HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-11, Page 5;tT da *r Septom'ber litki, 1924 tUSINESSIC,A►RDS,•, UDLITY � . HOLIVIES Vatelaili •z Solieitoe, Notary P brie Vito'-, Office on flam.i1t on 'Street, st off the equai e, Goticrlc:h. Priv- t0 1u> de: to Joan et lowest rate , f Holmes will be . in ltR..xrsaii +ren Friday of .each week: IrrMi,4•Wuu.gpn.,94pnnPwormervir orN Andrew F. lies, 'Township Clerk oeteeee of marriage licensee, Notary. ?ablie, Commissioner, ]fire and Ant-) elniebile Insut'axtee, Itepresentine lb/rim and Erie Mortgage Corpora, th1ia, The Canada, ,Trust. Co, Zurich, l hmrfo. 1. Knapp, iLG•W . tl, L a1 S. /.DENTAL SURGEON MIN OFFICE HENSALL OSCAR KLOPP Geaduate Carey M. Jones 'Nat- ional Sc7iool of ,t>,uctioneering. Try; ;fie for ::Registered Live Stock Breeds). ':terms in keeping ' ;qpTtle prevailing prices: Choiceter ms for sale. Will sell anything, ilia/qv/leers, Zurich. `home 18-93 or write, •. Licensed Aucitoneer 'Licensed Auctioneer for County Itit Huron. In a .position to con - ;duct any auction sale, regardless eaa to size. or articles to sell. I molielt your business; and if not •eatis'fied 'will make no charges for trvice3. 'Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, ' 13.57 i... Zurich Meet MAIIKE ■' Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woe' CASH • FOR SKINS &, SIDES Deicb.ert 0R1 1- �I,VERY am; in a• position to accoutre., late all requirements in the Livery Sine, have Auto for hire. Ally, Ting done in thetteaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL hone 55 '-Zurich' . S. ATKINSON, L.D,S., D.D.S, DENTIST graduate of the . Royal College At Dental Surgeons- of Ontario and '1111 the University of Toronto, Zee District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every :Slake Office, Exeter. Phone • 34. itt Zurich every TUESDAY • -19 Phone 79 L I'VE POU 1.4/14R " Y WAN T 'Milken every day till 3 Oelock p.m. -Do not•5d :fowl same mornifl *Nem beeeght h , 'Highest Cash Prices 4 ----CASH FOR-- Cream and.: Eggs v� i,- ... 0131rien • phone .9tt "'; d',Zurich ':, C' : L 1 24 k1A ON 9 s S idpRiN� AND SUMMERDELIVER- ' ER- ii.NTHRACI l .li:• -We are no are t,eisting orir genuine : Delaware B3udson direct front the .mines, Nut Stove and ii g to i izes. SOFT COAL -Just arrived, an- other car of our high grade soft. this coal has made a great hit for :ibettseholcl use and our sales of this tate 'oyer doubled fti the last Asea- HOULE'iS noir 'T3oulet Coal Is 1Uo It a ehisss by itself. and isgr- ivieine in favor, rapidly. OUR Telephones are at ' your Iervice Use them freely for in- termiation. O;,' talon. OA & PRODt7CB MERCHAlIT,. ?hone:' O#liiee tow, Route! 10a HENeALL ONT, 'l.1)iti`CIi 1'tlT i Of1R; 'Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found. N0tI e,,, Eta,„ ds IN THIS, (.OL.t.1MN LOST .. • An • oposvrn'z •C'hocker fur, be- tween Sc,Joseph and Drysdale. Finder kindly leave at Ioz al Of- fice, Zurich, FARM FOR SALE . One hundred acres farm land; being north hall • Lot $, eon, 11, and East heel Lot 9, 'both in Stan- ley Township, Pipet named par- cel has minable farm buildings, eon: sieting of brick dwelling with .slate roof; bank barn and other out- buildings. Six acres woodla'nd,nice orchard and is well watered.. 'Con- don, visited with .11Tr. and. Mrs. T. venient to school and church. Far uon,McAd is:ii Bronson on Sunday, further particulars apply klo John A. Manson' and Charles Beaman, R. R. No; 1, Zurich, Ont. Executors. of Edward Curvia Estate. • .5-4 lir Ale. 'W C. Cilifee ;motored Sat.nia tan Giaturrl.Ly. Miss Vera Siebert: weals -end at Blake. 