HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-11, Page 1k=; It 0. 'Vol. XXV ;N o 10 Tam ZU F n H, TH U NIN E PTE BER 11, 1 24. WHERE. O THE SHOP WHERE REGULAR PRICES HAVE CREATED A SENSATION, OWING 11'O THE BROWN 'BROS. NEW LOW PRICE POLICY NQWWIN FORCE, ANNOUNCES ••THE FIRST SHOWING OF NEW PALL FOOTWEAR. AI SPECIAL Sole • A gtheFamous• G r eb Shoe for den, .nd. Boys -.-..,� �a�l,e �.�e���:s for REPAIR/NG NEATt Ya .... a See Our Window ®xsay .. PRICES FOR SOLIDLEATHER SHOES � NF1 X11 A�liil OMWAYMAR U11 J.1{'11�f',IAMMARMRA 1 tC f;s • • •�,• `.b.�•�,,�,•b �•o•o•p•c,.o..�:�•�.o�.�,•a a. C.•v.�i.°�.cj cam. �.,� � �c:��G•�ri"��4fl4pU440�4���44��4���•� `'�"•GT��4:=. esC VOILES=an colors RATINES--Check or plain u. O GANDIES—Plain and fancy ENGLISH BROADCLOTH— Direct from England, all colors, yd. $1.03 DELA.iNE--Fancyy, per yd. $1.25 SILK MADRAS-- For over curtains, 45-1n wide, yd.- $150 LAD. SILK. HOSE—A11 shades 45c to 1.75 CHILDREN'S HOSE—white only 15c CASHMERE HOSE. -- black only sizes 9 to 19 reg 1,25 for 50c HOUSE DRSSES & APRONS --- Wonderful assortment • 95c to $2.00 Black Satine Rompers, sizes 1 to 6 yrs. 79, 89c Long Silk Gloves, black and white at 1.50 Fancy Bai ettes and Combs. For Bobbed hair 15 to 35c. BATHING SUITS—For men, women. and children, wool or cotton atre'duc.ed prices 1;1'1 LANKY BILL TIES P REAL NOVELTY IN NARROW NECKWEAR �Q V+' ANOTHER L ARGE ASSORTl1IENT OF LANKYBILL TI11S, WHICH ARD 'BEING JUST RECEIVED O USED BY THE LADIES AS WELL AS THE MEN. .THEY ARE SELLING LIKE HOT CA.Kl95. JUST' THE THING FOR 1,YOUNG MEN . AND MOST SUITABLE FOR LOW COLLARS NOW IN VOGUE. ALSO A FINE RANGE OF PIPING ROCK AND NOVELTY BOW .(TIES• Bargains Men's and Yonng Men's.. rarn.Sui r $6.50 . $11.75 $15.75 CL']a , .... T L'HBS E' v:!.n'.. lvitFiN•Ts ,, EN THAT APPRECIATE REAL IiiGH GRADE CLOTHING SHOULD S , ' , F.. WE HAVE NOT EVERY SIZE TN EVFIRY` S.L'ti'I�E, OR FA.BKII„L''BIl';C ALL SITES IN 'TkIE. LOT 1 WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS. IF YOU PUROH�a.SE Now YOU SAVE FROM $5 to $iil9 ON Al W'oN:011x'11, ;.. ANY SUIT YOU SELE0'r. ,1 0; ,..;.,: +. +4 ;,a,, ,t tr 3 M "£• S 1• ' 4'4•+ 'x4•.•4•+3.4 l 1'8'•'edr 4••1••4+'"'• 4• '4" N *li••l „ 4 •, a f C •Fresh Groceries always on hand at Rock ttora Prices `u Phone 59 g hest Pieces paid• fir 00 , tai i y Egg RiH 'T1-7 FAZ Pro( td likran ed; lYlr and Mrs. Harvey Coiosky'of Detroit, wore Sunday visitors with relatives here: • Miss Lulu •Albreeht� lefts on Mon- day for Detroit, where she intends to remain: for the winter.. A goodly number from, here attended the Toronto Exhibition 1as,t we• &1 -" Mr. and Mips,. Chi ist; , Hey and son; Albert, of the Babylon Lane, were Sunday visitors at Bayfield ///r ssrs: 5, Reitz, E. F. Klopp; J. Laporte and J. P. Rau, were on a business tour to St. Thomas and ttils and Inks, :G ita Z . 1� R ht':. 1if, $i 2 Y• , . gxisaltRV,ir: $2?.Ayikai Terra s 'veil a geloction .of ens Including the Famous • WATER - MAN'S IDEAL. , From $1.50 to $6.00 Also a •complete Lino of Pen -4 oth^r southern points on Monday; Mr. and Mrs.Herb Kraft of Kit- chener were week -end visitors at the former'st home, Mr. and Mrs. L. Kraft. Don't forget the• Big Event of the ;season, ZURICH FALL FAIR, Friday Sept. 26th. Got' your eiclitbits ready, bring the whole fan* ily, and boost the Fair. Our local proprietor of the Hill Crest Dairy, Mr, C. Selii ig, has;: innde another improvement to his method of delivering his .pro- ducts by 'using the bottle •,systom, • Tust Received a large number of Genuine Woolen Ivlr. and Mrs. Harold Barnum of eBlankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. • NESS t e tiler HE sots. Open 'a Savings Anoccostt today in your beby name, anddeposite'ri do a . month reuIa iy, It e ga surprising how quickly'. Waif* regular deposit will create a fine nest egg. Savings Dei' partments at all branches. 0. 2I'. JOY Manager Zurich' Branch 4 Horse, Ayimar, Mr. and Mi)s.:Jos. Greives , Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices of Londonr,Mr. and Mie: John Con- 4, Ranging from $7.00 to ..,.... $30.0; sett of . Seafortl were all- Sunday *;v SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALE; 'visitors at t.h home- of Mr. and " "Airs.War. CoAitt, Parr. Line. •s' • A BIG Stock of Ramses and Hatters always on hand. Tuesday of next week, Septi e 16th is the: date of 'the Zurich ,sch ▪ Club 'Sags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. o°?l• Pail \\'e all know. the line t• ;:: . 