HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-25, Page 11 ZURICH, T HUR DA MOR MTJ43,2MMUgttle0 +Gl'.tll Explain to Your .; Wife the convenience of a chequing savings account, or perhaps just drop in with hex at any branch of The ,Molsona Bank -and let her open an account. O. H, 'TOY - Maiaager Zurich Branch �m,n�vc�nm� 4 41 )kisM {9 i"�'7S Yr+ l li a li a Now ab Hon oI 21(011 Including the Famous WATER- M:AN'S IDEAL. Prom $1.50 to $6,00 Also a complete Line o ; • Pence ci:s and Inks. 1 I!:. ni Q 0 ttf 4 'rust Received a large number -of Genuine 'Woolen Horse T3lanketa in Assorted colors Size .72x,34. Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices Ranging frown .7.00 to ... .. ... - ......_.». st3.3e SAVE. MONEY BY •GI VING US A CALL. - A BIG -Mock of Harness. and, . Halters always on hand, Club, Ba s, Suit _Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. 1 N {'SS REPAIRING A S RR C ALT Q% 4k4', 4,0 PHONE 1 4°'*.•kI4.4.4,.+r+++44,**++ +d++414,+ + 4 AVE APE .Whirl -NG U1` SOME OF THE,FINIIST SHIPMENTS 1 2 OF FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR THAT HAS EVER BEEN 4. PRESENTED IN OUR STORE. AND THE PRICES ARE . SO i COMPARATIVELY LOW (QUALITY CONSIDERED), ,THAT YOU 4 1.., CANNOT HELP BUT BUY. 4 e t Av Y FOOTWEAR FOR MEN A.ND BOYS. A LARGE 11' RANGE OF SUBSTAN • TIAL SHOES SUITABLE FOR SCHOOL • WEAR FOR :BOYS AND GIRLS. COIF IN AND SEE THEM. 4 We do a Cat of Shoe Peps itimr, Because a if well 4 ,gym fl r S U N M -SHOP MERCHANTS r+ -Zuni TAI 4+e,'4:.q.<30+3+'v"+4+Mm444+o +fi+4+44+++4°4 `i4,14+•b++4+4.4++7'+. ^54+s.4+ a h�44++i >s+4<4 wF r.,.. EN , .... a u+ TON! '6' e desire to ce l 1.;#a t- tenLi.oa.. o 0t :he factthat e., re in 4 .position. E n plyou y:° Fall ll. and Winter .te • ei .e t goodIli g,vy • warm "w aar9• Flr�, ! (At OSV of i3LANKE S, FLANNELETTE" : :BLANKETS,, SWEATTM1S, CAPS, SMOCKS, HLA.V'2 SHIRT, - OSIS, • MIM? S, AND GLOVES. . 4(36.D ARE Ria -TIT, AND THE . PRICE 9 ARE RIGHT. h groceries Nand dr Cl Fes" Al 11" s b k �w "PT MMBER 25 1924. • anN r, huf t, P741741, 7114140 $1.25 Yam ra 51.1 A 7.4 M1.8, XAY 11.E CilArtaP.Zi ktrei -• Xtc.Meredraisofr....rn Zurich Fall Pair. on Friday:. Mr. Ward Fritz was at Londoti on MondaY and Tuesday. Miss Orilla Melick of. Detroit, spent' Sunday at her harne here,• Mrs. E.. E.- Steele iS spending the week at St. Thomas and Otan;-- Miss Mildred Hoffman has..taken .position clerk in Albright'S Mrs, Routledge is -sPending a few days with har sister ink Ex- • When at the Zurich Fair, cerne to ;t1).e Luther League Baoth, for Mrs, j, Wing of Kitcuer- week-end visitor with relatiVes 'the Village. Mr. Albert Hess, Mr. and Mrsl. A.. F. Hess laud family, were Th- ursday visitors at London. We are 1.51easactlt.o note th areuhd after 300' attack ,O1 :rheurnatism.' • family of Guelph spent the week- -end ,with Mr. and ~Mrs, C. 