'Miss 1d:i Ruuciedge has returead li'oin l? alevacaiiou at Kitchener rend Toronto, Mies Ethel Hees, •who has; laevo �.. zi„a vzsrtzat Centralia, has returned to her home. \ p FOR SALE--Weatinr houso Ele- j;rie Hoaters, redueed.'frorn $10,60 to '.off .60. •--TCJ:a'ss»14Zi13,ii,.r3n ;Rev. 0, K. Kepkay oJ: Stratford will occupy tha pulpit in the Ev- angelical church on Sundaaa 17 110 II Eli Ta t3. .40 a 01 NICE- TO11'NSl•3il' O}r HAY V 0,Si,i,a3' l.lri .` 'N•f)t,ice is hereby gii;°ezi that 1 e tta,.lrsi iiitedl or cll'1.V r0'i tri e persons niont; onsti in Section 9 oh the 0iiteri() Voters' 1,. .i..e Att the toe.iieito 'required by s ald .secs tions, to be so tta iti ir'ti ll or de- livered livere}1 oe the 1 s.c an,t to pursuant :o eaarl Act of all persons eepear-- L.ng by the. last eetrrsril A.seeeinw'at Roe of the said . Ataereci f) L'ity to be entitled to vote in the Seel unite teipaliiy at elections for the aleni- beea of . Atha Legislative .essernhiy an:ci at, Vltlriicipal, Eloetiot^s, and ,lir, and Mrs, males nd Troyor a.f the .said twat was first po .t -ed to o£.zrra 1 2 � la it 3'd Zlillsgr epi visited at tlae ho[t14* cz.f my . '^ 1 a uLis , on"the ai 2.. i Mi'. and M;rs,. J. Saxiitb on' Sia,iday day of "r list, 194, and '-•morins Mr. and Mra, Osborn of Loodozl there for inspection, I hereby call'rtpaa all voters to examine the were Sunday visitors M the„ ' li,o;ori > ,raid list and if ainy errors or onl- of Mr, and .Mrs. Fpr d. Hass.''rs:sioos are found :therein to take Mr. and Mrs, Will McAdams and immediate proceedings to have son, and Mr, Joohn Coreaver of Lon FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres, being Lot 11, Concession 5, Stanley Town- ship. Twelve. acres of summer fal- low, twenty acres 'seeded down, ten Mr. and Mrs H:, Elsie and Miss T. Genttner of Dashwood, aviaited with Mr, and hers, T, Oesch last week• ' 1vlz.d a,n Mrs. C. Trick and fam- ily of 'Creditoni, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilt.•- Bassow on Sunday. ' ' t Mrs. D, Witmr,and daughter, Pearl, and -son Wes, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and acres of bush, a goodsupply of•Mt•s. Wm. Basso;v,.,:Bronsor Line. water, buildings arta modern. In -1 M1'51 G. Merner, who has been, deed a fire farm Reasonable te- artsiting at, New Hamburg and Kit - ants can be given to purchaser. Forfurther particulars apply .to Susanna Elgie, Seaforth, R, R. Na.. 3; or Wrn. Brydone, Clinton. clanner for .a few •weeks,' has re- turned to her home here on Mon- day. Me. and Mrs, John Hartman and son Kuno returned an Monday •af- ttn ai iextended motor trip to Tees NOTICE water, Walkerton, S:authainpton and other points. CEMENT WORK -I am in a pos Messrs Wil'.ia s nd Harry Me- ition to do any kind of a •cement Admits o'%t h= -Bronson Line are vise job, such as supply tanks, 'foound- iting friends and relatives at Lori- ation walls, bridges, cement floors' dont 'his week/ also taking in the and walks, etc, Work guaranteed prices reasonable. Apply to Mar- icil Corrivoau, 4 R. 2, Zurich; Phone 16-93. t140 FOR SALE Baby Grand !t;ouring ear -just newly painted in A-1 mechanical condition. .Apply to J. Preeter, sante eoriected according to Law, Dated eat Zurich this 20th day of Aug lst, 1924, 8-3 . A. P. HESS, - Clerk of Hay Township. HENSALL. 41 LLe Dr. Joseph Knapp has returned • from Toronto, where he spent a rreelt with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Iaie:rl Linalenfield and clrtrehter of London, '-'-sited with his •'-mother. •: Baryl Ashton of Gorrie•, has a- gain been engaged by E. Rennie as nt 11, -*air. Fiore1a✓ce Reynolds and Edith Mc ea en: have 'returned to "teaching th- eir is.:hools' at Calgary and Kitch-: enter. • . 