HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-18, Page 3is the
and extra good
g ''nn�
i in'. and Their 0r
Racial Origin—EngIIsh.
Source -A locality, also a character.
This is a family name, which, if one,
Judged it by one of its, meanings alone
should be classified as a variation of
the names Houghton and Haughton,
for in a large number of cases it is, de-
rived from a place name which means
"high town." Both the place and the
name, however (which is Hutton),
have an identity distinct from those
concerned in the origin of the names
Hoghton and Haughton.
'But there Is another derivation of the
family name, from the old Norman-
. French word "hutain," meaning
"proud." The mention of such char-
acteristics as this in connection with
a man's 'name with the same given
name, was quite common in the middle
ages. At that period, just prior to the
development of family names and co-
incident with it, populations were in-
creasing so rapidly, and shifting as
well, and the same given names were
applied to so many persons, that some
further method of differentiation, such
as mention of the place whence a man
bad conte, or sof some personal char-
acteristic of . his, was the rule rather
than the exception.
Those who can trace their ancestry
back to a form of the name prefixed
either by "de" or "le" will have no dif-
ficulty in determining whether their
family names developed from the
place name or the nickname. The "de"
indicates the former and the "le" the
Variations Monson, Manson.
Racial Origin—English, also Scottish.
Source—Given names.
Munson is a family name of quite
simple and regular origin, but you'd
hardly guess, the given name from
which it oomes unless you were fa-
miliar with the manner in which the
English of the Middle Ages abbrevi-
ated their given names.
Many of the shortened forms of given
names were the same as those we use
to -day, such as Dick for Richard, Har-
ry for Henry, Ed. for Edward, Edgar
or Edmond, and so on. But there was
also a method of using other syllables
of a name than the firstforpurposes
of abbreviation and variation. This
has virtually disappeared among Eng-
nglisp-speaking peoples, though it re-
mains among the Germans, .among
whom Hans for John (from Johannes)
is widespread.
In medieval England "Munn," "Mun"
and "Mon" were regular variations of
Edmond and Edmund., and the simple
addition of the ending 'son" to one or
the _other of these forms has given us
the patronymics. Munson, Monson and
in some cases, throukh further varia-
tion, Manson
Manson, however, is more likely to
be of Scottish origin, a development of
"Magnus -son." This is the name of
on'e'of the septs or branches of the Clan
Gunn, that clan ivhieh rose to pro-
minence in the fifteenth century as the
followers of George Gunn, the "Crown
er" or Coroner, a historic figure in
Scottish history.
Cautlous Horse.
Harris prided himself on a thorough
knowledgeof horses and their habits,
and so he was interested when, on a
visit to the country, he, saw a farmer
haying some trouble with his mount.
It would start, amble along slowly
for a short distance and then stop.
-Then thefarmer would have great dlfi
ficulty, in getting it Started again.
Finally Harris approached the farmer
anduasked kindly
"IS your liorse sdok?"
Not; as I know of," was the short
Is he balky?"
"No. But he's so afraid I'll • say
'Whoa!' and he won't hear.me that he
stops every once in a. while to listen."
Patients did better -in • tents than in
any other accommodation—this is one
of the lessons of the Great War.
German Factories Workers
Paid in Slues,
When pay day carne around in Par,
rias;ens, Germany, recently, the ,fac-
tory owner,, were up against it,. for
cash. The ncareity oP ligan capital is
quite as acute iu the slice .aclustr'y as
it is in any branch of Germ—pee trade-
A ]novel, way was. eougl*t .out of the
dilemma, ine,tead of paying the .mien
off in marks, they gave them elaella a
pair of shoes as part payment of their
An hour later virtually the whole
shoeworking population lead , been
transformed Into a sales aggregation
From store' to store wandered heads
of families, trying" to, dispose of their
pair of shoes in ieturn for things to
A L uskc,i Creed for Canadian
Music Lovers.
