HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-18, Page 5?Thursdays September 1924 BUSINESS CARDS ve- � DLEiE. ii01:41VIES /iSairriater, Solicitor, Notary F;iiblze *tee Office on Hamilton Street, *wet off the squarer, Goderich. Priv - sake funds to lain at lowest rates. fine. Holmes will be in 13eneali on Friday of each week. PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, .Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS C.OL,t1MN School Supplies We have on hand a cemplet'e line of Public and High School .Vrllrew F. Hess, Township Clerk UMW of marriage licenses, Notary !*bio, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- i tai bile Insurance, . Representing lhroa and Erie Mortgage Corpora- l'''. The Canada Trust Co. Zurich. '�it'tes3o. S. Knapp,. D. D. S., L. D. S- ]DENTAL SURGEON SUM IN OFFICE — HENSALL sr. OSCAR KLOPP srr graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ilpgpls'! School of Auctioneering. Try, alas for Registered Live Stock l Breed's), Tereus • in keeping Vial prevailing prises. Cheiee lar We. Will sell anything Where. e 18-93 or write, Zurich. licensed Auctioneer 'licensed; Auctioneer for County .'Huron. In a position to con - lad any auction sale, regardless 10 to size or articles to sell. I lolll'icit ,your business; and if not en#iafied will make no charges for spa rices. ;Arthur Weber, Dashwood. PtiOna 13-57 Zurich Nett MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & HOES T ngblit &<Deichert 1.1URICH LIVERY, 1„ am in a position to accomo- Nati all requirements in the Livery, '.toe, haveAuto for hire. Any-. Itilsigg done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Vilma ss Zurich H. ATKII ON,I.S., D.D.S, E ,S T ttkeduate of the Royal 4ist Dental Surgeons of Ontario and sit theUniversity of Toronto, Sate District Dental Officer, Mil- IltlarF District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Man Office, Exeter. Phone 34. ►t Zurich every TUESDAY -19 Phone 79 ',tiling I\ VIMMIIMIMINIMMINIMINIMWW•1•00, LIVE POULTRY WANTS D Mato every clay till 3 Oclock p.m. iDo not feed fowl same morning '±, liem, taought in, Illighest Cash Prices Grearn and Eggs. W.. -O'Brien **One Zurileh OPAL SEASON 1924 I!RING AND SUMMER DELIVER IES . •Al>t.NTHRACrTE—We are now're-• teing our genuine Delaware & audition direct from the mine, Nut 1lsove and Egg sizes. :SOFT COAL—Just arrived, an tar of our, high grade soft. Vilkila boat has made a •great hit for 1Mrotlrhold use :etre our 'sales of this tame over doubled in the last 'sea IOUt,fTS—Our Boulet Coal re 4WD in a. Blass by itself and iag'r- f* lei savor rapidly. OUR Telephones are at your siervide. 'Cnse then freely for in- rmation.' "will at PRODUCE MERCHANT htooe' ; Office 10w. Reuaa 10), HEN SALL CANT., Text. Books and. Supplies. Scribblers Foolscap, Stationery, and other ,articles, slightly dam- aged by !smoke at Half -Price. 8-3 HESS—MILLIKEN, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres farm land, being north half Lot 8, eon. 11, and East hlaf Lot 9, both in Stan- ley Township. First named par - eel has suitable farm buildings, con- sisting of 'brick dwelling with slate roof, bank barn and other out- buildings. Six acres woodland,nrce orchard and is well watered. :Con- venient to school and church. For further particulars apply ;tee John A. Manson and 'Charles Reamer), R. R. Nb. 1, Zurich, Ont. Executors ,Q1. Edward Curvet Estate, 5-4 FARM FOR SALE Consisting of •1n0 acres, being Lot 11, Concession 5, Stanley Town- ship. Twelve acre's of summer fal- low, twenty acres seeded down, ten • acres of bush, a good supply of water, buildings are modern. In- deed a fire farm Reasonable te- rms can be given to purchaser. Forfurther particulars apply to Susanna Elgie, Seaforth, R. R. No. i i 3; or Wim,. Br•ydone, Clinton. LOCAL NEW Mie John ;frof the 14th ural,: ,luras pusrcl]as;hJaed a :1+Yayordto,wilzg Mr, and Mrs. 