1 i Mr and Mrs. Wm.Bontlron of Detroit, , islited the fornier's par- ents 'here - The mew school building is be- ing rapidlyt pushaed fthead and •the old'part liras beeen reiyLodlod anti er-painted;„ wed will beready for use Sept. sth. Western. Fair. Sam B apple , who has been cruis int he lakes ifor a. 'couple of mon- ths, with a yacht, arrived back home Mt a(nri Mrs. .J'' L. Scott and 'fam ily of Toronto, were visitors with relatives here. • " Clarence Munn left for Toronto, alter wh'icli he will go to the West for the harvest. Me, and Mrs. A. Whiteside are on a motor trip to Detroit. Mils Irma Rennie, ofDetroit, is visiting her' parents, Mr. and Mrsi, E. Banniel Versa Geiger returned from a visit with friends in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortw:ein, of Detroit neotore derhe and visited a few: •days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs, John ICeys have been visited jhv their• daughter from Weston. Ivry. Keys lately suffered a stroke"-; but has mange friends hope he will largely regain his former good Ilea .a and strength. . • Mrs. Wee. Dcugall announces the engager ent o. her , r<andau;hter', Rev. IT. Rendre Lit. $iSF, isat- tira,bel I. CP- -" to Mr. Lloyd Cecil tending the sessions of the We t- Hudson!, o,aly son of Mr. alild Mra. ern Conference of the Canada Sy 1Phos. Hudson; the marriage to take nod,. at Sullivan, Township' tale ,glace th h week; where he will preach the Mr. and 1r. Dan. Eckstein, of the !sermon; on Missions on Thur; Jackson! arch.. Miss Edna Ecl st- da,y evening. - cia.of Ch --,Mr. Norman Eck- steini of :t'igeon and Mrs. Levi' Snider of. Pigeon, Mich., visited their brothet1, Mr. Elwin Eckstein. Mr and Mrsl. James Sparks of Weiland:, were visitors with his mo- ther, Ma Sparks was also vis- ited by her'laxother, Rout. and his wife,- accompanied by Mr. Colin Campbell . of'near Bayfield. • Thomalsl Slierritt the oother day, in jaiaping:.donw from one of the timbers; 1n hie ,learn to the granary, had the misfoiltunie to break one of the bon(els.in his foot, and for the praissnit iis using the, aid of crutches He had intended landing on some hay but it proved a bare spot. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Eckstein, of Jackson', Mich., Mies Edna Eckst- ein, ' of Chicago, Mr. Norman Eck - Stein of Pigeon and Mrs Levi Snider of Pigeon; Mich, visited` relative% here the past week. Mr, ani Mrs. David• Gingerich of the Goshen Line, south, attended Zurich. •.e tf-46 the ]3ed , atiote Coonferenee of the Monnontr' church at Elmira, Also visiting at Kitchener' and New Hamburg, Ag„,,ntg Wanted The carefulattention to our customers' orders and the splendid stock !supplied for years past war- rants• as in having a representat- ive ortwo in this county. Liberal Commissions. Free Outfit. ,Write at once for Exclusive Territory„ THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON COMPANY RIDGEVILLE, ONT.. NTIRSE.RIES STAR Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU ARANTE.BD TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tf18 COAL Scranton Chesnut and Sizes. Soft highest quality GOOD SUPPLY Coal ' Furnace coal of ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -17, Dr. H. 1. COV EN L. D. Se D. D._ S. :DENIAL SURGEON; At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. . • Main Office aARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD OOL i heat Prices Paid ac- ua tocordingcordingquality y CASI1 ORTRA.DE. :AL1, "WOOL BLANKETS; YARNS AND WOOL BATiTS. " ?GAIL ORDERI) PROMPTLY PIL- LED. )'hone or write for prices to til