Here le .5a ntueiea1 oreed worthy cf
attention of all Can :diane. We
:believe that',
I l., Music is a necessity, not a lux-
ury, •
Il 2: Every child nab en inherent right
to "a, musieal oduca'tiort • .
alb Utility Lbrough masa: is a means
to 'oleic improvement.
Why Many Men and Women Are
Badly Handicapped.
When you ere so run-down in health
that It impairs the efficiency of your
work -as well es:your power to enjoy
your leisure hours, or obtain rest, it is
time you looked to the cause. If you
do not, a serious breakdown is almost
sure to result sooner or later. In near-
ly ail cases this condition, which doc-
torsusually describe as general
debility, is due to poor blood -blood
that is deficient ih red corpuscles.
When the blood is thin and weak your.
whole system suffers. You lose ap-
petite, have no energy, your nerves
trouble you and you feel restless:
What you need is help to build up
your blood and you should begin at
once to make your blood rich and red
by taking Dr. Williams? Pink Pills. You
will soon notice the difference in your
health by a better appetite . and -in-
creased vigor. The reason is that the
new blood created by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills stimulates all the organs of
the body to healthy activity, and so
the system gains nourishment and
strength. If you are weak or out of
sorts begin gaining new strength to-
day by taking Dr. Williams' Pink
You .can get these pills from your
druggist or by mail at 50 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
A Boy With a Big Conscience.
Was Not. Making Out.
Aunt—"How are you making out,
Dot? Having a good time?" ,' •
Dot—"I ain't making out, Aunt Lil
—I is having a good :time!"
Our jaws have dropped half an inch
since the days of prehistoric man; thi
4 i'atrlotisni is developed by music.
'The spirit of cornr,adeship----re-
gardless of race or creed, is induced
R 1Vlusie is the most useful mediuni
inconstruetive work in any com:
nalleity. Inferior places of entertain -
meet are being rapidly abolished,
iiieae must be astablit'hed in thou'
"Les" Booth. Finally Got Re-
lief" `Through Taking Tan -
"Since taking Tanlac, I feel so fit it
sometimes seems Iike a dream for
there was hardly a day in 20 years
that 1 did not suffer," is the striking
statement of Geo. L. ("Les") BQoih,
271 Perth St„ Brookville, Ont., one of
the best known farmere in pnterio.
"For 20 years, up to three years ago
when I took Tanlac, 1 suffered from
stead places of clean amusement, rheumatism in my arms, shoulders,
7, MU 3ic> tends 'to encourage a high• bac% and hips, so bad at times X could
er .iarzn of citisenship. not lift my .arias to put my coat on. I
K` 2,Iusi; 1s a powerful curative for couldn't even write my name and I
metal, moral and physical ailments
EYlivery city of 10,000 or more
shcuid build a memorial 'community
elu;tl House, as the fountain head for
branches of music, and social activity
forlhe eetertaiement of the peoples of
than .locality.
must in these. ,sericus days of an
rear it is well to remember that by
givhig greater encouragement to
music; much of the present discontent,
naw ,existing among •the masses, will
be alone away with. More music and
kindlier co-operation between the vari-
o S sections of our communities will
make Canada the envy of the world.
A curious thing happened to me
when I was a lad!" remarked old Mr,
Markham. "When'I was ten years old
my father died, leaving my mother in
straitened circumstances with a large
family to support. My older sisters at
once began to teach, and as soon as .I
was pfd enough I found a job in a
clothing store. The work was not
hard, but one thing" troubled me My
father was a ;teetotel ;hail
taught me to think it wra k to areink.