'rdijgho1ler. from Yale, Mich., visited retetive's' here on Sunday. t Mr. John Zeller, of Grand Bap - ti'ds ;!e visiting his' Biter, 112x. Ilyy Wearer Mast •T. J. Schwartz of Detroit,. ids vileitin(g with her parents, Mrr< and Mzj , John Fuss.. 'Mr. Earl Collins of Britoefield was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs. and Mrs, Wm, Leibold The, Irliesee Pearl and Lizzie Leibold and Master Willie Leibold ,spent Sunday with relatives and friends at Hensall. ; Me, Albert McCormick of Detroit, formerly from Zurich, has won,the auto race at the Detroit State Faits. Mr. Bruce Klopp, Mrs. Elmore Klopp', and little daughter Veola and Mies Irene Decher' motored to London on T'hursday,, Rev. W. Y. iDreier of Crediton,; will conduct communion !services' :in the Evangelical church on Stine day. Mi+ 3..' Preeter and daughtee Miss Mabel speet a, few, de,y this we; . .ek alt New Hamburg, where Mu;, Preeter ie taking over his hardware business. t Mr, and Mne. Ed. Deters of Hays Tp motored to Kitchener this': week,; their son Albert rettilrne•d • with them to resume hips ,studies at Waterloo Seminary. Miss V. V. Siebert is showing a fine display of head attire for ladies and children; anybody in need of ,snch`'do not fail to, call, at millinery parlor: Misses Mildred Hoffman, and Leila Siebert and ]4lesisrs , Lloyd and LeRoy °Train were in S', Thomas Wednesday, taking in the Galt—St. Thomas baseball game,. NAMELESS COLD REMEDY, the - one Remedy, that does °almost in- stantly relieve Cold in the,: Head, Hay Fever, Asthma, Bronchitis and Piles, Etd. Sold in Zurich, ' alt ;Wagner's Confectionery. Me, John! Geiger, Mrs. Noah Geiger of Pigeon;, Mich.,. Mr. and ?Mrs. Hem•y Gruehn and eon of 'Sebewaln,, Mich., and Mrs, Henry Geiger of Caaralier, N. D visited re-. latives here. over Sunday. • NOTICE -. CEMENT WORK—I am ina pos ition to do any kind of a cement job, such as supply tanks, foound- ation walls, bridges, cement floors and walks, etc. Work guaranteed prices reasonable. Apply to Mar - ice Corriveau, RE R. 2, Zurich; Phone 16-93. tf40 Agents Wanted The careful .attention to our customers' orders and the splendid stock supplied for years pastwar- rants us in having a representat- ive or two in :this county. .Liberal Commissions. Free Outfit. Write at once for Exclusive Territolase THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON COMPANY RIDGEVILLE, ONT. STAR NURSERIES Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR ,FORD CARS. GU ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tf18 GOAL. Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -17 Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S:, D. D. s. :DENIAL SURGEON: ■ At McCormick .Block, Zurich, ev- ery i'hnrsday and Saturday. Main Office AA:I;*'.i'%.t,113°5 BLOCK, DASHWOOD Highest Prices Paid ac- cording y . cording to quality cr1:Sn, On TRADE �.h ALL WOOL BLANKETS, YARNS 1 c 1 Mise Lydia Faust has returned after spending her holidays at Lon=• dont Stratford, Waterloo, and at- tending the League Convention at Kitchene_ri, and was also 'camping at Fziee� Port with !sortie friends, Just received a ;'fresh' lot of Best, by • Test Colurnhia. ITieleph- one Jana Radio ,Batte le :F' xllis ,sl othe for all Telephone, : !Radio and ;Ignition work.. i -=•W„ G. Hess. I hereby.,wish io anarounce that I have sold'iny business and 'store Zuriehi to Mr. H. L. Albrecht of New Hamburg'; The titore•' will b- closed Thursday; Septi 18th end until finished. Stocktaking, a=te' which Mr. S.lbrecht will have los- session[ All ij ose. who owe me accounts; May ays settle same with :: before October i4t, after that date all accoentsl will be :handed in for collection as I yam moving out of the