HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-11, Page 3L'$ good tea" Folks who want the very best use 'RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE Surnames and Their Origin SPENCER. Variation—Spenser. Racial Origin—English. Source --A title of office, T•g were many, many castles in medieval England. Hence there are many Spencer families to -day. SELLER'S. One of the most peculiar points Variations—Seller, Seeler, Sadler. about the social and military, system I Racialat Origin—English. of the Normans was the manner in Re—Og hich occu ations "whieh to -day we accur- w p not possible to tell with ahold t It is lack upon as of an .humble, bons ature were exalted into titled of icy in the individual case which of n flees. The answer, of •course, is that in those days each feudal castle, the social unit of all who were not tillers of the soil, was., though a angle"household," a small nation in itself, largely independent 'said owing vassal - ago to counts and kings ,only as a unit. Thus' the keeper of the "family" puree was in reality the "secretary of the treasury," and the head of the household kitchen was the commis - Nary -general The "despenser" or "despencer," un - two sources these family names Saturday's Child, Sante are teethed on a Silver spoon, With the starry strung fora rattle I cut my teeth as' the black raccoon,' For i11lplements of battle. Smile are swaddled, in silk and down, And heralded by a star; 'i`bey swathed any limbs ill a seckeloth gown 011 a night that was black a5 tar. For some godfather and godcdame The opulent fairies, be; Dame Poverty gave me my name, And Pain godfathered Ise. • For I was born on Saturday, "Bad time for planting a seed," Was all my father had to say,'' And, "One mouth more to feed." have. come from, with the exception of the being exhibited in the Australian .Pa - last named. vision at the British Empire Exhibi- It may be taken for granted, how- tion. Death cut the strings that gate me life, And handed me to Sorrow, The only kind of middle wife My folks could beg er borrow, Countee P. Cullen. • A Cross of Pearls. What are perhaps the most remark- able natural pearls in the world are ever, that, like saddler, the rest of This extraordinary exhibit, known them in the vast majority of 'eases as the Southern Cross, is a cluster of come from the occupation of making nine pearls forming an almost perfect saddles. The assumption that there is Latin cross. The shaft es composed of any connection with our modern word seven pearls measuring an inch and "seller," or salesman, is erroneous., for a half in length, while the arms of the the medieval English 'did not use this cross are formed of one pearl on each word to designate tradesmen. • side opposite the second pearl from Sadler is a form of the name trace- the top downwards. able to the Anglo-Saxon A 1 S o word "Sell," Examination under a powerful mic- Aleeth " •'eneral Sir Lee Stack, gover- nor-general of'the Sudan and sirdar of the Egyjjtiau army,"has had • a difficult situation; to handle the past few weeks, but the iron hand of authority has• wcnout. WN.sN.IN TOIIONT0 VJe1T Tee Royal Ontario Museum 263 131000 51, 'WOO, near Avalon .RGad. T,arRest MOrt ages purchased. F(,eynolds` l,elmancnt e211Thitian 9n t anode, Arelaae0109., 77 ViCtar)d St,, pr9nto, (100102Y, 2E11(0 4ov ralacont„lotir, 4)010 0( O0331 . MOl+tl;'lY TO LOAN, ARM LOANS 41A DE,—,1 (ta'lly, 20 a,an, , 20 5 p,01,1 KsnaaY, 2 to 5 v n1. THI ALS OF I Sr110 d Cornmeal Errors • About This ploy,'nnv,an3lClnaroat raxK• _ Brothers of B.0 l1 Longest in the Empire. "Attempt not to direct a married 71 is just Over a year sincer. est that :she .is a perfect housewife. say, Prime Minister of Now Zealand, Say not to her: 'Where is that (i.e., opened at Otira the longest tunnel in such -and -such a tbing) ? Bring, it to. the British Empire. ' us;' when she has pet the object in idyl The Southern Alps, whieh run from propea place." North to South of the South Island, for This was not written in A.D. 1,924, many years formed an insurmountable hut round 9,000 B.C• It is'one of many barrier to railway travel, Itailwhys similar 'sayings of Egyptian 4agefll: had been constructed to. the eastern that go to prove that the greatbroth�er'. and western slopes of these mountains hood of. married men had the same but the heights themselves had to be problems and,the same tribulations in crossed by a dangerous caatlTingraad" the days of the Pharaohs as in tale over Arthur's Pass. ' days of King George V. Then, for a long time, engineers be- ; These sayings are contained in the longing to the British. Electric. Com pang were hard at work boring tun Moral Papyri, which have been"collect• ed by Sir Ernest Wallis Budge, the nel through this pass, where the