'Fritz. Mrs; Herbert Heppe' and' tittle daughter' Grace,: are visiting at the. home of Mrs, C., Wagner. Mr. and MrS. ja/cob Thiel of New HarnburF,,, are visiting with noplic,ws q. Smith. of St. Joseph ashd CY. L. Smith of the. The Zurich Ladies, Quartette and the, programme at the Annual Fowl Supper of the Methodist ch- urch at Greenway, on Monday evf ening. Mr. and MrK W. H: Frank and Mr. Charles' Eilber of Waterloo,we- the ;latter.has undergone an oPer- ation on Manday for removal of NacKinnon performing the' op- . Mr, J. Preeter is holding an auc- tion sale of. household effects and other arlicles. on Saturday of this week, after which they willonove to New Hamburg, where Mr. Fre- e has purchased a hardware bus- jarrott; 12, 3, Anna Druar• 6, 1, iness. We most certainly regret OrYilla•Witmer; to lose Mr, and Mrs. Pi‘eeter and '1%4> ll\irabal lEatich; 7 49 Mugh nEdith.Greb; 4, 1, Verlin Thiel; ,7 The auctio:n sale on Sabirday of 2, witmtiv; Edith iciopp; the household' affects Trod dwelling 6„ E,patti 0, F., • 9 Olin prppertv of the estate of the late e • "1 " betTIP° prP, School Di eh SehOol Pair held last i -at the Agricultural gro Lux' ds,wiNi. another hugh success in And the weeks, and . niontit el devoted attention,' and exhibits, ishoWed Ube . intere0. taken by the. Pupils in this POSsibly if the ex- , tlaefarms and gardens to select .1. aiticies aa even better show - i ha,ve been made, but as it "x'asr,,,,t/ie seed for the ;various ex- Df4,artment and' none other could Following is a list or thp pi iie.:;tk.Oxiners, as *handed in to the offfce'. The firit figure indicate. th:4. No. while- the second fig - urea Zepresent the number of the • Pr'ie No' 1, Nelda Sch- LeelandVillert; 3, 13,-S; BlackWel!; erns; lione 'Kyle; 7, 4 Francis -hereby wish to advise the. People .ZuriCh and. vicinity that I. have opened 4: pleasure to state that 1 wilhe d..lighfed 'b. e.favored• with your constaaeme...patrort, acoe- as. well as meeting your .actriairitautei 11.211,1 AL R1GH Grace ICaehler,•-7, 1. 1W-ary Schwalm 7., QiUmbe Hess; 7, 3, Beaukah S.araras; 12, 4, Leonard Merner; erRAIN AND CORN Edith Klopp.; 12, 1, Edith Klo'op; .ehler; Orville Witmer; 6, 1, Be- atries Farwell; 3, 2, Ray 13roderlek, Kaelalerl 4, 1, Wm liTeAdarns; :Bruce Koehler; 7,3, Clar. Farw'ell; Icloup; 7, 2, 'Wilfred Ducharrne; 3, Viet. Diecliert; 12. 4, aAnn Druar; 1, Harry; 1V1cAdarns; 7, 2, Albert Wilf. Ducharmei 4, 1, Edward Thiel 2 Neil Witmer; 4 ,3, Mildred Ort Erb; 7.3, Mildred Geiger; 7. 4, Flos- sie Stelck; FLOWERS family as citizens of our village. Kinnon; 7, 2, Nelda Schwalm; 0, 3, The dwelling property was sold to o:i! the Bronson, Myren Sure.ruP,; Clar. Farwell; farming nefivities, and this; will in, .111 riT C11 .d9`01.1 make a fine home t thew, :-"A.Ceinpladeti''on page 5) GOLDEN JU DTI I'M church, Zurich, ' They- pre_ .ce1c1,:,- the afternoon at Wc2ock,' Rev Till be th, 'The ‘..1n :Monday evening fel.- lat. Pike's Peak Of Suecess." ..The Chair under the leatlerehip.' ATiee 'aPecial V.iei Ora from, tom- and far 'aro oniectod„ • 0 .00 44 Coats for AP and ter ax on: a Zurich Fair Day, commencing at let a.m. A Special Representative win be at our Store With a full range Glr Ladies' and Men's Clo4tk in the latest Styles rtpd patterns. Be sure and cerkez to see them. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE', • Ao 'IV $'2.C:4 1:1;,Vs. 'AVIV .W.AJWMAINV\Acai o • '11'1 TO1, BROWN BROS. NEW LOW IFATLY ANVIMMRAIWNWPc