HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-09-04, Page 1{:a r{ Voi. XXV No 9. % s ASW ' " y1Ai1iiffi wit ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNINGSEP EM EB 9:,. 924. WHERE. GOOD SHOES COST L S THE SHOP WHERE REGULAR PRICES HAVE CREATED A SENSATION, .OWING TO THE BROWN BROS. NEW LOW PRICE POLICY NOW,IN FORCE, ANNOUNCES. THE FIRST SHOWING OF NEW,yALL FOOTWEAR. SPECIAL PRICES FOR SOIOE. SHOSCTLEATHER E Sole Agents for the Fam3us GrobShoe for Men and Boys REPAIRING NEATLY DONE See Our Window Display iOWN BRS. o• eoeee' te 000000veAoo o 000 o'oaddoov �•o 0 0.0.0 o•�•�•o• • 7; • a alp 00 REAL NOVELTY IN NARROW .NECKWEAR 1 s You Need: Prices You will Gladly Pay 'VOILES=all colors tib. IATINES—Check or p �-f c C1RGt�:fi1I3S`-:�Platn an a�n ENGLISH BROADCLOTH-- Direct ROADCLOTH=Direct from England, all colors, yd. $1.03 DELAINE -Fancy, per yd. $1.25 SILK MADRAS--- For over curtains, 45 -in wide, yd. $1.59 LAD. SILK HOSE—All shades . 45c to 1.75 CHILDREN'S HOSE—white only 15c CASHMERE HOSE --- black only sizes 9 to 19 reg 1.25 for 50c HOUSE DRSSES & APRONS --- Wonderful assortment 95c to $2.00 Black Satine Rompers, sizes 1 t'b 6 yrs. 79, S9c Long Silk Gloves, black and white at 1.50 Fancy Barettes and Combs 15 to 35c For Bobbed hair BATHING SUITS --For men, women and children, wool or cotton at reduced prices 25c to 790, 49c to 79c `3S to 7c` LANKY BILL. TIES I.VIr. and Mrs, A.Melick were hol iday visitors ,et Detroit. MrS. 'E. Faust was a Saturday visitor in the village. MZ WG C Callfas was at London ° taking:. treatments for his {sone leg. Mese-Milliken are putting in a lighting service for Mr. Ernst Gies. Mr. Albert Gies of Kitchneer„ was, a holiday visitor with his dather: Messrs Clarence and Clayton Hof fame of Galt were holiday visitors undert he parental roof. • Messrs. J. Deichert and Ivan Yengblut are attending the Tor- onto Exhibition this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf we- re holiday visitors at the home of 11Ir,. Thos'. Johnson. Mr. • and Mrs. W. F. Braun of Fong were Sunday visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clark µ of Windsor spent Labor Day with re- latives here, . Mr. and Mrs. J.. Herman of Tav- istock were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Truemnee A FRACTURED HIP Mr. and Mrs Nich. Deichert of 'Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deich- ert of New Haven, were visitors at the Deichert home. Mr. James Jar.rott near Hills- ,greeu fell off a load of grain, on Tuesday of last week and was quite badly injured, ; hie hip being ,fractured. He was taken to Lon- don! on Wednesday mopping by Dr. A. J. MacKinnon of. Zurich, and un- derwent at X -Ray ,eaamination{and .eras returned home �tigein. after wh- eei ,,d,ach tire fracter was'put into place uiva�if:. �� Z .'fyo, a�4iY,t°three months bee up and. ,aro ;n egain. • N�1 Just , + ecolved a New Selection ° of � a� Foitain ,, ens Including the Famous WATER - MAN'S IDEAL. From $9.50 to $6.00 Also a'eornplete Line of Pen elle and Ink's. cp r, D JUST RECEIVED ANOT.HER'LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LA YBISELLING WHICHTIES, lf, HOT BEINS : , G , e USED BY THE LADIES AS WELL AS THE MEN. LOW sY 1 JUS'i.' THE THING FOR YOUNG GMEN AND E OF PIPING ROOKST UI ANI) FOltNOVELTYLiII RSiT NOW IN VOGUE. ALSO A PINE RAN0 Bay' in �1 yin s a �g � s nd Y' Illi n s Summer Suits $6.50 $11.75. a $15.75 >TE REAL RIGH GRADE CLOTHING SHOULD SEE THESE ' G MENTS F � MEN THAT APPR,ECIt WE }1,piVE NOT EVERY SIZE IN EVERYSPYLE OR F BRIW BUT ALL FIZZE[ $ !TIIE LOT ON ts Q -.,.r..-.. .,�j� AT WONDERFUL REDUC9TIONS, IF YOU PL:RC'HASE ' ANY SUIT YOU SELECT. 4 .7 g"g 'j�'� �4 § b•* $ ¢''+g' q"II .g'g'.�'•l .�•� p".l'�.'¢'.4 II"II"g 'R"¢"l p"�.R.';"l'.�..y..;'.II�h�`!�"�'.l'►'j" "� Oe"�t �+�"; g .IIg °�.' d„$'°g •g +�..�� �»� "g ('1 ��� Fresh Groceries, always on hand at Rock Bottom Prices Prices paid for Good Quality Eggs Highest PREETE Pizo�.e 59 ZURICH Prra�tucWaxlte4 _. �,,.eJ%. •,,r'"``!�`'Or,' n • .,," • '�R' m 4 HESS the Jeweler eater L. s � [ 4°R7tLA.ELS, °A MAY 737E O alT i r w,vn+..