moon- l famous Egyptologist, and are now be - tains rise to a sleight of 3,000 feet, ing published in book form. Other The Otira Tunnel is nearly five and gems from this husbands' , "Goldien a half miles long, and, forms the only Treasury" are: direct connecting link between the The interfering man only sets con - east ast and.west coasts of South Island, fusion in his house." woman in her house when. thou know Mas- it is now possible to travel from Christ- church in the east of Greymouth on.. the west coast without any change at all. Constructed entirely by British '-'workmen, using only British materials, Otira Tunnel is one mile longer than 'the Severn Tunnel and is the seventh longest in the worlds. The Simplon Tunnel, on the main Trouble IMo Which People Fall. Paris -Rome railway is cut through the of 121/ miles., while a huge boring "If thou wouldat he wise or prosper- ous, get married:" "Undertake nothing as the result of ,having drunk beer. For if thou dost, words which can have a second mean- ing may come forth front thy mouth without thy knowing it.. When thou. fallest down and breakest thy bones., there will be no one there to put out his hand to help thee. Tby boon corn tong l pinion will stand up and say: 'Away - Many people ea le so far misunderstand heart of the Swiss Alps fora distance with this drunken beast!' " the digestive system as to treat it like a macliine; neglecting it until it works made through the St. Gothard Pass, sluggishly, then irritating it into work also in Switzerland, is nearly ten miles again by the use of purgatives. The in length. The greatest achievement of this kind in .the United States is a four and three-quarter mile tunnel through the Hoos'oc Mountains in . Massachu- setts. assachusetts. The five -mile spiral tunnel in the Canadian Rockies at Kicking Horse Pass is a marvellous piece of ever wasp the word most often roscope shows that the gems were stomach _needs help at all times, but i«action will der the feudal custom of the Normans, use N in the early produced by nature in their present a study 'of the process. of d was the officer responsible for n it en- arrangement, probably as „a result addle and g , r the used by the Demons d to denote a sa of Chow that purgatives, as commonly castle,an office of great zesponsibilitydared fo long l r atime. In fact, it did:mutual compression during d of . in days when sieges were laid, often not become obsolete until after Spen- not pearls were discovered. in hotel not to be lifted for. months or even I cer wrote: years, "He left his lofty steed with.golden This title, however, when coupled sell, with the word "le" (the), as of course And - goodly gorgeous barbes." it was, soon became too clumsy even 1 The form Sellers', Seller and Seeler, for the Norman tongue, with the result however, may also be derived from the that it did not take' many generations i old word. "seler," which was the appel- before the more common form of the ' ation of those craftsmen who manu- word was"spencer" or "spenser." There i factored seals "buttery" or food warehouse of the Per d in growth. taken, are seldom necessary an fill 1874 by a pearl fisher at Roeburn, in To safeguard your digestion the diet 'Western Australia, but so amazed- must he controlled. Over -eating is al - were the finder and the owner of the Ways harmful, but one must assimilate vessel that, belileving it to be a heaven enough zood to supply the needs of the wrought miracle, they buried the trey blood. Remember, the blood has to sure and left it to be forgotten. carry nourishment to all parts of the It remained hidden until 1879, when body and find fuel for its energy. an Australian explorer, Alexander Bence when the blood becomes weak, Forest, passed through Roeburn and, and fails to do its work, indigestion hearing accidentally of the pearl, dis- closed its existence to the •world. It. is now the property of a London merchant, and is valued at $50,000. A RECIPE FOR LASTING LOVE A young husband, speaking of• his bride, said , o his mother: "She is so like attentions of their courting dash's; h for him still to give her kisses w 1 ass nt to live with." The mother pleasant to tell her that 3m Ii- for h them;o a thrill to she grew more"beautiful to him and clearer as the years went by, and. that his lucky day was the day he won her for a wife. , and s of the contracting parties that make A. woman rejoices in her hush marriage a success or. a failure. success in business. But she can be It is 'curious but true that things utterly miserable ie he ha a surly dis- that count so much before oiarriagei position; if he never speaks, at home • if he never shows her any tenderness o raffection, or gives any sign that he still cares for her. The thing that would make her