•g,+4 F .1+°c.rc^:.+•4 i."0°V PHONE 35 HIf,N SALL -17 FARM FOR SALE On Huron Road, one mile west of Seaforlh, containing 75 acres. .There are on the premises a good brick hoes1Qr a large bank barn 7txlio, e laag„,„,s wing. shed, 4 annus o-7. young, orchard, and a good hush the land is in a good State of cultivation and well drained. The Hy dr•r is installed in, house and barn, a"so telephone and ruralmail. There are three ~yells and water in the barn. SLDr.tk and irnpleme13tS will be .Sold• with farm if desired. There are 10 milk cows, 30 pigs, 3 horses, ;pod ball, a good line of implements, 40 tons of hay, 1000 bush:.of oats and house furniture. Farm will be sold reasonable on account of ownler's health and pos- session may be taken any time. For, further particulars apply to Henry Lebeau, R.R. 2, Seaforth. all and rs- So-. at- Tlte r•3 - the will irig program. ee- bee A preely Fall wedding was sole emn'tar..i it. the home of. Mr. and Mrs• Hy. 'n;er, Kitchener, on Wed- nesday, September 17th', when their only daughter Louise Marie, Was married to Mr. Percy E. Schoch al- so of Kitchener', and son of -1VX•xi; and Mrs. Cyrus Schoch of -Bridge- port. Rev.. Dr. H. A. •Sperling, pastor of St, Peter's Lutheran ch- • t n . The en 0 the y •h performed toe bride entered the drawing room on the arm of her father to the littain's of Lohengrin's wedding march `pl- ayed by Miss E. Lomax. The br- ide was charming in a gown " of beaded brown canton crepe with hat to match', and carried �a ' boo gtiet of asters. She woe attended by Miss Idella Schoch, roister' of he groom, and was prettily attir- ed in a gown of cooca cantonere P.reparntione for the annual F Fair to be held on Thursday a Firday of this •'teak under the aus- pices of th:'' Zurich Agricultural ctety are in full swing and indicat- ions are that the event will be record breaker in,. every way. two concert e to be held on Thu day and 'day e. -Fining 'tinder auspieee o?. the 'Society are worthy or Tour attention i s no ex- pense bee been sparred in recur' the best of artists for the progr. Be one of the lucky ones aua 's rn'i your seats early and avoid ing dies.. „minted. SCHOC?i• - PULER Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S., D. D. S. ,DENTAL SURGEON: . At McCoriniek Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. Main Office OD 13APCTLLII3 S BLOCK, DASHWOOD WOOL i t Prices Paid ac- cording rdin to quality cot . �' y'6 +,--1+ + •i;•-,3+ + 3• d+ 4• + 3+--1+ �+ i+ +1+ + +1+ + i •3•* 1 a .I READ( r. Y - ±HOBBERLI HOFFMANI .ii. WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITINGS AND SAMPLES l IN ALL THE NEWT SEASON'S FABRICS, AND EQPRESSING .fi 1 THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES 4. HOBBERLINo. 