�..nlP.wpflll4r MiLS N BAI Open a Saviinga Avow* today in your habit name, and deposit a 6e>g- a month regularly. h ! surprising how quickly r regular deposit will crerate. a fine nest egg. Savings D. partrnents at all bran .:' C. r l3..TOY • • Manager Zurich Brandi' k•♦.♦td•a.4'0•••••.•0.....0°i0 4P8�'.44444 A.0.404''':4!_ e • Tust Received a large nureber of Genuine Woolen Horse, Blankets in Asaor'ted colors Size 72x84. • Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, pries oRanging from $7.00 to . ... ... ... ....... — $1.11.01# • SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. • A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always Ole h'ald. . m + Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Pricea. • HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHONE 1.01 enable ors H it FRED THIEL ZUR O ,� . 0 . .. . .ems' o e. e epee 4+ e a ease.._ se e e a j ;; Ja+, t "Till ;be .ble to be' PAINFUL ACCIDENT A. very painful accident happ- ened to Mr. David ,Schwartzentru- bar of the Brons.on Line last Wed- nesday when ha was walking over the Overlays in the barn of Mr. John; Gerber, his neighbor, iresome way the flooring broke through and Mr. Sch;vartzentruber fell down{ through hitting the hay rack below and fro;,nt here on to the barn floor fracturing his right 'arm abolet he wrist; or very close to Weare it was fractured a little ov- ier a year previous. He also sus- tained a considerable shaking up !otherwise in the fall. • LITTLE GEO. HOFFMAN PASSES Mr, and Mrs. Simon Hoffman, of the Goshen Line, .south, mourn the death of their year old son George, which took place on Monday, Aug- ust 25th. Deceased died from the later effects of an attack of the measles. Interment was made in the R. C. cemetery, Zurich on Wed- nesday morning last. Mr. and Mrs Hoffinen have the sympathy ed their many friends in their ber..ea- vement. THOS. G. WILLIAMS PASSE, Mr. Thomas G. William's died in Indian Head Hospital, on August 7th, at the 'age of 62 year's, and 5 months 'Hie wife predeceased hint a year ago last May. He leaves to mourn his adopted da.u,ghter nine years old;; three sisters and two brothers, ,one, !sister being Mrs. Sol- omon, Jacobs of the village. Mel. Williams formerly was a resident of Exeter North but in 1903 went west with .the rest of the family', living for some years at Huronville S•r{sl. He left the farm two years ago on, account -of his wife's health and since has resided at Indian Head. Death was due to an'a,ensia and kidney trouble, hie lei'. .:I aNEVIN PASSES William °J McNevin{, a well- known resident of Goderi'ch, and a, former miller at the Exeter flour mill., died at Goderich on Friday last, following a severe injury re- ceiee:cl, some ,six weeks previous at the, Western Canada Mills' plant, when he was drawn into sonic belting and his leg severely injur- ed; ':l'he leg was: waml laated on{ Thursday evening in an attempt to save his We. The funeral was hold on{ Sunday last Deceased was well known to many in Zurich ae his late wile who precleeeased liras zome years ago, was a sister to Mr. Wee. .Klopp of the village, wad d slaughter 01 the late Mich WE ARE OP.t',iciTNG [il` SOME OP'THEPINESTSHIPMENTS OF FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR THAT HAS EVER BEEN:` PRESENTED IN OUR STORE. AND THE PRICES ARE SM COMPARATIVELY LOW (QUALITY CONSIDERED), .THAT YOU' CANNOT HELP BUT BUY. HEAVY FOOTWEAR FOR MEN AND :BOYS. A LARGE!' RANGE OF SUBSTANTIAL SHOES SUITABLE FOR SCUM/De WEAR FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. COMI_IN AND SEI THICK We do a tot of Slue Repairing9 Because We au it el - C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERG bANTS ZURICH ++444e+ F•3••N•l••;f'•II•0•F++F••II••II••f 47,4•• 4.4, C i 3••. '>S•++ E'•E•6^ •++•E••l•0•f1a• 44.1 ,44-mr We invite you to come and. sFr our Spring S p r°in - and. Summer Goods • consisting of Prints, Ginghams, r- gand.ies, Voiles,lannelettes, hirt.' i.r, 9 Cottonad:es, etc.., We aretna :ing a big reductio prine on all Winter Goods A fresh and complete supply of a.11 ga,: seeds, root seeds, etc. on bran i, e erne, ENE 'fit#1, OA `g" 1 PHONE 11 BLAK is