HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-25, Page 4.11 nappy Thought FurnaCe you much more than the t heating system at any You also get the sat- ction of knowing it is ,properly installed and fully tguaranteed to give ideal dis- :buttion of heat at minimum -1A ilei cost. Happy Thought I Vices burn any kind of ": and get all the heat out f it. There's 'a Happy ,Thought Furnace to properly , et your requirements and • t -Mosta less than .you think. w :fid direct to factory for interesting i:ei'< 'booklet -"Live Air Heating.". Afore than 300,000 Hapfiy nought Ranges are in list.. years of satisfaction. SOLD BY A. MELICK ZURICH, ONT. e Thursday, Septeu'ber 25th, 1924° Is here again with all its beautiful displays of the products of our Bountious seasons crops. Make It one of rejoicing by buying at home, as all business men have special goods at special prices for this event. Come and seer in Sarnia. Miss Pearl ]raft was confined to the•house a few days last we- ek. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch have re- turned after epending several we- eks in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs„ Harry 13uehlow fo Walkerton spent the week -end with Mr. an aMrs. IE, Roffman. Mr. and Mrs. Ahrens of Elmira, spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nadiger, Mrs. Witzel epent Saturday and Sunday in Zurio h. is on Master Howard KlumpP the isickl iat, wo hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. G. Nad.iger has returned af- ter spending several months in Prestoie Mr. and Mee. Schenk, of Walk- erton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Schenck: Mrs. Henderson of Preston, vis- ited in town on Sunday. Ir1rs. Elizabeth Geiger is spend- ing a few days at Zurich.. • Mr. Czar Kellerman returned from Victoria Hospital on Tuesday, after having undergone an operat tion for appendicitis. EXETER FALL FAIR ' \,hent 'he Directors of the Ex- eter Fair changed their annual fair day from Tuesday to Wednesday, they guessed, aright the weather- man For several, years wet wea 'ether on one or other of the fair days affected either the number of eehibits or the attendance, but this year weather conditions could not have beent better, consequently Ex- eter had the best fair in mance ye- arg. Light horses made an un- usually goodshowing, all the asses ware well filled and the qu- ality was suaerreli'ngly good. Cat- tle eentriee were also heavy and there wain very, keen competition in every Blass, while hogs, ,sheep' and poultry were well up to stand - darn, both in numbers and quality, The attnedance, in ).spite of the fact that the bean harvest is in full, swing in the district, was the lar- gest in many years. The total 'gate receipts amounted to some- thing over $500. Following is the results of the horse judging. General Purpose -Brood mare, ac; compa.nied by foal, W: Hooper, ;.1. Manson & Sons; foal, W. Hooper, J. Manson & Sons; filly or gelding 3 yrs. Old, W. Decker, filly or gel- ding, 2 yrs. old V. Decher, team Decher and 2nd. Agricultural --Foal, E. Heist ;filly or gelding 3 yr. old W. Brock; filly or gelding 2 yr. old L. Gainer; filly or gelding lyr. old, L. Geiser, Wm. Brock, • eldin Heavy Draught -Filly or g g 3 yr. old O. Copeland, B. Williams team, Arksey Bros., 13.. W illiame; diploma for best animal, Arksey. Bros. Carriage --Brood mare acc it p- anied by foal, H. Brown, foal, -W. Dccher; 2 yr, old C. Prouty; single carriage horse, J. Young, G. Dun can, C. Workman; pr. carriage hor- ses in harness and carriage, C. Fa w. ner; lady driver, C. Prouty, Decher, Stone; diploma foi best animal, Decher. AUCTION SALE ' Autos, Send 'leaner, Barn ,ftke;eessories and Household Effects ; . atterday, September 27th, 1924 i :loraamenicihug at 1.30 o'clock, p. ut. tsa lowizlg.