Well, there was an old gentleman who
stopped daily at the store on his way
horn- and took a drink of •whislrey.-
We did not sell whiskey, but he kept
his bottle and glass there because it
was convenient, As I was the young-
est clerk, it was my duty to bring the
bottle and glass when he came in.
s "Well, I worried about it a good
is stated to be due to changes in the' deal and finally went to the head of
palate and in the teeth. the firm= and told hint my conscience
would not allow me to encourage any
she/visits§on id e table
that makes people
It's not just custom �
take mustard with ani hmeals.1ps to assimi-
and aids digestion cod habit mo'
late the meats. It is a g meal.
acquire. Mix it freshlyr every !
yen s 230
To Worsen *ho Do Their Own Work: Suppose
you could save six minutes every day in washing
pots and vans—two minutes after every meal.. In
a month, this would amount to a saving of three
hours of this disagreeable but ,necessary work.
This saving can be made by using SNIP enameled
kitchen utensils, as their smooth sanitary surface
rill not absorb dirt or grease. No scraping, scouting or
polishing is needed when you use Diamond or Pearl Ware.'
Soap, water and a dish towel is all you need. Ask for
"A Face of Porcelain and a Heart of Steel"
Three liniches; Pearl Ware, two coat's of pearly Krey
enamel inside and cut. Diamond Ware, three coats, light
blue and white outside, white lining. 'Crystal Ware,
three coats,. pure white inside and out, with Royal Blue
,. edging.
man to drink. He looked at me in
amazement; then his face turned red,
and he cried, 'See here, boy, are you
trying to be impudent?'
'"No, sir,' I replied, 'but I just don't
think it's. right.'
" 'Well,' he said, 'no one stays in my
store who can't take orders from rue!
You may get your pay and leave at
the end of the week.'
"That was a blow! When I went
home I told nay mother the news. She
sighed and d sales: 'You were quite right,
my son. I 'would not have you disobey
your conscience for all the money in
the world!'
"When the week ended 'and I was
paid in full I was told to my great as-
tonishment that the firma would pre-
sent me with any suit of clothes in the
store that I wished to have. I was
much pleased and walked out with my
new suit under my arm, feeling almost
"I had not gone two stepe before
one of the owners of the drug store
next door accosted me. 'Want a job?'
he asked.
"I was too much astonished to' ans-
"I hear you're leaving Brown's on
account of, an abnormally developed
conscience!' he went on. 'Well, that's
the kind of a young fellow we are
needing in our business. Can't have
too much conscience in a drug store.
Somebody's life might •depend on it.'
"I had recovered my wits by that
time. `I'll be glad to get the work, sir,
and I'll do my best,' I said.
"When I went home and told my
mother and showed her my suit she
exclaimed: 'I knew you were right,
but we no .not always have such quick
returns for a little investment indo-
ing right!'
Gorse Forever.
Passenger (after the first night on
beard. ship) --"I say, where have my
clothes gone?"
Steward—"Where did you put
Passenger—"Iii that little cupboard
there„ with the glass floor on it,"
Steward --"Bless me, sir, that ain't
no cupboard. That's a porthole."
Children under three years of age
are now forbidden by law to be used
in the produeing of German films,
Minard's.'Lininment Relievedi' Pale.
A Forbidden Plant.
In "California, if you grow 'a mari-
huana bush you risk imprisonment for
three months. Marihuana is the Span-
ish-American name for hasheesh, or
Indian hemp. It grows freely, and its
smaller leaves and seeds are dried,
crushed, • and made up into cigarettes.
Although the cost of production is
much less than that of ordinary. tobac-
co cigarettes, the retail price in the
underworld is as much as ten or fif-
teen cents each.
The drug first exhilarates the
smoker, and then completely upsets
his self-control. The Californian police
officers have a difficult problem in the
control of this drug plant, which
mexi'cans and Negroes := struggle to cul-
tivate in spite of the penalties im-
Nat limped about like a cripple. Many
a night It looked like I would not live
to see daybreak, and once I was laid'
up sit menthe unable to hit a lick of.
"Money could not buy the good Taxi-
aglac has done me. It ended every sign.
of rheumatism and built up my weight
16 pounds, and since then I have not
had a rheumatic ache or pain, If any-
body wants to know about Tereus just
let them see Les Booth."
