HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-04, Page 4( ` Shali 1 JIBE CONSTANTLY SEWING ON TUE BEST LOTUES Off BUY, D CUSTOMERS. N.A,T'1Th ISN'T ARE REAPING SA'>�tSB'IpVERTxSETENT IN THE NEWS- -402R, 'WHEN WE SOW OUR ,A. TLtOlJ',�ERS: OR STATING A. PRICE FOR A SUIT', COAT, , WTI INCLUDE ! BEST - 1AtTS 'li;R 'THREAD MC0,11T SUGGEST, 'au EEST T SUIT. THE BEST CLOT'((, St �' '" 'iy'' 'RS[!j"'IIING 1h' Ci•'HA• BEST THREAD, ETC., ' AS gbIG ,, THE BEST PADDING% THE FITTING ' A �i1 AS T1 1 BEST OF OUR ABILITY IN CCUTTINC , THIS ^a,:�;�! IVfAItL�1'tl', SHOULDN'T W� REAP ONE O� OUR OUR REWARD"� CUSTOMERS. :1, "� SO'L'ED '�O "REAP YOU. A ?TROUSERS, OR FANCY VEST,. �b7' YOU NEED A. SUIT', COAT, UR SHOP, RTHE'ti,i, WE CAN 'Ate 1I`B[I'«f ADV. LEAD YOU TO i OVB TO YOU THAT WE LIVE UP TO OUR 'WORD, I WILL LIKE ..IKE. OUR WORKLl STANLEY TQWNSiW. XV EIC$ $NRr CREP1TON A quiet We cid i> 'sng tole place on Satiii.daylast at . thee/fediet1�, pareanag'er ;Crediton, Tavnah`, When, Lloyd .Feaaer, son of the late Mr. and ''lira. W Fraser of Maoravilledmarried ea Gladys Redden, esedaughter o 1\Tais Cathei'txze• kledden of towfC Mr, ansa 1Vfrai Fraser are tele leaving on an extended trite'Wolfe, Emerson Roeszler, Rey Jock Wilhelm with isonxe otherxyo- ting meet lx'ave left for the webat on a harvester's Brown ex,etir!siox4•of Mr. and •Mr.e. Char. 'and ,Detroit, acre •'visiting" with Mr. M If Kull Mar. Richard Robinson ui•'$t.�iat- ford spent last ''`reek , asxtxn'g flea« eodis in Stanley'. of the Mr. Ed. Stelcle and faMily 14th con. ,spent Sunday :at the home of Me Wi J Doweon Mr e. Margaret. 'Brett and hoer mother, Mrs E. Bo enscee have gone to Hamiltoin where, 1VFrs�. ]rratt will spend a few days vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Ed, Lowdeh, before going to. x'e+ruvie •her work in Edmonton.• • • •. Bev,' R. A 1VLi11er and faintly` have been visiting Mrs: Miller's mo- ther, Mrs.' WI. Clark of :Varna. Last week they returned.Co their Bonne near Windsor;, .Here, • (Cash accoxnli- anyixngt hem ,• School reopneeed on Tuesday. Mies Eunice Reid comnreiaced :dut- ies at Goshen �achool and Miss Hogg of McKillopp at Babylon; Lina sscliooi Wutith, Tailof, Zurtch l you deride how fuel you order. Your }'wasefor you. Thought . Furnaces. .tarn any kind of fuel --' t t mieaily. This is why try are so satisfactory--- Ailey keep your fuel bills' at rximuni. Wherever a happy Thought Furnace— & Pipeless— is recom- *loaded, the installation is a teed by the makers of diatiorelly-known Happy lasught Ranges—more than 'MOOD wise. Get particvt this week. !, .>d to factory for interest fee booklet "Live Air, -• ,n SOLD BY A. MELICK ZURICH, ONT. FYHk$ORV CO..PANV• UM,TRO it iN J91 C E 5 �, SeptMeber 4t1 forth'totalled` out and his Car shin ped, two wh'oela. ,doing over theend of a drivers. • Th'e car did not up set but the oc:e*paots., 'eight filo% were badly frightaaed', r. omen's Association, Both horse drawn, ploys' and. tractors Will be used. , PUBLIC NOTICE! Aucc iron Sale Sat'y. Sept. 20th Line. N. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas and daughters Gladys and. hint giaret of Blake and Mr. Wm. 'Manson, • were Labor Day visitors at !Hyde; Park,. Remember the Anniversary ser- vices at the little white church at Goshen next Sunday, . Sept. 7th, where Rev. R. Fulton Irwin of Sea- forth, ea-forth, will preach at 11 ant and. 7 Miss Anna Bell McDopaid of Brucefield visited friends heir ov- er Labor +Day. + - 'Mr. W �m. Mausnn was �suecessful in passing his . exams.. at the ;Cen- tral Business College, Stratford, and is spending a few • weele3-.. at his home on the Goshen Mee. Mr add •Mrs„„Borland, and fan - sly of `,timnsixas, New Ont., are visiting her parents. R'►cliard Hill of the 4th con, of Sfep1henl, has purchased the farm: of the late Robe. Sweet, this its one of the (beat grass farms in the town ship. The Home, and House” hold Effects -of -the late Mrs. Philip Hauch of the Town of Zur- ich. FULL :DETAILS, WILL BE AN- NOiYNCED LATER, A.L.Moritz, Executor HENSALL • Varna vening recently, R. S. Hays of Se'a. While motoring near one Mr. Nicholas,: eon and two daugh- ters of Tavistock, 'visited with Mr. Dan Otreieher. Mr.: and 1VIre Chas Zwicker have returned from a trip to Hamburg attid Toronto. COUNTY NEWS' Germ Sir Arthus Currie, who was the cornmanaer of the Canadian Forcers in[France, unveiled a sold- ier's Monument at Strathroand nad also one et Winglialfl the petit we- ek. , A, farewell'isocial to their pastor rev, J. Whealen, was given in the ,Anglican church, Brierley, when the, members • of the Ailsa Craig congr-F egatiov united "with the Brinsley ointment, and after a splen= ddprogram and a supper served, 'Mr. Wheaten wes presented with au address• and well filled purees of omziey. The marriagetook place at Sea - forth oral August 20th of Annie Ver oniea •Dorrancec daughter of Mrs. Annie .Do'rranee of 'Senforth to By. Bower, M.A., of Exeter, . 