go down on her knees and thank Heaven for having given her her heart's desire in a husband would be for him to be pleasant to live with; for hint to keep up the lover - was thankful, ler she• knew that all was well with her eon. When all is said, the greatest domeetie virtue is to be pleasant to live with. It is the dis- positions, not the looks, nor the brains, tea`L matter very little after marriage. Be- fore marriage we put -great stress on mental brilliance,; on charming man- ners. We are allured by a beautiful - face. We are fascinated by a witty an entertaining t taining converstionalist. We except to find fault, and if thefamily lives in terror of doing or saying. some - thin gthat will bring ona burst of tem per. The husband who makes life a grand, sweet song to his wife is the man who is pleasant to live with; the are charmed by those who have gra- man who is cheerful and good-natured, clousness and poise, but after mar- who jollies his wife and pets his child- riage we grow tired of looking at even ..ren, and at the very sound of whose a living picture, and we soon cease to key in the door exerybody brightens see beauty in it if that is all there is up and begins to smile. to -a"person.• And precisely the same thing is true 1` of wives as of husbands. The good Keeping Affection Alive. wife is not necessarily the best wo- The thing that is of vital importance man, or the best 000k, or 'the best is the disposition of the one with housekeeper, or even the woman who whom we have to live day in and day loves her husband best. Many a wo out, in pro'sperity or adversity, in sick- man who would gladly die for her hus- ness or in health. I band nags him so that he would be Of course, a wife is glad that her willing to die to get rid of her. husband is a roan whose word is as I The erfect wife is the woman who Gas Replaces:Brazier. The charcoal bhazier, characteristic pills. Then under the influence of the of Japanese homes for many years, is new blood supply, your digestive"sys- being displaced rapidly by the _ gas tem will respond naturally, your ap- stove. petite improve and your food will do • also nein 1,000,000gas s Japan is , g lamps in city streets and 2,300 'gas en- gines in the tiny factories that ,pro- duce everything from ivory carvings. arises.; Therefore the sure remedy for indigestion is to build - up the blood. If you suffer front any form of indiges- tion choose your: diet-' carefully and take wholesome nourishment. Above all, start building up _your blood by taking a course of Dr. Williams' Pink tO tooth -brush handles 4d:from sane Pocket Sundials. It was not uncommon in the days of Queen Elizabeth for men to carry pocket sundials for the purpose of time -telling. Dials of all kinds were common then, though previous to that time they had been little used in this country. One of the oldest, erected about the time of Edward the Confessor, is still to be seen over the south •door of leirkdale Church, in Yorkshire, England. It bears the inscription: "This is the sun's marker at every hour, and Hay- ward made me and Brand the priest." toimprove your rad you• good. So begin p The fashion for dials began to spread digestion by starting to take Dr. Wil until the. whole countryside, portion limns' Pink Pills now. lady in the North aztd in Scotland, was You can get these .pills from your drTggiet or by 'mail at. 50 cents a box dotted with -then. We see them, to t day in interesting.forms at St. An- dreves, Melville Hausa,. Hailyrood an other andm Castle, y Castle, Dundas C . , places which are popular resorts of sightseers to England. The legends engraved on some of these old dials are very quaint. One, humble in its. opinion of itself and mankind, "announces: "Shadows we are, like shadows we depart." In China and Japan small dials made of boxwood are still carriedand consulted by their owners. dais to sausages: 1 Erose "iiia-? is Williams'. Medicine, C Gas production to -day, with 10;000,. Brockville, Ont. 000,000 cubic feet; annually, is double that at • 1914. Seventy-six companies, as compared with ten -in 1914, furnish the service. '` CHILDHOOD INDIGESTION Nothing is more common in child- hood than indigestion. Nothing 1 more dangerous to proper growth, more weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave the way to danger- ous disease. Fully nine -tenths of all - the minor ills of childhood have their root in indigestion. There is no. medi- cine for little ones to equal Baby's Own Tablets in relieving this trouble. .They have proved' of benefit in thous ands of homes. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Lunette, Ininiaculate Conception, Que., writes: "Mybaby was a great sufferer from indigestion, but the Tab- lets lets soon set her right, and now I good as his bond, and that he is is leasant to live with. She is the would not be without them." Baby's spoken of as "Honest John tones." f woman who is cheerful and good-na- Own Tablets are sold by medicine But the knowledge that he husband 18 tured; who is reasonable; whois ap- dealers of by mail at 25 cents a box incorruptibly honest• • does not make preciative and contented, and who can from The Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., it any easier for Mrs. John -Jones to 1 asy a thing once and let it go at that. Brockville, Ont. pet money out of him if he is tight —Dorothy Dix. fisted The thing that would make for her Model of Niagara. happiness would be for him to be plea- sant to live with, for him to be fair A model of Niagara tarrying " and generous about money, and for an amount of water directly propor- him to give her what he could afford tional to that of the real Niagara is without haggling over it. I helping engineers to remedy, an evil. Nothing is of avail in making a wife `that threatens to destroy the beauty happy if her husband apparently re- I of the falls. As the limestone wears Bards her as nothing more than a away underneath the "throat" of the piece of useful household: furniture, Horseshoe more and more water is concentrating thereand seems likely before many years to make the falls no more than a huge V-shaped gully. Experiments with weirs and artificial islands, placed in the stream above the falls on the model, show how the. water can be distributed so as to give the American Falls a greater volume and keep on thea •Canadian edge of the -Horseshoe water tbat the power com- pany on that side now .fears that it will lose. Quite Respectable. "What's become of the good old names 'Prudence' and 'Patience'?" "I guess they've changed them to `Imprudence' and 'Impatience... Useful Watch. Two brothers -call them William and Henry, although being good busi- ness men, were absolutely ignorant in so far as book -learning goes, not even being able to tell the time of day, so that a clock being entirely useless to them, '. was not among their posses- sions. However, the idea of having a good watch took their fancy, and so one was purchased to be owned jointly and carried by each on alternate weeks... One 'hat afternoon as they were weeding the Dorn, Henry paused and, wiping the moisture from his face, observed, "Wonder what time 'tis." William, Whose week It was to carry the watch, Ieaned on bis hoe handle and, producing the glittering timepiece, ` held it out toward his brother with a flourish saying, "Wall, that she be," "Darn if she ain't," re- plied' Henry, whereupon they took their customary glance at the sun and resumed work.. • Aquarium Too Small. • Mr, Youngbride—"Now that you have your water spaniel, dear, how are you going to keep :him?" Mrs. Youngbride—"I'm glad you. asked that, love.—our aqual'iunt is ah "I Hope'," remarked his mother to together too small. t • ` " ilittle Willie, who had been to a party —� Say Bayer Aspirinn her absence, "that you washed Dominion Express Money Orders your hands before tea." are on sale in. five thousand offices the Canada l,_ ,. anad . seem re C l o throughout 011ass 1 ou Unlessim• tow hrou INSIST!: Ytion t levo t o t g "Bayer Cross" on tablets you than one," lie confessed, "Utrt 1 ate --'''-- ars not getting the genuine with that and kept the other in my Bayer Aspirin proveb safe by pocket.." millions and prescribey phy- sicians h ysicians for 24 years. Accept only a ceof Bayer package a e Which contains proven directions Rand "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablete Also betties of 24 and 1.00,—Druggists Aailrin Is the trade molt (registered la *maw of nod ftZonc-cvir'a of. 14054•' etttiesefdestor of $a)ferifr The Oniy.Reason. Minard's Liniment Relieves Pain. Nothing Less Than n a Million for This Little Girl. The perfectly absurd inflation of the German currency has been the source of some humor along with a great deal of wretchedness. So the Berlin paper Ulk tells of a little German girl who in- for;ned her father that she could count. "Wonderful!" exclaimed her father. "Begin then!" "One million, two million, three mile lion," said the child importantly. Important as it may be to consider what you are making of life, it is no less .important to size up just what life is making of You. If you say nothing, your words can' not be brought into court. The effect of athletics on Women arec,______�_�_._—` �=-.�-=-• ,niestionnaire in England. It was ed - and girls was the su jcct o ,fie �► Deserved to Succeed. A story that is characteristic of Lord Leverhulme—fox has he not him- self made good awing to his dogged pers•everanoe?