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug-
gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40
million betties sold,
Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills for
Cagatal to Aid Y`iewly .11-4 m de-to�nzeasu e Breeches, Shirts,
arried Couples.' , Mackinaws. Best sellers. Send for
rine sample outfit. Royal Outfitting Co.,
Fearing race suicide among the poor- 152 St. Lawrence St., Montreal.
er classes due to the high cost of get-
ting married, the Social Works Be- pERSOWAL CHRISTMAS CARDS..
reau of Tokio municipality proposes "Imperial Art." Best known selec-
to establish a matrimonial ii teiljgence tion. Want men and women in every
bureau: town to solicit orders in spare time.
The bureau will register the names Representatives making $2 per hour
of those who express the desire to be Sp. SamplesNefree. 'British
Lowest n, prices.
Canadian, x22
married, and will act as go-between to Richmond West, Toronto.
arrange satisfactory matches. A stock
of handsome kimonos • will be pur-
chased by the bureau and lent to the
prospective brides and the services • of
an officer to perform the ceremony
and a hall to bold the ceremony will
be donated without charge.
At the conclusion of the wedding
ceremony the responsibility of the
bureau for the financing of the newly
married. •couple ceases.
Mothers should constantly be on
guard to keep baby's bowels working
freely and his stomach sweet, for nine -
tenths of the ailments•from which lit-
tle ones suffer are caused by derange
-relents• of the stomach and bowels.
ata • Owii Tablets are aendid.
iaXative for the baby.' Thej�e' mild
but thorough; contain nail opiates
nor narcotics, and areabsolutely guar-
anteed to be safe . and efficient for
either the newborn babe or the grow-
ing child. By their action on the
bowels andstomach they drive out
constipatio i,and indigestion; break up
colds and simple fevers and make the
dreaded teething period easy. The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
OT' by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Double -Edged.
Mr. Billerton, whose dalrghter had
just been united to the husband of her
choice, looked a little sad.
"I tell you, William," he said to one
of the wedding guests, a man of his
own age, andhimself the father of a
Piscatorial Arithmetic.
"When the boys got home from their
trip last week I suppose they divided
the fish?"
"They did—and multiplied 'em, too."
Smart Boy.
The teacher was explaining the
nouns of multitude.
"You say," he said, "a flock of sheep,
a flight of birds, a shoal of fishes, a
school of whales, a covey of part-
ridges, a herd of cows, a forest of
trees, a brood of serpents, and so on.
Now can any boy give
me e other
examples T"
"Please,• sir," said a smart boy,
"please, sir, yes; au ancient order of
Two gntlemen were uncertainly illy
Tering their way home, from a party.
"Bill," said Henry, "I wancha to be
very careful. First thing ya know
you'll hay as in the ditch."
"Me?" said Bill in astonishment,
"Why, I thought you were drivin'."
Great Trade Centres.
Manila is so situated geographically
as to become the big tradingcentre of
the Far East. A population of 126,-
000,000 dwells within a radius of 1,700
Mortgages purchased. Reynolds,
77 Victoria St., Toronto.
number of unmarried girls, "I tell you •—
it is a solemn thing for us' when our
daughters marry and go away."
.Williamassented, but not altogether
heartily. y
"I suppose it is," he conceded, "but
I tell you it Is more solemn when they
A Beautiful Friedship.
Two bartered old wrecks were sit-
ting on -a bench in the park the other
afternoon. Suddenly one of, them lean-
ed over and remarked, "I'm a, man
who never took advice from his
" "Shake, brother," replied the other.
"I'm a man who followed everybody's
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back. •
Better. Gem Cutting.
The Antwerp diamond cutters
they have found a way of cutting
polishing gems so that they give
Oriental Deb Paying Day.
Ill China and Japan all debts are
supposed to be paid by New Year's DON'T
Sugar is found in the sap of nearly vim
twohundred plants and trees.