-- Be; drown 'suite complete, 2 asrteada with springs and mat - stand, 3 toilet setts, ,Sew- raehing, 'electric washer and leteringer combined, extensioon table, `,11gfgrouin chairs'coal oil heater ,adle, child's crib, leather covered tetra :chair„ 2 parlor chairs, cream 4teeparator small size; aurae 2 +•rch rockers).. enlarging camera �t- ,' Tssstman developing tank, Zreeeee (;grand touring ,ear; p'ee f'tlpe nearly new', power .Clips *wed cleate:r with elevators and malting and p'ulley's if not pre -'- I 1y soold; Westinghouse 1 hr p, •otor. 2 hand treed cleaners Clip - tillers; lawn mower; wheel barrow, ;:Meant carpet sweeper, large preas- °e tank and pump; lamps, dishes, ieae; irom pots, large- iron ket- etle and stand, 2 1200 -ib. platform, •d al.1s; 1 10-11X scale; about 3001 e utellien crated, ice cream freezer,; 'ge leer box, hay fork rope and • ailleys, bray cork and (car,'side- ,aerd, lox stove, 2 robes, . ag Wrack, large, wagon rack for empty ittleareels, apple pickers baskets, ap- eeee Iare�s and outfits, wash tubs, awed: numerous other uncles. pusotively no reserve as the •,xoprietor is leaving "'this coin= '.GEMS -$10 and under cash, ov- • that amount 6 months credit tin approved joint 'notes bearing 6% terese. ;ear Klopp, Auctioneer. :,,itaaha Preeter, Proprietor. Roadsters Br000d mare with teal, W. .Decrier, ,Mrs. LTawson, s]L BroNvn:; foal S. Hey, I. Armstrong, Mrs. Lawson'; 3 yr. old E. Hooper, 11. Brown; filly or gelding 2 yrs,. old, L Armstrong; 1 yr. ,old, 1:. Armstrong, 'single roadster in har- ness and bu, gy, ''T. W. Decher, G. Clark, C. Prouty, Arlsey Bros; dip- loma., L Armstrong; 'Beer's Spec- ia1, S Hey. r . *4.+'1•'p"p.4.4.:' :"'§' i';•'p"I••g"g'•F'•p'•1"g'q'•%'g'•r"g,•g"i••i"r•'r'•r••1'4•`i•4. i'M"l i'r`•1. H'g•'i"1'+4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In, the .matter of the estate of .'till* Curvin, late of the Township •,tet Stanley in the Coenty of Huron, r 13C.eased, given to The 'Notice is hereby • u i�a s tatnth$ Or Ontario, C ha - etee e1tJdt all creditors send others tx*s`tng claims agee st the estate of "tsar' said Ann Cur-: in, -who died on el thirteenth day of May, A.D., X194. are requive'1 en. ••M before the Itateenth day of October, A. D., 312,1, to send by post prepaid or rittlivered. to the ;'rel -sigred e'xec- enters of the est e of said deceased aleteir Chr"is!i�n i e .surnames, ad - f aestee and les r:n`tens, the full irtieulars o.. thee+ ripens and the a'.i.$tlarna' of the securities (if any) !held by them Ana fue`her t e notice that a£ Otte eileh `;,.s` wont ^012.1date the lereed Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased *esenongat the nnrties entitled thee. 't9, having regard wily to the .cl- '".ibm'S, of which ).;hey then have not- litO and t'ho said l x tutors will not Bee Liable: ier 'lir eaid assets or any Vert thereef to ' ny 'Person or per- ne Of who:, : elainie shall not have ;b>a en received et the time of such istr. ibu}ion•. Dated, this 220 day of t ept- ebriber. A. D. 1924. Albert Vieeent AtadTll'illlialn Vincent, Executors, Dashwood, Ont,. vonitos. "'T Howard, re ' Merne Weeel C. ed. :'p t a few da. ;a. Detroit last Week. 'Mr. Ari+ Mr+3. Ayotte of Pigutiviy ,c ry .ate Visiting at the home of /Oms , L .leffrey. us: 3i 1,'iner has r- ,z.orat2 , arm. Machinery 1 t HAS ADVANCED IN PRICE 4. AND THE MACHINE COMPANIES WANT INTEREST'QN THE e.' • CUSTOMERS' NOTES. WE HAVE A FEW PIECES IN STOCK T. WHICH WE WILL SELL AT LAST •YEARS' PRICES, ALSO 4 •t• LESS INTEREST, IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US BEFORE 1. + YOU BUY: 4 i• 14 • FOLLOWING ARE THE GOODS ON HAND AT LAST Y--- ▪ PRICES TO MASE ROOM FOR GAR.