HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-18, Page 8H4 I . ',Feb = ✓:l,r, ,r ,4 t., PRICES Now in Effeot on Many Lines of Summer G-oods Violes and Crepes Brocaded Crepes, Regular $1.50 a yard, now .. , , . ,. Special Lot of Voiles your choice per fy{ard . Plain colored ;,:ttinos, Regular 85c. now at per yard' ard ...... SILKS ...$1.1A ,380 65c TRICOCHECK-A. new Silk' knitted f abric in black, brown, mecl. blue, 1 yard wide •at per Yard $2 00 CANTON •CREPL+'S-A pure Silk Canton, in black, Navy, Grey. e- • and Nigger brown at per Yard - .$2.75 Silk and wool, •Canton, good Weight at pely and Silk and Wool °.inion, lighter weight at per yard Shantung, or Raw Silk, Regular per yard $1.00 now for B • 2$.25 $1.50 ,. 80c laTTI+ vV ARRIVALS TRIOLA'BROea.DCLOTH-A new cloth of very pleasing appearance, good weight, suitable for Ladies Dresses or Childrens wear, ormen's fine Shirts, colors; peach, tan, cream and jade, 38 -in. wide. Linen Saitings 'A11 linen cloth in white, sky, fawn, Yellow, Orange and Grey. Can be put tosuch a variety of uses, and is wonderfu value at 80c. yd. • Tissue Gingham TISSUE GINGHAM -=Something new in Gingham cloth of very fine texture with silk stripe effect,. 32 -in wide at 50e. a Yard. New Collar Frilling AND COLLAR AND CUFF SETTS NO W ON HAND COME AND SEE THEM. SIERY If it is !stockings you need, we have them in all colors sizes and. Prices. SPE CIALS LADIES SILK HOSE -Rib top at per pair $1,00 LADIES FIBRE SILK -Browns, Black, Camel, Grey, at only pr. 48e RIBBED LISLE HOSE -All fashionable colors a pr. • 75c Ladies Cotton Hose -Brown pr. 23c. Black 25c. Black at ... ... 18c Linoleumn and Floor Oil Cloth GOOD CHO10E OF PATTERNS STILL ON HAND, GEST OUR P. RICES m Jo G , r SOHO 8c SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases AND GENUINE FORD PARTS Tires, Tubs, Repairs JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES °WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS L. BATTERY IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXOELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO„ AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. * , . ". . • , WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. 1! 1 t•, t ( l: 4. i l i *. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE, F!. Mousseau Zurich ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST BORN Daters-At Hay TowiaslziP •tai : p- tember 15th, to Mx, Sind l; k Garnet Daters, adauglat6- Geiger--At Bronson Line, Hay :TP, oe September math', to 1111.and Mrs, Roland Geiger, a daughter, Johnston -At Zurich' on September lltlr, to Mz'. and Mrs. WellnagtOn Johnston, a daugi tier, '• ;' , ,Badou.r-At flay Township on Sep tember.11th, to Mr. and Mrs Paul Beduur, .a son, Campbell -At 2nd son, Hay Tp.,to Mr. and Mrs, M. E. Campbells a daughter on Sept. 2nd, Masse --At 14th con„ Bay T*• oil August 31st, to Mr. and. Mrs. Nol- son Masse, a $on. Wildfong-In •Stephen Tp, oli September 10th',. to Mr. acid Mtrs,, Garnet ! 'ildfong, :a son: ;The Ontario Voters' List Act 1922 And Ainendllents` .:And The Ontario Temper- ance Act, 1924. ELECTRICAL DISTRICT OF SOUTH HURON NOTICE OP SITTINGS OF REV- ISING' OFFICERS. TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Officers for the pur- pose of hearing complaints or ap- peals with regard to the Voter's Lists to be used at the Voting un- der ,iiGhe Ontario Temperance Act pending for the Electrical District of South Ofuron; will be held at the following tinter, and places namely. AT THE VILLAGE HALL, EX- ETER on the 2nd day of October, 1924 to hear complaints as to the list of voters for all polling sub- divisions for the Village of Ex- eter* and that His Honour Judge E. N. Lewis will be Revis ng Officer and his Clerk will be Joseph Sen- ior whose address is Exeter; the. sittings will commence at 2 o'clock p.m. and will t'ontinue until 4 p.m. or until •the appeals have been dl's- rposed of. AT 1THE TOWNSHIP tHALL, ZURICH; o ).:,he hear day 'Of r =� ober, 1924 to hear complaints a& til, the li;st._of ' i oters • for 'all- polling subdivision forthe Towns'p,of Hay; and that D. McDonald, Local Reg- istrar, S. C, 0., Goderich, will be the Revising Officer anct his Clerk will be Andrew P. Hess, whose address is Zurich; the sitting will commence at 10 a.m. and will, con- tinue till one p -.m., or until the appeals have been disposed AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL, CREDITON, on the 30th day of September 1924 to - hear compla-, rots as to the list of voters for all polling 'sub -di V1'sione for the O Township of Stephen and that His Honour Judge Lewis. Will be the. Revising Officer and his Clerk will be H. Eilber whose address is Crediton, the sittings will comm- ence at 2 o'clock, p.m. and will continue until. 