HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-11, Page 44k. ITT '''te comfortable when winter alb es. We waist to show you `,+h' Happy Thought Pur- ees are the finest heating tern, at any price, They " all fuels equally well. :very Happy Thought in - 4 'tullation is guaranteed by e a ers of the famous Happy Thought granges to .eve ideal heat distrix utionl ni iuu fuel cost. Delle -!Nr to be comfortable nekw itar. . ..i• d direct to factory for relesting free booklet "Live Or Heating." O years of satisfaction have resulted in the purchase of .more than 300,000 Happy • Thought Ranges. •0` SOLD BY o MELICK ZURICH, ONT.,- At- BAARIMORD-SANADA•BY F43liWdAY COMP SNY•LfM1T£D vn ''�•� 'O` Vii' NC't PUBLIC roiICE! P. Sept. 201h The Home a'ndHouse mold Effects of., the ate Mrs. Philip Hauch of the Townd;of Zur "ne uuiereion? J Auctioneer has en instructed to ,soil by Pule - Sic Auction, Commencing at 2.00 'crock p.m. Sharp, the follow - i -*MALESTATE—House is situated rm ark.Lot P, Knell Survey, John Zurich Lot being 1110x185 feet %ore or leiss: There is on the pro Leeerty a g000d 2 -storey brick house Mes:2'8 Feet, 8 rooms with clothes el- ; set to each toomy brick kitchen, 4Z od Bard water well, also barn .'Al.41.x.16 Teat.. All kinds of fruit and +ern:amental trees. ',OTHER 4RTLCi3ES Kitchen, terege, kitchen cabinet, 2 kitchen i les 2 -burner oil stove, 6 kitchen ' airs, cooking utensils, dishes, e'1`ie`aor oil cloth; dining room table, et'ning iowin Buff,'tt cabinet,Wh- e sewing machine, 2 tapestry 'Prtud:te'sf, home made mats, dining :tti4�in .- n alter, .dzeeing roots lannp, a pictures, Doherty organ', Br- ` ste s rangy library chair, . hall acl�, beds, rs >n-ings and mattress, • rees.:•rs,.wash stand," day couch; elven` :d linear • rs of articles too i111141rG71n to mention. Positively Ilene terve as everything must be teeelde TERMS IS OF SALE 121tEAL ES1'AS"E-Made known re,n day of Sale icer Kropp, .Auctioneer, ii" ., II Moritz, Excceitor Philip Hauch Estate. Z 1117 it1 *RA3.,1Df Thu riday, Septet be Ut1i t FT is 1ere ,g, ILO Bountious seasons crops. business men have special 'goods at special prices for this event. Come :ndsee! if 1 "Spiv 5 f , , t e pr .- nets o' Make it one of rejoicing by, buying at hone, as all '—.-.., . At a;, meeting of thle Huron' Co- unty held Fruit Growers' Council, (int hie office of the Department of Agriculture, Clinton,. it was ,arran- ged to hold a, :County Fruit Show. 1,0 "Wednesday ,Nove.oaber 5th, at Clinton. r1 rna trona An,�exchange isays; Juclg,-w the number o:f applicants for. pos- D.ASHWOOD slid Mrs, Schenk and family - ',a cited. in Stratford. on Sunday. Edgar Restetnayer has :accept- l e. n'sitiei in E. Tieman's store.. "I,Vlr, .and. Mrs. F. Hess of Tien - 1 teed Mr. aed Mrs.. 3. Weido of Vilem101te visited with Mr. and Mrs: Draft on Thersclay. Net and Mrs..A. Birk and. IVLe. izd Mee. E Bender !spent 'the eve - ,$.4x -end :i Se nia... e- Miss Ruoleen Guenther is visit ..n°7 ' ern. P 1 2ilk is o:i the Sick 'sl• . . Mae Lareen, Balzer has returned d Detroit. Dr. E H. Cowen, anent last' wee „ •u,D;1ber frori hero are ,attend- +London Pair this, week. M[ res Lao, Guetnther and „Arlie lltellettar • And Me S, t3etthen it -1 reeen ln,i the `' ,3.,1,1ing of Miss Ora' Ikea; t r: ., )": o,i '!6'rtrrrrdaY, itions as public school teachers; were passing a buggy aid dzrvin, too close.to the ditch, their car o'v- erturned with the result that that occupants received . serious cls Im from they broken 'glass of the ~incl shield, The two' neon were tel;eti to Exeter, and thin' sounds dres-, sed after which they prc?,eeeded ons ;;heir War., to I.nstow ell last at the age ,of 80 years. Some on ,h•e w a operated • �.eks • o a � ag for his trouble. He was born in Scotland, but came t2 Canada when quite a young man, first settling on Thames Rd,, later- moving to a farm near :Exoter in Stephenen Tp, and. about eight years pgo •retured and moved to town. 4• e, there are now, for the first time in " several years, more t9eaner's than EXETER HAY COUNCIL positil.