HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-11, Page 8.: Eo' o Many L+ine Summer Good s Viales and repiles Brocaded Crepes, Regular $1.50 a yard, now- Special awSpecial Lot of Voiles your ehoikce per fylai.rd. r , Plain colored :Ratines, Regular 85e. now at per yard SILKS „$1,l,o' 38c, 65c TRICOCHECK-A new Silk knitted f abric in black,brown, hied: blue, 1 yard wide at per Yard $2.00 CANTON CREPES --A pure Silk Canton, in black, Navy, Grey and Nigger brown at per Yard ,.$2.75'' Silk and wool, Canton,. good weight at p,ery ard ...... '.. :2$.25 Silk and Wool C,.nton, lighter weight at per yard ' $1.50 Shantung, or Raw Silk, Regular par yard $1.00 now for 80c NE \'V ARRIVALS TRIOLA BROADCLOTH -A new cloth of very pleasing appearance, good weight, suitable for Lacliny Dresses 'or Childrens wear, or men's fine Shirts, colors; peach, tan, cream and jade, 38 -iii. wide. Linnen Suitings All linen cloth in white, sky, fawn, Yellow, Orange and Grey. Can be put to such a variety of uses, and is wonderfu. value at 80c. yd,.' issue Gm dharn TISSUE GINGH .M• -Something new in Gingham cloth of very fine texture with silk stripe effect, 32 -in wide at 50c, a Yard. ,.. New Collar AND COLLAR AND C'UF1' SETTSN'OW ON HAND COME .AND SEE THEM. II0 FRY If it is 'stockings you need, we have them in all colors, sizes ` and Prices. Mx R•,�" $,: SPTT) ()JALS rf LADIES SILK HOSE-hh to at per hair $1.00 LADIES FIBRE SILK -Brown, Black, Camel, Gras■, at only pr. 48c RIB:BED LISLE, HOSE -All fashionable colors a pr. 75c Ladies Cotton, Hose -Brown pr. 23c. Black 25c. Black at ... ... 18c Tlinoieiuy n. and Floor Oil Cloth GOOD„ CHOICE Ola PATTERNS STILL ON HAND, GET OUR PRICES J. Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zu.ri.ch'8 e. Gas, Nis, Greases Tires Thus, Repairs AND GENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS U. S.. L. T IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. f! 1 i .: r( i, t 1.1 1 .I Y ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE IL Mousseau Zurich *eseeeoss®•®®• ssseseeefeeesees•s••eee•••seeee00s0 •, • •• • • • • • • •• • • 28 Guage, Ordinary, at $6.25 per 100 • • Square uare Feet • • • • • ric • ower w it rragated Galvanized • • Iron Roofing • • • • • • • • • 28 Gauge Coun6i1 Standard, guaradteed against any red rust, for at least 20 years, 1 8-4 oz.• a • • • • Galvanizing per square foot, at 6.75 per IO Square Feet • • •• • ISTADE • • , • : i REETE i BLOCK• +r+ri 0rrrr amid Uaercoats to Measure STYLEs 'AND FABRICS tattling xpert win be at i, , r �1 ' re m ptk:.r 15th will give You Personal :j. aeration which Ensures Satisfaction ITEMS OF LOCAL; INTEREST Williamsspent ,Tues day at `Lonidon. Masi. W. C.'Callfas contin- ues confused to her bed: le: Said Mrs. John Meyer of Kit- cheoar ars 'visiting relatives here. A large. number of ,this vicinity are attending London Fair this. =eekd Miss Anna Deters of- Hay Tp4, is assisting Mi.s V'>Siebty t in hel. Millinery Parlors.` Mr .and .14lrs. 'ercl..aber.er, Mr: and Mrs. Wun.. Decrierl "spent Su•n- day with Ma 'and. Mrs Weld Par I.ri ie, Mr,. and Mrs. Percy;: Clark and family, who trisited relatives here have returned Borne Mr. and Mrsr N .,Schantz of Krt.:- cheer, it=cheer+, 'spent. ,Sundayat the horhe of Mr. and Mrs. E. Daters. Th:e cool,: wit weather the past few days haS not been so 'favor-, able for. 'be•in and oat harvesting. N1r; S. S:ippel_ ancl•: Miss I3o'w nan of Elmira,' were:Sunday visitors at the house, of Mr.'. and. Mrs;.