4 pen. or until the appeals have been disposed of. s••••••••8+ eoceeeoeoeolosees000es ee•••••••••••• • • • • • . �. a Lower on Corragated Galvanized • 'i' iron Roofing 28 Guage, Ordinary, at $6.25 per 100 Square Feet • • • • 0 • • • • s • • • • • • • • i •• 28 Gauge Council Standard, rust,0 red guaradteed against any for at least 20 years, 1 : -4 oz. 0 Galvanizing per square foot, at •• • $6.75 .n per 100 Square Feet • • Z •• h. e......+.. • T 1 ADE & WEIDO • PRTER BLOCK - ZURiCH • • i r 1 Ar THE TOWNSHIP HALL, ELMVILLE, on the 7th day of October 1924 to hear -complaints as to the list of voters for all polling sub -divisions for the Township of Usborne and that His Honour Judge Lewis will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk wili be Henry. Strang whose address is R. R. 1, Hen the :pittings wilt commence at 2 o'clock pan, and will continue until 4 pian. or until the appeals, have been disposed of. AT THE HOLMES HALL, I3OL 1IESVILLE, on the 3rd day, of October 1924 to hear complaints as to the list of voters for • all poll ing sub -divisions for the Town ship of Goderich that C. Seager; Crown Attorney, Goderich, will be the :Revising Officer and, his Clerk. will be R. G. Thompson whose ad- dress is Clinton; the sittings , will commence at 10 a.ne and Will con- tanne until 2 pan. or until the ap- peals have been disposed of, AT 'THE TOWN HALL, ,>:1EN- SA'LL on the 2nd day of October 1924 to hear complaints a -s to the lusts of voters for the Village of Hensall and that D. McDonald Local Registrar, S. C. 0,, Gederieh will 'bin the • Revising OCficea .and' hits Clerk will be Asea. Murdock, whose address is Haman; the Sit- tings will commence at 10 o'clock a.rn. and will continue until 2 pen or until the appeals have been dis- p sed of. AT 'THE TOWN' HALL, :BAVh FIELD on ,the) 29th day of -Septa, ember 1924 to hear complaints `ass to the list of Voters for all polling' sub -divisions for the Village of an Bayfield `d y that Sherriff Reynolds, s, Gado r Ch will l] be the re- vising Officer and hrs elm* Will be IT W. Erwin whose address is Ray., field; the 'sittings will eo:ntttie at 10 a,nt, and will continue tthtO t p(,m, or until the appeals halve, been, di,spOse-d oC. !AL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) EggE.1{ 24-27 ,Butter per lb „ 30e LLctatoes per, bag , 1.00 Dried apples, per lb. ., • 7e Dutch Setts, per lb, .. ... ... ......7c, Oats ., ,t.,. ..50 Barley 70 Buckwheat 75 Wheat per bushel ...3.7.5.-41.00 _.1.20 Flour per cwt. .. .._ 3 � 5-4L00 Shorts per ton.,,, ...3%00 Brant per ton ; ,.,..,.30,00 Live Hogs , . .. ,,, 9.75 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK • Carry an Insurance of over $27,000,000. Number of Policies in force 11;287. Paid Losses in 1923, to amount of $56,143.20. No a'ss- essment during the year and have e balance on hand of $31,700. G. Holtzman --Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL •KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 M1-LIN[RY Display at the Hat Sh.oppe ZURICH Smart Styles and Quality Combined with Economy. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT THE CHOICE NEW; MILLINERY SPECIAL -A. TENTION GI- VEN TO, PALL BRIDES' AT- .Siebert bet. y ZURICH, ONT. AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL, VARNA, on -the 30th day of Sept- ember 1924 to hear complaints as to the list of voters for all polling sub -divisions for the Township of Stanley and that D. McDonald, Local Registrar, S.Q,O., Goderich, will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be J. E. Harnwell whose address is Varn.a;t ho sittings will. commence at 10 a.ru. and will con- tinue until 2 para. or until the ap- peals have been disposed of. • AT WALKLR'S HALL, BRUCE - FIELD of the 1st day of October 192% to hear complaints as to the list of voters for all polling sub- divisions for the Township ; of 'Tuckersmite and that D. McDon- ald, Local Registrator S.C.O., God- erich will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be 3). F. Mc- Gregor whose address is R.R. 3, Seaaorth; the sittings will com- mence at 10 a.ni. and will con- tinue until 1. p.ni. or until the appeal are disposed of. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any Voter who desires to com- plain that his, ,name or the name of any person entitled to be en- tered on the said list, has been omitted fros the sane, or that the names of, any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may, two clear days before the commencement of the ;Gittings, apply, complain or appeal to have his name or the name or any other person entered on. or re»i.oyed from the l'6 t AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that 'suclr' appeal's must be by not- ice in writing Lo the prescribed form,, signed by the' complainant in duplicate and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or -left for him at his address as stated a- bove. 'JJh 'vs.': days for delivering ,sueh appeals are as fo:ilows;-. E1ete.0,' 29th ,September, 1924, Hay, 306 ; epternber, 1924 • •Stephen, 27th September, 1924 Usborne, 3rd October, 1924. Goderich Tp,, 30th Sept,, 1924 Bayfield, 25th Sept., 1924, Stanley, 26th Sept, 1924. Ttiekersmitb, 27th Sept. 1924, Insa1 29th, .Sept, 1924. E. N LEWIS, Chairman of d Ch e• Election taan Baar fol? the 'County:, of Huron. d5!ated at Goderielf this 13th day •of Peptember'; ASD, ,1924 '1`!iut'sda, Seii:3mber $94 • The stere wall the Liberal. Cas Dis nvnt it New Discover Is in store for every : `visitor - to .thy Mason & Risch Booth at the Ztiriet Fall`Fair, who has ' not heard the glorious tonal beauty of the Mason Risch Piano FRANZ LIST, THE GREATEST MUSICIAN OF ALL •TIME, SAID OF THE MASON & 'RISCH PIANO "IT IS EXCELLENT, MAQ- NIFICENT, UNEQUELLED. ARTISTS, JUDGES AND THE PUR LIC WILL BE OF THE SA ME OUINION. r 1 The full, clear, 'singing tone of the Mason & Rich Piano Iia's captivated the greatest musical artist of . both the past and present generation. An enviable thrill of pleasure awaits the hearer' of .a Malan* & Rinsch Piano for the first time. And an • ever-increasing, pride of possession is the satisfaction it brings to the ` hoz it adorns and dignifies with the charmn and beauty of 'mu.144 for alit ine. Be sure and !see it, and hear it at our Pall Fair and be e0• vi.need of these outstanding features. ;COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE;, SEE OUR, LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NOT IN' STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU( SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A., MELIGg Hardware& & Furniture. Phone 63 1/4 Mr FABME Do you carry sufficient *Fire Insurance DURING THE TIME WHEN YOUR BARNS AND,S,UED FILLED WITH GRAIN AND BEANS. The cost of- short•date ,Msura:nee is low land it protects yen against loss or damage by Fire or Lightning; The Rate for $1000,00 Insurance are as fo'llows; One Month Costs ,. $3.00 Two Month's, Cost ::. $4.50 Three Months Cost ,____. .46.00' nFour Months. Cost ___... $7.50 Five Months Cost _. $9.00 Six Months' cost _____- .., $10.50' OTHER AMOUNTS IN SAME PRO- PORTION. For Particulars Apply to - Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE \OUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging T am -in a position to ' do any kind] of paper hanging, painting, graining and dec- orating. H. EICKMEIER, DR JOHN WARS CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN Heavy Shell Frames to Your omit Lenses at $4,00. Broken Shy Rimes Replaced .while yoq ice• Spectacles Complete Large 11v x$2.00 up, Main St., EXETER, Phoutt,9. AT WALPEE HOUSE, • ZURLCE ZURICH - ONT. ' Every Wednesday, 10 a,.mi. to 4prl1 +II+ +II+ +p. THAT WE ;A.RE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOE • 4. GOOD PRiNTINSi • THAT WE CAN .SUPPLY YOU.,, WITH PRINTED WEDDING~` +1. INVITATIoN•S AND ANN OIJNNCEMENID THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONE1 S, sots 4. AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND', +d. STATEMENTS • THAT WE ARE AGENT S FOR TWO LEADING MANUFACi'1' URERS OF couNTER clitcx 13001(5, AND CAN SUBo PLY ANY QUANTITY AND .SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS • TILT WE CARRY IN •STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENV) ,I+ • • ODES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON,. Olt +t. TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, ,yf+tEMORIAM +I+ ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, R +CENT BOONS; INTWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP,` RTC., .ETC, THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY . SIZE INN . BOTTTL* WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN; PEN INE''POR 6e. LrA1ltik. GER QUANTITIES. AT RIIIE IDU(! IO I I.t T N!� E +t' THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS '" AUCTION SALE PO& TERS, MERCANTILE POST Eith , ARID ALL dinfilikAid 4.- PRINTING OUR -SPECIALTY 4+4.+i+4+4+,t+ t+4+' 44+'t'+ +i1++f4 1444F44+ 'g'+4+ .4.4. 4.++++++'F +++++++++Q.444++ + +++++444.+aFt'ii4004!';Y' HBRALD 0: Do You Know? xe