�{in, l . , STANLEY TOWNSHIP. .lar. and Mrs. Wilson Armstrong spentthe past week visiting fri- ends in Hamilton. Mrs. Robt. Armstrong of Clin- ton, has been spending a few days at the home oe her son John; and other relatives on Goshen Line. Miss ,Anna. Stephenson has re- turned home from a pleasant 'vis- it with friends. at Marlette. Mir, and Mrs. Wiley and Mr. Or- val Stephenson of Marlette, spent Sunday at the home of . Mr. D. 3, Stephenson. Mr. Wilbert gohnston is sport- ing a new ,seda:n. Good al.diences attended the anniversary services at Gos'h,:'n church on Sunday, and very in - spiting addresses.were given by Rev. a Yr. Irwin of Seaforth. Next s'unday, Sept. 14th, anniv- ersary services will be held in Var na Methodist church. Rev. Arthiir Sinclair of~ Hens!all will be the pre- acher for: -the day. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sturdy of Goderich Tp. spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mase J. T. Keys. - Mi. and Mas. Will Cameron of near Seaforthf, visited with . Mrs, Cameron's parents, Mr. and: Mrs. H.•'Ta.lbott on Sunday;. BLAKE The regular "meeting of the Mis- si:on, Band was held on Saturday afternoon, August 30th, in • the church. Wee opened the Ineeting with hymny 716,. then repeated' M. B. prayer. Margaret . Douglas read the scripture lesson Eph. 6; 10 to 18. Thep had class text.- Re ports were read, roll was called, after which we went to classes, the Over two hundred pupils were registered in the Exeter High Sch- ool. Theis. .Ballantyne : of 13rookdale Man., a former• well-known cattle buyer of this district, ins visiting hero. '!. ( - Cliff Hill lost parts of three #'in- gars when, his hand caught its the grain blower?, of r<a. thrashing mach- i'ne, May toners who was camping at Grand Bend, has been removed to London Hospital and operated on for appendicitis, ' Russell Crews, the 12 -yr. -old son of Forest Crews of Toronto, while visiting here with his uncle Harry ElWorthy, met with a nasty accid- ent the other day, n'"neri he was riding on a tractoor and fell off, andt he wheel passing over him, breaking a rib and inflicting lsorne• body injuries. 4 pretty wedding took place on Sept. 3rd, at the home of Mrs(. Walker, when her grandaughter Mabel Walker became the Bride of Morley Wilson, of Dresden. The ceremony was peaformed by Rev. Donaily, and thea couple left for their honeymoon, after whichthey will live at Dresden. . After .a long illness 'caused . by gangrene David Richards, an old resident passed away on Sunday +++++++++4-1-eine++++++++++++e-eeeleeeeeeeremee The, : regular monthly meeting of the Council' of the Township of Hay was held, in it'he Town Hall, Zurich, on, Tuesday', Sept. '2nd. All' the members were present.. Th'G •nnin- utes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. By-laewl No. 10-1924 fixing the various nates to be levied, and col- lected on the, 1924 Collector's roll was read the third time and finally passed. , The fo'lowiing accounts were pas- sed;— municipal as-sed;—Municipal World, supplies 6.25; Snowden. & Etna, scraper rental, $9,00; A. Brisson sheep killed by dogs 35.00;; Ruth Chapman, 1st award Soldier's IMI. S. 27.50; Gerald- ine'Surerus: 2nd award 16.50; Flor- en(ce.'Th'oensen Ord award 11.00; Post age part I and II voters'.lirsts 7.7;8 J. Kipper sharpening .eerader kni- ves 6.00; ni-ves:6,00; Nr Sara:ras,, pay !sheet',' Masse, Schwalm and Zurich Drains 632.25, A. IE lick, cement etc.,. 