'son of the late, R. Bowerg, cif' irelan 1$,T 4e cereronry was performed by Larkin. iD.D'. Tbe groom iia the popular science .masterof Exeter High school andt he bride taught for some .years int he same ech- ool. Fire was discovered in the mill of the Canada Flax Co., Seaforth about four o'clock, 14 •:dnesday last and before an alarm vas given,the wholeIint'erior wars a mass of fla- mes. The firemen s ad a quick roil; andet few , monist . , after the alarm .had three :laic., hose pl- aying on the: tire, but owing to the good start of the fire, the whole ds Beat Redmond, accompaniedby his'bride; his' mother and- isieter of. Milverton, are spending a few da- ys with friends" rete. Miss Ethel Murdock who has been at the Band, has returned to her betne. Clarence. Shepherd of A };beret- burg is holidaying at his home here.. C John, Keyssuffered a paralytic stroke early last Sunday 'morning ibut latest reports are that he is, (slightly improving. -. • M e. Bertha Bell who has been lspenadipg her h'olida'ys in ::(Montt- :ear and at Toronto, has returned - 'Harold ;Seruton and 'sister, Mil- dred and Joyce, are, spending their holidays with relatives at Strath -I e•oYr While Wm .Bell , and family we- returning, V-returning, to their hone last Sun day even4i gilt hey were run into by another car and crowded into ,,the :ditcle, their car turning over, l5ut: luckily no -one was hurt. Monday last, rs. • C on 5 i #t st, >, _ Otti Ni celebrated her eighty-fifthe birth rani hx„h:.'standard, day by entertaining e in niber bf maintain the a i7eing, made her relatives 'and fi•venda,;,.who tal- ons/preparations are a very .l�arg6. en�tr'Y, in. all live led to greet her. Besides' those for artxi:ente.--The annual- .persona greeting's she •:received. received - Dog doep period . o`,f through the • snail::' He�vr' Dog 5l otiv will cover a P En-, only ,snste , '_Nits. John �StephenSon; Sspt: 9th to 12th: with is spending a fete weeks her Orville Taylor o fthe Farr Line,, while eomiinrg to town the •i other morning narrowly •averted' a:.'•ser- Iou,s; accider4; when one of the fr ant wheels of his car went tight at4I the car took to thie deep; ,ditch at tlie sidle of the road and was sadly wrecked,. • Large quantit3as of cucumbers nitre being brought in every even- inig to the Libby, McNeil &-Lih..y mlati;t. Kenneth Pope( of Montreal ea visiting his mother here, Wpi. Fee ,arid` sisters are visit- ing relative in •Montreal and. Tor- onto). r . 924 See him today and fund out - how really easy it, can be made for you to install a Delco -11414 Plant to fit your requirements hi your home now. You want, it to furnish a bright, brilliant, safe light in the home and in all the farm buildings. You want it to furnish power,for pumping the water, to help you so efficiently with' the chores. You want h because it makes your home"much happier, .because it brings such a greatly increased amount of cheer to all the family and because it saves you enough in time and labor to pay for itself' within a comparatively short time.. See us today about your Delon -Light Plant, Delco -Light Plants are made in twenty-five styles and sizes --one to meet your require. rnents exactly. ..� s �I������i�iltI1941111�t1�11111i11�11, four nay's+ roved aeeomodat- larged and, rnip ion its being provided and -the early demand for prize 'lists promises a heavy dog entry frorn Canada and the V.S. • NOTICE 'TOWNSHIP O VOTERS' LIST 3Y • j is hereby given that I'. yse transmitted or delivered to versions mentioned in Section sues e the Ontario Voters' Lists Acts, .copies required by said gea- 44, to be so transmitted or de- f thelist made pursuant' persons apP • THE BIG- EVENT OP THE SEASO e Godericb Industria .Exhibition, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sep- tember 3, 4, 5, a Bigger and bet- ter than ever. Four big Speed contests; purses $9110• Thursday— farmer's trot, or pace, 2,20 trotnee. i• pane; Friday: x..30 trot or • P James E. Hardy, world's famous aerial artiste will perform before the grandstand afternoon and :eveninsg. iMany other attractions. DASHWO D. Mr. Fred !Miller motored to iron- forThe neve e a ire >A nn :