1e. 1 HAVING TAKEN OVER THE AGENCY OP THE BEST KNOWN $ H SEMI -READY ,CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (H2 EBERLIN & .E. CO.) WE ARE IN :A POSITION TO GIVE,THE PUBLIC ALMOST ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF 'SPRING SUITS AND ; 1 OVERCOATS AT PRICES ' SECEND TO NONE. : 4 4. REMEMBER + 1 FOR SALE 10 young pigs),i 6 weeks (old, Tam and York cross. Apply to Win. Sparks!, Phone 78 r 19, Hen- �sali, t CASH OR TRADE pe with hat to match. The brides- ALL E YARNS :maid also carried asters. The ALL WOOL BLANKETS, sti orted by Mr. H. groom waya ' pp_ AND WOOL BA'PTS. Lanier of Blair, The ,groom's SAIL ORD ' ERD PROMPTLY VIL- gift to the bride was a String, of LED, earis,t o the bridestn.aid and .plane' es tr.. t17 let aulvnrC bar 'pini 'and to tha best c �•-7r+r. About tlnr� Shone or write for p r mate a•o�d cri"f ty guests eat down to a, stm.ptun us Woollen Mills pcicti guests dinner, Later rile. and Newton �. M. Schoch left for Toronto and: NEWTON T ' r.atern Ontario points, • On their yy releun they will reside in 36 Ste•- �'r'• 4Gar3 1�roprietorr awes ,Ja ' -POWELL'S BAZAAR EXETER PLAIN PRICE STORE You will find this store fighting fort hD Turn, we mean by thisi in order to do more Business. WP Must Buy Right and then Sell Right or we cannot expect to make the Turn. When eve sell you a Tumr,ler for a nickel that most Merchants get a Dime, we expect to sell dozens more, where at the higher price only a few would be sold, and we DO. Our Granite - ware offerings, are wonderful val- ues; Ottr everyday dishes are cer- dies else the la a r e 15 Iain,!, vaJu.,s too, or would not be buying them up so fest.ti. We have received the following Biibs;-Tulip's, Narcissus, Daffs, and Freegias, and we 'expect in a few days to have Uyancinths. Al- tho the bulbs, are scarce this year we are selling (them at the same prices as last year, We have pots and bush earth too, at reasonable prices'- Yoti will al'itays find us with the Hest Selling Goods at Moderate pr- ices. The Better you 'Know our Goode the Moro you will Buy, So Get the IIabit of Stepping' in and Lok iroend the only store of its ivied in Exeter. .•.r: t v and Saturday. Specials, 1!3'i1e Willow Dinrrr.evere, we have il�rn,t^rr 9ff-q �1,A( dna ri, rl.,,% 1?i:,ir+5 $2;35 rletief . Cap: aird Saucers $3,0o. 'The Early Bird catches the Worm si i, is HOFFMLN ,•r TAILOR' AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR* • DAY AND NIGII i' i' iU •NE No. 3341. * 4' 4' 4' 4. 8 - ZURICH SCHOOL PAIR POULTRY 7,1, Hazel Uttley; 6, 2, Priscilla Farwell; 7, 1, Stewart Koehler; 3,. 2, Stewart Blackwell; 7,3, Dennis ;13,; dard; 4, 4, Lorne Kiopp; 7, 1, De- nnis Bedard; 4, 3. Lorne Klopp; ,6 SEWING4, Anna Farwell; 7,1 ,Anth. Regier: 12, 2, Anna Drua.r, 12, 3, Wilfred KI- 7, 1, Martha Fie:deman; 7, 2, Vera St wartBlackwell: 4B2,1Ed Bedard; 3, • Kalb"lersrhl ,",:1, Fri:.!: Greb; 7, 4, 12, 3, Monicca Dryer; 12, 4; Howard Vera Ka.lb_rerscxz, 7,2, Greta Koeh- islopla, 7, 1, Earl Rlo p; 7, 2, Plane ler; 7, 3, Idella. Howald 12, 1, Jean vey Clausius; 3,3, Clifford Weido;' II"rner; 4, 2, Orr' -1a Masse* 7, 1, 3, 4, Laird Jacob 4, 1, Leon!. Erb; Pearl pararas; 4, , �"erlyn 'Thiel; 4, •i, 2, Milton McAdams; 7, 3, Shirley' , Rene. E_. ; r 1, le rd;*s Meliei, y -- _ _ , , , `,, 2, Rose ;Sararas ; 7, 1, Vera Kalb- .. •. 