&GE WORK. 4, 1 Wagon 1 DeLavai Cream Separator 4 4 1 Bissell Disc Harrow 1 Peter Hamilton Cultivator ,t, 4, 1 riding plow 2 Fleury Walking plow* 2.. �l•4. 1 tractor plow at $110.00 .} ▪ THESE ARE ALL NEW GooDGAI AGE! 4 GARAGE! -I. 4 l Mr. Peter Kroff, mechanic 4.' 4. • 0 "GENUINE FORD PARTS" always in stock 4.1 L. A. Prang, Zurich Ont. 4,+++++++++++++++++4-4,4444,4444++++++++++++4•444,44+++.* •.;..II'.l•.l.•1'fl°'p.g..l..>l..y'+.II•.g.+3..q•'g•.4•dh•i•304.4.3,+•3..1' There Here, "ti ■ 2 Those Snappy Suits and Overcoats for Fall and Winter Wear he • t Customers can now choose from verynewest Imported Worsteds, Tweeds and Serges WE IMPORT DIRECT AND CAN OFFER YOU THE VERY NEW' 1 Per IN BOTH SHADES AND PATTERNS. ( MALL MARGIN OF PROFIT 'THAT'S WE SELL ON A VERY S SPLENDID V V ALLIES. WHY WE CAN GIVE YOU SUCHSPL • ot-R SUITS ARE UNEQUALLED TO -DAY FOR STYLE, FIT AND VALUE. You will like Our Work Z:iich r Fenn theMost 'Objects in This FigureStarting with the Letter `V � Easy to solve. Try it. Without any troubleo hateve , you can readily eadvhosee een eh objects most. "b iftl "Sawa etWell,w the others are just as easy : prize; secondtonuzzle. big cash prizes will be given for the fifty best lista of "S -Words" submitted in answer to this puzzle. The person sending in the nearest correct list of names will bo awarded first p ' • ei t correct list, second prize. etc. See bow many you can find. The Mail and Empire's $1,000 "S" -Word Picture Puzzle TO ALL Everybody Join In COSTS NOTHING TO TRY „„„ Jar inn no l num f• m -111 q 9 The Mail ,.0 Eni;]ire announces to -day a most interesting and amusing giune. Ail ecu partieinate in this great fun game -front a school boy or girl to Dad, Mother, and even Grandpa and Grandma. It bolds no preference to age. lit is a test of your skill in ferreting out "S -Wolds" in the Puzzle Pic- ture. It's a jiin dandy puzzle game. We know you will enjoy it, for everyone loves a puzzle, and • we venture to say you'll never have more fur]. 1 I U CAN WI $1,0 It costs nothing to tali:opart. The.eS-Word" Puzzle Game is a campaign to increase the popu- larity of !the Mail K" Empire. It Is not a sub- scription contest, and you do not have to send in a single subscription to win a prize. If your answer is awarded first prize by the judges, you will vin $25.00; but if you would like to win more than $25.00, we are going to make the following special offer, whereby you can vin bigger cash prizes. - Here's how: If the judges award your answer First Prize, and you have sent in one yearly sub- seriptfon to Tho Mail & Empire at $5.00 a year, you will receive $50i instead of $25; Second Prize, $250; Third Prize $lr01 (See second column of figures in prize list.) Or, if you are awarded First Prize and yeas OBSERVE THESE RULES have sent in two yearly subscriptions (either one new and one renewal or two new subscriptions). to 1. Any man. womu,T or grind who is not a resident The Mail .ro Eni?'to at $5.00 a ;year each, you will r 1 d lto is not in the receive $1,000 instead of $25; Second, Prize, $500;. Third Prize, $300. (See third column of figures In prize list.) It takes but two subscriptions to qualify for the big $1,000 reward. Absolutely two subscriptions is the icaxi]ntun, one of wbIch .is to be a new sub.. Your with 1 ttl effort. • scriber. Vint ran do this .th i o l i a ,a ] and tv can take O]Va] Stil]SCII Ili n Will count n. one n O Subscriptions to start at any futore date. In send- ing in your subscription give full instructions on 0 separate sheet from that on which you send your answer. "of Toronto o, lanlitten an w employ of Tho Men and Empire ran rrTtswerr. 