—relates how a certain dogged and persevering commercial traveller worried the manager of 'a business., in the most praise -worthy way, for an order. . The manager, however, was one of those nasty, soulless creatures, and turned the traveller away every time. Finally, he went still further and had the poor man thrown out. The traveller picked up his hat, and also himself, rushed upstairs again, and hailed the manager. "Look here, sir,". he panted. "Joking apart, what about that order?" Nature's Wonders. Muriel, visiting the country on a May day, came to a pondwhose shal- lows were full of tadpoles•—thousands. of thein flopping about in an inch of water. "Oh,!" she cried, "see those tad- poles! • And just to think that some day every one of the horrid wriggling creatures will hatch into a beautiful butterfly!" Ancient Indian people of the Valley of Mexicobuilt a mighty stone strlic- hurt% to the •gods of their land, centur- ies before Pharaoh and his slaves built the great pyramids of Egypt. It is said that this great structure has re malted silent and buried for nearly T ie f ent 8,000-yeats. dressed to those paeans who wool e Bingo—"I'm going,to bring my wife thought to have speciallrnow1edge an g round to sari on you to -night:" file subject, such as a physicians, prise - Plane Photos of Crops. Airplane photographs are being ex- perimented with as an aid in crop re- porting. CLEAN SEED CRAW Use UR11V EYES j����(�?jLgUTAT7EDry^ BY &CINDERS Y�:ND.D 6JS 1 &CINDE \NA;TO V0f4 D Cr SOLD E DRUGGISTS --- SUri VOA .tu.A RYQ CARE 00 0% VSMAAV.E CO. CLLIC,.a0N3A '. i0 EXPECTANT MOTHERS Letter from Mrs. Ayars Tells How Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vegetable Compound, Helped Her Spring Valley, Sask.—"I took the Vegetable Compound before mg last confinement, when I got to feeling so badly that I could not sleep nights, m back ached so across my hips, and I could hardly do rny.avork during the day. I never had such an easy confinement and this is my sixth baby. I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound in the 'Farmer's Telegram' and wrote you for one of your books. We have no druggist in our town, but I saw your medicine in T. Eaton's catalogue. I am a farmer's wife, so have all kinds of work to do inside and outside the house. My baby is a nice healthy girl, who weighed ;nine pounds at birth. I am feeling fine after putting in a large garden since babycame. (She is as good as she can beYours is the best medicine for women, and I have told about it and even written to my friends about it." -- Mrs. ANNIE E. AYA.Rs, Spring Valley, Sask. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veent dgetable Com- pound icine for ex- ppectantsmothers, an lland should be taken during the entire period. It has a gen- eral effect to strengthen and tone up the entire system so that it may work in every respect as nature intends. All druggists sell this dependable medicine. Give it a trial. Fanning MIIIs—I supply screens, wire cloth, zinc, repairs—Chatham Fanning Mills and other snakes. Incubator supplies; Thermometers. MANSON CAMPBELL, Chatham, Ont. Rub Rub It In For pain,_ stiffness, or inflammation, apply Minard's and rub it in. Peo I,e �rif 13itru•I'hosphate- feeds the nerves .,�." , � t o me •els of schools and -women stladeuts- to tYS. and 017- and old people need it 4o make them favor, of Thats right, but d cap e,tl a Ship your CtEATl1c need iIt's the one esti plook' 0 ,ed a and younger, low •l sl g h- foo answers i s 1i a w with l weanThe n t; Yv ler �u � t letresults 1 S r old man. Don't 'n the begi,nerve-ex- vtil v aeafa ot - • Ic ne • 1 or weak, la e it football, •e builder f , „ d xis to he inoderat 1 liattstcd men her new f;ostirine. 1 don't want my prOVal '0f all games ere 1 in e� rICL' for number one CjUailty� best neiti Mid women and tx' wife to see it lust now. t' ..,. but centime ;iii and other Dai" y,returns, cans supplied, , an •dawoulo ia: Price that r - 'e a • ng fOr. that's Just lirsckey, . Which sg, rowingcoin a it• h q charges paid. Write for why druggistsIa Diego (g y) w ,, •y' orfs in Which severe Collipatiizve et, t?�171^CS � per lTitge. Arrow. Chemical Co., 25 1. what We are e Dining - so .o uce unusual fatigue or it tlt7w ,�...w,_..-._� ...:.- fort may produce Mlnard's LIitliiierit for nett strain. ` ORM BOWES' CO., Ltd. - I , . ..ottoto r v F'anti St, East, Toronto,' Ont. Keep The Hair Live And ♦ P Glossy With Cuticura On retiring,. gently rub sot o€ dam-. druff avid itching with Cuticura•Oint merit. Nextmorning shampoo with a suds of Concurs, Soap and hot water. This treatment does much to keep the, scalp clean and healthy aid ?roulotn hair growth... to 3" ers . Nati. Address 'Canadian opnt'Ontlnnra., k, 0, Bra 56ri9, MonLratY. Yr,se wospO1e.Ointnont'26arid 60e."rrlrrl�,m26c, Try our fines' Si,aoing Slick. g �4. i',dS1JE No, 3 R