comnwnit'v —J. Preeter. Mr. John Decher, jr,, our noted Standard Brut horse breeder, has again this year met with marked. success with his horse at both Tor- onto and London Fairs, At Tor- onto he captueed five firsts sand won the Gold Medal for the best five Standard Bred horses owned by one man. While ac London he �vod four firsts and 3 seconds with the seven, horses be exhihited, also winning the sweepstakes for the 3 best horses aired by one horse. Mr. Decker wars °also offered •some very tempting figures for his younger i]oU, sus wh'els was pretty 'ne.0 the four figure nark. SSTANL .' I' )W SHIP, Mr. and llrs. Harry Hayter are spending, 'a fe~;, days with friends at Flint, Mich.( Oar School Fair is lasing held at Varna on Wednesday, Sept. e.77 A good iS�me is expected, , The Presbyterians of Varna are holding th;',r anniversary services on Sunday, Septi 21st., services morning and•,evoning. Wm. H.', and Geo. H. Stephenson of Marlette; Miele, attended the fumerat of the late Mr. Ralph Ste- phensonl. Dlr. Jas McClymont was 'taken eu:ddeuly ilk last 'week and was ta- ken, to London for treatment. An aged and esteemed resident of Stanley passed away on Friday morningSept. 12th i -a the ers 'n p .r persen of Mrd. Ralph Stephenson of the Goshen Line;. He had reached the ago of 86 years and was the last surviving member of, a family of. tend. He was born near Port Hope in 1838• and came with his parents to'^'Stan,ley Tp. when about 8 or to years of rage; Oar �fin;e town- s ip's were then almost an unbrolz en ioreee and the Stepheeson tarm- ly of 7 brothers did .their share to leas. the land and build up the fine tomes whielif their eons ,occupy ,to- day. Mr, Stephemeon rile among he hist of that fine band of pion- eers who connect the past with the ',resent and did iso much to give a, ea the f+no heritrere t\rl];k i 11'' njn,v to -day". To them we owl, a vent debt of gratitute. Mr i to «e, 'e.,+-0,4 to ;wanuvn title os !s,1its wife, who is 85 yowls of g , 7 ,sons and 3 daughters, the &&ND WOOL B.ATTS. MAIL O t NERD PROMPTLY FIL- LED. Phone or write for prices to t17 it Newton Woollen Mills NEWTON ONT. 11. C. WAGNER, Proprietor. ZURICH HERALD eoota ars. Cearge B. o;i Marlette, ratei1,,-,sea1,Cen. sexed and .reelsora, who allele 011ie West, and Jrt'nlee, Charlie and Thwarts Steplrensoir of Stanley. The tbiee dauillitets are' mewled arra living le the west, the youngest datighte.r' being Mre, J. Dinsmore fornterly of Ilay TpArThe remains were. Laid to rest in Bay- fielkl eemetery on Sunday, Sept,14' a,liaiig;? concourse of people testify - leg to t''al ie*steeni in which Wei de - wasted. was{ field. SOME FALL FAIR DATES Toronto --Aug, 23 to Sept 6. Geelerich—Sept. 3 to 5th. 'L'ondon—Sept. 6 to 13.. FZete�i—Sept. 16 arid 17. T tiieardine.. Sept 18 and 19, Lietawel-Sept 19 and 19. Seaforth—Sept. 18 land 19. Bayfield—Sept 23 .and 24, Mitchell—Sept 23 and 24. BlYuh—Sept 25 and 26. Luekri;ow Sept 25 and 26 ZURICH -Sept 25 and 26. Win;gham—Sept. 29 and 30. Brussels—Oct, 2 and 3rd. !Dangannon—oat. 2 and 3rd, OWELL'S BAZAAR EXETER PLAIN PRICE STORE , . 6 week's ago, we, made a change in our Business Methods. We, like many other merchants sit back and waited for Good Times, that never came. It got serious — so after studying conditions from dif- ferent angles, we decided, that the only' and best way of getting bus- inesswas to get up and go after it. Take Smaller Frofits and make More Business Turns. OUR SUCCESS so far has been Won- derful, Our Store is fast becom- ming known a, a Bargain Centres Our large shock of Phonographs; records, Radio, Fancy Chinaware, Dinnerware', Granitewai'e, Alumin- umware, Toilet Goods, and small wares, Confectionery, etc., is so ar- ranged that a walk thru our Store is a most pleasing isght for any- one,. Our slogan is "If We