Newton Woollen Mills Mr. Da* Gay:cho received isome body injuries the other day while threshing that has laid .hie up for a while. In.,soMO way thr tractor engine slipped into a whole, and Mr. Gascho wn's stooped 'over be - Ride the wheel and got injured. Me. .T. Preeter of erillagehas Fhis has exchn.ng_d g�i"oxaY, stare busin'.iss` to lLvlr. Albrecht of New Hamburg; who will be ,Zui.ich'•s new Merchant. Possession will likely given about the first of next month? Mr. and Mrs, Sam Ruby of Pig- eon, Miele, visited the past week with the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruby of the village. The format- AL.i. Ruby is an old Hay Tp boy, acid has not beep here for some twenty] years aial notes many jehange W1e: have 'bean .advesed that our popular Standard horse breeder, Mr John Dechsr, Jr., has again had remarkable success.at ToroontoEx- hibition H?"eeontpeted nine horses and won, eight first•eprizes and one fourth. Thes week he is ati„Lon don Fair. , Mr. Gilbert Farrell and 'son Les- ter, aecompan-Lod by Mrs. Polton and Miss Lizale Polton of Ripley:, were Sunday visitors at the home of the former'& sister, Mrs. Wm, Fznlay"'of Blake, and were aceorn panted home by his peke, Miss Al-: berta Flyilay. Mr. Wrtu, R. Dorgan, of the 2nr1 Conn, Hay Tp.. the other day Cap-- tered a. largest baldheaded tea<,lc alit>e. Seemingly, to lew000pecl r•"O cel vlt�^l 'where i isvictoratiil�g BLO clown. on a young chicken in the; a aV1,, thy 1 oat ield; aria owing to having a thanks be to God which givleth u's g the victory throuh ; our Lord Je- brol:en; le'g, was unable to rise sale u ficiently to start flying. Mr. Do- ''y's Clar st,=1 Col . 15,55,':)7 Dougall then eapt eyed it with the Thou t�litilt Love the Lord thy sad• of a font, and the fia.eture<rvas God with' ail' thy heart, and with suStai:ned3 bvf Dr, `Campbell of ]T00- all thy soul,, and With all -,thy str- sa11, but Wrrii1. ,says he Could not en thl; a.11ctr.l�,1t11 rail tby, ini id; and recommein:dit a°safe playmate fro thy neighbor as'thyself,-Lul: 10;27 clllldr n(. TheC people come. for He tliad•loveth Silver shall :not ntLl,Cs tcr"5oe it. be .satisfied with ?silver; nor he that ialovetl abuntdailea with inerea'se;this Engineer Mr. 'Wilson of the Ont- is allee'ventty, aria Hydro! o; Electric Com:pinion o.f +-+ London amain in the village on ".lyres Wh ni. bands increase, they are day, the object being to °survey, ix ereasrd that eat them;;' and what out a new pian for re -building the •good'ie there to tine owner there local hydro system in, Zurich. It of, leaving the beholding . of thein will be .neeeseery to p'iwt in a few with their eyes?-Eecl. 5;10, 11. more tran,sformers to supply the e I$O&. a ,t'tutla I' perceive that God. continuous• oneo ring customers, es- is No respecter of. persons; bruin pecillly sinco the white heat is -ort- every nation he that feareth him, ilized for cooking" purpose's. An and worketh righteousness, is qac - extra '220 volt Bayo will have to be crpted with him. -.lets 10;34,36.. run in addition to the present wires trees will have to he trimmed. out Let this; mind• bre in you, which to give the lines, a good clearance was also in Christ Jesus. Let and Mr. Wilson also emphatically nothing be done through lotH1e of advised the local board to have vainglory; buten lowliness ;of mind all telephone wires removed tram let each asteeyni ether. better , than the TTt leo polee and clear from then sclvela-Phil. 2;15,3. ; the NV ,a sari a.s this 15 r cry da"g"ry`-I �l- •4• r Y ea oris trio 'way is The v m•�^rt 1 a a,y itnet , Per Go: -.1 �,avr loved the wor'ld,th. t e:air.,i 'hors been ,ordered' and the; laic gave his only begotten Pen that NEWTON ---T. ONT. ',wooly, utrrlry the Wee: .i'srcrra ell M1 ,,whosoever belleveth in him (should W, llt:`Doerr, Fe/ol:ei, will be corny l-• not Ta eriah •but have everlasting compl- , g life H. C. WAGN1 R,' Proprietor. ietocl this fall. 1-•-Jn. 3;16, r• We liave a few go)()eeoti J • buggies ow is tile, tirrie• to ge that Auto Top REPAIRINii Painting T+':oeci 'Car, One "oat, .