` L. Kraft. Mrs. Alf Hord of:'Wolsley, Sask., visited hes.r uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Klopp, over Sunday. Maw. and Mrs" Albert Ross and family and 11Ii::'.L. W'oolacott of Illitchell; !spent 'Sunday at Lthe home of M. ° herd Mrs. ,Wei. Uttley Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel, and the Misses, Gertrude and.' Flosisie Weber, were visitors 'at London, a few days this week. . ' • Mr. and Mrs.' By.,,13ende and family of Listowell were, Sunday visitors at .the hanie. of Mrs. B. Pfile.. Mr. and Mrs:,Gordori Wilson and family of Centralia, were Sunday visitors at the homeMr., and Mrs. Ferd. Ee4i A new :sanatory. lavatory 'ststeiin1 has been installed in the Zuri�chPub lie school; and .,is ^, great 'conven-. lance as well at a big improvem-. ent to healthy •conditions. Mr, and gra. ,stn Roolteland son Karl, also 114x, Cornean and soli Joe of Kitelien,er were week- rid visitoes at thehone of 11Ir sand Mrs John Hari:Man'. G)Slaen Lino): Thursday �%$terno,,0n of this week is` the last ,iia;1h 9liday for ,' the. summer months:: Likely most of our business hi& wall •Spend the day at .Loudon `star,. • The Goldc'a d'uha)ee 50t1i AnniV- ersary Of t14..Bvangelieat Church is to be •celebrated on September 28th. Tlterew Itill rue ;three ,services on, Sunday, fo11t wed by A. feeture on Monday 'nja, ht, ;: P rticulars later, Arrangements :are being made 1o>I' a ii'lonister ,fowl 'slipper on Oct,.1,4t1i •Russell MaihtanArti,...151 St..Marya has invented teauto 'wheel ( Which. promises to of advantage' to motor dziv i . The; yotung in-. ventor started thrive 'Teens ago to !perfect ;►,n aiatohiobilc •' wheel that would gine ally tt serviceS of` the pte.sent .`been ''t�ir ed�, with the.ad- ded adv nta,g4s sof doing, away With itis or wE dgfit. IIe leas succe- eded any acr,otii,plialatiig,this, ;and the 910.w inlf'entioii i'0'lil Permit a compl- ete, tire, ehang'e' Without the use o.f oro., in, 28 t5('colitd+g, r..Tb'e Wheel has been completed alud it iia isa,idh"s,toocl tips uric` dr th Wev'erea,' t of tests. LOL.AL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday). Eggs • 23-27 Butter per lb. .35c Potatoes per bag - 1.00 Dried apples per 1b. .. ... .. 7c butch Setts, per ib, .:. ...7c. Oats ...50 .barley 7(Y Buckwheat ....75 Wheat .per bushel , . 1.20 Flour per cwt. • a.75-4.00 Shorts per ton .32;00 Bran per ton ( f 1. .30.00 Live Hogs 9.75 Western ;farmers 1otl Weather Ins ran e Co. OF WOODSTOCK • 'Carry an Insurance of over $27,000,000. Number of 'Policies in force 11,287. Paid Losses in 1923 to amount of $56,1.13.20. No ass- essment during thetyear and have a balance on hand of $31,700. G. Holtzman -Zurich A.GENTu, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. ' tf-34 SCHOOL FAIR' DATES Gorrie Sept. 12 Clinton. 'Sept., 15 ZURICH ......Sept. 16 Varna • Sept.; 17 Dashwood ,. Sept. 18 Grand Bend . Sept.19 Porter's Hill . ... .. .: ..Sept.20 Colborne Blyth' .,...... .. Wingham Hensall ...... Oeediton :.i... Winchelsea Sept 22 ......Sept. 25-26 ...Sept 29-30 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 School Supplies We have on hand a complete line of Public and High School Text Books, and Supplies, • Scribblers, Foolscap, Stationery, and other articles,'slightly dam- aged by ,smoke at Half -Price, 6-3 HESS-MILLIKEN, Zurich. ,SOME FALL FAIR DATES Toronto -Aug. 23 to Sept 6. Goderich Sept. 3 to bth. tiondon' Sept. 6 to I3. Exeter -Sept. 16 and 17, Kincardine -Sept. 18 and 19. Listowel -Sept 19 and 19. Seaf orth-Sept. 18 and 19. Bayfield -Sept 23 ;and 24. itcluell-Se t 23 and 24. Mitchell -Sept i31yt'h--Sept 25. and . 