Say "Bayer" - Insist!
For Pain Headache
Neuralgia Rheumatism
Lumbago Colds
Accept only a
Bayer package
which contains proven directions
Handy "Bayer" boxes' of 12 tablets
.Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Aspirin is the 'trade nark (registered in
Canada) of Mayer Manufacture of Moho-
aceticacidester of Salicyllcacid.
Phonograph Size of Watch.
A Hungarian engineer has invented
a phonograph no larger than an or-
dinary watch. There is room inside for
ten discs, giving a repertoire of twenty
selections. By placing the instrument
in a water glass the sound is amplified
sufficiently for an ordinary -sized room.
MInard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
Beavers Did the Work.
A •colony of beavers repaired a darn
near Beilefort, Pa., that was 200 feet
wide and from four to ten feet deep.
Fishermen and farmers, had consider-
ed repairing the dam for several
years, but were deterred because of
the expense involved. The beavers
performed as good a job as the aver-
age dam builder.
y... --tee
Don't neglect to -take a bottle of
Minard's in the woods. The univer-
sal remedy for sprains, bruises and
Can You b• ear? 00
Place watch to ear then draw 0
away. You should hear tick at
56 inches. Doea a ringing in your
ears prevent your proper hear,n g?
elievca both Head Noises and Deaf
netts. Just rub it 'back of cars and
insert in nostrils. Price $1.25
For Sale Everywhere.
Tntereottne, descriptive feldat
cent upon ,tequfest.
70 tat Ave
Now Stork
11 "DIE
Keeps EYES
Clear, Bright and Beautiful
Writelviutine Co. •Chicago, forEyeCareBook
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.
ble Compound a Dependable
Help for Mothers
Port Greville, Nova Scotia.—"I took
your medicine for a terrible pain in m
side and for weakness and headaches.
seemed to bloat all over, too, and my
feet and hands were the worst. I am w"
the mother of four children and 1 am
nursing my baby—the first one of four
I could nurse. I took Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound before the
baby's birth, so you can see how much
it helped me. I cannot praise it too
highly for what it has done for me. I
took all kinds of medicine, but the Veg-
etable Compound is the only one that
has helped me for any length of time.
I recommend it to any one with troubles
like mine and you may use my letter for a.
testimonial."—Mrs.ROEERT MCCULLEY,
Port Greville, Nova Scotia.
Before and after child-birththe mother
will find Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound a blessing.
Many, many letters are received giv-
ing the same sort of experience as is
given in this letter. Not only is the
mother benefited, but these gooa results
pass on to the child.
No harmful drugs are used in the
preparation of this medicine—just roots
and herbs—and it can be taken in safety
by the nursing mother.
98 out of every 100 women reported
benefit from its use in a relent canvass
among women users of thin) medicine. 0,
Cuticura Heals
Itching Eczema
On Arms and Face
" My trouble began with red
blotches and itching and burning
on my arms and face,
and then -eczema broke
out with a rash. My
face was disfigured and
my clothing aggravated
the breaking out on my
arms. I could not put
my hands in water, nei-
ther could I do nay regular work.
At night I lost nay rest, on account
of the irritation.
"'rhe trouble lasted about a
month. I began using Cuticura
Soap and Ointment and they helped
me and after using two cakes of
Cuticura Soap and two boxes of
Cuticura Ointment I was completely
healed." (Signed) 1VIrs. Leon
Hailock, 104 Atkins St., Bellows
Falls, Vt.
Use Cuticura Soap, dhnttnerlt and
Talcum for all toilet latrposes.
0arayto Eaalt Sres by Man, l ddress CAnnd;na,
Depot: Cannata, y, 0, Box 280, Montreal:'.
Fr,ra S,oap510.Ointment 25seatm, 'i'alcun;28e.
Try our new Sheeler Sask.
�.� rave.-.:-�,,, •�.ur
ISSUE No. ;'e1 -",'11