$16.00, Two Coats ,,. ,. 1ii20.00 iCoverin' .Ford Tap hood Material. less <turtaizre , . , "12 Material, .,, `u+ .QO C'haiiging h'ol'd.'L'iurtains to open with..Uoora , X15.00 Painting Buggy . , ..... 1....1.1100. Imo° Iir YOU WANT SRJtVICS,, WE HAVI3 IT 7.6 Eh'RUj3J3 pit 'YOU.it 13 UGGY WHEELS, HESS ZUR oll ' v gsarr.sex-ateama�cea,'s , i ed,aib ,,� � � � .aaral�aas• �,�au�ncr.,eca ,i„i,.g agp.,l,+ 3g.'1h.g,.F:sl +4,q""14,1.4•'gy'.g +41+'a�,Jr'k ,..+ ig.gllty ,14,'1°"1, , 4,i, ,"j,+. 4,44 /' • Bird' , . L z epie _+ onset t Roof ,i, ,.. . "GOOD OLD. L OIO 4 4 + 4. • SHINGLES• IALTY. ALWAYS ON HAND. CUSTOM WORK OUR SPEC - 4• WE RECEIVED HAVE {. V A LA RGI; SHIj?1rDNT OF THE ABOVE. PRODUCTS OP BUILDING PAPER, BLACK BUILDING PAPER WALL BO RDS, ROOFS INDIIi ERENT DESIGNS IN ROLLS AND SHINGLES, FULL SUPPLY+I OF LUMBER,' LATHS AND �• 4. PHONE 69 • S.•.• 1.... t+++a++a 4**•4.F+ik•4•a44-:. • +:44, +++++++++++++++4,-14+4.4 621 4,4° „Er + ZURICH F 6 RE1 DY ±flflBERLIN H' +• WITH OUR NEW LINE OP SPRING SETTINGS AND SAMPLES •3F IN ALL THE NEW SEASON'S FABRICS; AND ERPRESSING + I THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES. a ~a OBB ERTAIN HAVING TAKEN OVER. iT1IE AGENCY OF THE HEST KNOWN .gid. SEMI -READY CLOTHING FIRM IN CANADA (HABBERLIN fice + CO) WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ALMOST ,g, ANYTHING REQUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING, SUITS AND + I OVERCOATS AT PRICES SECEND TO NONE. REMEMBER '.,The Early Bird catches the Worm • ,l•n. °' - ?`p it •a• + is n r TTAILOWI ND FUNERAL DI' NF1 TORI + ÷ t DAY AND NIGH 'T PHO- NE No. 66 , I!11111111111111111111111111lilflfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIN111111161IIIIIIIiIIII1110IN 1111Il111111111111111111111111111Illlll111I!IIIIIIIIIII!' 1111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIii110IiIin a ZUFJCH HERALD'S 192 - filubbileig I ” 1 -1 CI Itr HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe ,., $6.00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph _.- .-. $5.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire ... $6.00 ., HERALD and Toronto aturday Mail and Empire $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star ... ... ...... $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star ,.$3.25. HERALD and Toronto ,Daily News ... ., HERALD and London Free Pres% Morning edition •.. wW'JO' HERALD and London Free Press, evening edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening edition $6.00 HERALD and London k'araners' Advocate .,, ,._ $2.25 HERALD and Farm andDaliY e2.'7 5 HERALD anti Fanners Sun •1.$2.65 HERALD and Family Herald and .Weekly Star .,. ... $2,75 HERALD. and. Canadian Countryman ,,,,-..,....$2.2>i IER ALD and Weekly Witness ¢3.15 HERALD and; Fannon Magazine HERALD and Youth's Companion ' .. HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expositor .: .. HERALD and Onterio Journal' HERALD and Rod and Gun irt'Canada tra r) $2.50 $3.75 - $;i3.25 42.75. -.$3.15 1 Save Meney and Trouible by renewing Your .Passers with us. See us for papers not listed above . ��� ,OFFICE3 u Fir l6lf ll (I(G[lm((Glgf” `,:supo;IlseilT<IlsI(',iIIII ItVIINp!!f iw,r"v•I'.I+men nmassiir 7