1l an ernpleYo's family, costs : nothinng to try, S. ALL Aiti1h a +,9 1111JST BE Menne EY ooT013EE 4'rn, ios-i. 3. Alt 1lst4e of Pram, should be written on one sidenl tho , e1,TA l ntt. and d n u n be ra d ao T1 e c it'v el 5 1 2.3etc t•f youfull mine nildTti s each parte T the upperright hand corner. 1f you desire to write anything else, use a separate sheet. 4. Only such words as appear In the >7ngliab Die • tionary will be (wanted. Do not use obsolete _words• WIhare the plummused :, the singular ca:1`Jt be counted and vice versa, 5. Words ut the same spelling can be used only once, even though used to designate different ob- jectg or articles, or pats of objects or articles 1 An ebjoot or articlehyphenated l,named only once. ' S. Do not usehyphanalod ar compound words, or any words formed by the combination of two or more complete words, where each word in Itself is an object. 7. The answer having the nearest correct list of names visible,d own that begwith the letter S" yieb awarded. First Prizo, etc. Neatness, style or hand- writing have • no bearing. upon.. deciding the winners. 8, Any number of peoplemayco-operate .in an sWering the Puzzle, . but only one prize will ho awarded to `any ono household: nor will prizes be awarded?tnmore than ono. of any group where two or, more. Have bean working' together, a. In the event of a tie far any. prise offered, the full amount of such prize will be awarded to each tied partioipant, 10.Subscriptions (both new or renewal), pay able In advance at $5.00 a year by mall will be. accepted. however, In .gual'ifying Tor the $1,000 hoistis Reward, at least ono new subscription must be bent in. 11. A new subscriber is any one who has not been receiving 'rhe Mail and Empire by mail since. Sbptember i Sth, 1$. All answers will ;calve the game consideration regardless of whether or not a subserlptlon to The Mali and Lltnpire'is trent in. 1$. All ribW subecrtptYcns .wilt be carefully. Leri Pied by the Pu.zzlo Manager. Candidates Mark- ing old subscriptions as slew win positively for- feit the Credit of such subscription as qualifying tor the Maarmum Bonus RoWards'. 14. Three prominent '.toronto , 011118ene, having no connection with Teo Mall and umpire,, will be selected to act as judges to decide the winner., and participants -agree to -accept the decision 'of the Jududges as 3ina1 0nd conclusive. i. Tho judgeo Y4,i11 Tnetl on October iStlt, and, announcement of the 'Prize' winners and coriroct irlsolaeder into Till o isMpaolsl diaJnds1101,1potfo wuovirc nswrailulic1coypuhbo ..; FIFTY BIG CASH PRIZES WINNING ANSWERS WILL RECEIVE CASE( ACCORDING TO THE TABLE BELOW Prizo if TWO Prize If Ne Prize. It Ons Yearly subscriptions subscription sabseriptloas aro sent. 'Is cent.' are suf. :1st Prize .....$27s.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 . 2nd Prize ..... 20.00 3rd Prize ..... 15.00 1500000 500 300.00.00 4t11 Pelee 110.00 250:00100.0 5th Prize 8,00 •75,00 `' 150200,.00: Mt Prize 6.00 7th Prize 5.00 80SQ..(1900 60,00100.00. 8th Prize 4.00 25;00 50.00 Atb Prize 3.00 20:00 40.00• 40th Prize 2.00 15:00 x0.00. lltb to 20th Prize's inclhaslve 1.50 10.00 20.00 :1st to SOUR. 11 men Pnzea* 'inclusive 4.00 7:50' 15.00 IN TIIG EVENT Or A. TW FOR A;e?'fi mamaa or. 16dOItETM A O MAUI NT r l PA1 rr,OYi'ANr. --ADDRESS-* C. A. MONTGOMERY I1IZzr.1l M.314'A0Lrzt, Ott Sills tipire Dept, ' 1.,; Toronto, Can uti ra