18.45, Enai. Reichert hauling grader 1.50 Biurlington. Steel Co., Steel. r41.58; C. N.R. freight on steel 2.00; Strom - berg -Carlson Tel,. supplies 57.63; Northern Elec. So. supplies 26.80; Bell Telephone Co., tolls 127.51. The council adjourned to meet again; on Monday; Oct. 6tli at 1.30 o'clock, p:n4 ' A. F. HESS, , Clerk:. 4 '4 4 4• 4. 4• 4 4• 4. Birthday Offering was then taken sang hymn 768 and closed with the 4 Lord's Prayer. Quite a number from this vie- • inity attended the Presbytery me- + eting, also the .MW.S. Presbyter- 4 sal which was held in Exeter on Tuesday. Mr: and Mrs. Fred W. Hess of Hensel' spent Sunday evening at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. R. Nl Douglas. , • 4'4444444'4547 4 -ar Flachinery 4 HAS ADVANCED IN PRICE AND THE MACHINE COMPANIES WANT INTEREST ON THE 4. CUSTOMERS' NOTES; WE HAVE .A FEW PIECES IN ,STOCK WHICH WE WILL ;SELL ,AT LAST- YEARS' PRICES, ALSO • + LESS INTEREST. IT WILL .PAY YOU TO SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. FOLLOWING ARE THE GOODS ON HAND AT LAST YEAR'S PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR GARAGE WORK. • 1 Wagon 1 DeLaval Cream Separator P 1 Bissell Disc 'Harrow 1 Peter Hamilton Cultivator 4, 1 traetor plow at 1 riding plow $110.0.0 2 Fleury Walking, plows 4 4 4 4 THESE ARE ALL NEW GOODS. GARAGE! • (.RAG -E! Mr Peter T'. off mechanic Mr. 'and Mrs. Milton Steep and - little son; of Goderich Tp., 'spent GENUINE FORD ct PARTSp3 aeways in stook Sunday at the home of Mr. and'• Mrs. WI 3. Tough. ` ' 4 _ L. A. Pra d .c til ich Ont. Mr. Robt. McArthur. of Hensall,' -• ,n 7 rt accompanied by his graindau enttr'e-••l�4.4� L•h•4•++4etee ,a,.a.eeeee�Y�÷+÷++�r' !i� ieoefi�eneere p Miss Gilchrist of London, went ter Sunday with friends on the Goshen Line. Mrs. Clark and family spent a few dayysl est week with friends in Zurich. Miss Vera Siebert of Zurich; ::§p- ewnt Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bechlee, Miss Msrgaret Meyers spent the week -end at her home in the vil- lage. I(i 4 t 4 .4 4 4 COUNTY NEWS A burning cross, supposee.to bet he symbol of the Ku Kluk. Klan appeared on the shore of Lake Hurton! at Grand Bend, last Friday night isle it is said. 1..t is 'surnni- ,s^d shalt it is the work of a prattle al joker and not an evidence of the appearance of. the •.Klan. in Canada. • Ed, Pawn of Mitchell has bou- ght from Mr. Cunounignanu of Me- Guliivray the Gratton gelding, full brother of the noted horse, Roy Grattan 'rind. Freddie Gratton. Earl MeCauley, e god 26, a mem- ber of the crew of the steamer Hier- oni,c, vas drowned while +swimn trig in the Detroit River, off Waller- ville, at 8 o'clock List weal.. The body was recovered an hoer after b'v the Detroit harbor master's e who was leekkd to aid in the :search McCauley's home was at Lueart, 1 Two L'rowel young men while,. on their way home from Gii'anti 1 13end, in a coupe, met with a,pain- i.�,iu 3 l.4 the a7.. e.;,a aventin.g. ir heny Customers c� newest IMPORT DIRE BOiP11C SHADES SELLON A WE CAN GIVE ere, E Those Snappy Suits and Fall and Overcoats fora. Winter Wear Cu;Zs can roar choose from the r.`', e very Imported 'Worsteds, Tweeds and Bergdes • WE CT AND' (IAN OPFER YOU THE VERY NEW EST IN, AND PATTERNS: • WEVERY SMALL MARGIN OF PROFIT, (',CHAT'S WHY YOU SUCH SPLENDID VVALUES. E OUP SUITS ARE UNEQUALLED TO -DAY POR STYLE, PIT AND VALUE; Work will like Our You WuiII, Tailor, Zrich re ZFir:v r x,. .'l:h Thursday and Friday September 25th and 26th 1924. GREEN RACE BEST 3 IN 5 , PURSE $30).O`'' 2nd, $10,00 3rd; $5.O111 For Horses which have not won public money prior, tea September 1st, 1924. Horses which have won money at felt fairs only are not debarred. ,. 