7 2 Idella 1":towald; ,, 3s 7,1,Flora Ut- tley ; 7, 2, 11Tay Schwalm; 4, 3, lylil-, dred Ortwein.; 7, 1. MaryKoehemse , 3 2 Ruth Rieb archon ; 3,3, Miner - 7, 4, Rosaleen Sararas; 7, 1, Beula Sararas, 7, 2, Rosaleen Sararas; 4,3, Delbert Geiger; 7,4, Ruth Zettel; 1, Violet Schwalm; 7, 2, Lawrene Schwalm; 7,3, Leila Wtni,tmer; 7, 4, Ruth 'Zettel. lige?star, ,, L,4ttC 1�1VUaoee.u, „ ' ' Evelyn 'Mane, 7, 2, .Earl Yungblut ; !Mar Martha 1, 2, IHeideman: 7, 3, Mary Kochetus; 4, 4, Charold Surerus. 'LIVE STOCK. 6, 1, Edith Greb, 7, 2, Brice IL i era Reichert; Leonard Prang;; ,7 2Y ehler; 7, 3, Luella Reicheirt, Elzar 14lousseau; 4, 3, Harry Mc -, 'Bruce. Koehler; 0, 2, Edith Wjlli, Ada;i�s, 4, 1, Milton McAdams; 7, 7; 3, Luella, Reichert; 4, 1, Willie 2,Dennis Bedard; 7, 3, Gordon How McAdams; ; 7, 2, Earl 0l blot > 1, id; 6, Wi, Anna Farwell; 3, 2, Ruth 3, Milton McAdams, 4.4, Clair Sur- ,exits; 7, 3, Dorothy Stelcls; erns; 12, 1, Howard Klopp 7, :7, 1, ;laude Meidinger, ,, 2, Freida Carl Haberar; 7, 3, Luella Reichert, Deichort; 7, 3, Luella Reichert; 7 1, Francis; Kochcros; 7, 2, Mary K o- ch.ts. 7, 3, Lue1taFarweli. 7, 1, Pearl Savarese 7, 2, Mary Kochents „ 12, ,4; Leonard Steinbach. FRUIT. 7, 1, Ulla Witmer, 7, 2. Luella. Re- ichert; 12, 4, Harold !:lamer; 4, 1, 1, I, Violet ,Denomy; 4, 2, 11lildred Ei'diir• Gabel; 12, 2, Leon Merrier; Ortwein; 7, 3,Floyd ostr� < Mervin Schwalm, 4, 2, LorneKlopp; 3, 3, Margaret A,ousseau; 3, 4 ,Huth R'chardson; 7, 1, Leila Witmer 7, 2, Earl Yttngblet; 12, 3, Harold Horner; 6, 4, Orville Witmer; DOMESTIC SCIENCE 3, 1, Laird Jacobe; 4, 2, Milton McAdams; 12, 3, Juan Horner; 7, 4, Greta Koehler; I, 1, Willie McAd- ams; 12, 1, Greta Horner; 7,, 2, Laureen Schwalm; 6, 3, Oi^Dille Wi•-t mer; 6, 4, Noewl Witmer; 12, 1, Leonard Merrier; 4, 2, Mildred Otte, , 7,.Hugh MacKinnon; 7. lysin; 1, 3, Leila Witmer; 7, 4, Be- Horner; 1, cKinnonFair ulah Sararas; 7, 1, Beulah Sneers, 2, Earl Yungblut, 7, 3, • 'i, 2; Leila Witmer; 7;3, Victoria Dee well; 4, 1, Lorne Klopp;. 7, 2, telt„a;•; , • 4, Edith Grab; 7, 1, C.rrace l\x•�iwyri Schwalm; 12, 1, Harold K1- , 6 Koehler; 7, `2, Rosaleen Sni•ar rs ; 4, Opp, 12, .2, Howard Flop?i; 4, :1, ed Orley -in; 12, 4, Greta Her Lorne Klapp; 3, 1, Parr Line; 7.2, ,,..,.: 4 i, W`Pie Mc,trier 11, 2,,Zuriebe 7, 1, Luella Farwell; 7, linnq` Drtiar; 7r 3, Welds "Melick;'1 11a 11 maid, 6,3, Anna Farwell ; 12, 4, Edx'th K opp; 12, 1, Jean Horner; 7, 2, Haze Uttley; 7, 3; Flossie Stelek, 7, 1, Lauretta Farwell; 7, 2, Pearl Sur - eras; 7, 3, Albert Ileidentan; 12, 1, Mabel TTlau gh; 7, 2, Beatrice Far- well; 1.2, 3, Ora Schoch; Anna Far- well; 7, .2,' Dorothy Zettel; 7, 3, Clar. Farwell; 7, 1, {Flora littleY Y' 8, 2, Anna Farwell; 12, 1, Anila Dr-- u,ar 7, 2, Floyd Postee; 12, 3, Greta