Can- nlo;sive you money,—We Do•n't de; serve your :Patronage," We in- leite ,every Reader of this News- paper to Cone inj any time they chapped to be Th[ Exeter, and Look Arou1 t FRIDAY AND S.ATURJ, Y. pfecr(Sl1 ,hut p'n„;dale ; jA „ship `.'t o ; Grey Graniteware that will set the Mail Order houses thinking. Briztg your Catalogues and Com - pane the, Valu,esl„ FOR SALE 10 'gown;' pigs, 6 weeks ( old, Tam and York cross. Apply to Wm. Spa.rka, Phone 78.r 19, Hen - salt.. DASHW[10D, Miss .i u„ , ta. ;Rader left on Mon- day for' Detroit, ,after a two we- eks' visit with tier parents. Miss Edith Wolper spent a few days With Me. and Mrs, Oscar lelopp, Hay Tp., :this week. Rev M, l3ru,er of ,London, will conduct English Services in the .Lutheran church here next Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock, A cruet •but pretty wedding took place .on Wednesday Sept, 10th at St. Peter and Paul Jusuit church, when, John the eldest son of Mr and 'Mrs. Simon Hartman was un- ited' iii the Holy Bonds of mat- rimony to Miss Nora Ryder, for- mai'ly °! Lucan,r •who was given a- way b,yg her blather, Mr. Patrick Ryder.. The Bride looked eltarm.- ing he a peach crepe gown and picturesque fiat and carried bridal roses and Tellies of the Valley. Mina Bertha Hartman acted Mals maid of honors, Who wore blue Geo'rgett,e and chiffon velvet and hat to match Mr. Wiilbut Hartman assisted the groom. sumptuous wedding breakfast was served at the home Of tht ':bride's brother, Mr. Il3rder on; Meadowbrook Ave. The gifts were nulnerou's and ueoful. The ;ila,ppy couple will reside int their i esu Renee on Manistique, ave, Detroit, 1 Liei4 nlr, Czar .Keileonan, Underwent an operation for appendicitis. last week in; Victoria Hospital, Lon -- don, we hope for a 'speedy ret- °ver Y r 1VIr. Lloyd Edighoffer of • Mit chell• spent Sunday 'in town, 11Z1s;4 ,, r Ada: Witmer l( hasti'e i i` r ned after' spending several months in Bernie,. Mrs: J•:. Rader has returned of- sei an extended trip to Toronto aixrl Niagara Fells, Me. and Mre S. Adams of Lone don, visited in this vicinity on Stindayl. Mr. and Mrs„ Stadelbauer of London, ls]ent Sunday with the) latter's paren:ta, Mr. and Mee, Pt Kraft. Rev, E. F. :Braes. of S arti+nrv; has aeceptedl a call from the Luth eran congregation, -and will s=oma merino his duties about Nov. tet. Mr, Louis B.eetarneyer has in his iaoesession barred rock pullets that 1 t'0: teelirn'ed at (an unci nilly vottnr; age„ 'I 'be young cl r'krr, al- though onlyg four and .a half mon- ths old have already started. to lay eggs, We have a few good second buggies, for Sale Noyv is the time to get that Auto Top Repaired RFPAJRINo „Painting Feed Car, One'oat, $15,00, Two Coats .. $20,00 iCovering Ford Top Good Material, less curtains .....$12,00 Changing Ford Curtain's to open with Doors 5.00 Painting Buggy $ IF YOU WANT .SERVICE, WE HAVE IT $8.00 WE RERUBl3ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS, HESS - ZIIRICH Bird's Neponset Roofs 4. "GOOD OLD PAROID” f + WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF THE ABOVE + PRODUCTS OF BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER e WALL BOARDS, ROOFS, INDIFFERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS AND SHINGLES. FULL SUPPLY OF LUMBER, LATHS AND + SHINGLES ALWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC- 1 IALTY. j + +ii. + *I. C. XALBFLEJSC',: f PHONE4. 69 - - ZURICH 4. d+, f•+.g..}.'H'++++*++3!+++++++3.