1 i` NO ENTRANCE FEE. OWNER MUST BE MEM 3ER OF ITEM SOCIETY. ' MIL E HEATS 1st, $15,00 OTHER ATTRACTIONS Two Grand Concerts in Town Hall. Thursday Evening—Kenny-Wilson Concert - Co. of Tomato. The Premier Fun makers or Canada. Friday Evening ---The Mills Concert Co., con. sisting of seven artists. Will be one of the. best prograrnms ever presented to a Zurich. Audience. DOORS OPEN 7:30. CONCERT AT Plan of Reserved Seats can be seen at Office of A. P. HEW, Secy -Treats., Zurich Jubilee Band in tteadane Spe• e rrize HORSES MOLSONS BANK, Zurich, offer $500 cash' For best Gentleman's out' lit, open to farmers and farmer a boos only. A. MELICK" afters goods to value of $3.00' to persons winning high est "number of points in Classiela 1, 2,- 3, '4 and 5.: First prize to count 3 Roints, 2nd prize 2 points and 3rd prize 1 point. BROWN BROS. Offer a pair of shoes, 'value $5.00 for best teen im: classes 1, 2 and 3. J: DECHER Jr., Owner of Widower Peter, offers $15.00 cash to be competed for as follows: $8.00 for best foal !sired' by any :Stand--. and bred sire, $4.00 for, second best foal and $3.00 for third best foal. CATTLE T. L. WUIUvI offers .i pail of. Di;, Hess Stock Food, value $3.60, fog the best eel! under one year old, any breed. YUNGBLUT & DEICHERT, Offer $2,00 cash; for best finished eatr>31ee, beast, any breed, up to three years old. HOGS Dr. P..J. O'DWYER, offers $3.00 cash for best type ,bacon sow, STADE S. WEIDO Offer goods : to value of $3.550 for best 2 grade hogit: oven.: 6: months old, POUL`rWs Dr, A. "J. MecKL NuN offers $3.0e cash for best pen of two pullet'* and one cocker el.. The three bids must ; be of once :7striety an* must not be shown in any other class, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES C. FRITZ & SON .Offer ,goods to value of. $3.00 for least number eon' potatoes; , any Variety, in 'a . half bushel potatoes to become pro- ,perty of dorso.. J. GASCHO & SON Offer goods to value of $3.00 to person winning highest number of points in classed 18 anal 19 First prime to count 3 points, 2nd prize 2 points and 3rd prize 1• point. T. EATON do. Ltd., Offer the choice of the following—(a) Spre ere, (b) Clock; (c) half dozen knives and forks (d) wringer, value $7.65 to $8.75 for beat box apples. :packed in standard size .bot containing one bushel No. 1, Wealthy, McInttish, Alexande.r or Northern Spy applets, quality and packing to be considered, ex- hibited by an individual grower and owner, who has not won an Eaton Prize at any Fair, since 1921. e THE 'WM. RENNIE, Co., Ltd„' Offer the following Prizes in Seeds ter•, " 'be selected from their l.925 Retail datalogtle Lor produce' pro- duced from Rennie's Seeds and exhibited at Zurich Fall Fa r,1824.. 1, A prize of $5.00 in seeds for the best display, of Vegetable Vegetablev. grown from. Bennie's Seeds. 2. A prize. of $3.00 in Seeds for the best display of Field Roots, grown from Rennies' Seeds. 4. A prize of $2.00• in Seeds for the best displa',y of Flowers grieweet from Rennies' Seeds Exhibitors can enter in either one, two or three competitions. DAIRY ' W. O'BRIEN Offers '$2,00 cash, for butter in 1-1b, print's, six pound wrapped in parchment pa per Appearance `as Well as duality tee count in making award. R. SIMPSON Co. Ltd,, offer case of Silverware, value $6,00 for beet 25 pound crook of dairy butter. OTHER CLASSES J, p.REETIm oiteis goods to the value of $3.94, from .'etore to palrtr winning leighest points in the Grain and Seed Class, Post prize to count 3 points, second 2 points, and 'third, 1 IroizittQ,.,, WILLIAMS BROS.• offer 100-poun:.ls of Choice Family Flout i'er, best loaf of bread baked fronn this well -'known and pop'tn.ta brand of flour. Wm. S. Johnston, President A. F. Hess, $ecy.-Treat