26. Luckno W 'Sept' 25 and 26 ZURICH -Sept 25 and 26. W ingh am, --Sept; 20 and 30. Erussels-Oct. 2 and •' 3rcl. Dangannon-Octk 2. and 3rd. wesimattottootosignommtimmarmitainsisim Thursday, Septern e `lit for itis 'Ili .neral ix0. Is in Store for ever.' visitor to Mason- 0, :nisch Booth at the Zarle Fair, who has not heard g Iorio' : s tonal beauty of the Ma & Risch I'iai ,o FRRANZ LIST, THE GREATEST MUSICIAN OF ALL ,TIME; OF TI -IE 'MASON & RISCH PIANO', "IT IS EXCELLENT, ;l NIFICENT, TJNEQUELLED. ARTISTS, JUDGES AND TITS LIC WILL RE OF THE SA ME OUINION. The full, clear, singing tone of the' Mason & Risch Pi.4p 9a captivated the greate .t musical artist of both the past 1c present generation. An enviable thrill of pleasure awaits the hearer of a Box & Bloch Piano for the first time. And an ever-incres pride of possession is the ,satisfaction it brings to the. li it adorns and dignifies with the 'charm and beauty, of in^ for alit ime.. Be sure and see it, and hear: it at our Fall Fair and) vin;gerl of these outstanding; ,features.. COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDS SEE OUR LINE OF FURNITURE, IF WE HAVE NO' STOCK WHAT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL GET IT POR't U. SERVICE IS OUR MOT aEL. Hardware Furniture. Phone Do you carry sufficient "vire h'is ra DURING THE TIME WHEN YOUR: BARNS A;ND SHEIDS A;: FILLEb WITH GRAIN AND BEANS. The cost of !short date intsuraace is low and it protects against foss or damage by Fire or Lightning. The Rata for $1000.00 Insi{irauce are as follows; -- One Month Costs w . $3.00 Two Months Cost $4:50 Three Month Cost .$6.00 nFour Months Cost ...... ... $7.50 Five Months Cost $9.00 Siff Months cost $10.50 OTHER AMOUNTS IN SAME PRI) - PORTION. For Particulars Apply to - Andrew F. Hess, MY MOTTO; -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging I am in a position to do any kind] of paper hanging, painting, graining and dec- orating. W H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH ONT. DR,' JOHN AB»' CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN! Heavy Shell Frames to Yonne". Lenses at $4,00. Broken' Klatt Runs Replaced while your, •41 itb_ Spectacles Complete Large ls*t, $2.00 ula !Iain St, EXETER, Phon08i' AT WALPER HOUS.Lii ZIII�C• Every Wednesday, 10 a.re. to • g•++4.,g i"ll" '•p"p•+.1 ++.e ++.94,1 •.14 t r+++4•+•1 ++ 4 ,8° •i..t...t..g l•+*f .,,, HERAIJD OPTIC) M 4._Do You T- ' T 3A+T WE AREALWAYFS'AT, ,rOU.R SERVICE FOR i. GOOD PRINTXNG'< THAT W.TE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDINQ. gtt' INVI:T A'.CIONTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. + THAT, WE 1.-'RINT GALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUC:. 4, IL LET:TERHEADS,, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES ANIlt'r, , • STATEMENTS, *1. THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO L EA'DING MANI/FACT g TIRERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN S17Pw,' PLY ANY QTJANTTT'Y ANI) SIZE OF CHECK 130'0KS ( .• • - TH.A.T WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENV ,. ; f + OILS IN ALL SIZES, CARO .PAPERS, CARBON ' R. '3$ TRACING 1 .P13R. SI;T.I: 'PING TAGS, M1WOEIAM S ,� ATIONER , NOTE, BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS'I T SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., Hre, N om THAT WE FILL YOUR OTMINARt SIZE INE BOWL/ill WITH I Y GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5e. Y.,AE.. ,fr GDR- QUANTITIES AT BIGGER R13DUCTI • 'THAT A WE PRINT POSTING BILLS,ONS AUCTION SALM P� T TERS, MERCANTILE POSTERS SAND � + ?R.IN :MG OUR.SPE ALL 'G4D1V]S t�iC�,. 0+44++++++++++÷+÷÷÷++++++++++++++401444+++44 •++ ++ ++++t:++b++a•+++4++k•+f• r!ih•Lr++i+ ++ ++ ++ +++40&,°k"4+r oir++4 ' ''