++++'i•++++44+++++++++++++++++4.4!11 + + +-ri• + + + + + +-+ + + + + + + + + READY + :HOBBERLIN HOFFMAN! + WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRING SUITINGS AND SAMPLESi IN ALL—THE NEWi SEASON'S FABRICS, .AND EQPRESSING ( THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES HOBBERLIl HAVING TAKEN OVER THE AGENCY OF THE BEST KNOWN .1. + SEMI -READY CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (HABBERLIN &'t' + CO.) WIE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST1 + ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING SUITS AND+B 1+ OVERCOATS AT PRICES SECEND TO NONE. , • ° ;The Early Bird catches the Worm •' + W. H. HOFFMANI TAILOR `AND► FUNERAL DIRECTOR*: DAY AND NIGH .r PHO.:NE No. 81 + T -+ + + + +—+ + + + *--+11. a + + + + + + * ° A NEW SPECIECE OF RABBIT AT ST. JOSEPH, ONT. , Henisall, Ont. Sept. 13, 1924. Last Thursday, Sept lith be— our last half holiday of the year, a great many from Hensall took ad vantage of the fine weather and journeyed to the Western Fair ,at London, but being bent on a rtia..- bit hunt, Iloaded my gun " land ammunition (and my good wife) into our 223e HP,. Ford and bit the trael for Zurich. Now Ihardly ever drive a car faster than; ,a hloesepolwer per hour, but just as we entered the 13ig Swamp, a load• of youngster's Honk -Honked and I let them past, they had. a{ 50 H. P. We took the dust', Isays to the: Muses says I, "we head the first Dow car in the County any- way in 1002 before then] - duffers' ever' saw a car," Yrs,. say e she, and you borrowed money to get it, and you did worse with this one(. Yes says I and most of em are clorngt he same thing to -day, but I'm paying cash` for gas and oil. anyway. Well, I h ad a good notion to ttu'n back and lay down on a,eouchi, but took a notion that beat the' fit"st ones, and in a ishbrt time the •chu.rch steeples of ,Zur- tic'] hove in Leight. Landing at the old bur(g I 'soon got aid of the Mieses. Now' as good luck would have it who should I meet but my old !leant -1, -El Axt, nommoiily kn- own. aa "Hatch.:mt". Sayis I, Bello Ned, what's doan? Say's he, Oh' not much, where .you gain? Saiy's f, I have my gone Well by Jove I have my dog. ' Well I.'1l get my brother Billy and Harry Weber, the tailor and will call for you in 15 -all gathered up iso' we :sped down', the road for St. Joseph. :Before • tr.,hin:et he Jog, irsnos 1.3illy which way will we go? Welt, says Ned, I was up near Drysdale last weeds' and •shot a whopper of `a rabbit. Well, says 1 t hat one ,is dead,, no use going up there, so ,we decided on the "Big Gully" at St. oJseph, Now, Weber was the "referee" and the three of us ;were to do the exeeui:in.g. No sooner had we jumpydt ho feaca when Hunter,the hound,' had one «a -gain" t got I bai],g at him but it only increased his speed. The dog circled him • gaining '.speed, Billy lead ( two ban;gs at hint, but only made him ' go faster, it was now getting very exciting. Says Ned, Hees a dandy, lookst o me like a prairie Jack Rabbit (N:rd wore his magnifying glasses); it was now nip and tuek dog catch rabbit me rab..it catch dog. Round they went at a ter - riffle speed. er-rifficspeed. When the Jack got dizzy and cause out into an open space opposite to "Hatceht", bang went hnle gun, (never 'touched it), the next 9110 shot—down down 1] e nt the lett blit," Ini the excitement to claim his prize, "Ned" •slid down the forty foot cls y1 bs:nIc; picked up what he thought the leg oog a Jack Reb-. bit. By jove,, says he, I must have blower him all to pieces, I can only find one bind leg, but on closer investiatioon he found he h'ad the whole rabbit in his hank. We could find no 'shot marks on him., It proved to be a mewl isp ecie al rabbit, Bailed "fiuunynuelr and measured four and a half in- ehes from 'stem to gudgeon, place ing it into the car we seems' land- ed heels '+ ' rtr%eh. :Bill's tom cat looked "gen)t" sa 1 , laid 73unny-. -clown where "Tom" ;grabbed hini, the poor little thin; ,squealed, and showed !alt;as of life. We tailed "Shell ",,] a-':" but referee Weber r mnetineed it a dear case of "Catdevotoo P,S.--Some people will shoot at�en 3", thing': !l+, Wt, IIGtt