2M 4'r„ r U.. 1 c o at ilii t ir- Ii AiIN o15S IIEPAIRING A S PECIALT Y titular event: .' 'c� us •`Ill turn out • r .,M and sea what the school children are doing and eon do. FRED H IEL Barrister .Dudley E. Holmes of 4'.- •,(•am=4,4 ' s••••••,64,.64. 410.4•0111,a$•') &0'd44+•s4me t • 69.4m4e644 4p*. Goderich was int he village on Fri- ' day last and. informed us that the old lav*yet° firm of Proudfoot, Kil- loran & Holmes of Goderich, have 4+44+++++++ 4'344+• 'S'++3•• 'I'4••r'4.1••244'• ++3•+• •W dissolved. partnership, Mr. Killoran' retaining the old office,• While Mr.! 4. Holm t's has taken over the office i, and g000d will of Barrister, Mn; 4• Cameron; who has the high appoint roent to act as Judge in Prince Ed- ward Island. Mr. D. E. Holmes, who is well and, favorably known in these parts, -will continue to visit his Hen'sell office on. Friday of each -§eek, and assures his many clients the �b est of service and attention,. LATE ES,THER ETUE PHONE 10 4 4• 4• 4• ,'fig, W.EARE OPENTNG U1' S OME OFTHEFINES,TSHIPMENTS OF FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR THAT HAS EVER BEEN 'I' • PRESENTED IN OUR STORE, AND THE PRICES ARE SG . • COMPARATIVELY LOW (QUALITY CONSIDERED), THAT YOU An old and respected resident of Stanley Township -in the person tCANNOT HELP BUT BUY. Of Esther Etue passed away at I 's•, •' t'he hone, of her 'son. John Erne, of T. the Sa�uble Line, Stanley HEAVY FOOTWEAR FOR MEN AND 'BOYS. A LARGE Township f on. Wednesday, August 27th at the * RANGE OF SUBSTANTIAL SHOES SUITABLE FOR SCHOGL age of 90 "years. She was one of + WEAR FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. COMB IN AND SEE TREK, the early, settlers that .come up fraiuLolver Canada and elearod up; a do al lot of Shoe epairinO Because e j if wall ahonie with her husband, who pre- 4, _ deena:sed her in de.ath many years 4• �e house as usual until a da.y previous, *.t. ° " to her death, when she 'took �•i'' ER.. f O � strobe and passed peacef lllp a-� • �• 1SHOE A. �" ' ti way She is survived by three t sons; John, Alex,. and Edward Etue ,,1„y„l.•i.4°.g..i.,4.l,+, 4.,4^•E•fi•4.4.4'•t' 4••l2*4^•i•••€0'�^g�•� .k.Ht.i.�a..�4i^4••i; 4°��^.2.,l,.g..Z • 4 &•� ' ti«6": all of Stanley ,Tp: Three laugh- tors, Mrs. Joseph Rau of •Stanley,,._.--�"'""" "°""'""'i Mrs. George Denonay and Mrs. J: __._.�. P. Rau; of Hay Township. The funeral took place to the R. C, •ceinetery !Drysdale, on Friday fol- lowing the departure, and was r'argely attended, BARN BURNED ago.. She was up and around diol * • 71� On Saturday noon word was re- ceived that the .fine bank barn and s&raw 'shed belonging to Mn Milne Radar Lo t19 ,cony .15; Hay, T'P/. was ail ablaze,, starting from the ,:raw agar"{, at tha east side of the barn* and. as !there was e heavy w3,st wi.ad blowing at the time and thrashing operations were going .on,, it is thought that the high wind 'carried a spark.. from the anima and ignited the stack, `tie was When it started but alb t1 a res:sta,iu s that rutin t:ould g t'i'e wars of no avail, Mr. Tilos, iCu app, the threshers when hi saw w;h tt was taking place in.'unsd- i ties vrhir?.ed his engine around and backed Leto the barn hooh.c:n into L1ia 1separaitor,, which was threat. enoyl by, r,ho fire already, and pull- ed out of the. barns The hors's wlii•rix were int he stable were 1%- euId, but live :ervall pigs were de- stroyed by lire, together witb the' '. alMioir's cx0j ek epting the Nil ;and solei hay eti With -were ixiarketed the loss is , par6y etyveredi. Jb ilisnr:aai1 co •Frd g4441,4 rS We invite you to come and see our new Spring and Summer G ods con.sisting of Prints, nnghaxus. Ori. dandies, Voiles, FlannnelettesRShirt� Cottonades, Etc. We aremaking, a big reduct oprice ou. f all. Whiter Goods. A fresh and complete supply ,,f all ga s seeds, root seeds,, etc, on hanth `� R IV GENERAL, titer PHONE 11 - 97 EN -AS